
Challenge Level : K-2 Challenge Level : 3-4 Challenge Level : 5-6 Challenge Level : 7-9 Challenge Level : 9plus
ID Title Author  
A cowboys legend
Using the club mascots and various Rugby League players and captains, these books will allow readers to read about Rugby League and their favourite clubs and players, whilst engaging with text and practicing reading strategies.
ISBN 9781458649317
Series Rugby League Reads K-2 League Stars (21 of 24)
Publisher MacMillan, 2011
Hirsch, Suzan
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A is for Aunty
Memories of growing up on an Aboriginal mission are brought to life in this alphabet picture book with a difference. It features accounts of possums as pets and Aunty Goldie who used zinc ointment for just about every ailment.Test
ISBN 9780733307294
Publisher ABC Books, 2000
Russell, Elaine
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ABC book of nursery rhymes
Thirteen award-winning Australian illustrators each chose a well-known rhyme to interpret, resulting in a beautifully illustrated selection of nursery rhyme favourites. Features profiles on each artist.
ISBN 9780733308932
Publisher ABC Books, 2002
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ABC book of places to go, The
This charming picture book celebrates the fun and excitement of places we can visit, both close to home and far away. The simple, engaging text explores fascinating places such as the library, the zoo, the lighthouse and many more.
ISBN 9780733334290
Publisher ABC Books, 2018
Martin, Helen & Simpson, Judith & Orsini, Cheryl (ill)
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ABC book of Seasons, The
Seasons come and seasons go. Sun shines, wind blows, rain falls and plants grow.
ISBN 9780733331954
Publisher ABC Books, 2014
Martin, Helen & Simpson, Judith & Orsini, Cheryl (ill)
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All through the year
Month by month, we are taken on a journey through the Australian seasons as well as this girl's loves and family traditions. It's everything that's fun about being a child, all year round.
ISBN 9780670073993
Publisher Viking Children's, 2010
Godwin, Jane & Walker, Anna (ill)
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Alphabetical Sydney
This is Sydney, the brightest and best of it, from the north to the south to the east and the west of it. Bats and cicadas, lawn bowls and the zoo. Let us share it with you.
ISBN 9781742233703
Publisher NewSouth Publishing, 2013
Bell, Hilary & Presenti, Antonia (ill)
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Anzac billy, The
I'm filling our Anzac billy. It's full of Dad's favourite things. A billy cannot be posted, delivered on a bike or sent in a car, truck or train. It has to be loaded on a ship with all those Anzac billies for all the soldiers.
ISBN 9781925126815
Publisher Walker Books, 2019
Saxby, Claire & Jackson, Mark & Potter, Heather (ill)
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Anzac biscuits
A young father is away at war, his wife and daughter waiting at home, sometimes making Anzac biscuits. Life at war is grey and cold, but opening the tin of biscuits from home brings comfort.
ISBN 9781742833460
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2013
Cummings, Phil & Swan, Owen (ill)
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Applesauce and the Christmas miracle
Applesauce, the pig, learns the true meaning of Christmas coming from the heart. The Shepherd family from up the road and all the aunts bearing gifts arrive at the shed dwelling of Joe and Marigold, who have lost their home in a bushfire. This story parallels the biblical story of the first Christmas.
ISBN 9780733322495
Publisher ABC Books, 2008
Millard, Glenda & King, Stephen Michael (ill)
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Around the world
Using the club mascots and various Rugby League players and captains, these books will allow readers to read about Rugby League and their favourite clubs and players, whilst engaging with text and practicing reading strategies.
ISBN 9781458649171
Series Rugby League Reads K-2 League Stars (7 of 24)
Publisher National Rugby League, 2010
Hirsch, Suzan
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At my family table
We come to the family table, to eat, to talk, to share. We come to the family table, to enjoy delicious fare. Who is at your table?
ISBN 9780648100003
Publisher Little People Nutrition, 2017
dos Santos, Mandy & Ho, Kancy (ill)
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Aunty's wedding
Everyone on the island is getting ready for Aunty's wedding. Maningawu puts on her best hat and I can wear a wurrijinga in my hair. Lucky! We all dress up, but I still don't understand. Why do people have a wedding?
ISBN 9781760524838
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2020
Tapsell, Miranda & Tyler, Joshua & Fry, Samantha (ill)
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Aussie Easter hat parade
Hey! Ho! What a show! Look at what we've made! As we go marching round and round. In the Easter Hat Parade! Join the Aussie animals as they create amazing hats for their very first Easter parade.
ISBN 9781761293054
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2023
Buchanan, Colin & Williams, Simon
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Australia from dawn to dusk
Wake up with kookaburras on Arakwal Country (Byron Bay), bask with wombats on wulinantikala (Cradle Mountain), watch black and red cockatoos flying over Anangu Country, scratch the Daintree Rainforest floor with cassowaries on Kuku Yalanji Country, and go to sleep as quokkas wake up on Whadjuk Noongar Country (Rottnest Island).
ISBN 9781922806321
Publisher Affirm Press, 2022
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Baby bilby, where do you sleep
Take a peek through the peepholes in this rhyming book and discover the secret hiding places of baby bilby and other Australian desert creatures.
ISBN 9780734402301
Publisher Thomas C Lothian Pty Ltd, 2001
Oliver, Narelle
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Back on Country
'Where are we going again? asks Lucy. 'Back on country,' says Mum. 'Where we're going is where your nanna comes from, where we come from. Our Country is special to us. You'll see.' It's Lucy and David's first time back on Country. They meet their cousins and Elders, and see special places, learn local language words and hear stories as old as time. Join them to feel the strength that comes from being back on Country.
ISBN 9781761065088
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2022
Goodes, Adam & Liang, Ellie & Hardy, David (ill)
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Backyard bugs
There are lots of bugs in our backyards and sometimes we might forget to have a closer look to see and hear what they are doing. Take a closer look at these backyard bugs.
ISBN 9781760990282
Publisher Fremantle Press, 2021
Milroy, Helen
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Backyard footy
Backyard footy is fun on your own but even more fun with others. As the children kick and hand pass their way between backyards, they pick up more and more players and have more and more fun.
ISBN 9780734421517
Publisher Lothian Books, 2023
Merrison, Carl & Campbell, Samantha (ill)
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Backyard games, The
The Backyard Games are on today, bring your gear, come over and play. We've recreated the Olympics here in the yard, some events are easy but others are hard. Run like Cathy, cycle like Meares, and don't forget to celebrate with cheers!
ISBN 9781761180927
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2024
Nicholson, Alister & Jellett, Tom (ill)
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Backyard tennis
A mum wants to share her love of tennis with her daughter, but they do not have a court. An improvised solution of a washing line strung between two chairs proves a worthy substitute. The picture book explores what happens when friends spy their game and ask to join in.
ISBN 9780734421548
Publisher Lothian Books, 2024
Merrison, Carl & Campbell, Samantha (ill)
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Banjo and Ruby Red
Banjo is a hard-working farm dog and Ruby Red is a haughty chicken, and they never see eye to eye. Can they ever be friends.
ISBN 9781921541087
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2013
Gleeson, Libby & Blackwood, Freya (ill)
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Bear and the little green thing, The
Bear is resting when a seed lands on its back. As the sun rises and the seed grows to a sapling, the bear wakes and listens to the story of the sapling. As he learns more a bond grows between the bear and the little green thing.
ISBN 9780645069648
Publisher Simon & Schuster, 2022
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Mrs Lee lives next door, all alone. She hates our Beauty Leaf Tree. Mrs Lee does not realise how we are connected to each other. The trees, the animals and the whole animal world. We are all connected. 'Beauty' celebrates one girl's discovery of the many relationships in nature that bind and nurture us all.
ISBN 9781922081810
Publisher Windy Hollow Books, 2019
Kendell,, Sandra
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Beginnings and endings
Little Ted is sad when his goldfish Swish dies. Now his friends are on the way to help him remember the good times and that life is full of beginning and endings.
ISBN 9780733342400
Publisher ABC Books, 2023
Stradling, Jan & Robaard, Jedda
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Best hiding place, The
Archie has found the best hiding place. But after a while, it feels too quiet. Is the game still on? Has Archie been forgotten?
ISBN 9781922848086
Publisher Affirm Press, 2023
Godwin, Jane & Morris, Sylvia (ill)
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Big book of Australian nursery rhymes, The
Chant and clap, play and sing along to this fun-filled collection of classic nursery rhymes with an Australian twist.
ISBN 9781760655099
Publisher Walker Books, 2024
Lessac, Frane
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Bilby moon
A delightful book about Australian fauna and flora, the phases of the moon and the life of nocturnal animals.
ISBN 9781876288297
Publisher Working Title Press, 2001
Spurling, Margaret
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Bird in the herd, The
There's a bird in the herd that stalks as it walks, eating slugs and the bugs that the herd stirred. What else can you see as you follow the cheeky bird?
ISBN 9780702262944
Publisher University of Queensland Press, 2021
Apel, Kathryn & Treml, Renee (ill)
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Blue giant, The
Out of the sea rises a great big giant. It has something very important to say. A timely tale that encourages us to take care of our blue planet.
ISBN 9781843654513
Publisher Pavilion, 2020
Cottle, Katie
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Bluey series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Bluey series (99 books)
No book cover.
Bluey: Bingo
With Bluey away for the day, can Bingo find a way to play by herself? A board book with a special puzzle surprise.
ISBN 9781761041143
Series Bluey series (99 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2021
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Bluey: Bob Bilby
It's Bingo's turn to take Bob Bilby home. Will they have fun times?
ISBN 9781760896638
Series Bluey series (99 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2020
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Bluey: Bus
Join Bluey on an adventure in this fun fiction novel! As the Heelers play a game of Bus, what could possibly go wrong? Everything!
ISBN 9781761345074
Series Bluey series (99 books)
Publisher Penguin, 2024
Bluey & Amor, Rafferty (ill)
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Bluey: Fruit bat
Join Bluey on a dreamy night-time adventure. What will you see in the dark? Not wanting to go to bed, Bluey wishes she was a nocturnal fruit bat that stays up all night. Soon she finds herself flying through the night sky.
ISBN 9781760894047
Series Bluey series (99 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2019
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Bluey: Grannies
Join Bluey and Bingo as they try to answer the question: can grannies dance? A gorgeous board book for kids of all ages. Look out for the lenticular page to make the grannies floss!
ISBN 9781760899363
Series Bluey series (99 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2020
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Bluey: Mum school
Bluey wants to play Mum School instead of having her bath. But will the kids listen to her?
ISBN 9781761041136
Series Bluey series (99 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2021
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Bluey: My Dad Is awesome
Everyone loves Bandit, especially Bluey and Bingo! Find out what makes this true blue dad so special in this hilarious and heartwarming book.
ISBN 9781760899400
Series Bluey series (99 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2020
Bluey & Bingo
Image currently unavailable
Bluey: My mum is the best
Bluey and Bingo love their mum and she loves them! Discover all of Chilli's special mum skills in this touching and humorous book.
ISBN 9781761041129
Series Bluey series (99 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2021
Bluey & Bingo
Image currently unavailable
Bluey: The beach
Join Bluey for a fun day at the beach. What will you discover along the way?
ISBN 9781760894054
Series Bluey series (99 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2019
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Bluey: The creek
What will Bluey find when she explores the creek?
ISBN 9781760896614
Series Bluey series (99 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2020
Image currently unavailable
Bluey: The pool
Bluey and Bingo head to the pool with Dad. What could go wrong? A gorgeous board book for kids of all ages.
ISBN 9781761040849
Series Bluey series (99 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2021
Image currently unavailable
Bluey: Veranda Santa
It's Christmas Eve and Bluey, Bingo and Muffin decide to play a game called Verandah Santa! What will Santa bring them?
ISBN 9781761040610
Series Bluey series (99 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2020
Image currently unavailable

Book of hours
Every life is made of hours, moments and feelings... This story captures the memories of one lady, told through postcard images, illustrated with paint in a dreamy and flowing way. As you follow along her life of memories from baby to adult, you can't help but reflect and ponder the moments in your own life and realise how fast time can pass us by. A beautiful story with every read-through delivering a new discovery and moment to notice.
ISBN 9781760651770
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2024
McFadden, Clare
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Boss of your own body
You're not the boss of many things, because you're little and still learning. You're not the boss of anyone else, you've got o let them be themselves. But you ARE the boss of one thing ...
ISBN 9780733341724
Publisher ABC Books, 2021
Stephen, Byll & Beth & Howe, Simon (ill)
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Bouncing bouncing little joeys
It's Christmas time in the Australian bush and all the animals are out to celebrate. They are super busy getting ready for Santa to come by baking, making sweets and putting up the tree.
