
Challenge Level : K-2 Challenge Level : 3-4 Challenge Level : 5-6 Challenge Level : 7-9 Challenge Level : 9plus

Hash This title is usually read by students in Years 9, 10 and above.

ID Title Author  

A brave Scottish general named Macbeth receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he will become King of Scotland. Consumed by ambition and spurred to action by his wife, Macbeth murders King Duncan and takes the Scottish throne for himself. He is then wracked with guilt and paranoia. Usually read by students in years 9, 10 and above.
ISBN 9781107615496
Series Shakespeare original plays mature reads (15 books)
Publisher Cambridge University Press, 2014
Shakespeare, William & Brady, Linzy & James, Dr. David & Gibson, Rex & Wienand, Vicki (ed)
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Macbeth graphic novel
As a battle ends and a storm rages, three witches predict that Macbeth will become King of Scotland, and he decides to take fate into his own hands in an attempt to gain the throne. This graphic novel provides an excellent introduction to Shakespeare's play, using illustrations and simplified language. It maintains all of the mystery, drama and suspense of the original while bringing the play to life for new readers. Usually read by students in years 9, 10, or above.
ISBN 9781474948128
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2020
Punter, Russell & Longo, Massimiliano (ill) & Forlini, Valentino (ill)
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Macbeth: graphic novel
Set in a future post-nuclear world reclaimed by Samurai warriors, three witches plant the seed of criminal ambition in the warlord, Macbeth. Spurred on by Lady Macbeth, he embarks on a killing spree of former friends and rivals until, in a final confrontation, he realises too late that the witches have deceived him. Graphic (Manga) novel with authentic Shakespearean text. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9780955285660
Series Manga Shakespeare series (6 of 9)
Publisher SelfMadeHero, 2008
Topics / Graphic novels /
Shakespeare, William & Appignanesi, Richard (adapt) & Deas, Robert (ill)
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Magic of reality, The
Throughout history, people all over the world have invented stories to answer profound questions. These fantastical myths are fun but they don't really answer the questions. With its scientific method explanations of space, time, evolution and more, this book presents the real story of the world, and shows that its awe-inspiring beauty and thrilling magic far exceed those of the ancient myths. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9780593066126
Publisher Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc, 2011
Dawkins, Richard & McKean, Dave (ill)
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Magic steps
Fourteen year old Sandry, a weaving mage, discovers that a young boy has magical powers and begins training him. Together they fight the terror of assassins using 'unmagic' and are drawn into a world of murder and violence. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9780590396059
Series The circle opens series (1 of 4)
Publisher Scholastic UK, 2002
Pierce, Tamora
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Making friends with Alice Dyson
Alice Dyson knows exactly how she'll be spending her final year of high school: with her head down, concentrating on her textbooks and homework. She's focused on the future, and nothing is going to get in her way. Until a bizarre encounter with the school's most notorious troublemaker derails all her plans, turning Alice into the unwilling centre of attention and her life into one enormous complication. And even worse? Now Teddy Taualai won't leave her alone. Usually read by students in years 9, 10, and above.
ISBN 9781743056127
Publisher Wakefield Press, 2019
Nwosu, Poppy
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Mallee Boys
Sandy Douglas knows that life at fifteen is hard - his mother died a year ago and his 18-year old brother, Red, has gone off the rails. As Sandy and Red deal with girls, friendship and their futures on their Mallee farm, both boys have to figure out who they want to be without their mum around. One thing is certain - the Mallee, where they live, may seem like the middle of nowhere, but it is going to be one hell of a year. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9781743055007
Publisher Wakefield Press, 2017
Archbold, Charlie
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Malvolio's revenge
An English theatre troupe travelling in the New Orleans area, in a world of voodoo, black magic and gangsters, are dragged into a suspenseful mystery that involves murder, blackmail and intrigue. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9780340883648
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (Australia), 2005
Masson, Sophie
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Man in the water, The
When 16-year-old Shaun discovers a dead body in the lake of a quiet mining town in outback Queensland, he immediately reports it to the police. But when he returns to the site with the constable, the body is gone. Shaun's father drowned a few years ago, and now his mum and the authorities questions whether he saw a body at all. Usually read by students in years 9, 10 and above.
