
Challenge Level : K-2 Challenge Level : 3-4 Challenge Level : 5-6 Challenge Level : 7-9 Challenge Level : 9plus
ID Title Author  
If you're happy and you know it
Song title in book format with lovely illustrations and the animals as participants. A book of happiness for all ages.
ISBN 9781862334113
Publisher Gullane Children's Books Ltd, 2004
Cabrera, Jane
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Old mother Hubbard
The traditional nursery rhyme is well-presented and illustrated.
ISBN 9781862333048
Publisher Gullane Children's Books Ltd, 2001
Cabrera, Jane
Image currently unavailable
Thumbelina journeys to find new friends to play with.
ISBN 9781846436550
Series Flip-up fairy tales series (28 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2014
Cabrol, Marta
Image currently unavailable
Baking with Dad
Today we are baking a cake with Dad. We have everything we need, including the most important ingredient of all- Dad himself.
ISBN 9781846437540
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2016
Cacciapuoti, Aurora
Image currently unavailable
Something wonderful
Sam likes to pull things apart, put them back together and think about how things work. But, sometimes, he is so busy doing this, he forgets his chores on the family farm. One day, he creates something truly wonderful.
ISBN 9780670078455
Publisher Viking Children's, 2016
Caisley, Raewyn & Blair, Karen (ill)
Image currently unavailable
On a windy day, Charlie's kite gets caught in a big tree. All solutions to retrieve it fail, resulting in the tree being full of objects.
ISBN 9781921150463
Publisher Walker Books, 2009
Calder, Charlotte & Jackson, Mark (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Dad who measures up, A
In this funny, moving story, a little girl is about to find out what makes an ideal dad as she searches for one who can measure up to the mummy she loves.
ISBN 9780958557191
Publisher Wilkins Farago Pty Ltd, 2008
Cali, Davide & Cantone, Anna Laura (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Great house hunt, The
A big and brightly coloured picture book about two ladybirds hunt for the perfect house - led by a tenacious yet clueless real estate agent, Mr Weevil.
ISBN 9781877579295
Publisher Gecko Press, 2012
Cali, Davide and Boutavant, Marc (ill)
Image currently unavailable

Sea Country
My people are proud, strong people. We are the decendants of Mannalargenna of the Pairrebeene Trawlwoolway clan, We grew up on Flinder's Island in eastern Bass Strait. The bush and the beach were our playground. We were free there to hear Country speak to us. Sea Country will give you everything you need, if you watch and listen.
ISBN 9781925936032
Publisher Magabala Books, 2021
Cameron, Aunty Patsy & Kennedy, Lisa (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Dear zoo
In this introduction to zoo animals, children lift the flaps to discover what is underneath.
ISBN 9780140504460
Publisher Penguin, 1988
Campbell, Rod
Image currently unavailable
Oh dear
Children lift the flaps to meet all the farm animals and help Buster when he goes down to the farmyard to fetch the eggs for grandma.
ISBN 9780333733516
Publisher Pan MacMillan, 1999
Campbell, Rod
Image currently unavailable
Hug machine
A little boy takes it upon himself to calm and cheer everyone, and everything, with a warm hug. He takes his work quite seriously and no challenge is too tough. Being a Hug Machine is a big, important job that requires frequent refuelling to keep his hugging energy high. When he's about to collapse from exhaustion, the Hug Machine might just need a hug too.
ISBN 9781442459359
Publisher Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2014
Campbell, Scott
Image currently unavailable
Luis and Tabitha
Luis is an alley cat who has everything figured out, until he meets Tabitha, a beautiful indoor cat. Separated by a tragic glass door, Luis will do anything to be with Tabitha-even brave the dangers of a fire.
ISBN 9781641700405
Publisher Familius, 2018
Campisi, Stephanie & Mengert, Hollie (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Hole story, The
One day Charlie finds a hole. A hole of his very own! He picks it up and pops it in his pocket. But it doesn't take Charlie long to realise that a hole in your pocket is not a good thing to have...
ISBN 9781925591125
Publisher Fremantle Press, 2018
Canby, Kelly
Image currently unavailable
All Rodney ever wanted, all he had ever dreamed about, was to know a life among the treetops.
ISBN 9781925815320
Publisher Fremantle Press, 2019
Canby, Kelly
Image currently unavailable
Verdi, the personality-plus python, begins life as a yellow, boldly striped and lively hatchling who zings his way through the jungle. Join the snake's verdant, vibrant tropical world and share his fun.
ISBN 9780864610829
Publisher Koala Books, 1997
Cannon, Janell
Image currently unavailable
Heads and tails
You can only see my tail. What animal am I?
ISBN 9780994289575
Series Heads and tails series (3 books)
Publisher Berbay Publishing, 2017
Canty, John
Image currently unavailable
Heads and tails insects
You can only see my tail, what insect am I?
ISBN 9780994384164
Series Heads and tails series (3 books)
Publisher Berbay Publishing, 2018
Canty, John
Image currently unavailable
Heads and tails series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Heads and tails series (3 books)
Canty, John
No book cover.
Heads and tails underwater
At first we can only see the sea creature's tails. Some clues help us try to identify each creature as we learn more about each one. Now, can you guess the sea creature that each tail belongs to before they are revealed once the page is turned?
ISBN 9780648397359
Series Heads and tails series (3 books)
Publisher Berbay Publishing, 2019
Canty, John
Image currently unavailable
Mrs McTats and her houseful of cats
Mrs McTats lives alone except for her cat. Soon, cats in twos, threes and fours come to her door until the house is bursting. But, something, or someone, is missing.
ISBN 9780743462068
Publisher Simon & Schuster, 2003
Topics / K-2 Numeracy /
Capucilli, Alyssa Satin & Rankin, Joan (ill)
Image currently unavailable
10 little rubber ducks
Ten little rubber ducks are swept out to sea and one is left helpless. Mother duck comes along to save him.
ISBN 9780007202423
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2005
Topics / K-2 Numeracy /
Carle, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Bad-tempered ladybird, The
A bad-tempered ladybird is not prepared to share her meal of aphids with anyone.
ISBN 9780140503982
Publisher Puffin Australia, 1976
Carle, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Mister seahorse
Mister seahorse carries his babies about and meets other male baby carriers in the ocean.
ISBN 9780140569896
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2004
Carle, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Papa, please get the moon for me
A little girl, Monica, sees the moon from her bedroom window and wants to play with it. Her father sets out to bring it to her - it isn't easy to climb to the moon.
ISBN 9780689829598
Publisher Simon & Schuster, 1999
Carle, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Very hungry caterpillar, The
The very hungry caterpillar eats his way through all kinds of food in this beautifully structured and appealing story.
ISBN 9780140569322
Publisher Penguin, 2003
Topics / K-2 Numeracy /
Carle, Eric
Image currently unavailable
Blue whale blues
When Penguin hears Whale singing the blues, he tries to help. But, it is difficult to stop a blue whale feeling blue.
ISBN 9781925059410
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2015
Carnavas, Peter
Image currently unavailable
Boy on the page, The
A small boy lands on the page and, quite by accident, discovers the joy and wonder of life.
ISBN 9781921928468
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2013
Carnavas, Peter
Image currently unavailable
Children who loved books, The
Angus and Lucy love books. They have hundreds of them. Then, one day, all the books are taken away and the family discovers they need books more than they could ever have imagined.
ISBN 9781921928161
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2012
Carnavas, Peter
Image currently unavailable
Great expedition, The
A team of brave, very young explorers cross wild country to deliver a valuable parcel. The journey is punishing. Some of the young explorers don't make it. But, in the end, two courageous souls will be admired and remembered for many years to come.
ISBN 9781921042812
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2011
Carnavas, Peter
Image currently unavailable
Jessica's box
Jessica is sure she will make lots of friends on her first day at school. But, despite, her best efforts, no one stays to talk with her. Then, unexpectedly, a friend appears.
ISBN 9781921042911
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2008
Carnavas, Peter
Image currently unavailable
Oliver and George
Oliver is ready to play, but George the bear is busy. Oliver tries to get George's attention, but what happens when a boy bothers a bear too many times.
ISBN 9781925059083
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2014
Carnavas, Peter
Image currently unavailable
Quiet girl, A
Mary is a quiet little girl who lives with an active family. They make so much noise that they hardly notice her - or anything else around them...until, in her own gentle way, Mary opens their eyes and ears to what they've been missing.
ISBN 9780702260025
Publisher University of Queensland Press, 2019
Carnavas, Peter
Image currently unavailable
Jonathan loves to dress up and scare his family, but they insist that he is just not scary. What happens when he gets too scary.
ISBN 9781921928611
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2014
Carnavas, Peter & Francey, Amanda (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Learning ladders; Jobs to do
Presented by World Book Encyclopaedia, this beloved set features beautiful artwork and photographs to capture the interest and imagination of very young children. Learning Ladders includes curriculum-based books centred on early childhood nonfiction topics. They offer a delightful look at children's favourite topics -- each book is filled with the perfect mix of fun, facts, and fiction.
ISBN 9780716679493
Series Learning Ladders series (30 books)
Publisher World Book, 2018
Topics / K-2 Non-fiction /
Carrigan, Mellonee
Image currently unavailable
Catawampus cat, The
The catawampus cat walked into town one day and that's when everything began to change.
ISBN 9780143785583
Publisher Penguin, 2017
Carter Eaton, Jason & Gordon, Gus (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Oscar the hungry unicorn
Oscar the Unicorn has eaten his stable so he needs to find somewhere else to live. Not easy if you're a unicorn who eats everything in sight. No one wants him around: not the pirates or the fairies or the dragons. Will Oscar ever find a place to call home? Well, it just so happens that Princess Oola has been searching for a unicorn forever.
ISBN 9781408355756
Publisher Hachette Children's Books, 2018
Carter, Lou & Dyson, Nikki (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Our dog Benji
Benji will eat anything. From ice cream to insects, he's eager to try it all! His young owner isn't quite so adventurous. But perhaps Benji can inspire him to be a little less fussy.
ISBN 9781925335330
Publisher EK Books, 2017
Carter, Pete & Henderson, James (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Gobbling tree, The
Join Zac and his friends as they try to retrieve their belongings from a tree that is determined to keep everything that lands in it.
ISBN 9781921042973
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2008
Carthew, Mark & Boyer, Susy (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Five little owls
Five beautiful owls with moonlight in their eyes find several animals playing a game in their woods. The owls give their help to all, from the tiny, dusky field mice to the orange-bellied swamp frogs in this beautifully poetic, predictable story.
ISBN 9781921042553
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2007
Carthew, Mark & Goss, Mini (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Thing that goes ping, The
In the faraway town of Figgy-tra-ling, you may hear the faint ring of a thing that goes ping! Join in the quest for the thing that goes ping- and meet some fun animals along the way.
ISBN 9781925804669
Publisher Ford Street Publishing, 2021
Carthew, Mark & McG, Shane (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Can you keep a secret
For anyone who loves nursery rhymes, and for anyone yet to discover their wonders, this book includes a collection of action verse, playtime and counting rhymes, all brought to life with bright illustrations.
ISBN 9781741662481
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2008
Carthew, Mark & Murphy, Jobi
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Marvin and Marigold: A stormy night
On a wild and stormy night Marvin and Marigold are scared. The wind rattled windows, whistled and whirled as lightning bolts cracked and thunderclaps swirled. Will they make it through the night?
