
Challenge Level : K-2 Challenge Level : 3-4 Challenge Level : 5-6 Challenge Level : 7-9 Challenge Level : 9plus
ID Title Author  
Preston Pig writes to his friend Max. He thinks nothing interesting ever happens in his life but perhaps it does and Preston just doesn't notice.
ISBN 9780007145676
Publisher Collins, 2003
McNaughton, Colin
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Sad, the dog
Mr and Mrs Cripps feed their dog, wash him and even clean inside his ears. But, they don't give him a name, and they boom and bellow at him all the time. So, the dog gives himself a name.
ISBN 9781921529641
Publisher Walker Books, 2015
Fussell, Sandy & Suwannakit, Tull (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Saggy baggy elephant, The
An elephant worries that his skin is wrinkly and saggy. When he meets his herd, he realises that he is just right.
ISBN 9780375925900
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2003
Jackson, Kathryn & Tenggren, Gustaf (ill)
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Sam & Dave dig a hole
Sam and Dave dig down, down, down until they find something spectacular.
ISBN 9781406357769
Publisher Walker Books, 2014
Barnett, Mac & Klassen, Jon (ill)
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Sam and his dad
When Sam grows up, he wants to be just like his dad. Sam's dad is an artist and Sam's life is full of creativity, exploration and adventure, as he plays with his little brother, goes to the park, visits a farm and goes on holiday, all in the company of the long-suffering but affectionate dad he loves so much.
ISBN 9780980607086
Publisher Wilkins Farago Pty Ltd, 2011
Bloch, Serge
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Sam sheep can't sleep
Sam Sheep can't sleep so he sets off to get help from his friends and before long they are all fast asleep and snoring.
ISBN 9781474970136
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2021
Punter, Russell & Cartwright, Stephen
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Sam the cat
Sam lives very happily in a tumbledown house with Jane and Ian. But, when they bring home a baby boy, not only does the baby get all the attention, he even steals Sam's name.
ISBN 9781921504297
Publisher Working Title Press, 2012
Bowring, Sam & McLean, Andrew (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Sam's bush journey
Sam is a city boy who doesn't much care about the wonders of the bush. The shrubs are scratchy and the mosquitoes bite. Sam thinks he wouldn't care if the bush disappeared.
ISBN 9781921541049
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2009
Morgan, Sally & Kwaymullina, Ezekiel & Bancroft, Bronwyn (ill)
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Samantha Seagull's sandals
Samantha Seagull longs to be different and thinks that new shoes will do the trick. She tries many pairs but none provide the desired effect. Then, one day, something changes.
ISBN 9780949130037
Publisher Childerset Publishers, 2004
Winch, Gordon
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When Uncle Charlie comes to visit, Ivy keeps her distance. She's a little bit scared because he seems so different from other people Ivy knows. Uncle Charlie finds a way to show Ivy that he is not so different after all.
ISBN 9781925139266
Publisher Wombat Books, 2015
Roe, Katrina & Trappel, Jemima (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Samuel's kisses
Samuel loves going shopping with his mum. He smiles and blows kisses to all the unhappy shoppers, spreading fun and happiness to all those around him.
ISBN 9781921042157
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2010
Collum, Karen & Geddes, Serena (ill)
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Rae and Grandad set out to build a sandcastle. They make a tall tower. They raise great ramparts. They dig a deep moat. They even find a dragon. But will it be enough to hold the tide?
ISBN 9781760295387
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2018
Bunting, Philip
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Sandcastle, The
Jack loves building sandcastles but no matter how strongly he builds them, the sea always sweeps them away. Then, one night, a seagull outside his window wakes him up and calls him down to the beach. There, Jack finds the sandcastle he built the day before but it's now very different.
ISBN 9781845078003
Publisher Koala Books, 2001
Robertson, M P
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Sandy shores (Habitats of the world)
Simple text, suitable for an independent reader, with beautifully presented photographic illustrations, looking at examples of the plant and animal life that inhabit sandy shores. Includes good information, a glossary of terms and an index.
ISBN 9780733925122
Series Habitats of the world series (10 books)
Publisher Pearson Education Australia, 2001
Ballance, Alison
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Santa and the sugar glider
It's Christmas Eve and Snap the sugar glider is practicing his moves. He wants to be the greatest flyer in the rainforest but the other animals just laugh at him. When Santa makes an emergency landing, all the animals have a chance to audition. Could this be Snap's chance to shine?
ISBN 9780734419521
Publisher Lothian Books, 2020
Moses, Alexa & Tortop, Anil (ill)
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Santa's Aussie holiday
Fun book about Santa Claus picking a holiday destination. This year he is off to Australia. Some key tourist destinations are mentioned as Santa makes the most of his vacation.
ISBN 9781741690187
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2007
Farrer, Maria & Walker, Anna (ill)
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Santa's big red helper
With Clifford helping out Santa Claus, it's going to be a big red Christmas.
ISBN 9780439791502
Series Clifford series (80 books)
Publisher Scholastic US, 2005
Bridwell, Norman
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Santa's high-tech Christmas
Santa has discovered high-tech gear. With his techno-pad, a soft reclining seat in his sleigh and a rocket pack, he is well prepared to deliver presents for Christmas Day. But as things start to go wrong, Santa needs the help of a young girl so that all the presents get delivered on time.
ISBN 9781925594270
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2018
Dumbleton, Mike & Perrini, Angela (ill)
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Santa's outback secret
Santa has received a special Christmas letter, which leads him to packing a bag just before Christmas and spending some time in the Australian outback.
ISBN 9780857982254
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2014
Dumbleton, Mike & Jellett, Tom (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Sarah and the steep slope
When everything feels like an uphill battle, your friends will get you through. Sarah wakes to find a steep hill has sprung up around the house overnight, preventing her from leaving. No matter what she tries, the hill won't budge. When the Hill Doctor suggests she gets in touch with her friends, Sarah discovers how the healing power of friendship can transform the steepest slope.
ISBN 9781742974675
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2017
Ottley, Matt & Parker, Danny (ill)
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Savannah dreams
From Sunday to Saturday, Savannah and her family go looking for bush tucker. Her father, mother, brother and sister each find food to bring home to share, but Savannah only finds pieces of rubbish and junk. At the end of the week, Savannah's brother is wondering why they bother to bring her along at all. But, eventually, he discovers that Savannah's imagination is important too.
ISBN 9781921714030
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2011
Stewart, Lolla
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Little Lydia loves sport. She lives in the outback and is friends with all the animals. When she asks Emu, Kangaroo and Koala to play sport with her, she soon discovers that each of them has a special talent. But does Lydia have a gift for sport too? And if she does, how will she discover it?
ISBN 9781760524708
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2019
Williams, Lydia & Gifford, Lucinda (ill)
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Say cheese!
Maxwell Mouse, the photographer, is trying to take school photos at South Forest Public School. But some students just won't stay still and others won't look at the camera. Can Maxwell get all of the students to say "CHEESE"?
ISBN 9781760664046
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2020
Watts, Frances
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Say freeze
Jodie loves a bit of mischief and will do anything to make people laugh, but has she gone too far this time? What happened when the wind changes, and will things change back?
ISBN 9781922804341
Publisher Larrikin House, 2023
Birthisel, Miranda & Challenger, Rebel (ill)
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Say hooray
A rhyming, multicultural book celebrating the many small moments, milestones and new adventures a baby has within their first year.
ISBN 9781760992361
Publisher Fremantle Press, 2023
Hayward, Renae & Mills, Rebecca
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Saying goodbye to Barkley
Olivia and her dog Barkley are inseparable. He's her sidekick, her partner in crime fighting- they're the perfect pair. But then, one day, Barkley isn't there anymore. Can Olivia find a way to get her happiness back?
ISBN 9781925335965
Publisher EK Books, 2019
Sillett, Devon & Johnston, Nicky (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Scallywags blow their top, The
The Scallywags are a band of unruly wolves who find it hard to behave properly. But after they storm out of the forest show, they meet their match in the shape of a little sheep. it's not long before they are begging to be accepted again by the other animals.
ISBN 9780340988152
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (UK), 2010
Melling, David
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Scarecrows' wedding, The
Betty O'Barley and Harry O'Hay invite you to the best wedding ever. The scarecrow couple sets off for a hunt round the farm for everything they need for the festivities. When Harry's search for flowers takes him far away, his villainous scarecrow rival, Reginald Rake, sees his chance to ruin this beautiful day.
ISBN 9781407144412
Publisher Scholastic UK, 2014
Donaldson, Julia & Scheffer, Axel
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Scared book, The
This story is about to begin, when our book realises it might be a scary story! Help, can you help? What are some of the ways you can help yourself when feeling scared? Fun and interactive story with wonderful illustrations.
ISBN 9780734417503
Publisher Hachette Children's Books, 2017
Tidball, Debra
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Scaredy book: It's not always easy to be brave!
Book longs for adventure but is too scared to leave the library. Then Book meets Emma - and learns how to be brave!
ISBN 9781925335682
Publisher Exisle Publishing, 2018
Sillett, Devon & King, Cara (ill)
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Scaredy cat
A little girl shows how far she will go to protect her beloved pet.
ISBN 9781925594171
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2018
Gallagher, Heather & Tortop, Anil (ill)
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Scaredy cat and the boo
Scaredy Cat, as his name suggests, is scared. He's frightened of just about everything, from noises to shadows. When he meets Boo, a little mouse, with a lot of confidence, Scaredy Cat is introduced to a wider world.
ISBN 9780340917794
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (UK), 2008
Broad, Michael
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Scarface claw
Scarface Claw, Hairy Maclary's enemy, is at the centre of this story. Like most bullies, however, the cat turns out to be not quite as tough as he looks.
ISBN 9780140568868
Series Hairy Maclary and Friends series (20 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2003
Dodd, Lynley
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Scarlett, starlet
Scarlett loves to dance and her house is always filled with rhythm. Her parents clap along and Little Jazzy Jo-Jo's paws tap-tap-tap in time. But, when Scarlett's dream of dancing on a real stage finally comes true, Little Jo-Jo has to stay at home. Scarlett will have to find her own rhythm.
ISBN 9780733331589
Publisher ABC Books, 2015
Quay, Emma
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Scary bird
When a new bird arrives in the aviary, he upsets the status quo. This bird is very different from the rest. He looks different. He chirps a different language. The other birds are afraid and angry. However one curious bird takes the time to get to know Scary Bird and the flock eventually discover that he has interesting qualities to share. He is not so scary any more.
ISBN 9781743838594
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2020
Streich, Michel
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Scary dog
Bonzo goes to 'Dog School' to learn how to scare cats. When his family gets a new kitten, he forgets all he has learned.
ISBN 9781844289455
Publisher Walker Books, 2005
Anderson, Scoular
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Scary night
Once upon a scary night, three friends set out on a journey. Hare, Cat and Pig wander through the darkness.
ISBN 9781921504631
Publisher Working Title Press, 2014
Gibbes, Lesley & King, Stephen Michael (ill)
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Schnitzel von Krumm's basketwork
Schnitzel von Krumm is devastated when his family replaces his worn out, smelly old basket with a new one. It's just not right.
ISBN 9780140555578
Series Hairy Maclary and Friends series (20 books)
Publisher Puffin UK, 1996
Dodd, Lynley
Image currently unavailable
Schnitzel von Krumm: dogs never climb trees
When Hairy Maclary decides to snoop inside a delivery van, he is in for a chaotic adventure. Hairy creates even more havoc than usual.
ISBN 9780733311222
Series Hairy Maclary and Friends series (20 books)
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2002
Dodd, Lynley
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Schnitzel von Krumm: forget-me-not
Schnitzel von Krumm's family is going on a holiday. It's all of a puzzle to Schnitzel and soon his meddling leads to a spot of bother.