ISBN 9780734417565
Publisher Lothian Books, 2017
Gibbes, Lesley & Chang, Doris (ill)
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Breathe in and out
Big Ted is having one of those days ... His feelings are dark and stormy. Luckily, his friends are around to help him remember to breathe in and out. Soon he'll feel like his happy self again."
ISBN 9780733342387
Publisher ABC Books, 2023
Stradling, Jan & Robaard
Image currently unavailable
Brother moon
Great Grandpa Liman lives in a house by the sea. There are no lights, just the stars. He lives in a shack and hunts for his food. One night sitting by the fire, he looks up to the sky and tells Hippy-boy a story about his brother.
ISBN 9781925936827
Publisher Magabala Books, 2020
McCarthy Yoelu, Maree & Fry, Samantha (ill)
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Brothers in league
Using the club mascots and various Rugby League players and captains, these books will allow readers to read about Rugby League and their favourite clubs and players, whilst engaging with text and practicing reading strategies
ISBN 9781458649218
Series Rugby League Reads K-2 League Stars (11 of 24)
Publisher MacMillan, 2015
Hirsch, Suzan
No book cover.
Brush with Tim
Using the club mascots and various Rugby League players and captains, these books will allow readers to read about Rugby League and their favourite clubs and players, whilst engaging with text and practicing reading strategies.
ISBN 9781458649164
Series Rugby League Reads K-2 League Stars (6 of 24)
Publisher National Rugby League, 2010
Hirsch, Suzan
Image currently unavailable
Bubbay's desert adventure
Bubbay was lonely. He lived alone with his goat herd in the Australian desert. He slept under the stars, who were his friends and knew they kept him company through the night. He wished for a family to love. One night a talking star and his magical grandma came to help him on an adventure to make his wish come true.
ISBN 9781925936797
Publisher Magabala Books, 2020
Wowolla Boyle, Josie & Martins, Fern (ill)
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Budinge and the Min Min lights
Budinge lives with his grandmother, deep in the Australian bush. One night, he notices a bright light twinkling through the trees. Budinge's grandmother had often warned him that if he didn't behave, the Min-Min lights would come and lead him away. Budinge is frightened and begins to run.
ISBN 9781743628577
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2015
Kirk, Uncle Joe & Casey, Greer & Harrold, Sandi (ill)
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Bush magic
Jarrah and her grandfather love to spend time together in the bush, but one day the sun forgets to come out. Fortunately, grandpa does not forget to visit and Jarrah takes them both on an adventure starting with some leaves and flowers taken from the backyard and ending in a most unexpected way.
ISBN 9781760650827
Publisher Walker Books, 2022
Howarth, Kylie
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Bush Santa, The
As the sun sets on Christmas Eve, the Bush Santa's big night begins. He travels around Australia, delivering special presents to all the Australian animals, from the cockies in Cairns and the crocs of the Top End, to the wallabies in Canberra and the quokkas of Rottnest Island.
ISBN 9780734416858
Publisher Hachette Children's Books, 2016
Foot, Mandy
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Bush tracks
What can you see? Follow the clues that landscape, seasons, weather, the stars, the moon and the sun give to navigate bush tracks and find the Australian animal. A colourful exploration of country along a bush track, featuring illustrations by Balarinji, Australia's leading Indigenous design studio.
ISBN 9781760297824
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2017
Moriarty, Ros, & Balarinji (ill)
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Buster follows his nose
Tilly and Buster are the best of friends. They do everything together. When Tilly gets lost, Buster will keep her safe.
ISBN 9780648964070
Publisher Exisle Publishing, 2023
Stevenson, Paula & Hale, Jenny
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Butterfly garden, The
An entertaining introduction to the life cycle of a butterfly - played out by a fat caterpillar, a hungry kookaburra and a supporting cast of beautiful butterflies.
ISBN 9781925936995
Publisher Magabala Books, 2019
Torres, Michael & Martins, Fern (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Can you do this?
It's not easy being good at all the things our big brothers and sisters can do. Big kids are good at everything, right? Aren't they? Step into this gorgeous book to see if this big brother can do all the daring things his little brother gets up to.
ISBN 9780733335723
Publisher ABC Books, 2021
Wagner, Michael & McKenzie, Heath (ill)
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Can you find 12 busy bees?
Can you find 12 busy bees? Take a closer look into Australian nature and appreciate the beauty of the natural world.
ISBN 9781925594560
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2019
Winch, Gordon & Shirvington, Patrick (ill)
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Summertime. Long, lazy days. Fishing. Stargazing. And waiting for cherries.
ISBN 9781760128593
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2018
Gallasch, Carrie & Acton, Sara (ill)
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Christmas at home
The tree is decorated, the presents are wrapped and the neighbourhood Christmas lights blaze against a warm December sky in Australia. It's Christmas time at home, the very best time of the year.
ISBN 9781760402952
Publisher The Five Mile Press Pty Ltd, 2016
Saxby, Claire & Dawson, Janine (ill)
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Christmas days in the sunshine
Every year in December Christmas lights go up in this neighborhood. The children wait up until it is darker to see the moonlight. They also say goodbye to their school friends until the next year and enjoy their holidays. This book is a celebration of summer and the joys of an Australian Christmas.
ISBN 9780733342745
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2023
Stephen, Byll & Stephen, Beth & Howe, Simon (ill)
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Clancy the quokka
Clancy the Quokka is super cute, but also has a super cheeky habit of raiding picnic food, so when he spots a magnificent birthday cake, how can he resist? After the mayhem he creates, will Clancy learn his lesson?
ISBN 9781760634711
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2019
Wilkinson, Lili & Mutton, Alison (ill)
Image currently unavailable
When three different mobs of kangaroos come to the waterhole, they aren't sure what to make of each other. But they soon discover that they're more alike than they thought.
ISBN 9780734418838
Publisher Lothian Books, 2019
McGregor, Anna
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Colours of Australia
Celebrate the beauty of our natural environment. Each line speaks a different voice, each image stirs a different mood, and all combine to evoke the miracle of colour that surrounds us.
ISBN 9781742976914
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2016
Bancroft, Bronwyn
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Combat wombat to the rescue
'Womba-rumbaaaa! I'm Combat Wombat, Wildlife Warrior of the Bush!' With courage, determination and sheer wombat power, Combat Wombat leads his bush buddies to safety in a race to escape a raging bushfire. Is he strong enough and clever enough to overcome all obstacles?
ISBN 9781925804577
Publisher Ford Street Publishing, 2020
Newton, Gina & Daley, Tiffanee (ill)
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Coral sea dreaming
Coral Sea Dreaming will take you on a colourful underwater adventure through a magical coral reef. Swim with manta rays, pat a parrotfish, float with the fish and beware of the creatures that lurk beneath - looking for their next meal. Enjoy the poetic text, learn more about the creatures that live in this underwater environment and discover how you can help preserve this multi-coloured marine environment for future generations to enjoy.
ISBN 9780994238849
Publisher Silkim Books, 2017
Toft, Kim Michelle
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Country is all around us and includes us. It is all the living things which we can see, feel, smell, hear and taste. Country also shows us how to be and guides us in taking care of it and ourselves.
ISBN 9781742036779
Publisher Wild Dog Books, 2024
Muir, Aunty Fay & Lawson, Sue & Davison, Cheryl (ill)
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Craft roach
Craft Roach is an exuberant story about an artsy little bug who lives life a little differently.
ISBN 9781761211959
Publisher Bright Light Books, 2023
Burke, Rachel & Gray-Barnett, Daniel (ill)
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Creatures of Dryden Gully, The
Mopoke welcomes the visitors, who have come from far away, to the valley. Young Joey is just learning to hop and is envious of these new, special creatures. He wishes he could stride across the valley too.
ISBN 9781760151997
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2015
Hegarty, Aunty Ruth & Harrold, Sandi (ill)
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Crocodile in the family, A
The birds are thrilled with their new family member, but the other animals are confused. Why would the birds keep a crocodile? Croccy is helpful, and he is graceful, and he does make a great coat rack. But that's not why they keep him. A heart-warming story about family in all its shapes and sizes.
ISBN 9780734419507
Publisher Lothian Books, 2020
Black, Kitty & Parton, Daron (ill)
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Dance, Bilby, Dance
Moths, leaves, Min-min lights and, even, shadows dance around him. Bilby has to practise hard before he can dance and prance. It's great fun until a much larger shadow appears.
ISBN 9781925272130
Publisher Ford Street Publishing, 2016
Oktober, Tricia
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Daring tale of Gloria the great, The
Gloria the Great is not like the rest of her brood. She gets in your face, and she runs her own race. But then one day POOF! She disappears without a trace. The other chooks in the brood then decide she was not so bad because they miss her and her antics. They feel guilty for being mean sometimes. Will Gloria be found? Gloria is a one-of-a-kind chicken. Laugh along at Gloria's antics in this quirky tale that celebrates individuality.
ISBN 9781761043284
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2023
Harvey, Jacqueline & Scott, Kate Isobel
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Day we built the bridge, The
'The day we built the bridge' celebrates our connection with one another, and declares that despite the greatest of challenges, together we can make history. This is the story of how the Sydney Harbour Bridge went from a dream to reality.
ISBN 9781925227437
Publisher MidnightSun Publishing, 2019
Tidy, Samantha & Burrows, Fiona (ill)
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Digger is the story of one toy kangaroo, one Australian soldier and two girls, in two countries on opposite sides of a world at war. It is a quiet reminder of the casualties of war, and a tribute to the French schoolchildren who once tended the graves of Australian soldiers who died on the Western Front in the heroic battle for Villers Bretonneux in April 1918.
ISBN 9781760296735
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2018
Dumbleton, Mike & Cowcher, Robin (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Dingo dog and the billabong storm
The animals of the bush are fed up with Dingo's bullying so they set out to teach him a lesson. A traditional Australian tale with a twist.
ISBN 9781846432477
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2009
Fusek Peters, Andrew (retell) & Wadham, Anna
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Dippy's big day out
Dippy is a diprotodon, the BIGGEST, friendliest wombat who lived 100,000 years ago. All Dippy wants is happy friends, a place to sleep and lots to eat. Who knew that could be such an adventure?
ISBN 9781460754061
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 2019
French, Jackie & Whatley, Bruce (ill)
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Don't call me bear!
Warren, the koala, has something to share ... he's actually not a bear! Why is he the only animal in the Australian bush called by the wrong name?
ISBN 9781760159849
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2016
Blabey, Aaron
Image currently unavailable
We are the dream and the dreamers; the song spinners and the rainbow dancers. Use your imagination.
ISBN 9781922089700
Publisher Fremantle Press, 2015
Kwaymullina, Ezekiel & Morgan, Sally (ill)
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Dreaming of Australia A to Z
Starting with A and going all the way to Z read about some of the amazing things to find in Australia.
ISBN 9781922081780
Publisher Windy Hollow Books, 2019
Racklyeft, Jess
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Eagle inside, The
Jimmy, the honeyeater, is the smallest bird at flying school. Surrounded by big, tough birds, Jimmy feels different in every way and is certain he will never fit in. Cockatoo bullies him and tells him he can't succeed. But, with Eagle's help, Jimmy discovers that being different can also be a strength.
ISBN 9781742974699
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2015
Manning Bancroft, Jack & Bancroft, Bronwyn (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Eating around the world
Using the club mascots and various Rugby League players and captains, these books will allow readers to read about Rugby League and their favourite clubs and players, whilst engaging with text and practicing reading strategies.
ISBN 9781458649270
Series Rugby League Reads K-2 League Stars (17 of 24)
Publisher MacMillan, 2011
Hirsch, Suzan
Image currently unavailable
Edward and Edwina emu
Edward and Edwina emu are the proud parents of ten chicks in this story told in rhyming text.
ISBN 9780732277208
Publisher Cornstalk Publications, 2002
Knowles, Sheena & Clement, Rod (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ella and Olivia series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Ella and Olivia series (34 books)
No book cover.
Ella and Olivia: Backyard campout
Ella and Olivia are feeling a bit bored. Then Dad gives them a great idea. The girls can have an amazing camping adventure in their own backyard!
ISBN 9781743832905
Series Ella and Olivia series (26 of 34)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2020
Poshoglian, Yvette & McDonald, Danielle (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ella and Olivia: Butterfly quest
Ella and Olivia are on a quest to find as many butterflies as they can, with the help of some new friends. It's time to get down to butterfly business!