ISBN 9781925594225
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2018
Carthew, Mark & Prescott, Simon (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Moose is loose, The
When the sneaky, slippery and sly animals on the train escape, it's up to Mac and Bruce to get them back onboard.
ISBN 9780733331015
Publisher ABC Books, 2013
Carthew, Mark & Stanton, Matt (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Great zoo hullabaloo, The
When Jess and Jack opened the gates to the zoo, it was strangely deserted. Nobody said boo! Can Jess and Jack discover the mystery of the missing animals?
ISBN 9781925059786
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2017
Carthew, Mark & Tortop, Anil (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Don't cross the line
Without question, the guard always follows the general's orders. This time, the order is that no one must cross the line. The right-hand page of this book must be kept blank for the general. As the crowd builds up on the border, the guard is under more and more pressure.
ISBN 9781776570744
Publisher Gecko Press, 2016
Carvalho, Bernardo P & Martins, Isabel Minhos (ill) & Hahn, Daniel (trans)
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With a little sprinkle of courage
When Fen was born, her father gave her a special gift, knowing it would help her through any difficult times. However, just when she is about to face her biggest challenge, Fen loses her gift, and can't find it anywhere.
ISBN 9781922643544
Publisher Boolarong Press, 2023
Case, Jackie
Image currently unavailable
For every child
Fourteen of the most pertinent rights of the child, carefully chosen from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and retold simply. Each right has been interpreted in a stunning double-page spread by some of the world's most acclaimed artists.
ISBN 9780099408659
Publisher Red Fox, 2002
Castle, Caroline (adapt)
Image currently unavailable
Tiny: a little dog on a big adventure
Steve and Tiny look after each other so when Steve needs to get away for a while, Tiny goes too. The trusty old van becomes their new home as they drive across Australia, through wide red deserts and past glittering oceans. But, Tiny has a job to do. Steve needs new friends, friends to get him out from behind his camera and make him smile again. If there's one thing Tiny is good at, it's making friends.
ISBN 9781741755473
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2008
Castles, Jennifer & Otton, Steve (photo)
Image currently unavailable
Baby giraffes
What is cute, spotty and has very long legs? A baby giraffe! Read and learn all about baby giraffes from the moment they are born and take their first breath, how tall and heavy they will grow until they are ready to leave their mums. You will even learn the special name of the horns that are on top of a giraffe's head!
ISBN 9780716634379
Series World Book Bolt series (3 books)
Publisher World Book, 2019
Topics / K-2 Non-fiction /
Caswell, Deanna
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Baby hedgehogs
What chirps, lives in a nest, has a pointy nose and can curl into prickly ball when it is scared? A baby hedgehog! This cute baby is a curious little animal who grows up fast. Read and learn about baby hedgehogs from the moment they are born until the time they are ready to leave their mums. Just imagine a baby hedgehog can live on their own when they are just six weeks old!
ISBN 9780716634393
Series World Book Bolt series (3 books)
Publisher World Book, 2019
Topics / K-2 Non-fiction /
Caswell, Deanna
Image currently unavailable
Baby hippos
What's cute and chubby and lives in the water? A baby hippo of course! A baby hippo has a lot to learn as it grows up and you can read and learn all about baby hippos from the moment they are born until it is time for them to leave their mothers. They even get into trouble if they do not do as they are told!
ISBN 9780716634409
Series World Book Bolt series (3 books)
Publisher World Book, 2019
Topics / K-2 Non-fiction /
Caswell, Deanna
Image currently unavailable
Baby koalas
Have you ever wondered how a baby koala learns to look after itself? Learn what it needs to eat, how it moves and when it will leave its mother.
ISBN 9780716634416
Series World Book Bolt series (3 books)
Publisher World Book, 2019
Caswell, Deanna
Image currently unavailable
Baby owls
What is cute, fluffy and not very wise? A baby owl! Owls live all over the world except in Antarctica. Some owls even live in the desert! Did you know that some owls lay eggs in a burrow, a nest or on the ground? Read about baby owls and all the things they have to learn so they can become wise and powerful hunters like their mums and dads.
ISBN 9780716634423
Series World Book Bolt series (3 books)
Publisher World Book, 2019
Topics / K-2 Non-fiction /
Caswell, Deanna
Image currently unavailable
Baby pandas
BOLT encourages a wide variety of students, including reluctant readers, by providing them with books featuring appealing topics and carefully prepared text. Innovative infographics and attention-commanding photography draw in young readers, and accessible, levelled text helps even the most challenged readers understand the material and enjoy the reading experience. This strong image/text integration aids in comprehension and complements classroom instruction, helping each and every student reach his or her learning potential! Packed with dynamic photos, charts, diagrams, fun facts, and infographics, BOLT's attention-grabbing titles are sure to have your readers coming back for more.
ISBN 9780716677253
Series World Book Bolt series (3 books)
Publisher World Book, 2018
Caswell, Deanna
Image currently unavailable
Dirt bikes
Rev up your engines, we're going to take you for a ride. Get to know what's under the hood of your favourite vehicles. You're in the drivers seat!
ISBN 9780716693031
Publisher World Book, 2018
Caswell, Deanna
Image currently unavailable
Hickory dickory dock
In this entertaining retelling of the traditional nursery song, the mouse is only one of many animals to climb the clock. Who slides up at three o'clock, and who will bounce up at ten.
ISBN 9781846434990
Series Classic books with holes series (21 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2012
Caswell, Kelly (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Sebastian lives in a hat
Four month old Sebastian's mother has been killed at the side of the road. The tiny wombat must be nursed carefully by the author if he is to survive and finally be returned to the wild. When Sebastian first comes into her life, he fits inside a hat.
ISBN 9781862910980
Publisher Omnibus Books, 2008
Catterwell, Thelma & Argent, Kerry (ill)
Image currently unavailable
An appealing story about two friends who look after each other.
ISBN 9780340656006
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (Australia), 2005
Cave, Kathryn & Maland, Nick (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Enormous turnip, The
A retelling of the much-loved fairy tale, with surprises under each lift-up flap.
ISBN 9781846433696
Series Flip-up fairy tales series (28 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2011
Cerretti, Cristiana
Image currently unavailable
Hurry down to Derry fair
Billy Brown is in a hurry. The fair is starting now but his family is not hurrying too. Well, there are pies to be baked, wood to be chopped and animals to be brushed, all to show and sell at the fair. Only Grandma is ready to go.
ISBN 9781406303797
Publisher Walker Books, 2011
Chaconas, Dori & Tyler, Gillian (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mama Panya's pancakes
Adika invites all their friends for pancakes but Mama Panya is worried that she does not have enough money to feed them.
ISBN 9781905236633
Publisher Barefoot books, 2005
Chamberlain, Mary & Rich & Cairns, Julia (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Is it Halloween yet?
Emily loves Halloween with its spooky dress-ups, fun games and yummy things to eat. Her busy family is not so sure. Luckily, Emily has a few tricks (and treats) to get everyone in the mood.
ISBN 9781760297404
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2019
Chambers, Susannah & Ainslie, Tamsin (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Snow wombat, The
In Australia's High Country, it's a big journey through the snow for a little wombat, meeting animals, birds and people along the way. But, there's no place like home.
ISBN 9781760113810
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2016
Chambers, Susannah & Jackson, Mark (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Easter Bunnyroo, The
Last week my Dad found something special, Ruby. She has long ears and big feet and an built-in basket for carrying Easter eggs. Surely Ruby must be the Easter Bunny. A delightful Australian Easter story from Susannah Chambers and Laura Woods.
ISBN 9781760635015
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2020
Chambers, Susannah & Wood, Laura (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Library book, The
How boring it is when it is raining on the weekend, there is nothing on television and dad is still asleep after a late night working. Well not really, when there is a visit to the library and the world comes to life with incredible characters and places, all just waiting to be picked up and read. Pinocchio, the Cat in the Hat, the Cheshire Cat, Babar, Madeline, Winnie the Pooh and many others make an appearance. The endpapers provide a musical rendition which can also be found with different illustrations at
ISBN 9781481460927
Publisher Simon & Schuster, 2017
Chapin, Tom; Mark, Michael, & Groenink, Chuck
Image currently unavailable
Bush jumper, The
Koala knits Mitti a jumper the colour of wattle blossom. The only problem is that she runs out of wool and has to knit a multi-coloured sleeve. Mitti is not keen on the result but the other animals help to change her mind.
ISBN 9780733307492
Publisher ABC Books, 2005
Chapman, Jean & Beck, Ali (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Opera house mouse
Mouse can't sleep at night as he is kept awake by sounds of music. He goes exploring and sets out to climb a mountain. He encounters dangers but is rewarded when he reaches the top.
ISBN 9781876289294
Publisher Margaret Hamilton, 2000
Chapman, Jean & Oliver, Tony (ill)
Image currently unavailable
From the moment she's discovered on the doorstep, everyone loves Pooka. She's the best dog ever. Grandad warns the family not to get attached but it's too late for that.
ISBN 9781921504372
Publisher Working Title Press, 2012
Chataway, Carol & Rycroft, Nina (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Old fellow
Take a walk through one day in the life of two best friends, a man and his dog. This book is full of unspoken friendship and love. The importance of neighbours and community is shown in this very special story.
ISBN 9781760652395
Publisher Walker Books, 2022
Cheng, Christopher & Anelli, Liz (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Sounds spooky
In a rickety old house, spooky sounds fill the air. A crash, a slam, a snarl and a hiss. Who or what is making these sounds is yet to be discovered.
ISBN 9781864718799
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2011
Cheng, Christopher & Davis, Sarah (ill)
Image currently unavailable
This book is a 'slice of life' following a python living in an Australian forest. Be with her as she wakes up at first light, hunts for birds and rodents, sheds her skin and guards over her first clutch of eggs until they hatch.
ISBN 9781921529603
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2012
Cheng, Christopher & Jackson, Mark (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Pollination: How does my garden grow?
A child spends the day in their grandparent's garden, learning about the importance of bees, possums and birds in the ecosystem. With additional information about pollination in the back of the book, students can learn all about how our world needs these creatures and the important roles they play in food and plant production.
ISBN 9781486313235
Publisher CSIRO, 2023
Cheng, Christopher & Snell, Danny (ill)
Image currently unavailable
One tree
One tall tree on the mountain once marked Grandfather's farm. Now there is a busy city and Grandfather lives with us in our apartment. Once he told stories but now he stays silent. Until one day, in the city market, I find something precious ...something that brings Grandfather's memories alive again.
ISBN 9780143786733
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2019
Cheng, Christopher & Whatley, Bruce (ill)
Image currently unavailable
New Year surprise
The whole family is excited about the New Year Spring Festival. Everyone has a special job and Little Brother is anxious to know what his will be. But, his brother says that Little Brother is too small to help out. He's not strong enough to hold onto a kite and he's too little to hold the dragon poles. But, Father says that he has a special job. Follow Little Brother through the village to find out what his special job is.