ISBN 9780733320606
Series Hairy Maclary and Friends series (20 books)
Publisher ABC Books, 2007
Dodd, Lynley
Image currently unavailable
Scholastic question & answer series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Scholastic question & answer series (4 books)
Rippin, Sally & Kennett, Chris (ill)
No book cover.
School days
On some days there are butterflies in tummies, upside down lunchboxes and lines in the bathroom. Other days are for singing really loud, dressing up in costumes and listening to stories.But no matter what kind of School Day it is, there are always friends to be made and fun times to be had.
ISBN 9781760506933
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2020
Degennaro, Sue
Image currently unavailable
School of monsters series
Any five titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top of the screen.
Series School of monsters series (12 books)
No book cover.
School of monsters: Bruno won't dance
"Why won't Bruno dance?" says Pat. 'There must be a fix for that!' Bruno is a talented dancer, but he's too shy to bust a move in front of his classmates - until a special guest visits the school!
ISBN 9781761210044
Series School of monsters series (12 books)
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2022
Rippin, Sally & Kennett, Chris (ill)
Image currently unavailable
School of Monsters: Bug's First Day
When Bug starts school he cannot read, but the teacher has the help he needs. Bug is so nervous on his first day at the School of Monsters but, with the help of his teacher, soon discovers that school is full of learning, friends and fun.
ISBN 9781761210020
Series School of monsters series (12 books)
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2022
Rippin, Sally & Kennett, Chris (ill)
Image currently unavailable
School of monsters: Deb and Dot and the mix-up plot
Some kids play well and some do not... Some look the same, like Deb and Dot! Deb and Dot are twins and complete opposites. Deb is friendly and everyone likes her - but Dot doesn't quite know how to play nicely with the other monsters! Can Teacher Ted help the twins out with a plan?
ISBN 9781760507343
Series School of monsters series (12 books)
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2021
Rippin, Sally & Kennett, Chris
Image currently unavailable
School of Monsters: Dom's special Things
Dom has lots of special things, like rocks and stones with insect wings. Collecting fossils is Dom's favourite thing to do. But what happens when his friends break one?
ISBN 9781761211010
Series School of monsters series (12 of 12)
Publisher Hardie Grant Children's Publishing, 2023
Rippin, Sally
Image currently unavailable
School of Monsters: Frank is a Big Help
Frank always feels like he's in the way. How will he ever be able to help out at school? Welcome to the School of Monsters : the funniest, silliest and most accessible series for first readers, by Australian Children's Laureate Sally Rippin!
ISBN 9781760507404
Series School of monsters series (12 books)
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2022
Rippin, Sally & Kennett, Chris (ill)
Image currently unavailable
School of monsters: Hairy Sam loves bread and jam
Sam makes a mess when he eats jam. Can he fix it? Yes, he can! Hairy Sam just can't help himself. He LOVES bread and jam! But what happens when he gets sticky jam all over the school and the other monsters? He'll have to figure out a way to save the day...
ISBN 9781760507336
Series School of monsters series (12 books)
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2021
Rippin, Sally & Kennett, Chris
Image currently unavailable
School of monsters: Jack's many moods
When Jack feels good, she laughs and plays but sometimes Jack has grumpy days. Sometimes, Jack's feelings are way too big! Can she find a way to balance her moods?
ISBN 9781761211003
Series School of monsters series (12 books)
Publisher Hardie Grant Children's Publishing, 2023
Rippin, Sally
Image currently unavailable
School of monsters: Jamie Lee's birthday treat
Welcome to the School of Monsters: the funniest, silliest and most accessible series for first readers! Start by reading only the last word on every line and work your way up to reading the whole story. With tumbling rhymes and an infectious sense of humour, the weird and wonderful students at the School of Monsters are guaranteed to spark a love of reading!
ISBN 9781760507367
Series School of monsters series (12 books)
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2021
Rippin, Sally & Kennett, Chris
Image currently unavailable

School of Monsters: Jem's big idea
This is Jem. She likes to play, and thinks up fun new ways each day! Jem is fast, and Jem is strong - but she's always found first in hide and seek! Can she think up a way to win the game?
ISBN 9781761210037
Series School of monsters series (12 books)
Publisher Hardie Grant Children's Publishing, 2022
Rippin, Sally & Kennett, Chris (ill)
Image currently unavailable

School of monsters: Jess makes a mess
All that Jess touches gets gooey and sticky. How can she solve a problem so tricky? Jess can slip and slide all over the school - but when it's too hot, things get a little sticky. Will she find a way to keep cool?
ISBN 9781760507411
Series Scholastic question & answer series (4 books)
Publisher Hardie Grant Children's Publishing, 2022
Rippin, Sally & Kennett, Chris (ill)
Image currently unavailable

School of monsters: Leggy Peggy
Peggy's legs help her to read and climb and jump and run with speed! When chaos breaks out during the school play, can Peggy - and her guide pet - save the day?
ISBN 9781761213496
Series School of monsters series (12 books)
Publisher Hardie Grant Children's Publishing, 2024
Rippin, Sally & Kennett, Chris (ill)
Image currently unavailable
School of monsters: Luna Boo has feelings too
Luna's a ghost, so her classmates can't see how she feels when they accidentally leave her out of their games. Will showing her true colours help her - or scare them away for good? Welcome to the School of Monsters: the funniest, silliest and most accessible series for first readers! Start by reading only the last word on every line and work your way up to reading the whole story. With tumbling rhymes and an infectious sense of humour, the weird and wonderful students at the School of Monsters are guaranteed to spark a love of reading!
ISBN 9781760507398
Series School of monsters series (12 books)
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2021
Rippin, Sally & Kennett, Chris (ill)
Image currently unavailable

School of Monsters: Mary has the best pet
You shouldn't bring a pet to school. But Mary's pet is super cool! You're not supposed to bring your pet to the School of Monsters if you haven't fed them yet. But Mary LOVES her little pet! Surely it will be OK to sneak him inside her hat just for the morning?
ISBN 9781760507329
Series School of monsters series (1 of 12)
Publisher Hardie Grant Children's Publishing, 2021
Rippin, Sally & Kennett, Chris (ill)
Image currently unavailable
School of monsters: Milly's family fun
When Milly's left out of the monsters' big day, they all work together to find a new way! When Milly's school hosts a party for Mother's Day, Milly feels left out. But families come in all shapes and sizes - and soon Milly realises she's got a lot to celebrate!
ISBN 9781761211034
Series School of monsters series (12 books)
Publisher Hardie Grant Children's Publishing, 2024
Rippin, Sally & Kennett, Chris (ill)
Image currently unavailable
School of monsters: Our friend Zap
Zap is a monster who comes from afar in a red rocket ship from a faraway star! Zap is an alien who doesn't speak the local language, and communicates with his friends in his own special way. So when he gets teased by a stranger, how can his friends tell him they love him?
ISBN 9781761211027
Series School of monsters series (17 of 12)
Publisher Hardie Grant Children's Publishing, 2023
Rippin, Sally & Kennett, Chris
Image currently unavailable
School of monsters: Pete's big feet
Ever since Pete tripped over his long legs and enormous feet, he refuses to run races with the other monsters. But what happens when Jamie Lee gets stuck in the mud down the well? It will take a special someone to help rescue her!
ISBN 9781760507350
Series School of monsters series (12 books)
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2021
Rippin, Sally & Kennett, Chris
Image currently unavailable

School of monsters: Pip loves to cook
Pip loves to cook and loves to bake. But will the monsters like her cake? Cooking is Pip's favourite thing to do. But when she accidentally follows the wrong recipe, it's a disaster - or is it?
ISBN 9781761210051
Series School of monsters series (14 of 12)
Publisher Hardie Grant Children's Publishing, 2022
Rippin, Sally & Kennett, Chris (ill)
Image currently unavailable

School of monsters: Super-fast skelly
Skelly's scared to ride too fast. But when he does, he has a blast! Skelly's used to riding his scooter at his own pace. When he tries a billy cart for the first time, he has so much fun that soon, he's going faster and faster. But what happens when he goes too fast?
ISBN 9781761213489
Series School of monsters series (12 books)
Publisher Hardie Grant Children's Publishing, 2024
Rippin, Sally & Kennett, Chris (ill)
Image currently unavailable

School of monsters: Tish learns to swim
All of the monsters can already swim, except for dear Tish, who's scared to go in. Every time Tish tries to paddle in the moat, she panics. Can the monsters find a way to keep her afloat?
ISBN 9781761211058
Series School of monsters series (12 books)
Publisher Hardie Grant Children's Publishing, 2023
Rippin, Sally & Kennett, Chris (ill)
Image currently unavailable
School of monsters: Zorro's tasty treats
Zorro loves food, but his snacks make a stink. What else could he eat? Let's have a think! Zorro is a zombie who loves to snack in class, which makes for a smelly school! Can his teacher find a brainy solution?
ISBN 9781761211041
Series School of monsters series (19 of 12)
Publisher Hardie Grant Children's Publishing, 2024
Rippin, Sally & Kennett, Chris (ill)
Image currently unavailable
School trip, The
Tracey and Sam are off to the museum for a school trip but Matthew Tibbs is missing. They have an adventure exploring all the exhibits especially the dinosaurs. When it's time to go home, Matthew Tibbs still can't be found.
ISBN 9780340547199
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (Australia), 1996
Butterworth, Nick
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Schools of fish (Marine life for young readers)
Very simple text with full page photographic illustrations that teach about fish that live in schools. Contains a glossary and index.
ISBN 9780733926884
Series Marine life for young readers series (20 books)
Publisher Pearson Education Australia, 2001
Swartz, Stanley L & Yin, Robert (phot)
Image currently unavailable
Scientist, scientist, who do you see?
Full of scientific fun, Scientist, Scientist, Who Do You See? features appearances from real-life scientists including Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Charles Darwin, Ada Lovelace, and more! Young readers will delight in poking fun at a familiar text while learning about scientists who changed the world.
ISBN 9781492656180
Publisher Sourcebooks Inc, 2018
Topics / STEM /
Ferrie, Chris
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Scottish Year, A
We're Rashida, James, Dominik, Sophie and Isla - and we're ready to take you on a journey through twelve months in the life of Scottish kids. Enjoy festivals and events, games and sports, flora and fauna, quirky traditions and famous sites of our country. Come join us on a Scottish childhood adventure!
ISBN 9781921966873
Series Twelve months in the life of kids series (7 of 7)
Publisher Exisle Publishing, 2016
McCartney, Tania & Snerling, Tina (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Scruff sheep
Scruff sheep is the one sheep on the farm who is always late and who almost always leads to disaster. But, one day, he might just be in the right place to help a little hen with a very big problem.
ISBN 9780192791634
Publisher Oxford University Press, 2006
Church, Caroline Jayne
Image currently unavailable
Sitting in the park, I remember back to a furry friend from long ago. The story of a girl and an unlikely friendship.
ISBN 9781925594768
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2019
Fenton, Corinne & Swan, Owen (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Sunny McCloud thinks her family is like a sandwich. She's the yummy cheese, her twin brothers are the salady, occasionally annoying, goodness bits and her parents are the slices of bread, keeping everything together. But, it seems a bit boring and Sunny wants to add some exciting ingredients, like bananas and ice cream.
ISBN 9781408309360
Publisher Orchard Books, 2010
Hodgkinson, Leigh
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Scuba divers and their under-water friends (Marine life for young readers)
Very simple text with full page photographic illustrations that teach about the friendly animals encountered by scuba divers. Contains a glossary and index.
