
Challenge Level : K-2 Challenge Level : 3-4 Challenge Level : 5-6 Challenge Level : 7-9 Challenge Level : 9plus
ID Title Author  
Looking after a pet helps children to understand caring for others. Children can find out how to choose and look after a pet rabbit, information about different breeds of rabbit and the animal's life cycle, from birth to adulthood.
ISBN 9781841383576
Publisher Belitha Press, 2000
Head, Honor & Burton, Jane (phot)
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Rabbit and the shadow, The
Enter the wonderful world of a curious cast. The Rabbit who wants to grow up, the anxious Stag, the Soldier at war, the Cat and his recurring dream, the Book that wants to know everything, and the Shadow. Find out how they grow up, learn to live together and deal with their fears.
ISBN 9780994109804
Publisher Book Island, 2014
Rutten, Melanie & Ardizzone, Sarah (trans)
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Having a rabbit is a big responsibility. Your rabbit relies on you for food, water and a safe place to live. If your rabbit is sick or injured, it relies on you to make sure it gets proper care. Find out all you need to know about having a rabbit as a pet.
ISBN 9781740705677
Series Pets series (6 books)
Publisher Pearson Education Australia, 2009
Pyers, Greg
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Race for the Chinese Zodiac, The
The Jade Emperor has declared a great race. The first animals to cross the river will win a place in the Chinese Zodiac. But, there are only twelve places to be won and thirteen animals line up along the shore.
ISBN 9781742031231
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2010
Wang, Gabrielle & Rippin, Sally (ill) & Abos, Regine (ill)
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Race to the finish
When Ben befriends an older boy called Craig, whose father races greyhounds, he is invited to come and see one of their dogs compete. Cassie is much less enthusiastic about greyhound racing, but Ben can't understand why. But when a greyhound is brought to the RSPCA shelter having been abandoned, Ben realises that, in the world of racing dogs, the greyhounds are never the real winners.
ISBN 9781742753423
Series RSPCA animal tales series (9 of 9)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2012
Harding, David
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Race to the ruins
Tam, Nina, Chiz and the outlaws must race against the wolves to reach a magical object first and prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.
ISBN 9781862917026
Series Wolf kingdom series (3 of 4)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2008
Harland, Richard & Peterson, Laura (ill)
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Race, The
Greg encounters many problems because his impaired sense of hearing can prevent him from succeeding at certain tasks that require being able to hear well.
ISBN 9781863882255
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 1997
Mattingley, Christobel & Spudvilas, Anne
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Race, The
The traditional fable of the tortoise and the hare is given a modern twist with a race across the world. Told in rhyme with interesting illustration technique.
ISBN 9781921098079
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2006
Repchuk, Caroline & Jay, Alison
Image currently unavailable
Rachel's story
Rachel is thirteen and a refugee. With her family, she flees her home country to escape the persecution they suffer as Christians living in a predominantly Muslim country. In her own words, Rachel describes the hostility and rejection of their community, as well as the courage and resilience they show in the face of immigration authorities, detention centres, and deportation. She shares the problems and challenges of settling in their new country.
ISBN 9780750278881
Series Seeking refuge series (5 books)
Publisher Wayland, 2016
Topics / Displacement /
Glynne, Andy & Maldonado, Salvador (ill)
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Racing the tide
Bonnie and Sam have a great summer adventure with the horses, mustering sheep for Bon's Aunty and Uncle along the coast. They unexpectedly find themselves caught up with some poachers who are illegally fishing abalone in Whale Bay.
ISBN 9781741148886
Series Bonnie and Sam series (3 of 4)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2008
Lester, Alison & Harvey, Roland (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Rain princess, The
An African adventure for the Little Princesses.
ISBN 9780099488330
Series Little princesses series (4 of 12)
Publisher Red Fox, 2006
Chase, Katie
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Rainbow Grey
Ten-year-old Ray Grey lives in the magical Weatherlands, high in the sky. Ray is surrounded by Weatherlings with astounding weather power at their fingertips . . . but she doesn't have ANY magic! Then, after a trip to Earth, Ray's life changes forever. She is transformed from Ray Grey into RAINBOW GREY! With the help of her best friends (and exploding cloud cat, Nim) now all Ray has to do is master her powers AND save the world from a mysterious, powerful enemy . . .
ISBN 9781405298728
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2021
Anderson, Laura Ellen
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Rainbow jackets
Five short stories showing the humour in everyday situations included are stories about bubbles, pet flies, cranky umbrellas and crazy kitchens.
ISBN 9781920731670
Publisher Fremantle Press, 2003
Forrestal, Elaine
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Rainbow, The
A nostalgic Australian story of friendship. This is a gentle tale of a girl, her brother and his best mate, who build a boat to sail down the creek one Sunday.
ISBN 9780734401755
Publisher Thomas C Lothian Pty Ltd, 2001
Crew, Gary & Rogers, Gregory
Image currently unavailable
Take a walk on the wild side and experience the wonders of the rainforest. Contains fascinating factual information about rainforests with plenty of descriptions and images.
ISBN 9781405304702
Series Eyewonder series (22 books)
Publisher Dorling Kindersley, 2004
Dorling Kindersley (pub)
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Raised by Frank
Frank was a busy cat. After all, he had two kids to raise. You see their parents went away, thinking their Aunt was looking after the children, but their Aunt thought their Uncle was. Poor Frank.
ISBN 9780734403575
Publisher Thomas C Lothian Pty Ltd, 2002
O'Neill, Dave & Morris, Kiran (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ramadan moon
Follow Ramadan from one new moon to the next.
ISBN 9781847802064
Publisher Frances Lincoln, 2011
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
Robert, Na'ima B & Adl, Shirin (ill)
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Rampage of the hungry giants
Jamie and Tom decide to practise their tracking skills in the secret Triassic dino world. With their little dinosaur friend, Wanna, in tow, they are soon on the trail of a herd of plateosaurs. But when a baby plateosaur is left behind, the boys and Wanna decide to help it get back to its herd. When they catch the herd up at a beautiful oasis, the boys sit down for a well-earned rest. But the plateosaurs are eating everything in sight, and the other creatures there don't look very happy about it, in fact they look like they might take out their anger on the boys! It's up to Jamie, Tom, and Wanna to divert the plateosaurs away from the oasis before they destroy everything.