ISBN 9780702262524
Publisher University of Queensland Press, 2019
Burton, David
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Manga Shakespeare series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Manga Shakespeare series (9 books)
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Map of Days, A
Having defeated the monstrous threat that nearly destroyed the peculiar world, Jacob Portman is back where his story began, in Florida. Except now Miss Peregrine, Emma, and their peculiar friends are with him, and doing their best to blend in. But carefree days of beach visits and normalling lessons are soon interrupted by a discovery - a subterranean bunker that belonged to Jacob's grandfather, Abe. Clues to Abe's double-life as a peculiar operative start to emerge, secrets long hidden in plain sight. And Jacob begins to learn about the dangerous legacy he has inherited - truths that were part of him long before he walked into Miss Peregrine's time loop. Now, the stakes are higher than ever as Jacob and his friends are thrust into the untamed landscape of American peculiardom - a world with few ymbrynes, or rules - that none of them understand. Usually read by students in years 9, 10 and above.
ISBN 9780141385914
Series Miss Peregrine's peculiar children series (4 of 5)
Publisher Penguin, 2018
Riggs, Ransom
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Marrying Ameera
Ameera is seventeen, the daughter of an Australian Christan mother, and a Pakistani father who is a devout Muslim. Seeking to be like her Australian friends, Ameera discovers that her father strongly opposes social contact with non-Muslims. When her father discovers Ameera's interest in a Pakistani Christian boy, she is sent to Pakistan, thinking she is attending her cousin's wedding. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9780732291440
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 2010
Hawke, Rosanne
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Master of the grove
After their home is destroyed in an attack, Derin's father is missing and Derin travels across the world to look for him. His quest leads him into the conflict between the people of the mountains and the people of the plains. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9780317696349
Publisher Puffin USA, 1998
Kelleher, Victor
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Maybe tomorrow
In this story of reconciliation and courage, Boori is determined to carry on his late brother's tradition of storytelling and performing. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9781742372440
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2010
McDonald, Meme & Pryor, Boori
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Maze Runner series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Maze Runner series (4 books)
Dashner, James
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Maze runner, The
The Gladers don't remember how they came to be in their strange world, escaping from Grievers and running to solve the bizarre maze, which changes every night. When Thomas arrives, he feels a strong urge to become a Runner and solve the maze. Includes some violence. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9781906427504
Series Maze Runner series (1 of 4)
Publisher Chicken House, 2010
Dashner, James
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Meet me at the intersection
Meet Me at the Intersection is an anthology of short fiction, memoir and poetry by authors who are First Nations, People of Colour, LGBTIQA+ or living with disability. The focus of the anthology is on Australian life as seen through each author's unique, and seldom heard, perspective. With works by Ellen van Neerven, Graham Akhurst, Kyle Lynch, Ezekiel Kwaymullina, Olivia Muscat, Mimi Lee, Jessica Walton, Kelly Gardiner, Rafeif Ismail, Yvette Walker, Amra Pajalic, Melanie Rodriga, Omar Sakr, Wendy Chen, Jordi Kerr, Rebecca Lim, Michelle Aung Thin and Alice Pung, this anthology is designed to challenge the dominant, homogenous story of privilege and power that rarely admits "outsider" voices. Usually read by students in years 9, 10 and above.
ISBN 9781925591705
Publisher Fremantle Press, 2018
Lim, Rebecca & Kwaymullina, Amberlin (ed)
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Mega dramas
This collection of eight plays includes information on the major elements of drama, explores different performance styles, plays with traditional tales and shines a light on contemporary Australian issues. Explores themes of friendship, racism, violence, sport, music and family relationships. Usually read by students in years 9, 10 and above.
