
Challenge Level : K-2 Challenge Level : 3-4 Challenge Level : 5-6 Challenge Level : 7-9 Challenge Level : 9plus
ID Title Author  
Mabel and me
Mabel and Me discover what makes them the best of friends after a walk together and encounters with a ballerina and a French photographer.
ISBN 9780007468362
Publisher HarperCollins Children's Books, 2013
Sperring, Mark & Warburton, Sarah (ill)
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Mabel dancing
Mabel is put to bed before the dancing party that her parents are having, but the music creeps up the stairs and before long Mabel is dancing too.
ISBN 9780744578898
Publisher Walker Books, 2001
Hest, Amy
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Machino supremo
Machines clank, rattle, whine, whoosh, whiz, thump and grind. In these quirky poems, find your favourite machine and solve the puzzle with a clue in each illustration.
ISBN 9780980699401
Publisher Celapene Press, 2009
Brian, Janeen & Carthew, Mark & Veeken, John (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mackenzie Arnold: Caught in the middle
Mackenzie Arnold loves playing football with the Seaport Strikers. She's now the team's goalkeeper and is starting to like it. But when a classmate bets Macca that she can't keep a clean sheet against the Strikers' strongest competitors in the biggest game of the season, can she come through? A new friend and teammate from Argentina brings added skill to the team, but not everyone is happy. Can Macca bring the team together and stop the ball getting past her?
ISBN 9781761346859
Publisher Penguin, 2024
Black, Jess & McCaffery, Hannah (ill)
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Mackenzie Arnold: Finders keepers
Mackenzie Arnold loves playing football with the Seaport Strikers. She also loves skating and hanging out with her friends. But when Macca is late for training one too many times, injures herself skating and has an unexpected run-in with a local resident, Coach questions her commitment to the team and benches her for a big game. When the strikers' goalie is too sick to play, Macca puts on the gloves and steps up. Will she be able to prove that football is something she's serious about?
ISBN 9781761346835
Publisher Penguin, 2024
Black, Jess & McCaffery, Hannah (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mad about Madeline
The complete tales of Madeline who has many adventures.
ISBN 9780670888160
Series Madeline series (3 of 12)
Publisher Viking UK, 2001
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Bemelmans, Ludwig
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Madame Badobedah
Mabel lives with her parents in The Mermaid Hotel, by the sea. Mabel likes to keep an eye on the comings and goings of all the guests. Then one day a particularly in-ter-est-ing old lady comes to stay. There is something very suspicious about her, with her growly voice and her heavy trunks and her beady-eyed tortoise. And why does no one know her REAL name? There can only be one answer, Mabel decides ... this guest is a SUPERVILLAIN. But even supervillains have a soft side, and as an unlikely friendship grows between the pair, their fantastical exploits take them well beyond the corridors of their seaside home.
ISBN 9781406384406
Publisher Walker Books, 2019
Dahl, Sophie & O'Hara, Lauren (ill)
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Maddy in the middle
Maddy doesn't have a special place in her family. She's not the youngest, or the oldest, or the cutest. She's just quiet little Maddy, lost in the middle of her big, boisterous family. But, Silky the cat knows how special she is.
ISBN 9781862914452
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2001
Bone, Ian
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Something is wrong with Madeline and one night she wakes up in terrible pain. It's her appendix. So, off she goes to hospital to have it taken out. Her school friends miss her but they visit her in hospital.
ISBN 9780590133371
Series Madeline series (1 of 12)
Publisher Scholastic US, 1999
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Bemelmans, Ludwig
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Madeline and the bad hat
The Spanish Ambassador has moved next door, and Madeline knows right away that his son is bad news. He's mean to animals. One day, Pepito goes too far.
ISBN 9780670446148
Series Madeline series (7 of 12)
Publisher Viking UK, 1984
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Bemelmans, Ludwig
Image currently unavailable
Madeline and the cats of Rome
Miss Clavel and the twelve little girls travel to Rome in the spring. As well as the warming sun, glorious sights and delicious food, Madeline finds herself embroiled in an adventure involving a thief, a chase and many, many cats.
ISBN 9780143304623
Series Madeline series (12 of 12)
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2009
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Bemelmans Marciano, John
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Madeline and the gypsies
Madeline and Pepito have run off to join the carnival with a band of travelling gypsies. At first they're having the time of their lives, but then they get homesick.
ISBN 9780670446827
Series Madeline series (8 of 12)
Publisher Viking UK, 1987
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Bemelmans, Ludwig
Image currently unavailable
Madeline and the old house in Paris
Madeline and her favourite companion in mischief, Pepito, embark on their wildest adventure yet. When ghostly moans lead them to the attic of the old house in Paris, they discover Felix de La Morte, who has lingered there for hundreds of years, waiting for the return of a certain comet. With the comet due to return the very next day, the poor fellow's telescope has been stolen by mean Lord Cucuface, and it is up to Madeline and Pepito to get it back. A nighttime trip across Paris, a midnight apparition, and all is happily resolved in time for the three new friends to view the comet on a starry night.
ISBN 9780670784851
Series Madeline series (13 of 12)
Publisher Viking Children's, 2013
Bemelmans, Ludwig
Image currently unavailable
Madeline in America
Some surprises are still in store, even for Madeline.
ISBN 9780439096331
Series Madeline series (11 of 12)
Publisher Scholastic UK, 1999
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Bemelmans, Ludwig
Image currently unavailable
Madeline in London
Pepito has moved to England. To help celebrate his birthday, Miss Clavel and the girls pay him a visit. When his mother won't let Pepito keep one of his birthday presents Madeline is more than willing to help out.
ISBN 9780140566499
Series Madeline series (10 of 12)
Publisher Viking UK, 2000
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Bemelmans, Ludwig
Image currently unavailable
Madeline in Texas
One last wonderful story to treasure about the mischievous Madeline. Here readers will learn Madeline's last name, join her and the girls for horseback rides and a tour of the worlds greatest store and get a hint of what lies in Miss Madeline's future.
ISBN 9780439128469
Series Madeline series (14 of 12)
Publisher Scholastic UK, 1999
Bemelmans, Ludwig
Image currently unavailable
Madeline loves animals
Pepito is the Spanish Ambassador's son and he lives next door to Madeline until his father moves to London. To cheer him up, Miss Clavel takes her charges to London and, then, the fun begins.
ISBN 9780590133388
Series Madeline series (5 of 12)
Publisher Scholastic UK, 1997
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Bemelmans, Ludwig
Image currently unavailable
Madeline says merci
The 'always be polite' book of Madeline.
ISBN 9780670035052
Series Madeline series (6 of 12)
Publisher Viking UK, 2001
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Bemelmans, Ludwig
Image currently unavailable
Madeline series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Madeline series (12 books)
No book cover.
Madeline the mermaid
Madeline, a friendly and caring mermaid, risks her life to stop an outbreak of magical war in the ocean's depths.
ISBN 9781742372280
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2010
Fienberg, Anna & James, Ann (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Madeline's Christmas
'Twas the night before Christmas and only brave Madeline is up and about, competently running the household until she hears a knock at the door.
ISBN 9780670806669
Series Madeline series (4 of 12)
Publisher Viking UK, 1985
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Bemelmans, Ludwig
Image currently unavailable
Madeline's house
Discover Madeline and her house.
ISBN 9780140950281
Series Madeline series (9 of 12)
Publisher Viking UK, 1989
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Bemelmans, Ludwig
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Madeline's rescue
When mischievous Madeline falls into the River Seine, a courageous canine saves her from drowning. Now, Madeline has a cherished pet but she doesn't know how the other little girls will feel about it.
ISBN 9780140566512
Series Madeline series (2 of 12)
Publisher Puffin USA, 2000
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Bemelmans, Ludwig
Image currently unavailable
Magic faraway tree, The
The cousins have many adventures in the strange lands at the top of the magic faraway tree, with all their unusual friends who live in the tree.
ISBN 9781865159676
Publisher Hinkler Books, 2003
Blyton, Enid
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Magic finger, The
When the girl next door gets really angry, she zaps people with her magic finger with alarming results. Her teacher grows whiskers and a tail and as for the Greggs. They'll never look at a duck in the same way again.
ISBN 9780141311296
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2001
Dahl, Roald
Image currently unavailable
Magic mirror, The
Jake sometimes gets scared so mum comes up with a play to help him. Mum's suggestion works for Jake and helps someone else with a problem, too.
ISBN 9780734408617
Publisher Lothian Books, 2007
Rippin, Sally
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Magic violin, The
When Jimbo plays the violin, the noise is so terrible that the birds fly away and the people move away from the town. Eventually, the violin decides to take charge.
ISBN 9780143301813
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2006
Kelleher, Victor & King, Stephen Michael (ill)
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Magical garden of Claude Monet, The
Julie wishes she had a garden so her mother takes her to visit Monet's garden at Givenchy. A wonderful introduction to the artist, Claude Monet.
ISBN 9780711221048
Series Famous artists (Anholt) series (10 books)
Publisher Frances Lincoln, 2003
Anholt, Laurence
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Magician's boy, The
The boy has to polish the wands and catch the rabbits pulled out of the magician's hat. His favourite job is working the puppets. When one goes missing, he is transported to a another land where he has an adventure with familiar characters.
ISBN 9780340911105
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (Australia), 2005
Cooper, Susan
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Magnificent creatures: Animals on the move
We live in an amazing world, surrounded by magnificent creatures, great and small. They make this earth a magical place to live.
ISBN 9780571330683
Publisher Faber & Faber, 2016
Wright, Anna
Image currently unavailable
Magnificent nose and other marvels, The
Wonderfully original and off-beat stories, cleverly linked by a spider, in which five children each show their talents.
ISBN 9781864486667
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 1998
Fienberg, Anna & Gamble, Kim (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Main Abija / My Grandad
A tribute to a much-loved grandfather, celebrating First Nations Australian culture, country and the circle of life. Told in Kriol and English. 'This book has the memories I had of my grandfather from when I was small until he left us. He taught me many things about culture and country. I'm happy to pass this story on to my family and to put it in this book.'
ISBN 9781760526030
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2021
Rogers, Karen
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Maisie Moo and Invisible Lucy
Maisie's Dad is a truck driver and Maisie and her invisible friend, Lucy, wait patiently for Dad's return and his amazing stories. Maisie likes her dog and sleeping in. She helps her mother in their shop but doesn't like being an angel. When it seems that Dad and Christmas will never come, and Mum banishes Lucy, Maisie hides in her bedroom.
ISBN 9781741751345
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2007
McKimmie, Chris
Image currently unavailable
Make or break
The GDC alien community is in danger and needs help. When Space Captain Star Girl and three other captains are sent on a rescue mission to the GDC's space station, they know it's make or break. Can they break the evil spell, make it to agents' year and save the alien community?
ISBN 9781420293814
Series Star Girl series (12 of 16)
Publisher MacMillan, 2012
Park, Louise
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Making friends
Six farmyard acquaintances set out to make a new friend but that turns out to be a bit of a failure. Along the way, however, they do discover what real friendship is and where to find it. A beautiful picture book translated from the original German.
ISBN 9781877467066
Publisher Gecko Press, 2008
Dahimene, Adelheid & Stollinger, Heide (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Making the grade
Annie finally has a horse of her own, but now she has to both keep the horse and ride it, neither of which prove easy to do.
ISBN 9781921167034
Series Riding high series (2 of 6)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2006
Kelly, Bernadette
Image currently unavailable
Maku is a proud, young Indigenous Australian who is always on the move. He looks to his culture, family and the world around him for new and old ideas to put into his movie plan for his homework project.
ISBN 9781760987756
Publisher Pan MacMillan, 2022
Wyatt, Meyne
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Mama Ocean
Mama Ocean had eyes that sparkled, like sunlight on the sea, and tresses which tumbled and trailed through the tides. But something is troubling Mama Ocean. Who will help her?
ISBN 9781925227659
Publisher MidnightSun Publishing, 2020
Jolly, Jane & Heinrich, Sally (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Contains fascinating factual information about mammals with plenty of descriptions and images.
ISBN 9780751364767
Series Eyewonder series (22 books)
Publisher Dorling Kindersley, 2003
Dorling Kindersley (pub)
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Discover what mammals are, how they live, what they eat, why seals have fur, how dolphins send messages to each other and many more interesting facts. Excellent contents and index pages help you find all this information and more.
ISBN 9780749639488
Publisher Watts, 2000
Claybourne, Anna
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A well-presented guide to mammals that gives the scientific and generic name, size and occurrence of each species. Maps show where the mammals live and there are beautiful, colour photographs of their physical appearance.
ISBN 9780751333749
Publisher Dorling Kindersley, 2002
Clutton-Brock, Juliet
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Man who wore all his clothes, The
One day, Mr Gaskitt puts on all his clothes, Mrs Gaskitt picks up a robber in her taxi, Gus and Gloria have trouble with a teacher, Horace, the cat, goes to a friend's house to watch TV and the car radio gets things wrong.
ISBN 9781844281299
Publisher Walker Books, 2005
Ahlberg, Allan & McEwen, Katharine (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mandawuy Yunupingu
The story of a respected indigenous role model, Mandawuy Yunupingu, who has been a school principal and a rock star. Includes great photos, a glossary and a personal profile.
ISBN 9781865044859
Series Reconciliation - for younger students series (6 of 10)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2002
Hall, Beth
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Mang the wild orangutan
Mang, a beautiful old orangutan, remembers what life was like living in the lush rainforests of Borneo before he was captured and then sent to a zoo.
ISBN 9780734410023
Publisher Lothian Books, 2007
van Loon, Joan
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Mango & Bambang series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Mango & Bambang series (4 books)
Faber, Polly & Vulliamy, Clara (ill)
No book cover.
Mango & Bambang: Superstar tapir
Both Mango and Bambang are left star-struck when Bambang's cousin comes to town with Hollywood actress Minter Verbena. But when disaster strikes, Bambang is the true star of the show.
ISBN 9781406361490
Series Mango & Bambang series (4 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2017
Faber, Polly & Vulliamy, Clara (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mango & Bambang: Tapir all at sea
Mango and Bambang are a dynamic duo. They are a little girl called Mango and her best friend, Bambang, who just happens to be a tapir. Together, they search for a hobby for Bambang and join forces to defeat the evil Dr Cynthia Prickle-Posset, who is determined to steal Bambang for her Museum of the Unusual.
ISBN 9781406361476
Series Mango & Bambang series (4 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2016
Faber, Polly & Vulliamy, Clara (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mango & Bambang: The not-a-pig
Mango Allsorts, a busy little urbanite, and Bambang, a lost tapir and definitely not a pig, are unlikely friends. Mango is an irrepressible girl with a wonderful optimism and a very hectic schedule that includes karate, diving, playing chess and the clarinet. Bambang is a stranger in a big city. Everything is large and scary, confusing and intimidating. But, together, they are a remarkable duo, bringing a little magic and adventure into each other's life.
ISBN 9781406361438
Series Mango & Bambang series (4 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2015
Faber, Polly & Vulliamy, Clara (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mango & Bambang: Tiny tapir trouble
When a small but mischievous tapir guest comes to stay in the busy city with Mango Allsorts and Bambang, things soon get into a rather troublesome tangle.
ISBN 9781406361483
Series Mango & Bambang series (4 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2016
Faber, Polly & Vulliamy, Clara (ill)
Image currently unavailable
A secluded area of mangroves and the water life the trees support are about to change forever. This book looks at the cost to nature of our modern culture.
ISBN 9780143502043
Publisher Penguin NZ, 2007
Kane, Glenda & Allen, Lisa (ill)
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Map of dreams
When war devastates their country, a boy and his parents are forced to flee to another country. Food is scarce. When father goes to the bazaar to buy bread, he comes home with a map instead. The boy and his mother are furious because they are so hungry.
ISBN 9781842707609
Publisher Andersen Press Ltd, 2008
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
Shulevitz, Uri
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Maps and mapping
Different maps are introduced with explanations of how they work. Simple explanations and beautiful illustrations provide interesting information about compass points, map keys and scales, colours and contours.
