
Challenge Level : K-2 Challenge Level : 3-4 Challenge Level : 5-6 Challenge Level : 7-9 Challenge Level : 9plus
ID Title Author  
Duck catcher, The
Gombei catches only one duck a day because that's all the food he needs. When the days turn cold, Gombei decides that if he can catch a hundred ducks, he won't have to work all winter. But, Gombei walks into a trap.
ISBN 9780733412882
Publisher Hodder Headline Australia Pty Ltd, 2003
Aaron. Moses (reteller) & Mackintosh, David (ill)
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Play School: The useful book
Packed with activities, recipes, songs and poems to share and celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Australia's most iconic television show.
ISBN 9780733334016
Publisher ABC Books, 2016
ABC Books
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11 words for Love
There are eleven words for love, and my family knows them all. A family flees their homeland to find safety in another country, carrying little more than a suitcase full of love. As their journey unfolds, they experience eleven of the different forms of love that are found in the Arabic language. The family shows, and are shown, kindness in their new home, and also remember the love they have for their homeland.
ISBN 9780734421203
Publisher Lothian Books, 2022
Abdel-Fattah, Randa
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Wolfie: An unlikely hero
Dear Readers, fairy tales are nonsense. They're full of wolves pestering pigs and picking on sweet little girls in red hoods. But I would never do those things. I knit! I bake blueberry pie! You want to know what I really want to do? I want to rescue a princess! And if I can't? I quit! Yours sincerely, Wolfie.
ISBN 9780143781509
Publisher Penguin Random House Australia, 2017
Abela, Deborah & Brecon, Connah (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Bear in space
Bear is different from the other bears. Bear is fascinated with space and dreams of going into space. None of the other bears share his interest, which makes him feel a little lonely. Until something extraordinary happens. This is a story about finding friendship in the most unusual places.
ISBN 9781760651510
Publisher Walker Books, 2020
Abela, Deborah & Crosby-Fairall, Marjorie (ill)
Image currently unavailable
As big as you
Claude is a large elephant. Finlay is a small one. Claude can trumpet so loudly, the earth shakes. Finlay can only squeak and spurt tiny fountains with his trunk. He wants to be as big as Claude.
ISBN 9781743629697
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2015
Acton, Sara
Image currently unavailable
Dinosaur day out
Sally and Max love dinosaurs. They can't wait to see them at the museum, but today the dinosaur exhibition is closed. Where will the dinosaurs go on their day off?
ISBN 9781760650049
Publisher Walker Books, 2018
Acton, Sara
Image currently unavailable
Hold on tight
A little girl explores the possibilities of being blown away, riding the leaves, chasing fairies, bouncing on clouds, being caught in raindrops.
ISBN 9781742833491
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2013
Acton, Sara
Image currently unavailable
Poppy cat
Poppy Cat is a copy cat, she likes to do everything I do. But sometimes she is mischievous.
ISBN 9781743620168
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2014
Acton, Sara
Image currently unavailable
Jack's jumper
Jack's jumper is no ordinary jumper. It is a warm woolly hug, a reminder of those you hold dear and a source of adventure. It is no wonder that someone else likes Jack's jumper too.
ISBN 9781760654054
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2022
Acton, Sarah
Image currently unavailable
I am a warrior goddess
You do not have to be a grown-up to be a hero, and I am a Warrior Goddess shows how in the empowering tale of a little girl with big aspirations, each day is full of opportunities to make a positive impact with ordinary actions. As our heroine connects with the earth, takes care of her body, and finds strength in kindness, she discovers her inner warrior goddess and inspires young girls everywhere to do the same.
ISBN 9781683640059
Publisher Sounds True, 2018
Topics / Gender identity /
Adams, Jennifer & Lemniscates, Carme (ill)
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Mrs Honey series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Mrs Honey series (5 books)
Adams, Pam
No book cover.
Mrs Honey's dream
One of a series of humorous tales about the misfortunes of the lovable grandmother, Mrs Honey, and her cat. A delightful, dream adventure involving pirates.
ISBN 9780859537605
Series Mrs Honey series (5 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 1992
Adams, Pam
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Mrs Honey's glasses
One of a series of humorous tales about the misfortunes of the lovable grandmother, Mrs Honey, and her cat. This book is about the mystery of her missing glasses.
ISBN 9780859537582
Series Mrs Honey series (5 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 1993
Adams, Pam
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Mrs Honey's hat
The lovable grandmother, Mrs Honey, has a beautiful hat which attracts small creatures. During the course of a week, Mrs Honey's hat gradually changes as her nephew and a variety of animals take items from it and leave others in their place.
ISBN 9780859538145
Series Mrs Honey series (5 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2000
Adams, Pam
Image currently unavailable
Mrs Honey's holiday
You can do anything if you try. Mrs Honey encourages her grandchildren but not quite in the way she intended.