ISBN 9780192729781
Series Dinosaur Cove series (15 of 13)
Publisher Oxford University Press, 2010
Stone, Rex & Spoor, Mike (ill)
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Rat in a stripy sock, A
Rat finds happiness in an unexpected place and explores how he can share it with his friends.
ISBN 9780733326615
Publisher ABC Books, 2010
Watts, Frances & Francis, David (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ratbags: Naughty for good
Rats cause mayhem and chaos. They're ratbags and they love it! Unlike the other rats, Jigsaw loves rules and never causes trouble. He is the odd rat out. That is, until the new pizza restaurant opens. When Jigsaw becomes obsessed with pizza, he can't help but break the rules. Caught between new ratbag friends, pizza and what he know is right, can Jigsaw find a way to be a friend to the ratbags but not a ratbag himself?
ISBN 9780143777441
Publisher Penguin, 2023
Harris, Tim & Gordon, Shiloh (ill)
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Rats and mice
Aspects of small pet care including sensible advice, health warnings and descriptions of the breeding behaviour and social needs of rats and mice.
ISBN 9781841383583
Publisher Belitha Press, 2003
Head, Honor & Burton, Jane (phot)
Image currently unavailable
Rattler's place
Guy and family have moved house but his favourite skateboard, toys and even Digby, the dog, have not yet arrived, delayed on the way by a flood. However, there is still so much to explore in this new location.
ISBN 9780140387124
Series Aussie bites (84 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 1998
Wrightson, Patricia
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Ray's Olympics
At school, Ray is bullied by the Leary brothers. He now has to find a way into the Olympics before they make mincemeat of him. The story is set in the period of the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games.
ISBN 9781876944438
Series Making tracks (12 of 17)
Publisher National Museum of Australia Press, 2006
Gleeson, Libby & Cox, David (ill)
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Raymangirrbuy dhawu - When I was a little girl
Written in English and Djambarrpuynu, this is a story about a young girl's childhood in Raymangirr, a Yolnu homeland in North-East Arnhem Land.
ISBN 9781922142306
Publisher Magabala Books, 2024
Gatjawarrawuy Mununggurr, Kylie
Image currently unavailable
This is the story of Raymond. An ordinary dog who, for a while, led an extraordinary life.
ISBN 9781406362428
Publisher Walker Books, 2017
Le Bec, Yann & Le Bec, Gwendel (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Reach for the stars and other advice for life's journey
You've got your whole life ahead of you. The road may be bumpy but, at the end of the day, you'll see the light and you might just find yourself on top of the world.
ISBN 9780864619730
Publisher Koala Books, 2010
Bloch, Serge
Image currently unavailable
Read this book and never fart again
'Everyone does it, but some people are embarrassed by it. Yes, we are talking about farts. When a boy asks the fart monster for help with the matter, he learns to appreciate his under thunder.
ISBN 9780733339042
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2021
Miller, Tim & Stanton, Matt (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ready, set, Boris
It's sports day and Boris, the warthog, is ready to run like he's never run before. He wants to beat Eddie, who always wins everything. But, all Frederick wants is not to come last, again. Go Boris.
ISBN 9780143305040
Series Boris series (6 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2011
Joyner, Andrew
Image currently unavailable
Ready, steady, grow
From sowing to harvesting, you can grow all kinds of plants, fruits and vegetables, from tasty tomatoes to pet-friendly plants. You don't even need a garden.
ISBN 9781740337717
Publisher Dorling Kindersley, 2010
Lock, Deborah (ed)
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Real pigeons series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Real pigeons series (7 books)
No book cover.
Real Pigeons: Duck trouble
Ever wonder why pigeons always act so weird? It's because they're out there chasing the bad guys and saving your butts! The Real Pigeons are amazing crime-fighters. So when they team up with some HUMAN SECRET AGENTS they think they'll be unbeatable! But then a strange MUTANT goes on a rampage. POCKETS start mysteriously vanishing from pants and jackets. And someone raises a terrifying army of ZOMPIGEONS. Worst of all - the agents have a SECRET of their own. And it's going to get our heroes into terrible TROUBLE - the kind they can't easily DUCK!
ISBN 9781760506872
Series Real pigeons series (9 of 7)
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2022
McDonald, Andrew & Wood, Ben (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Real pigeons: Eat danger
Ever wonder why pigeons always act so weird? It's because they're out there chasing the bad guys and saving your butts! The REAL PIGEONS aren't just an awesome squad of crime fighters who protect the city. They're also REAL FRIENDS. But with a deranged ostrich on the loose, a secret warehouse full of bottled birds and power-hungry ibis to deal with, can their friendship survive?
ISBN 9781760129309
Series Real pigeons series (2 of 7)
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2019
McDonald, Andrew & Wood, Ben (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Real pigeons: Fight crime
The Real Pigeons are a flock of pigeon heroes with special pigeon powers who solve mysteries. Why have the breadcrumbs disappeared? Who is kidnapping bats? Can the Real Pigeons save humans from a cunning crow with evil plans? If you are a fan of Bad Guys or Dog Man, this funny book is for you.
ISBN 9781760129293
Series Real pigeons series (1 of 7)
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2019
McDonald, Andrew & Wood, Ben (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Real pigeons: Flap out
Grandpoulter started the Real Pigeons to do GOOD. A battle evolves between Grandpoulter and his twin brother Silvercrop after a seedy human drops some very special seed. Now the Real pigeons have some tummy suckers to catch so they find a seed magnet and suck out the million dollar seed. Brimming with action each chapter reveals the hilarious situations Real Pigeons find, and Rock and Trent his pet twig have some rescuing to pull off because of a BAD twinnie. A lot of crop inflating and dove napping in this story!