ISBN 9781420229394
Publisher Pan MacMillan, 2009
Murray, Sue
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Merchant of Venice, The
One of Shakespeare's greatest and, in recent years, most controversial plays. After borrowing a large sum of money from the Jewish money-lender Shylock, the merchant Antonio faces a devastating credit crunch when his fleet of ships is sunk in a storm. Shylock insists on the small print of his terms and conditions, seeking a literal 'pound of flesh'. Usually read by students in year 9,10, and above.
ISBN 9780955816918
Series Manga Shakespeare series (10 of 9)
Publisher SelfMadeHero, 2009
Shakespeare, William & Appignanesi, Richard (adapt) & Kutsuwada, Chie (ill)
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Merchant of Venice, The
Antonio, a Venetian merchant, complains to his friends of a melancholy that he cannot explain. His friend Bassanio is desperately in need of money to court Portia, a wealthy heiress who lives in the city of Belmont. Bassanio asks Antonio for a loan in order to travel in style to Portia's estate. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9781107615397
Series Shakespeare original plays mature reads (15 books)
Publisher Cambridge University Press, 2014
Shakespeare, William & Smith, Robert (ed) & Gibson, Rex (ed) & Wienand, Vicki (ed)
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Mercy wakes on a school bus bound for Paradise, a small town where everyone knows everyone else's business... Or thinks they do. But Mercy has a secret life. She is an angel, doomed to return repeatedly to Earth, taking on a new human form each time she does, in an effort to resolve a cataclysmic rift between heavenly beings. In Paradise, Mercy meets Ryan, an eighteen-year-old whose sister was kidnapped two years ago and is presumed dead. When another girl is also taken, Mercy knows she has to act quickly and use extraordinary powers to rescue her, even if it means exposing her true identity. Usually read by students in years 9, 10 and above.
ISBN 9780732291990
Series Mercy series series (1 of 5)
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2010
Lim, Rebecca
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Mercy series series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Mercy series series (5 books)
Lim, Rebecca
No book cover.

Merryll of the stones
An exciting, modern story with elements from ancient mythology. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9780702222504
Publisher University of Queensland Press, 1989
Caswell, Brian
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Messenger, The
Ed Kennedy is nineteen. His life is one of peaceful routine and incompetence until he inadvertently stops a bank robbery. When he receives his first playing card with three addresses written on it, Ed becomes the messenger. A cryptic journey with laughter, fists and love. Adult themes and strong language, used in context, may offend some readers. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9780330363884
Publisher Pan MacMillan, 2002
Zusak, Markus
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Midnight sun
Edward the Vampire loves Bella the human - we've followed the journey of Edward and Bella's love story through the 4 Twilight novels, now we can relive the journey through Edward's eyes. Find out how Edward felt when he first met Bella, find out how Edward fought to control his feelings both of love and violence. Midnight Sun also delves further into Edwards own history and how he came to be with the Cullen family. Usually read by students in years 9, 10, or above.