ISBN 9780859537551
Series Mrs Honey series (5 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 1993
Adams, Pam
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Mrs Honey's tree
One of a series of humorous tales about the lovable grandmother, Mrs Honey. Here, she is faced with a real dilemma to work out which is more important, a tree or a bus shelter. Sometimes, choices we have to make are not as clear as they seem.
ISBN 9780859538527
Series Mrs Honey series (5 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2002
Adams, Pam
Image currently unavailable
Farmer in the dell, The
Sing along with this well-known nursery rhyme.
ISBN 9780859538862
Series Classic books with holes series (21 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2001
Adams, Pam (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Old Macdonald had a farm
Make lots of animal noises as you read along to this well-known nursery rhyme.
ISBN 9780859530538
Series Classic books with holes series (21 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2006
Adams, Pam (ill)
Image currently unavailable
There was an old lady who swallowed a fly
Enjoy this popular rhyme as you watch the insects and animals get swallowed, one by one, into an ever-expanding stomach.
ISBN 9780859530187
Series Classic books with holes series (21 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2004
Adams, Pam (ill)
Image currently unavailable
There was an old lady who swallowed the sea
Watch the sea creatures get swallowed, one by one, into the ever-expanding stomach of the little, old lady.
ISBN 9781846430343
Series Classic books with holes series (21 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2007
Adams, Pam (ill)
Image currently unavailable
This is the house that Jack built
Despite all the interruptions, Jack gets his house built, in this well-known rhyme.
ISBN 9780859530750
Series Classic books with holes series (21 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2005
Adams, Pam (ill)
Image currently unavailable
This old man
Read along and count to this well-known rhyme.
ISBN 9780859530262
Series Classic books with holes series (21 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2006
Topics / K-2 Numeracy /
Adams, Pam (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Adventures of Egg Box Dragon, The
Emma is delighted when her home-made dragon magically comes to life! He is great at roaring. He is great at breathing fire. And best of all, he excellent at finding lost treasures. So when the Queen loses a diamond from her crown, there's only one dragon to call!
ISBN 9781444938401
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (UK), 2017
Adams, Richard & Smith, Alex T. (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Dave & Violet
Violet's best friend is Dave, the dragon. Dave is very friendly and helpful, but he is also very shy. And, whenever he meets other people, he simply goes red and spouts flames, scaring them away. Despite Violet's help, Dave wonders if he will ever fit in. But, one day, his special abilities come to the rescue in a damp situation.
ISBN 9781847801579
Publisher Frances Lincoln, 2011
Adams, Sarah
Image currently unavailable
Learning ladders: A place in space
Presented by World Book Encyclopaedia, this beloved set features beautiful artwork and photographs to capture the interest and imagination of very young children. Learning Ladders includes curriculum-based books centred on early childhood nonfiction topics. They offer a delightful look at children's favourite topics -- each book is filled with the perfect mix of fun, facts, and fiction.
ISBN 9780716679509
Series Learning Ladders series (30 books)
Publisher World Book, 2018
Topics / K-2 Non-fiction /
Adams, WIlliams
Image currently unavailable
Turning Cartwheels
Emma is desperate to join Carly's Cartwheel Club. Week after week she lines up to try out only to be told that her cartwheels are not good enough. When Emma is finally accepted she is exhausted and does not enjoy it as much as expected. Perhaps there is a better club for her. This is a heart-warming story about friendship, fitting in and finding out where you belong.
ISBN 9781925820515
Publisher EK Books, 2021
Adeney, Amy & Calautti, Amy (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Wall in the middle of the book, The
The wall in the middle of this book is supposed to protect one side of the book from the other side. Supposed to.
ISBN 9781760663490
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2019
Agee, Jon
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Baby in the hat, The: An early romance
The hero catches a baby, who has fallen from an upstairs window, in his hat. The young hero goes to sea and becomes a famous captain. Many years later, when he walks up the street where he had caught the baby, he looks up and sees a beautiful woman in the same upstairs window.
ISBN 9780744581362
Publisher Walker Books, 2008
Ahlberg, Allan & Amstutz, Andre (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Grandma fox
The chickens are in danger once more as Fast Fox fancies a chicken sandwich. He disguises himself as a grandma, a doctor and a postman as he plots to catch the unsuspecting chickens.
ISBN 9780140564020
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2000
Ahlberg, Allan & Amstutz, Andre (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Shopping expedition, The
A simple trip to the shops for groceries becomes an imaginative journey.
ISBN 9780744596847
Publisher Walker Books, 2005
Ahlberg, Allan & Amstutz, Andre (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Adventures of Bert, The
Bert has all sorts of ridiculous adventures. He rescues a barking cardboard box from the river and is chased down the street by a giant sausage. Turn the page quietly so as not to wake Bert's baby.
