
Challenge Level : K-2 Challenge Level : 3-4 Challenge Level : 5-6 Challenge Level : 7-9 Challenge Level : 9plus
ID Title Author  
A is for Australia
From Bondi Beach to Rottnest Island, travel around Australia and uncover many exciting facts.
ISBN 9781922179760
Publisher Walker Books, 2015
Lessac, Frane
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A is for Australian reefs
Along the shore of Australia, underwater reefs are bustling with the most amazing sea creatures living on the planet. What can blow bubble rings and swim through them? What has teeth on its eyeballs? What creature hides by moving? What poops out sand? Discover the answers to these questions plus many more incredible facts in this fantastic undersea exploration of Australian reefs.
ISBN 9781760652258
Publisher Walker Books, 2022
Lessac, Frane
Image currently unavailable
A murder most unladylike - Wells and Wong mystery series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series A murder most unladylike - Wells and Wong mystery series (10 books)
No book cover.
A Tale of Fontania series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series A Tale of Fontania series (4 books)
No book cover.
A-Z of Inventions and Inventors series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series A-Z of Inventions and Inventors series (6 books)
Stoyles, Pennie & Pentland, Peter
No book cover.
A-Z of inventions and inventors, The (A-B)
Includes information about the inventor and invention of everyday objects, many that we now take for granted such as antivenom, the LCD screen and the frisbee. Where appropriate, there is a timeline, links to related inventions and an interesting trivia fact.
ISBN 9781420203592
Series A-Z of Inventions and Inventors series (1 of 6)
Publisher MacMillan, 2006
Stoyles, Pennie & Pentland, Peter
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A-Z of inventions and inventors, The (C-F)
Read about inventions that people use everyday. Sometimes these happened by accident, sometimes from inspiration, often developed from previous inventions and, in some cases, inventors race against each other to invent a machine.
ISBN 9781420203608
Series A-Z of Inventions and Inventors series (2 of 6)
Publisher MacMillan, 2006
Stoyles, Pennie & Pentland, Peter
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A-Z of inventions and inventors, The (G-L)
Read about inventions that people use everyday. Sometimes these happened by accident, sometimes from inspiration, often developed from previous inventions and, in some cases, inventors race against each other to invent a machine.
ISBN 9781420203615
Series A-Z of Inventions and Inventors series (3 of 6)
Publisher MacMillan, 2006
Stoyles, Pennie & Pentland, Peter
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A-Z of inventions and inventors, The (M-P)
Read about inventions that people use everyday. Sometimes these were created by accident, sometimes from inspiration, often developed from previous inventions and, in some cases, inventors race against each other to invent a machine.
ISBN 9781420203622
Series A-Z of Inventions and Inventors series (4 of 6)
Publisher MacMillan, 2006
Stoyles, Pennie & Pentland, Peter
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A-Z of inventions and inventors, The (Q-S)
Read about inventions that people use everyday. Sometimes these were created by accident, sometimes from inspiration, often developed from previous inventions and, in some cases, inventors race against each other to invent a machine.
ISBN 9781420203639
Series A-Z of Inventions and Inventors series (5 of 6)
Publisher MacMillan, 2006
Stoyles, Pennie & Pentland, Peter
Image currently unavailable
A-Z of inventions and inventors, The (T-Z)
Read about inventions that people use everyday. Sometimes these were created by accident, sometimes from inspiration, often developed from previous inventions and, in some cases, inventors race against each other to invent a machine.
ISBN 9781420203646
Series A-Z of Inventions and Inventors series (6 of 6)
Publisher MacMillan, 2006
Stoyles, Pennie & Pentland, Peter
Image currently unavailable
A-Z of scientific discoveries series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series A-Z of scientific discoveries series (6 books)
Stoyles, Pennie & Mulvany, Christine
No book cover.
A-Z of scientific discoveries, The (A-C)
Find out lots of interesting facts and figures about the important discoveries in science. These discoveries can be made by a single person or a team and, sometimes, it can take hundreds of years to make a discovery.
ISBN 9781420267525
Series A-Z of scientific discoveries series (6 books)
Publisher Macmillan Education Australia Pty Ltd, 2009
Topics / STEM /
Stoyles, Pennie & Mulvany, Christine
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A-Z of scientific discoveries, The (D-G)
Find out lots of interesting facts and figures about the important discoveries in science. These discoveries can be made by a single person or a team and, sometimes, it can take hundreds of years to make a discovery.
ISBN 9781420267532
Series A-Z of scientific discoveries series (6 books)
Publisher Macmillan Education Australia Pty Ltd, 2009
Topics / STEM /
Stoyles, Pennie & Mulvany, Christine
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A-Z of scientific discoveries, The (H-L)
Find out lots of interesting facts and figures about the important discoveries in science. These discoveries can be made by a single person or a team and, sometimes, it can take hundreds of years to make a discovery.
ISBN 9781420267549
Series A-Z of scientific discoveries series (6 books)
Publisher Macmillan Education Australia Pty Ltd, 2009
Topics / STEM /
Stoyles, Pennie & Mulvany, Christine
Image currently unavailable
A-Z of scientific discoveries, The (M-O)
Find out lots of interesting facts and figures about the important discoveries in science. These discoveries can be made by a single person or a team and, sometimes, it can take hundreds of years to make a discovery.
ISBN 9781420267556
Series A-Z of scientific discoveries series (6 books)
Publisher Macmillan Education Australia Pty Ltd, 2009
Topics / STEM /
Stoyles, Pennie & Mulvany, Christine
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A-Z of scientific discoveries, The (P-S)
Find out lots of interesting facts and figures about the important discoveries in science. These discoveries can be made by a single person or a team and, sometimes, it can take hundreds of years to make a discovery.
ISBN 9781420267563
Series A-Z of scientific discoveries series (6 books)
Publisher Macmillan Education Australia Pty Ltd, 2009
Topics / STEM /
Stoyles, Pennie & Mulvany, Christine
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A-Z of scientific discoveries, The (T-Z)
Find out lots of interesting facts and figures about the important discoveries in science. These discoveries can be made by a single person or a team and, sometimes, it can take hundreds of years to make a discovery.
ISBN 9781420267570
Series A-Z of scientific discoveries series (6 books)
Publisher Macmillan Education Australia Pty Ltd, 2009
Topics / STEM /
Stoyles, Pennie & Mulvany, Christine
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A-Z of who I could be, The
"The A-Z of Who I Could Be" by Chloe Dalton and Kim Siew is an inspirational and beautifully illustrated picture book that showcases remarkable Australian athletes across 26 different sports. The book uses simple and engaging language to tell the stories of these elite athletes, and each story is accompanied by vibrant illustrations that bring the athletes' journeys to life, highlighting themes of perseverance, dedication, and success.
ISBN 9781761180422
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2023
Dalton, Chloe & Siew, Kim (ill)
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ABC book of Australian poetry, The
A rich variety of poems from classic favourites by Banjo Paterson, Henry Lawson and C J Dennis, to contemporary works by Libby Hathorn, Max Fatchen and Steven Herrick.
ISBN 9780733320194
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2010
Hathorn, Libby (comp) & Allen, Cassandra (ill)
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Abominable snowman of Pasadena, The
Jordan Blake and his sister, Nicole, are sick of the hot weather in Pasadena, California. Just once they'd like to have a real winter with real snow. And then it happens. The Blakes are taking a trip to Alaska! Mr. Blake has been asked to photograph a mysterious snow creature there. Poor Jordan and Nicole. They just wanted to see snow. But now they're being chased by a monstrous creature. A big furry-faced creature known as the Abominable Snowman!
ISBN 9780545828826
Series Goosebumps series (99 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2015
Stine, R L
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Abominable snowman, The
The Abominable Snowman has been possibly spotted in the Himalayas. Can you choose which path through this book to take that will find the Abominable Snowman and make you a famous explorer? There are 28 different paths to choose, pick wisely.
ISBN 9781743813379
Series Choose your own adventure series (12 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 1982
Montgomery, R A
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About animals series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series About animals series (3 books)
Davey, Owen
No book cover.
Accidentally Kelly Street
A new family arrive at a new house on a new street in a new neighbourhood. Being new can feel lonely, but on Kelly Street the neighbours are warm and welcoming, and small acts of kindness go a long way. Soon enough, strangers have become friends, and a new house becomes a home.
ISBN 9781922848055
Publisher Affirm Press, 2022
Stewart, Briony
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Across the line
Casey doesn't know whether he has stumbled across an alternate reality during his rugby league match, or if he has lost his mind completely. A story about sport, science and families.
ISBN 9780977522453
Publisher Dragonwick Publishing, 2006
Garnsworthy, Penny
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Action Jackson
In 1950, Jackson Pollock started to paint 'Lavender mist'. Through information and quotations, we get an insight into the life of an artist who dared to be different, his inspiration and thought processes and how he created his paintings.
ISBN 9781845073268
Publisher Frances Lincoln, 2005
Greenberg, Jan & Jordan, Sandra & Parker, Robert Andrew (ill)
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Aden Ridgeway (Aussie Stars)
Tells of Aden Ridgeway's childhood, schooling and eventual rise to become a prominent Australian politician.
ISBN 9781867400318
Series Aussie stars series (12 books)
Publisher Coolabah Publishing, 2004
McCallum, Grant
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Admin use only #2 2024
A replacement title for a PRC title removed from the booklist while the Challenge is open.
ISBN 9780143505747
PRC team
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Admin use only #3 2024
A replacement title for a PRC title removed from the booklist while the Challenge is open.
ISBN 9780143505730
PRC Team
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Admin use only #4 2024
A replacement title for a PRC title removed from the booklist while the Challenge is open.
ISBN 9780143505723
PRC Team
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Admin use only #5 2024
A replacement title for a PRC title removed from the booklist while the Challenge is open.
ISBN 9780143308171
PRC Team
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Admin use only #6 2024
A replacement title for a PRC title removed from the booklist while the Challenge is open.
ISBN 9780143306535
PRC Team
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Admin use only #8 2024
A replacement title for a PRC title removed from the booklist while the Challenge is open.
ISBN 9780143304852
PRC Team
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Admin use only #9 2024
A replacement title for a PRC title removed from the booklist while the Challenge is open.
ISBN 9781760897161
PRC Team
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Adrift in space
Gold Team Junior has made the Interstellar 3D Championships. But if no one can fix their starship, they won't be playing anytime soon.
ISBN 9781420211702
Series Out of this world series (7 of 16)
Publisher Macmillan Education Australia Pty Ltd, 2007
Odgers, Sally & Lin, Matt (ill)
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Adventures of Catvinkle, The
A cat and dog can't be friends. When a pampered cat is forced to share her home with a lost dog, sparks are set to fly. But if Ula the dalmatian can just keep Catvinkle talking, maybe she can stick around long enough for the sparks to fizzle. A heartwarming story about finding a best friend.
ISBN 9780143786368
Publisher Penguin, 2017
Perlman, Elliot & Stitzel, Laura (ill)
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Adventures of Nanny Piggins, The
Nanny Piggins, the world's most glamorous flying pig, runs away from the circus and goes to live with the Greens as their nanny. The Green children, Derrick, Samantha and Michael, fall in love with her instantly. Who could not fall in love with a Nanny whose only job qualifications are her astonishing ability to be fired out of a cannon and her amazing ability to make chocolate cake, sometimes both at the same time?
ISBN 9781741663167
Series Nanny Piggins series (1 of 9)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2012
Spratt, R A
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Adventures of Robin Hood, The
Robin Hood, the legendary outlaw hero, and his band of Merry Men hide in Sherwood Forest and steal from the rich to save the poor. Robin must outwit his evil enemies, Guy of Gisbourne and the treacherous Sheriff of Nottingham.
ISBN 9780141329383
Publisher Puffin UK, 2010
Green, Roger Lancelyn & Hall, Arthur (ill)
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Adventures of Robin Hood, The
Presented in comic strip and storyboard format, the eleven segments cover the origins of Robin Hood, the outlaws who became his Merry Men and his benefactors.
ISBN 9781406311372
Publisher Walker Books, 2007
Williams, Marcia
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Adventures of Scarygirl, The
Abandoned on a remote peninsula, Scarygirl is rescued by Blister, a large friendly octopus. Blister and Scarygirl become best friends. But no one knows where Scarygirl came from, or who she really is, and her dreams are full of strange and disturbing visions.
ISBN 9781742372938
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2012
Topics / Graphic novels /
Jurevicius, Nathan
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Adventures of Stunt Boy and his amazing wonder dog Blindfold
Everyone said his dad's motorbike crash was an accident but he doesn't believe them, not even for a second, and Stunt Boy is going to prove it. With his amazing wonder dog Blindfold and his best friend Benny, Stunt Boy has to find out who is trying to sabotage their Stoked Stunt Circus and stop them.
ISBN 9781742613673
Publisher Pan MacMillan, 2014
Barr, Lollie
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Adventures on trains: The highland falcon thief
Mystery abounds and friendship blooms as 12 year old Hal travels with his Uncle Nat on the final journey of the historic royal coal-fired steam locomotive, the Highland Falcon. What Hal didn't expect was discovering there was a stowaway. The twists and turns of adventure aboard a train full of notable aristocrats and society highlights such as actress Sierra Knight, Prince and Princess of Scotland,, Lady Elizabeth Lansbury, Countess of Arundel, Baron Wolfgang Essenbach and son Milo, take a dramatic turn when Lady Lansbury's pearl earings and Lydia Pickle's diamond brooch go missing and the realisation that there is a thief on board! Can Hal, his new friend and Uncle Nat put the clues together before Inspector Clyde and Sergeant Prattle or will the thief get away under the very nose of Hadrian the royal guard. A journey of a lifetime from London to Scotland return is the only time to solve this mystery.
