
Challenge Level : K-2 Challenge Level : 3-4 Challenge Level : 5-6 Challenge Level : 7-9 Challenge Level : 9plus
ID Title Author  
It's time for Pablo to bust out of his shell. He's ready, but he's not going to rush things.
ISBN 9781776573240
Publisher Gecko Press, 2021
Rascal & Shugaar, Antony (trans)
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Paint with Magic
A touch of magic and suddenly all you paint comes to life. A tale brimming with imagination and creativity. What would you paint?
ISBN 9781922265098
Publisher Big Sky Publishing, 2019
Wooton, Sandi and Kan, Pat (ill)
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Painted ponies, The
Matilda loves staying at Grandma Lucky's, riding Luna in the front paddock and playing with the painted ponies in their carved wooden wagon. The gold palomino, the chestnut, the bay, the pinto, the brown and the dappley grey. One day, Lucky tells Matilda about when she was a little girl and the real ponies were her friends...
ISBN 9781741758894
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2019
Lester, Alison
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Pancakes for plum
Plum worries she's not good at anything. Big Brother is good at climbing trees and Second Brother is good at painting, but when Plum tries to join them, she discovers climbing and painting aren't really for her. Then she hears piano notes for the first time and her heart flips over like a pancake on a hot pan. Could playing the piano be the thing that's truly meant for her? Pancakes for Plum is a gentle, whimsical celebration of self-discovery, beautifully illustrated by remarkable new author-illustrator Rae Tan.
ISBN 9780734422491
Publisher Lothian Books, 2024
Tan, Rae
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Panda (watch me grow)
Discover how pandas grow through an animal's eye view and learn about the cycle of life in the natural world.
ISBN 9781405328678
Series Watch me grow series (13 books)
Publisher Dorling Kindersley, 2008
Dorling Kindersley
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When visiting the zoo, whatever you do, don't wake the panda.
ISBN 9781925163339
Publisher Fremantle Press, 2016
Owen, Chris & Nixon, Chris (ill)
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Pandora lives alone, in a world of broken things. No one ever comes to visit, so she spends her time gathering and mending what she can. But when a bird falls from the sky, slowly her world begins to change...
ISBN 9781847807496
Publisher Frances Lincoln, 2016
Turnbull, Victoria
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A colourful and hilarious celebration of pants which will appeal to the very young. Each double-page depicts a different type of pants. There are also musical versions of this book.
ISBN 9780552548335
Publisher Corgi Books, 2003
Andreae, Giles & Sharratt, Nick (ill)
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Papa Sky
Papa Sky sits where earth meets sky, until one night the wind blows him down, down, down through the cloud forest, where he lands with a bump. What will happen next? Who will help him?
ISBN 9781925227291
Publisher MidnightSun Publishing, 2017
Heinrich, Sally & Jolly, Jane (ill)
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Papa, please get the moon for me
A little girl, Monica, sees the moon from her bedroom window and wants to play with it. Her father sets out to bring it to her - it isn't easy to climb to the moon.
ISBN 9780689829598
Publisher Simon & Schuster, 1999
Carle, Eric
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The parachute is the first thing Toby puts on each morning. It gives him the courage to deal with all kinds of tricky situations, such as getting out of bed and riding his bike. But sometimes someone else's trouble can be greater than your own and they need his parachute more than he does.
ISBN 9781921894206
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2013
Parker, Danny & Ottley, Matt (ill)
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Park in the dark, The
Deserted parks seem exciting places after dark. The toy monkey and his friends, Loopy, the elephant and Little Gee, the dog, creep out of the bedroom as the moon rises. But, when the night train comes to chase them, they all run home.
ISBN 9780744594089
Publisher Walker Books, 2002
Waddell, Martin & Firth, Barbara (ill)
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Parrot carrot
See what happens when you mix animals that rhyme with objects and then illustrate them. Lots of mixed-up animals and humour.
ISBN 9781742376868
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2011
Temple, Jol & Temple, Kate & Foye, Jon (ill)
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Particular cow, A
The particular cow in this story is everything the word conveys. She is individual, special, specific and noteworthy but she is not very good at taking care which leads to riotous catastrophes.
ISBN 9780152002503
Publisher Harcourt Children's Books, 2006
Fox, Mem & Denton, Terry (ill)
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Passing on
A boy shares a very special bond with his grandma and his life changes when she dies. The book shows how he deals with his grief, how he can think lovingly about the people who have died and pass on memories and feelings.
ISBN 9780091840839
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2001
Dumbleton, Mike & Denton, Terry (ill)
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Patch and Ruby
Patch the pony is lonely. Sometimes it feels as if he doesn't quite fit in on the farm. But one day something happens that changes his life forever.
ISBN 9781925335224
Publisher EK Books, 2016
Jones, Anouska & Jones, Gwynneth (ill)
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Patchwork bike, The
When you live in a village at the edge of the no-go desert, you need to make your own fun. That's when you and your brothers get inventive and build a bike from scratch, using everyday items like an old milk pot and a used flour sack. You can even make a number plate from bark, if you want. The end result is a spectacular bike, perfect for going bumpetty bump over sand hills, past your fed-up mum and right through your mud-for-walls home.
