
Challenge Level : K-2 Challenge Level : 3-4 Challenge Level : 5-6 Challenge Level : 7-9 Challenge Level : 9plus
ID Title Author  
Game of rugby league, The
Using the club mascots and various Rugby League players and captains, these books will allow readers to read about Rugby League and their favourite clubs and players, whilst engaging with text and practicing reading strategies.
ISBN 9781458649324
Series Rugby League Reads K-2 League Stars (22 of 24)
Publisher MacMillan, 2010
Hirsch, Suzan
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Game, The
Using the club mascots and various Rugby League players and captains, these books will allow readers to read about Rugby League and their favourite clubs and players, whilst engaging with text and practicing reading strategies.
ISBN 9781458649119
Series Rugby League Reads K-2 League Stars (1 of 24)
Publisher MacMillan, 2011
Hirsch, Suzan
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Garcia & Colette go exploring
Best friends Garcia and Colette are eager to go exploring- only they can't agree on where to go. Garcia loves everything about space (stars! planets! meteors!) and Colette is obsessed with the sea (sand! coral! fish!). So Garcia builds a rocket ship, Colette constructs a submarine, and they wish each other well on their travels. But even though they find some amazing things on their journeys, the friends quickly realise they each left something very important back home...
ISBN 9781460754306
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2017
Barnaby, Hannah & Joyner, Andrew (ill)
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Gary the pigeon can't fly. When his racing pigeon friends head off in their travel basket, Gary stays at home. He organises his scrapbook of travel mementos and dreams about the adventures the other pigeons are having. But, when Gary accidentally ends up a very long way from home, he discovers that flying is not the only way to have adventures.
ISBN 9781925081695
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2016
Rudge, Leila
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Gecko and the echo, The
In a sun drenched island paradise, one little gecko with a big personality dreams of becoming a star. From first light to midnight, it's always Goldy's show! But the road to fame can be a lonely, winding path.. one which takes Goldy on a surprising journey of self-discovery.
ISBN 9781408356067
Publisher Hachette Australia, 2022
Bright, Rachel & Field, Jim (ill)
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Gecko's echo
To stop sneaky animals stealing her precious eggs, Mummy Gecko threatens the wrath of one hundred angry geckos. But...are there really one hundred geckos? And, if there aren't, how will she protect her family? A mischievous tale of trickery and motherly courage.
ISBN 9781408859506
Publisher Bloomsbury, 2017
Rowland, Lucy & Rimmington, Natasha (ill)
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Gemma gets the jitters
Gemma has a new camera! When she visits the mountains, she wants to get the perfect photo, but at the top of the lookout Gemma gets the jitters. Will she let her fear of heights stop her from achieving her dream?
ISBN 9781925563139
Publisher Wombat Books, 2017
Roe, Katrina & Hedstrom, Leigh (ill)
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Gentle lion and the little owlet, The
When a plucky young owlet falls from his nest above the lion enclosure at a zoo he finds himself face-to-face with a lion. Yet, instead of being eaten, the owlet and the lion become friends and decide to embark on a journey together.
ISBN 9781843651994
Publisher Pavilion, 2012
Shirley, Alice
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Gently Bentley
A romp of a picture book about a rough and tumble bear who creates troubles for his friends, Squeaky and Bun.
ISBN 9780340875629
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (Australia), 2004
Whybrow, Ian & Melling, David (ill)
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George flies south
Winter is on the way and it's time to fly south. But, George isn't quite ready to leave his nest yet. When an enormous gust of wind blows the nest out of the tree, things start getting really interesting for George and his mother.
ISBN 9781406328868
Publisher Walker Books, 2011
James, Simon
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George saves the world by lunchtime
With Grandpa's help, George helps to save the world by lunchtime. Full of practical hints that you can do at home that will have a positive global effect and make you feel good too.
ISBN 9781903919507
Publisher Eden Project Books, 2006
Readman, Jo & Roberts Ley Honor
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German shepherds
Learn all about man's best friend before bringing one home. Discover how much they eat and how much they bark! Which dog will be best for you?
ISBN 9780716693253
Publisher World Book, 2018
Noll, Elizabeth
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Geronimo: The penguin who thought he could fly
Meet Geronimo, the baby penguin who has one dream and one dream only, and that is to fly! But everyone knows penguins can't fly, or can they? With a little help from his dad and friends, baby Geronimo discovers that even the wildest of dreams can come true.
ISBN 9780008279752
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2018
Walliams, David & Ross, Tony (ill)
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Get ready, Mama!
Getting Mama ready for the day can be a challenge. She will try and sneak back to bed, distract you with cuddles, and wait is she watching TV?! Learn how to get Mama ready, despite her mischievous delaying tactics, with this essential guide to dealing with morning mayhem!
ISBN 9781922539083
Publisher EK Books, 2022
Giltrow, Sharon & Li, Arielle (ill)
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Get well soon Little Bear
Mother Bear says Little Bear has to stay in bed because he has a cold. Little Bear doesn't mind, at least, while his mother is out of the room.
ISBN 9780694017027
Publisher Golden Books Publishing, 2003
Minarik, Else Holmelund & Sendak, Maurice (ill)
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Get well soon, Spot
Spot isn't feeling well and that makes him sad. But with a little help from Mum and his friends, Spot discovers that being poorly has its perks.
ISBN 9780141373140
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2017
Hill, Eric
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Gezani and the tricky baboon
Some bananas, a wily, hungry baboon and a boy who finds a way to teach the tricky baboon a lesson.
ISBN 9781925000757
Publisher Ford Street Publishing, 2015
Khoza, Valanga & Rippin, Sally (ill)
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Gift, The
A textless picture book which allows the reader to discover the story. Orange cat has a comfortable life and shares his dinner with a black and white cat down the road. When attempts to do the same the next day she can no longer be found, having been dumped with her three kittens as her owner leaves town. Despite meeting danger as he tries to find her, he perseveres with ultimate success.
ISBN 9781922081070
Publisher Windy Hollow Books, 2012
Gilmartin, Deb
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Gift, The
A rather plain bear sits next to a gorgeous plush crocodile in the toy shop among all of the special Christmas toys. As each waits to be chosen, Brown Bear makes his own gift to his friend.
ISBN 9781862916982
Publisher Omnibus Books, 2012
Matthews, Penny
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Gigantic is the smallest whale in the pod. But when his older brother, Titan, finds himself in trouble, Gigantic shows that you don't have to be big to be mighty. A powerful story about little fins and big hearts.
ISBN 9780008413439
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2023
Biddulph, Rob
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Giinagay gaagal, hello ocean
Come on an adventure to the ocean, where you will listen and learn from Mother Earth. What amazing creatures will you see? What kind of games can you play before it's time to settle down for a yarn and some tea? A delightful day's journey of learning and fun. This First Nations story book is a beautiful read aloud for younger children and the illustrations are detailed and intricate, making the story come alive even more. Gumbaynggirr translation is included in the back.