ISBN 9780642278838
Publisher National Library of Australia, 2016
Cheng, Christopher & Wu, Di (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Every night at midnight
Every night at midnight, Felix turns into a wolf. His hands and feet become velvety paws and he grows a long, bushytail. Felix has the night-time world to himself. There's no one else like him. Felix isn't a wolf during the day, but it still feels like there's no one else like him. That's okay. Felix is just fine on his own. But after a chance encounter, this little lone wolf starts to wonder whether he might find his pack after all... A tender and whimsical picture book about finding friendship in unexpected places.
ISBN 9781665917384
Publisher Simon & Schuster, 2023
Cheong, Peter
Image currently unavailable
When I first met you, Blue Kangaroo
When Lily gets a new baby brother, she soon discovers that it's not easy learning new things and helping to look after someone so small. But, then, Grandma brings her a very special surprise. Someone who also needs to be cared for.
ISBN 9780007425112
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2015
Chichester Clark, Emma
Image currently unavailable
Bears don't read
George isn't happy doing the usual bear things like chatting and fishing. But, he doesn't know what else there is until, one day, he finds a book beneath a tree. More than anything, he wants to learn to read. But, arriving in town, George soon discovers that it's not easy to be a bear at school. If only he could find someone to teach him the alphabet and change his life forever.
ISBN 9780007425198
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2015
Chichester Clark, Emma
Image currently unavailable
Little Miss Muffet counts to ten
In the original nursery rhyme, the spider frightened Miss Muffet away. Well, not this time. The spider asks her to stay and, to be polite, she does. And then come the animals - two, three, four, five - bearing gifts, delicacies and decorations.
ISBN 9781842709559
Publisher Andersen Press Ltd, 2009
Chichester Clark, Emma
Image currently unavailable
Minty and Tink
When searching for a birthday present for her baby brother, Minty finds a tiny, toy bear who can talk. Instantly, they become the very best of friends and Minty decides that she does not want to give Tink away to her little brother.
ISBN 9781842707203
Publisher Andersen Press Ltd, 2009
Chichester Clark, Emma
Image currently unavailable
Where are you, blue kangaroo
Lily has a special relationship with Blue Kangaroo. He goes with her everywhere but she has a habit of losing him. A delightful picture book.
ISBN 9780862649234
Publisher Andersen Press Ltd, 2000
Chichester Clark, Emma
Image currently unavailable
But excuse me that is my book
Beetles, Bugs and Butterflies is Lola's absolute favourite book ever in the whole wide world. But someone else has borrowed Lola's book! Can Charlie help Lola find her next absolute favourite book?
ISBN 9780141500539
Publisher Penguin, 2006
Child, Lauren
Image currently unavailable
I am not sleepy and I will not go to bed
Lola's brother, Charlie, has the unenviable job of getting her to bed. Lola has quite an imagination and doesn't want to go. Charlie must give bedtime drinks to imaginary tigers and shoo a whale down the drain before Lola can get ready for bed.
ISBN 9781841210780
Publisher Watts, 2002
Child, Lauren
Image currently unavailable
I am too absolutely small for school
Lola agrees it would be handy to learn to read bedtime stories, write to Father Christmas and count biscuits, but she has told her brother, Charlie, that she probably doesn't have time to go to school. Her invisible friend doesn't want to go either.
ISBN 9781841213545
Publisher Watts Publishing Group, 2003
Child, Lauren
Image currently unavailable
Slightly invisible
When his friend, Marv, comes over to play, Charlie would prefer that his little sister stay away. However, Lola is irritating and likes being the centre of attention. When Charlie's nerves snap, he issues an ultimatum to Lola, but rules, like not touching the secret potion that turns people invisible, are simply ignored.
ISBN 9781408307908
Publisher Orchard Books, 2010
Child, Lauren
Image currently unavailable
Alice & Anatole
Shy, lonely Alice meets a real friend, an anteater named Anatole. After some trials and tribulations, the friendship grows and endures.
ISBN 9781416904847
Publisher Simon & Schuster, 2007
Childs, Sam
Image currently unavailable
Last-Place Lin
Lin's excited about her first school sports day until she comes last. A reassuring celebration of the spirit to keep going from award-winning author Wai Chim and acclaimed illustrator Freda Chiu.
ISBN 9781761067754
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2023
Chim, Wai & Chiu, Freda (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Prince and the witch and the thief and the bears, The
When it's time for Jamie's bedtime story, his Dad begins to tell an age-old fairy tale about a prince in a faraway land full of dragons, wolves and princesses in distress. But inquisitive Jamie can't help but add to his dad's story, and the prince is soon joined by an evil-eyed witch who turns people to jelly, a broccoli-wielding ninja frog and a jewel-thief, lock picking princess. It may not be the story Dad set out to tell, but together, he and Jamie create something much more energetic and hilarious than they could have alone.
ISBN 9781406365139
Publisher Walker Books, 2018
Chisholm, Alastair & Tuya, Jez (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Trip to the hospital, A
Momo, Raimi and Henry must all visit the children's hospital and, once there, find themselves treated by the many incredible, caring and clever people.
ISBN 9781760526702
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2021
Chiu, Freda
Image currently unavailable

Oh, olive!
Olive's parents are professional artists who always paint prim, proper, perfect shapes, and they want Olive to follow in their footsteps. But Olive wants to paint differently; she likes to splatter and splash colour across her work and never paints perfect shapes, or any shapes at all. What will happen when Olive and her bright paints reach her parents' pristine art gallery?
ISBN 9780063237490
Publisher HarperCollins US, 2023
Cho, Lian
Image currently unavailable
Scruff sheep
Scruff sheep is the one sheep on the farm who is always late and who almost always leads to disaster. But, one day, he might just be in the right place to help a little hen with a very big problem.
ISBN 9780192791634
Publisher Oxford University Press, 2006
Church, Caroline Jayne
Image currently unavailable
At the seaside
Christopher, a child with Down syndrome, tackles everyday life. Christopher and his friend, Lauren, are spending the day at the seaside, enjoying the sun and getting into mischief.
ISBN 9780749636951
Publisher Watts, 2000
Church, Diane
Image currently unavailable
Birthday party
Alexandra and her friends have to consider their food allergies when planning and preparing for Alexandra's fun birthday party.
ISBN 9780749636722
Publisher Watts, 2000
Church, Diane
Image currently unavailable
Going on a school trip
Georgia, a young schoolgirl who is blind, enjoys a school excursion.
ISBN 9780749636708
Publisher Watts, 2000
Church, Diane
Image currently unavailable
Going shopping
Sara has muscular dystrophy and uses a wheelchair. Sara and Moya go shopping, have lunch and buy each other treats on their day out.
ISBN 9780749636715
Publisher Watts, 2000
Church, Diane
Image currently unavailable
If Winter Comes, tell it I'm not here
Nothing is better than summertime. But a boy's sister has BIG news... winter is coming! With it, the cold... the dark... the rain. What is the boy to do?
ISBN 9781529504255
Publisher Walker Books, 2020
Ciraolo, Simona
Image currently unavailable
Greatest in the world, The
Rot is a mutant potato who wakes up feeling great, maybe even... the greatest in the world! But that only makes Rot's brother Snot the grumpiest in the world. The only solution? An epic contest to prove who is the greatest once and for all, judged by the only impartial party they can find - their small fry little sister, Tot. But as the stakes get higher through the muddy potato sack race, sacred hot potato roll, and a hilarious laughing contest, their rivalry spirals out of control. Suddenly Rot's not feeling so spudtacular anymore. Will this tater trio ever be able to determine who the greatest in the world really is?
ISBN 9780008646547
Publisher Farshore, 2022
Clanton, Ben
Image currently unavailable
Now I am bigger
In the first three years of a child's life they learn and experience so much. This is a collection of poems in picture book format arranged to reflect a child's progress through time represented as 'memories' of growing up from birth to two or three years.
ISBN 9781921504174
Publisher Working Title Press, 2010
Clark, Sherryl & Rycroft, Nina (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Quickly! Quickly!
Bongani accepts that he's too small to attend school. But he does not want to be left chasing the animals away on his own either. Maybe he needs a scared crow to help him do this important job. His grandmother tells him it is a scarecrow. When it might not be as easy as it seems, Bongani's family are there to show him the difference between being quick and being fast.
ISBN 9781761110832
Publisher Wombat Books, 2022
Clark, T M & Magisson, Helene
Image currently unavailable
Slowly! Slowly!
Slowly, slowly, you catch a monkey. Bongani wants to go to school but he is too young. To prove to his family that he is big and strong, just like his cousins, he tries to catch a monkey. Slowly, slowly, he must go. Luckily his family is there to school him in the lessons of patience and compassion.
ISBN 9781925563221
Publisher Wombat Books, 2017
Clark, T.M & Magisson, Helene (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Gobbledygook is eating a book, The
Something is coming. Can you see? It snuffles and shuffles. What can it be? Look! Look! It's a Gobbledygook! It's ripping up pages and eating a book!
ISBN 9780670076574
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2012
Clarke, Justine & Baysting, Arthur
Image currently unavailable
Our last trip to the market
What a fabulous morning to go the market! That busker is dressed as a clown. And there's fruit and a baker. There are people on bikes. Annabelle, please put that down!
ISBN 9781925266962
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2017
Clarke, Lorin & Vane, Mitch (ill)
Image currently unavailable
We know a place
Every Saturday, when the chores are done, two children set out on a journey to their local bookshop, a magical place where sneaky stories escape as you peep in the door and there's plentiful magic for each and for all. Monsters, giants, trolls and pirates ahoy! But what happens when some cheeky creatures follow the children home one day?
ISBN 9780734421579
Publisher Lothian Books, 2023
Clarke, Maxine Beneba
Image currently unavailable
Vullah Vunnah Nah: a Gunditjmara lullaby
This ancient song is presented for the first time as a beautiful book for children, includes a CD to song along with.
ISBN 9780987313904
Publisher One Day Hill Pty Ltd, 2012
Clarke, Patricia
Image currently unavailable
Maggie's monsters
Maggie loves monsters, but she is bored of her toy monsters and would much prefer a real one to play with. Perhaps on her trip around Scotland she'll find one! Using her trusty binoculars, Maggie discovers an abundance of Scottish wildlife. A highland coo, a grey seal and even a golden eagle, but they are not the monster she's searching for. Eventually Maggie spots the perfect monsters to play with, but it's not quite what she expected!
ISBN 9781785301773
Publisher Black & White Publishing, 2018
Clayton, Coo & Soye, Alison (ill)
Image currently unavailable
King with dirty feet, The
The king hasn't had a bath for a whole year. He is starting to smell! When he finally bathes in the river, he can't get his feet clean. Who can solve the problem of the king's dirty feet?
ISBN 9781910959237
Publisher Otter-Barry books, 2018
Clayton, Sally Pomme, & Sanderson, Rhiannon
Image currently unavailable
Eyes in disguise
Large and quirky illustrations tell the underwater tale of two shy and unattractive fish and deal with the issue of ocean pollution.
ISBN 9780207174445
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 1992
Clement, Rod
Image currently unavailable
Grandad's teeth
An off-beat picture book in which grandad wakes to discover his false teeth are missing from his bedside table. The family rushes to help and soon a hunt is on to find the thief.
ISBN 9780207090394
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 1997
Clement, Rod
Image currently unavailable
Olga the Brolga
Olga, the brolga, wants to dance but nobody will join her. She decides to dance by herself and, soon, a crowd of Australian animals pick up the beat in this delightfully illustrated, rhyming tale.