ISBN 9781760973957
Series Ella and Olivia series (27 of 34)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2020
Poshoglian, Yvette & McDonald, Danielle (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ella and Olivia: Country school
Ella is off on an excursion to a country school, which has their own farm animals! Ella gets to feed the chickens, collect eggs, pat fluffy lambs ... but the smallest lamb goes missing. Can Ella help find him?
ISBN 9781761292651
Series Ella and Olivia series (34 of 34)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2024
Poshoglian, Yvette & McDonald, Danielle (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ella and Olivia: Dance divas
Meet Ella and Olivia. Big sister. Little sister. Best friends. Ella and Olivia's ballet school is raising money for the puppies, kittens and other creatures at the local animal shelter by holding a dance concert. And everyone is invited!
ISBN 9781761207907
Series Ella and Olivia series (33 of 34)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2023
Poshoglian, Yvette & McDonald, Danielle (ill
Image currently unavailable
Ella and Olivia: Holiday Adventures
Meet Ella and Olivia. Big sister. Little sister. Best Friends! Follow Ella and Olivia in six special tales as they make friendship bands, play putt-putt, go down some water slides and lots, lots more! A friend makes every day feel like a holiday!
ISBN 9781743836408
Series Ella and Olivia series (34 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2020
Poshoglian, Yvette & McDonald, Danielle (ill)
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Ella and Olivia: Reading challenge
Ella and Olivia love to read. And when Olivia sees a Reading Challenge at school, she knows she has to sign her and her big sister Ella up. But Ella is reading so many books, how will Olivia ever catch up?
ISBN 9781761123115
Series Ella and Olivia series (31 of 34)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2022
Poshoglian, Yvette & McDonald, Danielle (Ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ella and Olivia: Reef explorers
Ella and Olivia are going to the Great Barrier Reef! They can't wait to snorkel. But will they get to see a whale in the wild?
ISBN 9781743832899
Series Ella and Olivia series (25 of 34)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2020
Poshoglian, Yvette & McDonald, Danielle (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ella and Olivia: Starry night
Ella and Olivia love looking at the stars. When they visit the Observatory, they can't wait to look through the giant telescope. But will the sky be clear enough to see the stars?
ISBN 9781761207891
Series Ella and Olivia series (32 of 34)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2022
Poshoglian, Yvette & McDonald, Danielle (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ella and Olivia: Super sandcastles
Ella and Olivia want to enter the Super Sand Sculpture Competition. They are very good at building sandcastles. If only they had some friends to help them...
ISBN 9781760973964
Series Ella and Olivia series (28 of 34)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2021
Poshoglian, Yvette & McDonald, Danielle (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ella and Olivia: Surprise for Mum
Meet Ella and Olivia. Big sister. Little Sister. Best friends.It's Mum's birthday, and Ella and Olivia are planning a special TOP SECRET surprise! Can they pull it o? without Mum finding out?
ISBN 9781760976545
Series Ella and Olivia series (29 of 34)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2021
Poshoglian, Yvette & McDonald, Danielle (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ella and the ocean
Ella lived in the red-dirt country where the earth was as dry as old bones and it hadn't rained for years and years and years. One night Ella dreamt of the ocean.
ISBN 9781760633691
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2019
Tanner, Lian & Bentley, Jonathan (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Emily's bush Christmas
It's Christmas Day in Shaggy Gully. The kangaroos are feeling bouncy, the echidnas are being prickly and the possums are just hanging around. Only the Bunyip is gloomy. Dawn and her chorus are playing Christmas carols but Emily Emu can't get a note right. Her musical mishaps float down to the creek, where the grumpy Bunyip lives.
ISBN 9780732286934
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 2015
French, Jackie & Whatley, Bruce (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Emo the emu
Emo the Emu is grumpy about everything. He is the grumpiest Emu in Humpty Doo. One day, he meets Katie the Kangaroo and she takes him on a journey around Australia. Perhaps, this might brighten Emo's mood.
ISBN 9781742834382
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2015
Wilson,Tony & Masciullo, Lucia (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Emu egg, The
Searching for emu eggs can be more risky than you'd expect.
ISBN 9780975064122
Publisher Indij Readers, 2004
Thorpe, Sharon & Leffler, David (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Esmerelda's nest
Each day Esmeralda collects a variety of objects and waddles down the hill. Everyone wonders why the Saddleback sow is carrying a bottle, fencing wire and a pair of sneakers in her mouth. Only Esmeralda knows. Nothing will stop her.
ISBN 9781925227666
Publisher MidnightSun Publishing, 2020
Moore, Robert & Foot, Mandy (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Everywhere Bear, The
We meet the members of class one. There are Ollie and Holly and Josie and Leo and April and Theo and April, and the everywhere bear, who goes home with one of them each weekend. All goes well until the everywhere bear is in the backpack of the new boy, Matt and tumbles out onto the street. So begins a series of adventures, wild and breathtaking, for the bear and for the young reader.
ISBN 9781447280736
Publisher MacMillan, 2017
Donaldson, Julia & Cobb, Rebecca (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Facing the wave
Jude would love to join in the fun of surfing with his family but is scared. Will he be able to overcome his fears and try join in with his family? A great book for anyone who has been afraid to try something new.
ISBN 9781922503695
Publisher Larrikin House, 2022
Marshallsay, Rebecca & Duck, Vaughan (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Family, all that you dream it to be
A girl and her mum ride their bikes through their neighbourhood and tell all about the many people and the different families living their. Though these families are all a little different, the love between members is common to all.
ISBN 9780733341748
Publisher ABC Books, 2022
Stephen, Byll & Stephen, Beth & Howe, Simon (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Fire truck Santa
A Christmas tradition, all round this land, from the city to the country, from the bush to the sand, in a shiny red truck instead of a sleigh, Santa sets out on his jolly old way. But this fire truck has seen better days. It creaks and rattles and groans as Santa makes his rounds. It will take a miracle to get through Christmas Eve...
ISBN 9781760526894
Publisher Albert Street Books, 2021
McPickle, Nic & Eckstrom, Nathaniel (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Flipper and finnegan: True story of how tiny jumpers saved little penguins, The
Flipper and Finnegan are two penguins who love their Island home. One day when Flipper tries to join the evening penguin parade, she gets covered in oil and cannot swim. She loses Finnegan and is very worried. The community of Phillip Island/Millowl band together along with knitters from around Australia to help clean the penguins, keep the penguins warm and return them to the safety of their homes.
ISBN 9781761180071
Publisher Albert Street Books, 2022
Cunningham, Sophie & Tortop, Anil (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Flying optometrist, The
Stephanie stares up at the sky above her small town. When will the little red plane arrive? She hopes it isn't lost! Read the story to find out who's coming...and why!
ISBN 9780642279132
Publisher National Library of Australia, 2018
Anderton, Joanne, & Erasmus, Karen (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Found in Sydney
From Bondi Beach to the Opera House, there's so much to explore in spectacular Sydney! Join this colourful counting adventure across one of the world's most beautiful cities.
ISBN 9781760526245
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2023
O'Callaghan, Joanne & Song, Kori (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Found you, little wombat
Little Wombat is playing hide and seek with his friends. When it is his turn to seek out his friends, he becomes lost.
ISBN 9781862334243
Publisher Gullane Children's Books Ltd, 2003
McAllister, Angela
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Frank and Bert
Frank and Bert are besties, and love playing hide-and-seek together. Bert, however, is not very good at hiding so Frank wins every single time. Frank needs to decide which is more important: winning or being a good friend.
ISBN 9781788008402
Publisher Nosy Crow Ltd, 2022
Naylor-Ballesteros, Chris
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Friend for Ruby, A
Walking along the beach, Ruby finds a strange creature on the shore. She takes it home, feeds it and makes a bed of straw for it in her cubby - but a cubby is no place for a creature from the sea. Ruby must draw on all her resources to help the creature find their way home - and perhaps, along the way, she might just find an unexpected friendship.
ISBN 9781761067648
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2023
Laguna, Sofie & McBride, Marc (ill)
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Frog finds a place
Ever since moonlight shone down on him in his pond, Frog has wanted to live up with the Moon and the stars. He works hard to get there, but although he tries and tries, it's a long way for a little frog.
ISBN 9781742990231
Publisher Omnibus Books, 2015
Morgan, Sally & Kwaymullina, Ezekiel & Leffler, Dub (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Game of rugby league, The
Using the club mascots and various Rugby League players and captains, these books will allow readers to read about Rugby League and their favourite clubs and players, whilst engaging with text and practicing reading strategies.
ISBN 9781458649324
Series Rugby League Reads K-2 League Stars (22 of 24)
Publisher MacMillan, 2010
Hirsch, Suzan
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Gigantic is the smallest whale in the pod. But when his older brother, Titan, finds himself in trouble, Gigantic shows that you don't have to be big to be mighty. A powerful story about little fins and big hearts.
ISBN 9780008413439
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2023
Biddulph, Rob
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Giinagay gaagal, hello ocean
Come on an adventure to the ocean, where you will listen and learn from Mother Earth. What amazing creatures will you see? What kind of games can you play before it's time to settle down for a yarn and some tea? A delightful day's journey of learning and fun. This First Nations story book is a beautiful read aloud for younger children and the illustrations are detailed and intricate, making the story come alive even more. Gumbaynggirr translation is included in the back.
ISBN 9780733343001
Publisher ABC Books, 2023
Greenwood, Melissa
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Australian Matildas goalkeeper, Lydia Williams, shares a fantastic story about some greatly skilled animals and what it means to be part of a team.
ISBN 9781760526146
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2021
Williams, Lydia & Gifford, Lucinda (ill)
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Going to the footy
Yay! The footy's on. How will you get there? On a bus? In a boat? On a plane?
ISBN 9781925936964
Publisher Magabala Books, 2019
Topics / Aboriginal content /
Coombes, Debbie
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Great garden mystery, The
Someone is stealing the beetroots, would could it be. Join us in the garden and we'll unravel this mystery.
ISBN 9780857984166
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2014
Treml, Renee
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Once, when the top of a Burrawang tree fell to the ground, it became Grug.
ISBN 9780731813872
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
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Grug and his first Christmas
Christmas is always an exciting time and, for Grug, this is no exception.
ISBN 9780731814305
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug and his garden
Grug makes sure that all the creatures in the garden have something to eat.
ISBN 9780731813889
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug and his imaginary friend
Grug, that unforgettable hero of the Australian bush, began life as the top of the native Burrawang tree. Join him on a new adventure with his imaginary friend.
ISBN 9780731814367
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2010
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug and the circus
Join Grug on another adventure.
ISBN 9780731814343
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster, 2010
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug and the green paint
Being green is about more than paint. Just ask Grug.
ISBN 9780731813926
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug at the zoo
When Grug visits the zoo, find out what the other animals make of him.
ISBN 9780731813940
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug builds a boat
When Grug decides to build and float a boat, he isn't thinking about a waterfall.
ISBN 9780731814015
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug builds a car
All aboard the Grugmobile, the only car designed and engineered by Grug.
ISBN 9780731814053
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug goes fishing
Grug can do everything but catch a fish.
ISBN 9780731814077
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug goes to hospital
Oh no, Grug is hurt when he falls from a rope and needs a visit to the hospital. After a short stay with Cara, as his doctor and nurse, Grug is swiftly on the mend.
ISBN 9780731814374
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2010
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug learns to fly
Grug, that unforgettable hero of the Australian bush, began life as the top of the native Burrawang tree. Join him on a new adventure when he learns to fly.
ISBN 9780731814350
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2010
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug learns to swim
Splash and paddle and float with Grug.
ISBN 9780731813995
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug meets Snoot
A prickly animal called Snoot is the perfect friend for Grug.
ISBN 9780731813957
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug plays cricket
Cricket is another ball game altogether with Grug.
ISBN 9780731814039
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug plays soccer
A brand-new goal for Grug and Cara, the snake.
ISBN 9780731814060
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2009
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grug series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Grug series (34 books)
Prior, Ted
No book cover.
Grug the superhero
One morning, Grug wakes up and decides to become a superhero. Wearing a cape, a mask and a sword made from sticks, Grug and Cara, his best friend, transform the Grugmobile into the Zoom Zoom Car, and head off to save someone. But, the Zoom Zoom Car has too much zoom and Grug and Cara discover that, before they save someone else, they had better save themselves.
ISBN 9781925030501
Series Grug series (34 books)
Publisher Simon & Schuster (Australia) Limited, 2014
Prior, Ted
Image currently unavailable
Grumpy lighthouse keeper, The
On a stormy, wet-season night in Broome, the lighthouse keeper gets out of his warm bed to ensure the lamp is still lit for passing ships. While he is out, sea creatures of all shapes and sizes race up the lighthouse staircase to escape the storm. When the lighthouse keeper returns to his bed, he becomes very grumpy.