ISBN 9781529013061
Publisher Pan MacMillan, 2020
Leonard, MG & Sedgman, Sam & Paganelli, Elisa (ill)
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African critters
Stunning photographs and engaging stories provide a rare glimpse into the struggles for survival in the African wilderness. The book includes large critters such as the big cats, elephants and rhinoceros, and small critters such as the dung beetle.
ISBN 9781426303173
Publisher National Geographic Society, 2008
Topics / Year 5 easy reads /
Haas, Robert B
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Makis and his mother, Sofia, escape a devastating Greek earthquake, which took his father's life. London is a very different place and students tease him about his language and culture. Makis quickly earns a place in the school football team. Sofia, isolated by her grief and lack of English, sinks into depression. Makis has a brilliant idea to help her but competing loyalties mean that something has to give.
ISBN 9781847800558
Publisher Frances Lincoln, 2011
Ashley, Bernard
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Against the spin
Mitchell Grady is the new boy at Sandhurst School. Every year, the students compete to be the school's Sporting Legend - the best out of eight sports. The first round was surfing, this next one is cricket.
ISBN 9781921167904
Series Legends (including Anniversary & League of) series (2 of 19)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2007
Panckridge, Michael
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Agatha Oddly: The secret key
Agatha Oddly is a girl who has embraced her namesake and aches to be a detective just like Agatha Christie. And she's well-equipped to do just that, having read hundreds of mystery novels and collected disguises and all the tools of the trade. When a few events all line up to suggest that she has the key to solve a mystery that has the whole of London's attention, she springs into action. Living in the groundskeeper's cottage in Hyde Park, Agatha's adventures are set in the beautiful and the dark parts of London.
ISBN 9780008211837
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2018
Jones, Lena
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Agent nomad: Deadly magic
After their mission in London, Nomad, Riff, Phoenix and Orbit are back at HELIX, training to master their magic. But things have changed. Nomad's secret is out. Her peers know she is a Witness; a sorcerer with the rare ability to read others' magic. This causes ripples at HQ, especially when it means that Steel, the most popular cadet in her class, is no longer the centre of attention. But there are greater threats than new rivals. When the cadets are sent to New Zealand to investigate a top-secret case, they find themselves in more danger than they bargained for. With no one to trust and time running out, it's a race to stop the Inductors before they have enough power to destroy HELIX for good.
ISBN 9780143780403
Publisher Penguin Random House Australia, 2017
Melki-Wegner, Skye
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Agent Nomad: The eleventh hour
Spies. Secrets. Sorcery. Natalie Palladino was a normal fifteen-year-old, at a normal school, about to face a normal maths test. Now her codename is Nomad, and she's training to become a secret agent for HELIX. No one can know that sorcery exists. No one can know that HELIX protects humanity from the Inductors. And no one can know that Nomad is a Witness, with a dangerous magical gift. The Inductors are hunting her. If they find her, they will kill her. But there's a traitor inside HELIX, and only a Witness can identify them. The problem is, Nomad hasn't mastered her powers. She can't levitate, fight or wield magic like her fellow recruits. If she's the only hope to stop a sorcerous bomb being detonated, the world is in trouble. The eleventh hour is coming . . .
ISBN 9780143780151
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2017
Melki-Wegner, Skye
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Agents of the wild: Operation Honeyhunt
Agnes Gamble never knew there was a secret agency for protecting rare and endangered animals. When a talking shrew takes her to the headquarters, she is is keen to impress Commander Phil with her trial role in Operation Honeyant. Hopefully Agnes will become a permanent SPEARS agent.
ISBN 9781406388459
Publisher Walker Books, 2020
Bell, Jennifer & Lickens, Alice
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Aladdin and other tales from the Arabian nights
A retelling of the classic tales of the Arabian Nights, with beautiful illustrations and detailed historical information.
ISBN 9780789453891
Publisher Dorling Kindersley, 1998
Kerven, Rosalind & Mistry, Nilesh (ill)
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Alex and the alpacas ride again
Alex thought she'd saved the world last summer, but it turns out she only completed half the job. This time around she is battling not one, but two evil spirits, determined to destroy life as we know it. Alex will need all the help of the alpacas and more to meet the challenge.
ISBN 9781760991739
Publisher Fremantle Press, 2022
Lefroy, Kathryn
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Alex and the alpacas save the world
Alex is expecting a pretty boring summer. But when Mum takes her to visit her cranky old grandfather on his farm in Tasmania, weird things start to happen. The weirdest of all? Her grandfather's alpacas can talk! Then things go from strange to scary, and Alex must use all her brilliance and bravery to survive the sinister forces threatening life as she knows it.
ISBN 9781925815412
Publisher Fremantle Press, 2018
Lefroy, Kathryn
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Alex: Through my eyes
Thirteen-year-old Alex lives on a drought-affected property in South Australia with his mum, his dad, his kelpie dog Tangi and colt Jago. For years it hasn't rained enough for them to put a crop in. And while all the farmers in the area are suffering, Alex's dad is struggling more than most. As the drought stretches on, Alex helps his mum with the farm work while longing for the father he once knew. When Bonnie moves in on the neighbouring property with her camel-training family, even feral dogs and a missing classmate cannot stop the newfound friends' passion to make a difference to the environment and their community. Will Alex's dad recover - and will the rains ever return?
ISBN 9781760877002
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2023
Hawke, Rosanne & White, Lyn (ed)
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Alexander the great: reckless conqueror
Believing he was descended from Achilles and Hercules, Alexander set out to better their heroic deeds. For eight years, he led the Macedonians, mostly on foot, defeating huge armies and proving to be either a brilliant warrior or a ruthless invader.
ISBN 9781876372330
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2004
Wilkinson, Carole
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Alfred's war
Alfred was just a young man when he was injured and shipped home from France. Neither honoured as a returned soldier or offered government support afforded to non-Indigenous servicemen, Alfred took up a solitary life walking the back roads - billy tied to his swag, finding work where he could.
ISBN 9781925360608
Publisher Magabala Books, 2018
Bin Salleh, Rachel & Fry, Samantha (ill)
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Alias Anna
The inspiring true story of two jewish girls Zhanna and Frina who are from Ukraine during World War 2. A story about courage, talent and persistence to escape war and the power of music to help overcome the challenges through difficult times.
ISBN 9780063083905
Publisher HarperCollins Children's Books, 2023
Topics / Displacement /
Hood, Susan & Dawson, Greg
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Alice and the Apple Blossom Fair
It's 1918 and Alice has never felt lonelier. Her father is missing at sea, her brother, Teddy, is away at war and she's not allowed to speak to her best friend anymore. Alice tries to forget her worries by having a stall at the Apple Blossom Fair. But, when strange events start happening in the town, everything goes wrong. Alice just wants the war to be over and for her life to be the same again.
ISBN 9780143306306
Series Our Australian girl series (44 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2012
Bell, Davina & Masciullo, Lucia (ill)
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Alice in wonderland graphic novel
When Alice follows a white rabbit into his burrow, she enters a fantastic world of weird and wonderful characters. Lewis Carroll's classic fantasy story is faithfully retold in this gorgeously illustrated comic book adaptation.
ISBN 9781474952446
Publisher MacMillan, 2020
Punter, Russell & Bursi, Simona
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Alice of Peppermint Grove
The war is over, summer has arrived and Alice is hopeful that life with her family will finally return to normal. However, nothing goes as expected. Her mother loses her job at the bank, the country is gripped with the deadly Spanish Influenza and there are problems between Alice and her best friend, Jilly. Even the return from Europe of Teddy, Alice's big brother, can't fix everything.
ISBN 9780143306313
Series Our Australian girl series (44 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2012
Bell, Davina & Masciullo, Lucia (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Alice's adventures in Wonderland
On an ordinary summer's afternoon, Alice tumbles down a hole and an extraordinary adventure begins. In a strange, fantasy world, with even stranger characters, Alice finds herself growing more and more curious by the minute.
ISBN 9781904351832
Publisher Penguin, 2003
Carroll, Lewis
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Alice's food A-Z
Dip in and taste, in this edible adventure. Packed to the brim with funny food facts and clever cooking tips, as well as kid-friendly recipes, this book is ideal for the fact-hungry, the food-obsessed or those who just like to mess about in the kitchen.
ISBN 9781922179388
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2015
Zaslavsky, Alice
Image currently unavailable
Alien rescue
Scott, Rudy and AJ think helping a bunch of trapped aliens is cool - until the aliens start fighting.
ISBN 9781420211825
Series Out of this world series (12 of 16)
Publisher Macmillan Education Australia Pty Ltd, 2007
Wong, Keira & Fong, Douglas (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Alien, The
As an alien Andalite warrior-cadet, life on Earth is pretty different for Ax, He's been hanging out with the Animorphs ever since the Dome ship was destroyed by the Yeerks and his brother, Prince Elfangor, was destroyed by Visser Three. But there is one thing he, Cassie, Marco, Jake, Rachel, and Tobias have in common. Something that one alien, four kids and a hawk know they have to do, stop the Yeerks.
ISBN 9780590997287
Series Animorphs series (8 of 10)
Publisher Scholastic US, 1997
Applegate, K A
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Alive in the death zone
Mountaineer Lincoln Hall's miraculous story of climbing the world's highest mountain, being left for dead near the summit and then returning to life and safety. The world, including his family, had been told he was dead. Frostbite claimed Lincoln's fingers and toes and he lost nearly twenty kilograms. A story of courage and sheer determination.
ISBN 9781741663372
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2008
Hall, Lincoln
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All about Anna and Harriet and Christopher and me
Disasters seem to happen when Anna goes to visit her cousins every Saturday.
ISBN 9780733611483
Publisher Hodder Headline Australia Pty Ltd, 1999
Hathorn, Libby
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All about Jada
This is a photo diary of the life of young Jada, daughter of boxer Anthony Mundine, the author of this book. Jada's special connection to her famous father inspired a tattoo.
ISBN 9780975686003
Publisher Indij Readers, 2004
Mundine, Anthony & Luxton, Peter & Mundine, Danielle (ill)
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All cats have asperger syndrome
The similarities between cat behaviour and human personality are explored. Using photographs, a sensitive comparison is drawn between the humorous behaviour of cats and the behaviour of children which may be indicative of Asperger's syndrome.
ISBN 9781843104810
Publisher Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2006
Hoopmann, Kathy
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All four quarters of the moon
Peijing and Biju find themselves in a new and very different country with their mum, dad and grandmother. While all family members must come to terms with the new and strange place, the girls find friends and a community at school, something the adults do not have to help them adjust. The family are faced with many kinds of change and each member will respond in their own way to these changes.
ISBN 9781760899554
Publisher Penguin, 2022
Marr, Shirley
Image currently unavailable
All of us: A history of Southeast Asia
Read a story that began 200,000,000 years ago of fascinating lands, including our very own Australia, that are linked together by seas and monsoon winds. Journey along with two children across eons of time and the changing lands of Southeast Asia. Discover with them a world filled with traders, adventurers, conquerors and ordinary people struggling for independence. This is a story of the hopes and challenges of a history that includes us all!
ISBN 9781460750025
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2019
French, Jackie & Hooker, Virginia & WIlson, Mark (ill)
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All stars 1: Maddy goal defence
At home, Maddy's life has changed since her Dad moved out. At school she just hangs out with her friend Jess. When they miss out on being selected for school netball team Maddy is disappointed but Sarah suggests they form their own team.
ISBN 9781876372736
Series All stars netball series (1 of 8)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2005
Costain, Meredith
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All stars 2: Bree, centre
Bree is being noticed, but not in a good way. Bree wonders why all the girls who think they are good are giving her a hard time.
ISBN 9781876372743
Series All stars netball series (2 of 8)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2005
Tayleur, Karen
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All stars 3: Josie wing attack
Josie's sister is getting married and the whole house is crazy, but Josie just wants to play netball in the match of the season.
ISBN 9781876372750
Series All stars netball series (3 of 8)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2005
Costain, Meredith
Image currently unavailable
All stars 4: Jess wing defence
Jess feels that everyone just talks about netball, but she can't understand what all the fuss is about.
ISBN 9781876372767
Series All stars netball series (4 of 8)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2005
Renner, Clare
Image currently unavailable
All stars 5: Sarah goal shooter
Sarah feels she is having a bad day, a bad year and it gets even worse when when Josh, the basketballer, falls for her.
ISBN 9781876372774
Series All stars netball series (5 of 8)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2005
Renner, Clare
Image currently unavailable
All stars 6: Tara goal keeper
Tara knows the team can't play without her, she just needs to convince them of that.
ISBN 9781876372781
Series All stars netball series (6 of 8)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2005
Ballantyne, Maryann
Image currently unavailable
All stars 7: Mel goal attack
People have been telling Mel what to do her whole life and now that she has a choice, she doesn't know if she can do it.