ISBN 9781761211546
Series Real pigeons series (11 of 7)
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2023
McDonald, Andrew & Wood, Ben (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Real pigeons: Flex feathers
Ever wonder why pigeons always act so weird? It's because they're out there chasing the bad guys and saving your butts! The REAL PIGEONS use PIGEON POWERS to fight crime, solve mysteries and help creatures in the city. But when CONCRETE starts mysteriously MELTING in the city, a FEATHER-SNATCHER goes on a plucking-spree and an EVIL HAT has a plan to CLONE the Real Pigeons, our feathered heroes are going to need more than just PIGEON POWERS to save the day!
ISBN 9781760506858
Series Real pigeons series (7 of 7)
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2021
McDonald, Andrew & Wood, Ben (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Real pigeons: Get bready
The REAL PIGEONS are a team of crime-fighters who battle baddies wherever they go! But fighting crime is hard when the city mayor has BANNED all birds, a BREAD MONSTER is on the loose and EVIL BUNNIES are taking over! Can the Real Pigeons save the day when they're the ones in trouble?
ISBN 9781760505301
Series Real pigeons series (6 of 7)
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2020
McDonald, Andrew & Wood, Ben (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Real pigeons: Nest hard
Ever wonder why pigeons always act so weird? It's because they're out there chasing the bad guys and saving your butts! The crime-fighting birds known as the Real Pigeons have some mega mysteries to solve. Someone has been stealing from a vulture. A beastly child is lost in the park. And Homey's long-lost family have been bird-napped!
ISBN 9781760501105
Series Real pigeons series (3 of 7)
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2019
McDonald, Andrew & Wood, Ben (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Real pigeons: Peck punches
Who stole a rare jewel from the world's FURRIEST museum? Will a hungry weasel track down a hidden ENDANGERED BIRD before the REAL PIGEONS can? And how did an ancient tree VANISH overnight? No-one can protect a city like Rock, Frillback, Tumbler, Homey and Grandpouter. But it's not easy -- especially when they have a traitor in their own nest! Every Real Pigeons book contains THREE hilarious, silly and engrossing mysteries!
ISBN 9781760502911
Series Real pigeons series (5 of 7)
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2020
McDonald, Andrew & Wood, Ben (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Real pigeons: Splash back
In this hilarious best-selling series, the brave birds known as the REAL PIGEONS track down a DEMON who is draining every bath in the city, a PRANKSTER causing trouble in the beach town of CHIPOPOLIS and a shadowy bad guy who wants to make the world go DOTTY ... and end the Real Pigeons at the same time!
ISBN 9781760502256
Series Real pigeons series (4 of 7)
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2019
McDonald, Andrew & Wood, Ben (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Real pigeons: Spy high
The Real Pigeons solve high crimes by FLYING and SPYING everywhere! They zoom around in their NEST PLANE and wear CLOUDY disguises as they investigate weird mysteries. Like why are BIRDS FALLING out of the sky? Who KIT-NAPPED a notorious kitten called Clawzy? And why is a pack of LOCUSTS attacking them? But these missions become extra HIGH-RISK when a familiar FOX shows up and a PEREGRINE FALCON comes snapping. The pigeons will need to FLY like never before if they want to save the day - and avoid becoming FALCON SNACKS!
ISBN 9781743587416
Series Real pigeons series (8 of 7)
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2021
McDonald, Andrew; Wood, Ben (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Really, really
When Daisy gets left with the babysitter for the first time, she eats the note and tells Angela that she has ice-cream and chips for tea, and always stays up till midnight watching videos. Angela is not convinced but Daisy fibs, "Really, really." This might not seem like such a good plan when Mum gets home.
ISBN 9781862306585
Series Daisy series (2 of 15)
Publisher Red Fox, 2009
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
Gray, Kes & Sharratt, Nick (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Really, really Pearlie
Includes three Pearlie stories. Pearlie and the lost handbag - Mrs Brown has lost her red, spotty handbag and Pearlie and friends must solve the mystery. Pearlie and Jasper - It's an icy cold day when Pearlie has an unexpected visitor, a little elf whose home has been destroyed. Pearlie and the Christmas angel - it's nearly Christmas and the giant Christmas tree is glittering. But, a fierce, hot summer storm hits the park.
ISBN 9781741662351
Series Pearlie series (18 books)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2007
Harmer, Wendy & Zarb, Mike (ill) & Taylor, Gypsy (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Reconciliation - for younger students series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Reconciliation - for younger students series (10 books)
No book cover.
Red camel, The
This story is set in central Australia at the turn of the twentieth century. Ruby doesn't like working for the Wilsons. She wants to go back to Alice Springs to live with her mum and wonders if Idris, the Afghan boy who works with the camels, will help her to return home.
ISBN 9781876944698
Series Making tracks (16 of 17)
Publisher National Museum of Australia Press, 2008
Murray, Kirsty & Culkin-Lawrence, Teresa (ill)
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Red dirt diaries
Eleven year old Blue has resolved to keep a diary. Living on Hillrose Park with dust storms and drought you would expect life to be tough. Blue however is far to busy with a boy crazy best friend and twin brothers. Her parents are planning on sending Blue to boarding school next year too. Leeches and pigs make this a laugh out loud diary worth reading and sharing.
ISBN 9780733333941
Series Red dirt diaries series (1 of 3)
Publisher ABC Books, 2014
Nannestad, Katrina
Image currently unavailable
Red dirt diaries series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Red dirt diaries series (3 books)
Nannestad, Katrina
No book cover.
Red dirt diaries: Blue about love
Blue is now twelve years old and still living on the Hardbaked Plains and keeping a diary capturing the upcoming wedding of her beloved teacher. Blue is meant to be a bridesmaid. But should Miss McKenzie be getting married? How could she love someone named James Linley Welsh-Pearson?
ISBN 9780733333958
Series Red dirt diaries series (2 of 3)
Publisher ABC Books, 2014
Nannestad, Katrina
Image currently unavailable
Red dirt diaries: Blue's news
Blue is starting a local newspaper. She is also trying to convince beloved teacher Miss McKenzie to come back from Scotland and relieve her from her new teacher 'The Colonel'. With her twin brothers and best of intentions this is another hilarious year captured in her diary.