ISBN 9780753457597
Series Kingfisher young knowledge series (19 books)
Publisher Kingfisher, 2004
Chancellor, Deborah
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March of the ants, The
What would you take on an adventure with you? The ants are preparing to march, and every ant packs something practical, but one ant chooses to take a book ... what good will that be on a long journey? Join Australian Children's Laureate Ursula Dubosarsky to find out! This story is also available to download from the ACLF website and you can read along with Ursula as she shares her story with us.
ISBN 9780852295229
Publisher Book Trail Press, 2020
Dubosarsky, Ursula & Riddle, Tohby (ill)
Image currently unavailable
March of the armoured beasts
Jamie and Tom are tracking some fresh dinosaur footprints. They think that a large herd is moving towards the river but, as the boys approach the marshy area, they notice some smaller footprints going a different way. They discover a baby Ankylosaurus stuck up to its middle in the mud and must find a way to save it. But, when its mother appears with her huge clubbed tail, the boys know they are in grave danger.
ISBN 9780192720948
Series Dinosaur Cove series (3 of 13)
Publisher Oxford University Press, 2008
Stone, Rex & Spoor, Mike (ill)
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Marcie Gill and the caravan park cat
Marcie's parents run a caravan park in the small seaside town of Snorkel Bay in South Australia. Three mysterious things happen to her. Her dad moved out. Her gran gave her an unusual Christmas present. George, her grandmother's cat has a secret. This is a summer holiday Marcie will never forget. Read about these adventures of Marcie-the girl whose favourite thing is asking questions.
ISBN 9781760894139
Publisher Penguin, 2021
McInerney, Monica & Snell, Danny (ill)
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Marge and the great train rescue
Marge is back and this time she's taking the Button family on a train journey. When Mum and Dad go out for a 'romantic' (i.e boring!) dinner, Marge takes the kids on an adventure of their own. Jakey's always longed to drive a train and with Marge around to turn ordinary life extraordinary, there's a good chance his wish might come true!
ISBN 9781848125940
Publisher Piccadilly Press, 2017
Fisher, Isla & Ceulemans, Eglantine (ill)
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Marge and the pirate baby
Marge and the Pirate Baby is a collection of three short stories about the best babysitter ever. Marge has colourful hair and a knack for making everything fun but can she save the day from the pirate baby?
ISBN 9781848125933
Publisher Piccadilly Press, 2017
Fisher, Isla & Ceulemans, Eglantine (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Marigold and the dark
It's nearly a year since Marigold was rescued by Left Shoe and she is happily part of the Sandburrow family. Only two things trouble her, her poor eyesight and fear of the dark. An encounter with a goanna helps Marigold to face her fear.
ISBN 9781405036894
Series Seadog adventure series (2 of 4)
Publisher Pan MacMillan, 2005
O'Dowd, Annie
Image currently unavailable
Mark of the Wagarl, The
The story tells of the travels and responsibilities of Wagarl, the big boss of all snakes, and how he keeps the waterways clean in Noongar country.
ISBN 9781875641970
Publisher Magabala Books, 2004
Little, Lorna & Lyndon, Janice (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Marlow Brown: Scientist in the making
Marlow Brown dreams of being a scientist, but when her chaotic home experiments drive Mum crazy, Marlow runs the risk of being banned from experimenting altogether. Surely there must be something she can do to keep on Mum's good side while still continuing her dream.
ISBN 9781925572186
Publisher Celapene Press, 2019
Fleming, Krista & Gardner, Marjory (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Marmalade the orange panda
One morning, deep in the forest, a beautiful baby panda was born. The panda was different to all the others, as he had dazzling orange fur. "I will call you Marmalade," his mummy whispered. Meet Marmalade, the little panda who goes on a big adventure as he sets off to explore the forest one day to find where he belongs.
ISBN 9780008305758
Publisher HarperCollins Children's Books, 2022
Walliams, David & Stower, Adam (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Marshall Armstrong is new to our school
Marshall Armstrong is new to our school. He looks different to me. His ear looks like a shell, his laces are straight, not criss-crossed like mine, and his eyes are always looking at the blackboard. Marshall Armstrong definitely does not fit into our school.
ISBN 9780007361410
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2011
Mackintosh, David
Image currently unavailable
Marshmallow Pie the cat superstar
Meet Marshmallow Pie a big fluffy cat with an even bigger personality...... The rumours are true, I'm staring in a movie! Hollywood is very exciting. My human, Amelia, and I are spending every single day with my amazing new friend Madison, who's showing me all the fanciest places and teaching me all about being a star. This is the life! So why does Amelia seem so unsure.......?
ISBN 9780008355852
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2020
Vulliamy, Clara
Image currently unavailable
Martian rock
Rhyming text and bright illustrations help make this a lively investigation into the planets of our solar system.
ISBN 9780744556322
Publisher Walker Books, 2000
Shields, Carol Diggory & Nash, Scott
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Marvellous funambulist of Middle Harbour and other Sydney firsts, The
This is a story of Sydney in order of who did what first. Through a series of unexpected firsts, trace the events, people and places that have shaped Sydney, however unintentionally.
ISBN 9781742234403
Publisher NewSouth Publishing, 2015
Bell, Hilary & Martin, Matthew (ill)
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Marvin Redpost series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Marvin Redpost series (8 books)
Sachar, Louis
No book cover.
Marvin Redpost: a flying birthday cake
Marvin can't get to sleep. It's late, the ground is hard in Nick Tuffle's garden, he's full of cake and he's drunk too much punch. Then, he hears a low humming noise, feels the earth shudder and sees a bright flash, sort of the same colour as the green icing on Nick's birthday cake. When he sees a flying birthday cake, candles aglow, Marvin wonders if he's dreaming.
ISBN 9781408801642
Series Marvin Redpost series (6 of 8)
Publisher Bloomsbury, 2010
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Sachar, Louis
Image currently unavailable
Marvin Redpost: alone in his teacher's house
While his teacher, Mrs North, is on holidays, Marvin is looking after her dog. Marvin has become the luckiest boy in school. He'll get to sniff about Mrs North's house and rummage in her fridge. Well, that's what Stuart and Nick, his best friends, would like to do. But, Marvin is serious. After all, he's getting paid and will get a bonus if everything goes smoothly. Nothing could possibly go wrong.
ISBN 9781408801659
Series Marvin Redpost series (4 of 8)
Publisher Bloomsbury, 2010
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Sachar, Louis
Image currently unavailable
Marvin Redpost: class president
Today is Thursday. Today is hole day. Everyone is wearing their holiest clothes, even the class teacher, Mrs North. But, the principal announces that a surprise visitor, a very important person, is coming to the school. There's no time to change. And, with all the television cameras pointed, Marvin just might get to solve his biggest maths problem to date.
ISBN 9781408801680
Series Marvin Redpost series (5 of 8)
Publisher Bloomsbury, 2010
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Sachar, Louis
Image currently unavailable
Marvin Redpost: is he a girl
Marvin Redpost is yet again caught in a dilemma. He's been told that he'll turn into a girl if he kisses his elbow. After accidentally doing just that, Marvin wonders if it's really going to happen to him. When his voice starts to change and he longs to have pigtails, Marvin is worried.
ISBN 9781408801673
Series Marvin Redpost series (3 of 8)
Publisher Bloomsbury, 2010
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Sachar, Louis
Image currently unavailable
Marvin Redpost: kidnapped at birth
Marvin has red hair and blue eyes. He's also left-handed. One day, at school, while writing a report, Marvin realises that nothing adds up. His parents have brown hair and brown eyes. He begins to wonder if he really is Marvin Redpost. He sets out to get things straight but Marvin soon realises that, sometimes, the truth isn't all it's cracked up to be.
ISBN 9781408801703
Series Marvin Redpost series (1 of 8)
Publisher Bloomsbury, 2010
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Sachar, Louis
Image currently unavailable
Marvin Redpost: magic crystal
When he goes home with Casey Happleton one day after school, Marvin is amazed to discover that she lives in an old fire station. But, that's not all that surprises him. Casey has a secret she wants to share. She has a crystal with super, magical powers, a crystal that makes all your wishes come true.
ISBN 9781408801666
Series Marvin Redpost series (8 of 8)
Publisher Bloomsbury, 2010
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Sachar, Louis
Image currently unavailable
Marvin Redpost: super fast, out of control
Suicide Hill is the ultimate test of bravery. Few have conquered the treacherously steep slope. And, rumour has it that Marvin will be taking it on. Only Marvin isn't so sure. His new mountain bike is so enormous, he can barely climb up on to it and changing gears is out of the question. If he succeeds, Marvin will be a hero. If he doesn't, then everyone is about to witness the biggest wipeout ever.
ISBN 9781408801697
Series Marvin Redpost series (7 of 8)
Publisher Bloomsbury, 2010
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Sachar, Louis
Image currently unavailable
Marvin Redpost: why pick on me
Everyone's laughing at Marvin Redpost. He's the grossest kid in school because he picks his nose. Well, that's the rumour the class bully, Clarence, has started and no-one argues with Clarence, not even Marvin's so-called best friends. Marvin must work out how to turn things around.
ISBN 9781408801710
Series Marvin Redpost series (2 of 8)
Publisher Bloomsbury, 2012
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Sachar, Louis
Image currently unavailable
Mary MacKillop: Australia's first saint
Mary MacKillop (1842-1909) is Australia's first saint. This is her story from ordinary girl to saint. "We must teach more by example that by word."
ISBN 9781921928192
Series Aussie Heroes series (4 books)
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2012
Marin, Gabiann & Grzegrzolka, Angela (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Masters of disguise: Camoflauging creatures and magnificent mimics
Cloaked in a riot of colour, pattern and texture are a dozen animals, from stick and leaf insects found in Australia, to Gaboon vipers that have all mastered the art of fading into the background. Clever and beautiful hide and seek spreads that put the readers new knowledge to the test. The secrets of animal camouflage.
ISBN 9781760895891
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2021
Martin, Marc
Image currently unavailable
From what are rocks made? From where do plastics come? For what are they used? Why can I see through glass? Simple explanations and beautiful illustrations help readers find the answers to these and other questions about matter.
ISBN 9780753458679
Series Kingfisher young knowledge series (19 books)
Publisher Kingfisher, 2005
Gifford, Clive
Image currently unavailable
Mates - great Australian yarns series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Mates - great Australian yarns series (27 books)
No book cover.
Matilda Mudpuddle and the X-ray eyes
Matilda Mudpuddle's x-ray vision lasts for exactly one month. Find out how Matilda uses this amazing skill.
ISBN 9781921042010
Series Matilda Mudpuddle series (4 of 5)
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2006
Winch, Gordon & Texidor, Dee (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Matilda Mudpuddle series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Matilda Mudpuddle series (5 books)
Winch, Gordon & Texidor, Dee (ill)
No book cover.
Matilda Mudpuddle: back in time
Matilda eats olives and goes back in time to the Olympic Games in Athens, in the days when togas were worn and instead of medal you had crowns from the olive trees.
ISBN 9781921042027
Series Matilda Mudpuddle series (5 of 5)
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2007
Winch, Gordon & Texidor, Dee (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Matisse: King of colour
When Monique, a young nurse, steps into the home of an elderly patient, she sees rooms filled with the most vivid colour she's ever seen. Her patient is the artist Henri Matisse and they become good friends. When Monique enters a convent as a nursing nun, she discovers that her religious order is very poor and doesn't have it's own chapel. Matisse helps by developing a sketch by Monique into a brilliant set of stained-glass chapel windows, and uses his influence to raise enough money to build the chapel.
ISBN 9781847800435
Series Famous artists (Anholt) series (10 books)
Publisher Frances Lincoln, 2015
Anholt, Laurence
Image currently unavailable
Matty's comeback
Matty loves football. He's South Sydney's number one fan and the star scorer in his own local team. He knows he can help his team to the semifinals and beyond. But, things don't go to plan and now it seems Matty won't be able to help his team to victory after all. But, help can come from surprising places and people.
ISBN 9781760152031
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2016
Heiss, Anita
Image currently unavailable
Max and the midknights
Max wants to be a knight. Too bad there's more chance of finding a friendly dragon than THAT dream coming true. But when Max's uncle Budrick is kidnapped by the cruel King Ghastly, it might finally be Max's time to be a hero! Joined by a band of brave adventurers - the Midknights - and a cowardly goose, Max sets out on a thrilling quest to save the realm of Byjovia.
ISBN 9781529029260
Publisher Pan MacMillan, 2020
Peirce, Lincoln
Image currently unavailable
Max and the won't go to bed show
Roll up, roll up, for Max the magnificent and his famous show: putting off bedtime for as long as possible. Cheer as he makes a cookie disappear, gasp as he asks for ten bedtime stories.
ISBN 9780007468393
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2013
Sperring, Max & Warburton, Sarah (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Max Booth future sleuth: Film flip
The year is 2424, Max and his robot pet dog Oscar are off to solve a mysterious artefact, a film strip. A 400 year old unseen film is very valuable and soon others are keen to get their hands on it. Max and Oscar will need to use all their tricks to keep the film out of the wrong hands and find out what it contains.
ISBN 9781922265104
Series Max Booth series (4 books)
Publisher Big Sky Publishing, 2019
Macintosh, Cameron & Atze, Dave (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Max Booth future sleuth: Selfie search
The photos in an ancient mobile phone hold a secret. Max and Oscar face the fight of their lives to keep their discovery safe from some very greedy hands
ISBN 9781925520880
Series Max Booth series (4 books)
Publisher Big Sky Publishing, 2017
Macintosh, Cameron & Atze, Dave (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Max Booth future sleuth: Stamp safari
Max has an old piece of paper called a postage stamp, and it's more than 400 years old! But before long it leads Max into some very sticky situations.
ISBN 9781925675368
Series Max Booth series (4 books)
Publisher Big Sky Publishing, 2018
Macintosh, Cameron & Atze, Dave (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Max Booth future sleuth: Tape escape
The year is 2424, Max and his robot pet dog Oscar are off to solve a mysterious artefact, a tape cassette. The cassette contains a very valuable piece of music history and is now worth millions of dollars. Max and Oscar will need to use all their tricks to keep the tape away from Dr Grizzlowe and put it back safely in the museum.
ISBN 9781925520606
Series Max Booth series (4 books)
Publisher Big Sky Publishing, 2017
Macintosh, Cameron & Atze, Dave (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Max Booth series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Max Booth series (4 books)
Macintosh, Cameron & Atze, Dave (ill)
No book cover.
Max Champion and the great race car robbery
Max lives with his mum and his grandfather, Gus. Once upon a time, Gus had a thriving business, designing and making cars, but nasty Adolphus Grabber robbed him of his business, his designs, and his beloved car, Arabella. Driven by love and a sense of fairness, Max sets out to prove, to himself and to his grandfather, that cheats never prosper.
ISBN 9781408886137
Publisher Bloomsbury, 2018
McCall Smith, Alexander & Hindley, Kate
Image currently unavailable
Max the missing puppy
Molly is over the moon when she's given Max, an Old English Sheepdog puppy, and soon the two are inseparable. Max pines for Molly when she's at school, and longs for her to come home and play, so when he spies an open window one day he sets off to find her. But the world is a scary place for a puppy on his own and soon Max is alone and in danger.
ISBN 9781847150516
Series Holly Webb's kittens & puppies series (32 books)
Publisher Stripes, 2008
Webb, Holly & Williams, Sophy (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Maxi the lifeguard series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Maxi the lifeguard series (3 books)
Maxwell, Trent & Lawrence, David & Baldwin, Peter (ill)
No book cover.
Maxi the Lifeguard: beach battle
Maxi is stoked to hear that Juniors from a British ocean swimming club are coming to visit Buckler. If the trip is a success, he and his mates will visit their club in England next year! Maxi is keen for it to be perfect, but someone sneaky is trying to wreck their plans and is writing mean lies online. Can Maxi patch things up before their beach rescue demonstration becomes a beach battle?