ISBN 9780140567540
Publisher Puffin UK, 2002
Ahlberg, Allan & Briggs, Raymond (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Hooray for bread
This tasty tale shares the joy a loaf of bread brings a baker, his family, a back-yard of dogs, a pond-full of ducks, a flock of birds and a teeny mouse.
ISBN 9781406337990
Publisher Walker Books, 2013
Ahlberg, Allan & Ingram, Bruce (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Runaway dinner, The
Banjo has a sausage for his dinner every day. One day, his sausage, called Melvin, jumps off the plate and runs away, with the rest of Banjo's dinner, cutlery and furniture in pursuit.
ISBN 9781844280636
Publisher Walker Books, 2006
Ahlberg, Allan & Inman, Bruce (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Each peach pear plum
Many well-known nursery characters are hiding in the pictures and a poem on each page gives a clue as to who or what is in the picture on the opposite page.
ISBN 9780140509199
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 1989
Ahlberg, Allan & Janet
Image currently unavailable
On each page, there is a clever hole to peep through so you can see what the baby sees.
ISBN 9780670871766
Publisher Penguin, 1997
Ahlberg, Janet & Allan
Image currently unavailable
Jolly postman or other peoples' letters, The
The Jolly Postman delivers cards and letters to various fairy-tale characters. He has a letter of apology for the three bears from Goldilocks, a postcard from Jack for the giant, and a letter for the wolf, written for Little Red Riding Hood, and more.
ISBN 9780670886241
Publisher Viking Children's, 1999
Ahlberg, Janet & Allan
Image currently unavailable
Mary had a little lamb
We all know that Mary had one little lamb, but what about the others? They can't bear to let her out of their sight either.
ISBN 9781846435010
Series Classic books with holes series (21 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2012
Aizen, Marina (ill)
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Zelda's big adventure
Zelda has big plans. She wants to be the first chook in space. She leaves nothing to chance and packs food, fuel and a cosy nesting box. But, none of her friends wants to help with her plans.
ISBN 9781925266382
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2016
Alafaci, Marie & McGowan, Shane (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Catch that goat
Ayoka, a little girl living in Nigeria, loses her goat. Of course, the goat wanders off through the market where it can cause the most mischief. Interesting mix of realism and fun.
ISBN 9781846860577
Publisher Barefoot books, 2005
Alakija, Polly
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Albert and little Henry
Albert is not a little puppy any more, he's now a big dog. But, when his baby brother, Henry, comes along, something very strange happens. Albert begins to feel small.
ISBN 9781406357509
Publisher Walker Books, 2015
Alborough, Jez
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Cuddly Dudley
Dudley is so lovely and cuddly that his brothers and sisters can't leave him alone, even when he wants some time to himself. So Dudley sets off alone across the tundra, until he discovers that being with friends and being incredibly cuddly isn't such a bad thing after all.
ISBN 9781406310740
Publisher Walker Books, 2008
Alborough, Jez
Image currently unavailable
Watch out big Bro's coming
Mouse has some hot news. Big Bro is coming. The news spreads from Monkey to Parrot to Frog to Elephant. All the animals add to the news until the size and toughness of Big Bro is legendary.
ISBN 9780744563047
Publisher Walker Books, 1999
Alborough, Jez
Image currently unavailable
And then
It's hard being an older sister when everybody is admiring your newly born, younger brother. It's particularly hard when it's happening on your birthday, especially when that younger brother is noisy, smelly and slimy, just like a tiny squid.
ISBN 9781846436956
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2016
Image currently unavailable
Baby harp seals
What is cute, white and has blubber to keep them warm? Baby harp seals are adorable little animals whose white fur helps them blend into their icy Arctic home. This keeps them safe from predators like killer whales and polar bears. Read and learn how baby harp seals grow and even teach themselves to swim and hunt for food.
ISBN 9780716634386
Series World Book Bolt series (3 books)
Publisher World Book, 2019
Topics / K-2 Non-fiction /
Alderman, Christine Thomas
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Lame duck protest
A family discovers an injured duck at the local reserve. In response to development plans to build a shopping centre in the reserve, local residents launch a protest to protect this natural environment, naming their protest for the lame duck who becomes the mascot for the demonstrations.
ISBN 9781921479137
Publisher IP (Interactive Publications Pty Ltd), 2009
Alexander, Goldie & Gaudion, Michele (ill)
Image currently unavailable
An array of feelings are explored through the pages of Aliki's picture book using all kinds of illustrations and situations. It is a delightful book to share.
ISBN 9780688065188
Publisher Greenwillow, 1984
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Ssh! Listen. What's that noise? What can we hear when we're really, really quiet? A toddler enjoys the range of sounds they hear as their busy day comes to an end, from the bustle and chat of dinner time, to the quiet hush of their father's voice at bedtime.
ISBN 9781846438882
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2017
Alizadeh, Kate
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Shoelaces are impossible!