ISBN 9780734416681
Publisher Hachette Children's Books, 2016
Beneba Clarke, Maxine & Rudd, Van T (ill)
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I waited and waited patiently for something I wanted desperately.
ISBN 9781921632587
Series The invisible tree series (5 books)
Publisher Wombat Books, 2014
Lowe, Kirrily & Smith, Henry (ill)
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Patricia's head was filled with wonderful, amazing thoughts. All she needed was someone to share them with.
ISBN 9781865049380
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2006
King, Stephen Michael
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Pattan's pumpkin: An Indian flood story
Pattan finds an ailing flower and decides to plant it near his hut and nurture it. To Pattan's surprise, the flower changes into a magnificent pumpkin and grows until it reaches the summit of the mountain. When the storm clouds burst and the waters rise, Pattan's pumpkin just might save the family.
ISBN 9781910959442
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2016
Soundar, Chitra & Lessac, Frane (ill)
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Pau: The Last Song of the Kaua'i 'o'o
This book takes you on a journey way back in time. If you listen closely you will hear the sound of the 'o'o bird. Over time, that song grows fainter and fainter until it disappears completely. The 'o'o bird is no more; it is pau (lost forever). What has happened to the o'o' bird? Why did its journey end?
ISBN 9781536219494
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2024
Piedra, Tony & Joy, Mackenzie
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Pea + Nut, go for gold!
Pea, wants to sleep under his umbrella in the shade and Nut wants to jump in the swimming pool. Can Nut convince Pea to swim a race to other end of the pool? What shenanigans will Pea and Nut get up to in order to win the race?
ISBN 9780733340680
Publisher ABC Books, 2020
Stanton, Matt
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Pea pod lullaby
I am the small green pea, you are the tender pod, hold me. Pea pod lullaby is an inspiring and timely story of courage, endurance and hope, for a world in which we can reach out and embrace one another.
ISBN 9781760290085
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2017
Millard, Glenda & King, Stephen Michael (ill)
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Polly finds peace in a storm, surprising as it may seem. A gentle reminder to share and care for others, as well as enjoy the affection we receive.
ISBN 9781925139143
Series The invisible tree series (5 books)
Publisher Wombat Books, 2014
Lowe, Kirrily & Smith, Henry (ill)
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Peace at last
Mr Bear spends the night searching for enough peace and quiet to get a little sleep.
ISBN 9780803767577
Publisher Dial Books (Penguin), 1984
Murphy, Jill
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Peace book, The
Discover the many different things that can mean peace to different people. See if you agree, or tell someone what peace means to you.
ISBN 9780733319761
Publisher ABC Books, 2004
Parr, Todd
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Peanut goes for the gold
Peanut does things in their own way. They love cartwheeling and having banana pancakes! When they decide to become a rhythmic gymnast, nothing will stop them. Their routine is perfect - perfectly Peanut!
ISBN 9780062941008
Publisher HarperCollins US, 2020
Van Ness, Jonathan & Reid, Gillian (ill)
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Pear in the pear tree, The
When John and Jane go out walking, what do they see? They see a pear in the pear tree. The problems of how to get the pear from a branch that is too high for them sets in motion a funny and unlikely chain of events.
ISBN 9780140564976
Publisher Penguin, 2000
Allen, Pamela
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Pear of hope
Told through sensitive words and beautiful illustrations, this is a story of hope for any child who might be struggling to feel positive, whatever journey they may be on.
ISBN 9781925820867
Publisher EK Books, 2021
Shurety, Wenda & Hudson, Deb (ill)
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Pearl Barley and Charlie Parsley
Pearl Barley and Charlie Parsley are friends, really great friends, much to the amazement of others because the two are so different in personality. The book looks at how their differences make their friendship so strong.
ISBN 9780670070947
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2007
Blabey, Aaron
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Peas and quiet
Best friends Pip and Pop live in peapod, but sometimes it can get a little too cosy- especially because they are so different! Pip loves to sing, while Pop won't stop snoring. How are they ever going to work out how to live together?
ISBN 9781460752395
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 2017
Tozer, Gabrielle & deGennaro, Sue (ill)
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Peas in a pod
Pippa, Pia, Poppy, Polly and Peg are quintuplets. Since birth, the five sisters have looked the same, sat the same, eaten the same, slept the same and even cried the same. Mum and Dad want to keep their adorable, identical girls forever matching, like peas in a pod. But, as the sisters grow, they discover they are not the same. In fact, they are very different from each other.
ISBN 9781921966712
Publisher Exisle Publishing, 2015
McCartney, Tania & Snerling, Tina (ill)
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Pecan pie baby
Gia is tired of hearing about the new baby. It hasn't even been born yet, but everyone, even her friends, seem fixated on it. Gia thinks things are fine just the way they are and is worried about what's going to happen to her nice, cosy life with Mama.
ISBN 9780399239878
Publisher Putnam, 2010
Woodson, Jacqueline & Blackall, Sophie (ill)
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Peeking ducks
Three young ducklings live with their parents and sister on a quiet stream. Ignoring instructions against exploring too far, the trio investigate the much larger River Li, where they soon find out how much they still need to learn to be safe.
ISBN 9781921136450
Publisher Windy Hollow Books, 2010
Bell, Krista & Rippin, Sally (ill)
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On each page, there is a clever hole to peep through so you can see what the baby sees.