ISBN 9780349003634
Series Twilight saga series (4 books)
Publisher Hachette Australia, 2021
Meyer, Stephenie
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Midsummer night's dream, A
In one of Shakespeare's funniest, most enduring stories, meddling fairies create unexpected love triangles among a group of teenagers. Hermia is in love with Lysander. Demetrius is in love with Hermia. Helena is in love with Demetrius. Add to the mix Puck, a fairy with a powerful love potion, and chaos is sure to follow. Now everyone's in love with Helena, Hermia is hopping mad, and the fairy queen Titania is in love with a man with a donkey's head! Using the style and visual language of manga, Kate Brown transforms Shakespeare's world into something new and vibrant. It's the perfect introduction to Shakespeare's work for reluctant readers and manga fans alike. Usually read by students in Years 9,10, or above
ISBN 9780810994751
Series Manga Shakespeare series (11 of 9)
Publisher SelfMadeHero, 2008
Shakespeare, William & Appignanesi, Richard (adapt) & Kutsuwada, Chie (ill)
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Midsummer night's dream, A
A Midsummer Night's Dream opens with Theseus and Hippolyta planning their wedding, which takes place in four days. Egeus enters with his daughter, Hermia, and her two suitors, Lysander and Demetrius. Hermia is in love with Lysander, but her father wants her to marry Demetrius. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9781107615458
Series Shakespeare original plays mature reads (15 books)
Publisher Cambridge University Press, 2014
Shakespeare, William & Buckle, Linda (ed) & Andrews, Richard (ed) & Gibson, Rex (ed)
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Midsummer night's dream, A: graphic novel
In an enchanted moonlit forest in modern Athens, meddlesome fairies play havoc with the lives and loves of four young Athenian lovers and a troupe of amateur actors. Graphic (Manga) novel with authentic Shakespearean text. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9780955285646
Series Manga Shakespeare series (5 of 9)
Publisher SelfMadeHero, 2008
Topics / Graphic novels /
Shakespeare, William & Appignanesi, Richard (adapt) & Brown, Kate (ill)
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Milad: the voyage to Ophir
Milad decides to go on one sea voyage to save his family's fortunes and embarks on a journey where he will find sea-battles, pirates, treasure, spies, perils and love. As part of a Phoenician fleet in the service of King Solomon, he experiences danger on the high seas and in deepest Africa, but he also finds the truest of friends in unexpected places. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9781741691153
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2008
Anhar, Nazam
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Minnow, The
Following a flood which has taken the lives of her family, a girl called Tom lives with Bill, with whom she falls pregnant. Many know her secret, including her grandmother and her good friend Jonah. Together, they will ensure the safe arrival of the Minnow. Contains mature themes and some language in context. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9781922182012
Publisher Text Publishing Co, 2014
Sweeney, Diana
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Miss McAllister's ghost
When Cassandra and her brothers climb the garden wall hoping to spot the ghost in the old house, they discover an old woman living without electricity in a decaying house. They are drawn into her world long lost, and their developing relationship with Miss McAllister helps them cope with their parents' preoccupation with work, alcohol and their own lives. Some strong language may offend some readers. Usually read by students in years 9, 10 and above.
ISBN 9780702236464
Publisher University of Queensland Press, 2008
Fensham, Elizabeth
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Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children
An horrific family tragedy sets sixteen year old Jacob journeying to a remote island off the coast of Wales, where he discovers the crumbling ruins of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. As Jacob explores its abandoned bedrooms and hallways, and a strange collection of very curious photographs, it becomes clear that the children who once lived here were more than just peculiar. They may have been dangerous. One of them was his grandfather. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9781594746031
Series Miss Peregrine's peculiar children series (1 of 5)
Publisher Quirk Books, 2013
Riggs, Ransom
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Miss Peregrine's peculiar children series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Miss Peregrine's peculiar children series (5 books)
Riggs, Ransom
No book cover.

Mixing it
Fatimah is a devout Muslim. Steve has never given much thought to faith. Both are in the street the day a terrorist bomb explodes and their lives are changed forever. While their families are breaking down barriers, the terrorists have another target in mind. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9781845074951
Publisher Frances Lincoln, 2007
Hayes, Rosemary
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Moby Dick
The classic tale of Captain Ahab who has sworn vengeance on Moby Dick, the white whale that took his leg, told through the eyes of the sailor, Ishmael. Ahab's bitter hatred threatens to destroy everyone. Evocative drawings, the gorier practices of nineteenth century whaling and insightful notes on Melville's deeper themes compellingly invite readers to discover the full text. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9780744586220
Publisher Walker Books, 2006
Melville, Herman & Needle, Jan (pres) & Benson, Patrick (ill)
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Mole hunt
In a galaxy of cutthroat companies, shadowy clans and hidden agendas, spy agency RIM barely wields enough control to keep order. Maximus Black, a cold-blooded killer, is RIM's star cadet but he has a problem. Someone is after him. One of RIM's best agents, Anneke Longshadow, knows there's a mole in the organisation. And, Maximus has a lot to hide. Includes violence and murder. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9781921665264
Publisher Ford Street Publishing, 2011
Collins, Paul
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Monster calls, A
The monster showed up just after midnight. But, it isn't the monster thirteen year old Conor has been expecting. He expected the one from his nightmare, the one he's had nearly every night since his mother started her treatments for cancer. This monster is different, it's something ancient and wild, and tells Conor three stories. The monster wants the most dangerous thing of all from Conor, it wants the truth. Usually read by students in years 9, 10 and above.
