
Challenge Level : K-2 Challenge Level : 3-4 Challenge Level : 5-6 Challenge Level : 7-9 Challenge Level : 9plus
ID Title Author  
UFO diary
A UFO is lost in space until it spots a strange, blue planet. Zooming in for a closer look, the UFO discovers a curious creature watching it. They quickly become friends for one unforgettable afternoon.
ISBN 9781842705919
Publisher Andersen Press Ltd, 2007
Kitamura, Satoshi
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Ugg boot war, The
Jake's dad is out in public again with his ugg boots on. Why can't he wear proper shoes like other dads.
ISBN 9781862919990
Series Mates - great Australian yarns series (27 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2014
Fornasier, Kylie & Jellett, Tom
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Ugly fish
Ugly fish doesn't like to share, so much so, he makes certain he doesn't have anyone to share with. However, this comes at a cost including loneliness and more.
ISBN 9780152050825
Publisher Harcourt Children's Books, 2006
Lareau, Kara & Magoon, Scott (ill)
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Ugly five, The
We're the ugly five, we're the ugly five. Everyone flees when they see us arrive. Meet Wildebeest and Warthog, Spotted Hyena, Lappet-faced Vulture and Marabou Stork. People call them the Ugly Five...but are they really?
ISBN 9781407174198
Publisher Scholastic UK, 2017
Donaldson, Julia & Scheffler, Axel (ill)
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Beautiful photographs, maps and diagrams show you Uluru. Includes extra geographical and cultural information.
ISBN 9781865044880
Series Reconciliation - for younger students series (9 of 10)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2009
Park, Louise
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Uncle Shawn and Bill and the almost entirely unplanned adventure
Badger Bill has been kidnapped by two nasty sisters. Four sad llamas need rescuing from the McGloone farmers before being turned into llama pies. Along comes Uncle Shawn to the rescue.
ISBN 9781406360493
Publisher Walker Books, 2017
Kennedy, A. L & Correll, Gemma (ill)
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Uncle Shawn and Bill and the pajimminy-crimminy unusual adventure
Uncle Shawn loved to rescue people but this time he has been arrested by an evil doctor for being Unusual. Badger Bill with the help of the llamas sets off to save him from being cured of his unusualness. He has never rescued anyone before. Can their silly plan work?
ISBN 9781406360509
Publisher Walker Books, 2018
Kennedy, A. L & Correll, Gemma (ill)
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Under my bed
When confronted by our fears sometimes it's much more fun to just join in.
ISBN 9780994384133
Publisher Berbay Publishing, 2018
Dickson, John & Guridi (ill)
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Under siege
Tam and Nina have joined an outlaw band and are on a mission to find out about the wolves' new weapon. When a common thief joins them, their troubles begin and saving him, and the magical bag he has stolen from the wolves, might just be more than they can handle.
ISBN 9781862917019
Series Wolf kingdom series (2 of 4)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2008
Harland, Richard & Peterson, Laura (ill)
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Under the bodhi tree: A story of the Buddha
Lyrical text and luminous illustrations tell the story of Prince Siddhartha - from his time as a boy in the palace, to journeying in the world where he sees pain and suffering, to his meditation and enlightenment.
ISBN 9781683643654
Publisher Sounds True, 2018
Hopkinson, Deborah & Whitman, Kailey (ill)
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Under the love umbrella
Whatever you fear, come close my dear. You're tucked in safe for always here. And I will never not be near. Because of our love umbrella.
ISBN 9781925321265
Publisher Scribe Publications, 2017
Bell, Davina and Colpoys, Allison (ill)
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Under the milky way
Go on a tour of some of the most beautiful, fun, quiet and raucous places in North America to see what people are doing. Learn a little about how people live on the other side of the world under the Milky Way.
ISBN 9781536200959
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2019
Lessac, Frane
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Under the red shawl
Story of Salim and his Mama as they journey to a new place, make new friendships and their hope of making a new story.
ISBN 9781922326829
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2023
Conley, Vikki & Heiduczek, Martina (ill)
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Under the sea
A beautifully presented book about things you find under the sea, including simple facts, an index, a glossary and web links.
ISBN 9780746074879
Series Usborne beginners series (8 of 44)
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2003
Patchett, Fiona
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Under the Southern Cross
Night-time in Australia, animals are waking, people are exploring, discoveries are being made - under the Southern Cross.