ISBN 9780670871766
Publisher Penguin, 1997
Ahlberg, Janet & Allan
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Peg and Cat: The camp problem
Welcome to Camp Niniwawa. Peg + Cat are joined by their friends Richard and Aki, and together they are Gopher Bunk! But, working together, over coming homesickness and using their problem-solving skills are all needed if they are to score 100 points against Raccoon Bunk.
ISBN 9780763699222
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2018
Topics / STEM /
Oxley, Jennifer & Aronson, Billy (ill)
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Peggy lives in a small house in a quiet street. One blustery day a big gust of wind sweeps down and scoops up leaves, twigs and... Peggy! The wind blows Peggy into the city where she discovers strange new things, but how will she find her way back home?
ISBN 9781742832708
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2012
Walker, Anna
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Pen pal club, The
Follow pen pals Maria, Ruby, Jack and Ahn as they write letters to each other from different parts of Australia. They discover interesting things about the life of their pen pal and the part of Australia they are from all while growing friendships.
ISBN 9780648525103
Publisher Australia Post, 2020
Morgan, Sally & White, Annie (ill)
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Ben just can't seem to get the response he wants to out of his toy, Penguin. When it's needed, Penguin shows himself to be a toy of action with his own special way of talking.
ISBN 9781844280650
Publisher Walker Books, 2007
Dunbar, Polly
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Penguin (Watch me grow)
Find out about the wonderful world of Emperor penguins, from their courtship rituals through to the birth of the chicks.
ISBN 9780756602635
Series Watch me grow series (13 books)
Dorling Kindersley
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Penguin huddle
The penguin family squeeze and squish together to stay warm and cosy all night long. Then one morning they wake up frozen together like a giant penguin ice pop! How will they solve this penguin puzzle? Pipsqueak, the smallest of them all, has an idea.....
ISBN 9781406389838
Publisher Walker Books, 2022
Montgomery, Ross & Warburton, Sarah (ill)
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Penguin oh Penguin
Can Penguin make it back to its family?
ISBN 9781875641697
Publisher Magabala Books, 2023
Milroy, Gladys & Milroy, Helen
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Peppa loves our planet
It is Love Our Planet Week at playgroup and Madame Gazelle asks the children to make a scrapbook of all the things they can do to help look after our planet. Peppa and George recycle, grow their own vegetables, turn off the taps when they are brushing their teeth, and scooter to playgroup instead of going in the car. They learn that every little thing makes a BIG difference!
ISBN 9780241436721
Publisher Penguin, 2020
Holowaty, Lauren (adapt) & Astley, Neville (ill) & Baker, Mark (ill)
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On a perfect day, the hours stretch endlessly ahead. Three children scribble with chalk, run with kites, dig for shells, paddle, climb and dream.
ISBN 9781760125554
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2015
Parker, Danny & Blackwood, Freya (ill)
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Perfect leaf, The
Two girls meet under the wind-tossed Autumn trees. Knee-deep in the fallen leaves they search for the perfect leaf. But they find something much more wonderful.
ISBN 9781925736014
Publisher Ford Street Publishing, 2018
Plant, Andrew
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Perfect present, The
Henry has the perfect pet, a duck called Spot, who thinks he's found the perfect present for Henry's birthday. But, when the big day comes, Henry's grandparents arrive with a perfect present of their own, a strange and wobbling box. This could change things between Spot and Henry forever.
ISBN 9780670074761
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2011
Roberton, Fiona
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Perfect thing, The
No problem is too big for Lily's grandpa. He knows how to solve all of them. He always knows the perfect thing.
ISBN 9781742991122
Publisher Omnibus Books, 2017
Morgan, Sally & Kwaymullina, Ambelin (ill)
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Perky little penguins
Follow the delightful little penguins as they slide and jump and waddle around in their world of ice and snow.
ISBN 9781846163388
Publisher Orchard Books, 2007
Mitton, Tony & Parker-Rees, Guy (ill)
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Pet fish
Tells how to keep fish as pets and contains lots of fishy facts.
ISBN 9780822512677
Publisher Lerner Publishing Group, 2003
Nelson, Robin
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Pet guinea pig
Introductory book on how to keep a guinea pig as a pet plus lots of facts about the animals.
ISBN 9780822512684
Publisher Lerner Publishing Group, 2003
Nelson, Robin
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Petunia Paris's parrot
Petunia Paris lives a life of luxury and has everything she could possibly want, from a swimming pool to a bicycle with its very own chauffeur. When she requests a parrot for her fifth birthday, a parrot is what Petunia gets. The problem is, Petunia Paris's parrot doesn't do what Petunia Paris wants it to.
ISBN 9781760403690
Publisher The Five Mile Press Pty Ltd, 2016
Haworth, Katie & Williamson, Jo (I'll)
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Pidge's poppies
Pidge's Poppies brings to light the message of hope with the symbol of the red poppy in a curious, delightful way when two pigeons tell a story about building a nest in the Australian War Memorial from cloth poppies strewn among the name plates of those who fought the war and lost their lives doing so. Pidge's remembering of how important carrier pigeons were in communication is both factual and comforting when the nest is complete.
