
Challenge Level : K-2 Challenge Level : 3-4 Challenge Level : 5-6 Challenge Level : 7-9 Challenge Level : 9plus
ID Title Author  
A is for Australian Animals
Australia is full of the most amazing animals on the planet! What animal has 6 thumbs? What animal produces square poo? What animal is made of 95 per cent water and is highly venomous? Discover the answers to these questions and more in this factastic tour of Australian animals.
ISBN 9781925381009
Publisher Walker Books, 2017
Lessac, Frane
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A-Z of Australian bush creatures, An
This unique A-Z book truly captures the range and diversity of our unique and wondrous Australian wildlife. Exploring common names, aboriginal names, Latin names and from every corner of Australia, the book includes over 400 native animals, from sea creatures and insects, to amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. The book highlights the endangered, sometimes the extinct and the rare beauty of Australia and its islands and territories. Fully indexed, this book invites and engages kids (and kid-adults) of all ages to find, discover and learn all the animal names and compare their different types. Originally assisted by leading biologists, author Myke has ensured the illustrations are anatomically correct as well as vibrant and enchanting. As a bonus, you can find one human in the book doing what Myke loves best as a recreational pursuit.
ISBN 9781925868685
Publisher Woodslane Press, 2022
Mollard, Myke
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Abandoned puppy, The
Zoe is thrilled to be helping out at her Auntie Jo's animal shelter over the Easter holidays. But, she doesn't expect to come across a box on the steps of the shelter containing three tiny, abandoned puppies. It's touch and go for the littlest pup, whom Zoe names Cookie. Over the next few weeks, Zoe takes special care of Cookie and a close bond is formed between the two of them. Zoe tries to learn to cope when it comes for the puppies to be rehoused.
ISBN 9781847153609
Series Holly Webb's kittens & puppies series (32 books)
Publisher Stripes, 2013
Webb, Holly & Williams, Sophy (ill)
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ABC book of lullabies, The
An enchanting collection of lullabies, chosen and illustrated by well-known Australian artists. They use collage, pen and ink, gouache, chalk, charcoal, pencil and watercolour to present a varied, visual experience of the lullabies.
ISBN 9780733323621
Publisher ABC Books, 2008
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ABC kids guide to loving the planet, The
Our planet is precious. It's where we live, learn, work and play. This charming picture book is a gentle introduction to caring for the world around us. The simple, engaging text and beautiful illustrations explore ideas like planting veggie gardens and recycling, to show the ways every person, no matter how big or small, can make a difference.
ISBN 9780733341045
Publisher ABC Books, 2022
Crupi, Jaclyn & Orsini, Cheryl (ill)
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ABC of Australian animals
Organised alphabetically, the beautiful, full page photographs and short but excellent texts in this book provide a wealth of information about Australian animals.
ISBN 9781876288068
Publisher Working Title Press, 2000
Morcombe, Irene
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ABC of Australian birds
Organised alphabetically, the beautiful, full page photographs and short but excellent texts in this book provide a wealth of information about Australian birds.
ISBN 9781876288129
Publisher Working Title Press, 2000
Morcombe, Irene
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Abel's moon
Abel Grable's work takes him into remote jungles with only the moon to guide the way. His children love to hear about his moonlit adventures when he's back home. When he's away, the children use his desk as a moon machine for their own adventures.
ISBN 9780099265351
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2002
Hughes, Shirley
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Aboriginal peoples of Australia
Indigenous and non-indigenous writers work in collaboration with indigenous people to present a vast amount of information about the Aboriginal peoples of Australia. Provides information on each author.
ISBN 9789812320650
Publisher Times Editions, 2000
Bartlett, Anne
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About this little devil and this little fella
This greedy little fella just can't stop eating honey and won't go home with his mother. The grumpy little devil is nearby chopping wood to make a fire to cook his dinner. But first, he has to catch it.
ISBN 9781875641420
Publisher Magabala Books, 1999
Barunga, Albert & Mueche, Stephen & Dowling, Julie (ill)
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Accidental princess, The
Matilda's sister, Iris, has a precious possession, an old penny passed on to her by Great Grandfather Parnell. After a fight, Matilda hides the penny in a lilac hedge in the garden. When she goes to retrieve it, the penny is gone. Two sets of glittering emerald eyes are watching Matilda and when she reaches further into the hedge, she sets off a tale of the penny that is more than it seems.
ISBN 9780670074969
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2011
Storer, Jen & Masciullo, Lucia (ill)
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Accidentally on purpose
When Daisy tipped sprinkles on Gabby's ice-cream cake and some went in mum's boots, it might have been an accident. There are lots of naughty things that Gabby might do accidentally or maybe even on purpose.
ISBN 9781862305311
Series Daisy series (11 of 15)
Publisher Red Fox, 2008
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
Gray, Kes & Sharratt, Nick (ill)
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Across the dark sea
Trung and his father are separated from his mother and sister while escaping from Vietnam to Australia. The story traces their dangerous journey and the difficulties they face as refugees assimilating into Australian society. While they want desperately to be reunited, they did not want Trung's mother and sister to travel to Australia on a leaky boat.
ISBN 9781876944452
Series Making tracks (1 of 17)
Publisher National Museum of Australia Press, 2006
Orr, Wendy
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Action Tank
Once upon a time there was a boy who opened his eyes...and noticed something. He was lost. So begins the first adventure of Action Tank. The boy soon discovers he is not the only one on this strange planet on which he has woken, and while some creatures are helpful and friendly, others are not. All the boy knows is he is late home for his carbonara dinner! Join the adventure as the boy braves the dreaded Snowgers Cave and a two million degree lake with his new friend, a talking horse man, as he attempts to find his way home for dinner.
ISBN 9780648054900
Publisher Mike Barry Was Here, 2017
Barry, Mike
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Action Tank book 2
A boy races across the Solar System, piloting a beat-up spaceship and accompanied by his fascinating new friends. Forced to crash land on Neptune, he's soon dodging lightning cannons, racing hovercrafts, and trying to outsmart a bunch of super aggressive guys with buckets on their heads, all in the hope of making it back to Earth in time for his Mum's spaghetti carbonara.
ISBN 9780648054924
Publisher Mike Barry Was Here, 2020
Barry, Mike
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Ada's violin: The story of the Recycled Orchestra of Paraguay
Ada Rios grew up in Cateura, a small town in Paraguay built on a landfill. Her family were recyclers of trash. With little money, Ada's dream to play the violin was never possible. When music teacher, Favio Chavez, arrived, he wanted to give the children something special. He made instruments out of materials found in the trash, a crazy idea that would leave Ada and her town forever changed. Now, The Recycled Orchestra plays around the world, spreading their message of hope and innovation. Based on a true story.
ISBN 9781481430951
Publisher Simon & Schuster, 2016
Hood, Susan & Wern Comport, Sally (ill)
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Adelaide's secret world
In the midst of the city, Adelaide leads a quiet life. At night, she listens to the song of the stars. During the day, she watches over the others that are like her - the still ones, the quiet ones, and those who dance and dream alone. Little does Adelaide know that her secret world will soon be transformed into something unexpected and full of joy.
ISBN 9781743313350
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2015
Hurst, Elise
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Advance Australia fair
Australian's all, let us rejoice... Our national anthem, beautifully illustrated.
ISBN 9780207185991
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2002
McCormick, Peter Dodds & Flowers, Tony (ill)
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Adventures of a late-night swearer, The
Speedy Simpson is the absolute best at everything. But, Bebe La Mouche has a special talent with words that is going to take some beating. When Speedy stumbles upon a secret word, he is sure it will impress Bebe and his classmates. But, he soon discovers that there is more than one way to be the best.
ISBN 9780702236525
Publisher University of Queensland Press, 2008
Hilton, Nette & Jellet, Tom (ill)
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Adventures of Alfie Onion, The
Alfie Onion has just set off on a great adventure but only to carry his brother's luggage. It's his older brother, Magnifico Onion, who's destined to make his family's fortune. But, when it turns out that Magnifico isn't half the hero he's cracked up to be, it falls to Alfie to save the day, with a little help from his loyal dog, a talking horse and a couple of meddling magpies.
ISBN 9781406363104
Publisher Walker Books, 2016
French, Vivian & Kissi, Marta (ill)
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Adventures of Anders, the
Anders, Bernie and Eden are best friends and are always on the lookout for new adventures. In these three exciting stories, discover an unknown comet, explore an extinct volcano and find your way through a castle maze.
ISBN 9781760632076
Series Anders series (3 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2019
Mackay, Gregory
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Adventures of Jellybean, The
Rory and Trang are best friends who share many interests, including the desire to get a pet goat. When their parents agree and Jellybean moves into Rory's backyard, mayhem ensues. This sweet story includes a community of very special people who all want the boys to be successful in raising their unusual pet. And Jellybean has a big surprise in store for them all.
ISBN 9780702260001
Publisher University of Queensland Press, 2018
Condon, Bill & Bates, Dianne
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Adventures of Miss Petitfour, The
Miss Petitfour enjoys having adventures that are just the right size. She's an expert at baking and eating fancy iced cakes, and her favourite mode of travel is par avion. On windy days, she takes her sixteen cats out for an airing. Join Miss Petitfour and her equally eccentric felines on five magical outings.
ISBN 9781408868041
Publisher Bloomsbury, 2015
Michaels, Anne & Block, Emma (ill)
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Adventures of Pete paddock-basher, The
Once Pete was a brand new car with flash tyres, sparkling chrome and more shine than the sun. Now he is a worn-out old farm car, a paddock-basher. Life on the farm can still be fun, but Pete dreams of greater things.
ISBN 9781876289263
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 1999
Heffernan, John
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Adventures of Riley series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Adventures of Riley series (8 books)
Lumry, Amanda & Hurwitz, Laura (ill)
No book cover.