ISBN 9780207197581
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 2002
Clement, Rod
Image currently unavailable
Top dog
An apricot coloured poodle called Samson is the ultimate boss in the tough, dog-eat-dog, fat cat world of business. He reveals the skills required to keep his paws on the steadfast corporate pulse and, of course, Samson never has a bite that's worse than his bark.
ISBN 9780732298753
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 2016
Clement, Rod
Image currently unavailable
Box of tricks
For her birthday, Eva is given a box. But, this is no ordinary box and Eva soon discovers that she's a magician who can conjure up all sorts of delights, some rather larger than others.
ISBN 9780224083447
Publisher Jonathan Cape, 2009
Cleminson, Katie
Image currently unavailable
You can't take an elephant on the bus
An elephant on a bus, a whale on a bike, or a hippo in a hot air balloon. It soon becomes apparent that none of these is a good idea, as a variety of animals cause total disaster trying to travel in or on unsuitable vehicles.
ISBN 9781408849804
Publisher Bloomsbury, 2015
Cleveland-Peck, Patricia & Tazzyman, David (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Rory the dinosaur wants a pet
When Rory meets his friend's pet crab, he realises he wants a pet of his own. Rory searches high and low for a creature to love. It's at the end of a long day, when Rory least expects it, that he meets George.
ISBN 9780316390606
Publisher Little, Brown & Co, 2016
Climo, Liz
Image currently unavailable
Dose of Dr Dog, A
Dr Dog is looking for natural remedies for all kinds of ailments. He has many tropical adventures and escapes them all.
ISBN 9780099487685
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2008
Cole, Babette
Image currently unavailable
Prince Cinders
Prince Cinders leads a hard life as he spends all his time cleaning up after his three brothers who bully him. One night, his luck changes when a small, dirty fairy falls down the chimney and promises that his wishes will come true.
ISBN 9780140555257
Publisher Puffin UK, 1987
Cole, Babette
Image currently unavailable
Smelly book, The
There are many smelly things in life and this book tells us about them in a humorous way.
ISBN 9780099409618
Publisher Red Fox, 2001
Cole, Babette
Image currently unavailable
Trouble with dad, The
This zany picture book revolves around a dad who makes robots and interesting gadgets.
ISBN 9781405211222
Publisher Egmont Childrens, 2004
Cole, Babette
Image currently unavailable
Trouble with gran, The
The trouble with Gran is she may look like a normal gran but, in fact, she is far from ordinary, as the others discover on a day trip to Wethorp-on-Sea.
ISBN 9781405211239
Publisher Egmont Childrens, 2004
Cole, Babette
Image currently unavailable
Trouble with Grandad, The
Locked up for growing a dangerous vegetable, Grandad lands in a lot of trouble. His terrible tomato must be stopped or it will keep growing bigger and bigger and bigger.
ISBN 9781405211246
Publisher Egmont Childrens, 2004
Cole, Babette
Image currently unavailable
Trouble with mum, The
The trouble with mum is that she wears funny hats, has funny pets and makes funny cakes - she's not like other mothers at all. But, only a special mum can save the school.
ISBN 9781405211215
Publisher Egmont Childrens, 2004
Cole, Babette
Image currently unavailable
Trouble with uncle, The
Uncle is a true pirate living in today's world. His sailing ship won't fit in the marina and he is unwelcome at the yacht club. An ancient treasure map sends him in search of modern day adventure.
ISBN 9780749710248
Publisher Egmont Childrens, 1994
Cole, Babette
Image currently unavailable
What are they called 2? More Australian animals
Its fun to find out the strange names for a group of animals. What is a group of lizards called or a group of jellyfish? Find out the answers and many more in this book.
ISBN 9780648871255
Publisher Little Red Apple Publishing, 2020
Cole, Diana Marlay
Image currently unavailable
What are they called? Australian animals
Do you know the names given to different groups of animals? Did you know that a group of penguins is called a colony? There is no group name for quokkas but they are said to be Australia's happiest animals as they always appear to be smiling.
ISBN 9780648290582
Cole, Diana Marlay
Image currently unavailable
In the Spring, a robin sings to find another robin. Together they build a nest with twigs and grass. The mother robin lays beautiful blue eggs. She will keep the eggs warm in the nest until they hatch into baby robins. The father robin protects the babies until they can fly on their own. The perils the babies encounter are many, including snakes and storms.. The nest is always their safe place.
ISBN 9780063021709
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 2020
Cole, Henry
Image currently unavailable
Magic school bus and the climate change challenge, The
Global warming is a hot topic and it will affect the younger generation the most. So, why not turn to the teacher kids like the most, Ms. Frizzle. Only the Friz can boil all the hoopla down to the scientific facts, in a fun and informative way.
ISBN 9780590108263
Series Magic school bus series, The (12 books)
Publisher Scholastic UK, 2010
Cole, Joanna & Degen, Bruce (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Magic school bus and the electric field trip, The
In Ms Frizzle's class, there's only one way to find out about electricity and how it's made. You go on a field trip on the magic school bus. The students shrink small enough to squeeze through the electric power lines and learn how electric current travels through the town, how it lights up a light bulb, heats up a toaster and runs an electric motor. It's the most energizing field trip ever.
ISBN 9780590446839
Series Magic school bus series, The (12 books)
Publisher Scholastic US, 1999
Cole, Joanna & Degen, Bruce (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Magic school bus and the Science Fair expedition, The
Ms Frizzle has a mission. Her students need science fair projects so the class heads to the Walkerville Science Museum to see the exhibit on great scientists through the ages. There, Galileo suddenly comes to life and he is about to make a great discovery. But, he needs a ride home. Thank goodness, Ms Frizzle knows the way.
ISBN 9780590108249
Series Magic school bus series, The (12 books)
Publisher Scholastic US, 2007
Cole, Joanna & Degen, Bruce (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Magic school bus at the waterworks, The
While other kids go to the zoo or even the circus, Ms. Frizzle's class boards a school bus for the waterworks. But, when the school bus suddenly leaves the ground and parks on a cloud, it's clear that this is no ordinary class trip. Everyone shrinks to raindrop size and the whole class begins to rain into a mountain stream below. The class is seeing the waterworks from the water's point of view.
ISBN 9780590403603
Series Magic school bus series, The (12 books)
Publisher Scholastic US, 1986
Cole, Joanna & Degen, Bruce (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Magic school bus explores the senses, The
When Ms Frizzle leaves school before getting an important message, Mr. Wilde, the assistant principal, hops on the magic school bus to chase her. The class piles in after him and, before their day is over, they have travelled through an eye, an ear, a tongue and even a dog's nose to track down the Friz.
ISBN 9780590446983
Series Magic school bus series, The (12 books)
Publisher Scholastic US, 2001
Cole, Joanna & Degen, Bruce (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Magic school bus in the time of the dinosaurs, The
Ms Frizzle is taking her lucky class to a dinosaur dig to look for Maiasaura nests. But, as soon as the kids get to fossil country, the magic school bus turns into a time machine and transports them back to prehistoric times when dinosaurs roamed the earth.
ISBN 9780590446891
Series Magic school bus series, The (12 books)
Publisher Scholastic US, 1995
Topics / STEM /
Cole, Joanna & Degen, Bruce (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Magic school bus inside a beehive, The
When the magic school bus turns into a beehive, Ms Frizzle's students change into honey bees. They must gain entry into a hive so they can see up close just how the workers, drones and queen bee live together, how honey bees make honey and care for their young.
ISBN 9780590257213
Series Magic school bus series, The (12 books)
Publisher Scholastic US, 1998
Topics / STEM /
Cole, Joanna & Degen, Bruce (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Magic school bus inside a hurricane, The
A storm system is brewing over the tropical ocean and a strange yellow object is caught in the whirlwind. It's not a balloon or a plane, it's the magic school bus. Instead of visiting a weather station, Ms Frizzle's class experiences a hurricane firsthand. Wind, rain, thunder and lightning take on new meaning when you're inside a hurricane.
ISBN 9780590446877
Series Magic school bus series, The (12 books)
Publisher Scholastic US, 1996
Topics / STEM /
Cole, Joanna & Degen, Bruce (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Magic school bus inside the Earth, The
Students in Ms Frizzle's class are about to study earth science. For homework, they are asked to bring in rocks but, when they show up with everything from concrete to plastic, Ms Frizzle decides it's time for a field trip. Aboard the magic school bus, the class digs through the earth's crust then travels straight to the centre of the earth and out the other side, through the mouth of a volcano.
ISBN 9780590407601
Series Magic school bus series, The (12 books)
Publisher Scholastic US, 1989
Topics / STEM /
Cole, Joanna & Degen, Bruce (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Magic school bus inside the human body, The
After she teaches her class about the human body and they visit the science museum, wacky Ms Frizzle shrinks the bus and the class, except for Arnold who swallows them. With the bus inside, the class gets an up close look at parts of the body and how they work. They travel from the stomach to the small intestines, into blood vessels, to the bones of the spine and muscles. The students wonder how they will ever get out.
ISBN 9780590414272
Series Magic school bus series, The (12 books)
Publisher Scholastic US, 1990
Topics / STEM /
Cole, Joanna & Degen, Bruce (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Magic school bus lost in the solar system, The
Everyone in Ms Frizzle's class is excited about the trip to the planetarium but it's closed when they get there. On the way back to school, the most amazing thing happens. The magic school bus tilts back and the kids hear the roar of rockets. The bus has turned into a spaceship and is zooming through the atmosphere. Ms Frizzle and her class are on their way to the Moon and beyond.
ISBN 9780590414296
Series Magic school bus series, The (12 books)
Publisher Scholastic US, 1992
Topics / STEM /
Cole, Joanna & Degen, Bruce (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Magic school bus on the ocean floor, The
Finally, Ms Frizzle's class is going on an ordinary field trip to the ocean, just like everyone else. But, when the Friz drives onto the beach, across the sand and straight into the ocean water without stopping, the kids know that they have once again embarked on one of Ms Frizzle's crazy class trips.
ISBN 9780590414319
Series Magic school bus series, The (12 books)
Publisher Scholastic US, 1994
Topics / STEM /
Cole, Joanna & Degen, Bruce (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mum who was made of money, The
Cleo and Jake keep pestering their mother to buy them things. She tells them that if she was made of money, this wouldn't be a problem. They both wish as hard as they possibly can and, suddenly, their mother changes.
ISBN 9781854302526
Publisher Magi Publications, 1993
Coleman, Michael & Bogdanowicz, Basia
Image currently unavailable
Imaginary Fred
Sometimes, with a little electricity or luck or even magic, an imaginary friend might appear when you need one. An imaginary friend like Fred, who floated like a feather in the wind, until a lonely little boy wished for him and found a friendship like no other.
ISBN 9780008126148
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2015
Colfer, Eoin & Jeffers, Oliver (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Funky chicken: A bushy tale of crocs and chooks
Funky chicken is deemed the most unique of all animals but croc takes a liking to him for all the wrong reasons.
ISBN 9780987450708
Publisher Funkybooks, 2013
Collin, Chris & Kitchin, Megan (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Funky chicken: Mission incrocible
What news has our friend Funky Chook in a flap? And why have his friends interrupted his nap? Strap yourself in for a tropical trek through the great Aussie outback. Join Funky Chicken with friends, old and new, in their wildest ride yet, out beyond Humpty Doo!