ISBN 9780733343001
Publisher ABC Books, 2023
Greenwood, Melissa
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Ginger has a problem. Having lived a life of luxury as a pampered cat, he's suddenly confronted with a kitten in the house.
ISBN 9780744549348
Publisher Walker Books, 1997
Voake, Charlotte
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Ginger Green play date queen: The new friend
Ginger is playing with Skye today.But what happens when Skye won't let her dad leave? A story of two new friends, sharing their love of dance and overcoming being shy.
ISBN 9781760127701
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2016
Kane, Kim & Davis, Jon (ill)
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Gingerbread man, The
A retelling of the much-loved fairy tale, with surprises under each lift-up flap.
ISBN 9781846430787
Series Flip-up fairy tales series (28 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2007
Corke, Estelle (ill)
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Giraffe in the bath, A
A giraffe in the bath, a frog in the flour, a crocodile with style. This very funny picture book suggests increasingly silly and hilarious possibilities. Lots of fun for every reader, with wonderful, giggle-inducing illustrations.
ISBN 9780670072132
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2010
Fox, Mem & Rawson, Olivia & Argent, Kerry (ill)
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Giraffe problems
Edward the giraffe can't understand why his neck is as long and bendy and ridiculous as it is. No other animal has a neck this absurd. He's tried disguising it, dressing it up, strategically hiding it behind bushes, anything he can think of. But just when he's exhausted his neck-hiding options, a turtle ambles in and tries to help him understand that his neck has a purpose and looks excellent in a bow tie.
ISBN 9781406383164
Publisher Walker Books, 2018
John, Jory & Smith, Lane (ill)
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Giraffes can't dance
Gerald, the giraffe, desperately wants to be able to dance with all the animals at the Jungle Dance. But, the other jungle animals laugh at him because he can't dance. Perhaps Gerald is just dancing to a different tune.
ISBN 9781841215655
Publisher Orchard Books, 2000
Andreae, Giles & Parker-Rees, Guy (ill)
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Give me some space!
Una dreams of a life in Space. Life on Earth is just so so-so. But how will she get there? And will she complete her mission to discover life in Space? And did she remember to feed Neil the goldfish?
ISBN 9781760972356
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2020
Bunting, Philip
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Glitch spends his life searching through mountains of mouldy mess at the dump. He wants to make the fastest billycart ever! This year, he will be competing in the Big Race! But will his twitch stop him from winning?
ISBN 9781925272710
Publisher Ford Street Publishing, 2017
Worthington, Michelle & Plant, Andrew (ill)
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Glow-in-the-dark Christmas
It's Christmas Eve and Clifford and his friends are playing in the snow. It's a wonderful night that is made perfect when someone special finally arrives.
ISBN 9780439305679
Series Clifford series (80 books)
Publisher Scholastic UK, 2001
Bridwell, Norman
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Go away, worry monster!
Archie is unable to sleep on the night before he starts his new school. The worry monster is visiting and Archie's tummy hurts and his head is starting to ache. Archie must remember some of the things he can do to send that monster away.
ISBN 9781925820393
Publisher EK Books, 2020
Graham, Brooke & Tatlow-Lord, Robin
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Go go and the silver shoes
When Go Go is allowed to buy the most beautiful shoes ever, she decides she will wear them EVERYWHERE! Even to the creek, where she and her brothers go adventuring. But - oh no, something terrible happens . . .
ISBN 9780143785521
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2018
Godwin, Jane & Walker, Anna
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Go home, cheeky animals
At Canteen Creek where we live, there are cheeky dogs everywhere. But, when the cheeky goats, donkeys, buffaloes and camels make mischief in the camp, the dogs just lie there. That is, until those pesky animals really go too far. Then, the cheeky camp dogs roar into action.
ISBN 9781760291655
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2016
Bell, Johanna & Beasley, Dion (ill)
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Go Jojo go
Jojo the gentoo penguin was born on an island in the Southern Ocean, halfway between Australia and Antarctica. From her nest she can see the beach, and she just can't wait to go to sea.
ISBN 9781743310175
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2012
Bickford, Tessa & Castles, Jennifer
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Go to sleep, Jessie
Ever since baby Jessie moved into her big sister's room, she wakes and she screams and screams. Nothing will make her sleep. Not a teddy. Not a changed nappy. Not even a bedtime story.
ISBN 9781742977805
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2014
Gleeson, Libby & Blackwood, Freya (Ill)
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Go, dog, go
A humorous book, full of brightly coloured, busy dogs and fun use of language. Ideal for beginning readers.
ISBN 9780007225460
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2006
Eastman, P D
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Go-away bird, The
One by one, the other birds fly into her tree, wanting to talk or to play, but the Go-Away bird just shakes her head and sends them all away. But then the dangerous Get-You bird comes along, and she soon realizes that she might need some friends after all...
ISBN 9781509843589
Publisher MacMillan, 2019
Donaldson, Julia & Rayner, Catherine (ill)
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Preston Pig is on the loose with unequalled world class football skills. Mister Wolf doesn't stand a chance.
ISBN 9780007711161
Publisher Collins, 2002
McNaughton, Colin
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Australian Matildas goalkeeper, Lydia Williams, shares a fantastic story about some greatly skilled animals and what it means to be part of a team.
ISBN 9781760526146
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2021
Williams, Lydia & Gifford, Lucinda (ill)
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Goanna was hungry, The
Imagine being at a camp in the Great Victorian Desert. Imagine being one of the ten lucky kids chosen to work with two of Australia's best-loved author-illustrators. Kids from Tjuntjuntjara, Mt Margaret, Menzies and Melbourne spent five days at a writing and illustrating camp on Spinifex Country. This is their book and their stories.
ISBN 9780994465412
Publisher Indigenous Literacy Foundation, 2016
James, Ann & Morgan, Sally
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Goat and donkey and the noise downstairs
One night, Goat is woken by a noise downstairs. He is sure there must be burglars in the house. When he goes to Donkey's room and finds the bed empty, Goat is sure that Donkey has been stolen. Goat knows he must be brave and investigate the noise.
ISBN 9780192728180
Publisher Oxford University Press, 2008
Puttock, Simon & Russell, Julian (ill)
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Goat, the duck and the bale of hay, The
The goat, the duck, the mermaid, the dog and assorted friends set off in a mystical boat with their bale of hay. Simple but poetic language brings this magical tale to life. Well-suited for a newly independent reader.
ISBN 9780670040438
Publisher Penguin, 2004
Flynn, Rachel & Jellett, Tom (ill)
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Gobbledygook is eating a book, The
Something is coming. Can you see? It snuffles and shuffles. What can it be? Look! Look! It's a Gobbledygook! It's ripping up pages and eating a book!
ISBN 9780670076574
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2012
Clarke, Justine & Baysting, Arthur
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Gobbling tree, The
Join Zac and his friends as they try to retrieve their belongings from a tree that is determined to keep everything that lands in it.
