
Challenge Level : K-2 Challenge Level : 3-4 Challenge Level : 5-6 Challenge Level : 7-9 Challenge Level : 9plus
ID Title Author  
D-bot Squad series
A super-exciting series about DINOSAUR ROBOTS for first readers! Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series D-bot Squad series (8 books)
Park, Mac
No book cover.
D-Bot Squad: Big stink
Hunter thinks he's built the perfect d-bot for hunting down a fully grown stegosaurus- an enormous, slow-moving fart machine. But things don't always go to plan...
ISBN 9781760296001
Series D-bot Squad series (4 of 8)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2017
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Park, Mac
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D-bot Squad: Deep dive
Hunter and his team dive deep under the sea to catch five kronosauruses. But soon they become the meat in a giant squid and krono sandwich...
ISBN 9781760296025
Series D-bot Squad series (6 of 8)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2017
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Park, Mac
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D-bot Squad: Dino corp
Hunter, Charlie and Ethan must save the last and wildest of all the dinosaurs - the T-rex! Will the team finally find out where all the dinosaurs came from?
ISBN 9781760296049
Series D-bot Squad series (8 of 8)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2018
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Park, Mac
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D-Bot Squad: Dino hunter
Hunter Marks knows everything there is to know about dinosaurs. But will it be enough to make it into the top-secret D-Bot Squad? This is one school day that will be anything but normal...
ISBN 9781760295974
Series D-bot Squad series (1 of 8)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2017
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Park, Mac
Image currently unavailable
D-Bot Squad: Double trouble
When Hunter finds himself high in the sky in the clutches of a quetzalcoatlus, he knows he needs help. Who can free him? And will it be in time to catch a mega flying dinosaur?
ISBN 9781760295998
Series D-bot Squad series (3 of 8)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2017
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Park, Mac
Image currently unavailable
D-bot Squad: Mega hatch
Dinosaurs are running wild all over the place! Hunter and his team must hatch their best plan yet. But that's not the only thing hatching...
ISBN 9781760296032
Series D-bot Squad series (7 of 8)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2018
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Park, Mac
Image currently unavailable
D-Bot Squad: Sky high
There's a pterodactyl on the loose and Hunter must catch it. Dino Corp is depending on him. Will the d-bot he made be up for the job?
ISBN 9781760295981
Series D-bot Squad series (2 of 8)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2017
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Park, Mac
Image currently unavailable
D-Bot Squad: Stack attack
Hunter and Charlie have made the best double d-bot, to catch an argentinosaurus. But they have a new friend to save first!
ISBN 9781760296018
Series D-bot Squad series (5 of 8)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2017
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Park, Mac
Image currently unavailable
Daisy and the trouble with chocolate
Daisy is SO excited! She's been picked to look after the class hamsters, Pickle and Pops, over the Easter holidays - AND her mum's taking her to Chocolate Land!!! Trouble is, the two things probably shouldn't mix...
ISBN 9781782956099
Series Daisy series (15 books)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2017
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
Gray, Kes & Sharratt, Nick (ill)
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Daisy and the trouble with Christmas
Christmas, a time of peace and calm, unless you're hanging around with Daisy. Daisy has been excited about Christmas since September and that kind of excitement can only lead to trouble. Daisy loves sparkly lights, Christmas carols and the chance to be in the school play. Only catastrophe can occur when Daisy is allowed near the baby Jesus doll.
ISBN 9781862304970
Series Daisy series (15 of 15)
Publisher Red Fox, 2009
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
Gray, Kes & Sharratt, Nick (ill)
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Daisy and the trouble with giants
Daisy really loves playing giants after her teacher reads Jack and the Beanstalk. Gabby and Daisy vie to see who is the biggest. Daisy also wants to meet a real giant and this leads to trouble.
ISBN 9781862304956
Series Daisy series (12 of 15)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2008
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
Gray, Kes & Sharratt, Nick (ill)
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Daisy and the trouble with kittens
Thanks to nanny and grampy, Daisy and her mum are going on a holiday to Spain. Daisy is very excited and meets lots of new playmates. The trouble is, five of them are small and cute and furry. The other trouble is that there are so many things that can cause trouble.
ISBN 9781862308343
Series Daisy series (13 of 15)
Publisher Red Fox, 2009
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
Gray, Kes & Sharratt, Nick (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Daisy and the trouble with life
In Daisy's guide to life, nothing is black and white, and it is certainly not fair. While suffering from an upset tummy, Daisy has plenty of time to think about her goldfish, Freddy, who thinks he's a dolphin, the school name-caller, Jack Beechwhistle, remote control cars and hosepipes that don't do as they're told. Hopefully, life will improve when she's ungrounded and off the loo.
ISBN 9781862301672
Series Daisy series (8 of 15)
Publisher Red Fox, 2007
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
Gray, Kes & Sharratt, Nick (ill)
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Daisy and the trouble with zoos
Daisy, Gabby and Dylan are on a trip to the zoo for Daisy's birthday. She'll be able to enter the penguin area and actually feed the penguins. There's trouble when Daisy wants to adopt one of the penguins.
ISBN 9781862304932
Series Daisy series (10 of 15)
Publisher Red Fox, 2008
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
Gray, Kes & Sharratt, Nick (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Daisy Dawson and the big freeze
It's icy cold and the farm is wrapped in snow when Boom takes Daisy to meet the newborn lambs and their trainee sheepdog, Ricky Roundup. When Woolverton, the most inquisitive lamb, wanders off into the frozen woods, Daisy and Boom must follow him into the blizzard and bring him safely home to the flock.
ISBN 9781406311020
Series Daisy Dawson series (3 of 4)
Publisher Walker Books, 2009
Voake, Steve & Meserve, Jessica (ill)
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Daisy Dawson and the secret pool
Daisy Dawson's quest to complete an excellent school project leads her to a secret otter place and some danger. Her ability to talk to animals proves, as always, to be very helpful.
ISBN 9781406304015
Series Daisy Dawson series (2 of 4)
Publisher Walker Books, 2008
Voake, Steve & Meserve, Jessica (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Daisy Dawson at the beach
School's out for Daisy Dawson, and things couldn't be any better. Imagine a whole summer at the beach, full of sand, sun, and surfing! And now that she's making new animal friends - a crab named Pinchy who likes to dance and two fun-loving rabbits named Rabsy and Raberta - her vacation promises to be all the more exciting. But when Daisy hears a call for help from the bottom of the sea, she finds a dolphin in deep trouble, caught in old fishing nets. Will Daisy and her friends be able to save the dolphin before it's too late?
ISBN 9780763653064
Series Daisy Dawson series (4 of 4)
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2011
Voake, Steve & Meserve, Jessica (ill)
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Daisy Dawson is on her way
Daisy's late for school, again. An encounter with a butterfly leaves her able to understand everything that animals say. When her friend Boom, a stray dog, is caught by the pound, Daisy enlists the help of a host of animal friends to set him free.
ISBN 9781406300802
Series Daisy Dawson series (1 of 4)
Publisher Walker Books, 2007
Voake, Steve & Meserve, Jessica (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Daisy Dawson on the farm
The weather is HOT and the pond on the farm has dried up. So Daisy Dawson and her animal pals set out to make it rain to restore the water animals' home. As always, it's still a barnyard of fun and mischief for these friends!
ISBN 9780763663407
Series Daisy Dawson series (5 of 4)
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2012
Voake, Steve & Meserve, Jessica (ill)
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Daisy Dawson series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Daisy Dawson series (4 books)
Voake, Steve & Meserve, Jessica (ill)
No book cover.
Daisy series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Daisy series (15 books)
Gray, Kes & Sharratt, Nick (ill)
No book cover.