ISBN 9781925360189
Publisher Magabala Books, 2016
Corpus, Terrizita & Prewett, Maggie (ill)
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Gus dog goes to work
Every day Gus Dog goes to work in the back of the ute with his owner, Tom the shearer. But one morning he wakes up to find Tom and the ute gone. So Gus Dog decides to go to work on his own.
ISBN 9781921504884
Publisher Working Title Press, 2017
Flynn, Rachel & Smith, Craig (ill)
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Hazel's treehouse
Hazel has an amazing treehouse in the bush which she shares with her even more amazing animal friends. Imagination and friendship make sure there is always an adventure, but there also quiet times and pancake making.
ISBN 9781760657260
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2024
Louise, Zanni & Watson, Judy (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Heartbeat of the land, The
As Cathy runs barefoot across the great ancient land, she listens to the heartbeat of the land - Ba Boom, Ba Boom, Ba Boom. But one day, Cathy hears a cry. The land is sick, it needs help. See how one small step can plant the seeds of change we need and then listen, and you too will hear the heartbeat of the land.
ISBN 9781922503848
Publisher Larrikin House, 2022
Freeman, Cathy & Vass, Carol & Harricks, Tannya (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Helping little star
Little Star has fallen off the edge of the night sky. He wants to return home to the Moon and hopes that Python, Dingo or Kangaroo can help him.
ISBN 9781921977770
Publisher Walker Books, 2013
Morgan, Sally & Kwaymullina, Blaze (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Here comes the rain
Grace has been waiting for the rain for so long that it seems like the drought will never break. Grandpa Frank tells Grace to look for certain signs so she watches the animals to see if rain is on the way. Illustrations are very appealing.
ISBN 9781865040318
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 1999
Good, Clare & Cox, David (ill)
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Highway rat, The
Give me your buns and your biscuits. Give me your chocolate eclairs. For I am the Rat of the highway and the Rat Thief never shares. Life is not safe for the other animals, as the villainous Highway Rat gallops along the highway, stealing their food. Clover from a rabbit; nuts from a squirrel, he even steals hay from his own horse. Until, the Highway Rat meets a cunning duck.
ISBN 9781407124377
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2011
Donaldson, Julia & Scheffler, Axel (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Hip hip hooray
The big day is almost here. The invitations are sent, the presents made pretty ... there's some fun to prepare! Peek inside the homes of these adorable animals as they celebrate charming birthday traditions - from party hats to pinatas and blowing out candles to making a wish.
ISBN 9781922081766
Publisher Windy Hollow Books, 2019
McCartney, Tania & Racklyeft, Jess (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Hope is the thing
Hope is a kookaburra singing the sun Hope is the emu learning to run... Let your imagination soar in this joyful ode to the world of birds and the healing power of nature. Sparked by the Emily Dickinson poem 'Hope is the thing with feathers', this lyrical text accompanied by glorious mixed media collages reflects and celebrates the diversity, ingenuity and wonder of birds.
ISBN 9781761180026
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2023
Bell, Johanna & Wagner, Erica
Image currently unavailable
How frogmouth found her home
Frogmouth isn't like the other birds. She doesn't want to live in the trees and is in search of something more. Frogmouth travels the land hunting for a new nesting place but nothing feels right. On her way, she helps other animals find their true homes, but still she searches for hers.
ISBN 9781921696015
Publisher Fremantle Press, 2010
Kwaymullina, Ambelin
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How the birds got their colours
Based on a story of the Bardi people in Western Australia. An Aboriginal story that explains the misadventure that led to the birds being so colourful.
ISBN 9781865046242
Series Aboriginal Stories (8 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2004
Lofts, Pamela (comp) & Albert, Mary (teller)
Image currently unavailable

How to move a zoo
The true story of how at the beginning of the 20th century Jessie the elephant walked from Moore Park Zoo to her spacious new home in the Taronga Zoological Park.
ISBN 9781761180309
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2024
Simpson, Kate & Swan, Owen
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Hush, little possum
Hush, little baby - oops no, it's an Australian lullaby! Hush, little possum! What will happen to little possum as the rain begins to fall. Mama possum will find a place to keep her baby safe and warm.
ISBN 9781743811597
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2015
Crumble, P & Binks, Wendy
Image currently unavailable
I listened and I looked
A small girl, sitting alone one a river bank, repeatedly gets the same advice from the old people. There is a bunyip living in a cave at the bend in the river. No matter how hard or long she watches and waits, she never sees it. Have the old people just made up the bunyip to teach children to be safe in the river? Or are they just having a bit of fun, by teasing the children?
ISBN 9781760158750
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2017
Briggs, Sue & Harvey, Bev & Leslie, Donna (ill)
Image currently unavailable
I remember
I remember is an exquisite tale of memory. Set in the Geraldton area of Western Australia, an elderly woman remembers the camping trips of her childhood. As her recollections fade in and out, she is drawn to think about the elusiveness of what she can remember from so long ago.
ISBN 9781925360769
Publisher Magabala Books, 2018
Crawford, Joanne & Jordinson, Kerry Anne (ill)
Image currently unavailable
I'm ready for Easter
Hot cross buns. Easter egg hunts. Decorating Easter hats. Just some of the fun traditions explored in this book about the lead-up to Easter in Australia. Simple text paired with gorgeous watercolour illustrations that celebrate the fun activities associated with Easter.
ISBN 9781760891596
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2020
Robaard, Jedda
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I'm ready for the new baby
This board book explores the anticipation and feelings that come with welcoming a new sibling into the family.
ISBN 9781760891626
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2020
Robaard, Jedda
Image currently unavailable
In Redfern
Three young authors explore all their favourite places in the Sydney suburb of Redfern.
ISBN 9780975064078
Publisher Indij Readers, 2003
Gordon, Angelica & others
Image currently unavailable
Indigenous language book
Students and parents may substitute reading or listening to a book in an indigenous language for a similar book on the Premier's Reading Challenge Kindergarten to Year 2 booklist. Older students may read an Indigenous language book as a personal choice.
Topics / Aboriginal content /
No book cover.
Is it Halloween yet?
Emily loves Halloween with its spooky dress-ups, fun games and yummy things to eat. Her busy family is not so sure. Luckily, Emily has a few tricks (and treats) to get everyone in the mood.
ISBN 9781760297404
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2019
Chambers, Susannah & Ainslie, Tamsin (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Jorn's magnificent imagination
Jorn has an amazing imagination. He builds things with his orange peels from breakfast, with cardboard boxes and sheets and blankets. He used his ideas to create amazing things. Then one day he would use his ideas and imagination to design something truly magnificent.
ISBN 9781922539144
Publisher Exisle Publishing, 2022
Vass, Coral & Johnston, Nicky (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Josephine wants to dance
Josephine loves to dance with her toes pointed, soaring into the air. She dreams of being part of a real ballet company and dancing in front of her friends.
ISBN 9780207200755
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2007
French, Jackie & Whatley, Bruce (ill)
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Kangaroo and the porpoise
From the Larrakia and Waigite language groups. One of a series of Aboriginal stories about animals and birds. The kangaroo asks the porpoise to mind her baby. When the porpoise won't give the baby back, a fight ensues with interesting results.
ISBN 9781865046297
Series Aboriginal Stories (8 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2004
Lofts, Pamela (comp) & Lippo, Agnes (teller)
Image currently unavailable
Kevin the sheep
Kev is a sheep, not like all the rest. While he spends all his time trying to 'find himself' he learns so many wonderful new talents. Luckily for the herd, one of these new talents comes in handy one night. If Kevin becomes a hero, does this mean he is now accepted as part of the herd? A hilarious picture book for young and old with a powerful message about how being unusual or different is not always a bad thing.
ISBN 9781761048951
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2024
Harvey, Jacqueline & Scott, Kate Isobel (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Kick with my left foot
I pull the sock on my left foot. I pull the sock on my right foot. I lace up the boot on my left foot. I lace up the boot on my right foot. It's time for footy.
ISBN 9781743313442
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2014
Seden, Paul & Briggs, Karen (ill)
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Koala bare
For too long koalas have been called bears. But this koala is out to prove to the world that he is BARE! And that never, ever, ever can a koala be called a bear.
ISBN 9781460751619
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2017
French, Jackie & Shanks, Matt (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Koala Lou
Now that she has brothers and sisters, Koala Lou is worried that her mother won't have enough time to say, ""Koala Lou, I do love you"".
ISBN 9780734304537
Publisher Penguin, 2002
Fox, Mem & Lofts, Pamela (ill)
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Last Anzac, The
Alec Campbell was the last living Anzac. He enlisted at the age of sixteen and ended up in Gallipoli. Before Alec died in 2002, young James was lucky enough to meet him.
ISBN 9781925059298
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2015
Winch, Gordon & Bailey, Harriet (ill)
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Last-Place Lin
Lin's excited about her first school sports day until she comes last. A reassuring celebration of the spirit to keep going from award-winning author Wai Chim and acclaimed illustrator Freda Chiu.
ISBN 9781761067754
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2023
Chim, Wai & Chiu, Freda (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Leonard doesn't dance
All the birds are excited about the Big Beaky Bird Ball - except Leonard. His warble-warble waltz with the magpies is more wobble-wobble, and his caw-caw can-can with the crows is a can't-can't. The puffins are prancing, the rosellas are rocking and you should see the flamingo go-go-go! Everyone is jumping and jiving, but not Leonard. Leonard doesn't dance. Then an unexpected encounter changes everything ...
ISBN 9780733333040
Publisher ABC Books, 2019
Watts, Frances & Watson, Judy (ill)
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Lethal lizards
Join a variety and lizards and goannas in a creation story that celebrates difference and highlights the value of self-belief.
ISBN 9781922777294
Publisher Magabala Books, 2024
Dreise, Gregg
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Life in a hollow
Have you ever wondered how a hollow in a tree forms, who might call it home? From tiny ants all the way to birds and possums, this story shows how important a little hole in a tree can be the Australian ecosystem.
ISBN 9781486316342
Publisher CSIRO, 2023
Gullan, David; Houghton, Suzanne
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Linda Jackson's rainbow menagerie
I live in the rainforest. I have a spectacular tail that I raise over my head when I sing and dance. A kaleidoscopic introduction to native Australian animals.
ISBN 9781925322132
Publisher Scribe Publications, 2018
Jackson, Linda
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Little horses
Beneath the waters of a calm bay, seahorses hide from predators, feed on shrimp and raise their young in gardens of sponge, coral, and grass. But when a storm destroys their habitat, they are left with nothing to eat and nowhere to hide. That is, until a Marine Biologist comes up with a clever invention to provide them with shelter and food while the natural environment recovers. The little horses have a new home where they can thrive! Soon, tiny horses are swimming and the hotel is overgrown with coral and grass. Inspired by true events and including information about seahorses and the Seahorse Hotels Project, Little Horses is a conservation success story certain to inspire children to love and care for the natural world."
ISBN 9781761111310
Publisher Wombat Books, 2024
Kelly, Deborah & Goodman, Jenni (ill)
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Little koala lost
Little Koala is lost in the bush and he sets out to find a home. He asks so many creatures if he can live with them but they all have a reason why he can't. Koala is very sad until he finally gets accepted.
ISBN 9781742991283
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2016
Kwaymullina, Blaze & Racklyeft, Jess (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Little Nic's big world
When Nic's Bubu (Grandma) helps him make a cassava cake for the school fete, he tries very hard to keep it safe, but there are a lot of distractions.
ISBN 9781761066061
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2021
Naitanui, Nic & Anaya, Fatima (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Little Puggle's Christmas
Christmas in the Australian bush is Puggle's favourite time of year. All the animals return to decorate the oldest tree, and to prepare for the big day. Every year, Puggle tries to help. But even though Puggle tries hardest, none of the special Christmas jobs seem to suit him.In despair, Puggle waddles off to his special place where he makes a Christmas wish on the first shooting star...but is it actually a shooting star? And what is stuck in the billabong? Can Puggle save Christmas and make his Christmas wish come true?
ISBN 9781922326812
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2023
Conley, Vikki & Magisson, Helene (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Little puggle's song
A lonely echidna searches for his voice. Every time Puggle tries to make sound nothing comes out. Can Puggle find his voice and join the bush choir?
ISBN 9781925594690
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2019
Conley, Vikki & Magisson, Helene (ill)
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Little stowaway, The
France, Winter 1918. The First World War is over. A brave and determined little French orphan Honore, wanders through the snow, cold and hungry and lost. When he stumbles on the Australian Flying Corps and meets airman, Tim Tovell, his life is changed forever.
