1. The Challenge opens on Monday 24 February 2025 to NSW students in Years K-10. You must complete your online Student Reading Record by Friday 22 August 2025 (11:59 pm) to complete the Challenge.
2. You must read a certain number of books to complete the Challenge. Please refer to the Booklists page for more information.
Challenge level | Total number of books to be read | Minimum number of PRC books | Maximum number of Personal Choice books | Booklists included as PRC book choices |
K-2 | 30 | 20 | 10 | K-2, 3-4, 5-6 |
3-4 | 20 | 10 | 10 | 3-4, 5-6, 7-9 |
5-6 | 20 | 10 | 10 | 5-6, 7-9 |
7-10 | 20 | 10 | 10 | 5-6, 7-9, 9plus |
3-10 | 20 | 10 | 10 | All booklists |
3. Books you read after the Challenge closes can count towards the next year's Challenge.
4a. K-2 and 3-10 challenges: you can read books on your own, read them with someone else, or someone can read them to you.
4b. 3-4, 5-6 and 7-10 challenges: you must read books on your own, but someone can help you choose them.
5. In an approved series on the PRC booklist, you can read any five books as PRC books. You can read up to ten other books from the same series as Personal Choice books.
6a. K-2 Challenge: you can read books or have them read to you in your home language.
6b. 3-4, 5-6 and 7-10 Challenges: you must read all PRC books in English. You may read Personal Choice books in your home language.
7a. K-2 students only: if you can read simple chapter books on your own, you can attempt the 3-4 Challenge. You need to get your Student Reading Record changed to Challenge level 3-4. See your PRC coordinator for help with this.
7b. 3-4, 5-6 and 7-10 students only: students with special needs who would experience difficulty completing the challenge at their grade-appropriate level can take part in the 3-10 Challenge. Students on the 3-10 Challenge level will complete the challenge by reading 20 books from any challenge level (including K-2) with whatever levels of support are appropriate to their needs. PRC coordinators should submit requests for changes to the 3-10 challenge by 31 July.
7c. For all students: students who experience difficulty completing the challenge due to circumstances outside their control should talk to their PRC coordinator for assistance. PRC coordinators can provide school-based supports and adjustments to meet the needs of their school community as appropriate, and can contact the PRC team for assistance as needed.
8. 3-4, 5-6, 7-10 students only: If your teacher thinks you need extra help, you can listen to unabridged audio versions of the books as long as you read along.
9. If you complete your online Student Reading Record by 22 August 2025, and it is validated by your school by 5 September (11:59 pm), you will be eligible for a PRC certificate in Term 4.
10. The certificates you can receive for completing the Challenge are:
Year of completing the challenge | Certificate awarded |
First year | Challenge completion certificate |
Second year | Challenge completion certificate |
Third year | Challenge completion certificate |
Fourth year | Gold certificate |
Fifth year | Challenge completion certificate |
Sixth year | Challenge completion certificate |
Seventh year | Platinum certificate |
Eighth year | Challenge completion certificate |
Ninth year | Challenge completion certificate |
Tenth year | Challenge completion certificate |
Only Year 9 and 10 students are eligible. | PRC medal and Challenge completion certificate. |
11a. You can only receive one certificate each year.
11b. 11b. The PRC Medal is awarded to Year 9 and 10 students to recognise 7 years of independent reading. Year 9 are eligible for a medal for completing the Challenge every year from Year 3 - Year 9 inclusive. Year 10 students are eligible for a medal for completing the Challenge 7 times between Year 3 and Year 10. Participation in the 3-10 Challenge does not impact a student's ability to receive a medal. Students will only receive a medal once - either in Year 9 or Year 10.
12. Gold and Platinum certificates will be sent to your school in Term 4 with students' names printed, along with PRC medals. Your school is responsible for downloading and printing your Challenge Completion Certificate from the PRC website.
13. Your school needs to make sure your parent or carer knows that by entering the Challenge, you may receive a PRC certificate with your name and school printed. The Premier's Reading Challenge no longer lists student names on an Honour Roll, however there may be opportunities for students to be recognised through media publications or through the school's own newsletters and communications. No student names and/or details will be published without prior consent from parents/ carers.
14a. If you attend a NSW school and your school does not have a PRC coordinator and does not wish to participate in the Challenge, you can take part as an independent student. Your Challenge participation will be managed by the PRC team. You must inform the PRC team of your completion of the challenge by 22 August 2025 so that your record can be validated.
14b. If you are home schooled, you can participate in the PRC once registered with the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) or granted an exemption from registration. You must register with the PRC before 31 July.