Daisy Sunshine
It's 1975 and Daisy and her mum have just moved into the Grand Private Hotel belonging to Mr and Mrs Papadopolous. It's all new and strange but Nina, Old Dot, the Colonel and especially Rainbow Rose are there to help them make a new life for themselves. This is a time of great social change and Daisy's life opens up as she becomes involved in the movement for equal rights for women.
ISBN 9781876944674
Series Making tracks (14 of 17)
Publisher National Museum of Australia Press, 2008
Gervay, Susanne & Culkin-Lawrence, Teresa (ill)
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Dame Nellie Melba
As a young girl, Helen Porter wanted to sing on the stage and she pursued her dream of being a great opera star. She changed her name to reflect her Melbourne heritage and, in 1987, made her operatic debut. She went on to sing in all the great opera houses in Europe and became Australia's first great diva. During World War I, she held many fundraising concerts for the war effort.
ISBN 9781921042645
Series Aussie Heroes series (4 books)
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2010
Marin, Gabiann & Dale, Rae (ill)
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Dan's grandpa
Dan and his grandpa were the best of friends and shared many special times together. From his grandpa, Dan learnt about nature, the land and his Aboriginal culture. When grandpa dies, Dan misses him. Then grandpa's cocky disappears.
ISBN 9781863681599
Publisher Fremantle Press, 1996
Morgan, Sally & Bancroft, Bronwyn (ill)
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Dance dash
When the Brownies decide to hold a dance event to raise awareness for a local children's charity, it's Grace's moment to shine. She offers to plan a special dance routine which will be performed in different locations around town.
ISBN 9781847151193
Series Brownies series (5 of 8)
Publisher Stripes, 2010
Plaisted, Caroline
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Dance teacher, The
When Isabelle arrives at Miss Sylvie's dance studio to become a ballerina, she is told to be prepared to work hard. As the other young dancers switch to hip hop or drop out, Isabelle continues to practice, aiming to become a prima ballerina.
ISBN 9781743313312
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2013
Milne, Simon & Stewart, Chantal (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Dancer, The
A legend of the bringing of rain to the people of the Kalahari Desert in Africa. After thirteen months of drought, Bau is determined to find out how to make rain for her people.
ISBN 9780711215412
Publisher Frances Lincoln, 2001
Turkington, Nola & Daly, Niki (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Dancing with memories
Meet Lucy.Lucy lives with dementia. She wishes she didn't, but she does. Her brain has changed, but she is still Lucy. Thank goodness she has a brain AND a heart. A moving and heartfelt picture book for young children and their families, to help them navigate the changes that come with living with Alzheimer's disease.
ISBN 9780733342578
Publisher ABC Books, 2022
Yule, Sally & Martins, Professor Ralph & Beer, Maggie & Orsini, Cheryl (ill)
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Dangerous animals
Test yourself on questions about dangerous animals. Don't look at the answers till you've had a go. Spectacular full colour photographs of lots of different dangerous animals show on every page.
ISBN 9780545003957
Series True or false series (5 of 5)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2009
Berger, Melvin & Gilda
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Dangerous business of being Trilby Moffat, The
After Trilby Moffat's mother falls victim to the dreaded Dream Sickness and Trilby unexpectedly becomes the Time Keeper, she has to survive a sinking canoe, a man in a top hat who will try to kill her (more than once), flee to an island where time does not exist, deal with rude cats, make new friends and eat lots of cake. But this will mean nothing if she can't find a lost treasure and return the Passage of Time to normal and save her mother.
ISBN 9780734420909
Publisher Hachette Australia, 2022
Temple, Kate & Cooper, Christopher (ill)
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Daniel's secret
Daniel has found an Aboriginal carving on the cliff face. He wants to share his secret but, as the youngest member of a busy family, he can't persuade anyone to accompany him.
ISBN 9781863885348
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 1997
Mattingley, Christobel & Wilson, Mark (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Danny Best series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Danny Best series (4 books)
Storer, Jen & Vane, Mitch (ill)
No book cover.
Danny Best: Full on
Eight year old Danny Best is the best. He's just so good at everything, especially winning. He's also good at having a rollicking good time with his local mates as well as Pugsley the dog, Captain Hook the cat and those pesky critters called adults. From cops and robbers to hide-and-seek to obstacle courses, races and wilderness jaunts, Danny and his friends are kings and queens of the neighbourhood.
ISBN 9780733333330
Series Danny Best series (1 of 4)
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2015
Storer, Jen & Vane, Mitch (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Danny Best: Me first!
Danny Best is the best at everything. He ALWAYS comes number one. In these four stories Danny tries to beat a world record, catch a giant fish, and has wild adventures. Joined by his best friends and his loyal, but misbehaved dog, we find out if Danny can really live up to his name and be the Best at everything.
ISBN 9780733333354
Series Danny Best series (3 of 4)
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2018
Storer, Jen & Vane, Mitch (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Danny Best: Never wrong
From bestselling author Jen Storer comes the second book in the DANNY BEST series, a collection of very funny short stories about life, as seen through the eyes of Danny, who with his gang of friends and trusty dog Pugsley rules the neighbourhood. Jam-packed with hilarious illustrations by renowned illustrator Mitch Vane, this is a book guaranteed to be read and re-read until it becomes as scruffy as Danny and his gang.
ISBN 9780733333347
Series Danny Best series (2 of 4)
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2016
Storer, Jen & Vane, Mitch (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Danny Best: watch this
You will be dazzled by EVERYTHING in this book. Here you will find a collection of awesome new stories from the genius who always, without fail, brings you The Best stories, including the boy with the musical bum, rampaging dead dinosaurs, freaked-out ninjas in outer space and so much more.
ISBN 9780733333361
Series Danny Best series (4 of 4)
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2020
Storer, Jen & Vane, Mitch (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Danny Blue's really excellent dream
Danny Blue lives in a world where everything is blue. And while there are many different shades and hues, everything is essentially the same. Until the night Danny sees something in a dream that is unlike anything else...
ISBN 9780734417589
Publisher Hachette Children's Books, 2017
Landrak, Max
Image currently unavailable
Dare to be different: a celebration of freedom in association with Amnesty International
A picture book of fairytales, folklore, Greek legends, Bible stories, poetry and contemporary short stories with strong themes of freedom and justice that reflect the purpose and work of Amnesty International.
ISBN 9780747540212
Publisher Bloomsbury, 1999
Bergin, Elana (& others)
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Daring Delly: Going for gold
Delly's school is hosting an international basketball tournament. Teams are coming all the way from the USA and Japan to compete for the gold medal. But Delly's best mate, Sam, is down in the dumps. And when some players get injured, the teachers want to cancel everything! Luckily, Delly has a daring plan to save the tournament and get Sam's head back in the game.
ISBN 9781743832028
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2020
Dellavedova, Matthew & Ortega, Nathalie (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Daring Delly: Team tryouts
Delly is super sporty, and mad about BASKETBALL! When tryouts are called for a NEW local basketball team, Delly and his mates are determined to make the cut. But with footy training, tennis and school, will Delly have time to practise basketball? ABSOLUTELY. Delly is as daring as he is determined and hell do whatever it takes!
ISBN 9781743831922
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2019
Dellavedova, Matthew
Image currently unavailable
Dark dwellers
A look at animals that dwell in the dark. The book includes simple factual information, beautifully presented photographs and illustrations, a glossary and an index.
ISBN 9780733937743
Series Longman animal lifestyles series (6 books)
Publisher Pearson Education Australia, 2002
Ballance, Alison
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Dark secrets
The Planet Cavernellus caves are being bleached and the alien babies are no longer hatching. When Space Captains Star Girl, Comet XS and Asteroid are sent to investigate, things get a little batty. Can they survive an alien attack long enough to save the planet and its alien vampescas?