I am NEVER going to be able to tie my shoelaces. It's IMPOSSIBLE! Caterpillar really wants to learn to tie his shoelaces so he can be a tap dancing star! Luckily, his bunny friend gives him all the steps to learn how to do it. You can learn too!
ISBN 9781760154950
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2019
Allen, Ed & Eckstrom, Nathaniel (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Terrible suitcase, The
It's the first day of school and all the children have special backpacks, except for me. My mum has given me a terrible suitcase. Well, first I got mad then I used my imagination.
ISBN 9781862919402
Publisher Omnibus Books, 2012
Allen, Emma & Blackwood, Freya (ill)
Image currently unavailable
My friend Ernest
It's the first day of school and Oscar is trying hard to be brave. Oscar's mum feels sure he will make lots of friends. But, Oscar isn't so sure, particularly when Ernest the dragon seems so mean and scary.
ISBN 9781460750537
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 2016
Allen, Emma & Sommerville, Hannah (ill)
Image currently unavailable
I'm not scared
Baby Owl is not scared of the dark and he shouldn't be, that's when owls are supposed to be about. But, all the do-gooders Baby Owl meets are starting to scare his favourite toy, Owly. Dad will have to come to the rescue.
ISBN 9780864617286
Publisher Koala Books, 2007
Allen, Jonathan
Image currently unavailable
Alexander's outing
'Stay close, take care', quacked Alexander's mother. But, Alexander is a wayward duckling. He straggles behind and disappears down a deep, dark hole.
ISBN 9780140554786
Publisher Penguin, 1998
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Bear's lunch, The
When Wendy and Oliver decide to have a picnic in the woods, they are surprised by a great, big, growly bear. See what happens when Oliver and Wendy growl back.
ISBN 9780140562415
Publisher Penguin, 1998
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Every day, Old Tom tends his vegetables while Mrs Farmer milks Belinda, the cow, so there is always plenty of milk, cream and butter. But, when Mrs Farmer goes away, Old Tom must catch Belinda and milk her himself.
ISBN 9780140544930
Publisher Penguin, 1998
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
When Bertie is grumpy, everyone is grumpy - the queen, the baby, the maid, the king and the little dog. What would happen if Bertie was happy.
ISBN 9780670076956
Publisher Penguin, 2013
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Bertie and the bear
A beautifully simple story of Bertie and the bear and a wonderful excuse for children to join in the noise-making.
ISBN 9780140509724
Publisher Penguin, 1989
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Brown bread and honey
The King loves to run, jump and ride his horse. He also loves to eat and eat and eat until he becomes too fat to have fun any more. When the King sacks all his cooks, he will have a problem with what to eat.
ISBN 9780140568257
Publisher Penguin, 2002
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Can you keep a secret
The King has lost his crown. He can't find it anywhere. Follow him through this picture book and see how silly he's been.
ISBN 9780670844050
Publisher Penguin, 2000
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Cuthbert's babies
When Cuthbert's mother brings home not one baby brother, but four baby sisters, no one seems to have any time for Cuthbert. He wishes for someone to play with, someone big and bad. Three pirates aren't exactly what he had in mind.
ISBN 9780670040735
Publisher Penguin, 2003
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Fancy that
The noises and the sounds from the fowl yard can be heard for miles around. Little red hen has a secret that makes her the star of the barnyard.
ISBN 9780140509717
Publisher Penguin, 1998
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Fat Ferdie
Fat Ferdie is a scary beast because of what he likes to eat.
ISBN 9780670077168
Publisher Penguin, 2013
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Grandpa and Thomas
Thomas and Grandpa go to the beach. The sun is shining, the gulls are screeching and the sea is singing. This lovely picture book gently unfolds the special relationship between a grandfather and his grandchild.
ISBN 9780670041572
Publisher Penguin, 2003
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Grandpa and Thomas and the green umbrella
Plenty of adventure with Thomas and Grandpa when they spend a day at the beach.
ISBN 9780670029730
Publisher Penguin, 2006
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Herbert and Harry
Herbert and Harry were brothers who did everything together till the day they have a falling out over treasure. One becomes very rich, the other stays poor but it remains to be seen whether either of them are happy.
ISBN 9780140567830
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2000
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Hetty's day out
One morning, Hetty, a large grey cat, wakes up, squeezes through her cat door and sets off to visit all the people in her neighbourhood. Everyone has something special for Hetty to snack on, in increasing quantities, none of which Hetty can refuse. When Hetty tries to get to her cushion for a nap she realises, in a most unusual way, just how much she's eaten.
ISBN 9780670074471
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2010
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
I wish I had a pirate suit
Peter has a pirate suit and his poor little brother has to be his prisoner and his crew. Will it ever change? A book that really understands what it's like to be a little brother.
ISBN 9780140509885
Publisher Puffin Australia, 1991
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Inside Mary Elizabeth's house
Mary Elizabeth boasts to the boys that there is a monster in her house. The boys don't believe her so she invites them to dinner to convince them.