ISBN 9780733926853
Series Marine life for young readers series (20 books)
Publisher Pearson Education Australia, 2001
Swartz, Stanley L & Yin, Robert (phot)
Image currently unavailable
Scuffy the tugboat
Scuffy escapes from his owners and floats out to sea. He really enjoys his freedom until things become dangerous.
ISBN 9780307105479
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2003
Crampton, Gertrude & Gergely, Tibor (ill)
Image currently unavailable

Sea Country
My people are proud, strong people. We are the decendants of Mannalargenna of the Pairrebeene Trawlwoolway clan, We grew up on Flinder's Island in eastern Bass Strait. The bush and the beach were our playground. We were free there to hear Country speak to us. Sea Country will give you everything you need, if you watch and listen.
ISBN 9781925936032
Publisher Magabala Books, 2021
Cameron, Aunty Patsy & Kennedy, Lisa (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Sea creatures
Through beautiful photographs and interesting facts, find out about many of the interesting, beautiful and scary sea creatures that we might encounter in Australian seas. Discover what makes them unique and how they live.
ISBN 9781742451183
Series All about Australia series (4 books)
Publisher Australian Geographic Education, 2012
Mahoney, Melanie (ed) & Madden, Bec (ed)
Image currently unavailable
Sea horses and pipefish (Marine life for young readers)
Very simple text with full page photographic illustrations that teach about sea horses and pipefish. Contains a glossary and index.
ISBN 9780733926822
Series Marine life for young readers series (20 books)
Publisher Pearson Education Australia, 2001
Swartz, Stanley L & Yin, Robert (phot)
Image currently unavailable
Sea of words, A: An ABC of the deep blue sea
Fantastic alphabet book of aquatic animals, with each letter making great use of alliteration and supported by amazing illustration.
ISBN 9780975839003
Publisher Silkim Books, 2006
Toft, Kim Michelle
Image currently unavailable
Sea turtles (Marine life for young readers)
Very simple text with full page photographic illustrations that teach about marine life such as sea turtles. Contains a glossary and index.
ISBN 9780733912931
Series Marine life for young readers series (20 books)
Publisher Longman, 1999
Swartz, Stanley L & Yin, Robert (phot)
Image currently unavailable
Sea-Breeze Hotel, The
Life is tough at the Sea-Breeze Hotel where the strong winds are keeping guests away. Young Sam comes up with the perfect solution of how to fill the hotel with people who appreciate the breeze.
ISBN 9780947241414
Publisher Margaret Hamilton, 1995
Vaughan, Marcia
Image currently unavailable
Seadog is not a working dog, he doesn't fetch, is not a performer of tricks and is not clean, shiny or fluffy, but he is full of energy and is lots of fun.
ISBN 9781742756509
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2013
Saxby, Claire & Jellett, Tom (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Seadragon sea
Ten baby seahorses need to find their way to the seagrass meadow. One seahorse is left behind and encounters various sea creatures on the journey to the meadow. A counting book based on marine animals.
ISBN 9781876288617
Publisher Working Title Press, 2005
Spurling, Margaret & Snell, Danny (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Seagull loves to fly. It makes her heart sing. But, when she gets caught in a tangle of fishing line on the beach, she is unable to fly. Many creatures try to untangle the line but Seagull can only watch as other birds fly effortlessly above.
ISBN 9781921504815
Publisher Working Title Press, 2015
Snell, Danny
Image currently unavailable
Seals and sea lions (Marine life for young readers)
Very simple text with full page photographic illustrations that teach about seals and sea lions. Contains a glossary and index.
ISBN 9780733926792
Series Marine life for young readers series (20 books)
Publisher Pearson Education Australia, 2001
Swartz, Stanley L & Yin, Robert (phot)
Image currently unavailable
Search for the perfect child, The
People say that there is no such thing as the perfect child. Fido Fonteyn, the cleverest, sharpest, coolest dog detective in the whole world, is on a mission to sniff one out.
ISBN 9781406306019
Publisher Walker Books, 2007
Fearnley, Jan
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Seashells (Marine life for young readers)
Very simple text with full page photographic illustrations that teach about marine life such as seashells. Contains a glossary and index.
ISBN 9780733912993
Series Marine life for young readers series (20 books)
Publisher Longman, 1999
Swartz, Stanley L & Yin, Robert (phot)
Image currently unavailable
Sebastian and the special stack of stories
Sebastian trots off at a slow, steady speed with a bundle of books he'd love someone to read. Where can you find the best spot to hear a story when you're the smallest and slowest one in a big family? Sebastian knows.
ISBN 9781460753460
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 2018
Hibbert, Kelly & deGennaro, Sue (ill)
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Sebastian lives in a hat
Four month old Sebastian's mother has been killed at the side of the road. The tiny wombat must be nursed carefully by the author if he is to survive and finally be returned to the wild. When Sebastian first comes into her life, he fits inside a hat.
ISBN 9781862910980
Publisher Omnibus Books, 2008
Catterwell, Thelma & Argent, Kerry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Second sky, The
The first thing Gilbert sees when he hatches from his egg is the sky. It is love at first sight and from that moment on Gilbert longs to fly like other birds. But Penguins don't fly, they waddle, and so begins Gilbert's quest to find his place in the world. Great things happen when you reach for the sky.
ISBN 9781760127985
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2017
Guest, Patrick & Bentley, Jonathan (ill)
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Secret of black rock, The
Erin is fascinated by the legend of Black Rock. A huge, dark and spiky mass that is said to destroy any boats that come near it. But are the tales really true? One day Erin sneaks on board her mother's fishing boat to find out...
ISBN 9781911171256
Publisher Flying Eye Books, 2017
Todd-Stanton, Joe
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There's magic all around you. Can you see? What can you hear? Flip-Book format!
ISBN 9781925335675
Publisher Exisle Publishing, 2018
McCartney, Tania & Racklyeft, Jess
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See me grow
Watch baby animals grow up and find out all about their amazing life cycles.
ISBN 9781407131542
Publisher Scholastic US, 2012
Arlon, Penelope & Gordon-Harris, Tory
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Selfish crocodile, The
Crocodile refuses to allow any other animal to bathe or drink in his river. One day, he develops a toothache and only one animal is brave enough to help.
ISBN 9780747541936
Publisher Bloomsbury, 1999
Faustin, Charles & Terry, Michael (ill)
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Seriously do not open this book
He's back AGAIN! This cheeky blue character is willing to forgive you for what happened last time but he SERIOUSLY does not want you to open this book or turn its pages. What reason does he have this time?
ISBN 9781760458850
Series Do not open this book series (5 books)
Publisher Lake Press Pty Ltd, 2018
Lee, Andy & McKenzie, Heath (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Seven more sleeps
Babs, the baby, Fog, the dog, and mum count down the sleeps until the party. On the day, there is a big surprise.
ISBN 9781876288389
Publisher Working Title Press, 2004
Wild, Margaret & Rawlins, Donna (ill)
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Seven ways to catch the moon
Equipped with a butterfly net, a little girl tries to catch the moon by hitching with a witch, riding on a dragon's back, floating in a hot air balloon until, finally, the moon is discovered.
ISBN 9781845079031
Publisher Frances Lincoln, 2008
Robertson, M P
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Shadow play
Minnie May is plagued by fear; her shadow follows her everywhere, she cannot shake its dark and menacing presence. An encounter with Ziggy heralds a shift in perspective, encouraging Minnie May to think about her shadow anew.
ISBN 9781925563740
Publisher Wombat Books, 2024
Forsyth, Kate & Street, Rosalie (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Shapes at play
Squares, triangles and circles - let's play. We might even make a brand-new shape.
ISBN 9781406367331
Publisher Walker Books, 2016
Topics / K-2 Numeracy /
Borando, Silvia
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Shapes, reshape
The shapes in this book get mixed up, moved around, and reshaped into all kinds of animals. See if you can guess the animal before the shapes reshape.
ISBN 9781406367348
Publisher Walker Books, 2016
Topics / K-2 Numeracy /
Borando, Silvia
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Share said the rooster
Five little stories about Billy and Ben. They will not share anything, whether it's a sticky bun, a pair of boots or an apple. But, when Billy and Ben go out in a rowing boat, they learn to share.
ISBN 9780143501756
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2010
Allen, Pamela
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Sharks and rays (Marine life for young readers)
Very simple text with full page photographic illustrations that teach about marine life such as sharks and rays. Contains a glossary and index.
ISBN 9780733912955
Series Marine life for young readers series (20 books)
Publisher Longman, 1999
Swartz, Stanley L & Yin, Robert (phot)
Image currently unavailable
Shaun the sheep: Beast of Soggy Moor, The
At night, a creepy shadow is stalking through Mossy Bottom Farm, scaring all the animals. Shaun and Bitzer are determined to find out what it is. Perhaps Shaun's complex trap might solve the problem but they must work out how to get the shadow to enter it.
ISBN 9781406357721
Series Tales from Mossy Bottom Farm series (5 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2015
Howard, Martin & Janes, Andy (ill)
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Shaun the sheep: Blast to the past
When the Flock's go-kart spins out of control and crashes, Mossy Bottom Farm has changed. The Farmer is much younger, the pigs are wearing nappies, and the cockerel is just a baby. It's clear to Shaun the Sheep that Bitzer and the Flock have travelled back in time! The young Farmer doesn't know much about farming, and the farm is a mess. Can the animals teach the Farmer his job and then find a way to return to their own time?
ISBN 9781406366235
Series Tales from Mossy Bottom Farm series (5 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2016
Howard, Martin & Janes, Andy (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Shaun the sheep: Flock factor, The
Mossy Bottom Farm is home to Bitzer, the farmer's dog, and Shaun, leader of an unruly flock of sheep. The chickens and the rest of the farmyard animals are in constant competition with the sheep. So, when Bitzer initiates a talent quest, it's game on.
ISBN 9781406357332
Series Tales from Mossy Bottom Farm series (5 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2015
Howard, Martin & Janes, Andy (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Shaun the sheep: Flock to the seaside
It's time for the Piddlington-on-Sea Annual Sheepdog Trial and Bitzer is excited about the challenge. Trouble is, his sheep are more interested in the beach.
ISBN 9781406358360
Series Tales from Mossy Bottom Farm series (5 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2015
Howard, Martin & Janes, Andy (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Shaun the sheep: On the ball
It's a sunny afternoon on Mossy Bottom Farm and there's a new game called Piggy Stomp. Competition between the sheep and the pigs is almost as hot as the weather.
ISBN 9781406358353
Series Tales from Mossy Bottom Farm series (5 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2015
Howard, Martin & Janes, Andy (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Shaun the sheep: Pranks a lot
A series of pranks, punctuated by a paranoid truce, pits Shaun, the leader of an unruly flock of sheep, and Bitzer, the farmer's dog, against each other in a battle of wits. Of course, it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt.
ISBN 9780763687427
Series Tales from Mossy Bottom Farm series (5 books)
Howard, Martin & Janes, Andy (ill)
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She'll be coming round the mountain
She'll be coming round the mountain, when she comes. Toot, Toot! How will she arrive next?
ISBN 9781786281753
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2018
Passchier, Anne (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Jack Howe had hands the size of tennis racquets, legs like tree trunks and wrists made of steel. And in Queensland, in 1892, he set a hand blade shearing record that has never been beaten! An astounding true story, about the greatest shearer in the world!"
ISBN 9781760653163
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2023
McMullin, Neridah & Tomkins, Michael (ill)
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Sheep called Sean, A
Pete, the purple pig, and Sean, the sheep, build a spaceship and visit the planets. When Sean hurts Pete's feelings, Pete discovers that friends sometimes say things they don't really mean.