ISBN 9781925381016
Publisher Walker Books, 2018
Lessac, Frane
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Unexpected arrival, An
Cassie Bannerman and her friend, Ben, accompany Ben's dad, Dr Joe, on an RSPCA farm assessment visit to make sure the animals are being looked after properly. But, a surprise awaits them when they have to help with an unexpected arrival.
ISBN 9781742753324
Series RSPCA animal tales series (4 of 9)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2012
Black, Jess
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Unfunny bunny, The
'Twas was the night before Easter when I spotted the bunny! So I offered to help make the egg hunt more funny! Can some hare-larity save a washed-out Easter weekend? When the rain keeps her family stuck indoors, a girl decides everyone needs a bit of a laugh. So when she catches the Easter Bunny sneaking into the beach house, she can hardly contain her excitement: she'll make her family's egg hunt EGGS-tra funny! But does her prankish egg-planting go too far? Full of Easter puns and pranks, sniggers and smiles, this beautifully illustrated picture book celebrates family and fun: it's sure to be read year after year!
ISBN 9781761043093
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2022
Beck, Adrien & Hart, James (ill)
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Unhappy goldfish, The
There is jealousy between a goldfish and the family's new dog. The goldfish goes through a some traumatic experiences before an unlikely friendship occurs.
ISBN 9781862916845
Publisher Omnibus Books, 2007
Dallimore, Paul
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All the unwanted dogs in the dog pound watch as people walk up and down looking into their cages. No-one picks the little dog labelled Unknown. She is the same colour as the shadows so they don't even realise she's there. One night, everything changes.
ISBN 9780733613555
Publisher Hodder Headline Australia Pty Ltd, 2001
Thompson, Colin & Pignataro, Anna (ill)
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Unknown Australian soldier, The
Two children are bewildered by the internment ceremony for the Unknown Australian Soldier at the Australian War Memorial. Dreamlike, the ghost of the Unknown Australian Soldier takes them on a journey back in time to Gallipoli, the Middle East and the Western Front to learn about the nurses, the conditions facing the soldiers and the devastation of the First World War.
ISBN 9780957795730
Publisher ANZAC Day Commemoration Committee QLD Incorporated, 2001
Small, Mary & Langridge, Anne (ill)
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Unreal, banana peel
An entertaining and humorous mix of poems, including nursery rhyme parodies and classics.
ISBN 9781741833102
Publisher Brolly Books, 2009
Factor, June & Viska, Peter (ill)
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Unreal: Can you tell fact from fake
There's been a mix-up at the Museum - some of the displays from the Myths and Legends exhibit have snuck into the Natural History wing. We have to sort it out, but how can we tell fact from fiction? Animal from apparition? Megafauna from monster? Kids will have fun guessing which animals and plants are real and which are fake in this extraordinary exhibition of the strange and wonderful animals and plants that inhabit our world ... and our imaginations. And a brilliant guide to help us know what to look for when tracking down truths.
ISBN 9781761180347
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2024
Simpson, Kate & Rudge, Leila (ill)
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Unwanted puppy, The
Zoe loves dogs but hasn't had one of her own since her beloved Honey died. Then Zoe spies Scout, a gorgeous Bernese Mountain puppy, in the park after school. Scout belongs to four-year-old Jack and his family, who are new to the neighbourhood. Zoe offers to walk Scout in the park as she's worried the large, lively puppy isn't getting enough exercise or attention. Gradually she falls in love with Scout - but she knows that Scout belongs to Jack, even if his family don't have the time to give Scout the care he needs. How can she help Scout when he isn't her dog to help?
ISBN 9781847159045
Series Holly Webb's kittens & puppies series (41 of 32)
Publisher Stripes, 2018
Webb, Holly & Williams, Sophy (ill)
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Up and away!
Joseph Montgolfier and his brother worked together to make the first hot air balloon, launching man into the sky, and beginning the journey of flight. Read how they came up with their invention which captured the attention of the King of France and started the whole world dreaming of flying.