ISBN 9781922696380
Publisher Ford Street Publishing, 2024
Andrews, Jan & Ide, Timothy (ill)
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Pied Piper of Hamelin, The
A retelling of the much-loved fairy tale, with surprises under each lift-up flap.
ISBN 9781846434808
Series Flip-up fairy tales series (28 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2012
Vasquez, Natalia
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Pig called Pete series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Pig called Pete series (5 books)
Bowater, Alan & Pascoe, Pete (ill)
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Pig called Pete, A
Pete zooms, glides and hovers as he takes the reader on a journey to exotic places. Unlike ordinary pigs, Pete is purple and has wings.
ISBN 9780980283662
Series Pig called Pete series (1 of 5)
Publisher JoJo Publishing, 2007
Bowater, Alan & Pascoe, Pete (ill)
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Pig gets lost
Curly, the pig, goes missing. Mrs Boots, Sam, Poppy and Rusty, the dog, must find him. It's a very muddy job.
ISBN 9780746063149
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2005
Amery, Heather & Cartwright, Stephen(ill)
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Pig in a wig
The pig was feeling pretty good - even better than a piggy should. His skin was pink. His eyes were big, and he was wearing a glorious wig! When a wig lands on a pig, expect the unexpected in this hilarious tale of mistaken identity!
ISBN 9781742762654
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2018
Krebs, Chrissie
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Pig in the pond, The
Neligan's pig sits by the pond, watching the ducks and geese play on the cool water. The pig gets hotter and hotter and the ducks and geese get louder and louder. The pig has to find a solution to this problem.
ISBN 9780744543919
Publisher Walker Books, 1966
Waddell, Martin & Barton, Jill (ill)
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Pig the blob
Pig is the world's LAZIEST Pug. There's nothing that can make him put down the snacks and get off the couch! Or is there...?
ISBN 9781743833476
Series Pig the pug series (7 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2020
Blabey, Aaron
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Pig the elf
No one loves Christmas more than Pig. But, watch out. The world's greediest Pug will stay up all night to get his presents.
ISBN 9781760154271
Series Pig the pug series (7 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2016
Blabey, Aaron
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Pig the fibber
Pig, the world's greediest Pug, tells great big lies and blames poor Trevor. Pig needs to learn a lesson.
ISBN 9781743629062
Series Pig the pug series (7 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2015
Blabey, Aaron
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Pig the grub
Eww! What a stinker! Pig isn't just the world's greediest Pug, he's the DIRTIEST too. It's high time he had a bath! But try telling Pig that . . .
ISBN 9781742769691
Series Pig the pug series (7 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2018
Blabey, Aaron
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Pig the pug
Pig was a pug and, I'm sorry to say, he was greedy and selfish in most every way.
ISBN 9781743624777
Series Pig the pug series (7 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2014
Blabey, Aaron
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Pig the pug series
Any five titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top of the screen.
Series Pig the pug series (7 books)
No book cover.
Pig the star
Pig just LOVES attention. In fact, he's a great, big show-off. But when another star appears at the photo shoot, Pig doesn't like it. No, Pig doesn't like it at all...
ISBN 9781743812754
Series Pig the pug series (7 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2017
Blabey, Aaron
Image currently unavailable
Pig the tourist
You can't take him anywhere! When Pig, the world's greediest Pug, goes on holiday, he causes CHAOS wherever he travels! But every party must come to an end.
ISBN 9781742994123
Series Pig the pug series (7 of 7)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2019
Blabey, Aaron
Image currently unavailable
Pig the winner
Pig is a pug and, I'm sorry to say, if he doesn't come first it will ruin his day. Pig, the world's greediest Pug, won't play fair. He'll do anything to win.
ISBN 9781760154288
Series Pig the pug series (7 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2016
Blabey, Aaron
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Pig's knickers, The
Pig loves his polka-dot knickers and can't stop showing them off. His friends tell him he is extraordinary but they may not still think so when disaster strikes.
ISBN 9781406316247
Publisher Walker Books, 2010
Emmett, Jonathan & Cabban, Vanessa (ill)
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Pigeon finds a hot dog, The
The pigeon is thrilled when it finds a hot dog. A duckling asks the pigeon what hot dogs taste like. Perhaps, one of them will outsmart the other and get to eat the hot dog.
ISBN 9781844280476
Publisher Walker Books, 2005
Willems, Mo
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Pigeon needs a bath, The
The pigeon is filthy, but will not take a bath.
ISBN 9781406357783
Publisher Walker Books, 2014
Willems, Mo
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Pigeon wants a puppy, The
Pigeon decides he really wants a puppy to care for. When he comes face to face with a real one, pigeon's choice of pet changes.
ISBN 9781406315509
Publisher Walker Books, 2008
Willems, Mo
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Piggy loves books so much that he never has time for friends. But one day Piggy sees a cat reading alone. And he wonders if, perhaps, they could be best friends. Try as Piggy might- in increasingly spectacular ways- the cat just won't notice him. Piggy just wants to let her know just how he feels.
ISBN 9781681190655
Publisher Bloomsbury, 2016
Lai, Trevor
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Piglet and Granny
Piglet loves his Granny and has been waiting all day for her to visit. Cow, horse, duck and sheep all think she'll be here soon but Piglet wonders what is taking her so long to arrive.