Adventures of Riley: dolphins in danger
Riley travels to the South Pacific island of Moorea with his Uncle Max, Aunt Martha and Cousin Alice. Their mission is to study spinner dolphins and enjoy swimming, having surfing lessons and close encounters with humpback whales. When several dolphins become trapped in a local lagoon, Riley may not realise that he holds the key to their survival.
ISBN 9780545068406
Series Adventures of Riley series (8 books)
Publisher Scholastic US, 2010
Lumry, Amanda & Hurwitz, Laura (ill)
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Adventures of Riley: outback odyssey
Riley, his cousin Alice, Aunt Martha and Uncle Max visit the Australian outback to research the local koala population, suffering due to drought, bushfires and farming in its natural habitat. While staying at a working sheep station, they see lots of native animals and Riley saves the sheep from a wild dingo. Scientists appearing in small portraits provide factual information about koalas and their habitat.
ISBN 9780545068451
Series Adventures of Riley series (8 books)
Publisher Scholastic US, 2009
Topics / Endangered species /
Lumry, Amanda & Hurwitz, Laura (ill)
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Adventures of Riley: polar bear puzzle
Riley and family fly north to Canada, to watch polar bears. There's just one problem: no ice. For polar bears, no ice means no seals, and without food, the bears can quickly become hungry, weak, and dangerous.
ISBN 9780545068383
Series Adventures of Riley series (8 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2010
Lumry, Amanda & Hurwitz, Laura (ill)
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Adventures of Riley: project panda
Riley, who is nine, receives a call for help from his Uncle Max a globe-trotting, research scientist. This time they must find a missing panda in the Jiuzhaigou Valley, twelve hundred kilometres west of Beijing, China. Scientists appearing in small portraits provide factual information about pandas and their habitat.
ISBN 9780545068284
Series Adventures of Riley series (8 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2008
Topics / Endangered species /
Lumry, Amanda & Hurwitz, Laura (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Adventures of Riley: riddle of the reef
Journey to Australia's Great Barrier Reef with Riley and his family as they see what's up down under. Large areas of the coral reef are dying and they need to find out why. Joined by Wyland, world-renowned marine artist and conservationist, the crew faces giant starfish, great white sharks and even poachers in their search for answers.
ISBN 9780545068475
Series Adventures of Riley series (8 books)
Publisher Scholastic US, 2009
Lumry, Amanda & Hurwitz, Laura (ill)
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Adventures of Riley: safari in South Africa
Riley embarks on an expedition with his aunt, his cousin and his Uncle Max to track animals in South Africa. Scientists appearing in small portraits provide factual information about animals native to South Africa and their habitat.
ISBN 9780545068260
Series Adventures of Riley series (8 books)
Publisher Scholastic US, 2009
Lumry, Amanda & Hurwitz, Laura (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Adventures of Riley: South Pole penguins
Riley joins Uncle Max on a voyage to the South Pole to find out if the penguins of Antarctica are getting their fill of krill, or whether climate change has reshaped the food web. Home to whales, seals, penguins and most of the world's ice, Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth. Riley learns valuable lessons about survival and cooperation.
ISBN 9780545068369
Series Adventures of Riley series (8 books)
Publisher Scholastic US, 2009
Lumry, Amanda & Hurwitz, Laura (ill)
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Adventures of Riley: tigers in Terai
Riley journeys to the Terai Arc region of India and Nepal in search of the elusive Bengal tiger. Riley's research leads to exciting encounters with some weird and wild animals, such as an Asian rhino and a king cobra, and a better understanding of the local culture.
ISBN 9780545068420
Series Adventures of Riley series (8 books)
Publisher Scholastic US, 2009
Lumry, Amanda & Hurwitz, Laura (ill)
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Adventures of the muddle-headed wombat, The
The first adventure of the muddle-headed wombat and his further adventures at school, on holiday and in the tree-tops with his friends, a tiny, practical mouse and a vain, neurotic, tabby cat, combined in one book.
ISBN 9780207167416
Series Muddle-headed wombat series (12 of 14)
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 1990
Park, Ruth & Young, Noela (ill)
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Adventures of Zack Proton and the red giant, The
Intergalactic hero, Zack Proton, and Omega Chimp risk life and limb to save the universe from the evil Big Large. Find out how banana skins come in handy.
ISBN 9781416913641
Publisher Aladdin Publishing, 2006
Anderson, Brian & Holgate, Doug (ill)
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Aesop's fables
Some of Aesop's best-loved stories are retold simply in this easy-to-read, language-rich and delightfully illustrated book. The hare, tortoise, crow, ant, dove, fox, stork, mouse, dog and lion, all have lessons to teach us.
ISBN 9780746054086
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2003
Watson, Carol (reteller)
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Africa, amazing Africa: Country by country
'Discover the amazing diversity of the African continent in this celebration of all 55 countries on the African continent! The beautifully-written text captures Africa's unique mix of the modern and the traditional, as she explores its geography, its peoples, its animals, its history, its resources and its cultural diversity.
ISBN 9781406376586
Publisher Walker Books, 2019
Atinuke & Feddag, Mouni (ill)
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Against the odds
Kiki's father is a doctor who travels to faraway war zones. She always worries about him and, to calm her, Kiki's mother explains her father's likelihood of return in terms of odds. When her father goes missing, Kiki decides she has to try and improve the odds of her father coming home, the only way she can.
ISBN 9781742375083
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2011
Hof, Marjolijn & Prins, Johanna H (trans)
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Alan the alien
A boy arrives on Clark's doorstep and says he is an exchange student but there is something not quite right. Alan Alyian is weird and he's full of surprises.
ISBN 9780864614179
Publisher Koala Books, 2002
Hall, Penny
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Albatross, The
On Macquarie Island, in the Southern Ocean far below Tasmania, the sea-birds throng; petrels, penguins, shearwaters, skuas. But rarest of all, the Wandering Albatross, wondrous master of the sky and sea. Yet there is blood and death in the water, and for one priceless breeding pair, the dangers gather.
ISBN 9780994611840
Publisher Bullawai Books, 2020
Pickworth, Bruce & Robertson, Lorraine (ill)
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Albert Ironstain
Albert Ironstain invents a great robot, Elvis, to be his identical twin but this invention turns out to be a very mixed blessing. Elvis is inclined to misunderstand commands with hilarious results and starts to develop a will of his own.
ISBN 9780864615022
Publisher Koala Books, 2003
Condon, Bill
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Alby and the cat
Alby has just completed his training as a guide dog and arrives at his new owner's house. However, the neighbour's cat isn't nearly as enthusiastic about Alby's arrival.
ISBN 9781741786354
Series Alby and the cat series (3 books)
Publisher The Five Mile Press Pty Ltd, 2008
Davidson, Leanne & Dale, Rae (ill)
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Alby and the cat series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Alby and the cat series (3 books)
No book cover.
Alby and the cat: All holed up
Alby comes face to face with the dreadful, small human from his past. But, this time, Alby holds all the cards. Faced with a terrible dilemma, he must listen to either his fear or his training.
ISBN 9780980724134
Series Alby and the cat series (3 books)
Publisher LJD Books, 2016
Davidson, Leanne & Dingwall, Kim (ill)
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Alby and the cat: Showbusiness
Alby the guide dog is getting used to the cat next door. It saved his life, after all and Alby is almost fond of it. Then, suddenly, the cat disappears. Days pass and Alby is worried. It's not until Jim, his blind master, takes Alby to the Morvale Show that all becomes clear.
ISBN 9780980724110
Series Alby and the cat series (3 books)
Publisher LJD Books, 2010
Davidson, Leanne & Dingwall, Kim (ill)
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Alex, the walking accident, Books for Boys
Alex's parents ask him to keep out of trouble for just one day. Alex tries, he even thinks the sideways skateboard will help him to do so.
ISBN 9780340911112
Series Books for boys series (7 of 13)
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (UK), 2006
Whybrow, Ian & Ross, Tony (ill)
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Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day
Alexander woke up with chewing gum in his hair. When he got out of bed, he tripped on his skateboard and then dropped his jumper in the sink while the water was running. He knew it was going to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
ISBN 9780207153174
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 1986
Viorst, Judith & Cruz, Ray (ill)
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Alexander who used to be rich last Sunday
Alexander's grandparents give him a dollar. He contemplates his new found wealth and how he will spend it.
ISBN 9780689711992
Publisher Aladdin Publishing, 2005
Topics / K-2 Numeracy /
Viorst, Judith & Cruz, Ray (ill)
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Alfie all alone
Evie is overjoyed when she is given her very own puppy, Alfie. Alfie adores Evie - he loves to be cuddled, sleeps on her bed and welcomes her home from school every day with a wag of his tail. But it's not long before another new member of the family arrives: Evie's baby brother, Sam. Suddenly no-one has much time to look after Alfie, let alone play with him and take him for walks, and soon he finds himself unwanted and all alone.
ISBN 9781847150158
Series Holly Webb's kittens & puppies series (32 books)
Publisher Stripes, 2007
Webb, Holly & Williams, Sophy (ill)
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Alfie wins a prize
With all the nostalgia of a country fair, Alfie comes up with a winning painting and helps the losers to cope with their disappointment.
ISBN 9780370328249
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2004
Hughes, Shirley
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Alfie's search for destiny
Confused about his destiny, Alfie sets off across the country to ask the animals for their advice, before returning home to discover the answer.
ISBN 9781922142115
Publisher Magabala Books, 2013
Hardy, David
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Ali's story
Ten year old Ali is a refugee. Accompanied by his grandmother, Ali had to flee his home country of Afghanistan to avoid the conflicts caused by war. In his own words, Ali documents his feelings of alienation, separation and suffering, and the thread of hope that helped him overcome his ordeal.