ISBN 9780876372791
Series All stars netball series (7 of 8)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2006
Tayleur, Karen
Image currently unavailable
All stars 8: Ali goal attack
Ali feels like a loser, being on the sidelines all the time. Then, Stephanie turns up and things change.
ISBN 9781987637281
Series All stars netball series (8 of 8)
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2006
Costain, Meredith
Image currently unavailable
All stars netball series
Any five titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top of the screen.
Series All stars netball series (8 books)
No book cover.

All the beautiful things
The Nazis want everyone to be the same. If you're different, you don't belong. Not belonging is dangerous... Anna's little sister, Eva, is frail and needs time to learn new things. She has a huge heart and a gift for loving, but Hitler doesn't value such riches. And so she's hidden away. Safe for now, but with the threat of discovery always near. Anna does her best to bring joy and light to Eva's small life with stories, trinkets and treasures from the outside world. But soon, more children need hiding. Risks are taken - by Anna, by her best friend Udo, by a Nazi seamstress and feisty Brunhilde. Until Anna wonders if any of them will make it through the war...
ISBN 9780733343148
Publisher HarperCollins Children's Books, 2024
Nannestad, Katrina & Heiduczek, Martina (ill)
Image currently unavailable
All the colours of paradise
Since his arrival at the Kingdom of Silk, Perry Angel has learned a lot about love. Apart from dressing up as Superman, Perry's favourite thing is drawing. But, then, something happens and Perrry's friends are worried he might never draw again. Mr Kadri from the Colour Patch Cafe understands that, sometimes, there are no words to describe feelings and announces a new category in the annual art exhibition.
ISBN 9780733325830
Series Kingdom of silk series (4 of 7)
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2009
Millard, Glenda & King, Stephen Michael (ill)
Image currently unavailable
All the questions you ever wanted to ask Adam Goodes
Three children interview great Aussie Rules footballer and role model for indigenous kids, Adam Goodes, who plays for the Sydney Swans.
ISBN 9780975064061
Publisher Indij Readers, 2003
Williams, Jane & others
Image currently unavailable
All's faire in middle school
Eleven-year-old Imogene (Impy) has grown up with two parents working at the Renaissance Faire, and she's eager to begin her own training as a squire. First, though, she'll need to prove her bravery. Luckily Impy has just the quest in mind- she'll go to public school after a life of being homeschooled! But it's not easy to act like a noble knight-in-training in middle school. Impy falls in with a group of girls who seem really nice (until they don't) and starts to be embarrassed of her thrift shop apparel, her family's unusual lifestyle, and their small, messy apartment. Impy has always thought of herself as a heroic knight, but when she does something really mean in order to fit in, she begins to wonder whether she might be more of a dragon after all.
ISBN 9780525429999
Publisher Penguin USA, 2017
Topics / Graphic novels /
Jamieson, Victoria
Image currently unavailable
All-day nightmare
A "Give Yourself Goosebumps" story. You had terrible dreams last night. And when you wake up, you're not in your bed -- or your room. You're stuck in some creepy old house, and you can't remember your own name! Your nightmares have only just begun...
ISBN 9780439135306
Series Goosebumps series (99 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2000
Stine, R L
Image currently unavailable
At home Maggie is the odd one out. Her parents are preoccupied with the new baby they're expecting and her younger brothers are twins and always in their own world. Maggie thinks a new puppy is the answer but when she goes to select one on her birthday she breaks out in hives and rashes. She's severely allergic to anything with fur! Can Maggie outsmart her allergies and find the perfect pet?
ISBN 9781761128523
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2021
Topics / Graphic novels /
Lloyd, Megan Wagner & Nutter, Michelle Mee (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Alone in Snakebite Canyon
A "Give Yourself Goosebumps" story. Want to be an eagle? Or a bear? Or a fish? Then check out the souvenir shop in Snakebite Canyon. They've got a pair of dried-up snake eyes with the power to turn you into a real animal. Maybe you'd like to buy a map of the lost gold mine. You could strike it rich. Or you could get attacked by a giant kid-eating spider! The choice is yours in this scary adventure that's packed with over 20 super-spooky endings.
ISBN 9780590399975
Series Goosebumps series (99 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 1998
Stine, R L
Image currently unavailable
Along the road to Gundagai
The words of this familiar song Australian song have inspired the illustrations to tell the story of young soldiers away fighting in World War I.
ISBN 9781862919792
Publisher Omnibus Books, 2014
O'Hagan, Jack & McLean, Andrew (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Always Anthony
Friends. Bullies. MIDDLE SCHOOL Anthony is too popular for word TPFW, loves science, hates writing. Leah is a super-shy nerd who's finally making friends of her own. What could they have in common? A lot more than they thought, as it turns out! But then one day they witness Anthony's teammates bullying a sixth grader. What happens next could cement their new friendship-or blow it up forever.
ISBN 9780063320925
Series Emmie & friends series (8 of 4)
Publisher Balzer & Bray, 2024
Libenson, Terri
Image currently unavailable
Always Jack
Jack's life is pretty good until things get complicated. Nanna is getting wobblier, his face goes red when he thinks about Anna and Mum and Rob's wedding is taking over the world. Then, his Mum gets breast cancer and the world starts spinning while his mum and family go through the whole experience of her illness.
ISBN 9780732290207
Series I am Jack series (4 books)
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2010
Gervay, Susanne & Wilcox, Cathy (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Amal unbound
Twelve-year-old Amal loves learning and dreams of becoming a teacher. Then something unimaginable happens. After an accidental run-in with the son of her village's corrupt landlord, she is forced to work as his family's servant to pay off her own family's debt. At the opulent and corrupt Khan estate, Amal realises she will have to find a way to work with others in order to bring about change, and to achieve her dreams.
ISBN 9781925773026
Publisher Text Publishing Co, 2018
Topics / Displacement /
Saeed, Aisha
Image currently unavailable
Amazing animal journeys
Come along on these amazing animal journeys. Did you know Arctic terns fly from the Arctic to the Antarctic and back every year? Or that the wildebeest migration in East Africa is so vast it can be seen from outer space?
ISBN 9780734421432
Publisher Lothian Books, 2022
Cossins, Jennifer
Image currently unavailable
Amazing animals of Australia's national parks
The animals of Australia are amazing. Find out what some of them look like and where you might see them. Whether you're on a trip to a national park or relaxing in a comfortable spot, you'll love dipping into this book. It includes 55 national parks and reserves and is full of up-to-date fascinating facts for more than 120 animal species, large and small.
ISBN 9780642278883
Publisher National Library of Australia, 2017
Newton, Gina. M.
Image currently unavailable
Amazing bike ride, The
This is the real life account of the seemingly impossible ride from Tamworth to Port Macquarie which Lorin undertook as a sixteen year old school student. With his father as backup, Lorin rode his trusty, old mountain bike 275km across the Great Dividing Range in just three days and with less than ten per cent vision.
ISBN 9781921633126
Publisher Wombat Books, 2010
Nicholson, Lori & Emerson, David
Image currently unavailable
Amazing grace: an adventure at sea
Imagine hearing a ship is about to sink? In 1876 16 year old Grace Bussell hears the news of a ship that has run aground on the Australian coast near her home. She doesn't hesitate and leaps on her horse, riding for an hour to get to the sinking ship. There, she and Sam, the family's stockman, gallop into the wild surf to save the remaining crew and passengers. Read about her courageous journey.
ISBN 9780642279095
Series Heritage Heroes series (1 of 4)
Publisher National Library of Australia, 2017
Reeder, Stephanie Owen
Image currently unavailable
Amazing islands
Discover 100 of the planet's most magical islands - their wildlife, trees, diversity, people, treasures, and more - in this beautifully illustrated book. From islands that have been taken over by animals to disappearing islands, islands made of shells, artificial islands, and even islands that were once prison colonies, Amazing Islands is a whirlwind tour of some of the smallest landmasses in the world and celebrates island life in all its extraordinary diversity.
ISBN 9781912920150
Publisher What on Earth Books, 2020
Weiss, Sabrina & Hyndman, Kerry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Amazing plants
Learn about some of the world's wonderful and different plants. Some are amazing in the way they look, others are extraordinary in the way they have adapted to their environment. Easy to access information includes unusual or amazing facts, photographs, charts and maps.
ISBN 9781865048833
Series X-zone series (48 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2005
Armstrong, Cindy
Image currently unavailable
Amazing Spencer Gray, The
Spencer Gray is twelve - finally old enough to join Dad in his glider. His mates are going to be so jealous. Going up is awesome, but when disaster strikes, Spencer will need to be nothing short of amazing.
ISBN 9781922089328
Publisher Fremantle Press, 2013
Fitzpatrick, Deb
Image currently unavailable
Amazing story of Adolphus Tips, The
Set in wartime Devon, this is the diary of plucky young Lily Tregenza whose town is invaded by escaping evacuees and American soldiers. When Lily enlists the help of two young, black American soldiers to find her missing cat, there are surprising results.
ISBN 9780439796613
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2005
Morpurgo, Michael & Foreman, Michael (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Amelia Dee and the peacock lamp
The large old house where Amelia, a young and talented writer lives, holds a secret that is linked to the origins of a rare brass lamp, decorated with animals and peacocks.
ISBN 9781741753011
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2007
Hirsch, Odo
Image currently unavailable
Amina's voice
Amina and her best friend are starting year six and changes are happening around Amina which worry her. Her best friend now wants to change her Korean name to an English name and wants to hang out with one of the popular girls. Amina feels like she is losing her closest friend and wonders if she must also change to keep her friend. Events happening around her cause her to see both the challenges and rewards of being Pakistan American.
ISBN 9781481492072
Publisher Simon & Schuster, 2017
Khan, Hena
Image currently unavailable
Amina: through my eyes
Amina lives with her family in Somalia, a country that has endured drought and civil war for decades. Amina's father is betrayed and arrested. His artwork is seen as 'un-Islamic' and Amina no longer knows who she can trust. Food is scarce, her mother is pregnant and her grandmother ill. Amina must find a way to survive.
ISBN 9781743312490
Series Through my eyes series (7 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2013
Powers, J L & White, Lyn (ed)
Image currently unavailable
Amira's magpie
Amira has a magpie. He is the most beautiful, strangest of creatures. Amira imagines her magpie flying across the world, to visit the family she left behind when she escaped her homeland. And as she flies, she flies with him and she is free. Amira's Magpie is a story of friendship, family and escape; of bravery and resilience in the face of hardship. It is the story of hope we find in small happinesses, even when it seems like all hope is lost.
ISBN 9781925563986
Publisher Wombat Books, 2021
Gordon, Kate & Brennan, Krista (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Amulet series
Any five titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top of the screen.
Series Amulet series (8 books)
No book cover.
Anaconda ambush
Sam Fox is on a field trip with his uncle in the Amazon when he's swept over a waterfall into an underground lake and discovers a fortune in gold. But, there's an enormous anaconda lurking in the cave and the snake is just the first obstacle Sam will have to overcome if he's to get out of the Amazon alive.
ISBN 9780143303701
Series Extreme adventures series (8 of 11)
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2008
D'Ath, Justin
Image currently unavailable
Anastasia on her own
When Anastasia and her father are left on their own, they find out just how hard housekeeping really is.
ISBN 9780440402916
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 1998
Lowry, Lois
Image currently unavailable
Ancient and Medieval people series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Ancient and Medieval people series (6 books)
Park, Louise & Love, Timothy
No book cover.
Ancient Australia
Well-organised under clear headings and well-presented information about ancient Australia with contents, websites, a glossary and ideas for related things to do.
ISBN 9781740701242
Series Australian Library series (1 of 21)
Publisher Heinemann, 2006
McClish, Bruce
Image currently unavailable
Ancient China
Discover why tombs were filled with pottery figures, what was carried along the Silk Road,who invented paper and what kinds of weapons were used in early battles. An informative guide to Chinese history, with stunning photographs and life-like models.
ISBN 9780789458667
Series Eyewitness series (36 books)
Publisher Dorling Kindersley, 2000
Cotterell, Arthur
Image currently unavailable
Ancient Egypt
Well-documented, factual material supported by photographs, maps and a timeline of Ancient Egypt. Each two-page spread treats one particular aspect of the civilisation such as architecture, religion, agriculture or recreational activities.The light writing style is very accessible for young students.
ISBN 9780751320749
Series Eyewitness series (36 books)
Publisher Dorling Kindersley, 2002
Hart, George
Image currently unavailable
Ancient Egypt: tales of gods and pharaohs
Full of mystery and adventure, the stories of the Egyptian pharaohs and their ancient gods are steeped in thousands of years of history. includes nine stories of Ancient Egypt, retold in comic strip style.
ISBN 9781406326680
Publisher Walker Books, 2011
Williams, Marcia
Image currently unavailable
Ancient Greece
Watch the past come to life. Explore the history, daily life, beliefs, and achievements of this ancient civilisation whose influence can still be seen today. Includes stunning photographs, charts, maps, web links and a glossary of terms.
ISBN 9781405320412
Series Eyewitness series (36 books)
Publisher Dorling Kindersley, 2007
Pearson, Anne
Image currently unavailable
Ancient machine, The
Georgie and Thomas are summoned to Allegoria to stop a machine that is ticking down to the end of the world. They enlist the help of a troupe of travelling daredevils.