ISBN 9780140567113
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2001
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Is your grandmother a goanna?
A little boy goes on a train to meet his grandmother. At each stop, he meets plenty of unusual characters. Join the fun and make plenty of noise.
ISBN 9780670071128
Publisher Penguin, 2007
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Little old man who looked up at the moon, The
One evening, the little old man looked up at the moon and wondered whether the sky went on forever, where we come from and why we are here. The next morning, his wife put on her best bonnet and her red coat, and set off to find the answers.
ISBN 9780670075812
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2012
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Mr Archimedes' bath
Mr Archimedes and his animal friends try to work out why the water always overflows when they have a bath together.
ISBN 9780207172854
Publisher HarperCollins Australia, 1991
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Mr McGee and the big bag of bread
One day Mr McGee sets off to visit the zoo. He takes with him a big bag of bread to feed the animals. But when he arrives at the zoo, there's a notice board that says, 'do not feed the animals'.
ISBN 9780143501411
Series Mr McGee series (7 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 2007
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Mr McGee and the biting flea
Mr McGee is in a happy mood until he is bitten by a flea. He takes off all his clothes and jumps into the sea because, of course, fleas don't like the water. Children laugh at Mr McGee running around without his clothes on.
ISBN 9780140564198
Series Mr McGee series (7 books)
Publisher Penguin, 2001
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Mr McGee and the blackberry jam
Mr McGee wakes in a grumpy mood and decides he wants blackberry jam for breakfast. Finding the blackberries is not as simple as he first thought.
ISBN 9780140545012
Series Mr McGee series (7 books)
Publisher Penguin, 1998
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Mr McGee and the elephants
Here's another adventure of Mr McGee, this time with elephants, one, two and three. A chance to perform and share the fun, so come and join in everyone.
ISBN 9780670076512
Series Mr McGee series (7 books)
Publisher Penguin, 2012
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Mr McGee and the perfect nest
Lazy bird is searching for the perfect nest when she stumbles upon just the thing, Mr McGee's umbrella. Will Mr Mcgee manage to get his umbrella back?
ISBN 9780140564969
Series Mr McGee series (7 books)
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2000
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Mr McGee goes to sea
While sitting under his apple tree, Mr McGee is swept out to sea by a downpour of rain. Despite his subsequent adventures, with the help of his umbrella he returns safely to his apple tree without spilling a drop of tea from his teapot.
ISBN 9780140544039
Series Mr McGee series (7 books)
Publisher Puffin Australia, 1993
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Mr McGee series
Any three titles read from this series can be included as official Challenge books; up to five more titles can be included as your personal choice books. To see the individual book titles and their PRC ID numbers, go to the Series lists on the Booklists page, on the website. Or, you can search for a series name or the individual titles by using the Search function on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Series Mr McGee series (7 books)
Allen, Pamela
No book cover.
Mr. McGee
Mr McGee does not live in a house, but under a tree. One day, he finds an apple under his tree and when he eats it, strange things happen to him.
ISBN 9780140509694
Series Mr McGee series (7 books)
Publisher Penguin, 1989
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
My cat Maisie
Andrew doesn't have anyone to play with. The dog next door is too rough. When a scruffy, ginger cat arrives at his house, Andrew learns how to be gentle with her.
ISBN 9780140542370
Publisher Puffin Australia, 1990
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
One Sunday
Outside the wind blew, the trees groaned and the tiny wooden house creaked. Eeeeeek. Inside, a delicious roast dinner was cooking. The little old man was expecting visitors. The little old woman said no one would come. Who was right.
ISBN 9780670077656
Publisher Viking Children's, 2014
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Our daft dog Danny
In the winter, we love visiting Uncle Peter and going to the beach with his dog, Millie. But, the day we took our dog Danny with us, everything went wrong. Then, a good idea saved the day.
ISBN 9780670073351
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2009
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Pear in the pear tree, The
When John and Jane go out walking, what do they see? They see a pear in the pear tree. The problems of how to get the pear from a branch that is too high for them sets in motion a funny and unlikely chain of events.
ISBN 9780140564976
Publisher Penguin, 2000
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Potato people, The
Every Friday, Jack spends the day with Grandma. They play, read stories and eat cake. Then, one cold and rainy Friday, they make two little people using potatoes, toothpicks and scraps of fabric.
ISBN 9780670896608
Publisher Penguin, 2002
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Share said the rooster
Five little stories about Billy and Ben. They will not share anything, whether it's a sticky bun, a pair of boots or an apple. But, when Billy and Ben go out in a rowing boat, they learn to share.
ISBN 9780143501756
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2010
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Shhh little mouse
The little, grey mouse is hungry but he faces dire consequences if he wakes the sleeping cat.