ISBN 9781420293784
Series Star Girl series (9 of 16)
Publisher MacMillan, 2012
Park, Louise
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Dark, The
Lazlo is afraid of the dark, when tucked up in his bedroom at night. He wants to find out what this thing called 'the dark' is.
ISBN 9781408330029
Publisher Orchard Books, 2013
Snicket, Lemony & Klassen, Jon (ill)
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Darkest dark, The
Chris love rockets and planets and pretending he's an astronaut in Space. Only one problem- at night, Chris is afraid of the dark. But when he watches the ground breaking Apollo 11 Moon Landing on TV it inspires him to follow his dreams and explore the darkest dark. Inspired by the childhood of real-life astronaut, Commander Chris Hadfield.
ISBN 9781509824090
Publisher MacMillan, 2016
Hadfield, Chris & Fan Brothers (ill)
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David, the best model maker in the world
David was the best model maker in the world. But one day a strange man sends him a new challenge. He may be the best model maker but he still may not be able to build the strange ball in the picture.
ISBN 9780141307442
Series Aussie bites (84 books)
Publisher Penguin, 2000
Moloney, James
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Day I remember, A
This is a day that Chintu will always remember. He's going to be Markundi, the boy who keeps the bridegroom, his uncle, company through the wedding preparations. Come and join in the celebrations, with dancing, fireworks and music.
ISBN 9781847806017
Publisher Frances Lincoln, 2015
Prodeepta, Das
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Day I turned ten, The
Jeremy is looking forward to his tenth birthday and has the day all planned out. But, with a very young brother in the family, things rarely go according to plan.
ISBN 9780143301097
Series Aussie bites (84 books)
Publisher Penguin, 2004
Godwin, Jane
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Day I was history, The
Like everyone else, Sam believed that cities don't burn. But one hot summer the fires came to Canberra with devestating results. Sam must fight to try to save his home not knowing if his would be one of the five hundred houses to be lost.
ISBN 9781876944551
Series Making tracks (7 of 17)
Publisher National Museum of Australia Press, 2007
French, Jackie & Booth, Christina (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Day no one was angry, The
Twelve funny, philosophical short stories about angry animals. First comes the hyrax, angry at the sun for not being around when he wants it. Elephant is angry with himself for trying to climb a tree that he always falls out of. Beetle and earthworm try to outdo each other by being more angry than the other. Lobster sells all kinds of anger door-to-door. Then, one day, all anger disappears and the animals are worried.
ISBN 9781927271605
Publisher Gecko Press, 2015
Tellegen, Toon & Boutavant, Marc (ill)
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Day of the dino-droids
Captain Teggs and the crew of the Sauropod hit trouble when their ship is pulled into a strange, tiny, black hole. Spat out in the DSS headquarters, they meet with their boss, Admiral Rosso, who is behaving a little oddly. When the rest of the astrosaurs begin to show signs of weirdness, Teggs decides to investigate. The clues seem to point to some kind of dino-droid.
ISBN 9780099487975
Series Astrosaurs series (7 of 19)
Publisher Red Fox, 2006
Cole, Steve
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Day war came, The
Imagine if war came to your town and destroyed everything you had known. Imagine you made a long journey to safety but were not welcomed and turned away. Imagine then how the gift of something small from one child could change your life.
ISBN 9781406376326
Publisher Walker Books, 2018
Davies, Nicola & Cobb, Rebecca (ill)
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Day with Dad, A
Tim waits with excitement for a train to bring his father, who lives in another town, to spend the entire day with him. They do all of their favourite things, until it is time for Dad to catch the train home.
ISBN 9781406313840
Publisher Walker Books, 2008
Holmberg, Bo R
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Days of the blackbird
Gemma and her father, Duca Gennaro, live in a house with a bird-filled courtyard. All the birds sing but the duke's favourite is La Colomba. When the duke falls ill, La Colomba refuses to fly south, even though snow and fierce winds swirl.
ISBN 9780399229299
Publisher Penguin USA, 1997
dePaola, Tomie
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Dead funny
More of the hilarious adventures of Danny Thompson, his family and friends.
ISBN 9781862915466
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2003
Simons, Moya
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Deadly diseases and curious cures
Life as a sailor in the 1700s was not an easy life. Here you will read about the common illnesses such as scurvy, of those who sailed long distances of exploration and trade, as well as the remedies of the day. Some are still common today such as the use of honey and ginger, but thankfully our dentists and surgeons have greatly improved. For readers who are not squeamish.
ISBN 9781408126929
Series White Wolves non-fiction series (7 books)
Publisher A & C Black, 2010
Claybourne, Anna
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Deadly race to space, The: Russia
On the eve of the first manned mission to Mars, the chief rocket engineer has disappeared. Secret Agent Jack Stalwart must keep his cool to save the day.
ISBN 9781862306349
Series Jack Stalwart, secret agent series (9 of 12)
Publisher Red Fox, 2009
Singer Hunt, Elizabeth & Wiliamson, Brian (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Dear hound
Alfie the deerhound is a large, grey puppy. He loves his owner, Charlie, and cheese, and he's very good at digging holes. But poor Alfie has got lost. He's scared of thunderstorms and being hungry and never seeing Charlie again. Meanwhile, Charlie and his mother are desperately trying to find Alfie, putting up posters and searching the area.
ISBN 9780141323459
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2010
Murphy, Jill
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Dear Max
Max writes a letter to his favourite author. They become pen pals and share ideas they have for writing stories, about dealing with life's difficulties and making friends.
ISBN 9781843623830
Publisher Watts Publishing Group, 2005
Grindley, Sally & Ross, Tony (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Deep end, The
Becky can't go up a class at swimming lessons unless she can get over her fear of the deep end. Becky tackles all her problems cheerily, including understanding what her baby brother is saying.
ISBN 9780143305279
Series Aussie nibbles (51 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2010
Dubosarsky, Ursula & Vane, Mitch (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Deep end: Real facts about the ocean, The
Have you ever wondered what lies at the bottom of the sea? Join Brownbeard the pirate and Alan the parrot as they explore the depths of the ocean, and tell you all about their discoveries.
ISBN 9780063224551
Publisher HarperCollins US, 2023
Sheneman, Drew
Image currently unavailable
Deep sea exploration
Take a trip to the bottom of the ocean to find out all the secrets of the deep. See underwater mountains thousands of metres high, shipwrecks frozen in time and fish that look like false teeth.
ISBN 9781408126912
Series White Wolves non-fiction series (7 books)
Publisher A & C Black, 2010
Spilsbury, Richard
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Definitely no ducks
Max, the class duck, is in trouble. The Antarctica display has been totally destroyed. Ripped. Torn. Chewed. And everyone knows Max is to blame. Or is he. Abby and Noah are determined to uncover the truth. If they can't, they will have to say goodbye to Max forever.
ISBN 9781921977855
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2013
McKinlay, Meg & Rudge, Leila (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Degas and the little dancer
Marie dreams of becoming the most famous ballerina in the world. When she joins the ballet school in Paris, she notices a fierce man sitting at the side, sketching the dancers. The man is the painter, Edgar Degas, and his clay model of Marie does, indeed, make her the most famous dancer of all.
ISBN 9781847808141
Series Famous artists (Anholt) series (10 books)
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2016
Anholt, Laurence
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Deliverance of the dancing bears, The
Appalled by the sight of a beautiful bear condemned to a life of cruelty and deprivation, old Yusuf spends all his hard-earned savings to release the bear.