ISBN 9780958074414
Series Magician's daughter series (2 of 3)
Publisher Multimedia Interface, 2003
Walker, Justyn
Image currently unavailable
Ancient Rome
Find out why Roman baths were so popular and how sea battles were staged in the Colosseum. Meet the remarkable people whose conquests, achievements and way of life made Ancient Rome one of history's greatest civilisations. Includes stunning photographs, charts, maps, web links and a glossary of terms.
ISBN 9781405329255
Series Eyewitness series (36 books)
Publisher Dorling Kindersley, 2008
James, Simon
Image currently unavailable
Ancient Rome: a guide to the glory of imperial Rome
An illustrated guide to the wonders of the civilisation of Ancient Rome.
ISBN 9780753452356
Publisher Larouse Kingfisher Chambers, 2000
Stroud, Jonathan
Image currently unavailable
Ancient starship, The
When an ancient starship has been discovered in the Egyptian desert, Amelia's dad is whisked away to help. Meanwhile, the first human guests have arrived at the hotel and they're turning out to be the strangest visitors yet. Are the spaceship and the odd guests connected? Amelia and Charlie may be the only ones who can solve this puzzle...
ISBN 9781760120313
Series The Gateway series (8 books)
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2015
Jones, Cerberus
Image currently unavailable
Android, The
When Marco runs into his old friend, Erek, he doesn't think too much of it. He's got a couple of more important things to do. Like helping to save the world. But, when Marco finds out Erek's been hanging with some of the kids at The Sharing, he starts to think that something just a little weird is going on.
ISBN 9780590997300
Series Animorphs series (10 of 10)
Publisher Scholastic US, 1997
Applegate, K A
Image currently unavailable
Andromache between worlds
Andromache Peters wants a normal life but this is almost impossible when your parents were famous adventurers who saved the world and nobody will let you forget it. Add to this the fact that her father has been missing for twelve of her fourteen years, her mother has retreated into her grief and Andromache has been expelled from yet another school. But when a mysterious stranger reveals to her that her father is not only still alive but trapped in a parallel world, Andromache is thrown into a daring journey across other universes to find and save the father she never knew. It's a journey so strange and dangerous that it will forever transform Andromache's life into anything but normal.
ISBN 9781460759103
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 2024
Bergmoser, Gabriel
Image currently unavailable
Angel creek
There are only two things that Jelly likes about the new house on Rosemary Street, the old apricot tree and the creek over the back fence. One night, Jelly and her cousins spot something in the creek's dark waters. At first, they think it's a bird but it's a baby angel with a broken wing. Jelly decides to keep it. But, she soon discovers that you can't just take something from where it belongs and expect that it won't be missed.
ISBN 9781921758058
Publisher Text Publishing Co, 2011
Rippin, Sally
Image currently unavailable
Angel fish
Historical novel based on the medieval Children's Crusades. Stefan, a charismatic, religious leader, has convinced Gabriel that only children will be able to liberate the Holy Land from the Infidel. Together, they raise an army and make the arduous journey over the Alps. The power of Stefan's promises dim as they suffer many misadventures.
ISBN 9781742030463
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2009
Wilkinson, Lili
Image currently unavailable
Angel with a mouth-organ, The
Two children listen to their mother's memories of wartime.
ISBN 9780340384442
Publisher Hodder Headline Australia Pty Ltd, 1985
Mattingley, Christobel & Lacis, Astra (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Angel: through my eyes
The gripping tale of a teenage girl who has been separated from her family in the typhoon ravaged city of Tacloban in the Philippines. Battling looters, rubble, water damage, and the underlying fear that her family has been lost to the typhoon, Angel is desperate to find them again.
ISBN 9781760113773
Series Through my eyes series (7 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2018
Daniel, Zoe & White, Lyn (ed)
Image currently unavailable
Animal architects
An illustrated, factual book about shells, nests, mounds, bowers, galleries, dens and lodges. These are homes that animals around the world build to shelter themselves and their young.
ISBN 9781865089553
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2003
Nicholson, John
Image currently unavailable
Animal ark: The purrfect sleepover
Amelia and Sam love helping out at Animal Ark vets, especially when they get to look after adorable kittens! But when Amelia cat-sits troublesome kitten Luna, the little cat causes a big problem ...With the naughty kitten, Amelia's new cat Star AND a cat event at Animal Ark, everything's going cat crazy!
ISBN 9781408354001
Publisher Hachette Children's Books, 2018
Daniels, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Animal eco-warriors
Meet the super dogs, hero rats and cyborg bees keeping our environment safe. Come on an action-packed adventure with an amazing mob of animal eco-warriors as they use their special talents to help solve our planet's environmental problems! From the nosy noses of biosecurity beagles at airports to rats learning to sniff out landmines in war-torn landscapes, animals are using their unique abilities to help make the world a better and safer place. With fantastic colour photos of animal eco-warriors at work, this book is full of fun facts on how animals are helping humanity work towards a more sustainable future. There are also plenty of tips on how you can make a difference to the planet. Join the animals eco-warrior team today!
ISBN 9781486306213
Publisher CSIRO, 2017
Gill, Nic
Image currently unavailable
Animal life cycles
Discover why some duck eggs are brown, or why amphibians, fish and reptiles have so many babies. From the macabre caterpillar wasp to the caring kangaroo, the complexities of animal kingdom life cycles are explored in a colourful, humorous graphic novel.
ISBN 9780716628200
Publisher World Book, 2014
Midthun, Joseph & Hiti, Samuel (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Animal planet
Colt Lawless is on the run, suddenly famous, and more than a little superhuman. But can he save the last animals on earth? The deadly rat flu virus has changed - humans are catching it and nobody is sure why. Officer Katt is trying to blame it on the Lost World Circus and it's up to Colt to prove her wrong. But he and Birdy are trapped in the sewers, and the man who holds the key to it all is being held prisoner at DoRFE Headquarters. Is this the end of the road - not just for the circus, but for all of humankind?
ISBN 9780143307310
Series Lost world circus series (6 of 5)
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2014
D'Ath, Justin
Image currently unavailable
Animal stars series
Any five titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top of the screen.
Series Animal stars series (6 books)
French, Jackie
No book cover.
Animal toolkit, The
What do apes, birds and crabs have in common? They all use tools in clever ways. Find out why dolphins use sponges or how the corolla spider uses seven small quartz rocks to detect prey. Can you guess what a raptor does with a burning stick, or how a bear makes use of a rock? The Animal Toolkit is filled with fascinating facts about these and other clever creatures.
ISBN 9780358244448
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2022
Jenkins, Steve & Page, Robin (il)
Image currently unavailable
Malcolm doesn't like animals. Which is a problem because his family loves them. Their house is full of pets. What the house is not full of is stuff Malcolm likes. Such as the laptop he wanted for his birthday. The only bright spot on the horizon is the Year 6 school trip, to...oh no! A farm! Over the next few days, Malcolm changes. He learns what it's really like to be an animal. A whole series of animals, in fact. It does make him think differently. And speak differently. And, um, smell differently. But will he end up the same as before?
ISBN 9780008185152
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2016
Baddiel, David
Image currently unavailable
Welcome to the virtual museum. Wander the six galleries, which present the animal kingdom - Invertebrates, Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals. Each chapter features a different branch of the tree of life, from the simple sponge to the enormous elephant.
ISBN 9781783700608
Series Welcome to the Museum (4 books)
Publisher Templar Publishing, 2014
Topics / STEM /
Broom, Jenny & Scott, Katie (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Animals at war
A collection of true stories about animals that have been involved in war. The book looks at how horses, dogs, birds and other animals have contributed to war efforts. Moving stories and great photos to match.
ISBN 9780746077016
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2007
George, Isabel & Jones, Rob Lloyd
Image currently unavailable
Animals at work
It's not only people who work. Many animals also have jobs.
ISBN 9781865048741
Series X-zone series (48 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2005
Topics / Year 6 easy reads /
Harris, David
Image currently unavailable
Animals talk back
Animals have their own form of language. Full of fascinating facts and stories from around the world about animals, this book will change the way you look at animals.
ISBN 9781865048895
Series X-zone series (48 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2005
Topics / Year 6 easy reads /
Deckert, Tempany
Image currently unavailable
Animasaurus: Incredible animals that roamed the Earth
From gigantic sharks to giant sloths, meet the beasts of the past. Find out about the fascinating prehistoric creatures that once walked, swam and hunted our planet. Compare these with living animals, to discover creatures from throughout Earth's history.
ISBN 9781408884850
Publisher Bloomsbury, 2016
Turner, Tracey & Russell, Harriet (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Animorphs series
Any five titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top of the screen.
Series Animorphs series (10 books)
Applegate, K A
No book cover.
Anisa's alphabet
For many refugees the alphabet represents the start of a new language and a new future, but Anisa's Alphabet is different. A poignant and highly imaginative telling of one girl's story which will appeal to children and adults alike. Come with Anisa, and see things through her eyes. In this picture book, Anisa takes the reader though the alphabet, describing her journey from an unnamed war-torn country to a refugee camp, then on to an overcrowded boat towards supposed freedom and security.
ISBN 9781925227574
Publisher MidnightSun Publishing, 2020
Dumbleton, Mike & Simmerville, Hannah (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Anne of Avonlea
Anne Shirley, the spirited red-haired orphan know as Anne of Green Gables, is now half past sixteen and has returned ready to start in her first teaching position, at her old school. Anne discovers the joys and tribulations of teaching, helps raise twins and has a vision for Avonlea.
ISBN 9780553213140
Series Anne of Green Gables series (2 of 10)
Publisher Laurel Leaf, 1984
Montgomery, L M
Image currently unavailable
Anne of Green Gables
Adopted by an elderly brother and his spinster sister who live on a Canadian island, Anne delights in her new life and friends in this enduring classic.
ISBN 9780439295772
Series Anne of Green Gables series (1 of 10)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2002
Montgomery, L M
Image currently unavailable
Anne of Green Gables series
Any five titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top of the screen.
Series Anne of Green Gables series (10 books)
Montgomery, L M
No book cover.
Anne of Ingleside
Ingleside is a busy and contented place, home for Anne, Gilbert and their six children. But then Gilbert's maiden aunt comes to stay and for a while the peace is sadly strained.
ISBN 9780553213157
Series Anne of Green Gables series (6 of 10)
Publisher Laurel Leaf, 1984
Montgomery, L M
Image currently unavailable
Anne of the island
Anne is off to college with her childhood friends, Gilbert and Charlie. New friends and adventures, including a marriage proposal, await Anne who remains as spirited and irrepressible as ever.
ISBN 9780553213171
Series Anne of Green Gables series (3 of 10)
Publisher Laurel Leaf, 1983
Montgomery, L M
Image currently unavailable
Anne of Windy Poplars
The letters of a grown-up Anne Shirley to Gilbert Blythe reveal her life, teaching at Windy Poplars. This book is also known as Anne of Windy Willows.
ISBN 9780553213164
Series Anne of Green Gables series (4 of 10)
Publisher Laurel Leaf, 1983
Montgomery, L M
Image currently unavailable
Anne's house of dreams
Anne has become the wife of Dr Gilbert Blythe. She must adjust to married life in the white cottage on the harbor shore.
ISBN 9780553213188
Series Anne of Green Gables series (5 of 10)
Publisher Laurel Leaf, 1983
Montgomery, L M
Image currently unavailable
This book contains a vast amount of information about the environment and life in Antarctica.
ISBN 9781863910491
Publisher Reed Library, 1996
McDonald, Kellie
Image currently unavailable
Antarctica book, The: Living in the freezer
Antarctica is at the bottom of our planet and the coldest place on earth. Find out about the animals that live there and how these clever creatures survive. Includes detailed information, beautiful colour photos and a scale to measure each animal against humans.
ISBN 9781921167867
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2007
Norman, Mark Dr
Image currently unavailable
Antarctica series
Any five titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top of the screen.
Series Antarctica series (4 books)
Reid, Greg
No book cover.
Antarctica: ecosystems
Each book in this series deals with a different aspect of Antarctica using photographs and frozen facts. Each book contains a glossary and relevant web sites.
ISBN 9780732997236
Series Antarctica series (2 of 4)
Publisher Macmillan Education Australia Pty Ltd, 2005
Reid, Greg
Image currently unavailable
Antarctica: exploration
Each book in this series deals with a different aspect of Antarctica using photographs and frozen facts. Each book contains a glossary and web site references.
ISBN 9780732997229
Series Antarctica series (1 of 4)
Publisher Macmillan Education Australia Pty Ltd, 2005
Reid, Greg
Image currently unavailable
Antarctica: human impacts
Each book in this series deals with a different aspect of Antarctica using photographs and frozen facts. Each book contains a glossary and refers to web sites.
ISBN 9781583407639
Series Antarctica series (4 of 4)
Publisher Macmillan Education Australia Pty Ltd, 2005
Reid, Greg
Image currently unavailable
Antarctica: the frozen continent
Each book in this series deals with a different aspect of Antarctica using photographs and frozen facts. Each book contains a glossary and relevant web sites.
ISBN 9780732997243
Series Antarctica series (3 of 4)
Publisher Macmillan Education Australia Pty Ltd, 2005
Reid, Greg
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Antarctica: the heart of the world
Take a journey to Antarctica with this comprehensive and highly illustrated guide. Learn about Antarctica's unique geography, its rare beauty, the captivating animal and plant life, human exploration and scientific research. Discover what it's like to live in an Antarctic station and how to survive on the ice.