ISBN 9780733333965
Series Red dirt diaries series (3 of 3)
Publisher ABC Books, 2014
Nannestad, Katrina
Image currently unavailable
Red Ted and the lost things
One day, a little bear named Red Ted is accidentally left on the seat of a train by his owner and ends up in the place for lost things. He doesn't despair, however, he puts his mind to work. With the help of his new friends, a pessimistic crocodile and a cat with a fondness for cheese, Ted finds his way home to the little girl who loves and misses him.
ISBN 9781406310375
Publisher Walker Books, 2009
Topics / Graphic novels /
Rosen, Michael & Stewart, Joel (ill)
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Red-eyed tree frog
The red-eyed tree frog found in the rainforest of Central America spends the night searching for food while also being careful not to become dinner for some other animal.
ISBN 9780590871761
Publisher Scholastic US, 2000
Cowley, Joy & Bishop, NIc (phot) & Kampen, Van (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Redback on the toilet seat
A cane toad gets quite a surprise when he gets bitten by a redback spider when he sits on the outdoor toilet.
ISBN 9781862917521
Series Great Australian yarns series (7 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2008
Newton, Slim & Smith, Craig (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Reflection: Remembering those who serve in war
A family journeys through the early morning darkness. A group of young men huddle in a cold muddy trench. Reflection is a powerful tribute to those who have served their country.
ISBN 9781922179050
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2016
Sharpe Shelberg, Rebecka & Cowcher, Robin (ill)
Image currently unavailable
A small swamp past the edge of town is home to two wild blue-billed ducks. One day huge machines come to the swamp and out pours the swamp's precious water. The ducks become refugees.
ISBN 9780734406330
Publisher Thomas C Lothian Pty Ltd, 2004
Miller, David
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Reluctant dragon, The
From the author of The Wind in the Willows comes this delightful tale of a boy who discovers that there is a dragon living in the downs above his house. But this is no ordinary dragon - it's a smart, thoughtful and poetry-loving dragon. The boy and the dragon become friends, but the villagers also discover the dragon and send for the great dragon slayer St. George. The boy and the dragon need a plan, a plan that will save the life of this unique and delightful dragon.
ISBN 9781515403302
Grahame, Kenneth
Image currently unavailable
Remember me
A picture book that tells a touching story about children and their grandparents who sometimes forget things as they get older.
ISBN 9780947241322
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 1992
Wild, Margaret & Huxley, Dee (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Remembering Lionsville
We are taken back to the family home built by the author's grandfather generations ago and still lived in now by the family. The growing and preserving of food, communications with others, the way of life all beautifully and simply described with magnificent illustrations combining Aboriginal and western techniques.
ISBN 9781742373201
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2013
Bancroft, Bronwyn
Image currently unavailable
Remote rescue: An RFDS Adventure
What would you do if you were out in the middle of nowhere facing a medical emergency? Dawson, a quiet and cautious boy faces this exact situation. Sam, Dawson and Emma are on a road trip with their dad along the Oodnadatta Track. They have stopped at Farina once a vibrant farming and mining area, now a ghost town full of crumbling buildings Dawson's outgoing sisters start a game of tip, despite their Dad's warnings. As they run through the ruins Dad falls and inures his leg. Unable to move the three children have to organise help. Luckily some fellow travellers stop and they managed to call the Royal Flying Doctor Service. But until they arrive Dawson has to give first aid to his seriously injured Dad. Is he up to the challenge? Will his Dad survive?
ISBN 9780857988768
Publisher Penguin Random House Australia, 2016
Ivanoff, George
Image currently unavailable
Test yourself on twenty-two questions about reptiles. Don't look at the answers till you've had a go. Spectacular full colour photographs of reptiles are included on every page.
ISBN 9780545003933
Series True or false series (3 of 5)
Publisher Scholastic US, 2008
Berger, Melvin & Gilda
Image currently unavailable
Contains fascinating factual information about reptiles with plenty of descriptions and images.
ISBN 9781405306812
Series Eyewonder series (22 books)
Publisher Dorling Kindersley, 2004
Dorling Kindersley (pub)
Image currently unavailable
Simple factual information about reptiles. The book includes beautifully presented photographs and illustrations, a glossary and an index.
ISBN 9780733937583
Series Longman world of amphibians and reptiles series (10 books)
Publisher Pearson Education Australia, 2002
Meadows, Graham & Vial, Claire
Image currently unavailable
Find out why snakes swallow their meal whole, why geckos have to lick their eyes and how chameleons catch insects with their tongues.
ISBN 9780753413081
Series Kingfisher young knowledge series (19 books)
Publisher Kingfisher, 2009
Weber, Belinda
Image currently unavailable
Rescue and Jessica: A life-changing friendship
Rescue thought he'd grow up to be a Seeing Eye dog. When he gets the news that he's better suited to being a service dog, he's worried that he's not up to the task. Then he meets Jessica, a girl whose life is turning out differently from the way she'd imagined it, too. Now Jessica needs Rescue by her side to help her accomplish everyday tasks. And it turns out that Rescue can help Jessica see after all: a way forward, together, one step at a time.
ISBN 9780763696047
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2018
Kensky, Jessica & Downes, Patrick & Magoon, Scott (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Rescue on Nim's Island
Nim's father has invited scientists to the island to study algae and do some environmental experiments. Nim isn't keen on strangers roaming about her island but is pleased that her friend, Edmund, is coming to visit. When Nim discovers what some of the scientists are really interested in, she and the other children are in danger. Nim must protect herself, Edmund and her beloved island with its special treasures.
ISBN 9781743316788
Series Nim series (3 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2014
Orr, Wendy & Kelly, Geoff (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Rescued kitten, The
Edie and her friend Layla are on their way home from school when they discover a tiny ginger kitten caught up in some barbed wire. She looks weak and has a cut on her leg from the wire, so they rush her home to Edie's mum, a vet. Edie's mum isn't sure that the little kitten is going to make it, as she's too small to have been separated from her mother and needs bottle-feeding round the clock. But Edie is determined to nurse Barbie back to health and find out what has happened to the rest of the kittens in the litter and their mum. What if they're in danger, too?