ISBN 9780670070688
Publisher Penguin, 2007
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Waddle giggle gargle
The story of the ingenious way Grandpa, Grandma and Jonathan protect themselves from the swooping, waddling, giggling, gargling magpie that is determined to protect her nest.
ISBN 9780140559910
Publisher Penguin, 1996
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Where's the gold
Three pirates hunt for gold, accompanied by a green parrot. Lots of rhyme and alliteration.
ISBN 9780670028443
Publisher Penguin, 2005
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Who sank the boat
One warm, sunny morning, a donkey, a cow, a pig, a sheep and a tiny little mouse decide to go for a row in a boat.
ISBN 9780140509403
Publisher Penguin, 1988
Allen, Pamela
Image currently unavailable
Busy beaks
Spend a day with Australia's most vibrant and unique feathered friends. Full of splashing shorebirds, clattering cockatoos, parading penguins and greedy galahs, Busy Beaks is the perfect introduction to birds of all shapes and sizes.
ISBN 9781925972948
Publisher Affirm Press, 2020
Allen, Sarah
Image currently unavailable
The little dog in this family works very hard to be good. His family must love him very much. But, there's one thing he doesn't understand.
ISBN 9781846434174
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2011
Altes, Marta
Image currently unavailable
Lonely giant, The
The forest giant likes nothing better than smashing, bashing and pulling up trees. But, when all the birds and animals disappear, the giant is very sad and lonely. He misses the crackling warmth of a fire and the sweet songs of the birds. The lonely giant sets out to restore what used to be.
ISBN 9781406361544
Publisher Walker Books, 2016
Ambrose, Sophie
Image currently unavailable
Runaway tractor, The
For children just beginning to read. Ted loses control of the tractor and it ends up in the water. Ted's job is to get the tractor out.
ISBN 9780746039137
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2000
Amery, Heather & Cartwright, Stephen (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Old steam train, The
Poppy, Sam and Mrs Boots help to restore Apple Tree Station and enjoy seeing its steam train run again. The book comes with a great map of the Apple Tree line.
ISBN 9780746033364
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 1999
Amery, Heather & Cartwright, Stephen(ill)
Image currently unavailable
Pig gets lost
Curly, the pig, goes missing. Mrs Boots, Sam, Poppy and Rusty, the dog, must find him. It's a very muddy job.
ISBN 9780746063149
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2005
Amery, Heather & Cartwright, Stephen(ill)
Image currently unavailable
Woolly stops the train
Mrs Boots, Sam, Poppy, Rusty, the dog, and Ted, the farmhand, have to save the day when naughty Woolly encourages all the other sheep to stand on the line and stop the train. They come up with a novel idea that is very exciting for sheep.
ISBN 9780746034682
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 1999
Amery, Heather & Cartwright, Stephen(ill)
Image currently unavailable
I want to be a sports star
So you want to be a Sports Star? What kind will you be? A Surfer? A Fencer? A Football Star? Maybe a Tennis Star or a Pro Skater riding rails? Anything is possible with a little fun and a whole lot of creativity. Join Taylor, Frankie (and Lucky) as they imagine their way through the thrill of sports and Olympic medal dreams.
ISBN 9781922503596
Publisher Larrikin House, 2022
Anastasiou, Mary & Tortop, Anil (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Cows in the kitchen
His fields are empty so Tom Farmer is looking for all the farm animals. Join in the hunt with lots of animal noises.
ISBN 9781846431067
Series Classic books with holes series (21 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2007
Anderson, Airlie (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Scary dog
Bonzo goes to 'Dog School' to learn how to scare cats. When his family gets a new kitten, he forgets all he has learned.
ISBN 9781844289455
Publisher Walker Books, 2005
Anderson, Scoular
Image currently unavailable
Flying optometrist, The
Stephanie stares up at the sky above her small town. When will the little red plane arrive? She hopes it isn't lost! Read the story to find out who's coming...and why!
ISBN 9780642279132
Publisher National Library of Australia, 2018
Anderton, Joanne, & Erasmus, Karen (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Captain Flinn and the pirate dinosaurs: Smugglers Bay
While exploring a cave on a school excursion to Smuggler's Bay, Flinn and the other children stumble upon the nefarious Pirate Dinosaurs. Captain T Rex and his crew are smuggling sausages out of a secret cove and their favourites are children chipolatas. Captain Flinn must thwart the horrible plan, rescue their friend and get back to the beach before Miss Pie notices they are missing.
ISBN 9780141501321
Publisher Puffin UK, 2010
Andreae, Giles & Ayto, Russell (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Magic donkey ride, The
Treacle is a donkey who lives on a farm and is close friends with Flinny. One night, Flinny discovers that Treacle is no ordinary donkey.
ISBN 9781841219240
Publisher Orchard Books, 2002
Andreae, Giles & Cabban, Vanessa (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Giraffes can't dance
Gerald, the giraffe, desperately wants to be able to dance with all the animals at the Jungle Dance. But, the other jungle animals laugh at him because he can't dance. Perhaps Gerald is just dancing to a different tune.