ISBN 9781921042973
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2008
Carthew, Mark & Boyer, Susy (ill)
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Going home
You'll never find Hugo whining that he's bored. Even in hospital, when there isn't much else to do except look out the window, he can amuse himself, especially with a zoo next door. Hugo inspires all the other children that he meets.
ISBN 9781921529047
Publisher Walker Books, 2009
Wild, Margaret & Harris, Wayne (ill)
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Going on a school trip
Georgia, a young schoolgirl who is blind, enjoys a school excursion.
ISBN 9780749636708
Publisher Watts, 2000
Church, Diane
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Going shopping
Sara has muscular dystrophy and uses a wheelchair. Sara and Moya go shopping, have lunch and buy each other treats on their day out.
ISBN 9780749636715
Publisher Watts, 2000
Church, Diane
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Going to the footy
Yay! The footy's on. How will you get there? On a bus? In a boat? On a plane?
ISBN 9781925936964
Publisher Magabala Books, 2019
Topics / Aboriginal content /
Coombes, Debbie
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Going to the game
Using the club mascots and various Rugby League players and captains, these books will allow readers to read about Rugby League and their favourite clubs and players, whilst engaging with text and practicing reading strategies.
ISBN 9781458649126
Series Rugby League Reads K-2 League Stars (2 of 24)
Publisher MacMillan, 2011
Hirsch, Suzan
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Going to the volcano
Dwayne and Jane-i want to see the volcano! They'll ride a great dance-o to see the volcano! And climb up a crane-o to see the volcano! What could possible go wrong?
ISBN 9781444933444
Publisher Hachette Children's Books, 2018
Stanton, Andy & Ordonez, Miguel (ill)
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Golden goose, The
Retold from the original tale, this traditional story will captivate readers with its delightful illustrations and lift-up flaps.
ISBN 9781846433245
Series Flip-up fairy tales series (28 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2009
Angeletti, Roberta (ill)
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Golden Retrievers
BOLT encourages a wide variety of students, including reluctant readers, by providing them with books featuring appealing topics and carefully prepared text. Innovative infographics and attention-commanding photography draw in young readers, and accessible, levelled text helps even the most challenged readers understand the material and enjoy the reading experience. This strong image/text integration aids in comprehension and complements classroom instruction, helping each and every student reach his or her learning potential! Packed with dynamic photos, charts, diagrams, fun facts, and infographics, BOLT's attention-grabbing titles are sure to have your readers coming back for more.
ISBN 9780716634461
Series World Book Bolt series (3 books)
Publisher World Book, 2018
Topics / K-2 Non-fiction /
Hogan, Christa C
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Goldilocks and just the one bear
Many years have passed since Goldilocks caused chaos at the Bears' house in the woods. Find out what happens when Little Bear, as was, wanders out of his fairytale and into the big city, rather smart apartment where Goldilocks now lives.
ISBN 9780857630438
Publisher Nosy Crow Ltd, 2012
Hodgkinson, Leigh
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Goldilocks and the three bears
A retelling of the much-loved fairy tale, with surprises under each lift-up flap.
ISBN 9781904550198
Series Flip-up fairy tales series (28 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2004
Corke, Estelle (ill)
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Goldilocks and the three bears
A little girl named Goldilocks goes for a walk in the forest. What happens when she comes upon a house owned by three bears?
ISBN 9781743815878
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2019
Degennaro, Sue
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Goldilocks and the three crocodiles
One bright morning, Tiddles the dog said to Goldilocks, "we could see if we could find that house with the chairs. There was porridge and beds. You went in..... there were three bears!" So begins this fabulously funny twist on a familiar story.
ISBN 9780008509880
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2022
Rosen, Michael & Melling, David (ill)
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Good boy Fergus
Fergus, the West Highland terrier, is a pampered pet who loves to do all the things that dogs love to do.
ISBN 9780439490276
Publisher Blue Sky Press, 2006
Shannon, David
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Good day, good night
When the sun comes up and the day begins, the little bunny says good day to all the familiar things outside. To the birds in the skies and the bees in their hives, to everything one by one. And as the sun starts to set, it's time for the little bunny to say good night. Good night, kitty. Good night, bear. Good night, people everywhere.
ISBN 9780008261207
Publisher HarperCollins Children's Books, 2017
Wise Brown, Margaret & Long, Loren (ill)
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Good dog Hank
Hank is always a good dog, in his own special way.
ISBN 9780732293642
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 2014
French, Jackie & Rycroft, Nina
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Good hair
Birugi does NOT like doing her hair. Her father describes different hair types to her, and points out all the different people in her life and how each one has different hair, in the hope of convincing her what good hair really looks like.
ISBN 9781760655709
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2024
Sewankambo, Yvonne & Chiu, Freda (ill)
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Good knight, sleep tight
The young prince has a new baby sister who won't stop crying. A brave and loyal knight embarks on a quest to find the fluffiest and softest pillow in the land.
ISBN 9780340860939
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (UK), 2006
Melling, David
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Good morning Mr Pancakes
It's holiday time for Bee. But, first, the chooks need their toenails painted, the dogs and cats need their bags packed and Gregor needs enough greens for a week. Then, Bee is off to the island.
ISBN 9781742377193
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2011
McKimmie, Chris
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Good morning, Maisy
Maisy is busy feeding all the animals on the farm. I wonder what Farmer Maisy will have for her breakfast this morning.
ISBN 9780744589016
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2001
Cousins, Lucy
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Good night me
An orangutan youngster goes to sleep, body part by body part, as he is kissed goodnight by his mother. It certainly takes a long time to say goodnight to this cute little fellow.
ISBN 9780733621123
Publisher Hachette Children's Books, 2005
Daddo, Andrew & Quay, Emma (ill)
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Good night, Ivy Bright
Ivy couldn't get to sleep, her mind was burning bright. I'm done with counting sheep, she thought, I'll paint my dreams tonight. Ivy goes on a wonderous journey through her imagination. What will she find?
ISBN 9781925804720
Publisher Ford Street Publishing, 2021
Long, Ben & Plant, Andrew (ill)
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Good night, sleep tight
Bonnie and Ben have a favourite babysitter whose much loved nursery rhymes ensure a wonderful, whimsical world before bedtime.
ISBN 9781742832579
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2012
Fox, Mem & Horacek, Judy (ill)
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Good place, A
Four insect friends are looking for a place to live. But will they ever find a home that's good for all of them?
ISBN 9781529501254
Publisher Walker Books, 2022
Cousins, Lucy
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Good question
All Fox wants is a tasty meal to fill his hungry belly but he keeps wandering into the WRONG STORIES! No dinner for him - just more and more trouble! Will fox ever find the right story?
