
Challenge Level : K-2 Challenge Level : 3-4 Challenge Level : 5-6 Challenge Level : 7-9 Challenge Level : 9plus

2025 Term 1 Booklist is now live!

The booklist has now been updated with 368 new titles added at the beginning of Term 1, 2025. 

All books added to the PRC lists during 2025, as well as new books added in 2024, can be found by clicking on the image below. This contains every book added to the list during the year, including new additions to approved series. New books can also be accessed via the PDF or Excel booklists download options in the top right hand corner of this page. 

These books are also visible on the full PRC booklists.

Read a detailed review focusing on graphic novels and illustrated chapter books featured in this update in the Term 2 2024 issue of Scan. 

New 2025 PRC Booklists

The PRC Booklists are constantly being updated and evaluated to ensure that they provide an excellent source of recommendations for students taking part in the Challenge. For more information about the process of selecting, reviewing and evaluating books, please check out our Booklist and review process information page

Excel Spreadsheets
2025 New books - updated 03/02/2025
Book Amendments - updated 03/02/2025 
K-10 booklists can be downloaded at the right of this screen

  • in short form (title and author only)
  • with full details (including annotation and publication details)

To find specific booklists, select the required Challenge level above and choose listed by author or title before downloading. Students may need guidance when using the short booklist to choose titles.

Please note:
Only the name of the approved series is included in the PRC booklists. Individual titles in an approved series are listed in the series lists below, with their PRC ID number.

Books are also listed in categories eg animal fiction, fantasy, adventure. Select Books by Category under the required Challenge level, above.

Easy Reads
For easy reads on the 3, 4, 5 or 6 lists, select the appopriate link below or use the search function at the top right of screen by searching for 'Year 3 easy reads', etc.

9plus Booklist:
The books that were previously included on the 7-9 booklist and marked as Mature Reads have now been moved to a separate booklist. Called the 9plus booklist, these titles are only able to be counted as PRC books by students on the 7-9 challenge, to reflect the mature themes and content that are suitable for students in high school. 

How do I get the books to read for the Challenge?
The PRC Team provide access to a list of approved books to be read for the Challenge. There are a number of places you can find copies of these books to read for the Challenge, including libraries, book stores and personal collections. Speak to your PRC coordinator or teacher for help with finding books to read as part of the challlenge. 

Series books - approved substitute books!

Series Books
In an approved series, any FIVE books from the series can be read as part of official PRC reading.
Up to ten other books from the same series can be read as personal choice books.

Approved series with their individual titles and PRC ID numbers can be viewed below.

Booklist legend

Hash This title is for more mature readers and is usually read by students in Years 9, 10 and above.

New Books This title is a new addition to the PRC booklist this year.

You can email your suggestions for the PRC booklists to PRC Team.

Information on our booklists is provided to help our readers to source book titles. To help us keep the lists up-to-date, please advise by email the PRC Team, if publication details are incorrect.

Would you like to suggest a book that you think should be on the PRC booklist?