ISBN 9781925712612
Series Maxi the lifeguard series (3 books)
Publisher Affirm Press, 2019
Maxwell, Trent & Lawrence, David & Baldwin, Peter (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Maxi the lifeguard: in deep water
Maxi joins Buckler Ocean Swimming Club to have a bit of fun with his mates. But then a big prize for the Junior Ocean Challenge is announced. The winner will get money for their club and a day with legendary lifeguard Mick Hawk! Maxi would do anything to win. Especially as it might help save Buckler. Will his hard work and determination pay off, or will Maxi's arch-enemy ruin his chances?
ISBN 9781925584967
Series Maxi the lifeguard series (3 books)
Publisher Affirm Press, 2018
Maxwell, Trent & Lawrence, David & Baldwin, Peter (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Maxi the lifeguard: the stormy protest
When Maxi and his friends discover that someone has been dumping rubbish into the ocean near Bondi, they are furious. Who would do such a thing, and why won't anyone take them seriously when they report it? Luckily, Maxi has a plan - but exposing the polluter will hurt someone he cares about. Can Maxi find a way out of this messy situation?
ISBN 9781925584974
Series Maxi the lifeguard series (3 books)
Publisher Affirm Press, 2018
Maxwell, Trent & Lawrence, David & Baldwin, Peter (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Maxx Rumble cricket: bugged
Short books about boys playing cricket. The Kreepy Crawlies are using strange and creepy tricks to win and Maxx is getting angry. Includes zany, imaginative illustrations.
ISBN 9781876372590
Series Maxx Rumble series (4 of 18)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2004
Wagner, Michael & Denton, Terry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Maxx Rumble cricket: cheated
Short books about boys playing cricket. Maxx takes it up with the umpire - the other team are cheating. Includes zany, imaginative illustrations.
ISBN 9781876372583
Series Maxx Rumble series (3 of 18)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2004
Wagner, Michael & Denton, Terry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Maxx Rumble cricket: hammered
All about boys playing cricket. During a bizarre season of cricket, Maxx's team are experiencing a hammering with the cricket ball at the hands of the opposition and Maxx and his little brother, Rexx, have to prove how tough they are.
ISBN 9781876372613
Series Maxx Rumble series (5 of 18)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2005
Wagner, Michael & Denton, Terry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Maxx Rumble cricket: rattled
Short books about boys playing cricket. The other team seem ridiculously hostile or is it just over-enthusiasm. Includes zany, imaginative illustrations.
ISBN 9781876372569
Series Maxx Rumble series (1 of 18)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2004
Wagner, Michael & Denton, Terry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Maxx Rumble cricket: sledged
Short books about boys playing cricket. Super sledger, Thrasher Thatcher, has the batters, fielders, even the umpires laughing. Maxx won't win if he can't withstand this level of sledging. Includes zany, imaginative illustrations.
ISBN 9781876372576
Series Maxx Rumble series (2 of 18)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2004
Wagner, Michael & Denton, Terry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Maxx Rumble cricket: spooked
Short books about boys playing cricket. There's nothing spookier than a snake draped over your middle stump. Rexx has nearly had enough. Includes zany, imaginative illustrations.
ISBN 9781876372637
Series Maxx Rumble series (7 of 18)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2005
Wagner, Michael & Denton, Terry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Maxx Rumble cricket: tricked
Short books about boys playing cricket. Rexx believes Maxx can beat the Outhouse Rodents but their last trick was pretty devastating. Includes zany, imaginative illustrations.
ISBN 9781876372644
Series Maxx Rumble series (8 of 18)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2005
Wagner, Michael & Denton, Terry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Maxx Rumble cricket: whacked
Short books about boys playing cricket. The Dodgy Duffers are the world's most boring cricket team, but they could win if they put all Maxx's team to sleep. Includes zany, imaginative illustrations.
ISBN 9781876372620
Series Maxx Rumble series (6 of 18)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2005
Wagner, Michael & Denton, Terry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Maxx Rumble footy: crunched
Short books about boys playing football. Maxx is about to kick the winning goal when his opposition squash him between two sumo wrestlers. Includes zany, imaginative illustrations.
ISBN 9781876372392
Series Maxx Rumble series (1 of 18)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2004
Wagner, Michael & Denton, Terry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Maxx Rumble footy: dogged
Short books about boys playing football. Maxx's team need a miracle goal. Maxx's reverse-checkside-banana-torpedo kick might deliver it. Includes zany, imaginative illustrations.
ISBN 9781876372460
Series Maxx Rumble series (8 of 18)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2004
Wagner, Michael & Denton, Terry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Maxx Rumble footy: flattened
Short books about boys playing football. Maxx's season playing with the Stone Valley saints is about football, it's about heroism, it's about moments of triumph, it's about pain. Includes zany, imaginative illustrations.
ISBN 9781876372415
Series Maxx Rumble series (3 of 18)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2004
Wagner, Michael & Denton, Terry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Maxx Rumble footy: grand final fever
Maxx Rumble experiences grand final footy fever when the Stone Valley Saints make it to the final game, but the Rodents are up to their usual tricks. They will stop at nothing to win the game, even substituting a fake umpire.
ISBN 9781921167089
Series Maxx Rumble series (9 of 18)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2006
Wagner, Michael & Denton, Terry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Maxx Rumble footy: slammed
Short books about boys playing football. Maxx and the Stone Valley Saints have to triumph even if he gets slammed in the process. Includes zany, imaginative illustrations.
ISBN 9781876372408
Series Maxx Rumble series (2 of 18)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2004
Wagner, Michael & Denton, Terry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Maxx Rumble footy: smashed
Short books about boys playing football. At the end o f every quarter it's hard to predict, even at the end of the game, it's hard to say who is the winner of this match. Includes zany, imaginative illustrations.
ISBN 9781876372422
Series Maxx Rumble series (4 of 18)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2004
Wagner, Michael & Denton, Terry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Maxx Rumble footy: stretched
Short books about boys playing football. Maxx has been stretched beyond all recognition but it may be the only way he can stop the terrible trio. Includes zany, imaginative illustrations.
ISBN 9781876372446
Series Maxx Rumble series (6 of 18)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2004
Wagner, Michael & Denton, Terry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Maxx Rumble footy: twisted
Short books about boys playing football. It's hard to believe all these incredible things could happen and you could still win. Includes zany, imaginative illustrations.
ISBN 9781876372439
Series Maxx Rumble series (5 of 18)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2004
Wagner, Michael & Denton, Terry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Maxx Rumble footy: winded
Short books about boys playing football. Maxx has stopped breathing. This could be the end for Maxx Rumble, super cricketer. Includes zany, imaginative illustrations.
ISBN 9781876372453
Series Maxx Rumble series (7 of 18)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2004
Wagner, Michael & Denton, Terry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Maxx Rumble series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Maxx Rumble series (18 books)
Wagner, Michael & Denton, Terry (ill)
No book cover.
Maxx Rumble soccer: grand final
Grand finals are different. Things go haywire. They go crazy. They go completely insane. And then they get totally weird. The Stone Valley Saints badly want to win against the rottenest team in history.
ISBN 9781922244826
Series Maxx Rumble series (18 books)
Wagner, Michael & Denton, Terry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Maxx rumble soccer: knockout
Eight teams, three weeks and one winner, that's the soccer knockout competition. The Saints want to be that winner, but before they even reach the second round, they must beat a team of geniuses.
ISBN 9781922244802
Series Maxx Rumble series (18 books)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2014
Wagner, Michael & Denton, Terry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Maxx Rumble soccer: shocker
Lots of bad things happen on the sporting field, but this is the worst: battling with my own brother.
ISBN 9781922244819
Series Maxx Rumble series (18 books)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2014
Wagner, Michael & Denton, Terry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Maya and the rising dark
Twelve-year old Maya sees colour bleed from the world, werehyenas staking suburban streets and a scary man who stalks her in her dreams. While her best friends try to find a reasonable explanation, Maya sees connections with her dad's fantastical stories. When he disappears, Maya is thrust into a world both strange and familiar as she races to find her father, the guardian of the veil between the human world and the Dark, and the Lord of Shadows, the man from her nightmares who is determined to destroy the human world. Maya will need to unlock her own hidden powers, save her father and the world, all before Comic-Con and the end of summer.
ISBN 9780358447696
Publisher HarperCollins US, 2023
Barron, Rena
Image currently unavailable
Mayhem at magic school
You choose! Supreme ruler of the world or misfortune for life? You are an ordinary kid - or so you think. Strange things start to happen. You make a rabbit appear from underneath your teacher's hat. Then you dream about a mystical diamond and a mysterious old woman with long white hair. It turns out you have magical powers. Do you try to keep your talents hidden, or do you go off to Magic School?
ISBN 9780857983848
Series You choose series (2 of 13)
Publisher Penguin Random House Australia, 2014
Ivanoff, George
Image currently unavailable
Maze of doom
Master of the maze or eternity in a nightmare labyrinth! You decide to try the lame-looking Maze of Doom at the fun fair. But once inside, you realise that this is no ordinary amusement. The maze is massive and there are traps and mysterious creatures at every turn. Then you come across an old fortune-telling machine, which predicts an eerie future. Will you discover the maze's secrets and riches, or will you be trapped inside forever?
ISBN 9780857983855
Series You choose series (13 books)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2014
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
Ivanoff, George
Image currently unavailable
Mbobo tree, The
In the cleft of a rock, on the crest of a hill, grows a tree that belongs to no-one and to everyone. When a little baby girl in a sling is found swinging in the branches, the villagers name her Tiranamba Adesimbo Mbobo. They love her as their own but Tiranamba never speaks a word. When the life-saving tree is threatened, Tiranamba finds her voice.
ISBN 9781741693515
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2009
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
Millard, Glenda & White, Annie (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Me and Mister P
Arthur wants an ordinary family life, but instead he has a brother who acts quite differently to other brothers and sisters. This causes Arthur no end of embarrassment. When Arthur has had enough, he tries to run away only to find a polar bear on the doorstep. What can a polar bear do for Arthur and his family? When the spider-fearing polar bear Mr P moves in life changes for Arthur.
ISBN 9780192744210
Publisher Oxford University Press, 2017
Farrer, Maria & Rieley, Daniel (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Me and my dad
A son hero worships his brave father and loves spending a day at the beach with him. But, sometimes even the bravest of the brave need a helping hand. Fabulous illustrations with interesting use of perspective.
ISBN 9781921541810
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2010
Morgan, Sally & Ottley, Mathew
Image currently unavailable
Me and you
A thought-provoking take on the story of a young girl who has come into the house, eaten the porridge, broken the chair and fallen asleep in the bed. Two stories, the fantasy and a modern street context, give dimension to a traditional tale.
ISBN 9780385614894
Publisher Doubleday, 2010
Browne, Anthony
Image currently unavailable
Me, all alone, at the end of the world
A peaceful natural existence is transformed by the encroaching modern society, changing the landscape and the sole occupant.
ISBN 9781406304824
Publisher Walker Books, 2007
Anderson, M T & Hawkes, Kevin (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Meatball's good dog day
A humorous tale, with cartoon style line drawings, of a dog and his family during a day out at the beach.
ISBN 9780091831707
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 1998
Clark, Margaret & Hayes, Phil (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Meerkat mail
Sunny Meerkat comes from a large and close family. One day, he decides that it's time to leave home and see the world.
ISBN 9781405052153
Publisher MacMillan, 2006
Gravett, Emily
Image currently unavailable
What's a group of meerkats called? Where do they live? What do they eat? In this book, you'll find the answers and lots more about the fascinating lives of meerkats.
ISBN 9781474941013
Series Usborne beginners series (44 books)
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2018
Maclaine, James
Image currently unavailable
Meet Don Bradman
Don Bradman was Australia's greatest cricketer. This is the story of how he first came to play for Australia, and how his record-breaking feats in the Ashes series became a source of pride and hope during the hard years of the Great Depression.
ISBN 9781925324891
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2016
Vass, Coral & Howe, Brad (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Meet Nellie Melba
Dame Nellie Melba was Australia's first classical music star. The beauty of her singing was celebrated around the globe. She was appointed Dame Commander, OBE, for her enormous fundraising efforts during World War I. Today, she is commemorated on Australia's one hundred dollar banknote. This is the story of how she rose to fame, and how she brought opera to Australians in the city and the bush.
ISBN 9780143780298
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2016
Brian, Janeen & Murphy, Claire (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Meet the Flying Doctors
In the early twentieth century, Reverend John Flynn saw the potential for aeroplanes to bring urgent medical care to people in outback Australia. He campaigned for more than ten years to make his big idea a reality. That big idea became the Royal Flying Doctor Service. Today, the Service, a not-for-profit organisation, provides emergency and primary health care across Australia.
ISBN 9780143780687
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2016
Ivanoff, George & Wood, Ben (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mega bikes
Discover the coolest, fastest and most amazing bikes on the road with colour, full-page photographs of speedy scooters, choppers, cruisers, sport bikes, quad and motocross bikes.
ISBN 9781741694130
Series Mega series (7 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2009
Pitchall, Chez & Gunzi, Christiane (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mega cars
With huge Hummers and stretch limousines, racing Ferraris and stunning Lamborghinis, this colourful book has big, full-colour photographs of the coolest, fastest and most exciting cars.
ISBN 9781865045726
Series Mega series (7 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2007
Pitchall, Chez & Gunzi, Christiane (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mega machines
Discover the world of machines with big, full-colour photographs on every page.
ISBN 9781865049861
Series Mega series (7 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2007
Pitchall, Chez & Gunzi, Christiane (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mega rescuers
With big, full-colour photographs, discover the machines and vehicles used in rescues, and find items on each page.
ISBN 9781741690897
Series Mega series (7 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2008
Pitchall, Chez & Gunzi, Christiane (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mega series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Mega series (7 books)
Pitchall, Chez & Gunzi, Christiane (ill)
No book cover.
Mega spacecraft
Explore the exciting world of space, with big, full-colour photographs of rocket launchers, satellites, space telescopes, shuttles, lunar rovers and other amazing spacecraft.
ISBN 9781741690507
Series Mega series (7 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2008
Pitchall, Chez & Gunzi, Christiane (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mega tractors
Huge tractors, massive combine harvesters, foragers, balers and lots more are featured in colour, full-page photographs of gigantic machinery.
ISBN 9781741694086
Series Mega series (7 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2009
Pitchall, Chez & Gunzi, Christiane (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mega trucks
From massive diggers, loggers and loaders to gigantic dumpers and bulldozers, this bright and busy book is full of big, full-colour photographs.
ISBN 9781865048413
Series Mega series (7 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2005
Pitchall, Chez & Gunzi, Christiane (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Deep in the mists of time, far from the world we know, is an ancient stone castle. This castle sits on a huge black rock jutting out of a raging sea. The castle is a school where the naughtiest children in the world are sent. There is zero chance of escape. It is here that the scariest, yuckiest, most monstrous monsters you can think of get squished together into one. Who would dare to fight such a creature? Meet Larker, one small girl ready to take on Mega Monster.
ISBN 9780008499723
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2021
Walliams, David & Ross, TOny (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Melody Trumpet
As the daughter of worldwide, famous, musical superstars, Melody Trumpet was supposed to be an extraordinarily gifted musician to carry on the Trumpet legacy. But, as was first discovered when Melody screamed her first out-of-tune note as baby, this wasn't to be! Ten years on, Melody has been kept away from the eyes and ears of the world safely tucked away in Trumpet Manor. Will she find her voice? If only secrets could stay hidden...!
ISBN 9781460754979
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 2019
Tozer, Gabrielle
Image currently unavailable
Memory shed, The
Annie is helping Grandma clear out her old shed for a garage sale. There are many dusty old things, long forgotten and unused. But, they hold special memories for Grandma. And, it seems the shed has something to say and it wants Grandma and Annie to listen.
ISBN 9781742990347
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2015
Morgan, Sally & Kwaymullina, Ezekiel
Image currently unavailable
Mending Lucille
A young girl grieves for her mother. She clings to familiar things to remind her of happier times but a broken doll highlights her hurt and begins the healing sequence.