ISBN 9780750292078
Series Seeking refuge series (5 books)
Publisher Wayland, 2016
Topics / Displacement /
Glynne, Andy & Maldonado, Salvador (ill)
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Alice and the airy fairy
Mary the airy fairy is coming to stay with Alice and her family. Is she a real fairy or just a free spirit.
ISBN 9781921928451
Series Little Rockets series (9 books)
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2013
Clark, Margaret
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Alice's Shoe
A country child, Alice ran barefoot. On smooth waxed floorboards, over dusty clay in the yard, through icy water in the creek... she refused to wear shoes. After losing her sight and hearing through illness, Alice slowly made her way back to life and became the first deafblind person in Australia to be educated. Her hated shoe was Alice's first connection with the world of language as she learnt to sign.
ISBN 9781922858139
Publisher MidnightSun Publishing, 2023
Thorndyke, Julie & Harrison, Jennifer (ill)
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Alice-Miranda at camp
Alice-Miranda is at camp, but it's not all fun and games, as she keeps an eye on the newest student, who seems determined to case trouble. The camp is next door to Alice-Miranda's father's childhood home, which needs some investigation.
ISBN 9781742757612
Series Alice-Miranda series (16 books)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2014
Harvey, Jacqueline
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Alice-Miranda at school
At the age of seven and one quarter, Alice-Miranda Highton-Smith-Kennington-Jones cheerfully waves goodbye to her weeping parents and takes her place at the Winchesterfield-Downsfordvale Academy for Proper Young Ladies. Alice-Miranda's optimism must overcome quite a few obstacles.
ISBN 9781741664515
Series Alice-Miranda series (16 books)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2010
Harvey, Jacqueline
Image currently unavailable
Alice-Miranda at sea
Alice-Miranda is set for a luxurious cruise aboard the royal yacht Octavia, where Aunty Gee is hosting the wedding of Aunt Charlotte and Lawrence Ridley. Even Ambrosia Headlington-Bear has come along, much to her daughter Jacinta's surprise. Wild weather and rumours of a jewel thief throw the travellers into turmoil, but something else is giving Alice-Miranda one of her strange feelings.
ISBN 9781864718485
Series Alice-Miranda series (16 books)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2011
Harvey, Jacqueline
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Alice-Miranda at the palace
Alice-Miranda and her friends are invited to the palace for the Queen's celebration, but people are behaving strangely, with sinister things at play.
ISBN 9780857982728
Series Alice-Miranda series (16 books)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2015
Harvey, Jacqueline
Image currently unavailable
Alice-Miranda Holds the Key
In a startling turn of events, Alice-Miranda unexpectedly finishes the school term earlier than planned. Holidays should be a time for fun and a chance to catch up with friends, but it seems all is not well at Highton Hall. There is trouble afoot with the family business and it's got everyone worried. Scores of people have been struck down with a mystery illness and it looks as if Kennington's may be responsible. Meanwhile, there is an annual garden party to prepare for. And the whole village is invited. Throw in an intriguing neighbour, a runaway and a swindler and it may be the perfect recipe for disaster. Alice-Miranda will have to trust her intuition to find the key to unlock this mystery.
ISBN 9780143780700
Series Alice-Miranda series (16 books)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2017
Harvey, Jacqueline
Image currently unavailable
Alice-Miranda in China
Alice-Miranda and her friends are on a school exchange in China. There's so much to see and do, and plenty of new people to meet. Among the whirlwind of sights is a breathtaking circus show, a hair-raising feat and an encounter with a family of acrobats. While some are having a great time, others haven't quite landed on their feet. Throw in clashing personalities and the theft of a priceless antiquity, and sparks are set to fly. There may be more than just fireworks in store for Alice-Miranda and her friends.
ISBN 9780857985200
Series Alice-Miranda series (16 books)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2016
Harvey, Jacqueline
Image currently unavailable
Alice-Miranda in Egypt
The Queen's Colours leadership program is heading to Egypt and Alice-Miranda and her friends are thrilled. There are hidden tombs to explore, a new culture to experience and a lot to learn about the country's ancient past. But something is amiss among the pyramids and palm trees. Bizarre happenings back home, a new friend with something to hide and adults with stories that don't quite add up leave the friends very worried indeed. One thing's for sure: when Alice-Miranda starts digging, she'll find more than just buried treasure!
ISBN 9781760891046
Series Alice-Miranda series (16 books)
Publisher Penguin, 2021
Harvey, Jacqueline
Image currently unavailable
Alice-Miranda in Hollywood
Alice-Miranda and her friends are off to Hollywood to take part in Lawrence Ridley's new movie. It's a western with a twist, and they'll be shooting some scenes on location at the picturesque Grand Canyon. Everyone's excited to get a sneak peek of the glitz and glamour of show business- especially Caprice! On set, however, there is high drama with tears and tantrums, romance and a string of suspicious mishaps. Is there a villain lurking behind the scenes, or could the rumours of a curse be true? Alice-Miranda is determined to get to the bottom of the mystery before tensions explode.
ISBN 9780143780618
Series Alice-Miranda series (16 books)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2017
Harvey, Jacqueline
Image currently unavailable
Alice-Miranda in Japan
Alice-Miranda is in Japan and gets embroiled in an elaborate missing persons hunt when she is given a gift from her father that confuses the would-be trackers. Things come to a head when the tourists get an invitation to attend dinner at the Royal Palace in Tokyo, and the plans of a jealous sister begin to unravel, with startling consequences.
ISBN 9781742757599
Series Alice-Miranda series (16 books)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2014
Harvey, Jacqueline
Image currently unavailable
Alice-Miranda in New York
New York is a blur of skyscrapers, hot dog carts and chats with zoo animals. Alice-Miranda is worried about her father and her friend Lucinda is shy about inviting Alice Mirand to her house. While solving these riddles, she still wants to search the amazing city.
ISBN 9781742751146
Series Alice-Miranda series (16 books)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2012
Harvey, Jacqueline
Image currently unavailable
Alice-Miranda in Paris
Alica-Miranda and school friends are in Paris for fashion week, where some expensive fabric has been stolen from France's best known designer, showing a darker side to the glitz and glamour of Paris.
ISBN 9781742752884
Series Alice-Miranda series (16 books)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2013
Harvey, Jacqueline
Image currently unavailable
Alice-Miranda in Scotland
A select group of students have been invited to attend the inaugural Future Leaders Opportunity Program in Scotland. Alice-Miranda and her friends are some of the lucky few and they just might be joined by a few familiar faces from around the globe. There are new skills to be learned and challenges to conquer as well as a few fiery feuds for Alice-Miranda to settle! The organisation is being run by some interesting characters and, as the tournament reaches its climax, tempers start to fray. Is there another reason these particular children were brought together?
ISBN 9780143786016
Series Alice-Miranda series (16 books)
Publisher Penguin Random House Australia, 2018
Harvey, Jacqueline
Image currently unavailable
Alice-Miranda in the Alps
Alice-Miranda and her friends are off to St Moritz in Switzerland to ski and sightsee. Mid-holiday, the Baron, a close friend of Alice-Miranda's family, reappears after being mysteriously out of contact, and the group heads across the country to Zermatt. The resort town is full of charm but, underneath the picturesque exterior, there are shady dealings and unsavoury characters.
ISBN 9780857982742
Series Alice-Miranda series (16 books)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2015
Harvey, Jacqueline
Image currently unavailable
Alice-Miranda in the outback
Alice-Miranda and her friends are off to the Australian Outback! They're going to help an old family friend who's found himself short staffed during cattle mustering season. The landscape is like nothing else - wide open and dusty red as far as the eye can see. It's also full of quirky characters, like eccentric opal miner Sprocket McGinty and the enigmatic Taipan Dan. As the gang settles in at Hope Springs Station, mysteries start piling up. A strange map is discovered indicating treasure beneath the paddocks, a young girl is missing and there are unexplained water shortages. Can Alice-Miranda get to the bottom of this desert dilemma?
ISBN 9781760891039
Series Alice-Miranda series (16 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2020
Harvey, Jacqueline
Image currently unavailable
Alice-Miranda keeps the beat
After a disastrous fire in the village leaves a family without a home, Alice-Miranda and her friends pitch in to help. They decide to hold a music festival to raise funds. The only trouble is, not everyone's as keen on the idea. Things are also heating up in Winchesterfield-Downsfordvale Academy for Proper Young Ladies with Miss Reedy at the helm. The arrival of a new teacher, a deputy turned diva and an entire faculty of disgruntled staff sees tempers flare. Has the power gone to Miss Reedy's head or is there a sinister hand at play? One thing is for certain: there's no smoke without fire. Alice-Miranda is put to the test. Can she ensure the festival, with its many secrets and surprises, hits all the right notes?
ISBN 9780143786030
Series Alice-Miranda series (16 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2019
Harvey, Jacqueline
Image currently unavailable
Alice-Miranda on holiday
Alice-Miranda Highton-Smith-Kennington-Jones on holidays from the Winchesterfield-Downsfordvale Academy for Proper Ladies with new friend, Jacinta Headlington-Bear, has lots of smashing times. There's horse-riding, cake to eat, meeting old friends and new, plus solving a heinous crime.
ISBN 9781864719840
Series Alice-Miranda series (16 books)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2010
Harvey, Jacqueline
Image currently unavailable
Alice-Miranda series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Alice-Miranda series (16 books)
No book cover.
Alice-Miranda shines bright
The sixth grade girls are preparing for a change to high school. Jacinta is being particularly grumpy and even with the most persistent questioning, no one quite knows why. When Myrtle Parker's husband awakes from his coma and disappears, Alice-Miranda puts on her detective hat. She's determined to find Reginald Parker, deter the politician and uncover exactly why Jacinta is playing up.