ISBN 9781875560370
Publisher University of Western Australia Press, 1994
Stanley, Elizabeth
Image currently unavailable
Introduces the plants, animals, and peoples that live in deserts and describes what kind of adaptations they have developed to live in such a spare environment.
ISBN 9781405318853
Series Eyewonder series (22 books)
Publisher Dorling Kindersley, 2000
Star, Fleur
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Desert Lake: The story of Kati Thanda - Lake Eyre
The dry salt bed of Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre shimmers in the desert heat. But, far up north, the rains have come. Water is flooding into empty riverbeds and swirling down towards the lake. Soon, everything will change.
ISBN 9781921529436
Series Nature storybooks series (23 books)
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2016
Freeman, Pamela & Anelli, Liz (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Desert princess, The
Hidden in the castle of Rosie's great-aunt are lots of little princesses, ready to whisk her away on a magical adventure.
ISBN 9780099488361
Series Little princesses series (7 of 12)
Publisher Red Fox, 2007
Chase, Katie
Image currently unavailable
Simple explanations and beautiful illustrations help readers to find information about deserts, from the scorching North American deserts to the cold Gobi.
ISBN 9780753458662
Series Kingfisher young knowledge series (19 books)
Publisher Kingfisher, 2005
Davies, Nicola
Image currently unavailable
Detective Donut and the wild goose chase
Detective Donut tries to solve a mysterious case involving a masked goose, a museum statue and a missing person.
ISBN 9780064435536
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 1999
Whatley, Bruce
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Detective Gordon: A complicated case
There is something going on in the forest. The animals are troubled and unhappy. But, no one dares make a statement to the police. Detective Gordon and police assistant Buffy have a new case to investigate.
ISBN 9781776570652
Publisher Gecko Press, 2016
Nilsson, Ulf & Spee, Gitte (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Detective Gordon: The first case
Someone is stealing nuts from the forest and it's up to Detective Gordon to catch the thief. Unfortunately, solving this crime means standing in the snow for a long time. If only he had an assistant, someone small, fast, and clever, to help solve this terrible case. Then Detective Gordon would be able to go back to doing what he does best, thinking, eating cakes, drinking tea and stamping important papers.
ISBN 9781927271506
Publisher Gecko Press, 2015
Nilsson, Ulf & Spee, Gitte (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Diary of a basketball hero
Marcus Atkinson is a basketball hero, not. But, his dad, a self-help author, is convinced that Marcus can achieve anything he sets his mind to and has magic in his bounce.
ISBN 9781760111502
Series Diary of a series (11 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2015
Flint, Shamini & Heinrich, Sally (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Diary of a cricket god
Nine year old Marcus Atkinson is a Maths whiz who is not good at sport. His dad is a self-help author who thinks Marcus can achieve anything he sets his mind to. Marcus thinks cricket is some sort of insect and is stumped why anyone would want to play such a stupid game.
ISBN 9781742378268
Series Diary of a series (11 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2012
Flint, Shamini & Heinrich, Sally (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Diary of a golf pro
Marcus Atkinson is a golf pro, not. But, his dad, a self-help author, is convinced that Marcus can achieve anything he sets his mind to and has magic in his swing.
ISBN 9781760111496
Series Diary of a series (11 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2015
Flint, Shamini & Heinrich, Sally (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Diary of a killer cat, The
Poor Ellie is horrified when Tuffy drags a dead bird, and then a mouse, into the house. But Tuffy can't understand what all the fuss is about. Soft-hearted Ellie must get her beloved pet to change his wild ways before the next victim arrives through the cat-flap, and Tuffy ends up in even deeper trouble.
ISBN 9780141335773
Publisher Puffin UK, 2011
Fine, Anne & Cox, Steve (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Diary of a rescued wombat
She is small. She is scared. She is lost. She is a baby wombat who needs a home. She is Mothball, a wombat destined to become famous. This is the (almost) true story of one small wombat who learnt how to train her humans - and inspired the internationally bestselling picture book Diary of a Wombat by Jackie French and Bruce Whatley.
ISBN 9781460761823
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 2022
French, Jackie & Whatley, Bruce (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Diary of a rugby champ
Marcus Atkinson is a rugby champ, not. But, his dad is a self-help author who thinks Marcus can achieve anything he sets his mind to. He's convinced that Marcus has magic in his legs.
ISBN 9781743313596
Series Diary of a series (11 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2013
Flint, Shamini & Heinrich, Sally (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Diary of a series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Diary of a series (11 books)
Flint, Shamini & Heinrich, Sally (ill)
No book cover.
Diary of a soccer star
Marcus Atkinson is a soccer star, not. But, his Dad is convinced that nine year old Marcus has magic in his feet. Marcus would much rather spend his time doing mathematics.
ISBN 9781742378251
Series Diary of a series (11 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2010
Flint, Shamini & Heinrich, Sally (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Diary of a super swimmer
Marcus is a maths whiz, who is not good at sports. But, his dad, a self-help author, is convinced otherwise. Just when Marcus hopes his dad has finally run out of sports for him to try, he discovers a new one, involving water. But, Marcus is not a fish. Marcus is not a turtle. Marcus is an ordinary boy. He will not love to swim.
ISBN 9781743318843
Series Diary of a series (11 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2014
Flint, Shamini & Heinrich, Sally (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Diary of a Taekwondo master
Marcus Atkinson is a taekwondo master, not. He is a maths whiz who is not good at sport. But, his dad is convinced that Marcus has magic in his kicks.
ISBN 9781743313602
Series Diary of a series (11 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2012
Flint, Shamini & Heinrich, Sally (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Diary of a tennis prodigy
Marcus Atkinson is a tennis genius, not. He is a maths whiz, who is not good at any sport. But, his dad is convinced that Marcus has magic in his wrists and can achieve anything he sets his mind to.
ISBN 9781760290887
Series Diary of a series (11 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2016
Flint, Shamini & Heinrich, Sally (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Diary of a track and field titan
Marcus Atkinson is nine years old, good at maths and computer games but, definitely, not sports. His dad's latest crazy idea is for him to try track and field. Even worse, there are ten events. Marcus knows he's not good at one sport, let alone ten different ones.
ISBN 9781743317297
Series Diary of a series (11 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2014
Flint, Shamini & Heinrich, Sally (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Diary of a wombat
This wombat leads a very busy and demanding life. She wrestles unknown creatures, runs her own digging business and most difficult of all - trains her humans.
ISBN 9780207199950
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2002
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
French, Jackie & Whatley, Bruce (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Diary of an AFL Legend
Marcus is a maths whiz who is not good at sport. His dad is a self-help author who thinks Marcus can achieve anything he sets his mind to, even becoming an AFL legend!
ISBN 9781760295141
Series Diary of a series (11 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2017
Flint, Shamini & Heinrich, Sally (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Digby & Claude
Digby's street is soon going to look different - old houses are going to be demolished and new apartments will be built. Digby loves Main Street but he isn't sure he wants it to change. With plans of his own and a new friend, Claude, Digby explores what it really means to belong.
ISBN 9780642279279
Publisher NLA Publishing, 2018
Allen, Emma & Sommerville, Hannah (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Find out what happens to your food when you swallow it, what your stomach looks like inside and why it sometimes makes strange noises.
ISBN 9781862307452
Series Little genius series (4 books)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2009
Lennard, Kate & Gulliksen, Eivind (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Dinner detectives: A fearsome beast and a dumpling feast
It's Chinese New Year, a time for feasting. But children beware, a hungry beast is looking for you! Join Dinner Detectives Clementine and Aksel in their first adventure, travelling back in time and around the world to uncover magical stories behind the food we eat every day.