ISBN 9781406311525
Publisher Walker Books, 2011
Ness, Patrick & Kay, Jim (ill)
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Moon at nine
With the overthrow of the Shah in Iran, the very conservative, religious government controls every facet of life. Fifteen year old Farrin must keep quiet about her mother's political activities and lavish lifestyle. When Farrin meets funny, outgoing Sadira and they fall in love, the relationship takes a dangerous turn. It is against the law to be gay, the punishment is death. Some violence, usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9781760111977
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2015
Ellis, Deborah
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Joe hasn't seen his brother for ten years and it's for the most brutal of reasons. Ed is on death row. Now Ed's execution date has been set and this might be the last summer they have together. A novel that uses the beauty of lyrical verse to represent the ethical issues surrounding an ugly part of the American justice system but more importantly it is a story about knowing who someone is beyond the public perception of their guilt. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9781408878439
Publisher Bloomsbury, 2017
Crossan, Sarah
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More than maybe
Luke and his twin brother Cullen are podcasters. In their final year of high school, their podcast has reached a cult level following. When Cullen and his boyfriend (also Luke's best friend) Zack release a recording of Luke singing a love song to an unnamed girl on the podcast, the whole listenership wants to know who this mystery girl could be. Luke is furious. Meanwhile, Luke's colleague Vada has a solid five year plan. Falling in love with Luke is not part of that plan. But with the release of this song, she starts to wonder if he could be part of her life. Usually read by students in years 9, 10, or above.
ISBN 9781250231642
Publisher Wednesday Books, 2020
Hahn, Erin
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Mortal engines
An engrossing, gripping tale about a mobile London city that devours towns. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9780439979436
Series Mortal engines series (1 of 4)
Publisher Scholastic UK, 2001
Reeve, Philip
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Mortal engines series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Mortal engines series (4 books)
Reeve, Philip
No book cover.

Mortal fire
Sixteen year old Canny has always been a little different and able to see something 'Extra'. When she joins her stepbrother to research a strange coal mine disaster, Canny discovers an enchanted valley with children who can perform a strange type of magic. With the help of the alluring Ghislain, Canny starts to untangle the mysteries of the valley, only to find out that its secrets are hers, too. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9781877579530
Publisher Gecko Press, 2013
Knox, Elizabeth
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Mortal instruments series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Mortal instruments series (6 books)
Clare, Cassandra
No book cover.

Mostly harmless
Arthur Dent hadn't had a day as bad as this since the Earth had been blown up. Depressed and alone, Arthur finally settles on the small planet Lamuella and becomes a sandwich maker. Looking forward to a quiet life, his plans are thrown awry by the unexpected arrival of his daughter. There's nothing worse than a frustrated teenager with a copy of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in their hands. When she runs away - Arthur goes after her determined to save her from the horrors of the universe. After all - he's encountered most of them before... Usually read by students in years 9, 10 and above.
ISBN 9781743032244
Series Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy series (5 of 5)
Publisher Pan MacMillan, 1993
Adams, Douglas
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Mountain arrow
Pandora has returned to her village. She is haunted by both her failure to bring her friend home and the vision she has seen of the last few days, The Burning, when creatures swarmed the city. How did these creatures come into being in the first place? Are the last remnants of humanity really safe from them? The River People and the Mountain People have survived for another season. But at what cost? Usually read by students in years 9, 10 and above.