ISBN 9781742752907
Series Alice-Miranda series (16 books)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2013
Harvey, Jacqueline
Image currently unavailable
Alice-Miranda shows the way
Alice-Miranda has a birthday to celebrate and a village show to look forward to. Things quickly go from bad to worse when Alice-Miranda's beloved Bony is horsenapped. Can Alice-Miranda uncover the culprit and get her horse back in time for Rockstar to compete in the race?
ISBN 9781742751177
Series Alice-Miranda series (16 books)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2012
Harvey, Jacqueline
Image currently unavailable
Alice-Miranda takes the lead
Alice-Miranda is thrilled to be back at school, where the girls are preparing a play with the neighbouring boys' school. But, it's not all glitter and stage lights. There are rumours of a witch in the woods and Jacinta and Millie are clashing with a rude new student and her pushy mother.
ISBN 9781864718492
Series Alice-Miranda series (16 books)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2011
Harvey, Jacqueline
Image currently unavailable
Alice-Miranda to the rescue
It's the beginning of term and Alice-Miranda is delighted to be back at school. There is excitement with the news of Miss Reedy and Mr Plumpton's engagement. When a surprise arrival is added to the mix, both the students and teachers are thrown into a spin. Nearby, in Winchesterfield, the village about to host Chudleigh's, the country's most prestigious dog show. Along with the event comes a series of bizarre characters.
ISBN 9780857985224
Series Alice-Miranda series (16 books)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2016
Harvey, Jacqueline
Image currently unavailable
Alien invaders from beyond the stars
Protector of planet Earth or abduction by extra-terrestrials! You see strange lights in the night sky one night. It's a flying saucer, just like in the movies. Inside are lizard aliens -- disguised as humans. They have come to invade the planet Earth. You want to resist but your actions may lead to the destruction of humankind . . . Do you have what it takes to save the world? Or will the aliens unleash their ultimate weapon?
ISBN 9780857986719
Series You choose series (6 of 13)
Publisher Penguin Random House Australia, 2015
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
Ivanoff, George
Image currently unavailable
Alien Zoo...and you! The
Twins Ben and Jen inherit a secret alien zoo from their late grandfather. But, on their first day as alien zoo keepers they discover the zoo is in need of repairs, creatures are out of their cages, there's a VIP group on their way for a visit and the supercomputer is mucking up.
ISBN 9781925475630
Publisher Affirm Press, 2018
Beck, Adrian & McKenzie, Heath
Image currently unavailable
Aliens are coming, The
They come from planets near and far, some big, some small, some quite bizarre. Moving at the speed of light and looking for a fight, the aliens are coming to Earth to conquer the human race.
ISBN 9781406306453
Publisher Walker Books, 2008
McNaughton, Colin
Image currently unavailable
Aliens stole my dog, Books for Boys
David needs to find out why the aliens want his help and who else they have kidnapped.
ISBN 9780340918012
Series Books for boys series (5 of 13)
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (UK), 2006
Whybrow, Ian & Ross, Tony (ill)
Image currently unavailable

Alight: A story of fire and nature
Alight shares the story of Australian native plants and animals during a planned fire. This is a fabulous story and resource for any child, who will learn how new flowers and seed capsules grow, and the challenges little animals face in the bush. It includes factual information, a lovely story to engage the reader and stunning illustrations that capture the beauty of the Australian environment.
ISBN 9781486315444
Publisher CSIRO, 2023
Lloyd, Sam & Metcalfe, Samantha (ill)
Image currently unavailable
All aboard the toy train
Poetry, playfully illustrated by Ian Cunliffe, that explores the joys and disappointments of toys - what children want as gifts, what they receive, what they grow tired of and what they break.
ISBN 9780750233170
Publisher Hodder & Stoughton, 2001
Bradman, Tony (comp) & Cunliffe, Ian (ill)
Image currently unavailable
All about dragons
Dig deep into the world of dragons and discover all there is to know about these formidable fire-breathing beasts. Why are dragons so hard to find? What do they eat? When do they sleep? How far can they fly? And is it safe to get close to them? In this follow-up to the bestselling All About Mermaids and All About Fairies, you'll learn everything you ever wanted to know about these captivating creatures.
ISBN 9781760509576
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2021
Quinn, Izzy & Kister, Kristina (ill)
Image currently unavailable
All about fairies
Flit through the fascinating world of fairies and discover everything there is to know about these fabulous creatures.
ISBN 9781760506971
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2020
Quinn, Izzy & Magisson, Helene (ill)
Image currently unavailable
All about Korea: Stories, songs, crafts and games for kids
All About Korea is a great book for teaching children the finer aspects of Korean culture, their way of life and etiquette. This book includes favourite games, special holiday times and after school activities that are unique to Korea.
ISBN 9780804849388
Publisher Tuttle Publishing, 2011
Bowler, Ann Martin & Barg, Soosoonam (ill)
Image currently unavailable
All about mermaids
Dive into the world of mermaids and discover everything there is to know about the ocean's most mysterious creatures. From where they are found to how they sleep, from what they eat to how they raise their young, All About Mermaids is overflowing with fascinating facts that are sure to enchant and enlighten readers.
ISBN 9781760504151
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2019
Quinn, Izzy & Stankovic, Vlad (ill)
Image currently unavailable
All dressed up
Gilly does not want to wear a frilly pink dress and be the flower girl at her cousin's wedding. Things just go from bad to worse, but, when your heart's in the right place and you give things your best shot, you can be a star in the most surprising ways.
ISBN 9780734407825
Publisher Thomas C Lothian Pty Ltd, 2005
Campbell, Margaret & Pignataro, Anna (ill)
Image currently unavailable
All new must have orange 430, The
Harvey owned a heap of stuff, but could always use more. The Orange 430 was the latest and the greatest. Harvey wasn't sure what it did, but he had to have it!
ISBN 9780143788973
Publisher Penguin, 2018
Speechley, Michael
Image currently unavailable
All pigs are beautiful
If you like pigs, you will love this story book about how pigs live and how you can keep them as pets.
ISBN 9781406311952
Series Nature storybooks series (23 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2007
Topics / Year 4 easy reads /
King-Smith, Dick & Jeram, Anita (ill)
Image currently unavailable
All set for the big wet
The ants come scurrying one by one. Quickly, they're followed by swooping barn owls, trundling wombats, jumping kangaroos, striding brolgas and other favourite Australian animals, all in their race to get to the ark before the flood.
ISBN 9780734411969
Publisher Hachette Children's Books, 2011
Foot, Mandy
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All the way to WA: Our search for Uncle Kev
Uncle Kev is lost. He's looking for the rare Bearded Night Parrot and we're trying to find him. Join us on a trip across the Nullabor and all over Western Australia.
ISBN 9781741758856
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2011
Harvey, Roland
Image currently unavailable
Allie Finkle's rules for girls: moving day
Allie Finkle doesn't want to leave her pretty, pink bedroom in her lovely modern home and all her school friends to go and live a long way away in a creepy old house with a zombie in the attic. Fortunately, the rules she makes to live by, as well as being practical and very funny, also help her to make the best of things.
ISBN 9780330453752
Publisher MacMillan, 2008
Cabot, Meg
Image currently unavailable
Allosaurus ate my uncle, An
When Susie won't hand over her pocket money to her mean cousin Walter, he locks her in the attic. But when a gigantic meat-eating dinosaur turns up, Walter's the one who gets scared. And when the dinosaur gobbles up Uncle Colin, it's time for Susie to save the day.
ISBN 9781742756585
Series Saurus street series (4 of 6)
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2013
Falk, Nick & Flowers, Tony (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Alone in the night
Jasmine is thrilled when she gets to catsit for her neighbours while they're away on holiday for Christmas. She adores looking after the beautiful Star and only wishes she could keep her forever. Star loves playing with Jasmine and soon the pair are inseparable. But, what Jasmine doesn't know is that Star has a secret.
ISBN 9781847150943
Series Holly Webb's kittens & puppies series (32 books)
Publisher Stripes, 2009
Webb, Holly & Williams, Sophy (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Alpha quest
Join the Alpha quest, a journey in search of treasure. Everyone is desperate to find the riches - Eagle and Emu, the Goldfish in Gliders, the Knight, the Pirate Pig, even the Violent Viking. But, only you can find the hidden pieces of the key to unlock the treasure.
ISBN 9781741690590
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2007
Whatley, Bruce & Smith, Rosie (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Alphabetical Tashi
In a land far away, you'll find A boy called Tashi, brave and bold, Baba Yaga the witch, cunning and cold, Chintu the giant, bigger than most, Dragon of fire, who'll turn you to toast! Learn the alphabet and journey through Tashi's world filled with mythical creatures, wild adventures and magic in a story especially created by Anna and Barbara Fienberg with original artwork by the late illustrator Kim Gamble, beautiful restored and rendered by his artist daughters, Arielle and Greer Gamble.
ISBN 9781760525293
Series Tashi series (21 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2020
Fienberg, Anna & Fienberg, Barbara & Gamble, Kim (ill) & Gamble, Arielle (ill) & Gamble, Greer
Image currently unavailable
Amanda Commander: The pinky promise
When every girl in Year Three gets an invitation to Eve's birthday party except Amanda, Amanda makes a plan, with the help of the Dolphin Squad, to win herself an invitation before the week is through. It's operation invitation! Amanda tries everything to make Eve like her and get an invitation to the party, until she finally learns it's more important to be kind, not for what you can get but because of who you are.
ISBN 9781761110788
Publisher Wombat Books, 2022
Vass, Coral & Cooper Smith, Heidi (ill)
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Amanda Commander: The yellow dress (ill)
When the Dolphin Squad finds out Eve has the exact same yellow dress as Amanda and is planning to wear it to the School Disco, Amanda and her friends need to find a way to change Eve's mind.