ISBN 9780648008705
Publisher Publish Creative Books, 2017
Stening, Yves & Buchanan, Nigel (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Dinner detectives: A tangled tale of tagliatelle
Sophia, the new girl next door, likes football. Shes also a super sleuth of pasta! Join our intrepid trio as they travel from Rome to a fabled renaissance meeting with the feared Mongol emperor, Kublai Khan, and uncover the ancient origins of pasta. Celebrate with Sophia's Dad's delicious Tagliatelle al Ragu - yum! Find his easy-to-follow recipe inside.
ISBN 9780648008712
Publisher Publish Creative Books, 2018
Stening, Yves
Image currently unavailable
Factual information about dinosaurs with plenty of descriptions and images.
ISBN 9781405304733
Series Eyewonder series (22 books)
Publisher Dorling Kindersley, 2004
Lambert, David
Image currently unavailable
Dinosaur a day, A
Discover an extraordinary dinosaur every day of the year. immerse yourself in this unforgettable year-long encounter with the most astonishing creatures to ever walk the earth. from ferocious Tyrannosaurus to the gentle Titanosaurus, you'll find familiar and lesser-known names, alongside newly discovered species, all brought to life with stunning illustrations and fascinating facts.
ISBN 9780755501793
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2022
Smith, Miranda & Wren, Jenny (ill) & Calle, Juan (ill) & Le, Xuan (ill) & Rambaldi, Max (ill) & Baum
Image currently unavailable
Dinosaur Cove series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Dinosaur Cove series (13 books)
Stone, Rex & Spoor, Mike (ill)
No book cover.
Dinosaur discovery: Lost creatures of the Cretaceous
Dinosaurs ruled the world in the Cretaceous period, 66 million years ago. The world during the Cretaceous period was a time when mammals were confined to a life in the shadows of dinosaurs. It was the abrupt end of this time period that saw everything change. This book, with its fantastic illustrations, provides a contemporary insight into the life and death of these amazing creatures that once walked the earth.
ISBN 9781925040326
Publisher Western Australian Museum, 2017
Western Australia Museum
Image currently unavailable
Dinosaur encore
A simple, flip book that has lots of interesting dinosaur facts for you to test yourself. Perhaps you know which dinosaur was smaller than a Dalmatian dog or most like the modern day ostrich but, if you don't, you can find out by reading this book. Panoramic pictures of collage artwork add to the joy of learning more about the shape and size of dinosaurs.
ISBN 9781865048031
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2004
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
Mullins, Patricia
Image currently unavailable
Dinosaur extinction, The: What really happened?
History's mysteries explained. You may think you know what happened to the dinosaurs, but you can't be sure until you have examined all the clues. Discover what fossils and rock can tell us about the past, while you try to uncover the truth about dinosaur extinction.
ISBN 9780716634522
Series World Book Bolt series (3 books)
Publisher World Book, 2019
Cooley Peterson, Megan
Image currently unavailable
Dinosaur hunt
Max, the spaniel, is not just any dog. Join Max as he undertakes an expedition searching for dinosaurs. You will be amazed at what he finds.
ISBN 9780545057486
Publisher Orchard Books, 2009
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Catrow, David
Image currently unavailable
A beautifully presented book about dinosaurs, including simple and interesting facts, an index, a glossary and web links.
ISBN 9780794504861
Series Usborne beginners series (18 of 44)
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2006
Topics / Endangered species /
Turnbull, Stephanie & others
Image currently unavailable
Diplodocus trampled my teepee, A
Captain Saurus was a legendary pirate. He had a dinosaur-bone leg and a magic glass eye that could bring fossils to life. When Jack and Toby find the magic eyeball while camping, they unleash an avalanche of dinosaurs of every shape and size. To reverse the curse, the kids have to solve the Captain's cunning clues.
ISBN 9780857981844
Series Saurus street series (6 of 6)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2013
Falk, Nick & Flowers, Tony (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Dirt bikes
Christmas is coming up and the some of the children are waiting desperately as there are only three dirtbikes in their group and their own homemade track is waiting for them.
ISBN 9780207188046
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 1996
Orr, Wendy
Image currently unavailable
Dirt by sea
Daisy lives in inland Australia with her dad and her grandparents. It's home, and she loves the red dirt land around her. But when her dad realises that she's never seen the beach and thinks the Australian anthem is about a country 'dirt by sea', he sets off to show her the ocean in a once-in-a-lifetime father-daughter trip along the Australian coast, inspired by the first holiday he took with Daisy's mum. Along the way they will learn about Australia and much, much more . . .
ISBN 9781760894061
Publisher Penguin Random House Australia, 2022
Wagner, Michael & Jellett, Tom (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Dirt experiment, The
An amusing story about a family who divides their house in two - one side for the clean and tidy mum and daughter and the other for the dirty dad and son. Some coarse language in context.
ISBN 9780733616204
Publisher Hodder Headline Australia Pty Ltd, 2003
Glover, Richard & Gordon, Gus (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Dirty beasts
Full of fanciful exaggerations, a collection of poems about wicked beasts with wicked habits. Meet the poor toad that jumps to France at his own peril, the pig who ponders on the meaning of life and the anteater that gets the wrong end of the stick.
ISBN 9780140568233
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2002
Dahl, Roald & Blake, Quentin (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Dismal daffodil, The
Coco has an awful eeking feeling. Behind the garden walls of Buenos Aires' fabled Japanese garden, a daffodil is drooping. The guinea pig in charge wants Coco to investigate as he's convinced someone in his beautiful garden is up to no good.
ISBN 9781743319505
Series Cryptic casebook of Coco Carlomagno series (4 of 6)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2014
Dubosarsky, Ursula & Denton, Terry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
A look at animals whose lifestyle depends on being able to dive. The book includes simple factual information, beautifully presented photographs and illustrations, a glossary and an index.
ISBN 9780733937712
Series Longman animal lifestyles series (6 books)
Publisher Pearson Education Australia, 2002
Ballance, Alison
Image currently unavailable
DK guide to weather
A breathtaking collection of colour photographs and images in large format, depicting weather from the 1930s to the present.
ISBN 9780751328561
Publisher Dorling Kindersley, 2000
Allaby, Michael
Image currently unavailable
Do not lick this book
Min is microbe. She is small. Very small. In fact so small that you'd need to look through a microscope to see her. Or you can simply open this book and take Min on an adventure to amazing places she's never seen before- like the icy glaciers of your tooth or the twisted, tangled jungle that is your shirt. The perfect book for anyone who wants to take a closer look at the world.
ISBN 9781760293055
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2017
Ben-Barak, Idan & Frost, Julian
Image currently unavailable
Do something for someone else
Meet kids just like you whose small acts of kindness are changing the lives of others. Learn about the work they do and discover how the future of our world starts here ... with you.
ISBN 9781913520137
Publisher Magic Cat Publishing, 2021
Kirby, Loll & Imamura, Yas (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Do you know about science?
Over 200 intriguing science questions - answered. This is the ideal science encyclopedia to help budding Einsteins ages 6 and up with their school and homework projects - as well as for parents who need to answer those tricky science questions.
ISBN 9780241318690
Publisher Dorling Kindersley, 2018
Topics / STEM /
Dodd, Emily
Image currently unavailable
Doctor Frankenstein's other monster
Doctor Frankenstein has created a new monster but unfortunately he has little control over him when Frank Junior decides to explore his new world. As he searches for a playmate, Frank Junior is totally unaware of the havoc he is creating as he outwits the police and army. Finally he meets someone who looks past his appearance and is happy to play.