ISBN 9781742993072
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2018
Bennett, Vicki & Suwannakit, Tull (ill)
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Little wombat's Easter surprise
It's Easter time. Little Wombat is searching for eggs when somebody rushes past. It's not Rabbit, or Koala, so who can it be? A delightful tale about how a special Easter someone shows Little Wombat how important it is to share with your friends.
ISBN 9781760654269
Publisher Walker Books, 2022
Fuge, Charles
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Littlle bilby's Aussie bush Christmas
A group of little bilbies are hunting for decorations to turn their Australian bush home into a magical Christmas wonderland. Join them on their adventure and meet some friendly Australian animals along the way.
ISBN 9780734420404
Publisher Lothian Books, 2021
Mes, Yvonne & Pratt, Jody (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Lucky shack, The
A seaside shack surrounded by natural beauty is lovingly cared for by a fisherman, until one day everything changes. Unveiling a timeless message of hope, The Lucky Shack is a heartfelt and uplifting journey through the seasons and the cycle of life.
ISBN 9781922033154
Publisher Working Title Press, 2023
Baldovino, Apsara & Falkner, Jennifer (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Macca the alpaca
Macca the Alpaca is small, kind and friendly. His days are easy and carefree until he accidentally bumps head-first into Harmer the llama. Harmer is big, unkind and never, ever friendly...Can little Macca find a way to teach Harmer a lesson he'll never forget?
ISBN 9781743816332
Series Macca the alpaca series (5 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2017
Cosgrove, Matt
Image currently unavailable
Macca the alpaca series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Macca the alpaca series (5 books)
Cosgrove, Matt
No book cover.
Mad magpie
The cheeky butcher birds always tease Guluu and he's becoming a very mad magpie. When Guluu heeds the advice of his Elders and ignores the birds, they just laugh at him. But, Guluu tries again and, this time, he stands proudly at the riverbank and remembers how he used to sing when he was having a bad day. Winner Book of the Year Award Speech Pathology Australia 2018 (Indigenous Children Category)
ISBN 9781925360066
Publisher Magabala Books, 2016
Dreise, Gregg
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Magpie learns a lesson
Magpie is cross because she can't fly like her friend, Brown Falcon. She thinks of mean tricks that will make Brown Falcon look silly. But, Magpie goes too far and finds out just how much friends need each other.
ISBN 9781742990590
Publisher Omnibus Books, 2015
Morgan, Sally & Kwaymullina, Ezekiel & Erzinger, Tania (ill)
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Mallee sky
An extremely timely and beautiful picture book about the effects of drought and climate change in the Mallee. The first people of the land call the Mallee "Nowie". It means sunset country. When the sun goes down the red heat of the day bleeds into the sky and sets it on fire. Drought and rain -- life under a Mallee Sky. This poetic text by emerging author Jodi Toering is beautifully accompanied by lush oil paintings by fine artist and illustrator Tannya Harricks.
ISBN 9781925381672
Publisher Walker Books, 2019
Toering, Jodi & Harricks, Tannya
Image currently unavailable
In a land far away, where fairies, pixies and elves live deep in the woods, a baby girl is born. Her parents call her Mamie. Mamie loves to sing and dance and paint with her magical woodland friends. Her days are like a fairy tale. But when Mamie's family move to Australia, she misses green fields drenched with rain. The hot skies and dusty plains of her new home turn Mamie's world upside down. Will she ever find new fairy friends in this strange and beautiful land?
ISBN 9781460755860
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 2018
McCartney, Tania
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Marlo can fly
Everyone expects Marlo to fly, but she would rather slither like a snake, hop like a kangaroo and swim like a crocodile. But when someone needs her help, can she rise to the challenge.
ISBN 9781921632419
Publisher Wombat Books, 2013
Vescio, Robert & Temple, Sandra (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Marnie teaches the Sea Eagles
Using the club mascots and various Rugby League players and captains, these books will allow readers to read about Rugby League and their favourite clubs and players, whilst engaging with text and practicing reading strategies.
ISBN 9781458649256
Series Rugby League Reads K-2 League Stars (15 of 24)
Publisher MacMillan, 2011
Hirsch, Suzan
Image currently unavailable
Mary and Marcus: The crazy dance and other stories
Mary is the happiest panda in the world. She loves to sing and dance and play the ukulele. But sometimes things get out of hand! Lucky she has her best friend, Marcus the snake, to help her out.
ISBN 9780733339844
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2022
Dubosarsky, Ursula & Joyner, Andrew (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Meerkat Christmas
Hip Hooray! It's Christmas Day! Come on meerkats, let's all play. Jumping, leaping, up,up,up! Meerkat pup on pup on pup. Join our ten meerkat friends as they play a wobbly Christmas game. But who makes them crash?
ISBN 9780143777229
Publisher Penguin, 2022
Parker, Aura
Image currently unavailable
Every day at the same time, Millicent walks through Hyde Park. She never speaks to anyone, but the park pigeons expect her. When they see her, they make a sweeping circle above the place where she always stops. Millicent's dream is to find enough feathers on the ground to eventually make herself a feather coat, hat, bag and shoes. This wordless story is told through magnificent collages.
ISBN 9781921150739
Publisher Walker Books, 2008
Baker, Jeannie
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Miss Lily's fabulous pink feather boa
Last Potoroo (a rare and endangered long-footed potoroo) is incredibly lonely, but lacks the courage to search for others of her kind. Shy and timid, her trip to the tropical north is a milestone and a bright pink feather boa changes her life.
ISBN 9780734304582
Publisher Claremont, 2002
Wild, Margaret & Argent, Kerry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Moli det bigibigi (Molly the pig)
Written in Kriol and English, this is the story of Molly, a little pig who is rescued from the bush. She's taken back to the community where she finds a happy home. Happy that is apart from the local dogs who keep chasing and frightening her. Moli is greatly loved in her community but what she loves most is Weet Bix. She loves it so much that it's not too long before little Moli is a very big pig indeed. So big, she now chases and frightens the local dogs. All in good fun, of course.
ISBN 9780648260424
Publisher Indigenous Literacy Foundation, 2018
Topics / Aboriginal content /
Manbulloo, Karen
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Monster party
Monsters have a party at Dora Lake and go galumphing all over the place.
ISBN 9781925360554
Publisher Magabala Books, 2018
The Children of Rawa Community School & Lester, Alison & Godwin, Jane
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Mr Price's pet emporium
Looking for the perfect pet? Don't be tricked by Mr Price - his Pet Emporium is not all it's made out to be
ISBN 9781922503657
Publisher Larrikin House, 2022
Lewis, Millie & Bazykina, Maria (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mum's elephant
What is your greatest treasure? This is the story of a mother who treasured her very 'special' elephant.
ISBN 9781925936728
Publisher Magabala Books, 2020
Jipyiliya Nampijinpa O'Keefe, Maureen & Booth, Christina (ill)
Image currently unavailable
My Australia
This is my country...this is my home. Come on a poetic journey that celebrates the beauty and diversity of Australia's landscapes. Relish the visual delights of our continent - from dry deserts to lush rain forests, high mountains to stormy seashores, and winding rivers to fertile swamp lands - all the magical places that are my Australia.
ISBN 9780642279163
Publisher NLA Publishing, 2018
Murphy, Julie & Fleming, Garry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
My dad is the best
A book that celebrates dads of all varieties. Are there funny sayings that your dad has, or things he does that are amusing? Then this is the book for you.
ISBN 9781761180507
Publisher Albert Street Books, 2024
McPickle, Nic & Doyle, Tommy (ill)
Image currently unavailable
My grandad marches on Anzac Day
Anzac day and it's significance as seen through the eyes of a young girl. She goes to the pre-dawn Anzac Day service with her father where they watch her grandad march in the parade.
ISBN 9780734408457
Publisher Thomas C Lothian Pty Ltd, 2005
Hoy, Catriona & Johnson, Benjamin (ill)
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Nala the koala
Nala has lost her home. She sets out to find a new one but there is nothing that will work for her, until she finds a tree. She notices that there are no other animals around. What will bring other animals to this area and who will help? Will Nala find some friends?
ISBN 9781760898830
Publisher Penguin Random House Australia, 2020
Min Ferguson, Penny
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Nan and dad and me at the zoo
A young boy spends the day at the zoo with his father and grandmother. Photographs support the text and provide lots of additional information about Taronga Zoo and some of its inhabitants.
ISBN 9780975064146
Publisher Indij Readers, 2004
Russelly, Dylan & McDougall, Wendy (phot)
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Night walk
A family camping holiday opens into a new world when a boy takes a night walk and discovers the animals that wake when we are asleep.
ISBN 9780994384171
Publisher Berbay Publishing, 2018
Binks, Alison
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Night watch
Sunset beckons. Moon appears and tawny frogmouth stirs. She begins her nightly flight, watching over all the animals nestled down to sleep in the burrows and branches of the Australian bush.
ISBN 9781760655310
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2024
Toering, Jodi & Harricks, Tannya
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Ninni Yabini
Yabini chased a willy wagtail and before long she was far from home. Then she saw a little star shining brightly... Yabini baal djidi djidi moodoonginy wer boordawan Yabini baal bookootj woorar boolyaka koolark. Ali Yabini baal nyit djina kanagoor djinaang... This book is written in English and Noogar"
ISBN 9781760991210
Publisher Fremantle Press, 2022
Kicket-Tucker, Cheryl & Waigana, Tyrown (ill)
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No rules!
Using the club mascots and various Rugby League players and captains, these books will allow readers to read about Rugby League and their favourite clubs and players, whilst engaging with text and practicing reading strategies.
ISBN 9781458649232
Series Rugby League Reads K-2 League Stars (13 of 24)
Publisher MacMillan, 2011
Hirsch, Suzan & Bennett, John (ill)
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No way Yirrikipayi
Yirrikipayi, the crocodile, is hungry. He goes hunting, chasing animals in the sea and on the land. Meet the animals and learn their Tiwi Island names.
ISBN 9780992478070
Publisher Pan MacMillan, 2015
Milikapiti School, Melville Island & Lester, Alison
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Noni the pony rescues a joey
Noni the Pony and her friends Dave Dog and Coco the Cat are headed out to spend the day roaming the hills near Waratah Bay. But then they meet a lost wallaby joey who needs help finding his family. So Noni, Dave, and Coco ask all of their animal friends, from koala to wombat to possum, if anyone has seen the wallaby family. Will they be able to help their new friend find his way home?
ISBN 9781534443709
Series Noni the pony series (99 books)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2019
Lester, Alison
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Not cute
This is the story of a stubbornly adorable quokka who wants to be anything but cute!
ISBN 9781760972387
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2020
Bunting, Philip
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Nothing alike
Reuben and his best friend think it's impossible to tell Esme and Eunwoo apart! They both have the same dark hair, are both short, and they even wear the same school uniform. Except that once Reuben starts to think about it, of course he knows who is who. But the girls have a surprise in store for him. He and his best friend look more like than they realise!
ISBN 9781761212239
Publisher Bright Light Books, 2023
Moor, Zewlan & Cheong, Peter (ill)
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NRL game day
Using the club mascots and various Rugby League players and captains, these books will allow readers to read about Rugby League and their favourite clubs and players, whilst engaging with text and practicing reading strategies.
ISBN 9781458649195
Series Rugby League Reads K-2 League Stars (9 of 24)
Publisher MacMillan, 2011
Hirsch, Suzan & Barr, Simon (ill)
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NRL uniforms
Using the club mascots and various Rugby League players and captains, these books will allow readers to read about Rugby League and their favourite clubs and players, whilst engaging with text and practicing reading strategies.
ISBN 9781458649225
Series Rugby League Reads K-2 League Stars (12 of 24)
Publisher MacMillan, 2011
Hirsch, Suzan
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Number one Aussie counting book, The
Count the gorgeous, baby Australian animals, from one all the way to twenty-one.
ISBN 9781742030098
Publisher Black Dog Books, 2008
McKenzie, Heath
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O in the snow, The
What words contain the O sound?
ISBN 9781925868609
Publisher Woodslane Press, 2021
Barker, Judith & Frith, Janie (ill)
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Old fellow
Take a walk through one day in the life of two best friends, a man and his dog. This book is full of unspoken friendship and love. The importance of neighbours and community is shown in this very special story.