ISBN 9781760650841
Publisher Walker Books, 2020
Whiting, Sue & White, Annie
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Good Rosie
Rosie is a good dog and a faithful companion to her owner, George. She likes taking walks with George and looking at the clouds together, but the closest she comes to another dog is when she encounters her reflection in her empty dog bowl, and sometimes that makes Rosie feel lonely. One day George takes Rosie to the dog park, but the park is full of dogs that Rosie doesn't know, which makes her feel lonelier than ever. When big, loud Maurice and small, yippy Fifi bound over and want to play, Rosie's not sure how to respond. Is there a trick to making friends? And if so, can they all figure it out together?
ISBN 9780763689797
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2018
DiCamillo, Kate & Bliss, Harry (ill)
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Good thing happened today, A
A good thing happened today. Hooray! Did you hear? Embark on an inspirational journey and discover real good news from all over the world.
ISBN 9780063142312
Publisher HarperCollins US, 2022
Figueroa, Michelle
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Good-night, Owl
Owl is trying to get to sleep but, every time he shuts his eyes, there is another sound to keep him awake.
ISBN 9781856810883
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 1993
Hutchins, Pat
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Goodbye house, hello house
A heartwarming story about moving house and embracing change, of saying goodbye and saying hello.
ISBN 9781743311103
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2019
Wild, Margaret & James, Ann (ill)
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I went on an adventure to a land called Good, if you've never been there, I think you should. Goodness is the sixth book in the Invisible Tree series, an inspirational series of children's books that capture core values that we all esteem in the life of children and adults!
ISBN 9781925563559
Series The invisible tree series (5 books)
Publisher Wombat Books, 2018
Lowe, Kirrily & Smith, Henry (ill)
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Goodnight glow worms
Will the glow worms ever get to sleep? This is a cuddly, snuggly bedtime story, filled with joyful illustrations and rhyming text. A perfect read for bedtimes.
ISBN 9780143792918
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2020
Parker, Aura
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Goodnight Harry
Harry, the elephant, can't get to sleep. He tries all sorts of activities to help him get to sleep. Thank goodness for friends.
ISBN 9781844285006
Publisher Walker Books, 2004
Lewis, Kim
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Goodnight Spot
Join Spot, the puppy, as he goes through his bedtime routine.
ISBN 9780723244905
Series Spot series (36 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 1999
Hill, Eric
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Goodnight, goodnight, construction site
As the sun sets on the big construction site, all the hard-working trucks get ready to say goodnight. One by one, Crane Truck, Cement Mixer, Dump Truck, Bulldozer, and Excavator finish their work and lie down to rest, so they'll be ready for another day of rough and tough construction play.
ISBN 9780811877824
Publisher Chronicle Books, 2011
Duskey Rinker, Sherri & Lichtenheld, Tom (ill)
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Goodnight, mice
It's time for bed but four cheeky mice are skittering, scampering and scurrying, and don't seem very sleepy.
ISBN 9780733324215
Publisher ABC Books, 2011
Watts, Frances & Watson, Judy
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Goodnight, numbers
Numbers are all around us. Snuggle up and see!
ISBN 9781101933787
Publisher Penguin Random House Australia, 2017
McKellar, Danica & Padron, Alicia (ill)
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Gordon's got a snookie
Gordon, the new silverback gorilla at the zoo, cannot understand it. When the animals discover he keeps a snookie, a security blanket, they bully him by teasing. He has tried his best but he thinks he is the loneliest animal in the whole zoo.
ISBN 9781865086903
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2004
Shanahan, Lisa & Harris, Wayne (ill)
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Gorgeously me!
Loving yourself, being gorgeous allows you to love others, need others and transform others. The vibe is doing it in so many different ways, such as playing together, joining in and being the best YOU. A simple recipe for growing up and getting around doubtful thoughts, just being with others to make gorgeously us.
ISBN 9781760659462
Publisher Walker Books, 2024
Van Ness, Jonathan & Nair, Kamala (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Feeling neglected because her parents are pre-occupied with their own problems, Hannah is a lonely girl who uses her imagination to bring her toy gorilla to life on the night before her birthday.
ISBN 9780744594393
Publisher Walker Books, 2002
Browne, Anthony
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Grace and Katie
Twins Grace and Katie have only one thing in common: they love to draw! But Grace likes her drawings to be neat and orderly, while Katie loves hers to be bright and bold. They each decide to create their own map. But that doesn't work out quite as well as they'd planned. Perhaps working together will help?
ISBN 9781925335545
Publisher EK Books, 2017
Merritt, Susanne & Anelli, Liz (ill)
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Grace and Mr Milligan
Grace lives next door to old Mr Milligan and his goat Charlie. They are the best of friends. But when Mr Milligan' s beloved goat dies, everything changes. Will Grace be able to help her friend overcome his sadness? Grace and Mr Milligan is a heart-warming story of grief, love and the healing power of friendship.
ISBN 9789815009811
Publisher Marshall Cavendish International, 2023
Goodwin, Caz & Kruger, Pip (ill)
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Grace's mystery seed
'Polly likes these stripy seeds,' Grace said. 'What are they from?' 'Let's find out,' said Mrs Marino. Grace and her neighbour plant a mystery seed. They wait and wait for ages. Then a little green shoot starts to grow...and grow...and grow...until, at last, Grace discovers the truth about her amazing mystery seed.
ISBN 9781925804218
Publisher Ford Street Publishing, 2019
Sampson, Juliet. M & Erasmus, Karen (ill)
Image currently unavailable
My Grandad is a rebel. We call him Granbad. He doesn't believe in screen time limits or healthy snacks but he does believe in saving the planet. Good thing he is rule breaker.
ISBN 9780702266232
Publisher University of Queensland Press, 2023
Tangey, Penny & Baldwin, Peter (ill)
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Grandad's magic
Alison loves Grandad's magic. She is shocked when, one Sunday, Grandad attempts his greatest trick of all and juggles with disaster.
ISBN 9780744589160
Publisher Walker Books, 2002
Graham, Bob
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Grandad's teeth
An off-beat picture book in which grandad wakes to discover his false teeth are missing from his bedside table. The family rushes to help and soon a hunt is on to find the thief.
ISBN 9780207090394
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 1997
Clement, Rod
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Grandfather has a junk shop which is a delightful place for his granddaughter to explore, play and dress up in. A wordless picture book told through beautiful collages.
ISBN 9781863880886
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 1994
Baker, Jeannie
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Oscar loves Grandma and their time together is always lots of fun. As she becomes less able to look after herself, she has to go into a care home.
ISBN 9781846435973
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2014
Shepherd, Jessica
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Grandma forgets
Over the years, a little girl has built up a treasure trove of memories of time spent with her Grandma: sausages for Sunday lunch, driving in her sky-blue car to the beach, climbing her apple trees while she baked a delicious apple pie, and her comforting hugs during wild storms. But now, Grandma can't remember those memories. She makes up new rules for old games and often hides Dad's keys. Sometimes Dad is sad because he has to hold onto the memories for both him and his mother now, but fortunately his daughter is more than happy to help him make new memories to share.