ISBN 9781921504020
Publisher Working Title Press, 2009
Wild, Margaret & King, Stephen Michael (ill)
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Piglet and mama
Piglet has lost her mama. Everyone wants to help - Duck, Sheep, Donkey, Dog, Horse and Cat. But, Piglet won't be consoled until she finds her mama.
ISBN 9781876288426
Publisher Working Title Press, 2004
Wild, Margaret & King, Stephen Michael (ill)
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Piglet and Papa
Little piglet is feeling insecure. Horse, sheep, donkey, duck and dog make her feel loved but there is someone else who loves her a billion times more.
ISBN 9781876288754
Publisher Working Title Press, 2007
Wild, Margaret & King, Stephen Michael
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Pigs don't fly
Lift the flap to find out all the things farm animals love to do.
ISBN 9780864613981
Publisher Koala Books, 2003
French, Jackie
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Pink hat, The
Once there was a pink hat. A cat played with it. A baby caught it. A dog swiped it. That is, until...a girl found it. And one day she wore it someplace special. Join this girl and millions of others as they stand up for what it is right.
ISBN 9780143789369
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2018
Joyner, Andrew
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Pink is a small dinosaur who stands out from the crowd. Hide-and-seek is her favourite game but her colour means she's always the first one to be found. She doesn't want to be pink anymore until her difference helps her friends find their way home again.
ISBN 9781460757499
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2020
Wild, Margaret & Rossell, Judith (ill)
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Join Pinocchio on his travels.
ISBN 9781846436536
Series Flip-up fairy tales series (28 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2014
Kubler, Annie
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Pip and Pim
Tonight, for the very first time, Pip and Pim, two young possums, are going down to the forest floor with their mother. Papa Possum warns them to be careful but the two young possums are too excited to listen.
ISBN 9781760151973
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2015
Hegarty, Aunty Ruth & Harrold, Sandi (ill)
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Pip finds a home
After a long journey over the seas, Pip arrives at the South Pole. But as he meets his fellow penguins, he realises he is not quite the same as them. What makes him different...and does it matter?
ISBN 9781925594744
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2019
Topouzoglou, Elena
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Piper picks the perfect pet
My dad says I can choose a pet, but I'm not sure which pet to get. A dog, a cat, a fish, a rat? How can Piper pick the perfect pet when there are so many appealing possibilities?
ISBN 9781925804591
Publisher Ford Street Publishing, 2020
Tuohey, Caroline & Johnston, Nicky (ill)
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Pipkin of pepper, A
Duck and Squirrel go to the big city to buy salt for their pumpkin soup. But, Duck thinks it will taste better with a pipkin of pepper and that is how he gets lost. A delicious sequel to Pumpkin Soup.
ISBN 9780385600071
Publisher Random House Children's Books, 2004
Cooper, Helen
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Pippa thinks she's ready for a blue-sky adventure. But it's a big wild world out there. Can she make it safely home on her own?
ISBN 9781925804270
Publisher Ford Street Publishing, 2019
Powell, Dimity & Plant, Andrew (ill)
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Piranhas don't eat bananas
Brian is a piranha. He is also a vegetarian who loves fruit. Brian is trying to convince his family to join him in eating the food.
ISBN 9781743625781
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2015
Blabey, Aaron
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Pirates are coming, The
"Pirates! Quick! Everybody Hide!" Tom is on the lookout for pirates! But every time he sees a ship, it turns out to be a false alarm. Everyone is fed up with Tom's warnings. So what will happen when the pirates really DO arrive?
ISBN 9781788006781
Publisher Nosy Crow Ltd, 2020
Condon, John & Hunt, Matt (ill)
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Place to call home, A
The baby hamsters have outgrown their home, an old mattress, so it's time to find a new one. They go on a mission across the garden, in various funny disguises so they're not attacked. Their quest takes them through a puddle that looks as big as the sea, across the sand, which they think is a desert, and the most dangerous part of all is getting past the beast.
ISBN 9781406323023
Publisher Walker Books, 2011
Deacon, Alexis & Schwarz, Viviane (ill)
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Plastic throne, The
Denver flushes all kinds of things down the toilet not thinking of the consequence. Then one night while he sleeps the ocean begins to stir, unable to contain its fury. Can Denver and his sister Maisy make it right before it is too late?
ISBN 9781925227802
Publisher MidnightSun Publishing, 2021
Uduman, Amani and Bruton, Kera (ill)
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Play School: The useful book
Packed with activities, recipes, songs and poems to share and celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Australia's most iconic television show.
ISBN 9780733334016
Publisher ABC Books, 2016
ABC Books
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Ben gets a little, bouncy puppy to love.
ISBN 9780140541472
Publisher Viking Children's, 2002
Tanner, Jane
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Ploo and the terrible gnobbler
Ploo must face the terrible Gnobbler to rescue the moon. If he can't, day will never come and there will be no oggs for breakfast on Blue Nose Island.
ISBN 9780340879009
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (Australia), 2004
Inkpen, Mick
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Pobble's way
Daddy and Pobble discover a butterfly raft and frog umbrellas on their walk through the forest. When Pobble drops something, the animals all have a suggestion as to its purpose. A book for all who love to imagine alternative uses for things.