ISBN 9781760652395
Publisher Walker Books, 2022
Cheng, Christopher & Anelli, Liz (ill)
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Old man emu
This iconic Australian song tells the very funny tale of the emu and its many traits - good and bad: He can't fly, but I'm telling you, he can run the pants off a kangaroo! The story compares the emu to lots of other Australian birds (galah, cockatoo, wedge-tail eagle, kookaburra) and of course to the kangaroo, providing wonderful opportunities for hilarious illustrations.
ISBN 9781760898793
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2020
WIlliamson, John & McLean, Simon (ill)
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One woolly wombat
Zany Australian animals parade through this counting book, including five pesky platypuses and fourteen slick seals.
ISBN 9780140507584
Publisher Omnibus Books, 1987
Trinca, Rod & Argent, Kerry (ill)
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OO in Uluru, The
This is the story of the OO. An amusing sound for all of you! Learn about the vowel sound OO and where you can find it in different words as you explore Australia's Red Centre.
ISBN 9781925868180
Publisher Woodslane Press, 2020
Barker, Judith & Frith, Janie (ill)
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Opera house mouse
Mouse can't sleep at night as he is kept awake by sounds of music. He goes exploring and sets out to climb a mountain. He encounters dangers but is rewarded when he reaches the top.
ISBN 9781876289294
Publisher Margaret Hamilton, 2000
Chapman, Jean & Oliver, Tony (ill)
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Oscar's tower of flowers
When Oscar's mum has to go away for a while, Oscar feels a bit lost. But then he waters a forgotten, wilting plant. The leaves perk up and Oscar perks up, too. Oscar soon discovers the joy of sowing seeds, lots and lots of seeds.
ISBN 9781406391879
Publisher Walker Books, 2021
Tobia, Lauren
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Other bears, The
Mother and Father Koala are suspicious of the other bears and surprised that they are so different. But, the little koalas have other ideas.
ISBN 9781921361951
Publisher Fremantle Press, 2010
Thompson, Michael
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Other brother, The
Jayden James thought his family was perfect - until last Wednesday when Mitchell David arrived. Now the car's too small, picnics are ruined and no one's paying attention to Jayden anymore. Jayden knows something needs to be done. And he's the only one who can do it! A gentle story about acceptance, belonging and what it means to be family.
ISBN 9781925563689
Publisher Wombat Books, 2020
Jaye, Penny & Cooper Smith, Heidi
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Our birds
Discover the birds of Australia through the evocative and intricately detailed artwork of best selling Bundjalung author-illustrator Bronwyn Bancroft.
ISBN 9781761211195
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2023
Bancroft, Bronwyn
Image currently unavailable

Our bugs
Discover the bugs of Australia through the evocative and intricately detailed artwork of best selling Bundjalung author-illustrator Bronwyn Bancroft.
ISBN 9781761211188
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2023
Bancroft, Bronwyn
Image currently unavailable

Our flag, our story: The Torres Strait Islander Flag
Flags are symbols of identity, pride, and difference. Join Bernard Namok Junior as he explains the elements of the Torres Strait Islander flag designed by his father.
ISBN 9781922613509
Publisher Magabala Books, 2024
Namok Jnr, Bernard & Mayo, Thomas & Mordey, Tori-Jay
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Our home on wheels
Ride along with Hunter as she discovers beaches and billabongs, paddocks and plains, forests and dugouts, and even underwater worlds. A big adventure awaits!
ISBN 9781761046827
Publisher Penguin, 2022
Parry-Valentine, Jessica & Stephen & Spink, Ashlee (ill)
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Owl and star
The sparkle of the stars was important to Owl. He watched as they greeted him at dusk and at dawn would fall asleep to their gentle light. Owl was worried after his favourite little star didn't come out one night. He went searching far and wide for his little friend. Where could Little Star be?
ISBN 9781760992156
Publisher Fremantle Press, 2022
Milroy, Helen
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Pen pal club, The
Follow pen pals Maria, Ruby, Jack and Ahn as they write letters to each other from different parts of Australia. They discover interesting things about the life of their pen pal and the part of Australia they are from all while growing friendships.
ISBN 9780648525103
Publisher Australia Post, 2020
Morgan, Sally & White, Annie (ill)
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Penguin oh Penguin
Can Penguin make it back to its family?
ISBN 9781875641697
Publisher Magabala Books, 2023
Milroy, Gladys & Milroy, Helen
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Pidge's poppies
Pidge's Poppies brings to light the message of hope with the symbol of the red poppy in a curious, delightful way when two pigeons tell a story about building a nest in the Australian War Memorial from cloth poppies strewn among the name plates of those who fought the war and lost their lives doing so. Pidge's remembering of how important carrier pigeons were in communication is both factual and comforting when the nest is complete.
ISBN 9781922696380
Publisher Ford Street Publishing, 2024
Andrews, Jan & Ide, Timothy (ill)
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Pip and Pim
Tonight, for the very first time, Pip and Pim, two young possums, are going down to the forest floor with their mother. Papa Possum warns them to be careful but the two young possums are too excited to listen.
ISBN 9781760151973
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2015
Hegarty, Aunty Ruth & Harrold, Sandi (ill)
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Plastic throne, The
Denver flushes all kinds of things down the toilet not thinking of the consequence. Then one night while he sleeps the ocean begins to stir, unable to contain its fury. Can Denver and his sister Maisy make it right before it is too late?
ISBN 9781925227802
Publisher MidnightSun Publishing, 2021
Uduman, Amani and Bruton, Kera (ill)
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Polar bear in Sydney Harbour
Imagine finding a polar bear in Sydney Harbour. Hannah finds one but no-one else seems to notice him. Hannah helps him fit into the climate while she tries to find a way to help her new friend get home.
ISBN 9780733339400
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2020
Feiner, Beck & Feiner, Robin
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Pollination: How does my garden grow?
A child spends the day in their grandparent's garden, learning about the importance of bees, possums and birds in the ecosystem. With additional information about pollination in the back of the book, students can learn all about how our world needs these creatures and the important roles they play in food and plant production.
ISBN 9781486313235
Publisher CSIRO, 2023
Cheng, Christopher & Snell, Danny (ill)
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Poppy's gift
Oswin is a common cricket, far too common for the vain and beautiful poppy, She does not care for his courting. When her fair-weather friends leave her, Oswin is her last remaining admirer.
ISBN 9781921136924
Publisher Windy Hollow Books, 2006
Kuchling, Guundie
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Possum and wattle: my big book of Australian words
This book explores the natural, rich landscape of Australia through Bundjalung woman's eyes. The Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal words are printed alongside each vibrant image of flora and fauna. A glossary of Indigenous words such as willy-willy, that are now part of everyday use, are included.
ISBN 9781921272585
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2008
Bancroft, Bronwyn
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Puggle's problem
Pipp is a tiny puggle with a big problem. He's the only echidna without spines. Determined to have them. Pipp sets out to ask friends for advice.
ISBN 9781921633072
Publisher Wombat Books, 2010
Darlison, Aleesah & Temple, Sandra (ill)
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This book is a 'slice of life' following a python living in an Australian forest. Be with her as she wakes up at first light, hunts for birds and rodents, sheds her skin and guards over her first clutch of eggs until they hatch.
ISBN 9781921529603
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2012
Cheng, Christopher & Jackson, Mark (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Radio rescue
Jim and his family live happily on their remote outback station. Yet, sometimes Jim feels lonely. His Dad enjoys droving and shearing but, sometimes, he wishes he could chat to a mate. Jim's Mum is always busy with the accounts but she sometimes worries about being so far away from everything. When a strange new radio with pedals arrives, Jim is excited, and Mum and Dad can now send messages to their neighbours. Then, something happens and only Jim can save his dad.
ISBN 9780642278784
Publisher National Library of Australia, 2016
Jolly, Jane & Ingpen, Robert (ill)
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Rainbow serpent
In the Dreamtime, there were no animals, birds, trees, hills or mountains. When the great Rainbow Serpent stirred and set off to look for his tribe, he changed the shape of the country and the lives of the people.
ISBN 9780006614715
Publisher Collins, 1985
Roughsey, Dick
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Ready. Set. Discover Logan
Yana arrives in the city of Logan with her family, feeling alone. She's not sure what children can do in Logan. Yana meets Bunji, an Aboriginal boy at a Logan City library. Bunji shows Yana the best places for kids to explore and play.
ISBN 9780994302199
Publisher Digital Future Press, 2018
Tyrrell, Karen
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Real cowgirl, The
Sal wants to be a real cowgirl. At home, Sal is brave and strong, wild and free, smart and kind. But at school, Sal feels anxious and small. Will she ever be a real cowgirl?
ISBN 9781922539687
Publisher EK Books, 2024
Duff, Isabelle & Crispe, Susannah (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Reindeer's Christmas surprise
It's Christmas eve in Australia and Reindeer has great fun giving presents to his friends, Cat, Dog and Guinea Pig. But, even when it's warm and sunny outside, it's hard to be far away from home and family. Luckily, Christmas is a time for exciting surprises and, this year, Reindeer might just get one of his very own.
ISBN 9781760113025
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2015
Dubosarsky, Ursula & deGennaro, Sue (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Rescue ark, The
An Australian representation of the rhyme/song 'The animals went in two by two' here we have a journey around Australia identifying vulnerable and endangered Australian animals at risk of extinction, such as the Orange-Bellied Parrot, Native Bee and Gulf Snapping Turtle.
ISBN 9780642278104
Publisher National Library of Australia, 2014
Hall, Susan
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Return of the dinosaurs
Imagine if dinosaurs came back to visit and they were roaming the Broome coastline today.
ISBN 9781925360370
Publisher Magabala Books, 2016
Houston, Bronwyn
Image currently unavailable
Robbie's story
Using the club mascots and various Rugby League players and captains, these books will allow readers to read about Rugby League and their favourite clubs and players, whilst engaging with text and practicing reading strategies.
ISBN 9781458649300
Series Rugby League Reads K-2 League Stars (20 of 24)
Publisher MacMillan, 2011
Hirsch, Suzan
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Rocky and Louie
Louie has a big brother named Rocky who always has time to teach Louie how to be a great footy player just like him. Rocky also shows Louie how to talk to the elders in their family to learn about Country and their culture. When Rocky has to leave their community to learn new things, Louie needs to think of a way to show Rocky how good of a big brother he has been to Louie.
ISBN 9780143786528
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2020
Walleystack, Phil & Caisley, Raewyn & Leffler, Dub (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Room on our rock
Two seals are perched on a rock. When others need shelter, do they share it?
ISBN 9781742764108
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2018
Temple, Kate & Temple, Jol & Baynton, Terri Rose (ill)
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Rufus the numbat
Rufus the numbat is just passing through but his quiet stroll through town causes all kinds of trouble for the people who live there. This very effective story encourages thinking about human impact on the environment.
ISBN 9781876462963
Publisher Ford Street Publishing, 2010
Miller, David
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Rugby League Reads K-2 League Stars
Using the club mascots and various Rugby League players and captains, these books will allow readers to read about Rugby League and their favourite clubs and players, whilst engaging with text and practicing reading strategies. Any two books from this series may be read as Challenge books; up to five more can be read as personal choice books. Go to the Series lists for individual book titles.
Series Rugby League Reads K-2 League Stars (24 books)
No book cover.
Rugby league world cup
Using the club mascots and various Rugby League players and captains, these books will allow readers to read about Rugby League and their favourite clubs and players, whilst engaging with text and practicing reading strategies.
ISBN 9781458649331
Series Rugby League Reads K-2 League Stars (23 of 24)
Publisher MacMillan, 2011
Hirsch, Suzan
Image currently unavailable
Santa and the sugar glider
It's Christmas Eve and Snap the sugar glider is practicing his moves. He wants to be the greatest flyer in the rainforest but the other animals just laugh at him. When Santa makes an emergency landing, all the animals have a chance to audition. Could this be Snap's chance to shine?
ISBN 9780734419521
Publisher Lothian Books, 2020
Moses, Alexa & Tortop, Anil (ill)
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Santa's outback secret
Santa has received a special Christmas letter, which leads him to packing a bag just before Christmas and spending some time in the Australian outback.
ISBN 9780857982254
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2014
Dumbleton, Mike & Jellett, Tom (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Savannah dreams
From Sunday to Saturday, Savannah and her family go looking for bush tucker. Her father, mother, brother and sister each find food to bring home to share, but Savannah only finds pieces of rubbish and junk. At the end of the week, Savannah's brother is wondering why they bother to bring her along at all. But, eventually, he discovers that Savannah's imagination is important too.
ISBN 9781921714030
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2011
Stewart, Lolla
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Scared book, The
This story is about to begin, when our book realises it might be a scary story! Help, can you help? What are some of the ways you can help yourself when feeling scared? Fun and interactive story with wonderful illustrations.