ISBN 9780734410337
Publisher Lothian Books, 2008
Poulter, J R & Davis, Sarah (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mercy Watson fights crime
One night, Mercy awakes to the sound of the toaster scraping along the kitchen counter. This can only mean one thing, someone is making her favourite food, toast. When Mercy heads for the kitchen, she finds a little man in a ten-gallon hat but he's not making toast.
ISBN 9780763649524
Series Mercy Watson series (6 books)
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2010
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
DiCamillo, Kate & Van Dusen, Chris (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mercy Watson goes for a ride
Every weekend, Mr Watson takes his pig for a ride in his pink convertible car. One Saturday, their elderly neighbour, Baby Lincoln, stows away in the backseat. When Baby reveals her presence, a surprised Mr Watson takes his eyes off the road and Mercy seizes her chance. She jumps into his lap and grabs the wheel.
ISBN 9780763645052
Series Mercy Watson series (6 books)
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2010
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
DiCamillo, Kate & Van Dusen, Chris (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mercy Watson series
Any five titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top of the screen.
Series Mercy Watson series (6 books)
DiCamillo, Kate & Van Dusen, Chris (ill)
No book cover.
Mercy Watson thinks like a pig
Mercy's appetite leads her straight to the bed of freshly-planted pansies in Eugenia Lincoln's garden. Animal Control Officer Francis Poulet is called to sort things out. But, as she soon discovers, not just anyone can think like a pig, especially when that pig is porcine wonder, Mercy Watson.
ISBN 9780763652319
Series Mercy Watson series (6 books)
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2011
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
DiCamillo, Kate & Van Dusen, Chris (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mercy Watson to the rescue
After the Watsons tuck Mercy into bed with a sweet song and a kiss, she feels all warm inside as if she has just eaten hot toast with a great deal of butter. However, Mercy is afraid of the dark so she snuggles into bed with the couple. Moments later, all three are rudely awakened as their bed falls into a hole that has opened in the floor beneath them.
ISBN 9780763645045
Series Mercy Watson series (6 books)
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2001
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
DiCamillo, Kate & Van Dusen, Chris (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mercy Watson: princess in disguise
Mercy Watson, that glistening pig, isn't too interested in learning about Halloween, even when Mrs Watson shows her a pink princess dress that she can wear. But, then food treats are mentioned and Mercy is suddenly all ears.
ISBN 9780763649517
Series Mercy Watson series (6 books)
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2010
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
DiCamillo, Kate & Van Dusen, Chris (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mercy Watson: something wonky this way comes
Mr and Mrs Watson and their porcine wonder, Mercy, are on their way to the drive-in theatre. Mercy is more excited by the prospect of real butter on bottomless buckets of popcorn. Trouble occurs when Mercy, with snout in the air, follows the irresistible scent of butter to cars with their windows down.
ISBN 9780763636449
Series Mercy Watson series (6 books)
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2011
DiCamillo, Kate & Van Dusen, Chris (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mermaid fire
When Elektra's class learns how to dive down and collect magic mermaid fire, Elektra is keen to get more than everybody else. She will have to swim away from the safety of the reef, deep down to the bottom of the dark and scary sea.
ISBN 9780141318370
Series Not quite a mermaid series (9 books)
Publisher Puffin UK, 2005
Chapman, Linda
Image currently unavailable
Mermaid friends
Electra and her school friends are off on an overnight trip to Craggy Island. Electra is upset to discover the older mermaids are laughing because she has legs instead of a tail. The girls are even meaner when they tell Electra and her friends that the island caves, where they plan to have a midnight feast, are haunted. But, Electra shows that legs can be very useful.
ISBN 9780141320533
Series Not quite a mermaid series (9 books)
Publisher Puffin UK, 2006
Chapman, Linda
Image currently unavailable
Mermaid island
Electra is a human mermaid, a mermaid with legs instead of a tail. Abandoned as a tiny baby, she was found by the merpeople of Mermaid Island who decided to adopt her. They gave her sea-powder so that she could live and breathe underwater. Elecktra is always getting into trouble, usually because she longs for excitement and adventure.
ISBN 9780141318363
Series Not quite a mermaid series (9 books)
Publisher Puffin UK, 2005
Chapman, Linda
Image currently unavailable
Mermaid party
It's New Year on Mermaid Island. Electra and her dolphin friend, Splash, swim to the grotto to help decorate it for the party. But, Electra and Splash make a big mess and are sent away to behave. They discover tunnels at the back of the grotto which lead to the deep sea. All the tunnels are safely blocked up except one.
ISBN 9780141320526
Series Not quite a mermaid series (9 books)
Publisher Puffin UK, 2006
Chapman, Linda
Image currently unavailable
Mermaid promise
Electra has had a great idea. It's been a year since her best dolphin friend, Splash, came to live on Mermaid Island so she's going to throw him a party. But, when Splash meets some other wild dolphins, Electra is scared that he will want to swim away with them for ever.
ISBN 9780141322322
Series Not quite a mermaid series (9 books)
Publisher Puffin UK, 2008
Chapman, Linda
Image currently unavailable
Mermaid rescue
Electra is very excited. Two of the older mermaids, Keri and Marina, have asked her if she would like to go camping with them on Craggy Island. But, the adventure comes to an abrupt end when Electra's mum tells her that she's too young and she can't go.
ISBN 9780141322315
Series Not quite a mermaid series (9 books)
Publisher Puffin UK, 2008
Chapman, Linda
Image currently unavailable
Mermaid surprise
Electra is excited about Gran's birthday party and knows the perfect present, a baby sea mouse. But, a scary snake has been spotted in the caves where the baby sea mice live. Only a super brave mermaid would swim out there now.
ISBN 9780141322292
Series Not quite a mermaid series (9 books)
Publisher Puffin UK, 2007
Chapman, Linda
Image currently unavailable
Mermaid treasure
When Electra hears of hidden treasure in the caves near Mermaid Island, she is very excited and wants to hunt for it. On the way, she finds a rare, dwarf seahorse surrounded by stinging jellyfish, and bravely saves him. Electra doesn't know that the tiny seahorse will later lead her to safety and to a very special surprise.
ISBN 9780141320540
Series Not quite a mermaid series (9 books)
Publisher Puffin UK, 2006
Chapman, Linda
Image currently unavailable
Mermaid tricks
Electra is having a brilliant time playing scary tricks on all her mermaid friends, and when Sparkle, the baby seahorse, joins in they have even more fun. But not everyone finds Electra's tricks very funny and when she tries to warn her friends about something truly dangerous, no one will listen to her.
ISBN 9780141322308
Series Not quite a mermaid series (9 books)
Chapman, Linda
Image currently unavailable
Mermaid wish
Electra really wants to explore the shipwreck near Mermaid Island. She thinks she might find objects that would help her discover things about the human world she came from. But Maris, her adopted mermaid mum, won't let her go as it's too dangerous. Electra won't let that stop her.
ISBN 9780141320557
Series Not quite a mermaid series (9 books)
Publisher Puffin UK, 2006
Chapman, Linda
Image currently unavailable
MerTales: The best friend promise
Pearl is planning a sea-sational party for her birthday, but a chance encounter with a shooting star changes everything. All of a sudden Pearl can do something she never thought possible. Pearl's new powers could be a curse or a blessing.
ISBN 9781760526528
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2021
TImmis, Rebecca
Image currently unavailable

Mertales: The daring reef rescue
Tomorrow is the Fancy-Fins Dress-up Party, and the MerTales crew are very excited! Pearl, Sandy and Coral are extra thrilled to be testing out their mer-mazing new magic powers. But what about Shell? She doesn't seem to have any powers, and is feeling a bit left out. Then a giant turtle blunders into Cockleshell Cove, and Shell is worried that she is too much of a scaredyfish to help. Together the girls must find a way to save the turtle, rescue Cockleshell Cove and have the best dress-up party ever!
ISBN 9781760526566
Publisher Albert Street Books, 2021
Timmis, Rebecca
Image currently unavailable

MerTales: The great treasure hunt
It's the day of the Great Treasure Hunt and everyone is joining in! Coral is excited to lead her team of best friends to the treasure first. But soon they discover that there is a bigger mystery to solve... Who is the mer-sterious Count Frumplesquid, and what does he really want in Cockleshell Cove? Can Coral and her crew work together to uncover the truth and keep the precious treasure safe?
ISBN 9781760526573
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2022
TImmis, Rebecca
Image currently unavailable

Mertales: The mysterious rainbow thief
The colours are disappearing from Cockleshell Cove! The bright coral reef is grey and dull, and even the clownfish have lost their colour. The MerTales crew are worried their tails might be next! Sandy sets out to investigate with the help of her friends, Pearl, Shell and Coral. F.I.N.S. have saved Cockleshell Cove from reef dragons, giant turtles and catfish burglars, but the Mysterious Rainbow Thief moves faster than anything they have ever seen. Can the mer-crew catch the thief and bring back Cockleshell Cove's beautiful rainbow?
ISBN 9781760526580
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2022
Timms, Rebecca
Image currently unavailable
Message in a sock
Tammy is safe at home, but her heart is with her father at the warfront. While her mother knits socks for the soldiers, Tammy slips a message inside each pair. But will her one special message find her father, and bring him safely home?
ISBN 9781925227383
Publisher MidnightSun Publishing, 2018
Baillie, Kaye & Joy, Narelda (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mia's story
Mia's family is very poor, living in a house made from recycled bits and pieces. When her dog, Poco, disappears, Mia takes the family horse and heads off into the mountain meadows. There, the snow is clean and the sky is clear and Mia finds a kind of lily she's never seen before.
ISBN 9781844282784
Publisher Walker Books, 2006
Foreman, Michael
Image currently unavailable
Mice and rats
Keeping a mouse or rat is a big responsibility. They rely on you for food, water and a safe place to live. If your mouse or rat is sick or injured, you need to ensure that it gets proper care. Find out all you need to know about having a mouse or rat as a pet.
ISBN 9781740705684
Series Pets series (6 books)
Publisher Pearson Education Australia, 2009
Pyers, Greg
Image currently unavailable
Middle sheep, The
Maud is grumpy and she and Ernie are arguing all the time. It seems to Ernie that being his sidekick just isn't important to Maud anymore. Then, Valiant Vera advises that if the two trainee superheroes can't work together, they will be thrown out of the Superheroes Society. Ernie and Maud must learn teamwork before it's too late.
ISBN 9780733323058
Series Ernie & Maud series (2 of 4)
Publisher ABC Books, 2008
Watts, Frances & Watson, Judy (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Midnight at the library
A story of a little gold book, written long ago, and the journey it takes over the years before arriving at its new home in the library.
ISBN 9780642279316
Publisher National Library of Australia, 2018
Dubosarsky, Ursula & Brooks, Ron (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mieko and the fifth treasure
When the bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, Mieko's village was ruined and her hand was badly injured. She also lost the legendary fifth treasure, beauty in the heart. She is sent to a new school where her bravery and patience may help.
ISBN 9780947241858
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 1990
Coerr, Eleanor
Image currently unavailable
Mighty Matilda Mudpuddle, The
Matilda eats some spinach that makes her extraordinarily strong for one month. She spends the month setting a few bullies right and saving the day on several occasions.
ISBN 9781921042065
Series Matilda Mudpuddle series (3 of 5)
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2005
Winch, Gordon & Texidor, Dee (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mighty Mitch series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Mighty Mitch series (4 books)
Starc, Mitchell & Bunting, Philip (ill)
No book cover.
Mighty Mitch! Aussies vs England: Game on!
The greatest rivalry of them all! Mitch Starc's biggest dream is to one day wear the baggy green and play for Australia. Now it seems his dream has come true early! So what's Mitch's problem? He's pretty sure his team will be FLOGGED by the English side. He just CAN'T get the hang of bowling. His dad is EMBARRASSING him (and unfortunately his dad is the COACH!). His cricket whites have turned PINK! Can it get any WORSE?!
ISBN 9781742763194
Series Mighty Mitch series (4 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2017
Starc, Mitchell & Bunting, Philip (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mighty Mitch! Clash of the keepers!
There is a new kid in town and he wants Mitch's wicketkeeping spot. The gloves are on! Get ready for a mighty Clash of the Keepers! Mitchell Starc and Marshall Spark have got loads in common. They both like keeping. They both like opening the batting. Even their names sound the same! So what's driving Mitch bananas?
ISBN 9781742769158
Series Mighty Mitch series (4 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2018
Starc, Mitchell & Bunting, Philip (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mighty Mitch! Day/night decider
Mitch Starc is facing his mightiest test yet. Lights on, fights on! Its time for the epic Day/Night Decider! Mitch is getting ready for the biggest game of his life. But Coach has a surprise in store for Mitch and his team: theyre going to be playing at night, under lights! And with a pink ball! So what else does Mitch have to deal with? The Wombats have just had the WORST TEAM PHOTO ever taken! Mitch has a cockroach ON HIS HEAD! His best mate is planning a party... and that means TROUBLE! Theres only ONE MORE GAME for Mitch to achieve his cricket dream. Can Mitch and his team end the season on a high?
ISBN 9781742769172
Series Mighty Mitch series (4 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2019
Starc, Mitchell & Bunting, Philip (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mighty Mitch! Howzat heroes!
Mitch and his cricket team the Wander Hill Wombats have finally managed to get runs on the board and win some matches. But they have just had the most disastrous training session. No-one in the side can catch the ball, Mitch's bowling is getting worse, someone in the team has poo shoes and now the Wombats are famous and Mitch is not happy about it. Surely it can not get any more embarrassing can it?
ISBN 9781742763217
Series Mighty Mitch series (4 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2018
Starc, Mitchell & Bunting, Philip (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mighty Mitch! Not out!
It's finals fever for Mitch Starc and his U10s cricket team! So will they be NOT OUT or KNOCKED OUT? Mitch can't believe that his team actually has a shot at playing in the finals. But now the Wombats are up against a tough opposition who look keen and play mean, and will do whatever it takes to knock the Wombats out! What else has Mitch got to worry about? He's pretty sure that his LUCKY STREAK is about to RUN OUT.One of his teammates is busy playing tennis... in the TOILET! The Wombats new team MASCOT has just EXPLODED! They MUST WIN the match, or MITCH'S cricket season is OVER How hard can that be?!
ISBN 9781742769165
Series Mighty Mitch series (4 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2018
Starc, Mitchell & Bunting, Philip (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mike the spike
Mike is proud of his spikey hair. Small for his age, his spikes make Mike look taller and very grown up. To his horror, he discovers he has lice. The great hat parade is only two days away and he longs to win a prize for the best hat. But, Mike can't stop scratching long enough to make one.
ISBN 9781925059076
Series Little Rockets series (9 books)
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2014
Tarakson, Stella & Johnston, Ben (ill)
Image currently unavailable

Miles and Jones: The anaconda attack
Shackleton Jones is excited about his very first sleepover. He has to walk across the park with his dad to meet up with his best friend Amelia Miles. What they never expected was the evil neighbour would curse the park making their trip back to Jones' place much more interesting. Floodwaters can hide the most unusual things. Come on a fast paced graphic adventure with Miles and Jones.
ISBN 9781869715564
Publisher Little Moa, 2024
Smith, Sam & Lador, Cesar (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Military helicopters
Military helicopters perform a variety of missions for armed forces around the world. Some of these helicopters are capable of speeds approaching three hundred and twenty kilometres per hour. Discover the history, technology and future of the world's fastest military helicopters.
ISBN 9781600143366
Series Torque series (12 books)
Publisher Bellwether Media, Inc, 2010
Von Finn, Denny
Image currently unavailable
Millie was always so good, or was she? Millie eats all her vegetables and puts away her toys, or does she? She's always kind to her baby brother, or is she? But no matter what Millie does, her parents still love her.
ISBN 9780732911294
Publisher Pan MacMillan, 2002
Marsden, John & Rippon, Sally
Image currently unavailable
Million paws puppy, The
Nine year old Cassie Bannerman loves animals, especially her dog Ripper, who is always by her side. When Ben Stoppard moves into Abbotts Hill with his family and their English sheepdog, Cassie is determined to befriend them. Ben and Cassie and the two dogs take part in the RSPCA annual fundraiser, and help round up a naughty runaway pup.