ISBN 9780979974663
Publisher Flashlight Press, 2010
Booy, Simon Van & Edelson, Wendy (ill)
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Pocketful of posies: a treasury of nursery rhymes
A collection of classic nursery rhymes, beautifully illustrated with incredibly detailed, embroidered fabric and cloth scenes.
ISBN 9780618737406
Publisher Harcourt Children's Books, 2010
Mavor, Salley
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Poesy ring, The: A love story
Love is always there, it just needs to be found...Follow a little treasure on its astonishing journey to find its beloved owner.
ISBN 9781406378276
Publisher Walker Books, 2017
Graham, Bob
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Pog is a warty, bug-eyed monster who is terrified of children. One day, he comes face to face with his worst nightmare. An engaging twist to the story of a child who is about to start school and is still scared of monsters.
ISBN 9781862914124
Publisher Omnibus Books, 2000
Lee, Lyn & Gamble, Kim
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Pog and the birdies
Cats stop chasing birds so they can enjoy their songs.
ISBN 9781843624967
Publisher Orchard Books, 2005
Simmons, Jane
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Polar bear in Sydney Harbour
Imagine finding a polar bear in Sydney Harbour. Hannah finds one but no-one else seems to notice him. Hannah helps him fit into the climate while she tries to find a way to help her new friend get home.
ISBN 9780733339400
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2020
Feiner, Beck & Feiner, Robin
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Polar express, The
A small boy boards a train with other children and travels across snow covered country to the North Pole. He receives a silver bell from Santa as the first Christmas present of the year.
ISBN 9780862641436
Publisher Andersen Press Ltd, 1985
Van Allsburg, Chris
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Polar regions (Habitats of the world)
Simple text, suitable for an independent reader, with beautifully presented photographic illustrations, looking at examples of the plant and animal life that inhabit polar regions. Includes good information, a glossary of terms and an index.
ISBN 9780733924491
Series Habitats of the world series (10 books)
Publisher Pearson Education Australia, 2000
Ballance, Alison
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Poles apart
Everybody knows that penguins belong at the South Pole and polar bears live at the North Pole-that is until a family of picnicking penguins accidently get lost journeying home. When the hapless Pilchard-Brown family find themselves at completely the wrong pole, they need Mr White, the friendly polar bear, to guide them all the way home.
ISBN 9780857634924
Publisher Nosy Crow Ltd, 2015
Willis, Jeanne & Jarvis (ill)
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Pollination: How does my garden grow?
A child spends the day in their grandparent's garden, learning about the importance of bees, possums and birds in the ecosystem. With additional information about pollination in the back of the book, students can learn all about how our world needs these creatures and the important roles they play in food and plant production.
ISBN 9781486313235
Publisher CSIRO, 2023
Cheng, Christopher & Snell, Danny (ill)
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At night, Ponkidoodle keeps watch over the family home. He's very friendly and happy, and his antics are hilarious. Nocturnal by nature, Ponkidoodle likes to hang out on top of the roof, underneath the house, in the kitchen and, sometimes, even in the loo. But, despite his comical capers, what Ponkidoodle loves more than anything, is protecting children.
ISBN 9781921042881
Publisher Little Steps Publishing, 2010
McMullin, Neridah & Pocock, Aaron (ill)
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Poo bum
Once there was a rabbit who could only say one thing.
ISBN 9781877467974
Publisher Gecko Press, 2011
Blake, Stephanie
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Poo! and other words that make me laugh
In the grand tradition of The Book with No Pictures and This Is a Ball, comes a brand-new read-aloud to get everyone laughing WARNING: Reading this book out loud may cause fits of giggles. If symptoms persist, read it again to appreciate our weird and wonderful language. And whatever you do, don't say POO!
ISBN 9780733341427
Publisher ABC Books, 2021
Arena, Felice & Jellett, Tom (ill)
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From the moment she's discovered on the doorstep, everyone loves Pooka. She's the best dog ever. Grandad warns the family not to get attached but it's too late for that.
ISBN 9781921504372
Publisher Working Title Press, 2012
Chataway, Carol & Rycroft, Nina (ill)
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Poor fish
There's something wrong with Brendan's fish. A story about football, friends and a fish with nine lives.
ISBN 9780141306650
Series Aussie nibbles (51 books)
Publisher Penguin, 2000
Godwin, Jane
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Poppy cat
Poppy Cat is a copy cat, she likes to do everything I do. But sometimes she is mischievous.
ISBN 9781743620168
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2014
Acton, Sara
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Poppy wash
Poppy loves her job of dragon cleaning and one special dragon makes her realise it's not just the cleaning she loves.
ISBN 9780733325212
Publisher ABC Books, 2010
Brown, Kerry & Pike, Michelle (ill)
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Poppy's gift
Oswin is a common cricket, far too common for the vain and beautiful poppy, She does not care for his courting. When her fair-weather friends leave her, Oswin is her last remaining admirer.
ISBN 9781921136924
Publisher Windy Hollow Books, 2006
Kuchling, Guundie
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Possum and wattle: my big book of Australian words
This book explores the natural, rich landscape of Australia through Bundjalung woman's eyes. The Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal words are printed alongside each vibrant image of flora and fauna. A glossary of Indigenous words such as willy-willy, that are now part of everyday use, are included.