ISBN 9781925335477
Publisher Exisle Publishing, 2017
Russell, Paul & Johnston, Nicky (ill)
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Grandma fox
The chickens are in danger once more as Fast Fox fancies a chicken sandwich. He disguises himself as a grandma, a doctor and a postman as he plots to catch the unsuspecting chickens.
ISBN 9780140564020
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2000
Ahlberg, Allan & Amstutz, Andre (ill)
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Grandma Wombat
She eats. She sleeps. She scratches. And, like all grandmas, she thinks her grandson is the best-behaved baby ever. But, this baby has other ideas.
ISBN 9780732299590
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 2016
French, Jackie & Whatley, Bruce (ill)
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Grandma's guide to happiness
My grandma says the funniest things. She says that you don't need much to be happy - not really. Grandma knows that its often the simplest things that make you happy, like splashing in a puddle or baking delicious cookies. Join grandma and grandchild on a joyful journey to discover the key to happiness.
ISBN 9780733341304
Publisher ABC Books, 2023
Daddo, Andrew & King, Stephen Michael (ill)
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Grandma's place
For those of you lucky enough to have a grandmother, this book asks lots of questions about what your granny likes to eat and talk about, who she visits, what she's good at and lots of other things.
ISBN 9781921136290
Publisher Windy Hollow Books, 2008
Stead, James & Gardner, Marjory (ill)
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A special bond exists between a grandmother and her grandchild as they explore the overgrown jungle which is also grandmother's garden of memories. A wordless picture book told through beautiful collages.
ISBN 9781863880893
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 1994
Baker, Jeannie
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Grandpa and Thomas
Thomas and Grandpa go to the beach. The sun is shining, the gulls are screeching and the sea is singing. This lovely picture book gently unfolds the special relationship between a grandfather and his grandchild.
ISBN 9780670041572
Publisher Penguin, 2003
Allen, Pamela
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Grandpa and Thomas and the green umbrella
Plenty of adventure with Thomas and Grandpa when they spend a day at the beach.
ISBN 9780670029730
Publisher Penguin, 2006
Allen, Pamela
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Grandpa and Tuska
Tuska is a young elephant who loves spending time with his grandfather. And Grandpa loves spending time with him. Tuska never grows tired of Grandpa's thrilling stories about being a young elephant and thinks Grandpa is the wisest elephant he knows. But Grandpa is getting old, and what's more, he's getting forgetful and, well ... he's acting rather strangely these days!? His stories are not making sense and sometimes he doesn't even recognise the other animals. Grandpa's behaviour is making Tuska feel scared. When Grandpa goes missing, Tuska is determined to risk everything to bring him home. But who will save who?
ISBN 9781925675405
Publisher Big Sky Publishing, 2018
Phillips, John
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Grandpa baby
While Mum and Dad are working, Grandpa looks after Georgie. They read stories, plant flowers and play dress-ups. One day, Georgie decides they should swap roles. Find out what Georgie and Grandpa Baby get up to, now that Georgie is in charge.
ISBN 9780670071746
Publisher Viking Children's, 2009
Wild, Margaret & Niland, Deborah (ill)
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Grandpa's big adventure
I'm afraid of the water but Grandpa loves it, and he's teaching me to swim. If I can swim, maybe I'll have adventures like him one day.
ISBN 9780670078172
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2016
Newman, Paul & Jellett, Tom (ill)
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Grandpa's cardigan
Grandma decides Grandpa needs a new cardigan. He agrees, so Grandma gives his old one away. But, finding just the right new cardigan to replace his favourite proves difficult for Grandpa. When he finds one, Grandma is in for a surprise.
ISBN 9781869432263
Publisher Scholastic New Zealand, 1993
Watson, Joy & Hodder, Wendy (ill)
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Grandpa's noises
Grandpa makes a lot of noises! His back creaks. His knees crack. His hearing aid squeals. He's always talking to someone about something. And then there are the sounds that his bottom makes! Join Grandpa on his daily adventures and see if you can understand what all his noises mean!
ISBN 9781925335989
Publisher EK Books, 2019
St John Thomas, Gareth & Rowe, Colin (ill)
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Grandpa's shorts
When the family invite Grandma and Grandpa to the beach, Grandpa begins to hunt for his beach shorts. Grandma doesn't want Grandpa to wear his old beach shorts but he is determined to find them. The kids think he looks pretty cool.
ISBN 9781869431563
Publisher Scholastic New Zealand, 2001
Watson, Joy & Hodder, Wendy (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Grandpa's slippers
Grandma wants to throw out Grandpa's old tattered slippers. Everyday, he finds them hidden in a different place.
ISBN 9780908643677
Publisher Ashton Scholastic, 1989
Watson, Joy
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Grandpa's space adventure
I'm scared of the dark, but Grandpa says we can still have FUN so he's taking me camping. Maybe I'll be able to have space adventures like him one day.
ISBN 9780143785569
Publisher Penguin, 2018
Newman, Paul & Jellett, Tom (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Granny's place
Granny and Pa's farm was the best place in the world, brimming with treasures of the past and endless adventures to be had. Time brings change and new beginnings.
ISBN 9781925275636
Publisher Big Sky Publishing, 2016
Paterson, Allison & McGrath, Shane (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Spike is staying the night with his grandmother and does not want to go to bed. When his granny pretends to become a grannysaurus, she chases him up to bed. Later that night, loud noises wake him up and he creeps downstairs to discover where all the music and stomping is coming from.
ISBN 9780008305765
Publisher HarperCollins Children's Books, 2022
Walliams, David
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Granpa nurses his grand-daughter's dolls, mistakes her strawberry-flavoured, pretend icecream for chocolate, takes her tobogganing in the snow and falls in with her imaginary plans to captain a ship to Africa, like all good granpas should.
ISBN 9780099434085
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2003
Burningham, John
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Grasslands (Habitats of the world)
Simple text, suitable for an independent reader, with beautifully presented photographic illustrations, looking at examples of the plant and animal life that inhabit grasslands. Includes good information, a glossary of terms and an index.
ISBN 9780733924439
Series Habitats of the world series (10 books)
Publisher Pearson Education Australia, 2000
Ballance, Alison
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Great big animal ask, The
The animals have great big questions. They are concerned that they are not acceptable; perhaps they are too tall, too growly or too spiky. It turns out that they are all just right, they just didn't know for what they were right.
ISBN 9780734406323
Publisher Thomas C Lothian Pty Ltd, 2004
Hathorn, Libby & Pignataro, Anna (ill)
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Great castle of Marshmangle, The
A child meets his grandfather for the first time and goes to stay at his house. He thinks his grandfather is the funniest man he has ever seen. A lively and humorous picture book.