ISBN 9781742753263
Series RSPCA animal tales series (1 of 9)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2012
Kunz, Chris
Image currently unavailable
Milly and the mulberry tree
Milly's mulberry tree is the centre of her world. He loves the magic and joy it provides her every year as she grows up. When her adult life takes her far away she still dreams of her tree and it inspires her every day.
ISBN 9781922539120
Publisher Exisle Publishing, 2022
Conley, Vikki & Hudson, Deb (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Milo: moving story, A
Milo's life is almost entirely unremarkable. He lives in a solid kennel in a reasonable part of town. Every other day, he has a job delivering parcels. Milo's life is turned upside down by an argument with his friend Snombo, followed by a strange wild storm that leaves him and his kennel in a precarious place. So, begins Milo's surprisingly remarkable journey back to his friends.
ISBN 9781760111632
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2016
Riddle, Tohby
Image currently unavailable
Min Min, The
The warm and humorous story of a family in an isolated community. Dad tells lots of scary stories but one night he scares himself.
ISBN 9780975064047
Publisher Indij Readers, 2003
Kelly, Joy & Russell, Shane
Image currently unavailable
Mina and the whole wide world
Mina wants her own bedroom more than anything else in the whole wide world. And it's almost ready. But when Mina's parents take in an unexpected house guest, they give her room away. At first Mina is too upset to speak. She doesn't care that the new boy, Azzami, needs a place to stay. Then she sees his drawings, and for the first time really thinks about the life of the quiet boy in front of her.
ISBN 9780702263231
Publisher University of Queensland Press, 2021
Clark, Sherryl
Image currently unavailable
Mind-swap menace
Captain Teggs and his crew of astrosaurs are on another mission when they almost crash into a deserted space station. It is a dinosaur prison that has been hit by a meteor and abandoned. When they Investigate, they are captured by two dastardly prisoners hiding in the wreckage. The master criminals have a body-swap machine and they want to use it on the astrosaurs.
ISBN 9780099472933
Series Astrosaurs series (4 of 19)
Publisher Red Fox, 2005
Cole, Steve
Image currently unavailable
Minecraft stonesword saga: To bee or not to bee
The gang are off on another adventure to find the next missing piece of the Evoker King. What they find is buzzare! Harper and her friends tackle a real-life ecological crisis. The bees around their school and the Stonesword Library are disappearing - and a splinter of the Evoker King has taken on the form of a bee colony with a hive mind! Could there be a connection with the rip they've seen growing bigger and darker in the Minecraft sky? And will their actions make things better or worse?
ISBN 9780008627157
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2023
Eliopulos, Nick & Batson, Alan (ill) & Hill, Chris (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ming's adventure on China's Great Wall
Ming and his father travel to the Great Wall to learn more about the creation of the longest structure ever build by humans. On their way, they take a wrong turn, leading to a great adventure as Ming and his father get to tour the wall and encounter all sorts of important figures, including the emperor who had the Great Wall built. When the emperor runs into a tricky situation at the beacon tower, it's up to Ming and some important information to save the day.
ISBN 9781602209879
Publisher Better Links Press, 2015
Jian, Li & Wert, Yijin (trans)
Image currently unavailable
Any two books from this series may be read as Challenge books and up to five more can be read as personal choice books. Go to the online booklists for the PRC ID of the individual books in this series.
Series Miniwings (5 books)
Sutton, Sally & Richards, Kirsten (ill)
No book cover.
Miniwings: Comet's cross-country crime
Sophia is determined that she and Clara will have a glorious victory in the school cross country. When the big day arrives and the race favourite's magic shoes go missing, it comes as a big surprise to Sophia when they turn up in her bag!
ISBN 9781775434870
Series Miniwings (5 of 5)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2018
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Sutton, Sally & Richards, Kirsten (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Miniwings: Firestorm's musical muck-up
ISBN 9781775434863
Series Miniwings (4 of 5)
Publisher Scholastic New Zealand, 2018
Sutton, Sally & Richards, Kirsten (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Miniwings: Glitterwing's book week blunder
Sshh... NOT for parents! You can keep a SECRET, right? Clara and I have a herd of tiny, talking, glitter-twinkly, flying horses - and they're REAL! It's true. Those naughty Miniwings get us into so much TROUBLE. Who would have thought Book Week could end up such a magical MESS!
ISBN 9781775434238
Series Miniwings (1 of 5)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2017
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Sutton, Sally & Richards, Kirsten (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Miniwings: Moonlight the Unicorn's high tea hiccup
Sshh... NOT for parents! You can keep a SECRET, right? Clara and I have a herd of tiny, talking, oopsie-whoopsie, flying horses - and they're REAL! It's true. Those naughty Miniwings get us into so much TROUBLE, especially that RAZZLY-DAZZLY UNICORN, Moonlight!
ISBN 9781775434887
Series Miniwings (6 of 5)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2019
Sutton, Sally & Richards, Kirsten (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Miniwings: Oceana's kitty catastrophe
Sshh... NOT for parents! You can keep a SECRET, right? Clara and I have a herd of tiny, talking, splishy-splashy, flying horses and they're REAL! It's true. Those naughty Miniwings get us into so much TROUBLE. Who would have thought a weekend at Nana's could lead to a complete KITTY CATASTROPHE!
ISBN 9781775434856
Series Miniwings (3 of 5)
Publisher Scholastic New Zealand, 2017
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Sutton, Sally & Richards, Kirsten (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Miniwings: Whizz's internet oopsie
Sshh... NOT for parents! You can keep a SECRET, right? Clara and I have a herd of tiny, talking, whizzie-whooshy, flying horses and they're REAL! Its true. Those naughty Miniwings get us into so much TROUBLE. Who would have thought a computer game could lead to such classroom CHAOS!
ISBN 9781775434245
Series Miniwings (2 of 5)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2017
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Sutton, Sally & Richards, Kirsten (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Minnie Pearl and the undersea bazaar
Minnie Pearl and her parents own the Undersea Bazaar where all the fashionable mermaids shop. Minnie helps in the shop when she's not attending school and learning what to do if she should ever encounter a human. When the wide-smiling Manta Ray opens her Marine Emporium next door, everything changes. All the mermaids flock to Manta's shop and Minnie determines to save the family business.
ISBN 9780733320149
Publisher ABC Books, 2007
Prior, Natalie Jane & Orsini, Cheryl (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Minou, a pampered cat, has a lovely life as Madame Violette sees to her every need. All seems wonderful until tragedy strikes and Minou suddenly finds herself on her own.
ISBN 9780868963662
Publisher Ashton Scholastic, 1987
Bingham, Mindy & Maeno, Itoko
Image currently unavailable
Minpins, The
Magical tale of a small boy, Billy, who journeys into the forest and encounters the Minpins who are extraordinary, little people. They are in fear of an evil creature and Billy must help them defeat it.
ISBN 9780140568219
Publisher Puffin UK, 2001
Dahl, Roald & Benson, Patrick (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Minton goes
Minton, the salamander, has a spirit of adventure and makes use of whatever is washed ashore on his island. His building skills and imagination provide the means to explore. Soon, he and turtle are sailing, flying, driving, trucking, going underwater and hot air ballooning.
ISBN 9781760111960
Series Minton series (8 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2015
Fienberg, Anna & Gamble, Kim (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Minton goes driving & trucking
Minton loves anything that moves and he's always ready for action. His friend, Turtle, is not so brave but, together, they have wild adventures. Find out what happens when they zoom through town and operate a dump truck.
ISBN 9781741754278
Series Minton series (8 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2008
Fienberg, Anna & Gamble, Kim (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Minton goes flying
As Bouncer, the acrobat, has lost her bounce, Minton makes an aeroplane to fly her all the way back to the city.
ISBN 9781864483673
Series Minton series (8 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 1998
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
Fienberg, Anna & Gamble, Kim (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Minton goes home
Minton and Turtle have landed in the coldest place on earth and found Hector, the hottest boy who ever lived. Now, Minton must build a hot-air balloon so they can get home.
ISBN 9781864483710
Series Minton series (8 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2000
Fienberg, Anna & Gamble, Kim (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Minton goes sailing
Minton can't wait to make a boat so that he and his friend, Turtle, can sail to an island on the horizon. There, they meet Bouncer, the acrobat, who has been stranded since she made the most gigantic, enormous jump and flew right out of the city and over the ocean.
ISBN 9781864485929
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2001
Fienberg, Anna & Gamble, Kim (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Minton goes sailing & flying
Minton loves anything that moves but his friend, Turtle, is not so brave. Find out what happens when they set sail and take to the skies.
ISBN 9781741754285
Series Minton series (8 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2008
Fienberg, Anna & Gamble, Kim (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Minton goes trucking
Minton, the salamander, loves all machines that move and he finds just what he needs to make them. Minton wants to be a truck driver. When there's sand to move and building to be done, Minton and Turtle are ready for a hard day's work.
ISBN 9781864485950
Series Minton series (8 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2000
Fienberg, Anna & Gamble, Kim (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Minton goes under
Minton, that very popular salamander, is on the move again in another delightful picture book adventure. This time, Minton makes a submarine to explore under the sea.
ISBN 9781864483703
Series Minton series (8 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2000
Fienberg, Anna & Gamble, Kim (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Minton goes underwater & home at last
Minton loves anything that moves but his friend, Turtle, is not so adventurous. Find out what happens when they explore the deepest ocean and soar above the clouds.
ISBN 9781741754292
Series Minton series (8 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2008
Fienberg, Anna & Gamble, Kim (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Minton series
Any five titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top of the screen.
Series Minton series (8 books)
No book cover.
Miracle on Separation Street
Jack and his family go everywhere on foot until his mother gets a cleaning job and saves up the money for a car. They are all very excited about the trips they can do now they have a car. But, the excitement disappears on the second day when the car is gone.
ISBN 9781406324617
Publisher Walker Books, 2010
Graham, Bob
Image currently unavailable
Mischief afoot
After a mostly successful week, business at David's and Bernice's detective agency is a bit slow. Fortunately, the circus is coming to town. But, David's detective sensibility suspects there is mischief afoot and, during the first performance of the circus, he notices something is awry. He is convinced there is a mystery here that requires investigation.
ISBN 9781921150753
Series Walk right in detective agency series, The (3 of 5)
Publisher Walker Books, 2009
Simons, Moya
Image currently unavailable
Misha's treehouse
Misha is messy and her older brother, Paul, can't stand sharing their cluttered room. He begins to rebuild the old treehouse in the yard so she can make her mess there instead.
ISBN 9780734408624
Publisher Thomas C Lothian Pty Ltd, 2006
Hurst, Elise
Image currently unavailable
Miss Mary-Kate Martin's guide to monsters: The wrath of the Woolington wyrm
Mary-Kate is accompanying her archaeologist mother on one of her digs to investigate some interesting bones found in a well. The locals are afraid - there are mysterious noises, earth tremors and a terrifying legend. Is there a beast that lives in the well? Mary-Kate might be anxious but she is not afraid to get to the bottom of this monstrous mystery.
ISBN 9781760526627
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2022
Foxlee, Karen & Chiu, Freda (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Miss Molly's school of kindness
Frankie, Felix and Freddie fox are driving their parents wild. They are always arguing or being nasty. Their parents decide that some fresh air will do them good. And it did. In the forest they found Miss Molly's School of Kindness. The foxes aren't sure at first, but learn to be kind to others, themselves and the planet. Come and visit Miss Molly's School with the foxes to see what you could learn, and maybe your parents too!
ISBN 9781474983211
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2020
Davidson, Zanna & Reeve, Rosie (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Miss Wolf and the porkers
Tiny Miss Wolf runs the school library and does it very well, despite a few problems with lizards, rats and cockroaches. She is lucky to have the loyal help of the three Porker children, until one day Miss Wolf arrives to find something terrible.
ISBN 9780141311142
Series Aussie bites (84 books)
Publisher Penguin, 2001
Condon, Bill & Magerl, Caroline (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Missing Kitten, The
Scarlett is excited to be moving to the countryside, especially as it means she will finally get a pet. She chooses Bootle, a ginger kitten with four white socks, and the two of them become inseparable. Then Scarlett has to start at her new school. Bootle tries following Scarlett to school each day. But when there's a downpour, he gets lost. Scarlett will need to find him but she has no idea where he could be.
ISBN 9781847153661
Series Holly Webb's kittens & puppies series (32 books)
Publisher Stripes, 2013
Webb, Holly & Williams, Sophy (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Missing mongoose, The
Carlomagno, the chief of police in Buenos Aires, has an emergency on his hands when a mongoose vanishes from the zoo. He calls on his brainy cousin Alberta to help him crack the case.
ISBN 9781743312605
Series Cryptic casebook of Coco Carlomagno series (3 of 6)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2013
Dubosarsky, Ursula & Denton, Terry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mission Fox series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Mission Fox series (7 books)
D'Ath, Justin & McKenzie, Heath (ill)
No book cover.
Mission to find Max, The: Egypt
Jack joined the Global Protection Force for two reasons: to thwart evil around the world and to rescue his brother, Max, who went missing while working as a GPF agent. The GPF refused to share any details with Jack about Max's whereabouts, but on two previous missions, Jack had collected clues that pointed to Max is being in Egypt. Now Jack has reason to believe that King Tut's diadem -- a crown thought to have magical powers -- is the cause of Max's disappearance. The crown was so important that King Tut was buried with it on his head, but when the boy-pharaoh's tomb was opened in 1922, an assistant archaeologist named Omar Massri stole the artefact. Could a descendant of Massri somehow be involved in Max's disappearance? Jack and his old friend Kate must prevent an ancient and terrible curse of the pharaohs from wreaking havoc, or else Egypt -- and Jack's brother -- could be doomed.
ISBN 9781602861527
Series Jack Stalwart, secret agent series (14 of 12)
Singer Hunt, Elizabeth & Wiliamson, Brian (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mission: climate change
Bindi, Robert and their wildlife warrior pals have been invited to speak at a climate change conference in Finland. But when the conference organiser, Professor Tikkanen, mysteriously disappears the night before the conference begins, Bindi and Robert realise they have two missions.
ISBN 9780822566953
Series Bindi wildlife adventures series (12 of 20)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2011
Irwin, Bindi and others
Image currently unavailable
Mister Cleghorn's seal
When Mr Cleghorn finds an abandoned seal pup on a rock in the middle of the sea, he decides he can't leave it. He brings it home to his flat. This is the story of what happened to Mr Cleghorn and Charlie, the seal, in their determination to find a home for Charlie and, incidentally, happiness for them both.
ISBN 9780008157302
Publisher HarperCollins Children's Books, 2015
Kerr, Judith
Image currently unavailable
Mister Whistler
Mr Whistler is a joyful man, always very finely dressed, and who is forever challenged by an urge to sing and dance. When he arrives at the train station he cannot help but dance along to the music in his head to the delight of his fellow commuters. But as the train approaches, just where did he put that train ticket.
ISBN 9781877467912
Publisher Gecko Press, 2012
Mahy, Margaret & Bishop, Gavin (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Misty the abandoned kitten
Amy has always loved cats and is thrilled when she spots a tiny little black kitten in her garden. Although she has no collar, she looks too well cared for to be a stray. Misty starts to spend more and more time with Amy but, just as she starts to think of the kitten as hers, the real owners show up.
ISBN 9781847151261
Series Holly Webb's kittens & puppies series (32 books)
Publisher Stripes, 2010
Webb, Holly & Williams, Sophy (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mitchell Itches: An eczema story
'Have you ever had an itch? Imagine having a never-ending itch? Mitchell was born with eczema, a skin condition which causes him to itch all the time. There are some things that make it worse and some things that help. Things that don't help are friends at school calling him names or not wanting to be near him in case they 'catch' it. But Mitchell is strong, courageous, determined and with the help of his parents can educate his friends, so they can understand that eczema doesn't make Mitchell who he is. Do you want to learn more? Check out this story and be prepared to be amazed.