ISBN 9780987366801
Publisher CSI-Books, 2012
Gray, Nigel & Smith, Craig (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Dodo made me do it, The
Danny spends every summer in the small seaside town of Kinoussie with his Gran. Danny is determined to find some sort of adventure in the sleepy town, he just can't imagine where. The only person on this island not twice Danny's age or older is the science enthusiast, Susie. After convincing Susie to borrow a boat and visit a nearby island, Danny finds unexpected adventure in the form of real life dodo. While Danny is first enthusiastic about his discovery, he realises just how hard it is to keep his secret from the village, protect the dodo from its own bumbling bad luck, and figure out how this adventure ends.
ISBN 9781408877777
Publisher Bloomsbury, 2018
Simmons, Jo & Dempsey, Sheena (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Dog boy
Harry Highpants hates corned beef with white sauce but he is not allowed to leave the table until he finishes his meal. Harry is very thin so his parents serve it to him every night so that he will become big and strong. Harry needs to find a way to cope.
ISBN 9780733618352
Series Hotshots (9 books)
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (Australia), 2004
Larkin, John & McKenzie, Heath (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Dog emergency, The
When Dillon and his brother, Ryan, find a cattle dog in town that has hurt his leg, they decide to take him to the nursing station for first aid. They know Mum won't take him in because she is still upset about losing the family dog, Buster. The stray dog needs an operation and the boys try to earn the money to pay for it. When it looks as if they can claim him for themselves, the owner returns.
ISBN 9781742991351
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2016
Morgan, Sally & Smith, Craig (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Dog in danger
Cassie, Ben and Dr Joe are on a bushwalk when they bump into a family who have lost their dog. They immediately offer to help, but they can't find the poor dog anywhere. The weather is becoming dark and stormy and it looks as if the search will have to be called off... until Cassie hears a small whine from over the cliff edge.
ISBN 9781742753362
Series RSPCA animal tales series (5 of 9)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2012
Black, Jess
Image currently unavailable
Dog squad, The: The newshound
Eva has always wanted to be a journalist, so when she comes across Wafer, a stray dog near her home she might have just discovered her first story. Will she find Wafer's owner? Does she really want to solve the mystery, because won't that mean she has to give Wafer back?
ISBN 9780008565336
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2023
Vulliamy, Clara
Image currently unavailable
Dog squad, The: The race
Eva wants to help her new dog, Wafer, make friends. So she takes him to the local whippet races. Soon enough she realises that someone must be cheating. She and the rest of the Dog Squad think they might have found the next story for their very own newspaper. But can they crack the case?
ISBN 9780008565398
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2024
Vulliamy, Clara
Image currently unavailable

Dog squad, The: The show
After a fierce storm wrecks the roof of a dog shelter Happy Tails, Eva manages to include all her class in a curious petscapade to raise funds to repair it. A surprisingly fun event but not without frustration, the Wags and Whiskers Dog Talent Show raises the roof at the local school but not without a few problems to solve on the way. The Dog Squad a team of phenomenal reporters have saved the day and everyone was part of the success.
ISBN 9780008565473
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2024
Vulliamy, Clara
Image currently unavailable
Dog tales
All sorts of interesting and unusual things happen in Dolan Street, and the dogs are always at the centre of them. A very funny and warm dog tale where the roles of the dogs and people are cleverly reversed.
ISBN 9781862914810
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2003
Rodda, Emily
Image currently unavailable
Dog's tale, A
Michael wants a dog. His mum and dad say no. No way. Never. they say dogs smell and get under your feet. But Michael is never going to give up. Ever.
ISBN 9781742991399
Series Mates - great Australian yarns series (27 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2017
Jonsberg, Barry & Jellet, Tom (ill)
Image currently unavailable
A beautifully presented book about dogs, including simple and interesting facts, an index, a glossary and web links.
ISBN 9780794504885
Series Usborne beginners series (20 of 44)
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2005
Helbrough, Emma & others
Image currently unavailable
Having a dog is a big responsibility. Your dog relies on you for food, water and a safe place to live. If your dog is sick or injured, it relies on you to make sure it gets proper care. Find out all you need to know about having a dog as a pet.
ISBN 9781740705660
Series Pets series (6 books)
Publisher Pearson Education Australia, 2009
Pyers, Greg
Image currently unavailable
Dolphin boy
The fishing village is a poor and sad place until the day Jim rescues Smile, the dolphin. The friendships between the children, the fishermen and the dolphin lead to happier times for the whole village.
ISBN 9781842703205
Publisher Andersen Press Ltd, 2004
Morpurgo, Michael & Foreman, Michael (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Dolphin rescue
Harry and Jordan might seem like your average pair of identical twins, but don't be fooled. Their billy cart is really a FoxMobile, their mobile is a FoxPhone and, along with their giant dog, Myrtle, they're the members of Mission Fox: Animal Rescue. Even when they're on a tropical island holiday, they are still on the case, especially when a baby dolphin needs their help.
ISBN 9780143305835
Series Mission Fox series (3 of 7)
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2011
D'Ath, Justin & McKenzie, Heath (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Describes the physical characteristics, life cycle, behaviour, and habitat of dolphins, marine mammals that can swim faster than forty kilometres per hour.
ISBN 9780717295890
Publisher Grolier Education, 2001
Giles, Bridget
Image currently unavailable
Dolphins & whales
Contains factual information about dolphins and whales with plenty of descriptions and images.
ISBN 9781405309653
Series Eyewonder series (22 books)
Publisher Dorling Kindersley, 2005
Bingham, Caroline
Image currently unavailable
Don't be Horrid Henry
Henry's baby brother can do no wrong, even when he kicks Henry or breaks his toys. Finally Henry works out what to do.
ISBN 9781842556726
Publisher Orion, 2008
Simon, Francesca
Image currently unavailable
A fascinating look in the lives of donkeys. Find out why they roll in dust, what do they eat and how to do they make hee-haw noises.
ISBN 9781474921817
Series Usborne beginners series (44 books)
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2017
Maclaine, James & Norton, Jeremy (ill) & Simo, Roger (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Dotty Detective series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Dotty Detective series (6 books)
Vulliamy, Clara
No book cover.
Dotty Detective: Super secret agent
Dot loves super-sour apple sherbets, running fast and puzzles. With the help of her dog McClusky she is always ready to unravel a mystery. So when someone seems set on sabotaging the school show, Dot is determined to find out how and save the day.
ISBN 9780008132491
Series Dotty Detective series (1 of 6)
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2016
Vulliamy, Clara
Image currently unavailable
Dotty detective: The birthday surprise
Dot, her best friend Beans and her dog McClusky all love sniffing out a good mystery and together they will solve the case and save the day. Dotty is sporty, funny, creative, clever and Fearless: She is great with codes and puzzles and most of all - if there's a mystery to solve - she's your girl. This time round her trusty sidekick, Beans and Top Dog, McClusky are keeping secrets from Dotty - will she like their surprise?
ISBN 9780008248413
Series Dotty Detective series (5 of 6)
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2018
Vulliamy, Clara
Image currently unavailable
Dotty Detective: The holiday mystery
The Join the Dots Detectives are on the case again! The summer holidays have arrived and Dot and her best friend Beans are off on holiday to Sunny Glades Campsite. The place has many fun activities such as Crazy Golf, bicycles for hire, a fantastic playground for kids, an animal enclosure not to mention the beach! But their favourite place to hang out at Sunny Glades is the Nook cafe run by Poppy. It offers a quaint mixture of bric-a-brac for sale and serves the most delicious sugar coated doughnuts! The holiday is going well until things start to disappear from the Nook Cafe. First it was a lighthouse teapot, then a vase. Who could be stealing from their favourite cafe? Could it be the ladies with the pink sunhat and yellow scarf? Or is it the grumpy and mysterious Mr Blunt? With a mystery to solve you can be sure that Dotty and Beans will discover who is responsible.