ISBN 9781841215655
Publisher Orchard Books, 2000
Andreae, Giles & Parker-Rees, Guy (ill)
Image currently unavailable
A colourful and hilarious celebration of pants which will appeal to the very young. Each double-page depicts a different type of pants. There are also musical versions of this book.
ISBN 9780552548335
Publisher Corgi Books, 2003
Andreae, Giles & Sharratt, Nick (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Mad about dinosaurs
Some of them have huge long necks And some have giant jaws, So come into the swampland And let's meet the dinosaurs!
ISBN 9781408337103
Publisher Orchard Books, 2004
Andreae, Giles & Wojtawycz (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Dinosaurs galore
What shapes do you see, what noises do you hear? Perhaps you'll see a swishing tail, huge footprints, or a beak. A humorous and fact-filled poetry book about the lives of the great dinosaurs.
ISBN 9781843626091
Publisher Orchard Books, 2005
Topics / K-2 Numeracy /
Andreae, Giles & Wojtowycz, David (ill)
Image currently unavailable
ABC animal rhymes for you and me
Explore the animal alphabet from Angel Fish to Zebra.
ISBN 9781408306802
Publisher Orchard Books, 2010
Andreae, Giles & Wojtowycz, David (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Cock-a-doodle-doo, farmyard hullabaloo
Charming farmyard animals introduce themselves in simple, flowing verse. Meet the loyal and loved sheepdog, the powerful bull, the gossipy geese and the nocturnal fox.
ISBN 9781841215631
Publisher Orchard Books, 2000
Andreae, Giles & Wojtowycz, David (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Commotion in the ocean
The sequel to the best-selling 'Rumble in the Jungle' is a delightful new collection of poems about creatures who live in and around the ocean.
ISBN 9781589250000
Publisher Tiger Tales, 2001
Andreae, Giles & Wojtowycz, David (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Lion who wanted to love, The
Now lions are usually fierce And lions are meant to be strong, But Leo just wanted to love everybody And play with his friends all day long!
ISBN 9781860399138
Publisher Orchard Books, 2009
Andreae, Giles & Wojtowycz, David (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Rumble in the jungle
This book has appealing and colourful verse about a variety of jungle animals.
ISBN 9781860396601
Publisher Orchard Books, 2005
Andreae, Giles & Wojtowycz, David (ill)
Image currently unavailable

Pidge's poppies
Pidge's Poppies brings to light the message of hope with the symbol of the red poppy in a curious, delightful way when two pigeons tell a story about building a nest in the Australian War Memorial from cloth poppies strewn among the name plates of those who fought the war and lost their lives doing so. Pidge's remembering of how important carrier pigeons were in communication is both factual and comforting when the nest is complete.
ISBN 9781922696380
Publisher Ford Street Publishing, 2024
Andrews, Jan & Ide, Timothy (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Puffin the architect
Meet Puffin, a clever architect who always creates the perfect home for her clients. But her newest clients are very hard to please - her own pufflings! Will Puffin come up with a puffling-perfect home design?
ISBN 9780143793755
Publisher Penguin Random House Australia, 2018
Topics / Poetry /
Andrews, Kimberly
Image currently unavailable
Farmyard cat in trouble, The
Find out who spilt the milk, chased the goats and scared the chickens. Everyone thinks the farmyard cat is up to her old tricks again but that might not be fair.
ISBN 9780868968896
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 1992
Anello, Christine & Thompson, Sharon (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Golden goose, The
Retold from the original tale, this traditional story will captivate readers with its delightful illustrations and lift-up flaps.
ISBN 9781846433245
Series Flip-up fairy tales series (28 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2009
Angeletti, Roberta (ill)
Image currently unavailable
I wish I had a dinosaur
A little girl sits on her balcony, in a modern apartment block by the sea, dreaming of all the things she could do if she had a dinosaur.
ISBN 9781865046068
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2004
Anggabrata, Ian & Anggawan, Mingga & Sheehan, Peter (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Kiss like this, A
The little lion cub loves lots of different types of kisses, except for one. Just as well daddy lion is there to rescue him and give him the right sort of kisses.
ISBN 9781845078621
Publisher Frances Lincoln, 2008
Anholt, Catherine & Laurence
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Two nests
Betty and Paul are birds who build a nest together. Betty lays an egg and out pops Baby Bird. Everyone is happy, but the nest is small, Betty and Paul squabble, and they decide that Paul should live in a different nest across the other side of the tree. Now there are two nests in the cherry tree. Betty and Paul both love Baby Bird, and soon he is able to fly over the cherry tree, visiting his two nests.
ISBN 9781847803238
Publisher Frances Lincoln, 2013
Anholt, Laurence & Coplestone, Jim (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Anno's counting book
Counting through the seasons with beautiful, double-page illustrations. A perfect book to share.