ISBN 9780980321692
Series Pig called Pete series (5 of 5)
Publisher JoJo Publishing, 2007
Bowater, Alan & Pascoe, Pete (ill)
Image currently unavailable
The little shrew believes that he has the secret to peace on earth. Although he tries to tell everyone, his tiny voice is lost in the clutter of day to day noise. Eventually, after much effort, people listen and take heed.
ISBN 9781842703564
Publisher Andersen Press Ltd, 2004
Willis, Jeanne & Ross, Tony (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Shhh little mouse
The little, grey mouse is hungry but he faces dire consequences if he wakes the sleeping cat.
ISBN 9780670070688
Publisher Penguin, 2007
Allen, Pamela
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Shine: a story about saying goodbye
A story about loss and the everlasting power of love.
ISBN 9781743316344
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2015
Balla, Trace
Image currently unavailable
Shoelaces are impossible!
I am NEVER going to be able to tie my shoelaces. It's IMPOSSIBLE! Caterpillar really wants to learn to tie his shoelaces so he can be a tap dancing star! Luckily, his bunny friend gives him all the steps to learn how to do it. You can learn too!
ISBN 9781760154950
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2019
Allen, Ed & Eckstrom, Nathaniel (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Shoes from Grandpa
When Grandpa decides to buy Jessie a new pair of shoes for winter, the rest of the family joins in to buy various items of clothing. Jessie doesn't want to be ungrateful but she really wants something else.
ISBN 9780868963723
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2008
Fox, Mem & Mullins, Patricia (ill)
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Shoo cat
There's a strange cat at the back door. He keeps trying to get into Matt's house. Matt must shoo the cat away, it doesn't live at his house.
ISBN 9781862915312
Publisher Omnibus Books, 2003
Bone, Ian
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Shoo Grumpers shoo!
When you find yourself with a grumper, or two, you need to tell those grumpers to shoo, for it's grumpers that bring out the grumpy in you. But how do you dump a bumper of grumpers? That's quite a stumper. So here is a lesson in just what to do.
ISBN 9781742991955
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2018
Lawson, Josh & Knoll-Miller, Shelley (ill)
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Shopping basket, The
You can count on Steven as he goes to buy his six eggs, five bananas and four apples. He finds going to the shop to get his mother's order quite an adventure. He may not be able to get it all home safely and survive the trip himself.
ISBN 9780099899303
Publisher Red Fox, 2002
Topics / K-2 Numeracy /
Burningham, John
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Shopping expedition, The
A simple trip to the shops for groceries becomes an imaginative journey.
ISBN 9780744596847
Publisher Walker Books, 2005
Ahlberg, Allan & Amstutz, Andre (ill)
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Should I share my ice cream
Gerald is careful. Piggie is not. Piggie cannot help smiling. Gerald can. Gerald worries so that Piggie does not have to. Gerald and Piggie are best friends. Gerald has a big decision to make. But, he might not have enough time.
ISBN 9781423143437
Series Elephant & Piggie series (21 books)
Publisher Hyperion Books, 2011
Willems, Mo
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Show day
It's Show Day and everyone has taken weeks to get ready. Now, the whole family and an assortment of animals are off to the country showgrounds for a day of fun and excitement.
ISBN 9781862916890
Publisher Omnibus Books, 2012
Matthews, Penny & McLean, Andrew (ill)
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Shrieking Violet
Sometimes, having a younger sister is not much fun. Violet seems to interrupt or spoil everything. It is only when the older sister realises that things go better when the two sisters are not competing for attention, that family life is fun again.
ISBN 9781741695694
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2010
Quay, Emma
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Shutting the chooks in
A small boy has to feed the chooks and shut them up for the night. On this night, one of the chickens is missing and he must find it before the fox comes.
ISBN 9781863889858
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2003
Gleeson, Libby & James, Ann (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Shy little kitten, The
A shy, little kitten makes new animal friends.
ISBN 9780375828997
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2004
Schurr, Cathleen & Tenggren, Gustaf (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Siberian Huskies
BOLT encourages a wide variety of students, including reluctant readers, by providing them with books featuring appealing topics and carefully prepared text. Innovative infographics and attention-commanding photography draw in young readers, and accessible, levelled text helps even the most challenged readers understand the material and enjoy the reading experience. This strong image/text integration aids in comprehension and complements classroom instruction, helping each and every student reach his or her learning potential! Packed with dynamic photos, charts, diagrams, fun facts, and infographics, BOLT's attention-grabbing titles are sure to have your readers coming back for more.
ISBN 9780716634492
Series World Book Bolt series (3 books)
Publisher World Book, 2018
Topics / K-2 Non-fiction /
Hogan, Christa C
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Sick day for Amos McGee, A
Friends come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. And, for Amos McGee, they're all sorts of species, too. Every day, Amos spends a little bit of time with each of his friends at the zoo, running races with the tortoise, keeping the shy penguin company and even reading bedtime stories to the owl. But, one day Amos is too sick to make it to the zoo.
ISBN 9781742377797
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2011
Stead, Philip C & Stead, Erin E (ill)
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Silly Billy
Billy worries about everything including things that may never happen. His parents don't know the best way to help him but his grandmother offers him a special way to manage his worries.
ISBN 9780744570175
Publisher Walker Books, 2006
Browne, Anthony
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Silly birds
Maliyan is a young eagle who makes his parents very proud. He always looks and listens, and everyone respects him. Then, he meets Wagun, the turkey, who is a 'wombah thigaraa', a silly bird. He's always talking, usually about himself. No one respects Wagun but Maliyan thinks he is fun. It's not long before Maliyan has become a bit of a wombah thigaraa himself.
ISBN 9781922142993
Publisher Magabala Books, 2014
Dreise, Gregg
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Silly galah
Witty verses, colourful illustrations and useful facts about seventeen, very different Australian animals combine to make this an entertaining and informative picture book.
ISBN 9781862914421
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2001
Brian, Janeen & Johns, Cheryll (ill)
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Silly Lily and the first day of kindergarten
Lily is smart and adventurous and is not scared of anything! But Lily does not always understand new situations. Which means Lily is often in trouble. Today is her first day of kindergarten, and there is so much for Lily to discover! But a classroom and playground can be a bit confusing. And in her excitement, Lily forgets to pay attention to the rules! Luckily Lily is clever, too. She may sometimes be a bit naughty but in the end, she always does the right thing!
ISBN 9781760405601
Publisher Bonnier Publishing Australia, 2017
Robaard, Jedda
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Silly squid: poems about the sea
Find out about some clever Australian creatures found by the shore. In this collection of funny verse, each poem is accompanied by some facts about the animal and the illustrations are based on the colours and features of the environment in which each one lives.
ISBN 9781742990965
Publisher Omnibus Books, 2015
Brian, Janeen & Johns, Cheryll (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Silly Suzy goose
In her quest for individuality, Suzy Goose reasons that it just might be better to be part of a flock for most of the time.
ISBN 9781406304589
Publisher Walker Books, 2007
Horacek, Petr
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Silver buttons
At 9.59 on Thursday morning, Jodie draws a duck. Just as she is about to add one final silver button to the duck's boots, her little brother takes his first step. At this exact same moment, a man buys bread, a soldier leaves home and a baby is being born.
ISBN 9781406342246
Publisher Walker Books, 2013
Graham, Bob
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Silverskin is different from her brothers and sisters but she comes to discover herself and her own talents. Beautiful end papers and great illustrations that give extra information about Australian animals.
ISBN 9781876268633
Publisher University of Western Australia Press, 2002
Kuchling, Guundie
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Sing me the summer
Splash into summer with this glorious love letter to the seasons.
ISBN 9781925972924
Publisher Affirm Press, 2020
Godwin, Jane & Lester, Alison
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Singing seal, The
Meet Florence, a flamboyant fur seal who lives on the steps of the Sydney Opera House. Unlike the other seals, Florence has plans. Big plans. She's going to be a world-famous singer. But does Florence have what it takes to become a real SEALPRANO?
ISBN 9781925584868
Publisher Affirm Press, 2018
Lamington, Merv & Langton, Allison (ill)
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Sisters Saint-Claire and the royal mouse ball, The
Queen Julie S. Cheeser has invited the entire village to her glamorous Royal Ball, but with nothing to wear, what are the villagers to do? Luckily, the Sisters Saint-Claire have a thrifty idea, or two!
ISBN 9781760523640
Series Sisters Saint-Claire series (2 of 99)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2018
Gibson, Carlie & Ainslie, Tamsin (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Sisters Saint-Claire, The
This is the tale of the five sisters Saint-Claire. There's Harriet, Violet, Beatrice, Minette and, we must not forget, little Cecile. Five gourmand mouse sisters go to market. The youngest sister, Cecile, sets up her very own delicious pie stall, with food fit for a queen.
ISBN 9781760291563
Series Sisters Saint-Claire series (1 of 99)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2016
Gibson, Carlie & Ainslie, Tamsin (ill)
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Six dinner Sid
Sid has six owners, lives in six houses and has six dinners a day. Each owner doesn't know about the others and life for Sid is just about perfect.
ISBN 9780750002974
Publisher Simon & Schuster, 1990
Moore, Inga
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Skunk with no funk, The
Woody is not what his family expected. He is a failure, a flop, an odourless plop.
ISBN 9781922179012
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2014
Young, Rebecca & Rudge, Leila (ill)
Image currently unavailable
From cats and dogs to bears and tigers - how does the animal kingdom sleep? Discover a world of curious sleeping habits in this fact-based picture book for young nature lovers.
ISBN 9781910646229
Publisher Old Barn Books, 2018
Prendergast, Kate
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Sleep through the night
Some species sleep wherever they choose to roam, but human beings sleep the very best when they are home.
ISBN 9780733342707
Publisher ABC Books, 2022
Stephen, Byll & Stephen, Beth & Howe, Simon (Ill)
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Sleep tight, my honey
Lily and Monty's new baby is gorgeous but she just won't sleep at night. Grandma, Tortoise, Possum, Butterfly and Bat are full of helpful advice but nothing works and everyone is very tired.
ISBN 9780733623738
Publisher Lothian Books, 2008
Shanahan, Lisa & Harris, Wayne (ill)
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Sleep time
When a little girl is put to bed early to have a sleep, she responds by trying to get each of the toys in her room to have her sleep for her.
ISBN 9781863880633
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 1993
Gleeson, Libby & Greder, Armin (ill)
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Sleeping beauty
A retelling of the much-loved fairy tale, with surprises under each lift-up flap.
ISBN 9781846432521
Series Flip-up fairy tales series (28 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2008
Barella, Laura (ill)
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Sleepy bears
Winter is here, and in winter bears sleep. But how do you convince six not-so-sleepy bear cubs to go to bed? Mother Bear finds a way with a cosy rhyme for each bear that sends them on dreams filled with adventure.
ISBN 9780732909802
Publisher MacMillan, 1999
Fox, Mem & Argent, Kerry (ill)
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Sleepy Pendoodle
Uncle tells a little girl the right words to get her new puppy to open his eyes. But it's a long way from Uncle's place to home and every interruption makes it harder to remember.
ISBN 9780744594775
Publisher Walker Books, 2001
Doyle, Malachy
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Sleepy Sheepy
Sleepy Sheepy is NOT sleepy. It might be bedtime, but he would rather do all the fun activities he can. Ma and Pa sheep try everything to get him to bed. A humorous read-aloud picture book for young audiences.
ISBN 9780593465912
Publisher Walker Books, 2024
Cummins, Lucy Ruth & Oswald, Pete (ill)
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Sleepy sheepy and the sheepover
It's time for Sleepy Sheepy's very first sleepover. But when it's time for bed, Sleepy Sheep cannot sleep. His blankets scratch and his PJ's don't match.