ISBN 9780862647926
Publisher Andersen Press Ltd, 1999
Doyle, Malachy & Hess, Paul (ill)
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Great Danes
BOLT encourages a wide variety of students, including reluctant readers, by providing them with books featuring appealing topics and carefully prepared text. Innovative infographics and attention-commanding photography draw in young readers, and accessible, levelled text helps even the most challenged readers understand the material and enjoy the reading experience. This strong image/text integration aids in comprehension and complements classroom instruction, helping each and every student reach his or her learning potential! Packed with dynamic photos, charts, diagrams, fun facts, and infographics, BOLT's attention-grabbing titles are sure to have your readers coming back for more.
ISBN 9780716634478
Series World Book Bolt series (3 books)
Publisher World Book, 2018
Topics / K-2 Non-fiction /
Hogan, Christa C
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Great divide, The
A race begins with eighty competitors. Various obstacles keep halving the race until the finish line. There may not be anyone to cross the line and win.
ISBN 9780763615925
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2005
Topics / K-2 Numeracy /
Dodds, Dayle Ann & Mitchell, Tracy (ill)
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Great dragon rescue, The
George needs to think of a clever scheme to rescue the baby dragon and reunite it with its dad.
ISBN 9781845073794
Publisher Frances Lincoln, 2007
Robertson, M P
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Great expedition, The
A team of brave, very young explorers cross wild country to deliver a valuable parcel. The journey is punishing. Some of the young explorers don't make it. But, in the end, two courageous souls will be admired and remembered for many years to come.
ISBN 9781921042812
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2011
Carnavas, Peter
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Great garden mystery, The
Someone is stealing the beetroots, would could it be. Join us in the garden and we'll unravel this mystery.
ISBN 9780857984166
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2014
Treml, Renee
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Great goal! Marvellous mark!
Get ready for a great game of footy. There's plenty of action and masses of mud. Who will kick the first goal? Who will take the best mark? And will the yellow team win?
ISBN 9781925272673
Publisher Ford Street Publishing, 2017
Germein, Katrina & Dawson, Janine (ill)
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Great Googly Moogly, The
Nobody has ever been able to catch the legendary Googly Moogly fish. Stella aims to do just that, with different fishing gear and different bate, she sets out to catch her dream fish.
ISBN 9781846436390
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2014
Dicmas, Courtney
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Great Gracie chase, The
All that Gracie wants is a quiet house. When the painters arrive, in their big, noisy truck, with the clangy ladders and their big-person voices, Gracie barks and barks to tell them to go outside. But, instead, Gracie is put outside.
ISBN 9780590100410
Publisher Blue Sky Press, 2001
Rylant, Cynthia & Teague, Mark (ill)
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Great granny gang, The
Grannies have a reputation for being mild, sedate and stay at home knitters. In fact grannies are capable of fixing most problems and so it is with the Great Granny gang whose members foil a burglary. Told in flowing rhyme for reading aloud.
ISBN 9780007467914
Publisher HarperCollins Children's Books, 2012
Kerr, Judith
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Great house hunt, The
A big and brightly coloured picture book about two ladybirds hunt for the perfect house - led by a tenacious yet clueless real estate agent, Mr Weevil.
ISBN 9781877579295
Publisher Gecko Press, 2012
Cali, Davide and Boutavant, Marc (ill)
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Great ocean walk
When a boy and his father take a walk along the beautiful, wild beaches of the Great Ocean Road, they find lots of interesting treasures. The next question is what will they do with their collection.
ISBN 9780734405777
Publisher Thomas C Lothian Pty Ltd, 2003
Novak, Jiri Tibor
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Great rabbit chase, The
Gumboots is a soft and beautiful rabbit. He has very sharp claws for scratching and very strong teeth for chewing. But what he does best is...escape. Everyone joins in on the great rabbit chase. When they finally catch up to Gumboots he has a wonderful surprise!
ISBN 9781743811641
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2017
Blackwood, Freya
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Great zoo hullabaloo, The
When Jess and Jack opened the gates to the zoo, it was strangely deserted. Nobody said boo! Can Jess and Jack discover the mystery of the missing animals?
ISBN 9781925059786
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2017
Carthew, Mark & Tortop, Anil (ill)
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Greatest in the world, The
Rot is a mutant potato who wakes up feeling great, maybe even... the greatest in the world! But that only makes Rot's brother Snot the grumpiest in the world. The only solution? An epic contest to prove who is the greatest once and for all, judged by the only impartial party they can find - their small fry little sister, Tot. But as the stakes get higher through the muddy potato sack race, sacred hot potato roll, and a hilarious laughing contest, their rivalry spirals out of control. Suddenly Rot's not feeling so spudtacular anymore. Will this tater trio ever be able to determine who the greatest in the world really is?
ISBN 9780008646547
Publisher Farshore, 2022
Clanton, Ben
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Greatest parade, The
Clifford wants to join in the big parade.
ISBN 9780439607018
Series Clifford series (80 books)
Publisher Scholastic UK, 2003
Bridwell, Norman
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Greatest showpenguin, The
Poppy is a penguin who has always performed. But now Poppy wants to change her life to no more juggling, unicycling or breathing fire. She wants to make others happy, but also be happy herself. so she is going to run the show. Can she become The Greatest Showpenguin?
ISBN 9781843654681
Publisher Pavilion, 2021
Freegard, Lucy
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Greedy dog, The
Dog is always on the lookout for food. He finds a juicy bone to eat. But, one bone might not be enough for a greedy dog. A retelling of a classic Aesop fable.
ISBN 9781409584841
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2015
Dickins, Rosie (retell) & di Chiara, Francesca (ill)
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Envy can be a terrible feeling and poor Ed has it so bad that he is missing out on all the fun! Will Ed find happiness with his faster, sleeker sled? A book about seasons and living in the moment.
ISBN 9781405299398
Publisher Farshore, 2021
Greig, Louise & Peck, Hannah (ill)
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Green eggs and ham
Sam-I-am persists in pestering a grumpy grouch to try a plate of green eggs and ham. You never know what you will like until you try it.
ISBN 9780001713062
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 1983
Seuss, Dr
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Green is for Christmas
When Green Crayon claims that green is the only colour for Christmas, other crayons let him know that there would be no Christmas without them either. No candy canes or Santa without Red, no snow without White, no bells or stars without Silver and no cookies or reindeer without Brown! The crayons agree that they all need to come together to make Christmas special!
ISBN 9780008496203
Publisher HarperCollins Children's Books, 2021
Daywalt, Drew & Jeffers, Oliver (ill)
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Green machine
"Call it Peels on Wheels or a truck full of yuck!" Where is the garbage truck headed? It's collected our food scraps and heads to the treatment plant to compost our food and waste. Then it's time to sort it out and clean it up, with the help of some special bugs. Finally, what will our food scraps be turned into? You'll never guess! And the cycle begins again.