ISBN 9781761110795
Publisher Wombat Books, 2022
Vass, Coral & Cooper Smith, Heidi
Image currently unavailable
Amazing Australian mammals
One of the Amazing Australian series. An information book with interesting, simply presented facts and detailed photos of various Australian mammals. Maps, fact files and a glossary of words enhance the text.
ISBN 9781740701358
Publisher Heinemann, 2004
Silkstone, Barry
Image currently unavailable
Amazing Australian road trip, An
Come on an amazing Aussie road trip with our family as we go on a quest to find a scenic spot to have a picnic and wish aunty a happy 60th birthday. We will discover many amazing sites as we travel around Australia. Will Aunty choose your favourite spot and have the best birthday ever?
ISBN 9781760650766
Publisher Walker Books, 2021
Hosking, Jackie & Vamos, Lesley (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Amazing Australian women
In this book you'll meet twelve amazing Australian women who have changed the world, in small ways and large. Some of them are world famous, like Annette Kellerman and Nellie Melba. Some of them are famous in Australia, like Mary Reibey and Edith Cowan. And all of them deserve to be famous, and admired. They represent the warriors, artists, business owners, scientists, singers, politicians, actors, athletes, adventurers, activists and innovators of Australia.
ISBN 9780734418456
Publisher Lothian Books, 2018
Freeman, Pamela & Beer, Sophie (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Amazing Australians in their flying machines
Amazing Australians in Their Flying Machines tells the stories of ten brave Australians who changed the face of aviation forever. These include Charles Kingsford Smith, John Flynn and Nancy Bird- the youngest licensed woman pilot. Up until these pioneers changed aviation in Australia, it could take days, weeks, or months, for everyday Australians to get to their destination in the early 20th Century.
ISBN 9781922244635
Publisher Walker Books, 2017
Mason, Prue & Mason, Kerry & Jellet, Tom (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Amazing case of Dr Ward, The
When you peel a banana, or bite into a pear, when you smell a rose, pop a fuchsia bud or scrape your knee climbing an old pine tree, do you ever wonder how those plants came to this country? Read the amazing case of Dr Ward to be awed by the science and troubles of the past.
ISBN 9781925804706
Publisher Ford Street Publishing, 2021
Kerin, Jackie & Suwannakit, Tull (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Amazing discoveries of 100 brilliant scientists, The
From atoms to Xrays and from the Big Bang to the Internet, brilliant breakthroughs by successful scientists have changed the world again and again. Dip inside this intriguing book to read the stories of 100 scientists and their amazing discoveries!
ISBN 9781474950800
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2020
Wheatley, Abigail & Dupond, Leonard (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Amazing Fleadini, The
The Flea Circus is the best show that Matt has ever seen. He is really excited when the circus superstar, the Amazing Fleadini, wants to stay at his place. But, his guest isn't quite the fun that Matt expects him to be.
ISBN 9780143305866
Series Aussie nibbles (51 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2011
Miesen, Christina
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Amazing Matilda Mudpuddle, The
Matilda Mudpuddle discovers she has exciting new powers. The beans from Tibet allow her to fly through the air.
ISBN 9781921042003
Series Matilda Mudpuddle series (1 of 5)
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2005
Winch, Gordon & Texidor, Dee (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Amazing meals of Martha Maloney, The
Martha Maloney loves food, especially interesting food. Come with Martha as she wanders through the museum on a school excursion and dines with many different historical characters - King Henry VIII, Marie Antoinette, Empereor Claudias, the last Chinese Emperor...
ISBN 9781921529238
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2021
Wild, Margaret & Wild, Dan & Rawlins, Donna (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ambulance officer
An exploration of the role of ambulance officers in our community. Bright, photographic illustrations and simple clear text show the ambulance officer performing a range of typical work tasks.
ISBN 9781863916424
Publisher Harcourt Education Australia, 1999
Warbrick, Sarah
No book cover.
Ammuchi Puchi, The
Aditya and Anjali love listening to their grandmother's stories, especially the scary one about a ghost in the tree. The night their grandmother dies her stories lose their meaning until something happens that is more mysterious and magical than any story. Could their grandmother still be with them?
ISBN 9781911373025
Publisher Lantana Publishing, 2016
Manivannan, Sharanya & Canzi, Nerina (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Simple factual information about amphibians. The book includes beautifully presented photographs and illustrations, a glossary and an index.
ISBN 9780733937606
Series Longman world of amphibians and reptiles series (10 books)
Publisher Pearson Education Australia, 2002
Meadows, Graham & Vial, Claire
Image currently unavailable
Amy and the Wilpena flood
Amy and her friends take an exciting time travel adventure with the help of a rainbow necklace. After finding a map of South Australia with a mysterious location, the necklace takes them to Wilpena Pound in the early 1900s. Here they meet Jessie Hill, whose family is threatened by a disastrous flood. The girls learn about courage and the value of true friendship.
ISBN 9781921632358
Publisher Wombat Books, 2013
Bouma, Claudia
Image currently unavailable
Ancient Greek adventure
Through the eyes of a young Egyptian slave, discover what life was like in Ancient Greece during the Great Dionysian Festival.
ISBN 9781408126950
Series White Wolves non-fiction series (7 books)
Publisher A & C Black, 2010
Royston, Angela
Image currently unavailable
Ancient Greeks
A beautifully presented book for younger readers about the ancient Greeks, including simple and interesting facts, an index, a glossary and web links.
ISBN 9780794507725
Series Usborne beginners series (24 of 44)
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2004
Turnbull, Stephanie & others
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And Tango makes three
At New York City's Central Park Zoo, two male penguins fall in love and start a family by taking turns to sit on an abandoned egg until it hatches.
ISBN 9780689878459
Publisher Simon & Schuster, 2005
Richardson, Justin & Parnell, Peter
Image currently unavailable
Anders and the comet
Meet Anders, Eden and their new friend, Bernie. It's the school holidays and there are comics to be made, games to be played, ice-cream to be eaten, and rhinos to impress at Wekiwa water park. When Anders and his friends meet the Green Grabber, things take on a whole new twist, leading Anders to a wonderful pet and wild adventures in the sky.
ISBN 9781760111151
Series Anders series (3 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2015
Mackay, Gregory
Image currently unavailable
Anders and the volcano
Now that school is finished, Anders and his friends, Bernie and Eden, are looking forward to their holidays at Camp Canvas at Mount Tremble. They make new friends and discover new things about themselves. That's lucky, as they'll need everything they've got when Mount Tremble, an extinct volcano, starts to rumble.
ISBN 9781760290030
Series Anders series (3 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2016
Mackay, Gregory
Image currently unavailable
Anders series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Anders series (3 books)
Mackay, Gregory
No book cover.
Andy Roid and the avalanche of evil
Judd's on a rescue mission, and he's brought Andy along as his weapon of choice. Can Andy help Judd and bring down the forces of evil and still stay true to what he believes in. The pressure's on and the stakes have never been higher.
ISBN 9780143307419
Series Andy Roid series (10 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2013
Arena, Felice
Image currently unavailable
Andy Roid and the Camp Howl crusades
When you're half boy, half machine, it's hard not to be a hero. Andy is starting to enjoy his new life but he might not be the only one who's hiding a secret. Andy's parents think the safest place for him is school camp. They couldn't be more wrong.
ISBN 9780143306054
Series Andy Roid series (10 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2012
Arena, Felice
Image currently unavailable
Andy Roid and the field trip terror
Andy's trying to live an ordinary life, despite his extraordinary powers. But, when a field trip goes terribly wrong, Andy has to decide whether to save the day and risk blowing his cover. With the evil Dr Baffi on his trail, it could be the last decision he'll ever make.
ISBN 9780143306047
Series Andy Roid series (10 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2012
Arena, Felice
Image currently unavailable
Andy Roid and the heroes of the night
Andy and Judd are on a mission but it's possible that Andy's awesome powers won't be enough. Someone who Andy cares may lose their life to protect him. It's the toughest night of Andy's life and he'll have to summon all his courage to outwit a merciless enemy.
ISBN 9780143306061
Series Andy Roid series (10 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2012
Arena, Felice
Image currently unavailable
Andy Roid and the missing agent
Andy and Judd have blown their cover - so when Judd goes missing, can Andy risk going after him. With the police, the Agency and the evil Blaireau Corporation looking for him, this time it's Andy versus the world.
ISBN 9780143307402
Series Andy Roid series (10 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2013
Arena, Felice
Image currently unavailable
Andy Roid and the sinister showdown
Andy must take the fight to the enemy and win to save the people who mean the most to him. This time, there's nowhere left to turn and everything is on the line.
ISBN 9780143306085
Series Andy Roid series (10 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2012
Arena, Felice
Image currently unavailable
Andy Roid and the superhuman secret
When you're half boy, half machine, it's hard not to be a hero. Andy's just a regular kid with a normal, everyday life. Or is he? Why is? And who are his parents really? He's about to find out who his parents are and why a sinister scientist is out to kidnap him. These superhuman secrets will change everything.
ISBN 9780143306030
Series Andy Roid series (10 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2012
Arena, Felice
Image currently unavailable
Andy Roid and the tracks of death
Andy and Judd are undercover in Switzerland. Their mission is to find the headquarters of the evil Blaireau Corporation, but why is Judd so freaked out. One thing's for sure, Andy's upgraded powers and hardware are certainly going to get a workout.
ISBN 9780143307389
Series Andy Roid series (10 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2013
Arena, Felice
Image currently unavailable
Andy Roid and the turbine runaways
For the first time Andy is on his own and having the time of his life. But, Andy may be putting other lives in jeopardy because, when you're a superhero, a simple mistake can have terrible consequences.