ISBN 9781454923602
Publisher Sterling Publishing Co, 2018
Henry, Jason
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Urashima Taro and other Japanese children's favourite stories
Welcome to a fantastic world populated by lonely dragons, adventuresome boys, magical elves, and a host of other beloved characters who have lived on for centuries in the traditional tales of Japan. Drawn from folklore passed down from generation to generation, the ten enchanting Japanese children's stories collected in this volume have been lovingly retold just for today's readers. Vibrantly illustrated and full of thrilling adventures, funny discoveries, and important lessons, they're sure to become story time favourites.
ISBN 9780804850728
Publisher Tuttle Publishing, 2008
Sakade, Florence & Hayashi, Yoshio (ill)
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Urgency emergency series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Urgency emergency series (6 books)
Archer, Dosh
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Urgency emergency: choking wolf
A wolf has something stuck in its throat, a little girl in a red coat can't find her grandma and Nurse Percy is run off his feet in this hilarious medical drama.
ISBN 9780747597643
Series Urgency emergency series (6 books)
Publisher Bloomsbury, 2009
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Archer, Dosh
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Urgency emergency: injured spider
Miss Muffet finds a badly injured spider lying in a puddle of water, just beneath a waterspout. Nurse Percy and Doctor Glenda come to the rescue as they hold the spider's hands, all eight of them, and gently look after the cut. But, someone needs to look after Incy Wincy for the night because Miss Muffet is scared of spiders.
ISBN 9780747597650
Series Urgency emergency series (6 books)
Publisher Bloomsbury, 2009
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Archer, Dosh
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Urgency emergency: little elephant's blocked trunk
An elephant has been playing with his toys and putting all of them away in the wrong place. Soon, his mother notices that something is not quite right with her little one's trunk.
ISBN 9780747597612
Series Urgency emergency series (6 books)
Publisher Bloomsbury, 2009
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Archer, Dosh
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Urgency emergency: melting snowman
It was a quiet morning at City Hospital. Doctor Glenda and Nurse Percy were drinking a cup of tea when they heard that a snowman was in need of urgent help. He was just standing in the garden when his buttons started to fall off.
ISBN 9780747597629
Series Urgency emergency series (6 books)
Publisher Bloomsbury, 2009
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Archer, Dosh
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Urgency emergency: Mrs Rabbit's bunnies
Mrs Rabbit is due to have her bunnies, lots of them, and she needs help. On her way to the hospital, Mrs Rabbit is knocked over by a little bear on a bike. The Pengamedics summon Doctor Glenda and Nurse Percy to assist.
ISBN 9780747597636
Series Urgency emergency series (6 books)
Publisher Bloomsbury, 2009
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Archer, Dosh
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Urgency emergency: trapped beetle
When Doctor Glenda realises that the elephant is not the only one hearing things, she sets out to save a trapped beetle from a terrible fate.
ISBN 9780747597605
Series Urgency emergency series (6 books)
Publisher Bloomsbury, 2009
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Archer, Dosh
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Usborne beginners plus series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Usborne beginners plus series (16 books)
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Usborne beginners series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Usborne beginners series (44 books)
No book cover.
Usborne first encyclopaedia of space, The
The fascinating world of space is presented for young children with easy to read font, simple text and vividly-coloured illustrations and photographs.
ISBN 9780746041864
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2001
Dowswell, Paul
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Usborne illustrated stories for boys
A compilation of short stories that includes classics, modern adaptations and contemporary stories. A great introduction to tales from diverse genres. Beautiful illustrations on every facing page.
ISBN 9780746074619
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2006
Sims, Lesley & Stowell, Louie (editors)
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Usborne illustrated stories of horses & ponies
Each of the stories in this collection focuses on the importance of a horse or pony to their owner. They are adventure stories, love stories, drama stories. And in each story, a horse or pony reminds us how important it is to care for each other.
ISBN 9781409596691
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2017
Dickins, Rosie & Davidson, Susanna & Patchett, Fiona & Hore, Rosie & Daynes, Katie
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Usborne my very first animals book
This book is full of creatures that fly, scuttle, leap and swim. It's the perfect way for you to learn all about animals.
ISBN 9781474922630
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2017
James, Alice & Cosgrove, Lee (ill)
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Slug feels completely unloved by the world and can't help feeling it may have something to do with appearances. Happily, new-found friend Spider is on hand to explain that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
ISBN 9781846433726
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2011
Boldt, Claudia
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