ISBN 9781760658953
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2024
Cummins, Lucy Ruth & Oswald, Pete (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Sleepy the sloth
ISBN 9780980872743
Series True to life series (13 of 13)
Publisher True to Life books, 2018
Latta, Jan
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Slightly invisible
When his friend, Marv, comes over to play, Charlie would prefer that his little sister stay away. However, Lola is irritating and likes being the centre of attention. When Charlie's nerves snap, he issues an ultimatum to Lola, but rules, like not touching the secret potion that turns people invisible, are simply ignored.
ISBN 9781408307908
Publisher Orchard Books, 2010
Child, Lauren
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Slinky Malinki
Slinky Malinki is blacker than black, a stalking and lurking cat. In fact, Slinky Malinki is a common thief and steals anything from a clothes peg or slipper to a string of sausages.
ISBN 9780670913510
Series Hairy Maclary and Friends series (20 books)
Publisher Penguin, 2002
Dodd, Lynley
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Slinky Malinki's catflaps
At night, the gang of cats, led by Slinky Malinki, comes out to prowl.
ISBN 9780140565720
Series Hairy Maclary and Friends series (20 books)
Publisher Puffin UK, 2000
Dodd, Lynley
Image currently unavailable
Slinky Malinki's Christmas crackers
Slinky Malinky is curious about the Christmas tree in the house. With its reindeer, ribbons, baubles and bells, it's too tempting for Slinky not to investigate.
ISBN 9780141501093
Series Hairy Maclary and Friends series (20 books)
Publisher Puffin UK, 2007
Dodd, Lynley
Image currently unavailable
Slinky Malinki, open the door
Slinky Malinki and Stickybeak Syd are partners in crime.
ISBN 9780140553260
Series Hairy Maclary and Friends series (20 books)
Publisher Puffin NZ, 1995
Dodd, Lynley
Image currently unavailable
Sloth and the dinglewot, The
When Samuel the Sloth feels brave enough to leave his cosy hut, he meets the colourful and mysterious Dinglewot. Together they discover incredible places, and Samuel will learn that overcoming fears and doubts means more adventures, friendships and much happiness.
ISBN 9781925594966
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2020
Prust, Nicole & Enwright, Amanda
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Sloth slept on
He wasn't like any other creature we had ever found in the garden. We couldn't figure out what he was and where he had came from.
ISBN 9781843653042
Publisher HarperCollins US, 2016
Preston-Gannon, Frann
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Sloth who came to stay, The
Amy's family is speedy! They are always in such a rush that there is no time to talk or play - until the afternoon Amy brings home a sloth. Then things start changing very, very slowly...
ISBN 9781760290221
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2017
Wild, Margaret & To, Vivienne
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Slowly! Slowly!
Slowly, slowly, you catch a monkey. Bongani wants to go to school but he is too young. To prove to his family that he is big and strong, just like his cousins, he tries to catch a monkey. Slowly, slowly, he must go. Luckily his family is there to school him in the lessons of patience and compassion.
ISBN 9781925563221
Publisher Wombat Books, 2017
Clark, T.M & Magisson, Helene (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Slug needs a hug
When it begins to bug slug that his mummy doesn't hug him, he leaves home to find out why. Kitten suggests he should be furrier, so he puts on a woolly hat, while Bird suggests he needs a beak. Many animals come up with various ideas to make slug more attractive. Soon, Slug has a new look to take home to his mum.
ISBN 9781742761428
Publisher Koala Books, 2015
Willis, Jeanne & Ross, Tony (ill)
Image currently unavailable
When Tom goes to grandma's place, he accidentally leaves Small, his toy mouse, at home. He misses Small terribly but Small is very loyal and does everything he can to get back to Tom.
ISBN 9780006647751
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2002
Vulliamy, Clara
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Small and big
Small and Big are best friends but they are very different. During a trip to the city, Big is loud and confident and certain that it's the big things in life that matter. Small is more reserved and finds beauty in the detail. In the city, Small and Big are so fascinated by the things they are seeing, they lose track of each other and, eventually, Small realises he is lost.
ISBN 9781922081476
Publisher Windy Hollow Books, 2015
Collum, Karen & Wood, Ben (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Smallest bilby and the Easter games, The
The rabbits have decided to hand over the job of delivering Easter eggs but don't know who will take their place. They decide to have some games to find out who has all the attributes needed to deliver the Easter eggs.
ISBN 9781876288778
Series The smallest bilby series (3 books)
Publisher Working Title Press, 2008
Hilton, Nette & Whatley, Bruce (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Smallest bilby and the Easter tale
It's the night before Easter and, for the first time, Billy and his band of little bilbies must deliver the eggs. But, when one of the bilbies gets into trouble, only Billy knows what to do.
ISBN 9781921504426
Series The smallest bilby series (3 books)
Publisher Working Title Press, 2012
Hilton, Nette & Whatley, Bruce (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Smallest bilby and the midnight star, The
The smallest bilby in the bilby patch has a favourite star that he looks for each night. He is frightened that the star will go away so he decides to give her something special to remember him.
ISBN 9781876288716
Series The smallest bilby series (3 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2006
Hilton, Nette & Whatley, Bruce (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Smallest bilby solves the biggest problem, The
Billy Bilby needs the help of his friends with a very important job at Easter. This is an electronic book, viewed on YouTube at
ISBN 9781111111113
Hilton, Nette & NSW students (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Smallest turtle, The
The smallest turtle is the last of his family to set out on the long journey to the sea. The sand is hot and there are many dangers.
ISBN 9780733322082
Publisher ABC Books, 1996
Dodd, Lynley
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Smeds and the Smoos, The
The Smeds, who are red never, play with the Smoos, who are blue. So what will they do when a young Smed and Smoo fall in love?
ISBN 9781407188898
Publisher Scholastic US, 2017
Donaldson, Julia & Scheffler, Axel (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Smelly book, The
There are many smelly things in life and this book tells us about them in a humorous way.
ISBN 9780099409618
Publisher Red Fox, 2001
Cole, Babette
Image currently unavailable
Smelly Louie
Louie, the dog, has just had a bath and he is not happy about it. He smells all wrong. Determined to get his Special Smell back, Louie goes on a hunt for it and meets lots of smelly things along the way. Louie wants his smell back and, more importantly, to keep it.
ISBN 9780230742505
Publisher Pan Macmillan London, 2014
Rayner, Catherine
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Smile cry
Happy or sad, wailing or glad - how do you feel today?
ISBN 9781921966989
Publisher EK Books, 2017
Mccartney, Tania & Racklyeft, Jess (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Smile, Maisy
Smile, Tallulah. Smile, Eddie. Smile, Charley. Maisy loves taking pictures of her friends smiling for the camera.
ISBN 9780763623685
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2007
Cousins, Lucy
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One of a series that traces the life cycle of plants and animals. A simple introduction to snails, their behaviour and appearance, emphasising their development from the day they hatch until they lay eggs of their own.
ISBN 9780749644314
Publisher Franklin Watts, 2002
Watts, Barrie
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Snail and the whale, The
One little snail longs to see the world and hitches a lift on the tail of an enormous whale. Together they go on an amazing journey, past icebergs and volcanoes, sharks and penguins, and the little snail feels so small in the vastness of the world. But when disaster strikes and the whale is beached in a bay, it's the tiny snail's big plan that saves the day.
ISBN 9780333982242
Publisher Pan MacMillan, 2003
Donaldson, Julia & Scheffler, Axel (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Snail and turtle are friends
Snail and Turtle are friends who enjoy walking, running and hiding together.
ISBN 9781743620236
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2014
King, Stephen Michael
Image currently unavailable
Snail's crowded house
The rain doesn't worry Snail, because he carries his own little house with him everywhere he goes. An ant, a rabbit and a little boy came running through the rain. One after the other they all ask Snail the same question, "Can I stay in your house until the rain stops?" How will Snail's shell hold them all?
ISBN 9781760360399
Publisher Starfish Bay Publishers, 2018
Tang, Sulan & Zheng, Suming (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Snake and the boy, The
As children play football in a country schoolyard, a boy takes to the bars in the playground, only to have a cunning green tree snake slither in and steal his apple.
ISBN 9781921248245
Publisher Magabala Books, 2011
Sebastian, Azmen
Image currently unavailable
Snakes awake
Pip explores the outdoors with her mum, hoping to find her favourite creature, a snake. Join her to discover the beauty and excitement of these remarkable reptiles and learn how to stay safe in the Australian bush
ISBN 9781925804928
Publisher Ford Street Publishing, 2022
Paine, Jarrod & Boland, Shannon (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Snap, went Chester
Chester is bored. He just can't think of anything to do until he discovers how much fun it is to go snap, snap, snap, at all the creatures around the waterhole. But, Chester is in for a big surprise.
ISBN 9780733614941
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (Australia), 2003
Cox, Tania & Miller, David
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Snow knows, The
In the winter woods, the snow knows where everyone goes.
ISBN 9781771084413
Publisher Nimbus Publishing LTD, 2019
McGrath, Jennifer & Bisaillon, Josee (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Snow White
A retelling of the much loved fairy tale, with surprises under each lift-up flap.
ISBN 9781846430237
Series Flip-up fairy tales series (28 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2006
Danson, Lesley (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Snow wombat, The
In Australia's High Country, it's a big journey through the snow for a little wombat, meeting animals, birds and people along the way. But, there's no place like home.
ISBN 9781760113810
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2016
Chambers, Susannah & Jackson, Mark (ill)
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Snowy's Christmas
Snowy is a little, white kangaroo that recognises he is not the same as the other red kangaroos. When his mother explains he is special, he is not sure that he understands. With his mother's encouragement, he goes off to have a very special adventure on Christmas Eve, helping to pull Santa's sleigh across Australia.
ISBN 9781741664409
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2009
Murphy, Sally & Murphy, David (ill)
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Snuffy, the little brown dog, finds a woman crying because she has lost her daughter. Snuffy sets off to find the daughter and bring her back safely.
ISBN 9781592260140
Publisher Big Tent Entertainment, 2004
Bruna, Dick
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Snug as a hug
Join all the animals as they settle down to rest. The text is a rhyming lullaby, with each page showing an Australian animal in a different environment. A perfect book to read before sleeptime.
ISBN 9781741695212
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2010
Vaughan, Marcia & Lofts, Pamela (ill)
Image currently unavailable
So shy
Jake is shy, so shy that he has no friends. His only playmate is his shadow. They do everything together, race along the beach, clamber over rocks and climb trees. But, shadows can't talk and Jake longs to laugh and joke with a real friend.
ISBN 9780735819672
Publisher North South Books, 2005
Morrison, Vicki & Hilb, Nora (ill)
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Sock monster, The
The sock monster is on the prowl and you have to wonder if you are in danger. The sock monster may be cranky, warty, scaly or naughty, but he is sure to be scary.
ISBN 9780734409911
Publisher Lothian Books, 2007
Melenhorst, Glenn & O'Connor, Sharon
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Solomon crocodile
Here comes trouble. Poor Solomon the crocodile is looking for some fun but no-one wants to play. The dragonflies tell him to buzz off, the storks get in a flap and the less said about the hippo, the better. But, then, somebody else starts causing trouble and, for once, it's not Solomon.
ISBN 9780230529229
Publisher MacMillan, 2011
Rayner, Catherine
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Some birds
Small and tall, flappy and fluttery, twitchers and tweeters. A feathery celebration of birds.
ISBN 9781910200667
Publisher David Fickling Books, 2016
Spink, Matt
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Some dads
Dads come in all shapes and sizes, with various interests, obsessions, foibles and personalities. Here are eleven animal dads to brighten your day.