ISBN 9781250304063
Publisher Henry Holt & Co, 2020
Donnelly, Rebecca & Jacques, Christopher
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Green Tree Frogs
Each year, monsoonal rains sweep across the Top End of Australia and the green tree frogs clamber from their hiding places to feed, breed and sing. Celebrate these cheeky characters and their life cycle in the wet season.
ISBN 9781922081421
Publisher Windy Hollow Books, 2015
Kendell, Sandra
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Greetings from Sandy Beach
The weekend at Sandy Beach doesn't start well when the whole family leaves home in a flood of tears and discovers a bike gang set up at their campsite. The story is great fun and the bikies turn out to be very helpful.
ISBN 9780850917802
Publisher Thomas C Lothian Pty Ltd, 1996
Graham, Bob
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Greta and the giants
Greta is a little girl who lives in a beautiful forest threatened by Giants. When the Giants first came to the forest, they chopped down trees to make houses. Then they chopped down more trees and made even bigger homes. The houses grew into towns and the towns grew into cities, until now there is hardly any forest left. Greta knows she has to help the animals who live in the forest, but how? Luckily, Greta has an idea...
ISBN 9780711254558
Publisher Quarto Group, 2019
Tucker, Zoe & Persico, Zoe (ill)
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I don't feel sunshine yellow or balloon orange bright or treetop green. Nor new idea white or night sky black. I am grey to day. I just am. I am grey.
ISBN 9781406389562
Publisher Walker Books, 2024
Dockrill, Laura & Child, Lauren (ill)
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Curly Calmster teaches Loppy the LAC to realise that when he feels 'blah', it's because he is seeing the world through grey glasses. When Loppy changes the colour of his glasses, the colour comes back into his life and he feels a lot better!
ISBN 9781925335958
Publisher EK Books, 2019
Jenkins, Lynn & Lonergan, Kirrili (ill)
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Grizzly dad
Dads can sometimes be grumpy and grouchy and grizzly. But sometimes, that can be great fun!
ISBN 9780552554466
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2009
Harrison, Joanna
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Growing pains
When Finn's family plants a tree in their backyard, he feels responsible for it and worries the little sapling is cold, hungry or lonely. He tries to share his breakfast with it, offers it his scarf, and keeps it company. Just after going to bed, his nightlight goes out and Finn is plunged into darkness. But when he sees his tree standing tall and brave in the moonlight, it inspires him to be brave as well.
ISBN 9781925820522
Publisher EK Books, 2021
McLennan, Alison & Johns, Melissa (ill)
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A small grub on the floor of the rainforest begins to feel itself changing and wonders what it will become when it grows up. He journeys across the rainforest to ask other insects about their transformations and discover itself.
ISBN 9781922539267
Publisher Exisle Publishing, 2022
Severgnini, Sandra (ill)
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Gruffalo's child, The
The Gruffalo's child goes hunting for the Big Bad Mouse, with a scaly tail, eyes like pools of fire and whiskers tougher than wire.
ISBN 9781405020466
Publisher MacMillan, 2010
Donaldson, Julia & Scheffler, Axel (ill)
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Gruffalo, The
Told in satisfying rhyme and beautifully illustrated, this is the story of a clever mouse who evades being eaten by inventing a terrifying friend to frighten his would-be predators. But, mouse's fictional friend might be very real and not so very friendly.
ISBN 9780333710937
Publisher MacMillan, 2004
Donaldson, Julia & Scheffler, Axel (ill)
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Once, when the top of a Burrawang tree fell to the ground, it became Grug.
ISBN 9780731813872
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
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Grug and his bicycle
You'll never forget how to ride a bicycle when you learn with Grug.
ISBN 9780731813988
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster, 2009
Prior, Ted
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Grug and his first Christmas
Christmas is always an exciting time and, for Grug, this is no exception.
ISBN 9780731814305
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
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Grug and his first Easter
One warm sunny day, Grug discovers that Easter is on its way. Then he is visited by a mysterious creature, who leaves treats of special eggs for Grug to find.
ISBN 9781925368246
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster, 2016
Prior, Ted
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Grug and his garden
Grug makes sure that all the creatures in the garden have something to eat.
ISBN 9780731813889
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
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Grug and his imaginary friend
Grug, that unforgettable hero of the Australian bush, began life as the top of the native Burrawang tree. Join him on a new adventure with his imaginary friend.
ISBN 9780731814367
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2010
Prior, Ted
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Grug and his kite
Startle the birds and touch the sky with Grug.
ISBN 9780731813964
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug and his music
March to the beat of your own drum, just like Grug.
ISBN 9780731814046
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug and the big red apple
Discover the law of relativity with Grug.
ISBN 9780731813896
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug and the circus
Join Grug on another adventure.
ISBN 9780731814343
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster, 2010
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug and the green paint
Being green is about more than paint. Just ask Grug.
ISBN 9780731813926
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
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Grug and the rainbow
With Grug, you can make a rainbow that really lasts.
ISBN 9780731813902
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug at the beach
Grug is having a day at the beach and he thinks he has remembered to take everything he needs.
ISBN 9780731814091
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug at the snow
I wonder who is dashing through the snow on a homemade sleigh.
ISBN 9780731813971
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug at the zoo
When Grug visits the zoo, find out what the other animals make of him.
ISBN 9780731813940
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug builds a boat
When Grug decides to build and float a boat, he isn't thinking about a waterfall.
ISBN 9780731814015
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug builds a car
All aboard the Grugmobile, the only car designed and engineered by Grug.
ISBN 9780731814053
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug gets lost
One day, on his way home from shopping, Grug finds his path blocked by a fallen tree. Grug walks around the tree, but then he can not see the path. He keeps walking, but he has never been into this part of the forest before.
ISBN 9781925030518
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster, 2015
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug goes fishing
Grug can do everything but catch a fish.
ISBN 9780731814077
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug goes shopping
Visit a bush market and buy all your supplies with Grug.
ISBN 9780731814008
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug goes to hospital
Oh no, Grug is hurt when he falls from a rope and needs a visit to the hospital. After a short stay with Cara, as his doctor and nurse, Grug is swiftly on the mend.
ISBN 9780731814374
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2010
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug goes to school
Come to school and learn with Grug.
ISBN 9780731813933
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug has a birthday
Birthdays should be filled with cake and fun and Grug.
ISBN 9780731814084
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug in the playground
Playgrounds are full of fun and challenges for Grug.
ISBN 9780731813919
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug learns to cook
Try some scrumptious gum-leaf rolls prepared by Grug.
ISBN 9780731814022
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug learns to dance
Jump and shout and do the Grruggg.
ISBN 9780731814107
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug learns to fly
Grug, that unforgettable hero of the Australian bush, began life as the top of the native Burrawang tree. Join him on a new adventure when he learns to fly.
ISBN 9780731814350
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2010
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug learns to read
Grug loves looking at the pictures in books but, one day, he decides to teach himself how to read the words. Soon, he can enjoy his most favourite book.