ISBN 9780733312304
Publisher ABC Books, 2006
Tulloch, Coral
Image currently unavailable
Anthology for the earth
A collection of writings by people of many cultures and countries, including Sir David Attenborough, a Kapayo Indian chief, and an eleven year old boy. All talk of the need to treat the earth with care to preserve it for future generations.
ISBN 9780763603014
Publisher Candlewick Press, 1998
Allen, Judy (ed)
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Anthony Browne's King Kong
This the traditional story of King Kong, brought to life with Browne's wonderful and unique illustrations of the apes. It is a very moving and exciting retelling of the story.
ISBN 9780552553841
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2005
Browne, Anthony
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Anthony Mundine (Aussie stars)
Anthony Mundine's biography shows how he wanted to follow in his sporting father's footsteps.
ISBN 9781876400118
Series Aussie stars series (12 books)
Publisher Coolabah Publishing, 1999
McCallum, Grant
Image currently unavailable
Anton rocks on
Anton might only be little in stature but he has a great talent. By the time he reaches high school, Anton has heard all the size jokes. His resourcefulness and music save the day and the Rock Eisteddfod.
ISBN 9780143301400
Series Aussie chomps (17 books)
Publisher Penguin, 2004
Metzenthen, David
Image currently unavailable
Antony and Cleopatra: a Shakespeare story
Love and betrayal on the River Nile, with the epic story of Antony, ruler of the Roman Empire, and Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt. This series gives young readers the chance to discover Shakespeare for themselves. Also included are useful notes on the themes within the stories and a background to the Globe Theatre.
ISBN 9781841213385
Series Shakespeare stories series (3 of 12)
Publisher Orchard Books, 2003
Matthews, Andrew & Ross, Tony (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Anzac girl: The war diaries of Alice Ross-King
This is the true story of a young nurse, Sister Alice Ross-King, who provided invaluable medical help to countless soldiers during the First World War. This story of heroism, love, and bravery is told with direct references and samples from her diary, letters, and photographs. She went on to become the most decorated woman in Australia.
ISBN 9781760637019
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2020
Simpson, Kate & Racklyeft, Jess (ill)
Image currently unavailable
ANZAC heroes
From nurse and pilot to soldier and spy, find out about thirty ANZAC heroes, who risked everything, left everything and lost everything as they participated in World Wars l and ll.
ISBN 9781775433637
Publisher Scholastic New Zealand, 2016
Gill, Maria & Ivancic, Marco (ill)
Image currently unavailable
ANZAC sons: Five brothers on the Western Front
The Great War was a senseless tragedy that brought sorrow to families all over the world. This is the story five brothers who served, compiled from over five hundred letters and postcards, written from the battle front. From the training grounds of Victoria, Egypt and England, to the Western Front battlefields, this compelling, true story was compiled by the granddaughter of a surviving brother. This is a story of mateship, bravery and sacrifice, and a heartbreaking account of a family torn apart by war.
ISBN 9781925275148
Publisher Big Sky Publishing, 2015
Marlow Paterson, Allison
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Applesauce weather
When the first apple falls from the tree, siblings Faith and Peter know that it is applesauce weather. And that means that Uncle Arthur should be here. It seems like he needs a little more time to grieve. This is the first year without Aunt Lucy after all. This is a heartfelt tale about the strength and love of family and the power of a good story.
ISBN 9780763675769
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2016
Frost, Helen & Bates, Amy June (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Apprentice witch, The
Arianwyn fails her witch's assessment. To the delight of her arch-rival, Gimma, Arianwyn is awarded the dull bronze disc of an apprentice and, in disgrace, sent to protect the remote, dreary town of Lull. But, Arianwyn's new life is far from boring. Dark spirits and strange creatures creep out of the wood. And just as Arianwynn starts to get her feet under her, shadows start to creep into her own magic.
ISBN 9781910655153
Publisher Chicken House, 2016
Nicol, James
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Apprentice witnesser, The
Lodyma Darsey is the Witnesser of Miracles who investigates miraculous events and spins them into stories she tells at the night markets. Orphan Bastienne Scull is her ... apprentice? Foster child? Basti isn't sure but is making herself real useful standing in for Lodyma's lost family. Because ten years ago, after her husband and elder son died of a sickness that continues to sweep the land, Lodyma sent her younger son to live with the isolated mountain men, and he hasn't been heard of since. Basti and Lodyma might not be a proper family, but neither of them have anybody else until, one day, news of a miracle reaches them and, when Lodyma and Basti investigate, what they discover will change their lives.
ISBN 9781761180781
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2024
MacDibble, Bren
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Aquatica: a beginner's field guide
Welcome to future Earth. Despite repeated warnings, the environment has become polluted to such an extent that many areas of the globe have become uninhabitable and wildlife is now extinct. From the ashes, a new style of 'wildlife' is created. Wildlife that will not remain harnessed by humankind.
ISBN 9781760404147
Series Mechanica series (2 of 3)
Publisher The Five Mile Press Pty Ltd, 2017
Balchin, Lance
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Archie Cupid and Lizzie Imp
Archie Cupid is a perfect angel. Lizzie Imp is just perfectly naughty. They don't like each other until Archie's arrow and Lizzie's spitball miss their targets and everything changes.
ISBN 9780143302049
Series Aussie bites (84 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2006
England, Kathryn & Sheehan, Peter (ill)
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Archie Greene and the magician's secret
On his twelfth birthday, Archie Greene receives a mysterious present, an old book, written in a language he doesn't recognise. It comes with a Summoning - Archie must travel to Oxford to return the book to the Secret Library. But, the magical book under Archie's protection is dangerous, and dark spirits hunt it out. In this magical world, bookshelves are enchanted, librarians are sorcerers and spells come to life.
ISBN 9780571309054
Publisher Faber & Faber, 2014
Everest, D D
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Archie's letter: an Anzac Day story
The story of an ordinary man who went to fight in World War II. It tells how he dealt with his wartime experiences, how, at the age of ninety one, he agreed to meet a group of elderly Japanese women interested in world peace, and how he could never forget the young men who were with him during the war and who didn't come back.
ISBN 9780980794878
Publisher One Day Hill Pty Ltd, 2011
Flanagan, Martin & Walters, Ainsley (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Are trees alive
Although trees are plants and humans are animals, we have many similar characteristics. This book describes those characteristics, and celebrates some of the magnificent trees that grow on our planet, along with the diversity of life that surrounds them.
ISBN 9781408173893
Publisher A & C Black, 2012
Miller, Debbie S
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Ariki and the giant shark
Ariki is not like the other children on Turtle Island. She belongs heart and soul to the sea, where she plays all day with the dolphins and turtles. One day, a giant shark appears and the fishermen are too afraid to go out. Without fish the people will starve - and only Ariki can save the day!
ISBN 9781406369793
Publisher Walker Books, 2018
Davies, Nicola & Kinnear, Nicola (ill)
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Arsenic for tea
Daisy Wells and Hazel Wong are at Daisy's home, Fallingford, for the school holidays. There's a tea party for Daisy's birthday and the whole family is invited. When a guest falls mysteriously ill, everything points to poison. With wild storms preventing anyone from leaving or the police from arriving, Fallingford feels like a very dangerous place to be. Everyone has a secret or two. When someone close to Daisy looks suspicious, the Detective Society must do everything they can to reveal the truth, no matter the consequences.
ISBN 9780552570732
Series A murder most unladylike - Wells and Wong mystery series (2 of 10)
Publisher Corgi Books, 2015
Stevens, Robin
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Art fraud detective
The security guard at the Town Hall Gallery has a big problem. Some of the priceless masterpieces have been stolen and replaced with cunning forgeries. The guard needs your sharp eyes and patience to identify the fake paintings.
ISBN 9780753411957
Publisher Kingfisher, 2000
Nilsen, Anna
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Art, history, place
A recognised art expert looks at the astonishing diversity of visual work done by Indigenous Australians today, while exploring the traditions and influences that shaped their work. Although much Indigenous art is part of an artistic movement over forty thousand years old, Indigenous artists also have a remarkable capacity to use new media, styles and subject matter in their work.
ISBN 9781876288433
Publisher Working Title Press, 2003
Nicholls, Christine
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Artezans: The forgotten magic
Edward Crane has always feared he won't have any magic at all. Sure, he's part of a powerful magic Artezan family, but he's adopted. His twin sister, Elodie, isn't so worried, but then everything always seems to work out perfectly for her. So when Ed discovers he does have an Artezan power after all, he's relieved. And it's more than he ever could have imagined - in fact, it's a dream come true. But the problem with dreams is that sometimes they twist themselves into nightmares. And with Ed's new abilities growing by the day, there's a chance that this nightmare will become all too real.
ISBN 9781510113015
Publisher Orion, 2024
Lapinski, L.D.
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Artie and the grime wave
Artie and his best friend, Bumshoe, have stumbled upon a Cave-of-Possibly-Stolen-Stuff, and a gang of shady characters, including scary Mary, fang-toothed Funnel-web and the devious Mayor Grime. Artie and Bumshoe's attempt to solve the mystery sparks a chaotic chain of events that involves kidnapping, puppy-dog cutlets, modern art and pioneering the sport of the bungee- wedgie. Winner Book of the Year Award Speech Pathology Australia 2018 (8-10 Years Category)
ISBN 9781760292140
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2016
Roxburgh, Richard
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Artificial intelligence
So you think that machines aren't as intelligent as people. This book will make you think again. Find out how intelligent machines, from smartphones to driverless cars, can do all sorts of tasks, from exploring space to playing- and winning- all sorts of games.
ISBN 9781409598640
Series Usborne beginners plus series (16 books)
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2016
Brook, Henry & King, Chris (ill) & Paulli, Giovanni (ill)
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Artists are crazy and other stories
Eight wry and brilliant stories that tell the truth behind some of history's great moments. It includes stories about Leonardo da Vinci, Vikings, Christopher Columbus and the mummy of the great counsellor to the Pharaoh Rameses.
ISBN 9780734404756
Publisher Thomas C Lothian Pty Ltd, 2003
Catran, Ken
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As fast as I can
Ten-year-old Vivian is determined to compete at the Olympic Games one day. So when Vivian discovers she has a talent for cross country running, she's excited her Olympic dream might come true. But then a family illness is uncovered and all of Vivian's plans begin to unravel. Can she keep her hopes alive? Or will she be stopped in her tracks?
ISBN 9780702262814
Publisher University of Queensland Press, 2020
Tangey, Penny
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As I grew older
Ian Abdulla tells of his life and experiences growing up in a traditional Aboriginal family, living the Nunga way of life on the Murray River in the 1950s.
ISBN 9781862911833
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 1993
Abdulla, Ian
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As old as time
When Belle touches the Beast's enchanted rose, memories flood through Belle's mind -- memories of a mother she thought she would never see again. And, stranger still, she sees that her mother is none other than the beautiful enchantress who cursed the castle and all its inhabitants. Shocked and confused, Belle and the Beast will have to unravel a dark mystery about their families that is 21 years in the making.
ISBN 9781484707289
Series Twisted tales series (11 books)
Publisher Disney Press, 2016
Braswell, Liz
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As you like it: a Shakespeare story
Duke Senior has been forced into exile from the court by the usurping Duke Frederick. He takes refuge in the Forest of Arden with a band of faithful lords, and what follows is a hilarious tale of love and mistaken identity. This series gives young readers the chance to discover Shakespeare for themselves. Also included are useful notes on the themes within the stories and a background to the Globe Theatre.
ISBN 9781846161872
Series Shakespeare stories series (10 of 12)
Publisher Orchard Books, 2007
Matthews, Andrew & Ross, Tony (ill)
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Ash Road
A group of children have to battle a bushfire with only two elderly men to help them.
ISBN 9781932425116
Publisher Front Street Books, 2004
Southall, Ivan
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Ash Rover: keeper of the phoenix
Ash Rover stumbles across a phoenix egg, but this magical bird is going to bring danger to his village. Ash is soon on a desperate quest to save his family and friends.
ISBN 9781922179029
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2014
Darlison, Aleesah
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Asphalt and feathers
Be inspired to write by reading the winning poems, short stories and plays from students in Years 3-6 in the 2008 Sydney Youth Writing Competition. Participants had to include the signature words, feathers and/or asphalt, in their entries.
ISBN 9780980581102
Publisher Sydney Youth Writing Competition, Inc, 2008
Sydney Youth Writing Competition
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Aster's good, right, things
I can't let go of them - the good right things - because if I do I'll turn into a cloud and float away, and a storm will come and blow me to nothing. Eleven year old Aster attends a school for gifted kids, but she doesn't think she is gifted al all. If she was, her mother would not have left. Each day Aster must do a good right thing a challenge she sets herself, to make someone's life better. Nobody can know about her things, because then they wont count. Then she meets Xavier, who has his own special mission. When they do these together, Aster feels free but if she stops doing her good right things will everything fall apart?
ISBN 9780648492573
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2020
Gordon, Kate
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Asterix and Caesar's gift
On being demobilised from the Roman army, Legionary Tremensdelirius, gets the title deeds to the village. Soon, he swaps them for a drink in a tavern and the landlord, Orthopaedix, his wife and daughter set off to claim their rights.