ISBN 9781921272585
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2008
Bancroft, Bronwyn
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Possum in the house
This nameless possum creates havoc, and many sounds, crunch, clatter, rip, rustle, as he races through a house avoiding capture.
ISBN 9780949130020
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2000
Jensen, Kiersten & Oliver, Tony (ill)
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Possum magic
Grandma Poss uses bush magic to make Hush invisible but, when Hush wants to see herself again, Grandma can't remember which particular Australian food is needed to reverse the spell.
ISBN 9781862910959
Publisher Omnibus Books, 1991
Fox, Mem & Vivas, Julie (ill)
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Postman's dog, The
Features lovable dogs, a lonely postman and a big-hearted multicultural community.
ISBN 9781741142525
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2005
Shanahan, Lisa & Harris, Wayne (ill)
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Potato people, The
Every Friday, Jack spends the day with Grandma. They play, read stories and eat cake. Then, one cold and rainy Friday, they make two little people using potatoes, toothpicks and scraps of fabric.
ISBN 9780670896608
Publisher Penguin, 2002
Allen, Pamela
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Pout-pout fish, The
A fish with a pout-pout face is spreading the dreary-wearies all over the place. We need to turn this fish's frown upside down.
ISBN 9781742830063
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2011
Diesen, Deborah & Hanna, Dan (ill)
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Prank queen!
Mum is the Prank Queen, creating chaos with wild and whacky pranks but what happens when the Prank Queen gets a taste of her own medicine?
ISBN 9781922804396
Publisher Larrikin House, 2023
George, Zoe & Vee, Dani & Lopez, Jesus (ill)
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Press here
Press here. That's right, just press the yellow dot. Now turn the page.
ISBN 9781742375281
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2011
Tullet, Herve
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Press the button
It's a book full of buttons. What do they do? There's only one way to find out: press them all!
ISBN 9781925870206
Publisher Affirm Press, 2018
Nicholls, Sally & Woollvin, Bethan (ill)
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Prince and the witch and the thief and the bears, The
When it's time for Jamie's bedtime story, his Dad begins to tell an age-old fairy tale about a prince in a faraway land full of dragons, wolves and princesses in distress. But inquisitive Jamie can't help but add to his dad's story, and the prince is soon joined by an evil-eyed witch who turns people to jelly, a broccoli-wielding ninja frog and a jewel-thief, lock picking princess. It may not be the story Dad set out to tell, but together, he and Jamie create something much more energetic and hilarious than they could have alone.
ISBN 9781406365139
Publisher Walker Books, 2018
Chisholm, Alastair & Tuya, Jez (ill)
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Prince Cinders
Prince Cinders leads a hard life as he spends all his time cleaning up after his three brothers who bully him. One night, his luck changes when a small, dirty fairy falls down the chimney and promises that his wishes will come true.
ISBN 9780140555257
Publisher Puffin UK, 1987
Cole, Babette
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Princess and her panther, The
What do you get when you take one brave, big sister, one not-so-brave little sister, a spooky night-time backyard, and heaps of imagination? The most magnificent camp-out ever. The perfect story for chasing away the spooky shadows of the night.
ISBN 9781742374246
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2010
Orr, Wendy & Stringer, Lauren (ill)
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Princess and the packet of frozen peas, The
Once upon a time, there was a prince called Henrik who wanted to fall in love and get married. He was an outdoorsy type and he hoped that the princess he married would like hockey and camping. But, it's not easy to find a real princess.
ISBN 9781741693362
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2009
Wilson, Tony & deGennaro, Sue (ill)
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Princess and the pea, The
Retold from the original tale, this traditional story will captivate readers with its delightful illustrations and lift-up flaps.
ISBN 9781846433269
Series Flip-up fairy tales series (28 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2009
Stockham, Jess (ill)
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Princess Benjamina has a very cheeky bum!
When you are trying to find your inner voice, sometimes you need to look behind you! This delightful tale, bursting with humour, proves that behind every cheeky princess... is her own rear end.
ISBN 9781760876579
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2021
Hooper, Claire & Nguyen, Jackie (ill)
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Princess in black and the kitty catastrophe, The
Will a fluffy new kitten skilled at destruction prove to be the trickiest challenge yet for... The Princess in Black?
ISBN 9781536234091
Series Princess in black series (6 books)
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2024
Hale, Shannon & Hale, Dean & Pham, LeUyen (ill)
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Princess in black series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Princess in black series (6 books)
Hale, Shannon & Hale, Dean & Pham, LeUyen (ill)
No book cover.
Princess Pigsty
Princess Isabella is so defiant her father, the King, tries to punish her by taking away her princess privileges. But, Princess Isabella discovers she likes doing chores. In the end, her father's love helps Isabella find the right life for her.
ISBN 9781905294329
Publisher Chicken House, 2007
Funke, Cornelia & Meyer, Kerstin(ill), Wright, Chantal (trans)
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Professional crocodile
Mr Crocodile loves his job. Every morning he gets up with an alarm. He brushes his teeth. He chooses the right tie to match his outfit, eats a quick slice of toast, and heads off to work on a crowded train. But what is his job? The answer may surprise you.