ISBN 9781847159182
Series Holly Webb's kittens & puppies series (42 of 32)
Publisher Stripes, 2018
Webb, Holly & Williams, Sophy (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Rescued Puppy, The
Twins Georgia and Adam can't wait to go on their holiday to Cornwall - especially as it's the first time they're taking their new puppy, Lucky, with them. Lucky loves the seaside - chasing the waves, digging in the sand and the long cliff-top walks. One morning, unable to wait for Georgia and Adam, he sets off on his own. Unaware of the dangers, Lucky falls down a cliff and finds himself stranded, alone and hungry, and in need of rescue. Meanwhile, the search is on to find Lucky, but no one seems to have seen the little dog. How will Georgia and Adam ever find Lucky?
ISBN 9781847151681
Series Holly Webb's kittens & puppies series (9 of 32)
Publisher Stripes, 2011
Webb, Holly & Williams, Sophy (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Rescuing the plated lizard
When Jamie and Tom return to their secret dinosaur world, they realise that something's changed. The landscape is familiar but now very different. When they spot a herd of Stegosauruses, they realise they've switched from the Cretaceous to the Jurassic period. It's the same world but with completely different dinosaurs to discover. When a stegosaurus egg is washed away, the boys must rescue it and return it to its mother.
ISBN 9780192728364
Series Dinosaur Cove series (7 of 13)
Publisher Oxford University Press, 2009
Stone, Rex & Spoor, Mike (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Return to Cardamom
Caramel is an elf, but no ordinary elf - she is telepathic and has the ability to get trees and computers to do as she pleases and is an amateur sleuth. She thinks that someone is trying to destroy the cardamom crop which would then destroy the elf economy. The problem is nobody believes the threat except Caramel - can she make others believe and more importantly can she stop the dastardly deed.
ISBN 9780987372529
Publisher Cane River Pecan Co, 2013
Grasso, Julie Anne
Image currently unavailable
Revenge of the fang
Captain Teggs is no ordinary dinosaur, he's an astrosaur. On the spaceship DSS Sauropod, Teggs and his faithful crew right wrongs, fight evil and eat a lot of grass. Teggs' old friends, Blink and Dutch from Astrosaur Academy, have been dino-napped by a gang of his old enemies, the Brothers of the Fang. To save his school friends, Tegg must deliver top astrosaur secrets into their claws.
ISBN 9781862302556
Series Astrosaurs series (14 of 19)
Publisher Red Fox, 2008
Cole, Steve
Image currently unavailable
Rhino safari
Bindi and her family help transport a special rhino from South Africa to a national park in Mozambique. But when a tyre blows out, they realise they are not the only ones interested in the unusual cargo. Bindi and Robert hatch a plan to outwit some dangerous poachers.
ISBN 9781864718331
Series Bindi wildlife adventures series (16 of 20)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2011
Irwin, Bindi and others
Image currently unavailable
Simple factual information about the rhinoceros. The book includes beautifully presented photographs and illustrations, a glossary and an index.
ISBN 9780733923845
Series Longman world of animals series (20 books)
Publisher Pearson Education Australia, 2002
Meadows, Graham & Vial, Claire
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Rhyme time around the year
Attractively presented poems and illustrations that focus on seasons, festivals and special days around the world.
ISBN 9780192762269
Publisher Oxford University Press, 2001
Foster, John & Thompson, Carol (ill)
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Riddle of the raptors
Captain Teggs is no ordinary dinosaur, he's an astrosaur. On the spaceship, DSS Sauropod, Teggs and his faithful crew right wrongs, fight evil and eat lots of grass. In this first adventure, the astrosaurs face a fearsome enemy, a band of greedy carnivorous raptors who have kidnapped two athlete dinosaurs. The Captain must save the dinosaurs, escape from terrifying T-Rexes and save the Dinosaur Games.
ISBN 9780099472940
Series Astrosaurs series (1 of 19)
Publisher Red Fox, 2005
Cole, Steve
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Riding a donkey backwards: Wise and foolish tales of Mulla Nasruddin
Either the wisest man in the village or the biggest fool, Mulla Nasruddin, deals his unique sense of justice and wisdom to thieves, neighbours and religious men alike. Laugh out loud while you follow this trickster on his classic adventures to find out why he rides a donkey backwards.
ISBN 9781910959305
Publisher Otter-Barry books, 2018
Taylor, Sean & Theatre, Khayaal & Adl, Shirin (ill)
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Riding high series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Riding high series (6 books)
Kelly, Bernadette
No book cover.
Right word, The: Roget and his thesaurus
For shy, young Peter Mark Roget, books were his best companions and it wasn't long before he began writing his own. But, he didn't write stories, he wrote lists. Peter took his love for words and turned it to organising ideas, and finding exactly the right word to express just what he thought. His lists grew and grew, eventually turning into one of the most important reference books of all time.
ISBN 9780802853851
Publisher Eerdmans Books, 2014
Bryant, Jen & Sweet, Melissa (ill)
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Ringmaster, The
The Galliano girl had always wanted to be in the circus like her dad. Convincing the principal and the other children, like 'the dancing daydream', to take her seriously and the pain of arthritis, are large obstacles to overcome.
ISBN 9780864612304
Publisher Koala Books, 2000
Odgers, Sally & Stanley, David (ill)
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Rita's revenge
The ducks of Little Dismal are angry. A scruffy chicken called Clara has been telling lies about them. They need revenge. Enter Rita, a duck with a talent for poetry. After an embarrassing talent night, she sees revenge on Clara as a chance to restore her reputation. But Rita finds more than revenge. She uncovers a dastardly plan to chook nap Clara that will take them a long way from home. Warning this book includes mockery, rude songs, piracy, warfare and thuggery.