ISBN 9781741697933
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2011
Bland, Nick
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Some dinosaurs are small
One small dinosaur is no match for three big dinosaurs, especially when they are hungry. Find out who little dinosaur can rely on to stop the bullies in their tracks.
ISBN 9781406394207
Publisher Walker Books, 2022
Voake, Charlotte
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Some families change
Families come in all shapes and sizes and sometimes they can change too. Sometimes people join our family and sometimes they leave, and sometimes changes can be hard to understand. But even when families change, there's one thing that never does. There are always people who love you.
ISBN 9781922539670
Publisher EK Books, 2024
Galatola, Jess & Barrand, Jenni (ill)
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Some Fish Have Moustaches
There are big fish and small fish, round fish and long fish, and fish of all shapes and sizes. But did you know that there are also fish who have ...moustaches? Celebrate all kinds of fish, and especially those with moustaches, in this fin-tastic picture book!
ISBN 9781922863256
Publisher Affirm Press, 2023
Walkinshaw, Heidi & Streich, Michel
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Some mums
Some mums are graceful and some mums are tough. Each mum has her own way of being a mum and they are all delightful!
ISBN 9781743626047
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2015
Bland, Nick
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Somebody's house
Follow a little girl as she walks along a street, looking at different houses and wondering who lives there. The little girl passes each, until she gets to the last house at the end of the street.
ISBN 9781921720338
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2013
Germein, Katrina & Stead, Anthea (ill)
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Somebody's land
Today, across Australia, young children everywhere will acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the traditional custodians of the land where we live, or go to school, preschool or care. This book is designed to help parents and carers have conversations with their children about what the acknowledgement means and why we do it.
ISBN 9781760526726
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2021
Goodes, Adam & Laing, Ellie & Hardy, David (ill)
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Something about a bear
Find out about eight bears in the wild, what they like to eat, their habitats and daily activities. Includes conservation information about bears.
ISBN 9781847805164
Publisher Frances Lincoln, 2014
Topics / Endangered species /
Morris, Jackie
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Something broken, something fixed
Amy likes to make things. Sometimes she uses broken things for parts. Sometimes things get broken. When her brother Finn goes looking for her, he follows a trail of broken objects from the house to the backyard. He fixes things along the way. But what has his creative little sister been making?
ISBN 9781761110825
Publisher Wombat Books, 2022
England, Kathryn & Lynch, Davilyn (ill)
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Something for Fleur
It's Fleur's birthday and her friend Bo is sending her a present. Can you guess what it is?
ISBN 9780734418104
Publisher Lothian Books, 2018
Pelosi, Catherine & Murray, Caitlin (ill)
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Something wonderful
Sam likes to pull things apart, put them back together and think about how things work. But, sometimes, he is so busy doing this, he forgets his chores on the family farm. One day, he creates something truly wonderful.
ISBN 9780670078455
Publisher Viking Children's, 2016
Caisley, Raewyn & Blair, Karen (ill)
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Somethingosaur, The
Long, long ago, where the dinosaurs roam, a cute little creature bursts out of an egg, but what on earth is it and where is its mum.
ISBN 9780007441266
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2012
Mitton, Tony & Ayto, Russell (ill)
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Sometimes cake
There is always a reason to have cake. Audrey and Lion celebrate the little things that make them happy such as Tuesdays and coconuts. They celebrate with cake and hats and balloons. One day Lion feels ordinary, so Audrey cheers him up by making ordinary special too - and lions.
ISBN 9781760650421
Publisher Walker Books, 2020
Wyatt, Edwina & Ainslie, Tamsin (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Somewhere in Australia
Australian animals and landscapes feature in this rhyming text. We are taken to the hot and dry centre where death adders live, to the rainforest floor of the Tassie devils and right around the different Australian habits.
ISBN 9781741695229
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2013
Pennacchio, Marcello & Snell, Danny (ill)
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Somewhere in the reef
Along the Great Barrier Reef, having fun in the sun, lived a mother dolphin and her little calf one. Leap, said the mother. I leap, said the one, as they leapt out of the water and had fun in the sun. Join the little dolphin calf and many more familiar ocean animals in this vivid counting book based on the classic rhyme Over in the Meadow.
ISBN 9781760159894
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2018
Pennacchio, Marcello & Snell, Danny (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Song for Lorkie, A
Lorkie is a Roofbird. His best friend is Brian and they've been friends since they were eggs. They live in the Valley of Roofs, where every bird has a song to sing except Lorkie. Lorkie wants to leave the rooftops and live on the Road, where he feels free, fast and fizzy. But, Brian thinks it's dangerous.
ISBN 9781742377186
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2011
Bowen, Dean (ill) & Castles, Jennifer
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Song in the city
A young blind girl, filled with the sounds of her beloved city, shares a song with her grandmother that changes the two forever. After helping Grandma realize that the city makes music as beautiful as the sounds they hear in church on Sunday morning, the two sit down and take in all the sounds of the city... together.
ISBN 9780063011120
Publisher HarperCollins Children's Books, 2022
Bernstrom, Daniel & Mohammed, Jenin (ill)
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Song of the river
Cam the mountain boy follows the river from its trickling source in the snow all the way to the sea. The river leads him through forest, farms and towns to the salty wind of the sea. The dramatic landscapes are packed with detail to discover in the world of the river.
ISBN 9781776572533
Publisher Gecko Press, 2019
Cowley, Joy & Andrews, Kimberly (ill)
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Sonoma meets Miss Mouse
A sob in the night awakes a little girl called Sonoma. She discovers a magical little mouse who is scared of the dark and hungry. Sonoma decides she must help the poor mouse.
ISBN 9781922134400
Publisher Harbour Publishing House, 2015
Morrissey, Di & Sydenham, Julie (ill)
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Sophie's masterpiece: a spider's tale
Sophie ages from a young artistic spider to an elderly lady too tired to travel further when she is not wanted. Every web that Sophie spins is more wondrous than the one before but only one person appreciates her at the boardinghouse.
ISBN 9780689801129
Publisher Simon & Schuster, 2001
Spinelli, Eileen & Dyer, Jane (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Sophie's prize
Sophie has won one hundred dollars in an art competition and she wonders what do with the money.
ISBN 9781925117073
Publisher Little Steps Publishing, 2014
Marston, Jennie & Watt, Lexie (ill)
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Sorry Wally
Casey and Shelly are brave brother and sister turtles who team up against the school bully when he hides their lunch box.
ISBN 9781920892524
Publisher Oceanic Imagery Publishing, 2007
Mayne, Troy
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Sounds spooky
In a rickety old house, spooky sounds fill the air. A crash, a slam, a snarl and a hiss. Who or what is making these sounds is yet to be discovered.
ISBN 9781864718799
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2011
Cheng, Christopher & Davis, Sarah (ill)
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Speedy sloth, The
It was finally time for the event of the year, Spike couldn't believe it - THE GREAT RACE was here! The other sloths said it couldn't be done, but Spike didn't care, she was ready to run!
ISBN 9781760974893
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2022
Young, Rebecca
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I built a ship from this and that. I named her Spirit. Could Spirit sail? I knew she could. A beautiful picture book about resilience, imagination and hope.
ISBN 9781925381771
Publisher Walker Books, 2018
Ryan, Cherri & Booth, Christina (ill)
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Spirit of hope
Dad works six days a week at the factory across the street but, each night when he comes home, the fun begins for the five Fairweather children. When the family is ordered to move out to make way for another factory, they despair of finding another house they can afford. Mary's favourite toy inspires them to make a new home in an unexpected place.
ISBN 9780734410696
Publisher Lothian Books, 2008
Graham, Bob
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When you turn the page, get ready for....SPLAT! A very messy fit of giggles.
ISBN 9780192749543
Publisher Oxford University Press, 2017
Burgerman, Jon
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Splat the cat
Splat is terrified of his first day of school and he tries all sorts of tricks to avoid going. But, Mum is not convinced and Splat is soon on his way, with mouse pal, Seymour, in his lunch box. Splat is welcomed enthusiastically by his cat classmates and lessons go smoothly until he learns that cats are supposed to chase mice, not have them as friends. Watch Splat's day turn around. Day Two is going to be much better.
ISBN 9780060831547
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2008
Scotton, Rob
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Splish, splash, splat
Splat doesn't want to have a play date with Spike because Spike will break his toys and eat all of his candy fish. And, Splat does not want to learn how to swim. He thinks water is horrible, scary and wet. He's sure that this is going to be the worst day ever. But, when the rest of their classmates rush straight into the pool, Splat and Spike find that they may have more in common than they thought.
ISBN 9780007432400
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2011
Scotton, Rob
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Splosh for the billabong
Splosh for the billabong at the shady bend of river. Brush for the flowers that burst in summer heat. A glorious celebration of country, animals and painting. Includes words translated into the Yanyuwa language, which is spoken by Aboriginal families in Borroloola, Northern Territory.
ISBN 9781760112127
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2015
Moriarty, Ros & Balarinji (ill) & Bradley, John (trans)
Image currently unavailable
Count all the spooky characters as they make their way to a party.
ISBN 9781843624226
Publisher Orchard Books, 2004
Topics / K-2 Numeracy /
Mitton, Tony & Parker-Rees, Guy (ill)
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Spot bakes a cake
It's his Dad's birthday, so Spot decides to surprise him by baking a cake. First he goes shopping for tasty ingredients then he starts cooking in the kitchen - and things get a little messy!
ISBN 9780723290926
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2014
Hill, eric
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Spot can count
In this classic Spot book, flaps on every page reveal an increasing number of surprises as every toddler's favourite puppy, Spot, counts from one to ten, meeting farm animals along the way. One small mouse under some sacks is followed by two squirrels in a tree - all the way to ten cows in a barn. This book is lots of fun and full of surprises - and the perfect early learning tool for children learning to count.
ISBN 9780141343792
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2013
Hill, Eric
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Spot goes on holiday
Join Spot and his family at the beach.
ISBN 9780140506990
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Puffin UK, 1985
Hill, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Spot goes surfing
For the first time ever, Spot is setting off on some special Australian adventures, meeting new friends and learning new things. In this story Spot is having fun at the beach, trying out surfing - and learning it's not as easy as it looks! A fantastic first experiences story - perfect for reassuring little ones who are trying new things.
ISBN 9780241351673
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2018
Hill, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Spot goes to school
Spot's first day at school turns out to be an exciting adventure as he and his friends take their first steps into the world of learning. This book is the perfect tool for parents readying themselves and their children for the concept of school, and all the fun that can be had there. Young children can learn along with everyone's favourite puppy, Spot, and his friends.
ISBN 9780141343785
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2013
Hill, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Spot goes to the beach
It's a sunny day at the beach -- and Spot is ready to have some fun and make new friends. Spot loves building sandcastles, but this time he decides to try something new: surfing! Spend a day at the beach along with Spot, his parents, and his new friends!
ISBN 9780241351826
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2019
Hill, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Spot goes to the farm
Lift the flaps to find what Spot discovers when he visits a farm.
ISBN 9780140509328
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Puffin UK, 1987
Hill, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Spot goes to the fire station
Spot knows just what he wants to be when he grows up - a fireman, just like his grandpa. When he visits Grandpa at the fire station, cheeky Spot slides down the pole, climbs the ladder, soaks Grandpa with the hose and finally sounds the noisy siren. Spot thinks he's a very good fireman, but perhaps Grandpa is not so sure! This entertaining story, featuring the much-loved Spot, is a perfect introduction to the excitement of the fire station.
ISBN 9780141375984
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2017
Hill, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Spot goes to the park
Join Spot when he visits the park with Helen, the hippopotamus.