ISBN 9780731814312
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug learns to swim
Splash and paddle and float with Grug.
ISBN 9780731813995
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug meets a dinosaur
One hot morning, Grug decides to go to the creek for a swim. On his way there, he spots a strange creature lying on a rock. It looks like a dinosaur. The dinosaur chases Grug to the creek, and it follows him. Grug swims across the creek, and so does the dinosaur. Grug sits down for a rest under a tree. The dinosaur is nowhere to be seen.
ISBN 9781925030525
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster, 2015
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug meets Snoot
A prickly animal called Snoot is the perfect friend for Grug.
ISBN 9780731813957
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug plays cricket
Cricket is another ball game altogether with Grug.
ISBN 9780731814039
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug plays soccer
A brand-new goal for Grug and Cara, the snake.
ISBN 9780731814060
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
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Grug series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Grug series (34 books)
Prior, Ted
No book cover.
Grug the superhero
One morning, Grug wakes up and decides to become a superhero. Wearing a cape, a mask and a sword made from sticks, Grug and Cara, his best friend, transform the Grugmobile into the Zoom Zoom Car, and head off to save someone. But, the Zoom Zoom Car has too much zoom and Grug and Cara discover that, before they save someone else, they had better save themselves.
ISBN 9781925030501
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2014
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grumble boats
Emma wants to go to a pirate party with her brother but she's not allowed. Instead, mum takes her to Grandma's and she is ANGRY! Grandma knows just how to make it better, and, with pockets full of perfect supplies, Grandma takes Emma to the beach to set her anger free.
ISBN 9781925712919
Publisher Affirm Press, 2021
McFarlane, Susannah & Ainslie, Tasmin (ill)
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Grump, The
The Grump is very scary. He leaves a mess wherever he goes, he gobbles everything in sight and he has a deep, rumbling growl.
ISBN 9781842707227
Publisher Andersen Press Ltd, 2009
Garson, Sarah
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Grumpy Gloria
No matter what the children do, Grumpy Gloria is just sullen, scowly, sulky, slumpy. They cannot work out what is causing the problem until an unexpected accident provides the solution.
ISBN 9780670061235
Publisher Viking UK, 2006
Dewdney, Anna
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Grumpy Grandpa
A little girl is nervous about visiting her Grandpa who looks grumpy and scary, but she soon discovers that people, and grandpas, are never quite like they seem.
ISBN 9781742831756
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2013
Forsyth, Kate & White, Annie (ill.)
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Grumpy lighthouse keeper, The
On a stormy, wet-season night in Broome, the lighthouse keeper gets out of his warm bed to ensure the lamp is still lit for passing ships. While he is out, sea creatures of all shapes and sizes race up the lighthouse staircase to escape the storm. When the lighthouse keeper returns to his bed, he becomes very grumpy.
ISBN 9781925360189
Publisher Magabala Books, 2016
Corpus, Terrizita & Prewett, Maggie (ill)
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Grumpy little king
The little king was always grumpy. He was fed up with being only a little king of a tiny nation instead of ruling over an enormous country and being famous. So, the little king decided to start a war. But, it didn't quite work out the way he planned.
ISBN 9781742375724
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2011
Streich, Michel
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Guess how much I love you
Little Nutbrown Hare and Big Nutbrown Hare discover that love is not an easy thing to measure. This story is about finding ways of expressing the depth of love between a child and a parent.
ISBN 9780744532241
Series Guess how much series (5 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 1994
McBratney, Sam & Jeram, Anita (ill)
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Guess how much I love you in the autumn
Little Nutbrown Hare loves playing in the Autumn wind, especially when a big surprise blows his way.
ISBN 9781406304541
Series Guess how much series (5 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2007
McBratney, Sam & Jeram, Anita (ill)
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Guess how much I love you in the spring
It's spring and Little Nutbrown Hare learns how things grow. A tadpole becomes a frog, a shoot grows into a big tree. If everything grows and changes, Little Nutbrown Hare tries to guess what he might become one day.
ISBN 9781406308532
Series Guess how much series (5 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2009
McBratney, Sam & Jeram, Anita (ill)
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Guess how much I love you in the summer
It's summer and Little Nutbrown Hare learns about all the different colours, the red of the berries, the green of the leaves and the blue of the sky. Little Nutbrown Hare thinks there is one colour that is the loveliest of all.
ISBN 9781406308549
Series Guess how much series (5 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2009
McBratney, Sam & Jeram, Anita (ill)
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Guess how much I love you in the winter
Little Nutbrown Hare loves playing games in the snow and trying to trick Big Nutbrown Hare.
ISBN 9781406304558
Series Guess how much series (5 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2007
McBratney, Sam & Jeram, Anita (ill)
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Guess how much series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Guess how much series (5 books)
McBratney, Sam & Jeram, Anita (ill)
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Guess the baby
The students in Mr Judd's class have to guess who belongs to each baby photo. Even the teacher's photo is included.
ISBN 9780733306143
Publisher ABC Books, 2003
French, Simon & Rawlins, Donna (ill)
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Guess what: there's a hippopotamus on the hospital roof eating cake
I didnt want to go to hospital. My big sister said that my hippo knows all about hospitals so he can go with you. Theres a hippopotamus on our roof eating cake and he's going to hospital too. Everyone's favourite hippopotamus has returned.
ISBN 9780143501374
Series There's a hippopotamus series (6 books)
Publisher Penguin, 1997
Edwards, Hazel & Niland, Deborah (ill)
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A delightful book for anyone who has ever had a little fabric friend.
ISBN 9780670077175
Publisher Penguin Random House Australia, 2017
Blabey, Aaron
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Edward and Gus don't just share a bond, they share the same birthday. Every year they spend their birthday together. So when one year Edward does not show up for their shared celebration, Gus knows exactly what to do. Find Edward.
ISBN 9781922610645
Publisher Berbay Publishing, 2024
Murray, Liz & Serageldine, Walid (ill)
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Gus dog goes to work
Every day Gus Dog goes to work in the back of the ute with his owner, Tom the shearer. But one morning he wakes up to find Tom and the ute gone. So Gus Dog decides to go to work on his own.
ISBN 9781921504884
Publisher Working Title Press, 2017
Flynn, Rachel & Smith, Craig (ill)
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In the jungle, there are jaguars, monkeys and parrots aplenty. But, there are no penguins, none at all. Penguins don't live in the jungle, except for Gwendolyn.
ISBN 9780733335174
Publisher ABC Books, 2016
MacIver, Juliette & Baynton, Terri Rose (ill)
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Gymnastica fantastica!
Prepare to be amazed as Gymnastica Fantastica attempts new physical skills and puts on wonderfully imperfect shows for whoever will watch!
ISBN 9780734421852
Publisher Hachette Australia, 2023
Stewart, Briony
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