ISBN 9781761066009
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2022
Tanner, Lian & Orsini, Cheryl (ill)
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River boy
In the early 1880s, paddle steamers travelled the Australian rivers to supply inland properties. Nat, a thirteen year old, can't believe his luck when he is asked to help out on the 'Lorelei'. Nat has a lot to learn and must overcome his fear of water.
ISBN 9781876944391
Series Making tracks (11 of 17)
Publisher National Museum of Australia Press, 2006
Hill, Anthony & Rawlins, Donna (ill)
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River story
Follow a river's journey, beginning as a small stream from melted snow in the mountains, as it flows quietly past meadows, under bridges, through cities until, finally, emptying into the sea.
ISBN 9781406325935
Publisher Walker Books, 2015
Hooper, Meredith & Willey, Bee (ill)
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River, A
There is a river outside my window. I can see it stretching in both directions. Follow an imaginary journey from the city to the sea.
ISBN 9780670077441
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2015
Martin, Marc
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Rivers & lakes
Contains fascinating factual information about rivers and lankes with plenty of descriptions and images.
ISBN 9780751339468
Series Eyewonder series (22 books)
Publisher Dorling Kindersley, 2003
Holland, Simon
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Riz Chester: The counterfeit bust
Riz Chester seems like an average 10 year old girl. She doesn't think she has any special characteristics but Riz is exceptionally observant and notices things that often other people don't. She can pick twins apart, taste the difference between brands of cheese and feels scratchy tags on her clothes. One day whilst shopping with her mum, Riz notices that the cash feels different. A local Police officer takes interest in Riz's discovery and asks her questions. Riz discovers that there is a local counterfeit ring. With her special observational skills, science and help from her tech-savvy friends, Riz leads the Counterfeit Bust to try and solve the mystery of who is responsible.
ISBN 9781761111181
Publisher Wombat Books, 2023
Stephens, RA & Hammond, Em (ill)
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The Irwins are in Sumatra to collect three tiger cubs and Bindi finds herself tracking poachers in the jungle.
ISBN 9781864718515
Series Bindi wildlife adventures series (6 of 20)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2010
Irwin, Bindi and others
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Robber girl
A traditional style tale set in a snowy European forest landscape. The robber girl is contented in the forest with her animal companions, until a lost child comes into the forest and changes their lives forever.
ISBN 9780091840884
Publisher Red Fox, 2001
Wild, Margaret & Rawlins, Donna (ill)
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Robbie and the dolphins
Robbie, wheelchair-bound and lonely, wheels himself to the end of a jetty and sees a little dolphin. He soon realises the dolphin is asking for help. Robbie's courage and strength are tested when he helps both the dolphin and a returned soldier.
ISBN 9781876944421
Series Making tracks (3 of 17)
Publisher National Museum of Australia Press, 2006
D'Ath, Justin & Johnson, Jessica
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Robin Hood's best shot, Books for Boys
So you think you know everything there is to know about Robin Hood and his Merry Men. Well, find out about them before they were famous when they were just normal, young boys.
ISBN 9780340917978
Series Books for boys series (1 of 13)
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (UK), 2006
Whybrow, Ian & Ross, Tony (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Dogs make the perfect partners for police. Some breeds can wrestle robbers to the ground. Some can follow the scent of criminals on the run. Some can bark at baddies. But what if one dog could do these things and more? It would be the greatest police dog of all time. Meet Robodog.
ISBN 9780008581435
Publisher HarperCollins US, 2023
Walliams, David & Stower, Adam (ill)
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Robot and the bluebird, The
There was once a robot with a broken heart, good for nothing and expiring slowly on a scrap heap. Then, one winter's day, a migrating bluebird lands on his shoulder, too exhausted to go any further.
ISBN 9781842707326
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2008
Lucas, David
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Robot raiders, The
The Astrosaurs zoom through space towards Metka - an amazing new, automatic, computer-controlled and robot-filled super-city. When the city robots start disappearing, their inventor needs the help of Teggs and the gang.
ISBN 9781862305472
Series Astrosaurs series (16 of 19)
Publisher Red Fox, 2010
Cole, Steve
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Robots are everywhere - in the movies, on TV, in space and in games. Simple explanations and beautiful illustrations provide interesting information on robots.
ISBN 9780753456187
Series Kingfisher young knowledge series (19 books)
Publisher Kingfisher, 2003
Gifford, Clive
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Rock from the sky, The
Turtle really likes standing in his favorite spot. He likes it so much that he asks his friend Armadillo to come over and stand in it, too. But now that Armadillo is standing in that spot, he has a bad feeling about it . . .
ISBN 9781406395570
Publisher Walker Books, 2021
Klassen, Jon
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Rock pool secrets
Nestling between rocks, hiding in the seaweed, lift the flap and discover many rock pool secrets.
ISBN 9781922179357
Publisher Walker Books, 2017
Oliver, Narelle
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Rockets and other spacecraft
How rockets and other spacecraft work and look. Information on gravity and drag, how they are powered, built, steered and controlled. The book contains step-by-step instructions and plans for a fully working rocket powered by water pressure.
ISBN 9780749647292
Publisher Watts Publishing Group, 2003
Farndon, John
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Rocks and fossils
The three kinds of rocks are described, with additional information about crystals and erosion, including weathering by sand, wind, water and plants.
ISBN 9780753456194
Series Kingfisher young knowledge series (18 of 19)
Publisher Kingfisher, 2003
Pellant, Chris
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Rocks and minerals
Contains fascinating factual information about rocks and minerals with plenty of descriptions and images.
ISBN 9781405323826
Series Eyewonder series (22 books)
Publisher Dorling Kindersley, 2007
Dorling Kindersley (pub)
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Rocky Lobstar: Rocky to the rescue
Rocky is the star of Felidi's Fabulous Sideshow Carnival. But the show can't go on without a crowd! Can Rocky and his friends come up with a plan to save the show? Or is he destined to live in some aquarium's grotty touch pool?
ISBN 9781760664930
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2019
McManus, Rove
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Rocky Lobstar: Time travel tangle
Rocky Lobstar and his best mate, Goober, accidentally break Mr Felidi's prized antique tea set. But as luck would have it, a visiting professor has brought her time machine to Felidi's Fabulous Sideshow Carnival. Can Rocky and Goober turn back time and fix the tea set? Or will they cause an epic time travel catastrophe?