ISBN 9780143306078
Series Andy Roid series (10 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2012
Arena, Felice
Image currently unavailable
Andy Roid and the unexpected mission
It's official. Andy is joining the secret service. But, when he is sent on a job halfway through his training, Andy wonders whether he is up to the challenge. With no back-up and no experience, this life or death mission will be the ultimate test.
ISBN 9780143307396
Series Andy Roid series (10 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2013
Arena, Felice
Image currently unavailable
Andy Roid series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Andy Roid series (10 books)
Arena, Felice
No book cover.
Andy Shane and the very bossy Dolores Starbuckle
Andy Shane doesn't like school or Dolores Starbuckle in particular. She is the class know-it-all who bosses him around. Luckily Andy has a very wise and understanding grandmother who teaches Dolores a lesson.
ISBN 9780763630447
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2006
Richard Jacobson, Jennifer & Carter, Abby (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Andy Web: Artist
Andy Web studied Art at the National Gallery. It was his dream to exhibit there one day. How will he ever achieve his dream? Join Andy, the original artist-in-residence, as he gets up close and personal with the great masters to learn all he can about art.
ISBN 9780992491758
Publisher Melbournestyle, 2017
Coote, Maree
Image currently unavailable
Anemone is not the enemy
Anemone lives alone in the rock pool. The tide comes in and the tide goes out. All Anemone wants is a friend, but friends are hard to make when you accidentally sting everyone who comes near you. Perhaps Clownfish has a solution to the problem ...
ISBN 9781922310118
Publisher Scribe Publications, 2020
McGregor, Anna
Image currently unavailable
High above the rooftops of Rome, Angelo begins his work restoring the facade of a once glorious church. When he finds an injured pigeon, Angelo nurses it back to health and they become good friends. Angelo is worried about what will happen to the pigeon when he dies and comes up with a plan to make sure the pigeon is safe.
ISBN 9781842708422
Publisher Andersen Press Ltd, 2008
Macaulay, David
Image currently unavailable
Animal a day, An
Travel through the incredible ecosystems and habitats of our beautiful planet, and meet some of the most fascinating animals that call them home. Dive into the oceans to find whales and giant squid, journey across the icy poles with penguins and polar bears, race across the African savanna with lions and wildebeest - and so much more.
ISBN 9780008534295
Publisher Farshore, 2023
Topics / Endangered species /
Smith, Miranda
Image currently unavailable
Animal babies
Wherever they live, baby animals do many of the same things that human babies do. They play, eat, sleep and find adventure. From the biggest baby animals to the smallest, you'll find out how long different animals stay with their parents, how they find food and the sorts of things they do.
ISBN 9781405352666
Publisher Dorling Kindersley, 2010
Mack, Lorrie & Smith, Penny
Image currently unavailable
Animal disguises
Find out about the secret world of animal camouflage. Learn how animals use disguise to catch their prey while others use it to avoid being eaten. Some animals do amazing things to avoid being attacked, like the American fainting goat.
ISBN 9780753457726
Series Kingfisher young knowledge series (19 books)
Publisher Kingfisher, 2004
Weber, Belinda
Image currently unavailable
Animal homes
The different places and spaces that animals choose to call home. Simple explanations and beautiful illustrations help readers to find information about how to locate animals.
ISBN 9780753456163
Series Kingfisher young knowledge series (19 books)
Publisher Kingfisher, 2003
Wilkes, Angela
Image currently unavailable
Animal Rescue series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Animal Rescue series (4 books)
French, Jackie
No book cover.
This stunning book of illustrations from A to Z has hidden puzzles and ideas that fascinate all ages.
ISBN 9780140541120
Publisher Puffin Australia, 1990
Base, Graeme
Image currently unavailable
Animals scare me stiff
Tom is very scared of animals. He imagines being eaten by a dog, squeezed to death by a snake, spiders crawling up his nose and birds pecking off his ears. But, Tom has the scariest secret weapon of all.
ISBN 9780099404972
Publisher Red Fox, 2003
Cole, Babette
Image currently unavailable
Animals: on the world's rare and endangered species
Many of the world's beautiful animals are now in danger of extinction. In this book Garry Fleming captures the unique beauty of some of these animals and provides information about the animals and their plight.
ISBN 9781877035753
Publisher Brolly Books, 2006
Fleming, Garry
Image currently unavailable
Annie's snails
Annie loves her pet snails. They have adventures together and she makes them a special home in an ice-cream container, where they should be very happy.
ISBN 9781921720635
Series Walker stories (11 books)
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2014
Wolfer, Dianne
Image currently unavailable
Antarctic close-up
John finds himself caught up in an Antarctic adventure that happened in 1911 when he travels back in time using one of his inventions. A chance to discover the Antarctic through the writing of someone who has been there.
ISBN 9781876944544
Series Making tracks (9 of 17)
Publisher National Museum of Australia Press, 2007
Edwards, Hazel & Parkee, Meegan (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Find out fascinating facts about Antarctica.
ISBN 9780746080351
Series Usborne beginners series (44 books)
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2007
Bowman, Lucy & Stower, Adam (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Anton can do magic
Anton has a magic hat. A real one. He wants to do some magic and make things disappear. Anton tries to make a tree vanish but it's too big. But, when he is successful in making someone disappear, Anton desperately wants him to come back.
ISBN 9781877467639
Publisher Gecko Press, 2010
Topics / Year 3 easy reads /
Konnecke, Ole
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A fascinating look into the world of ants, their habitats and how they keep safe from predators. Find out where ants live, what they eat and how much weight they can carry.
ISBN 9781409581604
Series Usborne beginners series (44 books)
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2016
Bowman, Lucy & Parker, Paul (ill) & Simo, Roger (ill)
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Simple, factual information about ants, with beautifully presented photographs and illustrations. A glossary of terms and an index are included.
ISBN 9780123603777
Series Longman world of invertebrates series (10 books)
Publisher Pearson Education Australia, 2003
Meadows, Graham & Vial, Claire
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Ants are everywhere, in different shapes, sizes and colours. They creep, they crawl, they climb and they do a lot of different jobs. These hard-working little creatures thrive wherever they go, making whatever adaptations are necessary in their ever-changing world.
ISBN 9781426306082
Series National Geographic kids series level 1 and level 2 (10 books)
Publisher National Geographic Society, 2010
Stewart, Melissa
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Any questions
An author and some very curious children, with lots of questions, collaborate to write and illustrate a story. The kids become part of the story and let their imaginations run wild, becoming inspired to create tales of their own. Find out how brilliant ideas creep up on you when you least expect it and how words sometimes float out of nowhere, asking to be written.
ISBN 9781760113179
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2014
Gay, Marie-Louise
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Anzac puppy, The
Freda was the loyal, good-luck mascot of a brave young soldier, battling explosions on the Western Front.
ISBN 9781775430971
Publisher Scholastic New Zealand, 2014
Millett, Peter & Bowles, Trish
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Anzac tree, The
In 1916, two brothers planted two trees on their farm. They then headed far away to France to fight in the Great War. The Anzac tree tells the story of a century of Australian generations who went to war, and the story of those who were left behind.
ISBN 9781760154226
Publisher Omnibus Books, 2017
Booth, Christina
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Apes and monkeys
A fascinating introduction to our nearest animal relatives. Simple explanations and beautiful illustrations provide interesting information on apes and monkeys.
ISBN 9780753457603
Series Kingfisher young knowledge series (19 books)
Publisher Kingfisher, 2004
Taylor, Barbara
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Aphrodite Alexandra
Aphrodite Alexandra is named after both her grandmothers who grew up in different countries and don't want anything to do with each other at all. Aphrodite Alexandra visits both grandmothers often and loves the stories they tell her about their childhoods. She realises they both have more in common than they think.
ISBN 9780734409966
Bouras, Gillian & Pignataro, Anna (ill)
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April Underhill, tooth fairy
April and Esme Underhill have never collected a tooth before. Mum and Dad have always done it but, tonight, it's their turn. So, equipped with a bag, a coin and a mobile phone, the sisters head for Daniel Dangerfield's house, and a very unusual first tooth visit.
ISBN 9781406321555
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2010
Graham, Bob
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Matthew and his grandfather sail to his grandfather's island. They discover the love that can exist between a child and his grandfather, the beauty and ferocity of the sea and the joy and exhilaration of sailing, even in a wheelchair.
ISBN 9780207199042
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2000
Orr, Wendy & Gamble, Kim (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Arctic foxes and red foxes
Simple, factual information about arctic foxes and red foxes, with beautifully presented photographs and illustrations. A glossary of terms and an index are included.
ISBN 9780733936296
Series Longman world of animals series (20 books)
Publisher Pearson Education Australia, 2002
Meadows, Graham & Vial, Claire
Image currently unavailable
Are we there yet
Join Grace and her family on their adventurous and, sometimes, funny expedition around Australia. A warm, heartfelt story based on an actual journey undertaken by the award-winning author and illustrator, Alison Lester.
ISBN 9780670880676
Publisher Penguin, 2004
Lester, Alison
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Are you an art sleuth
Have a close look at twenty-one famous paintings and discover how each artist uses colour, techniques and secrets to delight you. Be an art sleuth and find items and details in each painting that, at first glance, might not be so obvious.
ISBN 9781631591310
Publisher Quarto Group, 2016
DiGiovanni Evans, Brooke
Image currently unavailable
Delightful story of a young kitten who becomes a witch's cat and goes through most of his nine lives being rescued by his kind witch, Bella Donna.
ISBN 9780744566802
Publisher Walker Books, 2004
King-Smith, Dick & Graham, Bob (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ark in the park
The delightful story of Sophie, a lonely girl living in a big city, and her three secret wishes. Two of the wishes seem impossible but the third is, perhaps, not so impossible.