ISBN 9781925227741
Publisher MidnightSun Publishing, 2020
Hennessy, Rachel
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Mr Romanov's garden in the sky
Living in the commission, Lexie is left to fend for herself. Her mother is mostly absent, out searching for something to help her forget the tragic death of Lexie's dad. After witnessing the aftermath of a shocking incident, Lexie finds solace in the most unlikely of places, a troubled old man called The Creeper. A chance, life-saving encounter on the commission's roof seeds a friendship between the two and when they enlist the help of Lexie's friend Davey, the three set off on a epic journey; one that will change their lives forever. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9780143309307
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2017
Newton, Robert
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Ms Marvel: No normal volume 1
Kamala Khan is an ordinary girl from Jersey City until she is suddenly empowered with extraordinary gifts. But who truly is the all-new Ms. Marvel? Find out as she takes the Marvel Universe by storm! As Kamala discovers the dangers of her newfound powers, she unlocks a secret behind them as well. Is Kamala ready to wield these immense new gifts? Usually read by students in years 9, 10 and above.
ISBN 9780785190219
Publisher Little Brown, 2014
Wilson, G Willow & Alphona, Adrian (ill) & Wyatt, Jacob (ill)
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Much ado about nothing
In Much Ado About Nothing, Beatrice and Benedick trade insults and fall in love in the sunny Italian court of the Duke -- but the Duke's brother has devious plans to ruin the happy mood. Manga readers can now enjoy the wit and drama of these plays firsthand. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10, or above
ISBN 9780810943230
Series Manga Shakespeare series (13 of 9)
Publisher SelfMadeHero, 2009
Shakespeare, William & Appignanesi, Richard (adapt) & Kutsuwada, Chie (ill)
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Much ado about nothing
Claudio falls in love with Hero and their marriage is agreed upon. Beatrice and Benedick despise love and engage in comic banter. The others plot to make them fall in love with each other, by a trick in which Benedick will overhear his friends talking of Beatrice's supposed secret love for him, and vice versa. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9781107619890
Series Shakespeare original plays mature reads (15 books)
Publisher Cambridge University Press, 2014
Shakespeare, William & Spencer, Richard (ed) & Gibson, Rex (ed) & Partington, Anthony (ed)
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In an alternate reality a lot like our world, every person's physical size is directly proportional to their wealth. The poorest of the poor are the size of rats, and billionaires are the size of skyscrapers. Warner and his sister Prayer are destitute - and tiny. Their size is not just demeaning, but dangerous: day and night they face mortal dangers that bigger richer people don't ever have to think about, from being mauled by cats to their house getting stepped on. There are no cars or phones built small enough for them, or schools or hospitals, for that matter - there's no point, when no one that little has any purchasing power, and when salaried doctors and teachers would never fit in buildings so small. Warner and Prayer know their only hope is to scale up, but how can two littlepoors survive in a world built against them? Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9781760523596
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2018
Andrews, Jesse
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Mercy is an angel, exiled from heaven, and when she wakes in the body of nineteen-year-old Irina, Mercy discovers that she is one of the world's most infamous supermodels on the verge of a very public breakdown. Against the glamorous background of Milan's opulent fashion world, Mercy continues her increasingly desperate search for Ryan Daley, the mortal boy she remembers falling for in a past life. But this time, Mercy's memories and powers are growing ever stronger - and she begins to doubt the pleas of her dream lover, Luc, as more of her mysterious past is revealed. Usually read by students in years 9, 10 and above.