ISBN 9781922539724
Publisher EK Books, 2024
Kelly, Kristin & Jones, Amelina
Image currently unavailable

Mitchell Starc: The incredible true story
Australian Mitchell Starc is a renowned fast bowler and one of the all-time cricketing greats. Learn about his journey from a kid bowling in his parents' yard to a celebrated world champion in this unofficial true story.
ISBN 9780008608903
Series Amazing cricket stars (99 books)
Publisher Farshore, 2024
Gifford, Clive
Image currently unavailable
Mo is no ordinary mobile phone. She can't do what she should but she can tell the future and there's danger ahead. Mo is on the run from an alien planet. When Shane offers to mind her while she's on Earth, he gets more than he bargained for.
ISBN 9780340911099
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (Australia), 2005
McCaughrean, Geraldine
Image currently unavailable
Mo and Crow
Mo is content. He has a house and a wall to protect him. When persistent Crow arrives and breaks down Mo's wall, he is awakened to the world beyond the wall. A tale of the power of friendship.
ISBN 9781760631758
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2021
Kasch, Jo & Bentley, Jonathan (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mokie and Bik
Mokie and Bik live on a boat with Laddie, the dog, Slow, the sleepy turtle, and Ruby who sings all day. Dad is on his ship at sea, Mum is busy arting. But, underfoot or overboard, the twins have twice as much fun as anyone else.
ISBN 9781741145502
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2006
Orr, Wendy
Image currently unavailable
Molly's memory jar
Molly feels lost after the death of her dog, Lucy, so her dad creates a colourful Memory Jar with her, to always remind her of the good times.
ISBN 9781921042355
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2010
Spaulding, Norma & Grantford, Jacqui (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mom and dad are palindromes
A humorous look at palindromes, although with some American spelling. Bob is surrounded by palindromes, indeed he is one himself. Palindromes are everywhere and there seems to be no escape from them.
ISBN 9780811843287
Publisher Chronicle Books, 2006
Shulman, Mark
Image currently unavailable
Monkey mayhem
At very short notice, the Irwins are called on to help run an ecolodge in Madagascar for a fortnight. They arrive to find the place deserted, and realise they have a lot of work to do before a bus load of tourists arrive.
ISBN 9781864718553
Series Bindi wildlife adventures series (10 of 20)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2011
Irwin, Bindi and others
Image currently unavailable
Monster fish, The
It's time for the Big Boomer Fishing Contest and Ben's family is taking part. His cousin, Andy, wants to come too but Dad thinks Andy is clumsy and will fall overboard. But, Andy surprises them all and so do two, big fish.
ISBN 9781862913912
Publisher Omnibus Books, 2009
Thiele, Colin & Smith, Craig (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Monster Hole, The
Mr and Mrs Snottygobble want a beautiful garden so they can win the garden competition. When a monster hole appears in their garden, they don't know how to get rid of it.
ISBN 9780143300267
Series Aussie nibbles (51 books)
Publisher Penguin, 2003
Small, Mary & Harvey, Roland (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Monster hunting for beginners
Monster Hunting isn't as easy as it looks. And Jack should know. Because an ogre has just appeared in his garden and tried to EAT HIS AUNT. After defeating the ogre, Jack finds himself apprenticed to a grumpy monster hunter called Stoop and heading off to Cornwall, where more ogres are causing havoc. All he has are his wits, his catapult and a magical book called Monster Hunting for Beginners. Jack's a bit worried he might not be the hero everyone's waiting for. But then again, how many terrifying, bloodthirsty monsters can there really be?
ISBN 9780755504367
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2021
Mark, Ian
Image currently unavailable
Monster island
When Bernie follows his mum to her new top secret job, he finds himself on Monster Island, where extinct and mythical creatures are alive. Bernie and his newfound friend Ivy must solve the mysteries of where all the mushrooms come from, and who is spying on the island with drones. Danger is around every corner in this action-packed adventure.
ISBN 9781761047244
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2023
Ivanoff, George
Image currently unavailable
Monster maintenance manual, The: A spotter's guide
If you have ever wondered why a sock mysteriously disappears after the wash or why your shoelaces get tangled into tricky knots, then you probably have a monster problem. Or, more specifically, two monster problems with a gobblesock living behind your washing machine and a shoelace monster under your bed.
ISBN 9781741968088
Publisher Pier 9, 2010
Macinnis, Peter & Thomas, Adele K (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Monster nanny
Halley, Koby and Mimi have been sent a nanny to look after them while their parents are away. The only problem is that their nanny is actually a monster. Their monster, Grah, is enormous, hairy, dust and does not talk. The children begin to wonder if others have monster nannies as well. With no parents around the children must all help each other to solve the many mysteries surrounding the monsters and help them if they can.
ISBN 9781760525590
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2020
Tolomen, Tuutikki
Image currently unavailable
Oscar is not looking forward to Grandad looking after him. It means endless rounds of chess or Monopoly, instead of war games on his computer. When he finds Dad's ancient laptop in the study, Oscar logs on to something called Project X and creates a real live warrior, who is programmed to obey Oscar's every command. But, Monstroso's wires are more than a little crossed and Oscar is in all sorts of trouble.
ISBN 9780141328454
Publisher Puffin UK, 2010
Higson, Charles
Image currently unavailable
Month that makes the year, The
This is the first time that Deenie will fast for Ramada. She shares the reasons why her family and other Muslims fast during this time and shares the joy and warmth of the special occasion.
ISBN 9781761068423
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2023
Zahri, Inda Ahmad
Image currently unavailable
Monty the sad puppy
Amelie has always loved dogs, but she never dreamed that she'd end up with two of them! Their puppy, Monty, has only been with them for a few months when her family offer to take in her grandad's beloved Daisy as he has to go into a care home. Amelie promises Grandad they will look after the old dachshund brilliantly. But when Daisy arrives, she is obviously unhappy and scared. Meanwhile, Monty doesn't understand why there is another dog in his house. And with Amelie making such a fuss over the new arrival, he soon starts to feel very unwanted. Doesn't Amelie care about him any more?
ISBN 9781847157737
Series Holly Webb's kittens & puppies series (35 of 32)
Publisher Stripes, 2017
Webb, Holly & Williams, Sophy (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Monty's island: Beady Bold and the yum-yams
Everyone loves Bring-and-Buy Day, when Trader Jolly visits the island with all the supplies Monty and his friends need. But this Bring-and-Buy Day is different. Instead of Jolly, there's a sneaky new trader called Beady Bold. And he's arrived with a boatload of trouble. The yum-yams are yummy, but they're hiding a very scary secret.
ISBN 9781760529864
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2020
Rodda, Emily & Gifford, Lucinda (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Monty's island: Scary Mary and the stripe shell
Scary Mary, the pirate, is looking for a new island home. An accidental brush with magic has turned Monty's Island into a beacon of red and white stripes. Monty, Tawny and their friends will need to find a way to save their home.
ISBN 9781760529857
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2020
Rodda, Emily & Gifford, Lucinda (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Moon station
For his Grade Five project, Williams must design a moon station. He has just one week to finish it and wonders if his parents can do a good enough job to win him a prize.
ISBN 9780143304524
Series Aussie bites (84 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2009
Flynn, Rachel & Watson, Judy (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Moon's messenger
Moon knew it was unusual to see a green turtle. Out of all the sea turtles in the world, they were the species that was most at risk. But when the turtle beckoned her to come, Moon knew it wanted to show her something.
ISBN 9788416147205
Publisher Cuento De Luz, 2015
Kroll, Virginia & Celej, Zuzanna (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Moonfish: Poems to make you laugh & think
This collection of poems, rhymes and raps is full of fun. It features eye catching art work from Australia's best illustrators. The raps and rhymes are designed to be performed, try reading some of them without turning into a rapper.
ISBN 9781925804256
Publisher Ford Street Publishing, 2019
Laing, Harry
Image currently unavailable
When Apollo 11 blasts off for the moon, the whole world is watching. On the other side of the planet, Billy, Mickey and Buzz decide to be astronauts too. Dream astronaut dreams, and celebrate Australia's role in one of humanity's greatest achievements, the moon landing of 1969. Moonwalkers is a joyous story of imagination and play - the greatest bedtime story ever told.
ISBN 9780143793557
Publisher Penguin, 2019
Greenwood, Mark & Denton, Terry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
More about Paddington
With his attempts at home decorating, detective work and photography, the Brown family soon find that Paddington causes his own particular brand of chaos.
ISBN 9780006753438
Series Paddington Bear series (28 books)
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2003
Bond, Michael & Alley, R W (ill)
Image currently unavailable
More adventures of the muddle-headed wombat
The adventures of the muddle-headed wombat on a rainy day, in the snow, in springtime and on the river combined in one book.
ISBN 9780207142611
Series Muddle-headed wombat series (13 of 14)
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 1980
Park, Ruth & Young, Noela (ill)
Image currently unavailable
More giggles and dreams
An illustrated collection of poems from an Australian poet.
ISBN 9780646298740
Publisher self-published, 1997
Kosseris, Annette
Image currently unavailable
Most beautiful lantern, The
The Chinese mid-autumn festival is celebrated with a parade through streets with colourful lanterns. Mei-Ling has trouble choosing her lantern because she wants it to be the most beautiful lantern in the parade.
ISBN 9780734408600
Publisher Lothian Books, 2007
Heinrich, Sally
Image currently unavailable
Most colourful frog in the world, The
A discontented, brown frog discovers the advantage of an unobtrusive skin colour in this appealing story about self-acceptance.
ISBN 9781865042343
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2000
Morris, Julie D
Image currently unavailable
Most loved monster
Mama loves all her little monsters no matter how disgusting their personal habits or special talents are. Hair balls wrapped in seaweed are pretty disgusting.
ISBN 9780143501596
Publisher Penguin, 2004
Downey, Lynn & Davis, Jack E (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Most magnificent mosque, The
Three naughty boys, Rashid, Samuel and Miguel, plague visitors to the mosque at Cordoba with their tricks. As punishment, the boys are forced to work in the mosque gardens. Later, the three friends reunite to save the church.
ISBN 9781845070120
Publisher Frances Lincoln, 2004
Jungman, Ann
Image currently unavailable
Mother Earth: Poems to celebrate the wonder of nature
Let's dream of what we can become, Mother Earth. Explore this collection of beautifully illustrated poems about nature to celebrate the wonder of our precious world.
ISBN 9780734421555
Publisher Hachette Australia, 2023
Hathorn, Libby & Booth, Christina (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Most motorcycles can go pretty fast. However, some are designed to reach incredibly fast speeds. Find out about the history of motorcycles, the technology behind the fastest bikes and what the future holds for the world's fastest motorcycles.
ISBN 9781600142918
Series Torque series (12 books)
Publisher Bellwether Media, Inc, 2010
Von Finn, Denny
Image currently unavailable
Climb to the highest peaks and discover why so few creatures can live at the top of the world. Learn about the different ways that mountains are formed, why mountains are one of the world's most challenging habitats and the feats of world-famous mountaineers.
ISBN 9780753460375
Series Kingfisher young knowledge series (19 books)
Publisher Kingfisher, 2007
Hynes, Margaret
Image currently unavailable
Mouse and the motorcycle, The
A reckless, young mouse, named Ralph, makes friends with a boy in room 215 of the Mountain View Inn and discovers the joys of motorcycling.
ISBN 9780380709243
Publisher HarperCollins US, 1990
Cleary, Beverly
Image currently unavailable
Mouse opera
All the mice are preparing for a grand opera show. It is a race to see if they can get everything done from learning their lines to making sure the toilets are clean before opening night.
ISBN 9781869434700
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2000
Wolfe, Richard & Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Mousehole cat, The
Mowser, the cat, lives at the far end of England in a town called Mousehole, with Old Tom, the fisherman. They lead a very pleasant life until the day they have to brave the Storm-Cat to bring food to the children at Christmastime.
ISBN 9780744523539
Publisher Walker Books, 1993
Barber, Antonia & Bayley, Nicola (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mr Badger and the big surprise
Mr Badger is in charge of special events at a splendid, old London hotel. When he and his assistant, Miss Pims, prepare for Miss Sylvia Smothers-Carruthers' seventh birthday party, little does Mr Badger know just what is in store for Sylvia, and for him.
ISBN 9781742374178
Series Mr Badger series (1 of 4)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2010
Hobbs, Leigh
Image currently unavailable
Mr Badger and the difficult duchess
Mr Badger is in charge of special guests at the Boubles Grand Hotel. He is used to dealing with all sorts of guests. But, on the day of the Philatelic Society's Annual Dinner, an extremely difficult guest arrives, demanding the Royal Suite. Mr Badger wonders just who this tall and troublesome woman is, and why she look a little familiar.
ISBN 9781742374192
Series Mr Badger series (3 of 4)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2011
Hobbs, Leigh
Image currently unavailable
Mr Badger and the magic mirror
Life is certainly full of surprises at the Boubles Grand Hotel where Mr Badger is in charge of special people and events. When he discovers a mirror that is anything but ordinary, he learns more about his favourite hotel than he would ever have dreamed possible.
ISBN 9781742374208
Series Mr Badger series (4 of 4)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2011
Hobbs, Leigh
Image currently unavailable
Mr Badger and the missing ape
For longer than anyone can remember, Algernon has been standing absolutely still in his own special spot at the Boubles Grand Hotel. Everyone is shocked when he disappears. Mr Badger needs to solve the mystery of the missing ape.
ISBN 9781742374185
Series Mr Badger series (2 of 4)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2010
Hobbs, Leigh
Image currently unavailable
Mr Badger series
Any five titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top of the screen.
Series Mr Badger series (4 books)
Hobbs, Leigh
No book cover.
Mr Biffy's battle
Two busking clowns get into a dispute over who owns the territory they work. Their competitive antics provide much humour in this glorious romp that explores resolving conflict.
ISBN 9780140558722
Publisher Penguin, 1997
Tulloch, Richard
Image currently unavailable
Mr Birdsnest and the house next door
Elmo and his sister love to play in the jungle house next door until mean Mr Birdsnest moves in and the garden is out of bounds. But when Granny goes missing, the children decide to go to the rescue even if it means going into Mr Birdsnest's house.
ISBN 9781742837109
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2013
Donaldson, Julia & Shaw, Hannah (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mr Bliss
Eccentric Mr Bliss, a man notable for his immensely tall hats and the girabbit in his garden, takes the whimsical decision to buy a motor car. But, his first drive to visit friends quickly becomes a catalogue of disasters. Some of these could be blamed on Mr Bliss's style of driving but even he could not anticipate being hijacked by three bears.
ISBN 9780007255337
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2007
Tolkien, J R R
Image currently unavailable
Mr Chicken all over Australia
Australia is big, but so is Mr Chicken. He can't wait to go everywhere, see everything and meet everyone. Luckily, a helpful marsupial from Tourist Information helps Mr Chicken organise his hectic itinerary. This book is dedicated to the many children, teachers and librarians Leigh Hobbs met as the 2016-2017 Australian Children's Laureate. Collect all of Mr Chicken's adventures: Mr Chicken Goes to Paris, Mr Chicken Lands on London and Mr Chicken Arriva a Roma.
ISBN 9781760296964
Series Mr Chicken series (4 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2019
Hobbs, Leigh
Image currently unavailable
Mr Chicken goes to Paris
Mr Chicken flies to Paris to see his friend, Yvette. He visits all the tourist attractions such as the Arc de Triomphe, the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre, and he loves the French food. When it comes time to fly home, Mr Chicken finds he has a big problem.
ISBN 9781741757699
Series Mr Chicken series (4 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2009
Hobbs, Leigh
Image currently unavailable
Mr Chicken series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Mr Chicken series (4 books)
Hobbs, Leigh
No book cover.
Mr Eight
Henry is in the pet shop to get himself a new pet but he doesn't want anything ordinary, like a kitten or a puppy. To his mum's dismay, he chooses Mr Eight, a giant octopus, who is more than the usual handful. And, he has a troubled past.