ISBN 9780207176333
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 1994
Orr, Wendy & Millard, Kerry (ill)
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Ark of dreams, The
After falling from a boat, Tom and Alice, find themselves on board the Golden Ship, an ark carrying mythical creatures such as unicorns, griffins and basilisks. The ship is sailed by friendly but suspicious elves and a dwarf until it is sabotaged.
ISBN 9781876372033
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2001
Whitmore, Andrew
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Arlo & Pips: King of the birds
Arlo has a big brain and a collection of shiny things. Pip is his new pal. Moving to the city sure can be hectic for a crow. Even one as smart as Arlo! Everywhere you turn-noisy humans, lots of litter and lots of competition for French fries! Fortunately, Arlo meets Pip-who joins him on his awesome adventures (and reminds him when he is bragging too much).
ISBN 9780062982223
Publisher HarperCollins Children's Books, 2020
Gravel, Alise
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Arno the garbo
An off-the-wall picture book about Arno who lives in the middle of his family's junkyard making him unpopular, mostly because of the smell. But, when Arno brings an exciting invention to school made from recycled garbage, the situation changes.
ISBN 9780734401748
Publisher Thomas C Lothian Pty Ltd, 2001
Crew, Gary & Smith, Craig
Image currently unavailable
Around Australia in 30 places
Starting in Brisbane, Wombat travels Australia, telling readers what makes the location special. Wombat slops on some sunscreen to visit the beaches of the Gold Coast. He spots a roo at Taronga Zoo and gets out his cricket bat to play at Adelaide Oval.
ISBN 9781925563757
Publisher Wombat Books, 2020
Manners, Rochelle & Various (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Around the globe with Gramps
Lucy is about to start high-school. She has a cool new friend, Briony, and feels she's outgrown the school holiday 'Overseas Adventure Days' she shares with her grandfather, a retired geography teacher. When Lucy asks to spend those days with Briony, instead of doing geography research and international craft and cookery with Gramps, her mother refuses and reveals a poignant reason. However, when an emergency threatens more than just Lucy's Fridays with Gramps, she reflects on all they've shared, and what is most important in her life.
ISBN 9781925572155
Publisher Celapene Press, 2018
Eldridge-Alfonzetti, Carolyn & Lawrence, Teresa (ill)
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Art & Max
Max and Arthur are friends who share an interest in painting. Arthur is an accomplished painter while Max is a beginner. Max's first attempt at using a paintbrush sends the two friends on a whirlwind trip through various artistic media, which turn out to have unexpected pitfalls. Although Max is inexperienced, his energy and enthusiasm bring the adventure to its triumphant conclusion.
ISBN 9780864619297
Publisher Koala Books, 2010
Wiesner, David
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Arthur is a lone dog in Mrs Humber's pet shop and, each day, he attempts to copy the attributes and antics of the popular pets like the rabbits, snakes, fish, cats and frogs so that he will be purchased. Meanwhile, Melanie and her grandfather have been attracted to the shaggy dog who knows lots of tricks.
ISBN 9780947212124
Publisher Era Publications, 1984
Graham, Amanda
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Arthur's dream boat
Arthur has an amazing dream about a pink and green boat with a striped mast. He can't wait to tell his family about it. But when he tries, no one (not even the dog) is interested in listening. In fact, they don't even notice when the very same boat gradually appears on his head, growing larger and larger by the minute.
ISBN 9781406344622
Publisher Walker Books, 2012
Dunbar, Polly
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Interesting facts about the lives and paintings of six famous artists including Monet, Picasso, da Vinci, Rembrandt, van Gogh and Turner.
ISBN 9780750225984
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (Australia), 2000
Powell, Jillian
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Arty Farty Marty: The paint smashin' kraken
Arty Farty Marty loves to surf and paint! Join Marty as he tries his tentacles at painting in the styles of seven of the world's most famous artists.
ISBN 9781760681173
Publisher Bonnier Publishing Australia, 2018
Baker, Dale
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Ask Hercules Quick
The box of magic tricks in the shop window was expensive and Hercules Quick did not have enough money in his piggy bank to buy it. What he needed was a job. Hercules certainly had plenty of neighbours who needed his help from babysitting to singing and even finding lost ping pong balls. He even got a bonus in the form of a tadpole named Sylvie. Despite all of his hard work, Hercules still did not have enough money but he realised that real magic doesn't need to come out of a box of magic tricks!
ISBN 9781760296827
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2019
Dubosarsky, Ursula & Joyner, Andrew (ill)
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Assault of the friendly fiends
When Jamie and Tom spot the Compsagnathus on the mountainside, they think the little creatures are cute. But, they soon realise that these pesky carnivores aren't as sweet as they look. Worse still, as the boys race to get away, the mountain begins to shake. It's a volcano and it's about to blow.
ISBN 9780192728975
Series Dinosaur Cove series (12 of 13)
Publisher Oxford University Press, 2009
Stone, Rex & Spoor, Mike (ill)
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Chump the chimpanzee was always being silly. He would: - make rude noises from BOTH ENDS... - pick his nose with his little toe... - eat the skins of bananas, hurling out the tasty part inside. NASA's scientists thought he'd be the PERFECT chimp to send into space. Little did Chump know that he had been selected for a deadly-dangerous mission. If a chimp could orbit Earth, then chances were a human could too. With Chump the chimp at the controls of a spacecraft, what could possibly go wrong? As it turned out, EVERYTHING. Blast off with Chump, and encounter dog space pirates, evil insects, and the silliest chimpanzee who ever lived in this wildly funny space opera, fully illustrated in fantastic colour.
ISBN 9780008649555
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2024
Walliams, David & Stower, Adam (ill)
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Astronaughties: Moon Mayhem
Imagine 101 years into the future. The moon has been transformed into the ultimate super cool intergalactic amusement park. The Astronaughties get a chance to visit Luna Park before it officially opens. But when they arrive, they discover their parents, who designed the park, are missing. Now their mission is to find them, defeat the baddies and free a trapped alien. Hold on tight. This is a wild rocket ride.
ISBN 9781760653378
Publisher Walker Books, 2022
Cranna, Andrew
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Astronaut's cat, The
The astronaut's cat is an indoor cat, and that is very good news, because outside is no place for any living thing. The cat can still be curious about the rocky, dusty, hot and cold, and very unusual land outside the window, including the big blue ball which appears each day.
ISBN 9781760524944
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2020
Riddle, Tohby
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Astronaut: living in space
This book explains what it is really like being an astronaut and what the job involves.
ISBN 9780751362619
Publisher Penguin, 2002
Hayden, Kate
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Find out how do astronomers study planets, stars and galaxies, how different telescopes work and what a nebula is. Lots of fascinating facts, amazing photographs and illustrations, and a glossary explaining the specialist terms used. See the latest images captured by telescopes and rovers.
ISBN 9781409565246
Series Usborne beginners series (44 books)
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2014
Bone, Emily
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Astrosaurs series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Astrosaurs series (19 books)
Cole, Steve
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At my door
Deliveries usually come in a van, as heavy boxes or oddly-shaped bags. They do not come late, on a school night. When Poppy's dad opens the front door to find a small, very distressed child, clinging to a green blanket, the family tries their hardest to do the right thing. They look after the baby while the authorities search for her family. Although Mei's stay is brief, her impact on the family is long-lasting.
ISBN 9781925162707
Publisher Fremantle Press, 2015
Fitzpatrick, Deb
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At the beach: postcards from Crabby Spit
It's summer and time to head to Crabby Spit. I've been crabspotting, riding my bike, surfing and swimming, and looking at stars. With a bit of luck, I'll be having fish and chips for dinner. The only problem is my things keep disappearing.
ISBN 9781741147049
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2004
Harvey, Roland
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At the end of Holyrood Lane
Life at the end of Holyrood Lane is filled with sunshine and butterflies. Except when it storms. Storms make Flick's world dark, and make her feel smaller than she really is. To escape their fury, Flick runs and hides. But the storms keep coming back. It's time for Flick to try something she has never done before, so she can banish fear and welcome back sunshine.
ISBN 9781925335767
Publisher EK Books, 2018
Powell, Dimity & Johnston, Nicky (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Attack of the lizard king
Jamie has moved from the city to Dinosaur Cove where his Dad is opening a museum. Jamie and his friend, Tom, head off to do some fossil hunting and find themselves in a forgotten cave with fossilised dinosaur footprints, which take them to the world of dinosaurs. Here, they meet up with a friendly Wannanosaurus who takes them further into the prehistoric land until they are noticed by the T-Rex.
ISBN 9780192720924
Series Dinosaur Cove series (1 of 13)
Publisher Oxford University Press, 2008
Stone, Rex & Spoor, Mike (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Audrey goes to town
Audrey can't wait to get to the tiny town of Beltana. It's full of amazing things like trains, glass windows and a shop that sells lollies. But, when Mum gets sick, Audrey and her little brother, Dougie, must stay alone with Mrs Paterson, a strict old lady who looks like a burnt stick. Audrey starts to think that even a town full of people can't stop you feeling lonely.
ISBN 9781921272677
Series Audrey series (2 of 3)
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2009
Harris, Christine & James, Ann (ill)
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Audrey of the outback
Audrey lives in the remote outback with her family. Her life is hard and lonely while Dad is away working. Audrey does extra jobs to help her Mum but hates cleaning out the chook pen or helping with the long drop dunny. Audrey and her friend, Stumpy, ponder important questions like whether she should be a girl or a man, and whether it would be better to be a sheep or a cow.
ISBN 9781921272189
Series Audrey series (1 of 3)
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2008
Harris, Christine & James, Ann (ill)
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Audrey series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Audrey series (3 books)
Harris, Christine & James, Ann (ill)
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Audrey's big secret
Audrey knows only too well the importance of family and what it means to be apart from those you love. But, in order to protect her friend, Audrey will need to keep the truth from her parents. She is torn between keeping a promise and telling the truth. Choices are never easy, especially when someone could be hurt.