ISBN 9780140549096
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Puffin UK, 1991
Hill, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Spot looks at shapes
Spot loves different shapes and he shares them with young readers. Dog Spot introduces shapes that are round, square, diamond, star, oblong, triangle, and oval. With colourful pictures and large type, this board book and its simple story should interest the very young.
ISBN 9780723266204
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2010
Hill, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Spot loves bedtime
Join Spot for a brand-new story. Spot is ready to snuggle down and go to sleep, but - oh no! - where's teddy . . . ? This simple, reassuring story is perfect for sharing at bedtime.
ISBN 9780141362861
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2016
Hill, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Spot loves his Dad
Spot story books have been delighting children and parents for years with their gentle storylines and bright, colourful scenes. Spot is always the star of these books and his experiences with his family, friends and the wider world are those experienced by very young children. In this addition to the 'Spot Loves' titles, Spot is spending time with his Dad. They do lots of fun things together - from playing football to flying a kite to feeding ducks. Spot loves Dad, and Dad loves Spot. This book is delightful for father and son to share together. And will make an especially lovely gift - for Father's Day, a birthday - or any other celebration day!
ISBN 9780241304051
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2017
Hill, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Spot loves his Mum
Spot loves spending time with his mum, Sally. Each spread shows Sally and Spot having fun together in this brightly coloured board book. From playing hide-and-seek to eating Sally's cakes, every day is a fun day with Spot and Sally!
ISBN 9780241303795
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2017
Hill, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Spot of bother, A
Pig is very proud of his neat appearance so he's horrified to discover a spot of squashed cherry on his side. His farmyard friends try to remove it, with disastrous results, and the spot of bother soon becomes a truly calamitous catastrophe.
ISBN 9781406347999
Publisher Walker Books, 2015
Emmett, Jonathan & Cabban, Vanessa (ill)
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Spot series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Spot series (36 books)
No book cover.
Spot visits his grandparents
Spot the dog goes to spend the day with his grandparents.
ISBN 9780140563733
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 1999
Hill, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Spot's baby sister
Lift the flaps to find out about Spot's baby sister.
ISBN 9780140542882
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Puffin UK, 1989
Hill, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Spot's Christmas
It's Christmas! Spot decorates the tree and wraps presents. Then he hangs up his stocking and waits for Father Christmas.
ISBN 9780241206119
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2016
Hill, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Spot's Easter surprise
Join Spot as he has fun with his friends on an Easter egg hunt.
ISBN 9780723258445
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2017
Hill, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Spot's fire engine
A brilliant book and toy in one! Join Spot for a fun day out at the fire station. Then play with the fire-engine shaped book - press the button to bring it to life with sound and flashing light. Spot is fun first friend for new experiences, early learning and stories you can play with!
ISBN 9780241382486
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2019
Hill, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Spot's first Easter
Spot goes on an exciting Easter hunt in this seasonal lift-the-flap tale by Eric Hill. The classic Spot story re-originated with special cover finishes and rescanned artwork.
ISBN 9780723263616
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2007
Hill, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Spot's First Walk
Spot discovers all sorts of exciting new things when he goes on his very first walk. This is another delightful lift-the-flap adventure with Eric Hill's adorable Spot the dog.
ISBN 9780141342757
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2012
Hill, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Spot's lift-the-flap peekaboo
This sturdy board book includes full-page shaped gatefold flaps with peep-through die-cuts on each one. Peep through the flaps to guess who's on the other side then turn over to see. Who's in the woods going for a walk? Peep through the trees and turn the flap . . . It's Spot! Who's in the garden watering the flowers? Peep through the window in the garden wall and turn the flap . . . It's Tom! Perfect peekaboo fun for all Spot fans.
ISBN 9780723295914
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2015
Hill, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Spot's new friend
Spot's going to Australia! For the first time ever, Spot is setting off on some special Australian adventures, meeting new friends and learning new things. In this story Spot is having fun at the beach, trying out surfing - and learning it's not as easy as it looks! A fantastic first experiences story - perfect for reassuring little ones who are trying new things.
ISBN 9780241351666
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2018
Hill, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Spot's noisy farm
Spot is helping his dad on the farm today. Young children will love to push the buttons to hear all the animal sounds and Spot's noisy tractor - the noisiest of them all!
ISBN 9780141358123
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2015
Hill, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Spot's opposites
Introduce toddlers to opposites with Eric Hill's lovable puppy Spot. This chunky book is filled with colourful illustrations of Spot in different scenes that will be familiar to toddlers. Perfect for reading with your child and helping them to learn about opposites. In this gently humorous book, each colourful scene shows a different pair of opposites from Spot's world. From hot to cold and up to down - opposites are presented in a simple way that will help children to understand the concept. This subject area is an important part of children's foundation stage.
ISBN 9780723268932
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2013
Hill, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Spot's story treasury
Join spot and his friends as they go on a picnic, play a new game, help Grandpa out in the garden and more!
ISBN 9780141369020
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2016
Hill, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Spotty dotty lady, The
A sad lady finds an unusual, spotty flower in her garden and is inspired to paint dots on her cups, kitchen and all over her house. Her neighbours soon become interested and the spotty flower breathes new life into the street.
ISBN 9781922142108
Publisher Magabala Books, 2014
Boyle, Josie & Martins, Fern (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Every day, Square brings a block out of his cave and pushes it up a steep hill. This is his work. When Circle floats by, she declares Square a genius, a sculptor! "This is a wonderful statue," she says. "It looks just like you!" But now Circle wants a sculpture of her own, a circle! Will the genius manage to create one? Even accidentally?
ISBN 9781406378658
Publisher Walker Books, 2018
Barnett, Mac & Klassen, Jon (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Squash and a squeeze, A
A little old lady thinks her home is too small. Her friend finds the best solution, filling the home with lots of animals so that it seems instantly bigger when they leave.
ISBN 9780864614681
Publisher Koala Books, 2003
Donaldson, Julia & Scheffler, Axel (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Squeak street
Meet the ten mice who live in Squeak Street.
ISBN 9781876288341
Publisher Working Title Press, 2002
Rodda, Emily
Image currently unavailable
Squish Rabbit's pet
Squish is just a little rabbit, but being little leads to big dreams. Most of all, Squish dreams of having a pet. Squish wants a puppy, but he doesn't know where to find one! With the help of his best friend, Twitch, Squish sets out to find the pet of his dreams.
ISBN 9780702260469
Publisher University of Queensland Press, 2019
Battersby, Katherine
Image currently unavailable
Stack of alpacas, A
Smashing and splashing! Jumping and thumping! Fighting and biting! Macca is looking after his nieces and nephew and they are nothing but trouble! How will Uncle Macca tame this unruly trio?
ISBN 9781742998848
Series Macca the alpaca series (5 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2019
Cosgrove, Matt
Image currently unavailable
Staircase to the moon
A young girl has a yearning to get to the moon. One night, she and her grandfather sneak away from home in a bid to climb the staircase to the moon. The pair brave blood-thirsty mosquitoes, dive-bombing fruit bats, boab trees that loom like giants and sinking mangrove mud before making it to the foot of the staircase.
ISBN 9781921248290
Publisher Magabala Books, 2011
Houston, Bronwyn
Image currently unavailable
It's very quiet in Stanley's house. There are no brothers or sisters, no dads or grannies, not even a cat, a budgie or a goldfish. Stanley lives with his human, Gerald, and Gerald's mum. Life is peaceful but, sometimes, Stanley feels quite lonely. Then, one day at the park, another dog steals Stanley's favourite red rubber ball and sets in motion a chain of events that will change Stanley's life forever.
ISBN 9780733332852
Publisher ABC Books, 2016
Thompson, Colin
Image currently unavailable
Stanley Paste
Stanley Paste is small, really small. And he hates it. But, when a new girl arrives at school, Stanley learns that being small is not so bad after all.
ISBN 9780670071807
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2009
Blabey, Aaron
Image currently unavailable
Little eyes are closing and it's time everyone was in bed. I wonder what the star sees.
ISBN 9780733322440
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2008
Prior, Natalie Jane & Pignataro, Anna (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Starfish and urchins (Marine life for young readers)
Very simple text with full page photographic illustrations that teach about marine life such as starfish and urchins. Contains a glossary and index.
ISBN 9780733912870
Series Marine life for young readers series (20 books)
Publisher Longman, 1999
Swartz, Stanley L & Yin, Robert (phot)
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Start with science series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Start with science series (5 books)
Waring, Geoff
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Starting school
Five children are off to school for the first time. There are new friends to make, fun ways to learn and lots of different things to discover.
ISBN 9780670076765
Publisher Penguin, 2013
Godwin, Jane & Walker, Anna (ill)
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State of origin
Using the club mascots and various Rugby League players and captains, these books will allow readers to read about Rugby League and their favourite clubs and players, whilst engaging with text and practicing reading strategies.
ISBN 9781458649294
Series Rugby League Reads K-2 League Stars (19 of 24)
Publisher MacMillan, 2011
Hirsch, Suzan & Bennett, John (ill)
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Steadfast tin soldier, The
A retelling of the much-loved fairy tale, with surprises under each lift-up flap.
ISBN 9781846434778
Series Flip-up fairy tales series (28 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2012
Stockham, Jess (ill)
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Stella brings the family
Stella's class is having a Mother's Day celebration and she is worried. Everyone else in her class has a mum, Howie even has two. But, Stella has two dads who take care of her, help with her homework and tuck her in at night. Stella doesn't have a mum to invite but she finds a unique solution to her party problem.
ISBN 9781452111902
Publisher Chronicle Books, 2015
Schiffer, Miriam B & Clifton-Brown, Holly (ill)
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Step inside science: Your body
Gurgle, sneeze, hiccup. There's so much going on inside your body that you can't even see. Step inside and find out how it all works - from eating to breathing to why your heart beats.
ISBN 9781474998864
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2022
Topics / K-2 Non-fiction /
Bryan, Lara & Bellon, Teresa (ill)
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Steve goes to carnival
Steve is a gorilla, who lives at a zoo in Rio. He loves to listens to jazz on the radio with his friend, Antonio the zookeeper. One night, Steve lifts the latch of his cage door and escapes to find Antonio. It's carnival time in Rio and a hat provides the perfect disguise for Steve. He follows the sounds of a saxophone and discovers Antonio playing in a quartet. When a beautiful dancer steps on to the dance floor, Steve takes her by the hand. They twirl and twist until, suddenly, Steve's hat falls off his head.
ISBN 9781925360219
Publisher Magabala Books, 2016
Button, Joshua & Wells, Robyn & Rau, Julia (photo)
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Steve's Sunday blues
There are so many things that are good about Sundays - walking the dog, splashing through puddles, eating yummy food. Even with all these good things happening, Steve has the Sunday blues.
ISBN 9780340797228
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (Australia), 2002
Layton, Neal
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Stick man
Stick Man lives in the family tree with his Stick Lady Love and their stick children three. But it's dangerous being a Stick Man. A dog wants to play with him, a swan builds her nest with him. He even ends up on a fire. How will he get back home.
ISBN 9781407132327
Publisher Scholastic UK, 2012
Donaldson, Julia & Scheffler, Axel (ill)
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Stickybeak is an unforgettable school pet who gets up to all sorts of mischief. He thinks he's a person. When a student takes Stickybeak home for the weekend, it proves to be a disaster.
ISBN 9780140541144
Publisher Puffin Australia, 1986
Edwards, Hazel & Wilson, Rosemary (ill)
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Stitches and stuffing
Adeline's beloved Bunnybear goes with her everywhere, but one night he is damaged by the dog. Nanna sews Bunnybear back together, but this new Bunnybear is stiff and strange and Adeline puts him on a shelf and leaves him there. Then Nanna goes away, and Adeline realises it is not just stitches and stuffing that holds Bunnybear together, it is love.