ISBN 9780994284655
Publisher Funkybooks, 2018
Collin, Chris & Kitchin, Megan (ill)
Image currently unavailable
It's Doodleday and, although Mum warned Harvey not to do any drawings, she didn't tell him why. But, Harvey thinks that, surely, one little fly won't hurt. That is, until Harvey's fly comes to life and starts to wreck the kitchen. Only one thing is capable of stopping Harvey's rampaging doodles.
ISBN 9781862338166
Publisher Gullane Children's Books Ltd, 2011
Collins, Ross
Image currently unavailable
Samuel's kisses
Samuel loves going shopping with his mum. He smiles and blows kisses to all the unhappy shoppers, spreading fun and happiness to all those around him.
ISBN 9781921042157
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2010
Collum, Karen & Geddes, Serena (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Small and big
Small and Big are best friends but they are very different. During a trip to the city, Big is loud and confident and certain that it's the big things in life that matter. Small is more reserved and finds beauty in the detail. In the city, Small and Big are so fascinated by the things they are seeing, they lose track of each other and, eventually, Small realises he is lost.
ISBN 9781922081476
Publisher Windy Hollow Books, 2015
Collum, Karen & Wood, Ben (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Early learning guide to Homer's The Odyssey
Come with us on an epic journey through ancient Greek mythology, where one-eyed giants and 6-headed sea monsters are only some of the obstacles our hero, Odysseus, has to overcome. With our beautifully illustrated story summary and analysis, you and your child can experience the greatest adventure story ever written, and even learn a bit about the legendary storyteller, Homer. More than picture books, our educational learning guides offer an interactive story time for adult literature fans and their children, or as we like to call them future lit fans.
ISBN 9780998820514
Publisher Moppet Books, 2018
Colting, Fredrik & Medina, Melissa & Yun, Yeji (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Pirates are coming, The
"Pirates! Quick! Everybody Hide!" Tom is on the lookout for pirates! But every time he sees a ship, it turns out to be a false alarm. Everyone is fed up with Tom's warnings. So what will happen when the pirates really DO arrive?
ISBN 9781788006781
Publisher Nosy Crow Ltd, 2020
Condon, John & Hunt, Matt (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Where the lyrebird lives
High in the mountains through the sleepy clouds. Deep in the forest past the chiming birds. Will we see the lyrebird? I don't know. Tip-toe, tip-toe. The beauty of the Australian rainforest and the magic of family-time come together in this lyrical and delightful story of intergenerational connection, habitat and adventure.
ISBN 9780645323566
Publisher Windy Hollow Books, 2022
Conley, Vikki & Hamilton, Max (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Amira's Suitcase
Amira finds a friend, a sapling -- something to care for and watch grow. She looks after it by providing it water and sunlight. In caring for her new friend, she finds other friends along the way. Others that will help and share in her kindness, hope and friendship.
ISBN 9781922326133
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2021
Conley, Vikki & Johnston, Nicky (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Little Puggle's Christmas
Christmas in the Australian bush is Puggle's favourite time of year. All the animals return to decorate the oldest tree, and to prepare for the big day. Every year, Puggle tries to help. But even though Puggle tries hardest, none of the special Christmas jobs seem to suit him.In despair, Puggle waddles off to his special place where he makes a Christmas wish on the first shooting star...but is it actually a shooting star? And what is stuck in the billabong? Can Puggle save Christmas and make his Christmas wish come true?
ISBN 9781922326812
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2023
Conley, Vikki & Magisson, Helene (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Little puggle's song
A lonely echidna searches for his voice. Every time Puggle tries to make sound nothing comes out. Can Puggle find his voice and join the bush choir?
ISBN 9781925594690
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2019
Conley, Vikki & Magisson, Helene (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ella & Mrs Gooseberry: Discovering what love looks like
Grumpy old Mrs Gooseberry from next door has lost her love. 'I didn't know you could lose love,' says Ella, her young neighbour. So she begins her quest to find out what love looks like and how she can help Mrs Gooseberry to rediscover it.
ISBN 9781925335255
Publisher EK Books, 2019
Conley, Vikki & Pratley, Penelope
Image currently unavailable
Tomorrow girl
Tomorrow is always going someplace.. fast! She doesn't seem to have time for anything, until she stumbles over Yesterday and bumps into Today. He shows her that there are other things around her in the world, if she would just slow down. Just a little.
ISBN 9781925820362
Publisher EK Books, 2021
Conley, Vikki & Pratley, Penelope (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Is it the way you giggle?
Everyone is special in some way. It might be how we giggle or how we wiggle or tell jokes.
ISBN 9781925594102
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2018
Connelly, Nicola & White, Annie (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Air power: B-1B lancer
BOLT encourages a wide variety of students, including reluctant readers, by providing them with books featuring appealing topics and carefully prepared text. Innovative infographics and attention-commanding photography draw in young readers. Packed with dynamic photos, charts, diagrams, fun facts, and infographics, BOLT's attention-grabbing titles are sure to have your readers coming back for more.
ISBN 9780716634256
Series World Book Bolt series (3 books)
Publisher World Book, 2018
Topics / K-2 Non-fiction /
Cooley Peterson, Megan
Image currently unavailable
B-2 Spirit
BOLT encourages a wide variety of students, including reluctant readers, by providing them with books featuring appealing topics and carefully prepared text. Innovative infographics and attention-commanding photography draw in young readers. Packed with dynamic photos, charts, diagrams, fun facts, and infographics, BOLT's attention-grabbing titles are sure to have your readers coming back for more.
ISBN 9780716634263
Series World Book Bolt series (3 books)
Publisher World Book, 2018
Topics / K-2 Non-fiction /
Cooley Peterson, Megan
Image currently unavailable
F-22 Raptor
Packed with statistics, photos and diagrams, F-22 Raptor will explain the weapon capabilities of the F-22, how it can evade radar, and travel at supersonic speed.
ISBN 9780716634270
Series World Book Bolt series (3 books)
Publisher World Book, 2019
Cooley Peterson, Megan
Image currently unavailable
F-35 Lightning II
BOLT encourages a wide variety of students, including reluctant readers, by providing them with books featuring appealing topics and carefully prepared text. Innovative infographics and attention-commanding photography draw in young readers. Packed with dynamic photos, charts, diagrams, fun facts, and infographics, BOLT's attention-grabbing titles are sure to have your readers coming back for more.
ISBN 9780716634287
Series World Book Bolt series (3 books)
Publisher World Book, 2018
Topics / K-2 Non-fiction /
Cooley Peterson, Megan
Image currently unavailable
Mikoyan MiG-35
BOLT encourages a wide variety of students, including reluctant readers, by providing them with books featuring appealing topics and carefully prepared text. Innovative infographics and attention-commanding photography draw in young readers. Packed with dynamic photos, charts, diagrams, fun facts, and infographics, BOLT's attention-grabbing titles are sure to have your readers coming back for more.
ISBN 9780716634294
Series World Book Bolt series (3 books)
Publisher World Book, 2018
Topics / K-2 Non-fiction /
Cooley Peterson, Megan
Image currently unavailable
V-22 Osprey
BOLT encourages a wide variety of students, including reluctant readers, by providing them with books featuring appealing topics and carefully prepared text. Innovative infographics and attention-commanding photography draw in young readers. Packed with dynamic photos, charts, diagrams, fun facts, and infographics, BOLT's attention-grabbing titles are sure to have your readers coming back for more.
ISBN 9780716634300
Series World Book Bolt series (3 books)
Publisher World Book, 2018
Topics / K-2 Non-fiction /
Cooley Peterson, Megan
Image currently unavailable
World soccer records
Explore the exciting world of soccer in this series of books. Learn the rules, who are the famous players and which is the best team. Get ready to get in on the action.
ISBN 9780716693468
Publisher World Book, 2018
Cooley Peterson, Megan
No book cover.
Going to the footy
Yay! The footy's on. How will you get there? On a bus? In a boat? On a plane?
ISBN 9781925936964
Publisher Magabala Books, 2019
Topics / Aboriginal content /
Coombes, Debbie
Image currently unavailable
Baby who wouldn't go to bed, The
A little boy won't go to bed. At first, it's fun staying up but gradually the drowsy world nods off all around him. He thinks he is awake alone but someone else is still awake too.
ISBN 9780552528382
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 1997
Cooper, Helen
Image currently unavailable
Dog biscuit
When hungry Bridget steals and eats a dog biscuit, it doesn't taste too bad. But, when Mrs Blair tells her that she'll turn into a dog, Bridget starts to worry because dog biscuits are meant for dogs, not people.
ISBN 9780385609302
Publisher Doubleday, 2008
Cooper, Helen
Image currently unavailable
Pipkin of pepper, A
Duck and Squirrel go to the big city to buy salt for their pumpkin soup. But, Duck thinks it will taste better with a pipkin of pepper and that is how he gets lost. A delicious sequel to Pumpkin Soup.
ISBN 9780385600071
Publisher Random House Children's Books, 2004
Cooper, Helen
Image currently unavailable
Pumpkin soup
Cat, Duck and Squirrel live in an old white cabin with a pumpkin patch in the garden. Every day, Cat slices up some pumpkin, Squirrel stirs in some water and Duck tips in some salt to make the perfect pumpkin soup. Then, one day, things change.
ISBN 9780385604932
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2002
Cooper, Helen
Image currently unavailable
There's a hole in my bucket
When Henry the goat discovers a hole in his bucket, Liza the duck offers a series of solutions to fix it. Sing and act out this well-known song.
ISBN 9781775430469
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2011
Cooper, Jenny (ill) & Twins, The Topp (sing)
Image currently unavailable
Benjamin Pillow in the Land of Nod
In Benjamin Pillow's dream, he rides through Nod's amazing dreamland. Follow him as he tries to rescue one of Nod's shining lights.
ISBN 9781921136016
Publisher Windy Hollow Books, 2006
Cooper, R P
Image currently unavailable
When you go to Melbourne
Take a walk around Melbourne - Can you find the golden whale? Can you find the giants and their clock? Join the author as she relives childhood trips to town that bring the city to life with wonder and fun. Reliving cherished childhood memories of trips to town, Maree Coote has created a delightful nonsense romp around the city of style. Join in a child's discovery of Melbourne, its surprises, its delights, its hidden treasures and unexpected touchstones.
ISBN 9780648568421
Publisher Melbournestyle, 2020
Coote, Maree
Image currently unavailable
Hubble bubble granny trouble
A bespectacled little girl has a most unusual grandma. She's a witch, complete with spells, cats, bats, frogs and a pointy hat. Sometimes, the little girl wishes her granny was, well, a bit more normal.
ISBN 9780857630278
Publisher Nosy Crow Ltd, 2011
Corderoy, Tracey & Berger, Joe (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Gingerbread man, The
A retelling of the much-loved fairy tale, with surprises under each lift-up flap.
ISBN 9781846430787
Series Flip-up fairy tales series (28 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2007
Corke, Estelle (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Goldilocks and the three bears
A retelling of the much-loved fairy tale, with surprises under each lift-up flap.