ISBN 9781921272530
Series Audrey series (3 of 3)
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2009
Harris, Christine & James, Ann (ill)
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Aussie dog
Sophie wants a dog. Not just any dog, but a proper Aussie Outback dog. She doesn't want a dog like Boris, who can't even run after sticks. But sometimes the best dog is the dog that needs you.
ISBN 9781862918689
Series Mates - great Australian yarns series (27 books)
Publisher Omnibus Books, 2011
Nilsson, Eleanor & Norling, Beth (ill)
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Aussie Heroes series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Aussie Heroes series (4 books)
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Aussie kids series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Aussie kids series (99 books)
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Aussie Kids: Meet Dooley on the Farm
Hi! I'm Dooley My cousin is visiting our farm. We'll swim in the river, feed the calves and collect berries. But best of all, we're going to sleep out in the barn!
ISBN 9781760893682
Series Aussie kids series (99 books)
Publisher Penguin, 2020
Odgers, Sally & Booth, Christina
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Aussie kids: Meet Eve in the outback
Eve's address is the 'Nowhere Roadhouse' on the loneliest road in Western Australia. She doesn't get many visitors. But her Nan and cousin Will are coming from Perth to visit. Perth is a world away which is fourteen hours in Eve's time. Nan had enjoyed her last trip. But Eve was excited and worried. Would Will enjoy the visit?
ISBN 9781760894108
Series Aussie kids series (99 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2020
Caisley, Raewyn & Blair, Karen
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Aussie kids: Meet Katie at the beach
Katie has a wobbly tooth that won't fall out. A fun day at the beach with her family is just what she needs.
ISBN 9781760893675
Series Aussie kids series (99 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2020
Johnson, Rebecca & Masciullo, Lucia (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Aussie Kids: Meet Matilda at the Festival
Hi! I'm Matilda! Today there's a festival at the Japanese Embassy. That's where my friend Hansuke lives. We'll have lots of fun. But Hansuke is going back to Japan soon. How will I be able to say goodbye?
ISBN 9781760894511
Series Aussie kids series (99 books)
Publisher Penguin, 2020
de Rose-Ahern, Jacqueline & McCartney, Tania
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Aussie kids: Meet Mia by the jetty
Hi! I'm Mia Jim is coming to stay with us soon. I want to show him the jetty, beach and island. But I don't want my bossy sister Alice to take over. So I have a plan . . .
ISBN 9781760893668
Series Aussie kids series (99 books)
Publisher Penguin, 2020
Brian, Janeen & Snell, Danny
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Aussie kids: Meet Sam at the mangrove creek
Come on an adventure with Aussie Kids and meet Sam from the Northern Territory.
ISBN 9781760894122
Series Aussie kids series (99 books)
Publisher Penguin, 2020
Seden, Paul & McKenna, Brenton
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Aussie Kids: Meet Taj at the lighthouse
Taj has had a long journey to move to Australia. It was hard for his family, his Dad couldn't get work, they didn't speak English, they were different. Slowly they begin to settle into their new country and eventually start to find a home.
ISBN 9781760894528
Series Aussie kids series (99 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2020
Beneba Clarke, Maxine & Greenberg, Nikki
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Aussie kids: Meet Zoe and Zac at the zoo
Come on an adventure with Aussie Kids and meet Zoe and Zac from New South Wales.
ISBN 9781760893651
Series Aussie kids series (99 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2020
Murrell, Belinda & Hardy, David
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Aussie native plants A-Z
A peaceful journey through the alphabet, looking at some common and not so common native Australian plants. With beautiful illustrations and information about First Nations people, this is an engaging and educational read.
ISBN 9781922643551
Publisher Boolarong Press, 2023
Farrell, Joey & Gibson, Jocelyn (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Aussie night before Christmas, An
Christmas in the middle of an Australian summer means Santa has to find new ways to deliver his presents.
ISBN 9781865046532
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2005
Morrison, Yvonne & Niland, Kilmeny (ill)
Image currently unavailable
A unique book that presents descriptions of ten Australian animals, including their behaviours, habitats and predators, in a maze format that shows their natural environment.
ISBN 9780864613394
Publisher Koala Books, 2001
Bowring, Jane & Rossell, Judith
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Australia at the beach
A funny, rhyming story about a family and their friends celebrating Australia Day at the beach.
ISBN 9781862913936
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 1999
Fatchen, Max & Jellett, Tom (ill)
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Australia illustrated
This is a small slice of Australia as you've never seen it before. Spend time looking and find out what makes Australia so great.
ISBN 9781925335880
Publisher EK Books, 2018
McCartney, Tania
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Australia's most deadly
When it comes to deadly animals, Australia hits the jackpot. You might be surprised to discover that there are three creatures whose danger factor is higher than sharks or the funnel-web spider. The animals have been given a deadly factor out of ten and the higher the score, the more deadly the animal.
ISBN 9781742455877
Publisher Australian Geographic Education, 2014
McGee, Karen
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Australian animal atlas, The
Come on a journey into the world of Australia's wildlife, exploring all the different habitats, from parched deserts to lush rainforests. Discover the mammals, birds, reptiles, fish and insects that live there. Search for the animals hidden in each habitat scene. Find out about the fish that walks; the sixth sense of the platypus; the deadly venom of the desert death adder; the strange table manners of the sea star.This environmental atlas of Australian animals, by an expert team, is full of fascinating facts and superb illustrations.
ISBN 9781760294144
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2017
Cronin, Leonard & Westmacott, Marion (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Australian backyard birdies
This is a common pigeon. Common because it's almost identical to every other pigeon. You'll sometimes see a white one. That's because it's just had a bath. I made that last bit up. If you would like to learn more VERY REAL facts like this about some of Australia's most common backyard birds, this is the book for you. I mean, who doesn't want to know what bok, bok, bok means in chicken? Or how often a budgerigar poops? A handy first field guide packed full of fascinating facts (some of them are even true) about Australia's most common backyard birds.
ISBN 9780734420695
Publisher Hachette Australia, 2021
Geppert, Andy
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Australian bushrangers series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Australian bushrangers series (5 books)
Smith, Jane
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Australian climate change book, The
Climate change. What is it and how does it affect us here in Australia? The world is part of a balancing act to ensure its ecosystems can work together to survive. But the climate is changing too quickly. What can we do to help? There are many ways that we can help, even small steps can make a difference. Read what it is all about in this interesting book that explains all the hard stuff and tells us how we can help.
ISBN 9780734420831
Publisher Lothian Books, 2021
Marsden, Polly & Nixon, Chris (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Australian kids through the years
Many thousands of years ago, the first people arrived in Australia and made this land their home. When Europeans arrived in the late 1700s, things changed forever. Now, Australia is home to children of many cultures and backgrounds, whose lives have changed over time.Enjoy spotting what has stayed the same and what is different in clothing, housing, activities, food and games.
ISBN 9780642278593
Publisher National Library of Australia, 2015
McCartney, Tania & Joyner, Andrew (ill)
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Ava adds
Ava loves playing shops. Can she get Billy to buy anything.
ISBN 9780734414007
Series Ava adds series (1 of 4)
Publisher Hachette Children's Books, 2013
Dubosarsky, Ursula & White, Annie (ill)
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Ava adds series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Ava adds series (4 books)
Dubosarsky, Ursula & White, Annie (ill)
No book cover.
Ava and Angus: Showtime
Ava and Angus are off to the Doolimba show, with its fun rides and lots of cute animals. But, when the daring twins, Donna and Danny Donnelly, tempt Ava to sneak into the animals' shed at night time, dozens of prize animals escape their pens. Ava and Angus' delightful trip has turned into a disaster. The Donnelly twins might own up. If not, Ava and Angus will take all the blame.
ISBN 9781743628584
Series Ava Anne Appleton series (4 of 4)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2015
Harmer, Wendy & Edmonds, Andrea (ill)
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Ava Anne Appleton series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Ava Anne Appleton series (4 books)
Harmer, Wendy & Edmonds, Andrea (ill)
No book cover.
Ava Anne Appleton: Accidental adventurer
Ava has an orderly life, which is just how she likes it. Then her parents decide it is time to travel Australia for one year, but it sounds like a terrible adventure to Ava.
ISBN 9781742838755
Series Ava Anne Appleton series (1 of 4)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2013
Harmer, Wendy & Edmonds, Andrea (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ava Anne Appleton: Catching a wave
Ava Anne Appleton continues her road trip adventures and the next stop is the beach. When she meets a new friend who needs her help, Ava's courage is tested to overcome her fears.
ISBN 9781743622353
Series Ava Anne Appleton series (3 of 4)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2014
Harmer, Wendy & Edmonds, Andrea (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ava Anne Appleton: Up and away
The Appleton family continue their road trip and Ava has found that being on the road is quite an adventure. But, when faced with going higher than she ever thought possible, Ava wonders if she will be up to this new adventure.
ISBN 9781743621813
Series Ava Anne Appleton series (2 of 4)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2014
Harmer, Wendy & Edmonds, Andrea (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Axel & Beast: The grabbem getaway
Axel is a 12 year old boy who loves video games. His life is turned upside down when one day a huge robot breaks into his garage. The robot is BEAST and he is running away from Grabbem Industries who want him to destroy the environment. Axel and BEAST go on the run and, helped by Agent Omega, try to keep BEAST safe.
ISBN 9781760127800
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2016
Bott, Adrian. C. & Isaac, Andy (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Find out about the Aztecs, who they were, where they lived and what gifts they gave to the gods. Vivid, full colour illustrations and photographs accompany short, informative text.
ISBN 9781474903219
Series Usborne beginners series (44 books)
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2015
Clarke, Catriona
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