ISBN 9780752866451
Series Asterix series (21 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2004
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
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Asterix and Cleopatra
Getafix, Obelix, Dogmatix and Asterix visit Egypt to help an architect build a palace for Caesar. There they are entranced by the Sphinx, pyramids and Cleopatra's nose.
ISBN 9780752866079
Series Asterix series (6 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2004
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
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Asterix and Obelix all at sea
The slaves have stolen Caesar's own galley, the finest warship in the Roman navy. Under their leader, the former slaves make for the village where Caesar's old enemies Asterix and Obelix live - only to find the place in crisis.
ISBN 9780752847788
Series Asterix series (30 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2002
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
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Asterix and Obelix's Birthday: The golden book
The thirty-fourth episode of the Asterix comic book series, designed and written by Albert Uderzo. The book also includes Asterix stories which were created jointly with Rene Goscinny. The album celebrates the 50th anniversary of the creation of the series.
ISBN 9781444000276
Series Asterix series (41 books)
Publisher Orion, 2009
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
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Asterix and son
A baby is left outside Asterix's hut. Child-care is something new to the warriors but Asterix and Obelix do their best, although they have had more practice in thumping Romans.
ISBN 9780752847757
Series Asterix series (27 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2002
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
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Asterix and the actress
Asterix and Obelix are celebrating their joint birthday party back in the Gaulish village and some surprise guests have been invited.
ISBN 9780752846583
Series Asterix series (31 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2002
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
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Asterix and the banquet
The Romans build a barricade around the village. Asterix and Obelix demonstrate their resistance by going on a journey around the entire country, collecting local speciaities on the way
ISBN 9780752866093
Series Asterix series (5 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2004
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
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Asterix and the big fight
The Romans persuade a Gaulish chief to challenge Vitalstatistix to single combat. This poses no threat until Getafix is hit by a flying menhir and forgets how to make the magic potion.
ISBN 9780752866178
Series Asterix series (7 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2004
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
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Asterix and the black gold
The druid, Getafix, is running short of rock oil, an essential ingredient in the magic potion which gives the Gaulish villagers superhuman strength to fight Julius Caesar's Roman legions.
ISBN 9780340323670
Series Asterix series (26 of 41)
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (UK), 1997
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
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Asterix and the cauldron
Neighbouring Gaulish Chief, WhosemoralsarelAstix, asks Vitalstatistix and his villagers to look after a cauldron full of money but the chief is bent on double-crossing everyone.
ISBN 9780752866291
Series Asterix series (13 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2004
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
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Asterix and the chariot race
The roads across Italy are in disrepair. Defending his name, and to prove Rome's greatness, Senator Lactus Bifidus announces a special one-off chariot race. Julius Caesar insists a Roman must win, or Bifidus will pay. Open to anyone from the known world, competitors arrive from far and wide, including Asterix and Obelix. With Bifidus secretly scheming, who will win this almighty chariot race?
ISBN 9781510105003
Series Asterix series (41 books)
Goscinny, Rene &Uderzo, Albert
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Asterix and the chieftain's shield
Vercingetorix defeated Julius Caesar in the Arvernian country. Although the tables were turned later, the Gauls remember the glorious victory. Years later, Caesar plans to parade with Vercingetorix's shield but he doesn't know where it is.
ISBN 9780752866253
Series Asterix series (11 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2004
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
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Asterix and the class act
Asterix stories including The Day Asterix and Oblelix were born, Fashion in Ancient Gaul and Obelix's Adventures Under the Mistletoe.
ISBN 9780752866406
Series Asterix series (32 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2004
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
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Asterix and the falling sky
The Gauls have one fear, that the sky may fall on their heads tomorrow. But, tomorrow never comes, says Chief Vitalstatistix. Howecer, some surprising new characters fall along with the sky.
ISBN 9780752875484
Series Asterix series (33 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2006
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
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Asterix and the golden sickle
Getafix has broken his golden sickle, so Asterix and Obelix visit Lutetia to buy a new one. Unfortunately, the sicklesmith, a cousin of Obelix's, has mysteriously gone missing.
ISBN 9780752866130
Series Asterix series (2 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2004
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
Image currently unavailable
Asterix and the Goths
Again Getafix is kidnapped, this time by a raiding band of Goths. Asterix and Obelix follow them into Germania and, in the process of rescuing their druid, set off a whole series of tribal wars.
ISBN 9780752866154
Series Asterix series (3 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2004
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
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Asterix and the great crossing
Asterix and Obelix are lost at sea and finally reach what they think is a Roman colony. But, when the Vikings turn up on a voyage of discovery, they realise that they have, in fact, discovered a strange New World.
ISBN 9780752866482
Series Asterix series (22 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2004
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
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Asterix and the great divide
Two rival chieftains have been elected to govern a village in ancient Gaul and a ditch dug through the village divides it into a party of the left and a party of the right. But, the son and daughter of the two chieftains are in love.
ISBN 9780752847733
Series Asterix series (25 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2001
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
Image currently unavailable
Asterix and the laurel wreath
Chief Vitalstatistix makes a rash bet with his brother-in-law, whom he invites to dine on a stew seasoned with Caesar's laurel wreath. It is up to Aserix and Obelix, of course, to go to Rome and acquire the wreath.
ISBN 9780752866376
Series Asterix series (18 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2004
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
Image currently unavailable
Asterix and the magic carpet
The little village where Asterix and Obelix live has just one drawback, its bard is the worst musician in the entire ancient world. When Cacofonix strikes up, his singing sends the sun behind clouds and makes rain begin to fall.
ISBN 9780752847764
Series Asterix series (28 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2002
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
Image currently unavailable
Asterix and the mansions of gods
A multinational team of slave construction workers are to clear the forest around the village and build a modern housing development, forcing the villagers to take swift action to protect themselves against the Roman newcomers.
ISBN 9780752866390
Series Asterix series (17 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2004
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
Image currently unavailable
Asterix and the missing scroll
Following in the footsteps of Goscinny and Uderzo, author, Jean-Yves Ferri, and illustrator, Didier Convard, have Asterix in a new adventure, centred around a mysterious, missing scroll.
ISBN 9781510100459
Series Asterix series (36 of 41)
Ferri, Jean-Yves & Convard, Didier (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Asterix and the Normans
A group of Vikings comes to Gaul trying to learn what fear is. Their visit coincides with that of a real expert on the subject, Vitalstatistix's trendy nephew from Lutetia, Justforkix.
ISBN 9780752866055
Series Asterix series (9 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2004
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
Image currently unavailable
Asterix and the Roman agent
Caesar tries psychological warfare to defeat the Gaulish village and sends troublemaker, Tortuous Convolvulus, to set friend against friend and almost succeeds. See jealousy spread as the Gauls become suspicious of each other.
ISBN 9780752866338
Series Asterix series (15 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2004
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
Image currently unavailable
Asterix and the secret weapon
When the mothers in Asterix and Obelix's little village decide that ,besides being a terrible musician, Cacofonix, the local bard and school teacher, is not educating their children properly, they call in Bravura.
ISBN 9780752847771
Series Asterix series (29 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2002
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
Image currently unavailable
Asterix and the soothsayer
One dark and stormy night, a sinister figure arrives in the little Gaulish village. Prolix claims to be a soothsayer and the villagers believe every word he says, but Asterix sees through his deception.
ISBN 9780752866420
Series Asterix series (19 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2004
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
Image currently unavailable
Asterix and the Vikings
Asterix and Obelix are sent on one of their most dangerous missions. They must voyage north to the Vikings' home territory and rescue Justforkix, before the Vikings find out he is not who they think he is, and make him pay the price. Meanwhile, the Vikings' chief's daughter, Abba, has fallen for Justforkix.
ISBN 9780752885902
Series Asterix series (37 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2006
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
Image currently unavailable
Asterix at the Olympic Games
The famous Olympic Games are to be held in Athens and Asterix, Obelix and their friends enter. The competition will be formidable but our heroes are determined they will find a way to win.
ISBN 9780752866277
Series Asterix series (12 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2004
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
Image currently unavailable
Asterix conquers America
Getafix has been captured by Romans and catapulted off the edge of the world, so Asterix and Obelix follow to find their wizard. When they reach what they think to be the edge of the world, our heroes find themselves in America.
ISBN 9780752868394
Series Asterix series (35 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2007
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
Image currently unavailable
Asterix in Belgium
Chief Vitalstatistix of the Gaulish village is horrified to hear that Caesar has called the Belgian tribes the bravest he knows. With Asterix and Obelix, the chief goes to confront the Belgians who turn out to be very like the Gauls.
ISBN 9780752866505
Series Asterix series (24 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2005
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
Image currently unavailable
Asterix in Britain
The Romans have invaded Britain but one village still holds out against them. At his British cousin Anticlimax's request, Asterix and Obelix set off to help with a barrel full of magic potion.
ISBN 9780752866192
Series Asterix series (8 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2004
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
Image currently unavailable
Asterix in Corsica
Asterix and Obelix meet a Corsican chieftain who has been taken prisoner and accompany their new friend, Boneywasawarriorwayayix, back to Corsica to help him foil the evil designs of the corrupt Roman Praetor Perfidius.
ISBN 9780752866444
Series Asterix series (20 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2004
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
Image currently unavailable
Asterix in Spain
When the Romans take Chief Huevos y Bacon's son hostage, they get more than they bargained for. Little Pepe proves a terrible handful. Asterix and Obelix rescue him and set out to return him to his father.
ISBN 9780752866314
Series Asterix series (14 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2004
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
Image currently unavailable
Asterix in Switzerland
Quaestor Vexatius Sinusitus turns up in Gaul to investigate the creative accountancy of Governor Varius Flavus. When the quaestor is poisoned, he turns to Getafix the druid and the other Gauls for help.
ISBN 9780752866352
Series Asterix series (16 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2004
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
Image currently unavailable
Asterix operation Getafix: the book of the film
When the old druid, Getafix, gets injured and cannot make the health potion which gives the Gauls superhuman strength, their chief is challenged by another chief. If Vitalstatistix loses, he will lose the whole village. Once again, legendary hero, Asterix, and his faithful friend, Obelix, must help.
ISBN 9780340529454
Series Asterix series (39 of 41)
Publisher Hodder & Stoughton, 1990
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
Image currently unavailable
Asterix series
Any five titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top of the screen.
Series Asterix series (41 books)
No book cover.
Asterix the Gaul
Asterix saves the day in a time in history when all the known world is coming under the power of ancient Rome.
ISBN 9780752866239
Series Asterix series (1 of 41)
Publisher Hachette Children's Books, 2004
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
Image currently unavailable
Asterix the gladiator
The Romans capture Cacofonix as a gift for Caesar who plans to throw him to the lions. To get into the Circus Maximus and rescue their bard, Asterix and Obelix have to become gladiators.
ISBN 9780752866116
Series Asterix series (4 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2004
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
Image currently unavailable
Asterix the legionary
ISBN 9780752866215
Series Asterix series (10 of 41)
Publisher Orion, 2004
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
Image currently unavailable
Asterix versus Caesar
When the chief's niece, Panacea, is captured by the Romans with her fiance, Tragicomix, the Gaulish warriors Asterix and Obelix join the Roman legion in order to find them.
ISBN 9780340397237
Series Asterix series (38 of 41)
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (UK), 1997
Goscinny, Rene & Uderzo, Albert
Image currently unavailable
Astonishing chronicles of Oscar from elsewhere
The magical fourth book in the rich and whimsical world of the Kingdoms and Empires about a non-magical boy called Oscar who finds himself caught up in a surprisingly urgent quest in an even more surprising world.
ISBN 9781760526368
Series Kingdoms and Empires series (4 of 3)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2021
Moriarty, Jaclyn & Canby, Kelly (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Astonishingly good stories
A lovestruck merpig, a peppermint-stick Parthenon, a vegetarian spider and so much more! From R.A. Spratt, bestselling author of Friday Barnes and Shockingly Good Stories, comes this collection of twenty terrific stories featuring Greek myths and fractured fairytales as told by Nanny Piggins (the world's most glamorous flying pig), a mystery investigated by Friday Barnes (girl detective) and a series of tales so tall they will give you altitude sickness. This book will delight children from four to one hundred and four. Just the thing for reading at bedtime, when you're supposed to be doing your homework or when you've been chased up a tree by an escaped rhinoceros and you're waiting for the zookeeper to arrive.
ISBN 9780143779261
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2022
Spratt, R A
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Astrid Spark fixologist: the girl with the incredible, magnetic fingers
The silly, inventive and fun adventures of a girl with a magnetic finger.
ISBN 9781865087184
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2002
D'Ath, Justin
Image currently unavailable
Learn about different jobs that astronauts do and find out if you could become an astronaut one day.
ISBN 9780732998097
Series Extreme jobs series (2 of 6)
Publisher Macmillan Education Australia Pty Ltd, 2005
Hyland, Tony
Image currently unavailable
Astronauts: Women on the final frontier
The U.S. may have put the first man on the moon, but it was the Soviet space program that made Valentina Tereshkova the first woman in space. It took years to catch up, but soon NASA's first female astronauts were racing past milestones of their own. The trail-blazing women of Group 9, NASA's first mixed gender class, had the challenging task of convincing the powers that be that a woman's place is in space, but they discovered that NASA had plenty to learn about how to make space travel possible for everyone.