ISBN 9780008248451
Series Dotty Detective series (6 of 6)
Publisher HarperCollins Children's Books, 2018
Vulliamy, Clara
Image currently unavailable
Dotty detective: The lost puppy
Dot, her best friend Beans and her dog McClusky all love sniffing out a good mystery and together they will solve the case and save the day. It's the last week of school term and the children are looking forward to the School summer fair. Dotty and best pal Beans will be looking after pet's corner, starring McClusky and his two canine pals: Geoffrey and the little sausage dog puppy, Chipolata. But just days before the fair disaster strikes - Chipolata has gone missing. Dotty and Beans get on the case. Can they solve the mystery of the missing puppy?
ISBN 9780008248376
Series Dotty Detective series (4 of 6)
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2018
Vulliamy, Clara
Image currently unavailable
Dotty detective: The midnight mystery
Dot and Beans are looking forward to their school trip to Adventure Camp where they will do lots of exciting activities and have a chance at winning the Ace Adventurer Prize. But why is someone trying to spoil the fun? It is up to Dot and Beans to use their detective skills to find out and solve the mystery.
ISBN 9780008132422
Series Dotty Detective series (3 of 6)
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2017
Vulliamy, Clara
Image currently unavailable
Dotty detective: The paw print puzzle
When Dot starts to hear strange noises, in the hallway at night, her best friend Beans is convinced there is something spooky going on in her house. Following their favourite TV character Ace Detective's golden rules, Dot and Beans set out to find the proof that they need to solve the mystery of the strange noises.
ISBN 9780008132453
Series Dotty Detective series (2 of 6)
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2017
Vulliamy, Clara
Image currently unavailable
Double cross
Adelaide Banks is the newest student to join the SEAS Space Agent program. Does First Year Space Cadet Star Girl have what it takes to save space-one planet at a time? Planet Savannator is losing its grasslands and the savasaurs are vanishing. When SC Star Girl is sent to investigate with three other cadets she knows they are in for a hairy ride. Can the cadets work together as a team to find the missing savanasaurs and stop the destruction of this planet?
ISBN 9781420290363
Series Star Girl series (8 of 16)
Publisher MacMillan, 2012
Park, Louise
Image currently unavailable
Double trouble
Includes the Daisy books, Really really and You do, in one big book that is double the fun and double the trouble.
ISBN 9780099495154
Series Daisy series (6 of 15)
Publisher Red Fox, 2006
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
Gray, Kes & Sharratt, Nick (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Double trouble
When two sweet and very well-behaved terriers need to be looked after for a few days while their owner goes to hospital, Ben is happy to help out. That is, until well-behaved flies out the window and is replaced by chaotic and mischievous. Ben enlists Cassie's help and the two friends do their best to keep the gorgeous canines under control.
ISBN 9781742753300
Series RSPCA animal tales series (3 of 9)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2012
Kelly, Helen
Image currently unavailable
Double trouble series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Double trouble series (4 books)
Regan, Fiona & Shea, Louis (ill)
No book cover.
Double trouble: dinosaur danger
The twins are going on a boring class excursion. But Tommy and Coop's latest prank is guaranteed to cause an uproar.
ISBN 9781743623763
Series Double trouble series (4 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2014
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
Regan, Fiona & Shea, Louis (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Double trouble: midnight mischief
Tommy and Coop are so excited - it's their first school camp. But will mayhem at midnight mean it is their last.
ISBN 9781743623770
Series Double trouble series (4 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2014
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
Regan, Fiona & Shea, Louis (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Double trouble: prank alert
Tommy and Coop just love pranking. But will the twins be in double the trouble after their big school prank.
ISBN 9781742838564
Series Double trouble series (4 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2014
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
Regan, Fiona & Shea, Louis (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Double trouble: skateboard stars
Tommy and Coop are entering a skate competition. But can they come up with a plan to both be the skateboard star.
ISBN 9781742838571
Series Double trouble series (4 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2014
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
Regan, Fiona & Shea, Louis (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Dougal's deep-sea diary
Dougal's job is boring but he loves deep-sea diving. When Dougal goes to spend a week underwater, his diary tells of the many wonderful creatures he sees and his adventures. Dougal needs a change from his boring old job.
ISBN 9781741245981
Publisher The Five Mile Press Pty Ltd, 2004
Bartram, Simon
Image currently unavailable
Down in the dump with Dinsmore
Dinsmore's teacher doesn't think the dump is an appropriate place for him to be researching his school project even though he finds all sorts of fascinating things there. He even begins to look like he belongs in a dump.
ISBN 9780141302133
Series Aussie bites (84 books)
Publisher Penguin, 1999
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
Mahy, Margaret
Image currently unavailable
Down in the dumps: A very trashy Christmas
Nana had never heard of Christmas. When she's told of the one magical night of the year when Santa Clause delivers toys to good girls and boys, she writes him a letter. But when Santa arrives with gifts and his sleigh is mistaken for garbage, Nana and her friends must find a way to save Christmas for everyone.
ISBN 9780062910202
Publisher HarperCollins Children's Books, 2022
Hargis, Wes
Image currently unavailable
Down in the dumps: The mystery box
Nana loves living at the dump and welcomes every new piece of trash with a happy hello. But when a Teddy Tedd Ted doll arrives still wrapped in his gift box, how will Nana and her friends help him find his way home?
ISBN 9780062910127
Publisher HarperCollins Children's Books, 2022
Hargis, Wes
Image currently unavailable
Down in the dumps: Trash vs trucks
Oh, no! In Trash vs. Trucks, the second book in the Down in the Dumps series, the trucks are planning to move Nana's beautiful home at the Westerfield Waste Transfer and Recycling Center. And to a trash barge of all places, too! Nana isn't about to give up her beloved dump without a fight, but she'll need a plan first. Will Nana and her trash friends be able to save their home and stop the trucks from taking apart everything they've worked so hard to build.
ISBN 9780062910165
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2023
Hargis, Wes
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Drac and the gremlin
Two stories told side by side. Drac is fighting the evil Gremlin and children are acting out the fantasy in the garden.
ISBN 9780140541427
Publisher Penguin, 1991
Baillie, Allan
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Dracula tooth
Ryan likes being called Dracula Tooth especially if it means he can protect himself against the school bully. He likes it, that is, until he gets a late-night visit from Fangface and his gang.
ISBN 9780143300403
Series Aussie bites (84 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2003
McAllister, Peter
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Drag racing motorcycles
Motorcycle drag racing is becoming a very popular motor sport. Amateur racers use their street bikes to drag race, while professionals use drag bikes that can reach three hundred and twenty kilometres per hour. Find out about drag racing motorcycles, the technology and what the future has in store for this high-speed sport.
ISBN 9781600145865
Series Torque series (12 books)
Publisher Bellwether Media, Inc, 2011
Von Finn, Denny
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Dragon girls: Azmina the gold glitter dragon
Azmina, Willa, and Naomi are thrilled to learn they're Glitter Dragon Girls. Summoned to the Magic Forest by its magnificent ruler, the Tree Queen, the girls quickly find out their dragon-selves have unbelievable abilities. They can soar above the treetops, breathe glitter-y bursts of fire, and roar loud enough to shake the ground. With this newfound magic comes a big responsibility, however. As Dragon Girls, they are sworn protectors of the forest and must help keep it safe from the troublesome Shadow Sprites, who are determined to take the forest's magic for their own."