ISBN 9781760665067
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2020
McManus, Rove
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Rodney thinks of food
Rodney the handsome bull doesn't know how to chew his cud. A visit to the vet determines he is not a greedy bull but has a different problem that no one has identified.
ISBN 9780958146302
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2002
Winch, Gordon & Oliver, Tony (ill)
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Rodney's runaway nose
A springtime allergy is not usually the subject of poetry. But when the little trickle in the nose, featured in this poem, builds up to flood, the town is a riot.
ISBN 9780733307447
Publisher ABC Books, 1999
Tulloch, Richard
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Roland Wright at the joust
Roland has been a page at Twofold Castle for just a month but, already, he has impressed the king's bravest knights. He is excited about attending his first tournament. He is only meant to be watching but, when the fearsome Little Douglas, a page from a rival castle throws down a challenge, Roland is called on to fight.
ISBN 9781741663297
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2008
Davis, Tony & Rogers, Gregory (ill)
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Roland Wright future knight
Roland Wright is the youngest son of a blacksmith. More than anything, he wants to be a knight in armour but only boys from noble families have the chance to do so. When a suit of armour made by Roland's father saves the king's life, everything changes. Roland or his brother have the chance to become a page, the step on the road to becoming a knight.
ISBN 9781741662290
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2007
Davis, Tony & Rogers, Gregory (ill)
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Roland Wright, brand new page
Roland begins his training as a page at Twofold Castle. Things don't go very smoothly. The Queen is terrified of mice, which makes things look rather grim for Roland's pet mouse. Roland has to deal with the bullying, older page, Hector, and an elephant on the rampage as well as being away from his family.
ISBN 9781741662306
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2008
Davis, Tony & Rogers, Gregory (ill)
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Roller coaster
It's Matt's first time ever at the Fun Park. He loves all the rides except for the roller coaster, it scares him. He tells the family that he's saving it until the last. Thanks to Dad, he might just have a go.
ISBN 9780143301769
Series Aussie nibbles (51 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2005
Metzenthen, David & Sheehan, Peter (ill)
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Roller coaster
Roller coasters offer riders high speeds and thrilling drops. The fastest roller coasters can reach speeds over seventy kilometres per hour. Find out how roller coasters offer such fast, sky-high thrills.
ISBN 9781600143373
Series Torque series (12 books)
Publisher Bellwether Media, Inc, 2010
Von Finn, Denny
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Roman diary: journal of a young slave
The year is AD 102 and Iliona, an educated Greek girl, has been orphaned and sold as a slave in Rome. In time, Iliona discovers that the teeming city at the heart of the empire is a fascinating place. Through her eyes, we see the Roman army return in triumph, witness fighting gladiators, escape a house fire and discover how Roman women dress their hair.
ISBN 9781406325478
Publisher Walker Books, 2011
Platt, Richard & Parkins, David (ill)
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Roman fort
As you explore life on a Roman frontier, patrol with a windswept centurion, eavesdrop in the smelly toilets and visit a tasty Roman banquet.
ISBN 9781845071240
Series Fly on the wall series (4 books)
Publisher Frances Lincoln, 2006
Manning, Mick & Granstrom, Brita (ill)
Image currently unavailable
A beautifully presented book about the ancient Romans, including simple and interesting facts, an index, a glossary and web links.
ISBN 9780794507190
Series Usborne beginners series (23 of 44)
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2004
Daynes, Katie & Larkum, Adam
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Rope carrier, The
During the industrial revolution, ropemakers often lived in caves. Entire villages could be underground. Minnie Dakin, the youngest of the ropemaker's daughters, eventually follows her sister, Netty, who has gone to live in the city.
ISBN 9780099413639
Publisher Random House Canada, 2001
Tomlinson, Theresa
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Rory Branagan: Detective
Hello. I am Rory Branagan. I am actually a detective. People always say, 'How do you become a detective?' And I say, ' don't just FIND YOURSELF suddenly sneaking up on baddies, or diving out of the way as they shoot, or hurtling from an open plane towards the ground! You have to want it.' And what made ME want it? I needed to find out what happened to my dad...
ISBN 9780008265830
Publisher HarperCollins Children's Books, 2018
Clover, Andrew & Lazar, Ralph (ill)
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Rory rides
Rory's bike has big yellow wheels, a bell ... and training wheels. Can he learn to ride without them.
ISBN 9780734413994
Series Ava adds series (2 of 4)
Publisher Hachette Children's Books, 2013
Dubosarsky, Ursula & White, Annie (ill)
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Rose Raventhorpe Investigates: Rubies and Runaways
It is bitterly cold in Yorke and Rose Raventhorpe and her butler are stuck showing Rose's ghastly cousin Herbert around the city. During a service a Yorke's Cathedral, a young boy bursts in, declaring that his sister has been kidnapped. Soon Rose finds herself tangled up in a mystery involving fake antiques, a malodorous factory and a secret society of chimney sweeps. Tea is brewing and so is murder....
ISBN 9781510201316
Publisher Hachette Children's Books, 2017
Beacham, Janine
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Roses are blue
Amber Rose and her family are dealing with a terrible family tragedy. Amber has a new school, new friends and a new mum to get used. She wants her old mum back.
ISBN 9781922244376
Publisher Walker Books, 2014
Murphy, Sally & Evans, Gabriel (ill)
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Rosie and Ned and the creepy cave
Rosie would love to find a red feather from one of the red-capped robins that live along Ghost Gum Creek. Ned isn't so sure that's a good idea because that's where Witchy Nell lives. Just as Rosie finds her red feather, disaster strikes and it's up to Ned to save them.
ISBN 9780143305101
Series Aussie nibbles (51 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2010
Costain, Meredith & Burke, Tina (ill)
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Rosie and the bunyip
Rosie can hear something howling down by Ghost Gum Creek. She thinks it could be a big, scary bunyip so Rosie decides to go bunyip hunting.