ISBN 9780732292010
Series Mercy series series (3 of 5)
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2011
Lim, Rebecca
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Music from another world
It's summer 1977 and Tammy Larson can't be herself anywhere. Not at her strict Christian high school, not at her conservative Orange County church and certainly not at home. Tammy's only outlet is writing secret letters in her diary to activist Harvey Milk...until she's matched with a real-life pen pal who changes everything. Sharon Hawkins bonds with Tammy over punk music and carefully shared secrets, and soon their letters become the one place she can be honest. The rest of her life in San Francisco is full of lies. The kind she tells for others-like helping her brother hide the truth from their mom-and the kind she tells herself. But as antigay fervor in America reaches a frightening new pitch, Sharon and Tammy must rely on their long-distance friendship to discover their deeply personal truths, what they'll stand for... and who they'll rise against. Usually read by student sin years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9781867202257
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2020
Talley, Robin
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Music our bodies can't hold
What use is music your body can't hold, that can't take you from this world? Each of these poems is a portrait of someone with or reputed to have had Marfan Syndrome. Many of the poems emerge out of personal interviews, while others are portraits of public figures: Abraham Lincoln, Akhenaten, Mary Queen of Scots , Edith Sitwell, Niccolo Paganini, John Tavener, Sergei Rachmaninov, and Robert Johnson, among others. Usually read by students in Year 9, 10 & above.
ISBN 9780994352880
Publisher Hunter Publishers, 2017
Jackson, Andy
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My Australian story: A tale of two families, The diary of Jan Packard, Melbourne, 1974
Set in the seventies, Jan Packard is a Melbourne thirteen year old growing up in changing times. She discovers the sexual revolution, politics, the anti-Vietnam moratorium, the impact of war service, boys and that parents are fallible and human. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9781865042657
Series My Australian story (31 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2003
Pausacker, Jenny
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My father's shadow
Kaya is completing her HSC when she is woken in the middle of the night by her mother. They are to pack immediately and go to their holiday home in the Blue Mountains. Her father is not coming back, after giving evidence against some dangerous criminals in court. Months later, they are still in hiding and the mysteries are multiplying. Kaya is not sure who to trust: her mother'd new friend, the policeman or her new friend, Eric, from the local store. She is also recovering from memory loss caused by PTSD after a chilling encounter with the criminals. She is seeing a psychologist in an attempt to recall the evidence she might have to give in a forthcoming trial. Will she remember - and what dangers will her memories lead to? Usually read by students in years 9, 10 and above.
ISBN 9781925936704
Publisher Magabala Books, 2019
Topics / Aboriginal content /
Jones, Jannali
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My life as a hashtag
What's a girl to do when her parents have split up; her dad has a new girlfriend, her mum is internet dating and one of her best friends has decided not to invite her to the biggest party of the year (which she then has to watch the party unfold on everyone's else's social media!). If you're a girl called MC, you get mad as hell, that's what you do. But what begins as one girl's private no-holds-barred rant soon snowballs in the most public way possible. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9781760113681
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2017
Williams, Gabrielle
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My place
An autobiography of three generations of Sally Morgan's Aboriginal family that traces her search for identity. Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 or above.
ISBN 9780949206312
Publisher Fremantle Press, 2000
Morgan, Sally
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My side of the story series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series My side of the story series (6 books)
Wooderson, Philip
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My sister Jodie
Pearl and Jodie, boy-mad sisters and best friends, are full of teen and pre-teen angst. Mum just can't cope with little girls who don't do as they're told, especially precocious Jodie whom, in her frustation, she often lashes out at physically. Pearl can't believe that Jodie would ever choose to leave her but perhaps her story won't have a happy ending. Coarse language used in context. Usually read by students in years 9, 10 and above.
ISBN 9780385610124
Publisher Doubleday, 2008
Wilson, Jacqueline
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My spare heart
Phoebe's non-Indigenous mother, a busy event manager, and her father, an Aboriginal man and uni lecturer, have split up and she's moved to sleepy old Willunga with him and his new health-obsessed girlfriend. It's only a few kilometres from Phoebe's old friends and the city, but it feels like another world. Her new school is full of hippies, but some of the kids are cool and the local basketball team is tight, and before long Phoebe's fitting in. But as her mum becomes increasingly unreliable, Phoebe's grades begin to suffer, her place on the basketball team is under threat and her worries spiral out of control. Phoebe can't tell her friends and is worried her dad will get angry, but pretending everything is fine is breaking her heart. How can she help her mum without tearing her family apart? Usually read by students in Years 9, 10 and above.
ISBN 9781760631833
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2022
Thomas, Jared
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