ISBN 9780734417503
Publisher Hachette Children's Books, 2017
Tidball, Debra
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Sea Country
My people are proud, strong people. We are the decendants of Mannalargenna of the Pairrebeene Trawlwoolway clan, We grew up on Flinder's Island in eastern Bass Strait. The bush and the beach were our playground. We were free there to hear Country speak to us. Sea Country will give you everything you need, if you watch and listen.
ISBN 9781925936032
Publisher Magabala Books, 2021
Cameron, Aunty Patsy & Kennedy, Lisa (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Jack Howe had hands the size of tennis racquets, legs like tree trunks and wrists made of steel. And in Queensland, in 1892, he set a hand blade shearing record that has never been beaten! An astounding true story, about the greatest shearer in the world!"
ISBN 9781760653163
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2023
McMullin, Neridah & Tomkins, Michael (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Silly galah
Witty verses, colourful illustrations and useful facts about seventeen, very different Australian animals combine to make this an entertaining and informative picture book.
ISBN 9781862914421
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2001
Brian, Janeen & Johns, Cheryll (ill)
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Silly squid: poems about the sea
Find out about some clever Australian creatures found by the shore. In this collection of funny verse, each poem is accompanied by some facts about the animal and the illustrations are based on the colours and features of the environment in which each one lives.
ISBN 9781742990965
Publisher Omnibus Books, 2015
Brian, Janeen & Johns, Cheryll (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Sing me the summer
Splash into summer with this glorious love letter to the seasons.
ISBN 9781925972924
Publisher Affirm Press, 2020
Godwin, Jane & Lester, Alison
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Singing seal, The
Meet Florence, a flamboyant fur seal who lives on the steps of the Sydney Opera House. Unlike the other seals, Florence has plans. Big plans. She's going to be a world-famous singer. But does Florence have what it takes to become a real SEALPRANO?
ISBN 9781925584868
Publisher Affirm Press, 2018
Lamington, Merv & Langton, Allison (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Smallest bilby solves the biggest problem, The
Billy Bilby needs the help of his friends with a very important job at Easter. This is an electronic book, viewed on YouTube at
ISBN 9781111111113
Hilton, Nette & NSW students (ill)
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Snake and the boy, The
As children play football in a country schoolyard, a boy takes to the bars in the playground, only to have a cunning green tree snake slither in and steal his apple.
ISBN 9781921248245
Publisher Magabala Books, 2011
Sebastian, Azmen
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Snakes awake
Pip explores the outdoors with her mum, hoping to find her favourite creature, a snake. Join her to discover the beauty and excitement of these remarkable reptiles and learn how to stay safe in the Australian bush
ISBN 9781925804928
Publisher Ford Street Publishing, 2022
Paine, Jarrod & Boland, Shannon (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Snowy's Christmas
Snowy is a little, white kangaroo that recognises he is not the same as the other red kangaroos. When his mother explains he is special, he is not sure that he understands. With his mother's encouragement, he goes off to have a very special adventure on Christmas Eve, helping to pull Santa's sleigh across Australia.
ISBN 9781741664409
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2009
Murphy, Sally & Murphy, David (ill)
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Somebody's land
Today, across Australia, young children everywhere will acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the traditional custodians of the land where we live, or go to school, preschool or care. This book is designed to help parents and carers have conversations with their children about what the acknowledgement means and why we do it.
ISBN 9781760526726
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2021
Goodes, Adam & Laing, Ellie & Hardy, David (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Something wonderful
Sam likes to pull things apart, put them back together and think about how things work. But, sometimes, he is so busy doing this, he forgets his chores on the family farm. One day, he creates something truly wonderful.
ISBN 9780670078455
Publisher Viking Children's, 2016
Caisley, Raewyn & Blair, Karen (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Somewhere in the reef
Along the Great Barrier Reef, having fun in the sun, lived a mother dolphin and her little calf one. Leap, said the mother. I leap, said the one, as they leapt out of the water and had fun in the sun. Join the little dolphin calf and many more familiar ocean animals in this vivid counting book based on the classic rhyme Over in the Meadow.
ISBN 9781760159894
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2018
Pennacchio, Marcello & Snell, Danny (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Splosh for the billabong
Splosh for the billabong at the shady bend of river. Brush for the flowers that burst in summer heat. A glorious celebration of country, animals and painting. Includes words translated into the Yanyuwa language, which is spoken by Aboriginal families in Borroloola, Northern Territory.
ISBN 9781760112127
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2015
Moriarty, Ros & Balarinji (ill) & Bradley, John (trans)
Image currently unavailable
Staircase to the moon
A young girl has a yearning to get to the moon. One night, she and her grandfather sneak away from home in a bid to climb the staircase to the moon. The pair brave blood-thirsty mosquitoes, dive-bombing fruit bats, boab trees that loom like giants and sinking mangrove mud before making it to the foot of the staircase.
ISBN 9781921248290
Publisher Magabala Books, 2011
Houston, Bronwyn
Image currently unavailable
Little eyes are closing and it's time everyone was in bed. I wonder what the star sees.
ISBN 9780733322440
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2008
Prior, Natalie Jane & Pignataro, Anna (ill)
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State of origin
Using the club mascots and various Rugby League players and captains, these books will allow readers to read about Rugby League and their favourite clubs and players, whilst engaging with text and practicing reading strategies.
ISBN 9781458649294
Series Rugby League Reads K-2 League Stars (19 of 24)
Publisher MacMillan, 2011
Hirsch, Suzan & Bennett, John (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Summer rain
First, the land wakes in morning light. Turtles crawl and lizards creep. But, then, rain splatters on dusty ground and everything comes alive. A joyous serenade of northern Australian animals and landscapes in the rainy season. Words are translated into the Yanyuwa language, which is spoken by Aboriginal families in Borroloola, Northern Territory.
ISBN 9781760112110
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2015
Moriarty, Ros & Balarinji (ill) & Bradley, John (trans)
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Super snake
Dhurraluwi guuma-li - come together! Wantima - Rise up! Woorri - Share! This is the refrain of the Super Snake as he locates the water that communities need to survive, and as he teaches us the value of sharing our resources.
ISBN 9781922142955
Publisher Magabala Books, 2024
Dreise, Gregg
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Tabitha and the raincloud
When Tabitha wakes up and finds a raincloud next to her, she knows that it is going to be one of those yucky days. Tabitha's day goes from bad to worse as her terrible mood affects everything. Tabitha soon realises that she has the power to shift her mood and the raincloud does not have to ruin her day.
ISBN 9781925820133
Publisher EK Books, 2020
Sillett, Devon & Johns, Melissa (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Tasmanian devil
A whiskered snout appears in the mouth of a wombat burrow. This is the Tasmanian Devil, join her as we watch her 2 imps grow.
ISBN 9781760652418
Publisher Walker Books, 2022
Saxby, Claire & Hamilton, Max (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Tea and sugar Christmas
The Tea and Sugar train came once a week on a Thursday. But, the special Christmas train only came once a year. Today was Sunday. Four more days without sugar. Four more days until the Christmas train. Please, please be on time. Please don't be late. Join Kathleen in the outback as she eagerly waited for the Christmas Tea and Sugar train.
ISBN 9780642278630
Publisher National Library of Australia, 2014
Jolly, Jane & Ingpen, Robert (ill)
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The rainbow
The land bakes RED. The sun sets ORANGE. The dawn glows GOLD. The flowers burst YELLOW. A joyous serenade to colours that show country before a storm, illustrated by Balarinji, Australia's leading Indigenous design studio, with a translation of the text into the Aboriginal Yanyuwa language.
ISBN 9781760297794
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2018
Moriarty, Ros & Balarinji (ill)
Image currently unavailable
The Titan from Papua New Guinea
Using the club mascots and various Rugby League players and captains, these books will allow readers to read about Rugby League and their favourite clubs and players, whilst engaging with text and practicing reading strategies.
ISBN 9781458649263
Series Rugby League Reads K-2 League Stars (16 of 24)
Publisher MacMillan, 2011
Hirsch, Suzan
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There was an old lady who swallowed a mozzie
"I don't know why she swallowed the mozzie ... she's gotta be Aussie!" Aussie animals beware! There's an old lady in the bush with an unstoppable appetite! You won't believe what she can swallow.
ISBN 9781760669966
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2019
Crumble, P & Shea, Louis (ill)
Image currently unavailable
There's no such book
t's the night before the Book Week parade and Ellie needs a costume. She and Mum raid their home but all Mum's suggestions fall flat. Ellie heads to bed with only Mum's promise that she'll find something... somehow.
ISBN 9781760509743
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2022
Dettmann, Jessica & Minton & Jake A (ill)
Image currently unavailable
This is Banjo Paterson
Andrew Barton 'Banjo' Paterson loved to write poetry. He loved hunting and fishing and horses too, especially a horse named 'Banjo'. Join Banjo, his family, dog and neighbourhood friends, as they recount the life of Banjo Paterson with an afternoon of backyard playtime that truly typifies childhood.
ISBN 9780642278982
Publisher National Library of Australia, 2017
McCartney, Tania & Booth, Christina (ill)
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Three dresses
Author-illustrator Wanda Gibson grew up on Hope Vale Mission in Far North Queensland. Her novel revisits the family's annual break from the Mission, and celebrates connection to family and place, as well as the joy in simple things such as a young girl's three dresses.
ISBN 9780702266355
Publisher University of Queensland Press, 2024
Gibson, Wanda
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Tiddalick, the frog who caused a flood
A well-loved classic tale of Tiddalick, the frog, who drank up all the rivers and lakes. All the other animals resolve to get the water back from him.
ISBN 9780140503494
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2005
Roennfeldt, Robert
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Tim and Ed
Here is Tim and here is Ed. Same ears, same eyes, same feet and same head. Twin koalas Tim and Ed love to be together all the time so what will happen when Ed goes away for the night.
ISBN 9780670074631
Publisher Viking Children's, 2014
Dubosarsky, Ursula & Joyner, Andrew (ill)
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Tiny: a little dog on a big adventure
Steve and Tiny look after each other so when Steve needs to get away for a while, Tiny goes too. The trusty old van becomes their new home as they drive across Australia, through wide red deserts and past glittering oceans. But, Tiny has a job to do. Steve needs new friends, friends to get him out from behind his camera and make him smile again. If there's one thing Tiny is good at, it's making friends.
ISBN 9781741755473
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2008
Castles, Jennifer & Otton, Steve (photo)
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Tjitji lullaby
Tjitji means child. A lullaby is a soft song. This book includes animals of the Australian bush to relax you.
ISBN 9780733342783
Publisher ABC Books, 2022
Ross, Michael & Fielding, Zaachariaha & Kennedy, Lisa (ill)
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Toast tree, The
A very special tree, with bright green leaves and an orange trunk, is hidden in the sand dunes, bordering a dusty, pearling town. Every day, Ella and Mia's grandpa comes home from work with a treat from the tree. It's the best-tasting toast in the world. Ella and Mia search high and low for the tree, laden with squares of golden-brown toast, but they can never find it.
ISBN 9781922142689
Publisher Magabala Books, 2015
Martin, Corina & Martins, Fern (ill)
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Tom the outback mailman
Everyone living in the Northern South Australian outback depends upon Big Tom Kruse to deliver their mail. Not only letters but furniture, tyres, petrol, he delivers it all. But what is Tom to do when he is waylaid by an unexpected flood. With everyone relying on him, how will he make it all the way up to Birdsville and back.
ISBN 9780734412249
Publisher Lothian Books, 2012
Weidenbach, Kristin & Ide, Timothy (ill)
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Tom Tom
A contemporary story of a young boy living an idyllic life in the Northern Territory's Top End. It follows his day as he interacts with his extended family and attends the local preschool.
ISBN 9781876288983
Publisher Working Title Press, 2008
Sullivan, Rosemary & Huxley, Dee (ill)
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Too many cheeky dogs
'On Monday I went to my auntie's house and guess what I saw? ONE yellow cheeky dog sleeping on the floor.' So begins this cheeky story set in a remote Indigenous community, romping through numbers, colours and days of the week to the hilarious finale.
ISBN 9781743316221
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2016
Bell, Johanna & Beasley, Dion (ill)
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Top koala
I am top of every tree. Top is always best to be. This koala is determined to be at the top of EVERYTHING. From a mast atop a boat on Sydney Harbour to the Parliament House flagpole in Canberra, this koala travels around Australia and tops it all.