ISBN 9780143305569
Series Aussie nibbles (51 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2011
Eastaugh, Sharyn & Gordon, Gus (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mr George Baker
George is one hundred years old but he is learning to read with his pal, Harry.
ISBN 9780763633080
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2007
Hest, Amy & Muth, Jon J (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mr Huff
Bill is having a bad day. Mr Huff is following him around and making everything seem difficult. Bill tries to get rid of him but Mr Huff just gets bigger and bigger. Then, they both stop and a surprising thing happens.
ISBN 9780670078042
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2015
Walker, Anna
Image currently unavailable
Mr Impoppable
True friendship is impoppable and this is why Mr Impoppable is liked by all. Are we sure Impoppable is actually a word? Without a doubt Mr Impoppable puts Gerald to the test of finding friendship in rather impractical ways!
ISBN 9781922804440
Publisher Larrikin House, 2023
Jamieson, Trent & Wilson, Brent (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mr Moonlight
Something is making a weird noise under the house at night. It's not a possum or a rat. Tom can't wait to find out what it is.
ISBN 9780143305552
Series Aussie bites (84 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2011
Carroll, Jane & Spudvilas, Anne (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mr Noah and the cats
All Mr Noah wants is a bit of peace and quiet but God has told him to build an ark and take on board two kinds of every animal. With all the animals on board, life suddenly becomes very noisy for Mr Noah.
ISBN 9780734406309
Publisher Thomas C Lothian Pty Ltd, 2004
Farrer, Vashti & Curtis, Neil (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mr Penguin and the lost treasure
He has a dashing hat, a packed lunch of fish finger sandwiches and is very keen for adventure. Mr Penguin has opened his own business as Professional Adventurer. The phone rings! Boudicca Bones, owner of the Museum of Extraordinary Objects, urgently requires Mr Penguin's help in finding a long lost treasure hidden somewhere in the museum. With the help of his trusty spider friend, Colin, Mr Penguin springs into action. What follows is a hilarious adventure as they unravel the clues of great- great- great- grandfather's treasure map through the halls of the tumbled down museum. In their quest to find the lost treasure they stumble upon secret tunnels, hidden rainforests and the discovery that not everything or everyone seems to be what they appear to be! Mr Penguin learns that being a Professional Adventurer is exciting but can it also be dangerous!
ISBN 9781444932072
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (Australia), 2018
Smith, Alex T
Image currently unavailable
Mr Tiger, Betsy and the blue moon
Once upon a time, the letters of the alphabet decided to write a story about an island left off the map of the world, where a little girl named Betsy K. Glory meets the mysterious Mr Tiger. Together, they embark on an adventure filled with magical Gongalong berries, mermaids, giants, princesses, frogs and toads to try and make wishable-delicious ice cream. But will their wishes come true? This book is published in blue print to assist readers with dyslexia.
ISBN 9781786697172
Publisher Head of Zeus, 2018
Gardner, Sally & Maland, Nick (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mr Trim and Miss Jumble
Mr Trim is neat and tidy with a neat and tidy class. When he's sick, he's replaced by Miss Jumble who untidies everything.
ISBN 9781844289554
Publisher Walker Books, 2005
Boxall, Ed
Image currently unavailable
Mr Tripp smells a rat
Lily's teacher, Mr Tripp, says everyone is good at something. Lily can hold her breath for ages. Jessie can do a cartwheel with one hand and Jamie is good at drawing frogs. Mr Tripp is good at two things. He can tell really good jokes and he has a clever nose. But, when Ricky Rider's pet rat escapes from its cage, Mr Tripp must be brave and sniff it out.
ISBN 9781921529061
Series Walker stories (11 books)
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2011
McKay, Sandy & Paul, Ruth (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mr Walker and the dessert delight
Mr Walker lives in a grand hotel, he is a special dog and it is his job to welcome everyone. The hotel is having a special party and a famous chef will be staying at the hotel and helping to cook for the event, but the hotel already has a chef. Will the two chefs be able to work together in one kitchen? Can Mr Walker help bring peace back to the hotel?
ISBN 9780143793083
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2019
Black, Jess & Acton, Sara (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mr. Chicken goes to Mars
Mr Chicken is very curious. He loves meeting new people and travelling to new places. He's been to Paris, London, Rome and all over Australia, but one day, he realises that he has never been to outer space. Mr Chicken is on his way to Mars and you, the adventurous reader, are invited to join him!
ISBN 9781760878276
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2023
Hobbs, Leigh
Image currently unavailable
Mrs Millie's painting
Mrs Millie loves to grow flowers but they never win any prizes, so she paints pictures of beautiful, exotic flowers instead. Suddenly her painting comes to life, and is trailing out the window leading to adventure.
ISBN 9780733608827
Publisher Hodder Headline Australia Pty Ltd, 2003
Ottley, Matt
Image currently unavailable
Mrs Pepperpot again
Mrs Pepperpot has an enormous, little problem. She shrinks and finds herself facing all sorts of funny situations of giant-sized proportions. Whether it's a brown bear or a moose on the loose, clever Mrs Pepperpot is always ready.
ISBN 9780099318002
Publisher Random House Canada, 1999
Proysen, Alf
Image currently unavailable
Ms Wiz banned!
No magic, please! was the School Inspector's request when Ms Wiz became Head Teacher at St Barnabas School. But when Ms Wiz is around magic is never far away. Soon lessons fly out of the window, Ms Wiz is banned and Class 3 are stranded on a tropical island.
ISBN 9780330348706
Series Ms Wiz series (6 of 18)
Publisher MacMillan, 1997
Blacker, Terence & Simpson, Kate (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ms Wiz goes live
Caroline and Little Musha face another evening in front of the television, until Ms Wiz and her pet rat agree to baby-sit - and instead of watching TV, they go into it. Little Musha gets to mash a quiz show host, Caroline becomes a star, and as for Ms Wiz, well she always make the news!
ISBN 9780330348690
Series Ms Wiz series (5 of 18)
Publisher MacMillan, 2003
Blacker, Terence & Ross, Tony (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ms Wiz goes to Hollywood
Hollywood is full of strange people, but none as strange as Ms Wiz. When When she and Shelly Kelly win a trip to Hollywood, they meet their favorite stars, Mel, Courtney, Brad, and Leonardo, warts and all.
ISBN 9780330481472
Series Ms Wiz series (18 books)
Publisher Andersen Press Ltd, 2001
Blacker, Terence & Ross, Tony (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ms Wiz loves Dracula
The lights are low, the music is romantic, and Ms Wiz is dancing with a tall, dark-haired stranger ... with long white fangs. The children of Class 3 go into action when they discover that Ms Wiz is falling in love with Dracula.
ISBN 9780330348737
Series Ms Wiz series (9 of 18)
Publisher MacMillan, 1997
Blacker, Terence & Ross, Tony (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ms Wiz mayhem
Ms Wiz's paranormal powers are at work in style in these stories. Somehow, she must prevent the closure of St Barnabas' School, stop Herbert the rat from meeting a sticky end at the pet-hating Harris household, and travel with Podge, Caroline and Jack to the Kingdom of Paranormal Magic and Utter Eternal Mystery, to meet her very unusual family.
ISBN 9780330442879
Series Ms Wiz series (18 books)
Publisher MacMillan, 2006
Blacker, Terence & Ross, Tony (ill)
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Ms Wiz rocks
Ms Wiz is at it again. Podge is learning an instrument but he's terrible. Then, he meets a street singer playing the ukulele, it's Ms Wiz of course. When he joins her band, he finds himself in a TV talent competition. Also, Lizzie's cat is missing, stolen by fur-nappers, and Ms Wiz turns her into a cat to get it back.
ISBN 9781842708484
Series Ms Wiz series (18 books)
Publisher Andersen Press Ltd, 2009
Blacker, Terence & Ross, Tony (ill)
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Ms Wiz rules OK
Ms Wiz goes live. Caroline and Little Musha are babysat by Ms Wiz - and they go into the TV. Power-Crazy Ms Wiz, Mr Harris wants to shape up Podge, and take him away from St Barnabas, so Ms Wiz goes to the Prime Minister to prevent it.
ISBN 9781842708583
Series Ms Wiz series (18 books)
Publisher Andersen Press Ltd, 2010
Blacker, Terence & Ross, Tony (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ms Wiz series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Ms Wiz series (18 books)
No book cover.
Ms Wiz smells a rat
Ms Wiz's husband Brian, can just about cope with having a paranormal operative for a wife, and a magic baby - but he can't stand living with a talking rat. Poor Herbert must find a new home. Worse still, Herbert's fallen in love with a street rat - and a family is already on the way.
ISBN 9780333737347
Series Ms Wiz series (18 books)
Publisher Chivers Audio Books, 2001
Blacker, Terence & Ross, Tony (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ms Wiz spells trouble
Things are certainly livened up at St Barnabas School when Ms Wiz arrives. She has a magic rat, a rather rude owl, and some very special powers. But when Podges dad is turned into a warthog and the School Inspector loses his trousers, Class Three has to admit, Ms Wiz spells trouble!
ISBN 9780330347631
Series Ms Wiz series (1 of 18)
Publisher MacMillan,
Blacker, Terence & Ross, Tony (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Muddle-headed wombat and the bush band, The
The muddle-headed wombat and his friends, a tiny, practical mouse and a vain, neurotic, tabby cat make music together.
ISBN 9780207124334
Series Muddle-headed wombat series (9 of 14)
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 1973
Park, Ruth & Young, Noela (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Muddle-headed wombat and the invention, The
The irresistible muddle-headed wombat and his friends, a tiny, practical mouse and a vain, neurotic, tabby cat have an invention. But, you will have to read the story to find out who invented it, and exactly what the invention is.
ISBN 9780207132322
Series Muddle-headed wombat series (10 of 14)
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 1975
Park, Ruth & Young, Noela (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Muddle-headed wombat at school, The
The irresistible, muddle-headed wombat and his friends, a good-natured, practical mouse and a vain, neurotic tabby cat, go to school.
ISBN 9780207123634
Series Muddle-headed wombat series (4 of 14)
Publisher Educational Press, 1966
Park, Ruth & Young, Noela (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Muddle-headed wombat in the snow, The
The irresistible, muddle-headed wombat and his friends, a practical mouse and a vain, neurotic tabby cat, have fun in the snow.
ISBN 9780207945045
Series Muddle-headed wombat series (5 of 14)
Publisher Educational Press, 1966
Park, Ruth & Young, Noela (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Muddle-headed wombat in the springtime
The irresistible, muddle-headed wombat and his mates, a practical, little mouse and a vain, neurotic tabby cat, welcom in the springtime.
ISBN 9780855550004
Series Muddle-headed wombat series (7 of 14)
Publisher Educational Press, 1970
Park, Ruth & Young, Noela (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Muddle-headed wombat in the treetops
The irresistible wombat and his mates, a good-natured, practical mouse and a vain, neurotic tabby cat, have more adventures.
ISBN 9780855550035
Series Muddle-headed wombat series (3 of 14)
Publisher Educational Press, 1964
Park, Ruth & Young, Noela (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Muddle-headed wombat is very bad, The
The irresistible, muddle-headed wombat can be a little naughty because he is so forgetful but his friends, a tiny, practical mouse and a vain, neurotic tabby cat, would be surprised if he behaved very badly.
ISBN 9780207141515
Series Muddle-headed wombat series (14 of 14)
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 1981
Park, Ruth & Young, Noela (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Muddle-headed wombat on clean up day, The
The irresistible muddle-headed wombat and his friends, a tiny, practical mouse and a vain, neurotic, tabby cat are going to have very busy day helping with the big clean up.
ISBN 9780207132766
Series Muddle-headed wombat series (11 of 14)
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 1976
Park, Ruth & Young, Noela (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Muddle-headed wombat on holiday, The
The irresistible muddle-headed wombat and his mates, a good-natured, practical mouse and a vain, neurotic tabby cat, are on holiday.
ISBN 9780207130748
Series Muddle-headed wombat series (2 of 14)
Publisher Educational Press, 1964
Park, Ruth & Young, Noela (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Muddle-headed wombat on the river, The
The muddle-headed wombat and his friends, a practical, little mouse and a vain, neurotic, tabby cat, have fun on the river.
ISBN 9780207121418
Series Muddle-headed wombat series (8 of 14)
Publisher Educational Press, 1971
Park, Ruth & Young, Noela (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Muddle-headed wombat series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Muddle-headed wombat series (14 books)
Park, Ruth & Young, Noela (ill)
No book cover.
Muddle-headed wombat stays at home, The
The last recorded adventure of the irresistible muddle-headed wombat and his friends, a tiny, practical mouse and a vain, neurotic, tabby cat.
ISBN 9780207144516
Series Muddle-headed wombat series (15 of 14)
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 1982
Park, Ruth & Young, Noela (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Muddle-headed wombat, The
The delightful adventures of the lovabubble wombat and his friends, Mouse and Tabby, are put together in one book.
ISBN 9780207167331
Series Muddle-headed wombat series (1 of 14)
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 1990
Park, Ruth & Young, Noela (ill)
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Mudpuddle Farm: Pigs might fly
Mudpuddle Farm is made up of many animals, each with their own personality. In the first of two stories, we meet Pintsize, a feisty and adventurous pig, who overhears his owner utter the words, and pigs might fly. Pintsize decides that he will take on this challenge to fly with hilarious results. The second story focuses on Jigger the sheep dog whose one day off is spent planning how to get to the small creatures hiding in the 'about to be mown' corn field, and how, somehow, they manage to outsmart him each year.
ISBN 9780007274635
Publisher HarperCollins US, 2017
Morpurgo, Michael
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Mule School
Stomper can't see the point and really doesn't like Mule School with its lessons in conforming to mule behaviour. He certainly doesn't seem very good at the important lessons. Then one day, Stomper proves the value of thinking for yourself and the routine at Mule School changes.
ISBN 9781862337299
Publisher Gullane Children's Books Ltd, 2007
Rawlinson, Julia & Chapman, Lynne (ill)
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Mum Shirl
The story of Mum Shirl, an Australian Indigenous woman, who unselfishly helped Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. Includes great photographs, newspaper clippings and a biography.
ISBN 9781865044866
Series Reconciliation - for younger students series (7 of 10)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2002
Lau, Karen
Image currently unavailable
Find out why these mysterious corpses were mummified and the science behind the myths. Mummies provide a fascinating window on the past of cultures worldwide. Lots of facts and captivating photos.
ISBN 9781426305290
Series National Geographic kids series level 1 and level 2 (10 books)
Publisher National Geographic Society, 2009
Topics / STEM /
Carney, Elizabeth
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Mummy Fairy and me
Ella's family have a big secret . . . her mummy is a fairy! She can do amazing spells with her computawand to make delicious cupcakes, create the perfect birthday party and cause chaos at the supermarket. But sometimes the spells go a bit wrong and that's when Ella comes to the rescue!
ISBN 9780141377889
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2018
Kinsella, Sophie
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Muncle Trogg
Giants live on top of Mount Grumble, hidden from humans below. But, not all of them are big. Muncle Trogg is so small that he's laughed at by the others for being human-sized. Fed up, he decides to take a look at the 'Smallings' that he's meant to look like. But, what he discovers is very surprising indeed.
ISBN 9781906427030
Publisher Chicken House, 2011
Foxley, Janet & Wells, Steve (ill)
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Muncle Trogg and the flying donkey
Muncle Trogg is a tiny giant who lives on Mount Grumble. When his home threatens to erupt, Emily, a Smalling, and Muncle Trogg enlist the wisest animal of all, the flying donkey, to convince the giants to listen to them.
ISBN 9781906427955
Publisher Chicken House, 2012
Foxley, Janet & Wells, Steve (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mungo and the picture book pirates
Mungo reads his favourite book every night, an adventure about pirates. One night, when reading the book, Mungo discovers that the captain is nowhere to be found and he can dive in and take the captain's place.
ISBN 9780140569742
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2006
Knapman, Timothy & Stower, Adam (ill)
Image currently unavailable

Murray and Bun: Murray the knight
Murray and Bun travel through the enchanted cat flat and find themselves in the land of knights. There, Murray must defeat Sir Nasty in a jousting competition. Will Murray rise to the challenge and become an unlikely hero? What are the implications for Princess Rubytoes whose preferred destiny has little to do with marrying either Murray or Sir Nasty?