ISBN 9781904550198
Series Flip-up fairy tales series (28 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2004
Corke, Estelle (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Grumpy lighthouse keeper, The
On a stormy, wet-season night in Broome, the lighthouse keeper gets out of his warm bed to ensure the lamp is still lit for passing ships. While he is out, sea creatures of all shapes and sizes race up the lighthouse staircase to escape the storm. When the lighthouse keeper returns to his bed, he becomes very grumpy.
ISBN 9781925360189
Publisher Magabala Books, 2016
Corpus, Terrizita & Prewett, Maggie (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Alpacas with maracas
Macca and pal Al are the best of friends and LOVE spending time together. When there is an opportunity to enter a talent contest, they just can't resist. But what will their act be? Will they shimmy and shake? Dance and prance? Whatever they choose it will surely be a performance to remember!
ISBN 9781743816349
Series Macca the alpaca series (5 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2018
Cosgrove, Matt
Image currently unavailable
Dad is a robot, My
Psssssst! Wanna hear something cool? Dont tell everyone, But my Dad is a ROBOT! Admittedly, this dad is an older model, he doesn't have laser eyes or jet-powered feet and his batteries regularly run flat. But there's one little boy who wouldn't change a thing...
ISBN 9781742993256
Publisher Koala Books, 2018
Cosgrove, Matt
Image currently unavailable
Dharma the llama
Dharma the Llama doesn't run with the herd. She likes to do things her own way. The other llamas don't understand why she's always reading. But when the herd gets into trouble, will Dharma's books save the day?
ISBN 9781760669201
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2020
Cosgrove, Matt
Image currently unavailable
Llamas in pyjamas
Meet Dharma the Llama, she is a 'Baby Sitter extraordinaire', she cares for everyone. Will twins Tru and Tori challenge Dharma? They do not like to go to bed, can Dharma get them ready for bedtime?
ISBN 9781760978457
Publisher Koala Books, 2021
Cosgrove, Matt
Image currently unavailable
Macca and Al, super pals
Macca and Al are here to save the day! When these best-pal alpacas decide to dress up as super heroes and do good deeds, things don't go quite as planned. But with some help from their friends, the dynamic duo learn you don't always have to wear a cape to be a hero.
ISBN 9781760970246
Series Macca the alpaca series (5 books)
Publisher Koala Books, 2020
Cosgrove, Matt
Image currently unavailable
Macca the alpaca
Macca the Alpaca is small, kind and friendly. His days are easy and carefree until he accidentally bumps head-first into Harmer the llama. Harmer is big, unkind and never, ever friendly...Can little Macca find a way to teach Harmer a lesson he'll never forget?
ISBN 9781743816332
Series Macca the alpaca series (5 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2017
Cosgrove, Matt
Image currently unavailable
Macca the alpaca series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Macca the alpaca series (5 books)
Cosgrove, Matt
No book cover.
Macca's Christmas crackers
Christmas is here! Christmas is Macca's favourite time of year. He loves thinking up amazing presents for his friends. But when he looks in his piggy bank, he finds he has no money! Macca and his best friend Al have to come up with a plan to make the best Christmas surprise for all their friends, and in doing so, discover the true spirit of giving.
ISBN 9781742998824
Series Macca the alpaca series (5 books)
Publisher Koala Books, 2018
Cosgrove, Matt
Image currently unavailable
Macca's makeover
Macca the Alpaca desperately wants to be cool, just like his friends. Will a new hairdo cut it? Maybe a trip to the gym will work out? Or perhaps he needs the latest accessories? Maccas makeover shows him what it is that makes him truly special
ISBN 9781760669195
Series Macca the alpaca series (5 books)
Publisher Koala Books, 2019
Cosgrove, Matt
Image currently unavailable
Stack of alpacas, A
Smashing and splashing! Jumping and thumping! Fighting and biting! Macca is looking after his nieces and nephew and they are nothing but trouble! How will Uncle Macca tame this unruly trio?
ISBN 9781742998848
Series Macca the alpaca series (5 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2019
Cosgrove, Matt
Image currently unavailable
101 collective nouns
A tribe of kiwis? A smack of jellyfish? A wisdom of wombats? Come along an illustrated journey through the animal kingdom with Tasmanian artist Jennifer Cossins. Featuring 101 full-colour animal illustrations, each with its very own collective noun, as well as a brief history of collective nouns, this book will delight children and adults alike.
ISBN 9780734417978
Publisher Lothian Books, 2018
Cossins, Jennifer
Image currently unavailable
Baby animal book, The
What do you call a baby penguin? Or a baby owl? Or a baby platypus? Come along on an illustrated journey through the animal kingdom with Tasmanian artist Jennifer Cossins and find out! A CBCA Notable book.
ISBN 9780734418159
Publisher Hachette Children's Books, 2017
Cossins, Jennifer
Image currently unavailable
Ultimate animal counting book, The
Can you count one blue whale? Probably. How about 16 lions? Or 44 penguins? Or 100 fairy flies? Join us on an expedition through the animal kingdom, counting one to 100 and collecting fascinating animal facts along the way. Discover the colour of a zebra's skin under its stripes, how a tapir uses its nose as a snorkel when it swims, and that cranes are famous for their dancing!
ISBN 9780734418852
Publisher Lothian Books, 2019
Cossins, Jennifer
Image currently unavailable
Doodledum dancing
Eighteen fun-filled and humorous poems about pets, pirates, friends and family. Colourful use of language with beautiful illustrations.
ISBN 9780143501336
Publisher Penguin, 2010
Costain, Meredith & Allen, Pamela (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Oliver's egg
Oliver believes his chook is going to lay the biggest egg ever. But, the other chooks start laying and Oliver is still waiting. Oliver wonders if his chook will ever lay an egg.
ISBN 9780143300250
Series Aussie nibbles (51 books)
Publisher Penguin, 2003
Costain, Meredith & Power, Margaret (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Bed tails
There are two in the bed. Mum and Dad are slumbering, snoring, rumbling, tucked up cosily and peacefully in bed. Then, a scary storm outside brings everyone, one by one, into Mum and Dad's bed. I wonder if anyone will ever get a good night's sleep.
ISBN 9780670073368
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2009
Costain, Meredith & Vane, Mitch (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Blue giant, The
Out of the sea rises a great big giant. It has something very important to say. A timely tale that encourages us to take care of our blue planet.
ISBN 9781843654513
Publisher Pavilion, 2020
Cottle, Katie
Image currently unavailable
Yoga babies
Meet the yoga babies! Family life's hectic, but yoga helps everyone chill out, from Emily in the garden to Honey at bath time. And once you've seen what the yoga babies can do, why not give it a try?
ISBN 9781925594072
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2018
Cotton, Fearne, Dempsey, Sheena (ill)
Image currently unavailable
1 2 3 Maisy
Fabulous fold-out counting fun with Maisy. Watch her wonderful world unfold by numbers.
ISBN 9781844286942
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2007
Topics / K-2 Numeracy /
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Doctor Maisy
Dr Maisy and her friend take care of a sick panda.
ISBN 9780763616137
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Good morning, Maisy
Maisy is busy feeding all the animals on the farm. I wonder what Farmer Maisy will have for her breakfast this morning.
ISBN 9780744589016
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2001
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Good place, A
Four insect friends are looking for a place to live. But will they ever find a home that's good for all of them?
ISBN 9781529501254
Publisher Walker Books, 2022
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Happy birthday Maisy
Join in the fun of celebrating Maisy's birthday.
ISBN 9780763624545
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2006
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Happy Easter Maisy
It's Easter time and you can bet that Maisy and all her friends are ready to collect some eggs.
ISBN 9780763632304
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2007
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
I'm the best
Dog loves his friends, Ladybug, Mole, Goose and Donkey. He thinks they're brilliant. But, Dog also thinks that he's the best at everything and just won't stop telling them how good he is. Dog's friends decide to teach him a lesson.
ISBN 9781406323689
Publisher Walker Books, 2010
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy big, Maisy small
Explore opposites with Maisy in this book.
ISBN 9781406304893
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2007
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy dresses up
Find out what Maisy decides to dress up as when she goes to Tallulah's fancy-dress party.
ISBN 9780763609092
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Candlewick Press, 1999
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy goes camping
It's a beautiful day and Maisy's going camping in the countryside. But it's not easy pitching a tent, as Maisy and her friends soon find out.
ISBN 9781844286614
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2004
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy goes on a nature walk
Hooray! Maisy is packed up and ready to go on a nature walk. Everyone is excited when her friends meet up at the park entrance. They're surprised at how many plants and animals live at the pond, from lily pads to ducks to ladybugs, tadpoles to fish and dragonflies. When they head into the woods, they find the animals to be shy-is that a deer, or even a fox? Looking closely at leaves and under logs helps in spotting small creatures like ants and earthworms. And when they hear birds high in the trees, Maisy uses binoculars to get a better look.
ISBN 9781536224245
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2020
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy goes on holiday
Maisy packs her suitcase and meets Cyril at a busy station where they catch a train to the seaside. They have fun at the beach then write postcards to their friends before returning home.
ISBN 9781406323702
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2010
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy goes shopping
In Maisy Goes Shopping, Charley and our favourite mouse make a trip to the grocery store to buy lots of goodies for lunch. Wherever they go and whatever they do, Lucy Cousins's lovable characters are a delight
ISBN 9780763615031
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2001
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy goes swimming
Maisy the mouse is very busy. In this book, she needs to get out of her clothes and change into her swimsuit.
ISBN 9780316158343
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Little, Brown & Co, 1990
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy goes to hospital
Maisy has broken her leg playing on the trampoline and now she's in hospital for the night. At first, it's a bit scary being all on her own but she soon makes friends with Dotty in the next bed.
ISBN 9781406313260
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2008
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy goes to playschool
Join in with Maisy's activities at playschool. Help her paint a picture, play in the wendy house, write a story, dress up as a pirate, do some sums, dance like a ballerina, feed the fish and put on her hat and coat to go home.
ISBN 9781406306927
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2007
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy goes to preschool
Join Maisy and friends at preschool where they paint, sing, have story time and a sleep.
ISBN 9781406328226
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2009
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy goes to the cinema
Maisy and her friends are off to the cinema to see the latest adventure movie: Hero in the Jungle. Eddie's most favourite movie star (ever), Troy T. Tiger, is starring and - ooh! - he can barely contain his excitement! In fact, he gets so excited that he shouts at the screen. Shhhhhhh... Don't you know you can't shout in the cinema, Eddie? Seating arrangements, the dark cinema, popcorn spills and a nail-biting hiding-behind-your-hands moment... this is everything a first cinema trip is about!
ISBN 9781406358131
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2015
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy goes to the library
Maisy's plan to have a quiet read is put to the test by her giggling friends in this ode to the pleasures of the local library.
ISBN 9780763626693
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2007
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy goes to the museum
At the museum, there is so much much for Maisie to see.
ISBN 9781406313369
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2008
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy likes music
Maisy and her friends try out the tooty-toot of Maisy' s trumpet, the cha-cha of Cyril' s maracas, the clish-clash of Tallulah' s cymbals, and more.
ISBN 9780763619152
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2007
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy loves you
Maisy loves her friends and likes to do things for them. She bake cookies for Charley, sings a song for Tallulah, gives flowers to Cyril, and makes Eddie feel better.