ISBN 9781761123252
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2021
Mara, Maddy & Damiao, Thais (ill)
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Dragon gold
Ben badly wants to get a dog. But, his mum says they'll have to move to a bigger house first and, besides, they can't afford it. So Ben, his brother, Tim, and their friend, James, decide to find some dragon's gold. They have to meddle with magic to do it and that is always a dangerous thing to do. When a fire-breathing dragon kidnaps James' sister, they're in for a marvellous, magical misadventure.
ISBN 9780330421935
Series Ben and Tim's magical misadventures series (1 of 3)
Publisher Pan MacMillan, 2005
Forsyth, Kate & Vane, Mitch (ill)
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Dragon machine, The
Unseen, ignored and overlooked, the dragons went unnoticed, just like George, until he was gone.
ISBN 9780864614766
Publisher Koala Books, 2003
Ward, Helen & Anderson, Wayne (ill)
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Dragon quest
When he embarks upon a search for the last dragon, a young boy travels through a fantasy landscape, full of mysterious creatures.
ISBN 9781863881203
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 1996
Baillie, Allan
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Dragon towers
Take to the skies and join Dragon Towers the school where everyone has their own dragon best friend! Ten-year-old Theo LOVES dragons - he knows every dragon type, has every dragon book there is and has even made his own Dragon Rider jacket. So, when he gets his letter inviting him to dragon school it's a dragon-y dream come true. At Dragon Towers every child is paired with their very own dragon best friend, and every dragon has their own special magic power, from fire-breathing to going invisible and even making slime. Theo can't wait to find out what type of dragon he has. But when he meets his dragon Wanda, she doesn't seem to have any powers at all...
ISBN 9780008641863
Publisher Farshore, 2024
Bird, Pip & O'Connell, David (ill)
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Drake the dragonboy
Drake Dramco's father, head of Thermodynamics in Dragonland, has invented a shield called a force field to protect the dragonfolk from the terrifying Quintas. When Drake's father is kidnapped, Drake, Juniper, and Ronan fly off to find him. He has been taken to a city across the wasteland through the force field. After exhaustive preparations, the young dragonfolk set out into the unknown.
ISBN 9780987497093
Publisher JoJo Publishing, 2013
Schultz, Rebecca
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Dream of bunyips dancing, A
LuLu wants to see the legendary bunyips and her quest takes her to the creek at the end of her garden. But she doesn't know what bunyips look like.
ISBN 9780734403360
Publisher Thomas C Lothian Pty Ltd, 2002
Hurst, Elise
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Dream-catcher princess, The
Hidden in the castle of Rosie's great-aunt are lots of little princesses, ready to whisk her away on a magical adventure.
ISBN 9780099488354
Series Little princesses series (6 of 12)
Publisher Red Fox, 2007
Chase, Katie
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Dreaming tree, The
Through free-verse and rhyming poems, celebrate the joy and freedom of being a child in the Australian landscape.
ISBN 9781925059489
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2016
Oliver, Jo
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Dreaming, The
Through these stories of the Dreaming, we learn the best way to act in certain situations and what can happen if we don't.
ISBN 9780646327631
Publisher Aboriginal Nations, 1997
Yavu-Kama-Harathunian, Cheri
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Dreams of dread, The
Captain Teggs has a nightmare about sabre-toothed bananas and he can't believe it when he's actually attacked by them in the middle of a mission. Strange things start happening to the other astrosaurs too. The things they dream about are popping into reality to get them. Teggs and his crew must figure out what's going on.
ISBN 9781862305458
Series Astrosaurs series (16 of 19)
Publisher Red Fox, 2009
Cole, Steve
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Lucy is unhappy on her first holiday with her dad since her parents split up. When a strange being called Sharni comes from outer space, Lucy's dreams come true.
ISBN 9781920731632
Publisher Fremantle Press, 2005
Smith, Helene
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It's cross-country time at school and Jack really wants to beat Rocket Robson across the finish line.
ISBN 9781862919822
Series Mates - great Australian yarns series (27 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2013
Bongers, Christine & McGuiness, Dan (ill)
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Dry to dry: The seasons of Kakadu
In the tropical wetlands and escarpments of Kakadu National Park, the seasons move from dry to wet to dry again. Those seasons have shaped the astonishing variety of plants, animals, birds, insects ... migratory birds by the thousands, grasshoppers and owls, lizards and turtles, fruit bats and spear grass. And, gliding past them all in the rivers and waterholes, the long, sinuous shapes of crocodiles ...
ISBN 9781760650285
Publisher Walker Books, 2020
Freeman, Pamela & Anelli, Liz (ill)
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Duck for a day
Abby's class has a duck named Max who waddles and quacks and makes your feet all warm with his feathery breathing. A duck you might get to take home, just overnight, if you can make everything absolutely perfect. Abby can do it. She is sure she can. The problem is, everyone else wants to take Max home, too.
ISBN 9781921529283
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2010
McKinlay, Meg & Rudge, Leila (ill)
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Duck gets a job
My name is Duck and I would like a job. My friends work in the city and never stop talking about it. So, any job please. Yours sincerely, Duck.
ISBN 9781760405359
Publisher The Five Mile Press Pty Ltd, 2016
Ross, Sonny
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Duck's stuck
Greedy duck sticks his head where he shouldn't and it gets stuck. Now his only hope is that rat can get him out. A cautionary tale.
ISBN 9781869438265
Publisher Scholastic New Zealand, 2008
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Mewburn, Kyle
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Ducks and other birds
The life span, mating behaviour, diet and self defence of ducks, and other birds, with amazing facts, relevant definitions and key terms included.
ISBN 9781930643444
Publisher Thameside Press, 2001
Morgan, Sally
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Ducky the spy: Expect the unexpected
A thief on the farm. A goat kidnapped by a gang of cats. A giant chicken. Ducky the Spy and Donny "The Distraction" Donkey are on the case.
ISBN 9781760657369
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2024
Avery, Sean E.
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Dugong meadow, The
The tranquil seagrass meadow seems a safe place for gentle Dugong and his aquatic undersea friends to play until one day a trawler with its scoop net appears.
ISBN 9780958098205
Publisher Trapdoor Press, 2002
Mairou, Naomi
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Dulcie and Dud and the really cool club
When stuck-up Portia Pratt starts a club and doesn't invite Dulcie and Doug to join, they decide to start one of their own. But, sometimes, trying to do really cool things can backfire.
ISBN 9781862915121
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2003
Martin, Carol Ann & Dawson, Janine (ill)
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Dumazi the big yellow lion
On her way to the waterhole, Dumazi finds a big yellow lion caught in a trap. Please save my life and set me free, he begs. But Dumazi knows that lions roaming free eat little Zulu girls like her...
ISBN 9781742994116
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2019
Khoza, Valanga & Ottley, Matt (ill)
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Dunbi the owl
Based on the story told by Daisy Utemorrah of the Worora people to children living in Derby, Western Australia. One of a series of Aboriginal stories about animals and birds. Dunbi the owl is discovered in a tree by some children who soon learn the consequences of mistreating him.
ISBN 9781865046266
Series Aboriginal Stories (8 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2004
Lofts, Pamela (comp) & Utemorrah, Daisy (teller)
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Sally Tinker is pretty smart. She is not even twelve and she has created a machine that can both shrink and enlarge practically anything. Unfortunately, she has enlarged a dung beetle to a monstrous size and it is threatening to crush the whole town in a giant dung ball! Luckily her best friend is probably the worlds best biologist under the age of twelve and together they just might have a chance of stopping the beetle and saving the town.
ISBN 9781925164831
Series S Tinker Inc series (4 books)
Publisher Fremantle Press, 2017
Topics / Graphic novels /
Foley, James
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