ISBN 9780008561277
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2024
Stower, Adam
Image currently unavailable
Murray and Bun: Murray the viking
Meet your favourite new duo: MURRAY AND BUN! Murray is a cat. Murray loves snoozing, fluffy blankets, and peace and quiet. Bun is a bun. Bun loves everything! And together they are unstoppable! Sometimes Murray's enchanted cat flap leads to the garden - but mostly it leads to ADVENTURE! And when Murray and Bun travel through the cat flap and find themselves in a land of vikings, they are given a very important mission: to travel to Troll Island and rescue Eggrik the Viking - if he hasn't already been gobbled up by the trolls, that is.
ISBN 9780008561253
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2024
Stower, Adam
Image currently unavailable
Music technology
Since ancient times, people have been fascinated by how things work. This series features the design and technology of machines that are part of our daily lives, and explains where and how they are used, and the materials from which they are made.
ISBN 9780732997472
Series How does it work series (4 of 6)
Publisher MacMillan, 2008
Hilvert, John & Bruce, Linda & Hilvert-Bruce, Alan
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Music tree, The
Liam's mother hangs a saucepan lid to a tree to stop him from being destructive. In time the tree is well decorated with noisy household objects. Liam is inspired by a storm to create even more melodic music.
ISBN 9780734408518
Publisher Lothian Books, 2006
Hoy, Catriona & Jaunn, Adele (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Taj longs to take his young camel, Mustara, with explorer Ernest Giles' expedition to find a way across the Australian desert. But, like a storm in the ocean, the desert can turn wild, and Mustara is thought to be too young and not strong enough. Taj and Mustara must prove their strength and courage.
ISBN 9780734408990
Publisher Lothian Books, 2006
Hawke, Rosanne & Ingpen, Robert (ill)
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Mustard, custard, grumble belly and gravy
Michael Rosen's witty and clever verses are brought to life by Quentin Blake's detailed art in a beautifully produced book. An audio version of the book is available. Gems include 'Don't put mustard in your custard'.
ISBN 9780747587392
Publisher Bloomsbury, 2006
Rosen, Michael & Blake, Quentin (ill)
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Muster me a song: the Anne Bell reciter
Anne Bell writes with love about Australia, the country and the city, the old and the new, young people and old timers. She has a keen sense of history, an eye for details and an ear for the music of words.
ISBN 9780957868113
Publisher Triple D Books, 2002
Bell, Anne
Image currently unavailable
My (most excellent) pet project
Indie Kidd is potty about pets and her school project is crawling with them. Pore over these crazy pages for Indie's animal advice and pet stories. There are freaky facts, too, such as alligators having a food radar in their cheeks and a group of hippos being known as a bloat.
ISBN 9781406302875
Publisher Walker Books, 2008
McCombie, Karen
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My Aunty Chook the vampire chicken
Drackie lives on Vampire Island, where every night is dark and stormy. Soon he'll be old enough to turn into a bat and live in his own castle. Drackie has just had the best birthday ever. His parents have given hima vampire toad called Fang. Then the unthinkable happens, Fang is toad-napped and a ransom of $100,000 is asked for by the International Society of Toad Thieves. The only clue is a bright pink feather. A clue that leads to Auntie Chook. But who is Auntie Chook? And why doesn't anyone in Drackie's family wish to talk about her?
ISBN 9780207200793
Series Wacky families series (7 of 8)
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2015
French, Jackie & King, Stephen Michael (ill)
Image currently unavailable
My Beijing: Four stories of everday wonder
Yuer and her grandfather spend a lot of time together in the hutongs, or alleyways, of Beijing. As we follow these two in their everyday life, we meet some of the unusual people of the neighbourhood and their unusual stories. The past and the present come together in these disappearing neighbourhoods of one of the world's largest cities
ISBN 9781541526426
Publisher Graphic Universe, 2018
Jun, Nie
Image currently unavailable
My best book of nibbles
If you've ever wanted to go on a magical adventure or been to an unusual party, then you'll love the five stories included in this book.
ISBN 9780143306337
Series Aussie nibbles (51 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2011
Brian, Janeen & Caisley, Raewyn & Dubosarsky, Ursula & Godwin, Jane & Lawrinson, Julia
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My best friend is a vampire
David is a loner who finally finds a best friend. Despite Vincent being a half-vampire, eating fresh worms, centipede sandwiches and crispy pigs' ears, the two boys form an instant friendship. But, the friendship is not without problems.
ISBN 9780143302391
Series Aussie bites (84 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2006
Rippin, Sally
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My book (not yours)
Lento is so excited you are reading his book. He has a big story to tell you. First, though, he needs a little nap. But if you snooze, you lose. Enter Fox, stage right, to steal the show.
ISBN 9780734419040
Publisher Lothian Books, 2019
Sanders, Ben
Image currently unavailable
My community is La Perouse
Bradley takes us on a tour of his home suburb, La Perouse. Includes great photos, maps and extra information about the local history and places of interest.
ISBN 9781865044873
Series Reconciliation - for younger students series (8 of 10)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2002
Galleguillos, Sharon
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My dad the dragon
At King Arthur's School for Knights, Horace's homework is to catch and kill a dragon. The task is especially difficult for Horace as his dad is a dragon.
ISBN 9780207199509
Series Wacky families series (3 of 8)
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2004
French, Jackie & King, Stephen Michael (ill)
Image currently unavailable
My dad's a birdman
Lizzie is a very special little girl with an extraordinary dad, and both are trying to cope with the loss of Lizzie's mum. Lizzie is growing up very fast while dad is acting very strangely. Mr Poop parades the streets encouraging dad to go in The Great Human Bird Competition; Auntie Doreen and Mr Mint try to help Lizzie in their own ways; meanwhile, Lizzie and dad make themselves beautiful.
ISBN 9781406313246
Publisher Walker Books, 2007
Almond, David & Dunbar, Polly (ill)
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My dad's gone away
Tarah's Dad is not around anymore, and she does not know why. Join Tarah as her parents support her to adjust to her Dad being in prison.
ISBN 9781922777249
Publisher Magabala Books, 2024
Krakouer, Andrew & Dinan, Jacqueline & Seden, Paul (ill)
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My dad, the hero
Tariq loves his funny, clever Dad more than anything. His Dad drives a taxi and can make anything you like out of wood. When his Dad is selected to give a talk at school about his job, Tariq is worried about his Dad's accent and the mean Tom Morley. But, Tariq's dad is cleverer than Tariq thinks.
ISBN 9781406306989
Series Walker stories (11 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2008
Gurney, Stella & McEwen, Katherine (ill)
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My daddy snores
When daddy snores, walls rumble and things tumble and poor mum has to try to find another comfortable place to sleep. The hamster doesn't like the noise and certainly doesn't want to share his bed with mum. There must be a cure.
ISBN 9780545028349
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2007
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Rothstein, Nancy H & Gilpin, Stephen (ill)
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My dearest dinosaur
Notes from a mother dinosaur to her husband, who is off searching for food for the family. This nurturing dino describes her new babies and their day by day existence, with its prehistoric difficulties.
ISBN 9781865048345
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2005
Wild, Margaret & Rawlins, Donna (ill)
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My dinosaur ABC
A great book for dinosaur enthusiasts. The descriptions and drawings of twenty six dinosaurs provide interesting facts and details. Each letter of the alphabet, clearly written in lower and upper case, corresponds with a dinosaur name, which is shown phonetically to assist pronunciation.
ISBN 9781921346927
Publisher Brolly Books, 2008
Adam, Emma & Turner, Nadia (ill)
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My dog gets a job
At almost ten years of age, Eric is now the responsible owner of his dog Ugly. But when Ugly is involved in a series of mishaps including the theft of a roast chook and a bedroom decorated with duck poo, it is clear Eric needs to do something to keep his dog out of trouble. Luckily, Eric knows exactly how to solve the problem...Ugly needs a job. But how can Eric find a job for a dog, even if his dog is a genius?
ISBN 9780702259593
Publisher University of Queensland Press, 2017
Fensham, Elizabeth
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My dog is a winner
Eric Bright and his doggy best mate, Ugly, have a big challenge. They are attempting to solve the serious problem looming over Eric's mean and miserable big sister, Gretchen. It's lucky that Ugly is the friendliest dog ever. He's surely going to rescue Eric's sister. He's a star companion pooch, working with the kids at school. On top of that, he will win almost every category at the upcoming pet show. Surely.. This is a paw-some tale about friendship, compassion and what it takes to be a real hero.
ISBN 9780702262951
Publisher University of Queensland Press, 2020
Fensham, Elizabeth
Image currently unavailable
My favourite teachers
This book is a celebration of school teachers and the great variety of other people in children's lives who teach important life lessons in other ways on other days.
ISBN 9780733342332
Publisher HarperCollins Children's Books, 2022
Feiner, Beck & Robin
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My first computer coding book
This easy to use guide to computers and how they work will have you quickly coding in Scratch jr - a free downloadable app. Step-by-step instructions are easy to follow. There are 7 detailed projects, from simple coding to building a game. Beginner coders will love this book.
ISBN 9781474943604
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2018
Dickins, Rosie & Nielsen, Shaw (ill)
Image currently unavailable
My folks grew up in the 80's
Welcome to the 1980s -- a time when crimped hair and perms were cool, kids listened to cassette tapes, thought dancing on your head was the ultimate, and synth-pop ruled the school. My Folks Grew Up in the '80s is a stroll down memory lane for the kidz who grew up then, and a hilarious chance to share the decade's downright weirdness with a whole new generation.
ISBN 9780733339417
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2019
Feiner, Beck & Robin
Image currently unavailable
My friend Tertius
This is the true story of two lives brought together by chance. Arthur Cooper, working in intelligence for the British Government in pre-war Hong Kong, rescues a small gibbon and names him Tertius. Together they escape to a safe place - but is it for always?
ISBN 9781760113827
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2017
Fenton, Corinne & Swan, Owen (ill)
Image currently unavailable
My gran's different
Charlie's gran is different - she doesn't go to the football, make cakes or work in the garden. The story of Charlie and his gran is one of love and complete acceptance told through soft, watercolour illustrations.
ISBN 9780734405005
Publisher Thomas C Lothian Pty Ltd, 2003
Lawson, Sue & Magerl, Caroline (ill)
Image currently unavailable
My grandma is like the sea
Imagine standing at the edge of the sea, closing your eyes and remembering the wise words of your grandmother. Love knows no boundaries in this inspiring story about the special moments shared in a relationship between a granddaughter and her grandmother.
ISBN 9780645025422
Publisher self-published, 2021
Franceska, Natalie & Kolenko, Sanja (ill)
Image currently unavailable
My happy life
Dani is the happiest person she knows, especially when she makes a best friend when she starts school. They share friendship bracelets, sit together in class and have sleepovers. But how will Dani return to her happiness when Ella moves away.
ISBN 9781877467806
Publisher Gecko Press, 2012
Lagercrantz, Rose & Eriksson, Eva (ill)
Image currently unavailable
My Henry
When Henry dies, his wife can't see why they should stop doing things together, as they've always done. In fact, she can't help going a little bit over the top, imagining all sorts of wonderful outings, including dinosaur rides and dolphin-drawn water ski sessions.
ISBN 9780007388110
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2011
Kerr, Judith
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My Hindu year
A colourful introduction to the Hindu religion and celebrations, with a festival calendar and glossary.
ISBN 9780750240567
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (Australia), 2003
Senker, Cath
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My home in Kakadu
Respected elder, Jane Christophesen, reveals the beauty of the changing seasons in Kakadu National Park to her granddaughter, Tarrah, as Tarrah and her family collect bush tucker, hunt and fish.
ISBN 9781875641932
Publisher Magabala Books, 2005
Christophersen, Jane & Christophersen, Christine (ill)
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My little world
When a little wanderer goes out walking with her gran and her brother, she doesn't see many of the things that are too tall or too fast. But, the small child can see other things, such as the tiny insects, the lizard hiding under the brush, the insect that looks like a twig and the fuzzy zigzag pencil lines, scribbled on the bark of a tree.
ISBN 9781862917903
Publisher Omnibus Books, 2011
Cooke, Julia & Crosby-Fairall, Marjorie
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My map book
A treasure map, a map of a face, a map of a neighbourhood, a family tree and even a map of a heart are included in these maps of life. Children will be inspired to draw some maps for themselves.
ISBN 9781844280766
Publisher Walker Books, 2006
Fanelli, Sara
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My mum the pirate
Cecil's mum wears long black boots and an even longer sword, and she makes her enemies walk the plank. All Cecil wants is a normal life. But with parent-teacher night coming soon, Cecil is worried. Will his mum embarrass him in front of all of his friends? Will people realise that his family isn't normal? When flood waters rise and Bandicoot Flats Central School is in danger, who will save the students and teachers from the perils of the deepening waters? And is Cecil's mum really a pirate?
ISBN 9780207199493
Series Wacky families series (1 of 8)
French, Jackie & King, Stephen Michael (ill)
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My name Is Lizzie Flynn: A story of the Rajah quilt
Lizzie Flynn has nothing but her name when she boards the Rajah, a ship sailing from England to the penal colony of Australia. She has been sentenced to seven years for stealing a shawl. On board, the convict women are given a useful bag containing fabric, needle and thread.
ISBN 9781922179913
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2015
Saxby, Claire & Newcomb, Lizzy (ill)
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My silent world
The world is a very different place when you are deaf. The power of sight and the beauty of colours and textures are heightened. How will things change when technology allows a deaf child to hear?
ISBN 9780734410375
Publisher Hachette Children's Books, 2009
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
Hilton, Nette & Agostino, Vincent
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My super special granny
Amelia Arbuckle and her family are moving away. Amelia is sad because they are moving away from Granny. Amelia visits her granny every day before moving and together they have amazing adventures and lots of laughs.
ISBN 9781925592047
Publisher Empowering Resources, 2017
Morley, Jedidah & Erasmus, Karen (ill)
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My two blankets
A young girl leaves her war-ravaged homeland and arrives in Australia. Everything looks and sounds strange, even the wind. She doesn't speak the language and feels intimidated and lonely. To cope, the girl wraps herself in a beloved blanket and takes comfort in the memories of her homeland. One day at the park, a local girl smiles and waves at her.
ISBN 9781921714764
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2014
Kobald, Irena & Blackwood, Freya (ill)
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My uncle is a hunkle says Clarice Bean
Mum and Dad go away and Uncle Ted comes to babysit. Soon, chaos reigns as the guinea pig escapes, Grandad disappears and Minal Cricket gets his head stuck in the railing.
ISBN 9781841216249
Series Clarice Bean series (2 of 8)
Publisher Orchard Books, 2000
Child, Lauren
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My village: rhymes from around the world
A delightful selection of simple poems for the young to read. Beautiful illustrations complement the translations, with each poem in English and its original language. Languages include Chinese, Japanese, Norwegian, Jamaican, Iranian, Samoan and more.
ISBN 9781877467103
Publisher Gecko Press, 2008
Wright, Danielle (comp) & Moriuchi, Mique (ill)
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Mysterious traveller
Although now aging, Issa, is the best African desert guide in the region. During a journey he discovers a camel protecting a baby girl during a sandstorm. Issa raises the child, sharing his love and understanding of the desert and together they continue to guide travellers, even as Issa goes blind. When they save a group of travellers during a sandstorm, the truth of her past is revealed.
ISBN 9781406337075
Publisher Walker Books, 2013
Peet, Mal & Graham, Elspeth & Lynch P.J. (ill)
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Mystery of the Mona Lisa: France
Secret Agent, Jack Stalwart, must find the stolen Mona Lisa before it gets taken out of France.
ISBN 9781862301238
Series Jack Stalwart, secret agent series (3 of 12)
Publisher Red Fox, 2006
Singer Hunt, Elizabeth & Wiliamson, Brian (ill)
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