ISBN 9780763620653
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2007
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy makes gingerbread
See Maisy in her kitchen making some delicious gingerbread for tea.
ISBN 9780744572186
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 1999
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy makes lemonade
Maisy loves lemonade.
ISBN 9780744589467
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2000
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Cousins, Lucy
No book cover.
Maisy tidies up
Charley smells something delicious in Maisy's kitchen but he has to wait until the floor is dry. Time passes more quickly when he helps out by picking up some toys and washing the windows with Maisy. When the floor is finally dry, the treats are ready to eat.
ISBN 9780744589450
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2004
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy's ABC
Enjoy the alphabet with Maisy.
ISBN 9780744532296
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 1994
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy's amazing big book of words
This mega-Maisy book is bursting with pictures and words.
ISBN 9780763607944
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2007
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy's animals
Join Maisy as she visits her favourite animals and see her milking a cow and riding a horse.
ISBN 9781406306934
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2007
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy's bathtime
Maisy's friend, Tallulah, wants to play but she has called at an inopportune time because Maisy is in the bath.
ISBN 9780744572773
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2000
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy's bedtime
Maisy and her toy panda go through their nighttime routine as they get ready for bed.
ISBN 9780763609085
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2007
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy's bus
Maisy, the mouse, picks up her friends at the bus stops.
ISBN 9780744572780
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2000
Topics / K-2 Numeracy /
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy's Christmas Eve
It's Christmas Eve and snow is falling everywhere. Everyone is invited to Maisy' s house for Christmas where it's warm inside. There's plenty to do, decorating the tree, making mince pies and wrapping presents. But wait a minute, Eddie has not arrived.
ISBN 9781844284269
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2004
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy's fire engine
Maisy and Cyril are firefighters today, driving a fire engine as a scared cat climbs up on the roof and won't come down. Maisy and Cyril come to the rescue--and then they're off for a ride in their shiny red truck.
ISBN 9780763617806
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2007
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy's Halloween
Join Maisy for Halloween.
ISBN 9781844286867
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2004
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy's pool
Maisy's pal Tallulah helps set up and repair a wading pool; then the girls team up with Eddie the elephant so that all three can cool off.
ISBN 9780763609078
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Candlewick Press, 1999
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy's presents
There are presents for everybody when Maisy comes back from holiday.
ISBN 9781406309287
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2007
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy's rainbow dream
Join Maisy on her wonderful dream.
ISBN 9780763621957
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2007
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy's traffic jam
Maisy and her friends are out on the road but the traffic is at a standstill. They will have to find out what the hold-up is.
ISBN 9781406306941
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2007
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy's train
Cyril checks the water in the fire hose but he sprays it too near to a little black cat who is scared and climbs onto a house. But, brave firefighter, Maisy, fetches a ladder to bring the cat down again.
ISBN 9780744592252
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2002
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy's treasure hunt
Captain Maisy is off on a treasure hunt. There's a map to read, keys to find and, of course, a chest full of treasure to discover.
ISBN 9781844286652
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2004
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Maisy, Charley and the wobbly tooth
Charley the crocodile feels nervous about his loose tooth when Maisy takes him to the dentist's office for his first visit.
ISBN 9780763629045
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2006
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Out and about with Maisy
There are chickens and pigs to feed and the cow to milk. After the chores are finished, there's just one more thing to do - eat a yummy breakfast.
ISBN 9780744594218
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2002
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Smile, Maisy
Smile, Tallulah. Smile, Eddie. Smile, Charley. Maisy loves taking pictures of her friends smiling for the camera.
ISBN 9780763623685
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2007
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Sweet dreams, Maisy
Maisy basks in the comforts of bedtime in a gentle story sure to lull any child to sleep. The moon rises. The stars begin to shine. The world goes to sleep.
ISBN 9780763628741
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2007
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
What's the time, Maisy
Learn the time with Maisy, the mouse.
ISBN 9780744592245
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2002
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Where are Maisy's friends
Maisy is playing hide-and-seek with Charley, Tallulah, Eddie and Cyril.
ISBN 9780744575323
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2000
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Where does Maisy live
A lift-the-flap book about Maisy, the mouse. Find out where Maisy lives.
ISBN 9780744575330
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2000
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Where is Maisy's panda
A lift-the-flap book about Maisy, the mouse, who is searching for her panda.
ISBN 9780744569209
Series Maisy series (44 books)
Publisher Walker Books, 2007
Cousins, Lucy
Image currently unavailable
Float or sink?
What happens if a ladybug lands on a stick in a creek? What if a flea or a fly land as well? Then a gnat and a slug or a greedy duck. What do you think? Float or sink? This humorous rhyming tale will keep you guessing until the end.
ISBN 9781925804621
Publisher Ford Street Publishing, 2021
Covark, Kylie & Plant, Andrew (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Usborne book of night time, The
At night when you are fast asleep and dreaming, another world awakens, the world of night. Night in a desert, night in a forest, night in space, there are many night-time worlds for you to explore.
ISBN 9781474936606
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2018
Cowan, Laura & Pang, Bonnie (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Claydon was a clingy child
Claydon is a clingy child who won't let go of his mother's leg. This is a bad idea because his mother is into dangerous sports. Claydon's bear thinks it is a bad idea too.
ISBN 9780340757239
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (Australia), 2001
Cowell, Cressida
Image currently unavailable
Cheer up your teddy bear, Emily Brown
Emily Brown and her side-kick rabbit, Stanley, are on a mission to cheer up one very unhappy teddy bear. But, no matter what they try, the teddy bear is still miserable. Emily Brown has had enough.
ISBN 9781408308486
Publisher Orchard Books, 2011
Cowell, Cressida & Layton, Neal (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Emily Brown and the Thing
Emily Brown and her old grey rabbit, Stanley, are trying to sleep but a noise is keeping them awake. When they find the Thing crying on the windowsill, Emily and Stanley begin trying to find out what he needs for a happy night's sleep.
ISBN 9781846166945
Publisher Orchard Books, 2007
Cowell, Cressida & Layton, Neal (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Song of the river
Cam the mountain boy follows the river from its trickling source in the snow all the way to the sea. The river leads him through forest, farms and towns to the salty wind of the sea. The dramatic landscapes are packed with detail to discover in the world of the river.
ISBN 9781776572533
Publisher Gecko Press, 2019
Cowley, Joy & Andrews, Kimberly (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Cheese trap, The
Two little mice go cheesing and the old, grey meow is watching. This wise cat knows a thing or two and she plans to catch those mice.
ISBN 9781869433185
Publisher Scholastic New Zealand, 1995
Cowley, Joy & McClelland, Linda (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ayu and the perfect moon
In Bali, an old woman, Ayu, tells a story to three little girls. When she was a young girl, Ayu moved her feet as she performed the traditional Balinese dance, the Legong, as the full moon rose over the palms.
ISBN 9781921720222
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2011
Cox, David
Image currently unavailable
Hello puppy
Bridie would love a puppy of her own, but her mum says she can't have one just yet. So Bridie waves her hands, works some magic and finds the puppy she wants - in her grandad.
ISBN 9780670040568
Publisher Penguin, 2003
Cox, David
Image currently unavailable
Wolf's Sunday dinner
Wolf can smell goose. A nice, fat, juicy goose to have for his dinner, or so he thinks.
ISBN 9781876288396
Publisher Working Title Press, 2003
Cox, Tania
Image currently unavailable
With Nan
A leaf that flies. A rock that hops. These are some of the wonderful things that Simon sees on his walk with Nan. Simon takes a walk through the bush with his Nan and along the way finds out that things are not always what they seem.
ISBN 9781921136122
Publisher Windy Hollow Books, 2013
Cox, Tania & Blair, Karen (ill)
Image currently unavailable
What makes my dad happy
What makes your dad happy? Find out all of the things that make these dads happy.
ISBN 9781742378381
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2012
Cox, Tania & Broekstra, Loretta (ill)
Image currently unavailable
What makes my mum happy
Find out all the simple things that make this little girl's Mum happy.
ISBN 9781742378374
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2012
Cox, Tania & Broekstra, Lorette (ill)
Image currently unavailable
One day, baby elephant will be big and strong but for now she has much to learn from her loving family.
ISBN 9781876288112
Publisher Working Title Press, 2001
Cox, Tania & James, Ann (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Little bat
Little bat has to be very brave. She's never flown before and everyone has to encourage her.
ISBN 9781876288099
Publisher Working Title Press, 2000
Cox, Tania & McLean, Andrew (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Snap, went Chester
Chester is bored. He just can't think of anything to do until he discovers how much fun it is to go snap, snap, snap, at all the creatures around the waterhole. But, Chester is in for a big surprise.
ISBN 9780733614941
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (Australia), 2003
Cox, Tania & Miller, David
Image currently unavailable
Millie's special something
Big, bad Reggie loves to scare Millie. He thinks it's fun. But, not for Millie, it's frightening. All her friends have a special something to make them feel brave. Millie wonders why she doesn't have a special something too.
ISBN 9781921504389
Publisher Working Title Press, 2012
Cox, Tania & Miller, David (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Who will play with me
Two stories in one about a lonely boy and a kitten.
ISBN 9781875846412
Publisher Koala Books, 2002
Coxon, Michele
Image currently unavailable
Ozzie goes to school
Ozzie isn't afraid of much. Not the cool dark of the container when the door is closed at night. Not snakes. Not even of the crocodiles that he and his dad watch out for on the beach during the day. But there is something Ozzie is afraid of...starting school!
ISBN 9781921504907
Publisher Working Title Press, 2019
Crabb, Jocelyn & Snell, Danny (ill)
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Harrison's song
Harrison is a bit different to the other kids. Each time he tries to speak , he stutters. No matter how hard he tries, his tongue feels tied up in knots. That is, until one day when Harrison discovers his talent.
ISBN 9781925563122
Publisher Wombat Books, 2017
Craig, Harrison & Finn, Ann-Marie (ill)
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Scuffy the tugboat
Scuffy escapes from his owners and floats out to sea. He really enjoys his freedom until things become dangerous.
ISBN 9780307105479
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2003
Crampton, Gertrude & Gergely, Tibor (ill)
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I remember
I remember is an exquisite tale of memory. Set in the Geraldton area of Western Australia, an elderly woman remembers the camping trips of her childhood. As her recollections fade in and out, she is drawn to think about the elusiveness of what she can remember from so long ago.
ISBN 9781925360769
Publisher Magabala Books, 2018
Crawford, Joanne & Jordinson, Kerry Anne (ill)
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Big old rambutan tree, The
From the flames of the burning rainforest, an extraordinary bond of friendship ignites between a savage tiger and a gentle orang-utan, as they both struggle to survive in their fast diminishing habitat.
ISBN 9780648256373
Publisher Little Pink Dog Books, 2020
Creamer, Kathy
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Cows in the kitchen
See what chaos the animals cause in the farm house when Tom Farmer falls asleep in the haystack.
ISBN 9781406326321
Publisher Walker Books, 2010
Crebbin, June & McEwen, Katharine (ill)
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I am the boss of this chair
Being the boss is much easier when you're the only cat in the house. Oswald Minklehoff Honey Bunny III has always been top cat. Then Pom Pom the kitten comes along and suddenly Oswald isn't the boss of everything anymore - not the toilet paper, food dish, back door, toy mouse, or even his own special chair. Will Oswald realise that life is more fun when you have a friend - and that, really, there's plenty of room on the chair to share?
