
Challenge Level : K-2 Challenge Level : 3-4 Challenge Level : 5-6 Challenge Level : 7-9 Challenge Level : 9plus
ID Title Author  
1 2 3 Maisy
Fabulous fold-out counting fun with Maisy. Watch her wonderful world unfold by numbers.
ISBN 9781844286942
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2007
Topics / K-2 Numeracy /
Cousins, Lucy
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1,2, pirate stew
1, 2 round up the crew! 3, 4 now grab an oar! Take one large cardboard box, two imaginative kids and a splash of pirate pets and you have a recipe for adventure.
ISBN 9781760403201
Publisher The Five Mile Press Pty Ltd, 2017
Howarth, Kylie
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10 little hermit crabs
A playful, counting book about ten little hermit crabs that have a knack for getting into trouble.
ISBN 9781742379524
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2009
Fox, Lee & McGowan, Shane (ill)
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10 little rubber ducks
Ten little rubber ducks are swept out to sea and one is left helpless. Mother duck comes along to save him.
ISBN 9780007202423
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2005
Topics / K-2 Numeracy /
Carle, Eric
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1001 bugs to spot
Teeming with bugs to find, count and talk about.
ISBN 9780794510008
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2005
Topics / K-2 Numeracy /
Doherty, G
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1001 pirate things to spot
Teeming with pirates, ships, sunken treasure to find, count and talk about.
ISBN 9780746076941
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2007
Topics / K-2 Numeracy /
Lloyd Jones, Rob & Gower, Teri (ill)
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101 collective nouns
A tribe of kiwis? A smack of jellyfish? A wisdom of wombats? Come along an illustrated journey through the animal kingdom with Tasmanian artist Jennifer Cossins. Featuring 101 full-colour animal illustrations, each with its very own collective noun, as well as a brief history of collective nouns, this book will delight children and adults alike.
ISBN 9780734417978
Publisher Lothian Books, 2018
Cossins, Jennifer
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11 words for Love
There are eleven words for love, and my family knows them all. A family flees their homeland to find safety in another country, carrying little more than a suitcase full of love. As their journey unfolds, they experience eleven of the different forms of love that are found in the Arabic language. The family shows, and are shown, kindness in their new home, and also remember the love they have for their homeland.
ISBN 9780734421203
Publisher Lothian Books, 2022
Abdel-Fattah, Randa
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19 girls and me
John Hercules Po arrives for his first day in Kindergarten and discovers, to his surprise, that the whole class is made up of 19 girls and John. His brother thinks the girls will turn John into a sissy but there is yet another surprise in store for John.
ISBN 9780399243363
Publisher Philomel Books, 2006
Topics / Gender identity /
Pattison, Darcy & Salerno, Steven (ill)
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3 wishes for Pugman
The day hasn't started well for Pugman. He's overslept, there's nothing for breakfast and the rain has made his newspaper soggy/ Can the day get any worse? The, out of nowhere, a magical and very cheerful fairy appears. She offers the grumpy Pugman three wishes. What will he wish for?
ISBN 9780980607093
Publisher Wilkins Farago Pty Ltd, 2011
Meschenmoser, Sebastian
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31-and-a-half things to know as you grow
There are so many wonderful things to know as you grow.
ISBN 9781760658052
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2024
McKinlay, Meg & Johnston, Nicky (ill)
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365 penguins
A family receives an anonymous package containing one penguin. Every day, another one is delivered until there are 365 penguins in the house. Feeding, cleaning and housing the penguins become a monumental task. They're noisy, smelly and always hog the bathroom. The family wonders just who on earth is sending these squawking birds.
ISBN 9780810944602
Publisher Abrams Books, 2006
Topics / K-2 Numeracy /
Fromental, Jean-Luc & Jolivet, Joelle (ill)
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999 tadpoles find a new home
Mother and Father Frog find that their pond is getting too small for 999 growing tadpoles and the family decides to brave the dangerous world to find a bigger home.
ISBN 9781877467271
Publisher Gecko Press, 2010
Topics / K-2 Numeracy /
Kimura, Ken & Murakami, Yasunari (ill)
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