ISBN 9781760127787
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2017
Gallasch, Carrie & Acton, Sara (ill)
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Stone for Sascha, A
This year's summer vacation will be very different for a young girl and her family without Sascha, the beloved family dog, along for the ride. But a wistful walk along the beach to gather cool, polished stones becomes a brilliant turning point in the girl's grief. There, at the edge of a vast ocean beneath an infinite sky, she uncovers, alongside the reader, a profound and joyous truth.
ISBN 9780763665968
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2018
Becker, Aaron
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Stone soup
The weary fox stops at the farm gate and asks the animals if they have any food to spare. They are too mean to share so Fox asks for just a little water to make some stone soup. The curious animals crowd round to see how stone soup is made.
ISBN 9781862334366
Publisher Gullane Children's Books Ltd, 2001
Bonning, Tony & Hobson, Sally (ill)
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Stone soup
A retelling of the much loved fairy tale, with surprises under each lift-up flap.
ISBN 9781846430213
Series Flip-up fairy tales series (28 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2006
Stockham, Jess (ill)
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Stonecutter, The
A retelling of the much-loved fairy tale, with surprises under each lift-up flap.
ISBN 9781846434785
Series Flip-up fairy tales series (28 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2012
Barella, Laura (ill)
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Stop the dad jokes!
On a trip to the zoo, a kid finds out that even the animal dads think it's their job to tell really bad jokes. Somehow, dads all over the world think telling lame jokes is in their job description. And kids all over the world just have to groan.
ISBN 9781761043086
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2021
Beck, Adrian & Greiner, Simon (ill)
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Stormy day rescue
Clifford is in trouble all over town for his digging but, when a storm threatens the library, he may be the only one who can save it.
ISBN 9780439213608
Series Clifford series (80 books)
Publisher Scholastic US, 2001
Bridwell, Norman
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Story blanket, The
Babba Zarrah has a beautiful, woollen blanket which the children love to sit on to listen to her stories. But, when Babba realises that her neighbours need new clothes, she has another use for her blanket.
ISBN 9781842706947
Publisher Andersen Press Ltd, 2008
Wolff, Ferida & Savitz, Harriet May & Odriozola, Elena (ill)
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Story of Growl, The
Growl is a little monster who lives in Eucalyptus Drive and loves to growl. After scaring her neighbours one day, Growl is banned from growling and she doesn't know what to do.
ISBN 9780143503101
Publisher Penguin, 2010
Horacek, Judy
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Stubborn Stanley
Stanley loves inventing fun things to play with. But Stanley is so stubborn he won't let anyone else join in - no matter what! Can Stanley work out how to make things fun all by himself? Or will he have to come up with another plan...?
ISBN 9781760155025
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2017
Eckstrom, Nathaniel
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On a windy day, Charlie's kite gets caught in a big tree. All solutions to retrieve it fail, resulting in the tree being full of objects.
ISBN 9781921150463
Publisher Walker Books, 2009
Calder, Charlotte & Jackson, Mark (ill)
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Floyd gets his kite stuck up a tree. He throws up his shoe to shift it but that gets stuck too. So, he throws up his other shoe and that gets stuck too, along with a ladder, a pot of paint, the kitchen sink, an orang-utan and a whale, amongst other things.
ISBN 9780007263868
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2011
Jeffers, Oliver
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Stupid baby
There's a new baby in Simon's house. And Simon wants to know when the stupid baby is going back to the hospital. But, the baby is here to stay. Simon wonders about the scary wolves outside the house and whether his parents will still protect him now they have a stupid baby.
ISBN 9781877579325
Publisher Gecko Press, 2012
Blake, Stephanie
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Sugarlump and the unicorn
The unicorn has a silver horn, her eyes are bright and blue, and when she hears a horse's wish, she can make that wish come true. Sugarlump the rocking horse longs for adventure. But when a magical unicorn grants his wish, he soon discovers there's no match for the fun of playing with children. Is it too late to change his mind?
ISBN 9781509862665
Publisher Pan MacMillan, 2018
Topics / Poetry /
Donaldson, Julia & Monks, Lydia (ill)
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Rhyming pages illustrate family life in summer time. A good portrayal of Australian life.
ISBN 9781877035548
Publisher Brolly Books, 2005
Factor, June & Lester, Alison (ill)
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Summer party
The Dewdrop fairies are very excited about their summer party but things start to go wrong when Sweetpea, Poppy and Rose decide to cook a secret surprise. The chaos in the kitchen might mean the end of the party feast.
ISBN 9780552557528
Series Dewdrop series (6 of 8)
Publisher Random House Children's Books, 2008
MacCarthy, Patricia
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Summer rain
First, the land wakes in morning light. Turtles crawl and lizards creep. But, then, rain splatters on dusty ground and everything comes alive. A joyous serenade of northern Australian animals and landscapes in the rainy season. Words are translated into the Yanyuwa language, which is spoken by Aboriginal families in Borroloola, Northern Territory.
ISBN 9781760112110
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2015
Moriarty, Ros & Balarinji (ill) & Bradley, John (trans)
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It's morning, the sun is shining and all the animals are stirring. I wonder if someone else is awake.
ISBN 9780733322433
Publisher ABC Books, 2008
Prior, Natalie Jane & Pignataro, Anna (ill)
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Sunday skating
Clancy's friends skate through the quiet Sunday streets, while Clancy feels self-conscious, and embarrassed, that he's just a beginner. His board stays tucked under his arm; his feet stay firmly on the ground. But his friends aren't giving up on him and Clancy realises the only way forward is to step on his board and try... even if he might fall.
ISBN 9781761211232
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2023
Rowe, Andrea & Sommerville, Hannah (ill)
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A pirate hat. A sunny day. For Penguin Blue a game to play. So climb aboard your ship and let's set sail!
ISBN 9780008207397
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2017
Biddulph, Rob
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Sunny the shark
I'm Sunny the Shark and I love cruising the ocean with my pilot fish friends looking for food. Sometimes things in the water are not what they look like. Now a plastic ring is wrapped around my fin and its tricky to hunt.
ISBN 9781761065460
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2022
Lai, Remy
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A little girl wakes up as sunlight floods her room and she goes about her morning routine. She watches as her parents do the same. A book without text that tells the story through pictures.
ISBN 9780140503623
Publisher Puffin USA, 1983
Ormerod, Jan
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Super adventures of Ollie and Bea, The: Bats what friends are for
Ollie makes a new friend, but Bea is not so happy about it. Ollie decides to let Bea spend some time with his new friend and hope the two can get along.
ISBN 9781761066672
Series Ollie and Bea series NEW 2025 (3 of 99)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2022
Treml, Renee
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Super adventures of Ollie and Bea, The: It's owl good
Ollie is an owl who wears glasses. And Bea is a bunny with very big feet. Can they each help their friends to find their otter-ly awesome inner super hero?
ISBN 9781760526474
Series Ollie and Bea series NEW 2025 (1 of 99)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2021
Treml, Renee
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Super Adventures of Ollie and Bea, The: Otter-ly Ridiculous
A friendly game of hide-and-SQUEAK leads to a big S-QUARREL. Ollie and Bea need to help the Super Team friends settle their arguments so they can all HOPPILY play together.
ISBN 9781761068126
Series Ollie and Bea series NEW 2025 (6 of 99)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2023
Treml, Renee
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Super adventures of Ollie and Bea, The: Squeals on wheels
Ollie is having a hoot on his rollerskates, but Bea is full of excuses for why she can't join in. Will Bea realise that sometimes it's okay to look silly, and that real friends don't carrot all if you have very big feet?
ISBN 9781760526481
Series Ollie and Bea series NEW 2025 (2 of 99)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2021
Treml, Renee
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Super adventures of Ollie and Bea, The: Wise quackers
Ollie and Bea want to play detectives, but at first there does not seem to be any case for them to solve. When Ollie accidentally loses Bea's stuffed toy, they have their mystery.
ISBN 9781761066665
Series Ollie and Bea series NEW 2025 (4 of 99)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2022
Treml, Renee
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Super Nova
Nova's brother thinks she gets away with too much, until he finds out what she's really planning. And it's out of this world. Will he keep her secret? Super Nova tells the story of the most powerful force in the universe -- a little sister.
ISBN 9781925804300
Publisher Ford Street Publishing, 2019
Saclier, Krys & Timmis, Rebecca (ill)
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Super speedy sloth, The
Ever since she was small, Spike wished she could be a super speedy sloth on a great rescue spree. The other sloths said it just wasn't right but Spike was read to show them her might. A joyful and inspiring zero to hero story.
ISBN 9781760978488
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2023
Young, Rebecca & McKenzie, Heath (ill)
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Surfer boy Bo
Bo discovers a magical place beneath the waves. During his adventures, he sees wonderfully strange creatures and their beautiful homes. He also learns that parts of our underwater world are disappearing and it is up to all of us to look after our oceans.
ISBN 9781922134417
Publisher Harbour Publishing House, 2016
Morrissey, Di "Gigi" & Sydenham, Julie (ill)
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A broken-down ship, a loose button and an idea.
ISBN 9781406367768
Publisher Walker Books, 2016
Topics / K-2 Numeracy /
Light, Steve
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Swap, The
Mama Crocodile is taking the kids shopping and, as usual, she is gushing over the baby. Older sister, Caroline, is not happy. She thinks her baby brother dribbles and smells. She couldn't even think about being more jealous, if she tried. While waiting for her mother to come back from the hat shop, the very jealous Caroline decides to swap her baby brother at the Baby Shop nearby.
ISBN 9781921541414
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2013
Ormerod, Jan & Joyner, Andrew
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Sweet dreams, Maisy
Maisy basks in the comforts of bedtime in a gentle story sure to lull any child to sleep. The moon rises. The stars begin to shine. The world goes to sleep.
ISBN 9780763628741
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2007
Cousins, Lucy
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Sweetpea's surprise
Rose discovers a caterpillar munching on one of the leaves of her flower. The caterpillar goes and instead there's a hard shiny thing hanging from the leaf. Rose checks her flower every day and on the 14th day she finds something magical.
ISBN 9780552556538
Series Dewdrop series (8 books)
Publisher Random House Children's Books, 2008
MacCarthy, Patricia
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Swim in the sea, A
Bruno has never been to the beach before. And he can't wait. He is going for a swim in the big blue sea.
ISBN 9781921150494
Publisher Walker Books, 2013
Whiting, Sue & Thomas, Meredith (ill)
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Swirl by swirl: spirals in nature
Spiral shapes are all around us in nature. See what makes the tiny snail shell so beautiful and why that shape occurs in rushing rivers, in a flower bud, and even inside your ear. Celebrate the beauty and usefulness of this fascinating spiral shape.
ISBN 9780547315836
Publisher Houghton Mifflin, 2011
Topics / K-2 Numeracy /
Sidman, Joyce & Krommes, Beth (ill)
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Sylvester and Arnold
Two tough crocs, look tough, dress tough and act tough. They are about to get a shoc from a much nastier, bigger croc, called Big Betty.
ISBN 9781921714542
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2013
Bedford, David & Jellett, Tom (ill)
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Sylvia snail is in love with Simon and his luscious lettuce, choice cucumbers and buttery beans. But, being so small, Sylvia wonders how she can get Simon to notice her.
ISBN 9780702253140
Publisher University of Queensland Press, 2015
Sharp, Christine
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Sylvie is a flamingo who discovers that she is pink, like the other flamingoes, because she eats pink shrimps. Sylvie decides that you are what you eat so she keeps changing her diet, and ends up with some very interesting new looks.
ISBN 9780375857089
Publisher Random House Children's Books, 2009
Sattler, Jennifer
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