ISBN 9781454923220
Publisher Sterling Publishing Co, 2018
Crimi, Carolyn & Morea, Marisa (ill)
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Ants go marching, The
Little Ant's colony is marching through the rain and he keeps getting distracted. Count along in this well-known rhyme.
ISBN 9781846431050
Series Classic books with holes series (21 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2007
Topics / K-2 Numeracy /
Crisp, Dan (ill)
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Five little men in a flying saucer
When five little men from Outer Space come to visit Earth, they don't like what they see. Finding a spoiled and neglected planet, the little men fly away, one by one.
ISBN 9781904550303
Series Classic books with holes series (21 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2005
Crisp, Dan (ill)
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Too many acorns
Patrick finds an acorn. It is small and warm and smooth and something inside him begins to grow. He starts collecting acorns, a few at first and then a few more until the acorns are everywhere, but Patrick can't stop. What will happen when there are more acorns than space?
ISBN 9781922539748
Publisher EK Books, 2024
Crispe, Susannah
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Diary of a fly
Fly's first day at school marks the beginning of his diary in which he charts his adventures such as learning how to fly, eating regurgitated food and his part in the food chain. When Fly adds up all his special attributes, he aspires to be a superhero who can walk on walls and see in all directions at once.
ISBN 9780007455911
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2012
Cronin, Doreen & Bliss, Harry (ill)
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Ultimate animal alphabet book, The
From the Adelie penguin to the zigzag heron. This A-Z book covers over 400 animal species and all kinds of interesting facts. Discover why the American flamingo is pink, what a baby echidna is called and whether the dusky leaf monkey really has four stomachs. If you are interested in learning about animals this is a good book for you.
ISBN 9780734420091
Publisher Hachette Australia, 2020
Crossins, Jennifer
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Hush, little possum
Hush, little baby - oops no, it's an Australian lullaby! Hush, little possum! What will happen to little possum as the rain begins to fall. Mama possum will find a place to keep her baby safe and warm.
ISBN 9781743811597
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2015
Crumble, P & Binks, Wendy
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Cat wants cuddles, The
Kevin doesnt want a pat. He doesnt want a tickle. And he definitely does NOT want a cuddle. There's absolutely no way this hilarious cat is going to change his mind about that. Or will he?
ISBN 9781743811412
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2017
Crumble, P & Gifford, Lucinda (ill)
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What the fluffy bunny said to the growly bear
There is a surprise birthday party for Zebra, and all his friends are passing the message along. But when the message gets mixed up, there is confusion, chaos and lots of fun!
ISBN 9781742761084
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2018
Crumble, P & Saunders, Chris (ill)
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There was an old bloke who swallowed a bunny
We all know what happened to the old woman who swallowed a fly but now this bloke has entered the land of stories and nursery rhymes. He has started eating everything on the farm - starting with a bunny! What will happen to him? Read along to discover what happens to the old bloke who swallowed a bunny!
ISBN 9781742831602
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2013
Crumble, P & Shea, Louis (ill)
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There was an old lady who swallowed a fossil
There was an old lady who swallowed a fossil. I don't know why she swallowed a fossil... That's colossal! The old lady has made an amazing discovery! Now she's on the hunt for more prehistoric snacks and not even the biggest dinosaur can stomp out her giant appetite. Surely she'll explode!
ISBN 9781760157685
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2017
Crumble, P & Shea, Louis (ill)
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There was an old lady who swallowed a mozzie
"I don't know why she swallowed the mozzie ... she's gotta be Aussie!" Aussie animals beware! There's an old lady in the bush with an unstoppable appetite! You won't believe what she can swallow.
ISBN 9781760669966
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2019
Crumble, P & Shea, Louis (ill)
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Cat wants custard, The
Meet Kevin, the opinionated feline who is full of cat-titude. Kevin has a craving. He wants custard, and he wants it NOW!
ISBN 9781760155780
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2016
Crumble, P. & Gifford, Lucinda (ill)
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Cat wants kittens, The
Kevin has some new playmates. They are cute and cuddly and they're here to stay; but not if Kevin has anything to do with it! See what happens when two adorable kittens barge into Kevin's life and make themselves at home. How will this fussy feline cope?
ISBN 9781742769097
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2018
Crumble, P. & Gifford, Lucinda (ill)
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Brown bears
Spring has arrived in Alaska, and a brown bear is waking up. She was alone when she fell asleep at the start of winter; now she is climbing out of her den with two cubs. Follow them as they discover how to survive in the wilderness, from climbing trees to catching salmon, as their mother teaches the cubs how to be bears. From zoologist Dr Nick Crumpton and with stunning art from Colleen Larmour, this is a gentle and fascinating introduction to brown bears.
ISBN 9781529508727
Publisher Walker Books, 2024
Crumpton, Dr Nick & Larmour, Colleen (ill)
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Cloud, The
One little girl never draws anything and never smiles, she seems to have a little black cloud above her. One classmate decides she is going to try and help her smile, draw together and make a friend or two.
ISBN 9781846433436
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2010
Cumming, Hannah
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Lost stars, The
The world is busy, bright and full of noise, powered by electricity. The stars are fed up and decide to take a holiday. No-one notices until the power fails and the search is on to find the missing stars.
ISBN 9781846434167
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2011
Cumming, Hannah
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Red boat, The
Posy feels lonely in her new home. She doesn't know anyone and worries about making new friends. Luckily, her dog George is around to keep her company, and they spend many hours playing in a mysterious red boat they find in the garden. One night, Posy can't sleep, so she and George go down to the garden, and that's when the magic begins...
ISBN 9781846434815
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2012
Cumming, Hannah
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Forever kid, The
It's Johnny's birthday but he is no longer here. His family still gathers and lovingly celebrates him on his birthday. By continuing Johnny's favourite party traditions, and sharing special memories, the family feel a sense of closeness and comfort on this day of remembrance. They will always cherish Johnny, their Forever Kid.
ISBN 9781925675382
Publisher Big Sky Publishing, 2018
Cummings, Elizabeth & Hughes, Cheri (ill)
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Bridie's boots
Bridie loves her gumboots. They are just right for splashing and twirling. But Bridie gets too big for her beautiful boots, so sets them free on a big adventure across the seas.
ISBN 9781921504723
Publisher Working Title Press, 2014
Cummings, Phil & Acton, Sara
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Be brave, Pink Piglet
Early one morning, Pink Piglet leaves his mother's side for the very first time. This timid little pig wants to become a brave explorer.
ISBN 9780734415929
Publisher Lothian Books, 2015
Cummings, Phil & Davis, Sarah (ill)
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Night watch
Giraffe, Elephant, Hippo and Baboon all live happily by the lake, minding their own business, until Lion is spied stalking in the shadows.
ISBN 9781921504365
Publisher Working Title Press, 2013
Cummings, Phil & Dawson, Janine (ill)
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The king's battles with the dragon were always mighty and loud. Boy lives in silence and couldn't hear the fighting. But he could see the fear around him...and how everyone would be much happier without it.
ISBN 9781760277055
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2017
Cummings, Phil & Devries, Shane (ill)
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Ella has been saving her coins to buy something nice for herself on her outing to the city. In the cold afternoon she spots a little bird pecking about for a crumb to eat and she learns how a simple act of kindness can create something special and valuable for others.
ISBN 9781760970086
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2022
Cummings, Phil & Devries, Shane (ill)
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Wilbur, Grace and Joe
Join Wilbur, a fun loving family pet as he shares the joy of Grace and Joe's first years. He worries when they fall, he rejoices with their first steps, and faithfully joins in all their adventures.
ISBN 9780648086826
Publisher Little Book Press, 2017
Cummings, Phil & Graham, Amanda (Iill)
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You carry hope and future need with careful footprint, plant the seed. Breathe...Yes, breathe. Embark on a lyrical, meditative journey through nature's tapestry where every step you take leaves a legacy of wonder and protection for the natural world.
ISBN 9781761180323
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2024
Cummings, Phil & Soweol Han, Sally (ill)
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Anzac biscuits
A young father is away at war, his wife and daughter waiting at home, sometimes making Anzac biscuits. Life at war is grey and cold, but opening the tin of biscuits from home brings comfort.
ISBN 9781742833460
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2013
Cummings, Phil & Swan, Owen (ill)
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Newspaper hats
Grandpa can remember many things from long ago but he has trouble remembering Georgie. Together, they stroll through Grandpa's memories of tadpoles in tins, summer rain and sticky honey on bread, until they both rediscover their love of making newspaper hats.
ISBN 9781743622544
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2015
Cummings, Phil & Swan, Owen (ill)
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Hungry lion or a dwindling assortment of animals, A
Once upon a time there was a hungry lion and a bunch of adorable animals. I wonder what happened next.
ISBN 9781481448901
Publisher Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2011
Cummins, Lucy Ruth
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Sleepy sheepy and the sheepover
It's time for Sleepy Sheepy's very first sleepover. But when it's time for bed, Sleepy Sheep cannot sleep. His blankets scratch and his PJ's don't match.
ISBN 9781760658953
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2024
Cummins, Lucy Ruth & Oswald, Pete (ill)
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Sleepy Sheepy
Sleepy Sheepy is NOT sleepy. It might be bedtime, but he would rather do all the fun activities he can. Ma and Pa sheep try everything to get him to bed. A humorous read-aloud picture book for young audiences.
ISBN 9780593465912
Publisher Walker Books, 2024
Cummins, Lucy Ruth & Oswald, Pete (ill)
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Flipper and finnegan: True story of how tiny jumpers saved little penguins, The
Flipper and Finnegan are two penguins who love their Island home. One day when Flipper tries to join the evening penguin parade, she gets covered in oil and cannot swim. She loses Finnegan and is very worried. The community of Phillip Island/Millowl band together along with knitters from around Australia to help clean the penguins, keep the penguins warm and return them to the safety of their homes.
ISBN 9781761180071
Publisher Albert Street Books, 2022
Cunningham, Sophie & Tortop, Anil (ill)
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Tippy and Jellybean
Tippy and her baby Jellybean live in a beautiful eucalyptus forest. One day, they wake up and sniff the air. It's smokey, hot and windy. Kangaroos and wallabies are bounding. Lizards and snakes are slithering. Wombats are heading to their burrows. The cockatoos take off in an enormous flock. Tippy can't hop, run or fly. Instead, she shelters her baby in the only way she can.
ISBN 9781760878474
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2020
Cunningham, Sophie & Tortop, Anil (ill)
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I took the moon for a walk
When the day has ended and everyone else has fallen asleep, a young boy embarks on an adventure with his friend, the Moon. Their unusual journey is described in a magical story celebrating the serene beauty of the world at night.
ISBN 9781841486024
Publisher Barefoot books, 2004
Curtis, Carolyn & Jay, Alison (ill)
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First week at cow school
Marjorie, the cow, feels jolly proud when her daughter, Daisy, starts school. But, lessons aren't as easy as they seem. Daisy can't hoof paint or swat flies like the other cows, and cowpat training is a disaster. Yet, Marjorie soon discovers that Daisy has a surprising talent to make her stand out from the herd.
ISBN 9780007273386
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2011
Cutbill, Andy & Ayto, Russell (ill)
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