ISBN 9780143303404
Series Aussie nibbles (51 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2008
Costain, Meredith & Burke, Tina (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Rosie Staples' minor magical misunderstanding
Rosie loves jokes and magic. But her next magic trick isn't a trick - it's magic for real. What could possibly go wrong. In the process Rosie learns some home truths. Some coarse language in context of humour.
ISBN 9780143304968
Series Aussie bites (84 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2010
Crowley, Cath & Watson, Judy (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Rosie to the rescue
Rosie's passion is fire engines and every week she gets to help her neighbour check the equipment on the town's fire engine. One day, Rosie gets to play a much more important role.
ISBN 9780143302858
Series Aussie nibbles (51 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2007
Costain, Meredith & Burke, Tina (ill)
Image currently unavailable
RSPCA animal tales series
Any five titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top of the screen.
Series RSPCA animal tales series (9 books)
No book cover.
Rubbish and recycling
Find out why we need to recycle and what happens to our rubbish after it is taken away. This book reveals the impact we have on our planet and environment, and how recycling creates new products such as clothes and stationary. Lots of interesting information, with photographs and internet links.
ISBN 9781474903202
Series Usborne beginners series (44 books)
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2016
Turnbull, Stephanie & Fox, Christyan (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ruby in the ruins
Ruby and Mum cling to each other while they live through the terrifying London Blitz, waiting for Dad to come home from the war. Day after day they hope for his return - but when the moment to meet him at the station finally comes, Ruby hardly recognises the tall man who steps off the train. He's big and sunburned, and he doesn't seem to be as engaged as he once was. It's easier to play outside in the wreckage of the bombings than to stay at home with a dad she doesn't know anymore. But when Ruby hurts her knee in the ruins, there's only one person who can rescue her and make her feel all right.
ISBN 9781406375893
Publisher Walker Books, 2018
Hughes, Shirley
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Ruby Red Shoes
Ruby lives in a colourful caravan with her grandmother. She is gentle and caring and spends her days looking after plants, animals and people, as well as playing with mulberries, to make hands a pretty colour.
ISBN 9780732293628
Series Ruby Red Shoes series (3 books)
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 2013
Knapp, Kate
Image currently unavailable
Ruby Red Shoes goes to London
Ruby and her grandmother love to travel and now they are in London, the home of red buses and letter boxes, and where Ruby's red shoes fit right in. There is so much to discover in London and Ruby spends many happy days exploring the sights. Ruby delights in all that this wonderful city has to offer, especially as she can share it with her family.
ISBN 9780732297626
Series Ruby Red Shoes series (3 books)
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 2016
Image currently unavailable
Ruby Red Shoes goes to Paris
Ruby Red Shoes and her grandmother are on holiday in Paris! Ruby is fizzing with excitement; her smart red shoes are aflutter as she explores cafes and markets dotted along cobblestone streets. Ruby practises her French, eats buttered baguettes, and beetles around on a scooter with a special new friend who shows her the sights. It is a time she will treasure forever.
ISBN 9780732297619
Series Ruby Red Shoes series (3 books)
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 2013
Knapp, Kate
Image currently unavailable
Ruby Red Shoes series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Ruby Red Shoes series (3 books)
No book cover.
Ruby red shoes: My wonderful grandmother
Ruby Red Shoes is an aware hare who lives in a colourful caravan with her grandmother, Babushka Galina Galushka. Ruby loves her grandmother very much and thinks she is wonderful for all sorts of very special reasons.
ISBN 9781460758885
Series Ruby Red Shoes series (3 books)
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 2020
Knapp, Kate
Image currently unavailable
Ruby's misadventure
Cassie and her friend Sarah are looking after Sarah's cat, Ruby, when her parents go away for a few days. Unfortunately, when they turn up to feed Ruby, she's unwell. Rushing her to the vet, Dr. Joe tells them she is very sick. With Ben and Florence in tow, the hunt is on to find out what has caused Ruby's illness before it's too late.
ISBN 9781742753287
Series RSPCA animal tales series (2 of 9)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2012
Kelly, Helen
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Rude Ramsay and the roaring radishes
Rude Ramsey lives in a ramshackle house and longs for something better. Ramsay and Ralph, the red-nosed rat, decide to leave. Students will enjoy their rumpus with food, using the letter R, and want to make up some verses of their own.
ISBN 9780747572923
Publisher Bloomsbury, 2005
Atwood, Margaret & Petricic, Dusan (ill)
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Rugby League Reads 3-4
Using the club mascots and various Rugby League players and captains, these books will allow readers to read about Rugby League and their favourite clubs and players, whilst engaging with text and practicing reading strategies. Any two titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Rugby League Reads 3-4 (4 books)
No book cover.
Run Damon run
Many centuries ago, when the ancient gods ruled the world, a powerful king named Dionysius killed and plundered without any mercy. Damon, the shepherd, tried to free the country from terror.
ISBN 9780091840761
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2000
Ingram, Anne
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Run, hare, run: The story of a drawing
As readers take up the cry of 'run, hare, run', they join his wild dash through fields and forests, farmyards, streets and lanes away from a pursuing hunter and hound. Exhausted, hare is finally caught, but he does not meet the end he expects.
ISBN 9781877003875
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2006
Winch, John
Image currently unavailable
Runaway princess, The
Princess Anna doesn't want to get married, so she runs away, with her beautiful dresses and disguised under a donkeyskin cloak to find her own happy ending.
ISBN 9781409535928
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2013
Dickins, Rosie (retold) & Coudray, E (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Running with the horses
Set during the second World War in Vienna at the Spanish Riding School famous for their Lipizzaners - the dancing white horses. Nina and her father must help the last of the horses flee the city. Nina's faith in an extraordinary old horse makes this an unforgettable story of courage, adventure and friendship.
ISBN 9780670868339
Publisher Viking Children's, 2009
Lester, Alison
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Runny babbit
A book of spoonerisms that kids will love. Zany, witty verse full of innovative topsy turvey language.
ISBN 9780060256531
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2005
Silverstein, Shel
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