ISBN 9781250760036
Publisher Pan MacMillan, 2020
Topics / STEM / Graphic novels /
Ottaviani, Jim & Wicks, Maris (ill)
Image currently unavailable
From the man whose children helped him to invent the telescope to the incredible connection between Earth's seas and the Moon, you can find out all about planets and stars, and discover the history of the world's oldest science.
ISBN 9781405329316
Series Eyewitness series (36 books)
Publisher Dorling Kindersley, 2008
Topics / STEM /
Lippincott, Kristen
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Atlas of oddities: discover the amazing and diverse world we live in
Living on the planet are more than 7 billion people, all with their own interests, traditions and ways of life. And the extraordinary scenery, from the icy poles to scorching hot deserts, lush tropical rainforests, giant rocky caves and canyons, remarkable rivers, lakes and seas, also provides a home to a phenomenally wide range of different animals and plants. This unbelievable round-the-world adventure will take you through all of our continents and countries, and on the way you will get to see just how diverse the world can be. The beautifully illustrated maps feature key aspects, such as borders, capital cities and major rivers, and are perfect for engaging young readers.
ISBN 9781405281362
Publisher Egmont Childrens, 2016
Gifford, Clive & Worrall, Tracy (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Attack of the beastly babysitter
A "Give Yourself Goosebumps" story. Rats! You're too old for a baby-sitter. But your mum hired one anyway. And that's the good news. The bad news is the baby-sitter works for a company called KidScare. So what do you do? If you like to play games, meet Dare. He knows some killer games -- but if you lose, you'll never go home again. Forget about playing nice! Or maybe you'd rather go to the Fun Zone. Look out! Will you drown in the Bottomless Ball Pit? Will you find your way out of the Tomb of the Unknown Rat? Just one bit of advice: Whatever you do, don't eat any of that stuff marked "Switch Cheese"! The choice is yours in this scary GOOSEBUMPS adventure that's packed with over 20 super-spooky endings!
ISBN 9780590934855
Series Goosebumps series (99 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 1997
Stine, R L
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Attack of the Jack
A Goosebumps SlappyWorld story. Devin and his sister Violet are visiting their Uncle Jack for the summer. He lives in an old house by the seashore. Devin and Violet discover a locked trunk. A pirate's chest. They lift the lid slowly-and see that it's filled with antique jack-in-the-boxes. Huh? One box is hidden under the others, covered in dust. It plays an odd unpleasant song. Up pops a very ugly, mean-looking puppet. "Thanks for letting Sailor Jack out!" he rasps, bouncing on his spring. Devin and Violet now face new and troubling questions: Will Jack return them to their uncle? Just how much is a pirate's promise worth?
ISBN 9781338068368
Series Goosebumps series (99 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2017
Stine, R L
Image currently unavailable
Attack of the jack-o' lanterns
PUMPKIN POWER! Nothing beats Halloween. It's Drew Brockman's favorite holiday. And this year will be awesome. Much better than last year. Or the year Lee and Tabby played that joke. A nasty practical joke on Drew and her best friend, Walker. Yes, this year Drew and Walker have a plan. A plan for revenge. It involves two scary pumpkin heads. But something's gone wrong. Way wrong. Because the pumpkin heads are a little too scary. A little too real. With strange hissing voices. And flames shooting out of their faces...
ISBN 9781407191850
Series Goosebumps series (99 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2018
Stine, R L
Image currently unavailable
Attack of the mutant
He's no superhero.... He's a supervillain! Skipper Matthews has an awesome comic book collection. His favorite one is called The Masked Mutant. It's about an evil supervillain who's out to rule the universe! Skipper can't get enough of The Mutant. Until one day he gets lost in a strange part of town. And finds a building that looks exactly like The Mutant's secret headquarters. A building that appears and disappears! Has Skipper read one too many comic books? Or does The Masked Mutant really live in Riverview Falls?
ISBN 9780439662154
Series Goosebumps series (99 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2004
Stine, R L
Image currently unavailable
Atticus Van Tasticus
Climb onboard the pirate ship Grandnan and adventure with Atticus and his wiley crew as they search for treasure, brave the elements and battle the meanest pirates on the seas. An action packed and highly improbable adventure full of funny cartoon illustrations and puns that will tickle your funnybone!
ISBN 9780143796541
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2019
Daddo, Andrew & King, Stephen Michael (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Atticus Van Tasticus: The treasure of treasures
With the Map of Half Maps finally in the hands of Atticus and his crew, the rest should be easy, right? Wrong! Rattling skeletons, ghosts, monsters from the deep, killer sucking sands and a boiling hot tub are just some of the obstacles between them and certain treasure.
ISBN 9781760892869
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2020
Daddo, Andrew & King, Stephen Michael (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Audacity: stories of heroic Australians in wartime
The eleven Australians featured may not have used the word 'audacity' to describe their acts of bravery, for which they won awards and honours. But, each of them took risks in wartime, helping others against extreme dangers which could have cost them their lives. Stories of soldiers, prisoners of war, nurses, airmen and sailors are told, with the backdrop of the many wars involving Australia over the last one hundred years.
ISBN 9781877007934
Publisher Dept of Veterans' Affairs & Australian War Memorial, 2014
Walker, Carlie & Hatherly, Brett (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Audition, The
Harper McCoy has danced since she could walk. It is her passion and her talent. When her parents move her across the country, she needs to say goodbye to her friends and her dance team and start again. Her new dance team are not that welcoming and Harper wonders if she will ever be good enough for them.
ISBN 9781460753774
Series Maddie Ziegler Presents series (1 of 99)
Publisher HarperCollins Children's Books, 2017
Ziegler, Maddie
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Auggie & me
Three different characters - Julian, the bully, oldest friend Christopher and classmate, Charlotte - give an insight into how August (Auggie) Pullman, a facially disfigured boy, touched and transformed their lives. A companion book to Wonder.
ISBN 9780552574778
Series Wonder series (4 books)
Publisher Corgi Books, 2015
Palacio, R J
Image currently unavailable
August & Jones
Eleven-year-old Jones Kirby has just moved to Sydney from her farm in country New South Wales. She's missing her alpacas and wide-open paddocks and can't get used to her family's tiny city apartment. She's also worried that her vision is blurry - she lost her eye to cancer as a toddler. Could it be another tumor? Enrolling at her new school, Jones meets shy, awkward August Genting. He loves fun facts, the library and knitting as much as Jones loves rock climbing and being outdoors. Who would have thought they'd become fast friends? At home, August's parents are fighting. And for Jones, the news from the doctor is not good. To cheer themselves up, the pair hatch a brilliant plan: the August and Jones Must-See Bucket List. Together, this brave duo will set out to meet a rare monkey, run across the Harbour Bridge and even climb Australia's highest mountain."
ISBN 9780734420350
Publisher Lothian Books, 2022
Harry, Pip
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Augustin and the hot air balloon
Augustin is a poor boy who lives in a barn. Celine is a rich girl who lives in a mighty palace. They are both adventurous. Their world's collide during a one of their daring adventures which lands them in a world of terrible trouble and dangerous secrets. David Metzenthen has combined fact with fiction to create a story of wonder, mystery and excitement.
ISBN 9781925804966
Publisher Ford Street Publishing, 2022
Metzenthen, David
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Aussie legends alphabet
There are Australians from all works of life. Some have famously contributed to our history. Here is a list of 26 colourfully presented in alphabetical order.
ISBN 9780733338946
Publisher ABC Books, 2017
Feiner, Beck
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Aussie notables series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Aussie notables series (8 books)
Drummond, Allan & Lumsden, Glenn (ill)
No book cover.
Aussie notables: Banjo Paterson
Andrew Barton Paterson spent his early years in country NSW. He was sent to finish his education in Sydney, where he eventually worked as a lawyer. Paterson missed the bush and, using the pseudonym, the Banjo, began to write poems and stories that brought the bush to the city. He is famous for The Man from Snowy River and Waltzing Matilda. Banjo's face appears on Australia's ten dollar note.
ISBN 9781742984964
Series Aussie notables series (8 books)
Publisher Green Barrow Publishing, 2015
Drummond, Allan & Lumsden, Glenn (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Aussie notables: Edith Cowan
Edith Cowan was the first woman elected to any Australian parliament and the second in any English speaking country. Discover how she overcame a tragic childhood to become a feminist heroine.
ISBN 9781876460174
Series Aussie notables series (8 books)
Publisher Green Barrow Publishing, 2014
Drummond, Allan & Lumsden, Glenn (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Aussie notables: Henry Parkes
Henry Parkes was the earliest advocate of a Federal Council of the colonies of Australia, a precursor to the Federation of Australia. He arrived in Sydney almost penniless and began work on a farm at Penrith. He was always trying to change the world around him and, once he became involved in politics, his future was assured. Henry Parkes is featured on Australia's five dollar note.
ISBN 9781876460143
Series Aussie notables series (8 books)
Publisher Green Barrow Publishing, 2010
Drummond, Allan & Lumsden, Glenn (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Aussie notables: John Flynn
Informative account of the story of John Flynn, the founder of the Flying Doctor Service whcih helps to save the lives of those living in the most rermote parts of Australia.
ISBN 9781876460464
Series Aussie notables series (8 books)
Publisher Green Barrow Publishing, 2012
Drummond, Allan & Lumsden, Glenn (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Aussie notables: John Monash
General Sir John Monash became the corps commander of the Australian Infantry Forces during World War I. He was also responsible for the remarkably efficient repatriation of 160,000 Australian soldiers after the war. Monash has been immortalised on Australia's one hundred dollar bank note.
ISBN 9781876460099
Series Aussie notables series (8 books)
Publisher Green Barrow Publishing, 2009
Drummond, Allan & Lumsden, Glenn (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Aussie notables: Mary Gilmore
Dame Mary Gilmore had a varied and active life. Born and raised in Wagga Wagga, Mary was a schoolteacher, socialist, journalist, poet and girl friend of Henry Lawson, whose adventures took her to Paraguay and Patagonia. Dame Mary is featured on Australia's five dollar note.
ISBN 9781876460105
Series Aussie notables series (8 books)
Publisher Green Barrow Publishing, 2010
Drummond, Allan & Lumsden, Glenn (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Aussie notables: Mary Reiby
Mary Reibey became Australia's richest woman but she had a skeleton in her closet. Orphaned after the death of her mother, father and a caring grandmother, she ran away from home disguised as a boy, 'borrowed' a horse and was sent to NSW. Read about her experiences as a criminal and how she found her way to the top.
ISBN 9781876460150
Series Aussie notables series (8 books)
Publisher Green Barrow Publishing, 2011
Drummond, Allan & Lumsden, Glenn (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Aussie notables: Nellie Melba
Nellie was the biggest entertainment star we have ever had on the world stage. She claimed to be a simple Australian girl at heart, but she didn't get to the top without having a few less admirable characteristics.
ISBN 9781876460471
Series Aussie notables series (8 books)
Publisher Green Barrow Publishing, 2014
Drummond, Allan & Lumsden, Glenn (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Aussie stars series
Any five titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top of the screen.
Series Aussie stars series (12 books)
McCallum, Grant
No book cover.
Aussie stem stars: Eddie Woo
Named as one of the world's Top ten teachers, Eddie Woo has already packed a lot into his short life. Australian High School Maths teacher, education ambassador and advisor, author, TV Host and 'WooTube' sensation, Eddie has been putting the magic into maths for the past ten years.
ISBN 9781925893403
Publisher Wild Dingo Press, 2021
Lim, Rebecca
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Aussie stem stars: Fiona Wood
Fiona Wood is a plastic surgeon whose expertise in burns treatment came to the world's attention in 2002 in the wake of the Bali bombings. From defending the weak and fixing the broken to fighting for her chance to study medicine, the story of plastic surgeon and spray-on skin inventor Fiona Wood shows us the value of dreams, hard work, and having the courage to do what is right.
ISBN 9781925893281
Series Aussie STEM stars series (99 books)
Publisher Wild Dingo Press, 2020
Burne, Cristy
Image currently unavailable
Aussie stem stars: Gisela Kaplan
Gisela Kaplan's story begins in post-World War II Germany. Despite incredible challenges as a child, she retained a profound curiosity, care and compassion for all living things. Her captivating, ground-breaking scientific research on Australian magpies, tawny frogmouths and other iconic bird species, as well as primates, make Prof. Kaplan a world-leading expert in animal behaviour, especially of Australian birds. Professor Kaplan is on a mission to spread the word about how intelligent and surprising birds are, before time runs out for many of them.
ISBN 9781925893465
Series Aussie STEM stars series (99 books)
Publisher Wild Dingo Press, 2021
Gale, Emily
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Austere academy, The
The Baudelaire orphans are sent to a terrible boarding school where they meet the Quagmire triplets and watch their backs for Count Olaf.
ISBN 9780064408639
Series Series of unfortunate events series (5 of 13)
Publisher HarperCollins US, 2000
Snicket, Lemony
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Australia in song
Music has been played and enjoyed in Australia since the first peoples arrived thousands of years ago. Explore the history of Australia in Song as you discover lyrics that have been written to express love, anger, sadness and joy, as well as to recount historical events and Australian stories.