ISBN 9781460754818
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 2019
French, Jackie & Shanks, Matt (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Down on the farm, we're busy, busy busy! We are chopping, cutting, churning and planting. Who's working the hardest? It is our tractor. Read this book to see if you agree.
ISBN 9781760653385
Publisher Walker Books, 2022
Sutton, Sally & Lovelock, Brian (ill)
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Training like a Bronco!
Using the club mascots and various Rugby League players and captains, these books will allow readers to read about Rugby League and their favourite clubs and players, whilst engaging with text and practicing reading strategies.
ISBN 9781458649287
Series Rugby League Reads K-2 League Stars (18 of 24)
Publisher MacMillan, 2011
Hirsch, Suzan
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Training with Luke
Using the club mascots and various Rugby League players and captains, these books will allow readers to read about Rugby League and their favourite clubs and players, whilst engaging with text and practicing reading strategies.
ISBN 9781458649249
Series Rugby League Reads K-2 League Stars (14 of 24)
Publisher MacMillan, 2011
Hirsch, Suzan
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Trent and the bullies
Using the club mascots and various Rugby League players and captains, these books will allow readers to read about Rugby League and their favourite clubs and players, whilst engaging with text and practicing reading strategies.
ISBN 9781458649201
Series Rugby League Reads K-2 League Stars (10 of 24)
Publisher MacMillan, 2011
Hirsch, Suzan & Barr, Simon (ill)
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Turtle and the flood, The
Myrtle the turtle knows everything about the waterhole where she lives. She can also sense the giant flood that is coming, long before other animals or humans. So, when she begins her long slow climb up the mountain, what will the others do?
ISBN 9781460715550
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 2023
French, Jackie & Snell, Danny (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Two sides to every story
Cats or dogs? Living in the city or the country? Going to the pool or the beach? Life presents lots of questions and lots of choices. For Oscar, there's no question or choice he won't twist, tumble, turn inside out and explore every which way. This book invites you to be a mental gymnast and look at both sides of the story!
ISBN 9780733341618
Publisher ABC Books, 2023
Feiner, Beck & Feiner, Robin
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Two wallabies, The
A Dreaming narrative from the Aboriginal people of Australia's far north. After a flood carries away his first friend, the wallaby finds another companion. They criss-cross the country bringing many places and plants into being.
ISBN 9781876288266
Publisher Working Title Press, 2002
Jakamarra, Henry Cook (Aboriginal storyteller) & Nicolls, Christine (ed.)
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Very Play School Christmas, A
The toys are on their way to Jemima's caravan park to spend the holidays together. Join them for classic Play School fun as they bring to life the joy of an Australian Christmas.
ISBN 9780733342363
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2022
Stradling, Jan & Robaard, Jedda (ill)
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What are they called 2? More Australian animals
Its fun to find out the strange names for a group of animals. What is a group of lizards called or a group of jellyfish? Find out the answers and many more in this book.
ISBN 9780648871255
Publisher Little Red Apple Publishing, 2020
Cole, Diana Marlay
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What are they called? Australian animals
Do you know the names given to different groups of animals? Did you know that a group of penguins is called a colony? There is no group name for quokkas but they are said to be Australia's happiest animals as they always appear to be smiling.
ISBN 9780648290582
Cole, Diana Marlay
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What colour is the sea?
Koala has a great question. What colour is the sea? Her friends give her so many answers she decides to go and look for herself.
ISBN 9781925816389
Publisher Fremantle Press, 2020
Stewart, Katie
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What do you call your grandpa?
Some people call him nonno, some call him kabu, some call him grandpa. Here is a book celebrating the different ways we say and enjoy grandfathers.
ISBN 9780733340864
Publisher ABC Books, 2020
Barton, Ashleigh & Heiduczek, Martina
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What do you wish for
Ruby is looking forward to Christmas and the street party in the local park, as well as many other happy customs. One of these is the neighbourhood children hanging a Christmas wish on the big tree in the park, before they perform their yearly show. Ruby happily ponders on all the things she loves about the festive season - baking, presents, Christmas lunch and the freedom of holidays.
ISBN 9780670078110
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2015
Godwin, Jane & Walker, Anna (ill)
Image currently unavailable
What Zola did on Friday
Zola loves living on Boomerang Street with her mum and her nonna. Every day of the week is an adventure. But Zola has a problem. No matter how much she tries, she can't keep out of trouble. Like on Friday, when she and Alessandro decide to paint Nonno Nino's little yellow boat...
ISBN 9781760895020
Series What Zola did series (5 of 7)
Publisher Penguin, 2021
Marchetta, Melina & Hudson, Deb (ill)
Image currently unavailable
What Zola did on Monday
Zola lives with her mum and her Nonna Rosa. Nonna is famous in their neighbourhood for her gardening. Her front yard is filled with flowers of every colour and the backyard is full of tomatoes, basil, beans and more. Nonna Rosa is very strict and sometimes Zola gets in trouble, but she knows her grandmother loves her. When Zola's Year Two teacher decides to take on the challenge of bringing the community garden back to life, her class look to Zola and her Nonna for advice.
ISBN 9781760895150
Series What Zola did series (1 of 7)
Publisher Penguin, 2020
Marchetta, Melina & Hudson, Deb (ill)
Image currently unavailable
What Zola Did on Saturday
Zola loves living on Boomerang Street with her mum and her nonna. Every day of the week is an adventure. But Zola has a problem. No matter how much she tries, she can't keep out of trouble. Like on Saturday, when it's tomato day at Nonna Rosa's and Zola is helping out...
ISBN 9781760895211
Series What Zola did series (6 of 7)
Publisher Penguin, 2021
Marchetta, Melina & Hudson, Deb (ill)
Image currently unavailable
What Zola did on Sunday
Zola loves living on Boomerang Street with her mum and her nonna. Every day of the week is an adventure. But Zola has a problem. No matter how much she tries, she can't keep out of trouble. Like on Sunday, when it's St Odo's fete and Zola and the gang join in the fun...
ISBN 9781760895228
Series What Zola did series (7 of 7)
Publisher Penguin, 2021
Marchetta, Melina & Hudson, Deb (ill)
Image currently unavailable
What Zola did on Thursday
Zola loves living on Boomerang Street with her mum and her nonna. Every day of the week is an adventure. But Zola has a problem. No matter how much she tries, she can't keep out of trouble. Like on Thursday, when she and the gang form a band and upset their cranky neighbour, Mr Walton...
ISBN 9781760895181
Series What Zola did series (4 of 7)
Publisher Penguin, 2021
Marchetta, Melina & Hudson, Deb (ill)
Image currently unavailable
What Zola did on Tuesday
Zola and her cousin Alessandro are very curious about the new neighbours. These new neighbours stay out of sight behind the fence, but Zola can hear their conversations. Like her family, the new neighbours can be pretty loud. By listening to their conversations and watching for clues, Zola is sure the new family will have friends for her and Alessandro and maybe a new friend for Nonna too.
ISBN 9781760895167
Series What Zola did series (2 of 7)
Publisher Penguin, 2020
Marchetta, Melina & Hudson, Deb (ill)
Image currently unavailable
What Zola did on Wednesday
Zola loves living on Boomerang Street with her mum and her nonna. Every day of the week is an adventure. But Zola has a problem. No matter how much she tries, she can't keep out of trouble! Like on Wednesday, when Zola has a plan to help find her friend Sophia's missing turtle... Collect all seven stories in the series. One for every day of the week.
ISBN 9781760895174
Series What Zola did series (3 of 7)
Publisher Penguin, 2020
Marchetta, Melina & Hudson, Deb (ill)
Image currently unavailable
What Zola did series
Any five titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top of the screen.
Series What Zola did series (7 books)
Marchetta, Melina & Hudson, Deb (ill)
No book cover.
What's that there?
What's that there? That's the rushing river's curly bend, cried the sea eagle perched on a knotted branch, swaying. There, look! What's that there? That's the cliff face sharp with sun-scorched stones, glinting, shrilled the hawk, gliding on summer winds. There, look! An exhilarating celebration of the Australian landscape as seen from the sky featuring vibrant illustrations by Balarinji, Australia's leading Indigenous design studio.
ISBN 9781760297817
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2017
Moriarty, Ros & Balarinji (ill)
Image currently unavailable
When I am sad
Using the club mascots and various Rugby League players and captains, these books will allow readers to read about Rugby League and their favourite clubs and players, whilst engaging with text and practicing reading strategies.
ISBN 9781458649157
Series Rugby League Reads K-2 League Stars (5 of 24)
Publisher MacMillan, 2010
Hirsch, Suzan & Konye, Paul (ill)
Image currently unavailable
When the waterhole dries up
It's bath time in the outback, and a dusty boy is waiting, but so are some very dusty and very cheeky animals. Will this boy ever get clean?
ISBN 9781922081971
Publisher Windy Hollow Books, 2021
Baillie, Kaye & Hamilton, Max (ill)
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When we go walkabout
When we go walkabout, what do we see. Yirruwa yirrilikenuma-langwa, amiyembena yirringka yirruwa.
ISBN 9781743314562
Publisher University of Queensland Press, 2014
Lalara, Rhoda & Alfred
Image currently unavailable
When you go to Melbourne
Take a walk around Melbourne - Can you find the golden whale? Can you find the giants and their clock? Join the author as she relives childhood trips to town that bring the city to life with wonder and fun. Reliving cherished childhood memories of trips to town, Maree Coote has created a delightful nonsense romp around the city of style. Join in a child's discovery of Melbourne, its surprises, its delights, its hidden treasures and unexpected touchstones.
ISBN 9780648568421
Publisher Melbournestyle, 2020
Coote, Maree
Image currently unavailable
Where do the stars go?
Have you ever wondered where the stars go when the sun comes up? Join Possum as she ventures beyond her hollow to gain answers to this question from other Australian animals.
ISBN 9781760990480
Publisher Fremantle Press, 2021
Stewart, Katie
Image currently unavailable
Where is Galah
Dingo is on the prowl. He can see Emu, Swan and Turtle. He can hear Crocodile, Frog and Kookaburra. But, he can't find Galah.
ISBN 9781921894466
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2015
Morgan, Sally
Image currently unavailable
Where the lyrebird lives
High in the mountains through the sleepy clouds. Deep in the forest past the chiming birds. Will we see the lyrebird? I don't know. Tip-toe, tip-toe. The beauty of the Australian rainforest and the magic of family-time come together in this lyrical and delightful story of intergenerational connection, habitat and adventure.
ISBN 9780645323566
Publisher Windy Hollow Books, 2022
Conley, Vikki & Hamilton, Max (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Where's Jessie
When Jessie and her family move to the Outback, there isn't room in their horse-drawn cart for her favourite toy, Bertie Bear. Poor Bertie is packed into a box to travel with the cameleers. But, when Bertie becomes dislodged, he doesn't understand where his family has gone. Bertie is about to begin some grand adventures.
ISBN 9780642278753
Publisher National Library of Australia, 2015
Brian, Janeen & Spudvilas, Anne (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Who is the winner?
Using the club mascots and various Rugby League players and captains, these books will allow readers to read about Rugby League and their favourite clubs and players, whilst engaging with text and practicing reading strategies.
ISBN 9781458649348
Series Rugby League Reads K-2 League Stars (24 of 24)
Publisher MacMillan, 2011
Hirsch, Suzan
Image currently unavailable
Who saw Turtle?
Who saw Turtle? Did the whale with the slapping, splashing tail? Or the octopus with the dangly, stretchy tentacles? Maybe the fish with the glittery, shimmering scales? A glorious exploration of the amazing migration of Turtle as she travels the world and then returns home to lay her eggs, illustrated by Balarinji, Australia's leading Indigenous design studio. Also contains text translation into the Aboriginal Yanyuwa language.
ISBN 9781760297800
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2018
Moriarty, Ros, & Balarinji (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Wombat divine
All the animals are excitedly preparing for a Christmas nativity performance. Wombat is desperate to have a part in the play but is unsuitable for every role he tries, except one.
ISBN 9781862918412
Publisher Omnibus Books, 2009
Fox, Mem & Argent, Kerry (ill)
Image currently unavailable

Yanga mother
Written in Kooma and English, this picture book explores the beauty and strength of family bonds.
ISBN 9780702268311
Publisher University of Queensland Press, 2024
Leavy, Cheryl & Bassi, Christopher
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Yellow truck road train
Dad is waiting for the wet season to end so Yellow Truck Road Train can get back to work. There are cattle and donkeys to load, kangaroos to look out for, heat and dust, and always plenty to do. Come aboard Yellow Truck Road Train and experience life in the outback and on the road!
ISBN 9781760525811
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2020
Tootell, Mandy
Image currently unavailable