ISBN 9781452165066
Publisher Chronicle Books, 2017
Zoboli, Giovanna & Di Giorgio, Mariachiara (ill)
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Promise is a promise, A
After a long winter's hibernation, Bruno, the marmot, wakes to discover a beautiful dandelion outside his burrow. The two become friends and play together until summer when the dandelion asks Bruno to trust her even though she wants his help to disappear.
ISBN 9780698400405
Publisher Penguin, 2006
Knister, Tharlet, Eve (ill) & Bishop, Kathryn (trans)
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Pros and cons of being a frog, The
Two young friends are trying to find the right animal. This isn't as easy as it sounds, especially when one of them speaks mostly in numbers and the other is a little quirky. And, they're also working out what makes a good friend and how to deal with differences and arguments. Perhaps, you need to read through the pro and cons of being a frog to figure it out.
ISBN 9781742830636
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2012
deGennaro, Sue
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Pudding & chips
Pudding, the goose, is fierce and very noisy. The only animal on the farm who isn't afraid of Pudding is the sheepdog, Chips. When a fox starts visiting the farm, it is Pudding who raises the alarm.
ISBN 9780733314148
Publisher ABC Books, 2004
Matthews, Penny & others
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Puddle hunters
When the rain stops, it's time to go puddle hunting. Ruby and Banjo go up the street, through the park, over the bridge and down to the river flats where the puddles lie waiting. Splosh it, Ruby! Splosh it, Banjo!
ISBN 9781760296742
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2018
Murray, Kirsty & Blair, Karen (ill)
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Puffin Peter
Peter and Paul are the best of friends but, when Peter gets lost in a terrible storm, he can't find his mate anywhere. With the help of a big blue whale, Puffin Peter sets off to find Paul. They find all kinds of birds that match Peter's description but none of them are quite like Paul.
ISBN 9781406324600
Publisher Walker Books, 2011
Horacek, Petr
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Puffin the architect
Meet Puffin, a clever architect who always creates the perfect home for her clients. But her newest clients are very hard to please - her own pufflings! Will Puffin come up with a puffling-perfect home design?
ISBN 9780143793755
Publisher Penguin Random House Australia, 2018
Topics / Poetry /
Andrews, Kimberly
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Baby puffin is safe and warm in the burrow but longs to make his way in the world. He knows that he can leave the burrow when he is strong enough, tall enough and brave enough to go. He knows that when he goes both scary and good experiences await.
ISBN 9781862915985
Publisher Omnibus Books, 2007
Wild, Margaret & Vivas, Julie (ill)
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When Puggle the baby echidna is found in mother's pouch on the side of the road, he is taken to a tall house on a hill to live with lots other rescued animals who need help to get back into the wild. Little by little, Puggle thrives and grows, until the day comes when he is old enough to look after himself.
ISBN 9781921504228
Publisher Working Title Press, 2011
Hoy, Catriona & Plant, Andrew (ill)
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Puggle's problem
Pipp is a tiny puggle with a big problem. He's the only echidna without spines. Determined to have them. Pipp sets out to ask friends for advice.
ISBN 9781921633072
Publisher Wombat Books, 2010
Darlison, Aleesah & Temple, Sandra (ill)
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Pugs don't wear pyjamas
When Tom visits his Aunt, he meets her pug Ellie. Ellie is no ordinary pug. Wherever Tom and his aunt go, Ellie must go too. His aunt dresses Ellie up for their outings. Tom finds Ellie strange, but she makes friends everywhere she goes. Tom makes no friends. He realises something has to change.
ISBN 9781925594034
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2018
Worthington, Michelle & Johansson, Cecilia (ill)
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Pumpkin soup
Cat, Duck and Squirrel live in an old white cabin with a pumpkin patch in the garden. Every day, Cat slices up some pumpkin, Squirrel stirs in some water and Duck tips in some salt to make the perfect pumpkin soup. Then, one day, things change.
ISBN 9780385604932
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2002
Cooper, Helen
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Puppy (Watch me grow)
Many interesting facts about puppies and their life cycles. Easy to read with photographic illustrations.
ISBN 9781405310345
Series Watch me grow series (13 books)
Publisher Dorling Kindersley, 2005
Dorling Kindersley
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Puppy love
Everyone needs puppy love . . . all the time, everywhere! Whatever the occasion, Spot knows that spreading a little bit of puppy love can brighten up anybody's day . .
ISBN 9780141373157
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2017
Hill, Eric
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Purr: Talk to the pet animals
Through rhymes, see what the dog, mouse, fish and other pets are doing. You can help with the noises they make.
ISBN 9780733318443
Publisher ABC Books, 2007
Lester, Alison
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Puss in boots
A retelling of the classic tale of an enterprising cat who wins riches and fame for her poor master.
ISBN 9780810943681
Publisher Harry N Abrams Inc, 2002
Light, Steve (retell)
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Puss in boots
A retelling of the much-loved fairy tale, with surprises under each lift-up flap.
ISBN 9781846430756
Series Flip-up fairy tales series (28 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2007
Stockham, Jess (ill)
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This book is a 'slice of life' following a python living in an Australian forest. Be with her as she wakes up at first light, hunts for birds and rodents, sheds her skin and guards over her first clutch of eggs until they hatch.
ISBN 9781921529603
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2012
Cheng, Christopher & Jackson, Mark (ill)
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