ISBN 9781740703604
Series Australian Library series (21 books)
Publisher Heinemann, 2007
Elliott, Rachel
Image currently unavailable
Australia remembers
Every year there are special days when we remember all those who have fought in the past to keep Australia free and those who still fight today to keep us safe. On 25 April - Anzac Day - and on 11 November - Remembrance Day - we stop to think about those people and how much they have done for us. Australia Remembers presents a detailed explanation of the origins and traditions of Anzac Day and Remembrance Day, exploring both their connections and significance to young Australians today.
ISBN 9781925675771
Publisher Big Sky Publishing, 2018
Paterson, Allison
Image currently unavailable
Australia survival guide, The
The Australia Survival Guide is jam-packed with facts, stories and LIFE-SAVING INFORMATION about Australia's most dangerous things - snakes, spiders, sharks, bushfires, floods, cyclones and more. There's also a few cute and cuddly animals that might surprise you and some mythical creatures to consider. But this is no boring textbook, it's written as if you were playing the ultimate survival game. Only in this game, you can't respawn, there's no multi-player, no one to save you . . . it's DO OR DIE.
ISBN 9780143796572
Series Survival guide series (3 books)
Publisher Penguin, 2019
Ivanoff, George
Image currently unavailable
Australia's commemorative days
Well-organised under clear headings and well-presented information on days that are celebrated in Australia with contents, websites, a glossary and ideas for related things to do.
ISBN 9781740702966
Series Australian Library series (3 of 21)
Publisher Harcourt Education Australia, 2006
Atkins, Michelle
Image currently unavailable
Australia's critically endangered animals
Well-organised under clear headings and well-presented information on Australia's critically endangered animals with contents, websites, a glossary and ideas for related things to do.
ISBN 9781740703215
Series Australian Library series (7 of 21)
Publisher Heinemann, 2006
Roc, Margaret & Hawke, Kathleen
Image currently unavailable
Australia's currency
Well-organised under clear headings and well-presented information on all aspects of Australian currency including manufacture and design with contents, websites, a glossary and ideas for related things to do.
ISBN 9781740702959
Series Australian Library series (11 of 21)
Publisher Harcourt Children's Books, 2006
Barwick, John & Jennifer
Image currently unavailable
Australia's dangerous bush creatures
Australia has many venomous, dangerous and scary animals. This book is an adventurous exploration of our most feared wildlife. It is overflowing with visual storytelling, maps and facts about Australian snakes, sharks, spiders, crocodiles, stingrays, mosquitoes, goannas, ticks and more.
ISBN 9781925868869
Publisher Woodslane Press, 2022
Mollard, Myke
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Australia's deadly and dangerous animals and plants
Well-organised under clear headings and well-presented information on Australia's deadly and dangerous animals and plants with contents, websites, a glossary and ideas for related things to do.
ISBN 9781740703222
Series Australian Library series (4 of 21)
Publisher Heinemann, 2006
Roc, Margaret & Hawke, Kathleen
Image currently unavailable
Australia's deadly and dangerous animals: fact file
Find out about fifty-six species of Australian animals categorised as deadly, dangerous, harmful or disease carrying. Interesting information and close-up coloured photographs of snakes, crocodiles, insects, spiders, marine life and mammals indicate their physical characteristics, the effects of their venom, where they are commonly found and the number of human deaths they cause.
ISBN 9781741931327
Publisher Steve Parish Publishing Pty Ltd, 2007
Cermak, Michael (phot)
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Australia's dinosaurs
Did you know that Australia's Dinosaurs came in all shapes and sizes? Some were giant long-necked plant-eaters, some had large eyes or huge noses, while others may have been like small speedy tanks! But what happened to the dinosaurs? Discover clues and theories that may explain the lives and deaths of Australia's Dinosaurs.
ISBN 9781740703611
Series Australian Library series (21 books)
Publisher Heinemann, 2007
Plant, Andrew
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Australia's emblems and icons
An in-depth examination of Australia's national emblems, songs, poems and icons.
ISBN 9781740703888
Series Australian Library series (15 of 21)
Publisher Heinemann, 2008
Barwick, John
Image currently unavailable
Australia's explorers
Information about the voyages of discovery made by Captain Cook and Bass and Flinders as well as the many significant expeditions carried out by the early explorers of Australia's inland.
ISBN 9781863919739
Series Australian Library series (21 books)
Publisher Heinemann,
Russell, Jennifer
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Australia's government
Well-organised under clear headings and well-presented information on the way government in Australia is organised with contents, websites, a glossary and ideas for related things to do.
ISBN 9781740703246
Series Australian Library series (8 of 21)
Publisher Harcourt Education Australia, 2006
Einspruch, Andrew
Image currently unavailable
Australia's landforms
Well-organised under clear headings and well-presented information on some of the unique and impressive landforms that can be found in Australia with contents, websites, a glossary and ideas for related things to do.
ISBN 9781740702980
Series Australian Library series (12 of 21)
Publisher Heinemann, 2006
McClish, Bruce
Image currently unavailable
Australia's most notorious bushrangers
Well-organised under clear headings and well-presented information about Australia's most notorious bushrangers with contents, websites, a glossary and ideas for related things to do.
ISBN 9781740702218
Series Australian Library series (5 of 21)
Publisher Heinemann, 2006
Sheppard, Anna
Image currently unavailable
Australia's national parks
Well-organised under clear headings and well-presented information on some of our national parks. Includes a glossary, websites and ideas for related things to do.
ISBN 9781740703895
Series Australian Library series (17 of 21)
Publisher Heinemann, 2008
Greagg, David
Image currently unavailable
Australia's neighbours: Indonesia
Indonesia is the world's largest island country, with 17,508 islands, of which about 6,000 are inhabited. Find out what life is like in Indonesia. Discover Indonesia's ethnic diversity and how people live, work and play. Learn about the events that shaped this fascinating country.
ISBN 9781925630060
Publisher Redback Publishing, 2018
Hinchey, Jane
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Australia's shipwrecks and sea mysteries
Well-organised under clear headings and well-presented information about Australia's shipwrecks and sea mysteries, with a glossary of terms, website addresses and ideas for related things to do.
ISBN 9781740703871
Series Australian Library series (16 of 21)
Publisher Heinemann, 2008
Barwick, John & Jennifer
Image currently unavailable
Australia's worst disasters
Well-organised under clear headings and well-presented information on some of the natural disasters and terrible events that have happened on Australian soil with contents, websites, a glossary and ideas for related things to do.
ISBN 9781740703239
Series Australian Library series (9 of 21)
Publisher Heinemann, 2006
Atkins, Michelle
Image currently unavailable
Australia, a global nation 1976-today
Explore the fascinating story of Australia, from its ancient Indigenous past to the present day, through the biographies of significant people. Find out how these people brought important changes to Australian society through their knowledge, actions or achievements.
ISBN 9781420266245
Series Significant people in Australia's history series (9 of 9)
Publisher Macmillan Education Australia Pty Ltd, 2009
Barrett, Rees
Image currently unavailable
Australia: Country of colour
With its vivid red dirt, big blue skies, wild green bushland and golden sandy beaches, Australia is a country of extraordinary colour. Here is a celebration of the stunning plants and animals of this colourful country, from vibrant pink Flame Peas to startling blue Fairy Wrens, electric yellow Billy Buttons, glossy black Tasmanian Devils, and many more. Come and take a closer look at nature's paintbox and the rainbow of life that lives in Australia, from one of our best-loved picture book creators.
ISBN 9781922863881
Publisher Affirm Press, 2023
Racklyeft, Jess
Image currently unavailable
Australia: everything you ever wanted to know
This is not a guidebook. And it is definitely 'not-for-parents'. It is the real, inside story about one of the world's most exciting countries - Australia. In this book you'll hear fascinating tales about toothy sharks, giant rocks and snappy crocs, bushranger baddies and explorers galore. Check out cool stories about a famous coat-hanger, underground hotels, a super-fast horse and a very rough race. You'll find flying doctors and flying fruit flies, flesh-eating spiders and thieving convicts.
ISBN 9781743214183
Series Not-for-parents series (8 books)
Publisher Lonely Planet Publications, 2012
Scott, Janine & Rees, Peter (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Australian birds
It took millions of years of isolation and a diverse range of habitats for Australian birds to evolve the way they did. The result is many of the world's most striking and beautiful birds, including some that are stranger than fiction. 16 remarkable species are featured in this beautiful book. From the iconic cockatoo, to the endangered cassowary, Australian Birds has been carefully curated to inform and entrance readers of all ages.
ISBN 9781760502003
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2018
Chun, Matt
Image currently unavailable
Australian landscapes: Water
Australia is the second driest continent on Earth, after the Antarctic. The availability of water has defined the spread of human settlement, from the arrival of the first Aboriginal Australians over 50,000 years ago, right up until the present. Water is precious in Australia and it is not a free resource. Discover the role in human history of the hidden, underground water sources across Australia and see how the presence or lack of water has affected our geography, economy and history.
ISBN 9781925630237
Publisher Redback Publishing, 2018
Dixon, Rachel
Image currently unavailable
Australian Library series
Any five titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top of the screen.
Series Australian Library series (21 books)
No book cover.
Australian sea life
Lurking under Australia's oceans live a vast array of stunning and sometimes dangerous creatures. Sixteen of them have been featured in this stunning book. From the dangerous Great White Shark to the delicate Weedy Sea Dragon learn some new facts about how they live and be amazed by the beautiful illustrations.
ISBN 9781760504694
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2019
Chun, Matt
Image currently unavailable
Australians all
Covers the history of our continent from the Ice Age to the Apology, from the arrival of the First Fleet to the Mabo Judgement. Some of the subjects of the eighty mini-biographies of young Australians have become nationally or even internationally famous. Others were legends in their own families and communities.
ISBN 9781741146370
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2013
Wheatley, Nadia & Searle, Ken (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Autos with attitude
Leave the world behind and dare to be different. Find out about some fabulous racing cars, hot rods, custom-made cars and monster trucks. Easy to access information includes unusual or amazing facts, photographs, charts and maps.
ISBN 9780779139774
Series X-zone series (48 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2004
Topics / Year 6 easy reads /
Ramsden, Julie & Ramsden, Michael
Image currently unavailable
Averil series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Averil series (3 books)
Barwick, John
No book cover.
Averil The beast of Dreyon
In the fast-moving second instalment of the stunning Averil trilogy. Averil, returning from a trading expedition, is horrified to find that the Wise Woman Warrior Metria and Averil's sister, Ludella, have been kidnapped. Averil and a smal band of warriors set out to rescue them. They find the wider world again thrown into chaos. The evil sorcerer Malidon has emerged stronger than ever, and this time not even the master sorcerer Panay is strong enough to defeat him. Will Averil be able to convince the reclusive and mysterious Beast of Dreyon to help them?
ISBN 9781925675184
Series Averil series (2 of 3)
Publisher Big Sky Publishing, 2018
Barwick, John
Image currently unavailable
Averil The master of Callus
Averil discovers a world of wonder, sorcery and evil and is drawn into a battle between malevolent powers that threaten to change the world forever.
ISBN 9781925675177
Series Averil series (1 of 3)
Publisher Big Sky Publishing, 2018
Barwick, John
Image currently unavailable
Averil The winged spear of Iraz
The stirring final book of the Averil trilogy finds the Taalian Alliance again threatened by evil. The sorcerer Malidon has captured the iron forges of Suther, stemming the flow of weapons to the rest of the world. Averil, now Aum's Chief Trader-Diplomat, knows of an ancient magical weapon that might be used to finally defeat Malidon- the Winged Spear of Iraz. But the spear is lost. Its custodian, the Beast of Dreyon, helped Averil once. Will it help her again? And what will happen in the final dramatic battle? Fourteen-year-old Averil has never been far from the small desert town of Aum. But all that is about to change. Chosen as a novice Trader-Diplomat on her first expedition, she finds a world full of surprises. But Evil is stirring, and Averil is drawn into a battle between malevolent powers that threatens to change the world forever. In a world of war and sorcery, Averil finds strengths and qualities she didn't know she possessed.
ISBN 9781925675207
Series Averil series (3 of 3)
Publisher Big Sky Publishing, 2019
Barwick, John
Image currently unavailable
Avoid being a convict sent to Australia
A light-hearted but factual account of the social conditions and crimes that led to convicts being transported to Australia. An accurate and vivid account is given of life when Australia is reached. Cartoon-style illustrations add to humour.
ISBN 9780864615176
Publisher Koala Books, 2005
Costain, Meredith & Antram, David (ill)
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Away from home
Stefan's passion is football, so he's thrilled to be attending The Academy. He has one small problem though, he can barely speak a word of English. Will the language barrier affect his game?
ISBN 9781405251648
Series David Beckham Academy series, The (4 books)
Publisher Egmont Childrens,
The David Beckham Academy staff
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Awful Auntie
Stella Saxby is the sole heir to Saxby Hall. But, awful Aunt Alberta and her giant owl will stop at nothing to get it from her. Luckily, Stella has a secret, and slightly spooky, weapon up her sleeve.
ISBN 9780007453610
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2014
Walliams, David & Ross, Tony (ill)
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Aztec attack
There's something fishy about this mission. Not only is Battle Boy 005 dressed as a big bird but there's something Professor Perdu isn't telling him. There are more gadgets than ever before and Skin is scanning the faces of all the Aztecs and Spaniards, looking for something.
ISBN 9780330425582
Series Battle boy series (5 of 15)
Publisher Pan MacMillan, 2010
Carter, Charlie & Jeffery, Russell (ill)
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