ISBN 9780064431231
Publisher HarperTrophy, 1977
Topics / K-2 Numeracy /
Anno, Mitsumasa
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Anno's magic seeds
A gift from a wizard makes Jack's fortune grow and grow by ones, twos, threes and more. An enchanting counting book with a moral.
ISBN 9780698116184
Publisher PaperStar books (Penguin Putnam), 1999
Topics / K-2 Numeracy /
Anno, Mitsumasa
Image currently unavailable
Queen's handbag, The
A naughty swan steals the Queen's handbag and, naturally, she races after it. Using various modes of transport, the Queen follows it around the United Kingdom, taking in famous sights and landmarks along the way. This chase includes the Queen's butler and an awful lot of police officers.
ISBN 9781444925524
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (UK), 2015
Antony, Steve
Image currently unavailable
Queen's hat, The
A sudden gust of wind sets off a marvellous London adventure for the Queen, the Queen's men and one very special hat. Follow one determined, daredevil Queen through the zoo, over Tower Bridge and up Big Ben. Find out where that hat lands.
ISBN 9781444919141
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (UK), 2014
Antony, Steve
Image currently unavailable
Can bears ski?
Dad Bear stops and looks directly at me. 'Your friend was saying hello. Why did you ignore him?" I didn't, I didn't. Then Dad Bear asks again "CAN BEARS SKI?" Is he really asking me that? This multilayered, skillfully woven book provides an insight into how children cope when the world doesn't seem to make sense.
ISBN 9781406394627
Publisher Walker Books, 2022
Antrobus, Raymond & Dunbar, Polly (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Two left feet
Barclay McClay has two left feet. Buying shoes is very difficult and nobody wants to dance with him. Barclay is very lonely until he learns to tap dance and meets someone who understands his problem.
ISBN 9780207186479
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 1995
Apeitos, Stacey & Kundrus, Ulrike (ill)
Image currently unavailable
This is the mud
There is muck, mess and mayhem when a cow gets stuck in the mud.
ISBN 9780734411020
Publisher Lothian Books, 2009
Apel, Kathryn & Crossett, Warren (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Bird in the herd, The
There's a bird in the herd that stalks as it walks, eating slugs and the bugs that the herd stirred. What else can you see as you follow the cheeky bird?
ISBN 9780702262944
Publisher University of Queensland Press, 2021
Apel, Kathryn & Treml, Renee (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Raised by moths
Willow jumps on the Ferris Wheel and is amazed to see the boy surrounded by moths. As they go up to the sky, he explains why moths love him.
ISBN 9781922858184
Publisher MidnightSun Publishing, 2023
Archbold, Charlie & Conn, Michelle (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Poo! and other words that make me laugh
In the grand tradition of The Book with No Pictures and This Is a Ball, comes a brand-new read-aloud to get everyone laughing WARNING: Reading this book out loud may cause fits of giggles. If symptoms persist, read it again to appreciate our weird and wonderful language. And whatever you do, don't say POO!
ISBN 9780733341427
Publisher ABC Books, 2021
Arena, Felice & Jellett, Tom (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Find out about animals, crops and machines up close. Watch the farmer hard at work in the changing seasons.
ISBN 9781407131498
Publisher Scholastic US, 2012
Arlon, Penelope & Gordon-Harris, Tory
Image currently unavailable
See me grow
Watch baby animals grow up and find out all about their amazing life cycles.
ISBN 9781407131542
Publisher Scholastic US, 2012
Arlon, Penelope & Gordon-Harris, Tory
Image currently unavailable
Lighthouse keeper adventures, The
Will Mrs Grinling think of a way to rescue Hamish from the lighthouse? And will Mr Grinling keep his job as the lighthouse keeper? Find out in these two Lighthouse Keeper adventures.
ISBN 9781407108759
Series Lighthouse keeper's series (9 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2009
Armitage, Ronda & Armitage, David (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Lighthouse keeper's favourite stories, The
Three stories in one book. In "The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch", seagulls are stealing Mr Grinling's sandwiches; "The Lighthouse Keeper's Picnic" follows Mr and Mrs Grinling's day out; and in "The Lighthouse Keeper's Cat", the resident moggie decides to leave home.
ISBN 9780590637466
Series Lighthouse keeper's series (9 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 1999
Armitage, Ronda & Armitage, David (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Lighthouse keeper's lunch, The
Come rain or shine, Mr Grinling, the lighthouse keeper, tends his light. Each day, Mrs Grinling makes him a delicious lunch and sends it across by a special cable system. Every day, the greedy seagulls steal his food.
ISBN 9780590551755
Series Lighthouse keeper's series (9 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 1994
Armitage, Ronda & Armitage, David (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Lighthouse keeper's new friend, The
Mr Grinling is getting a new dog to join him in the lighthouse.
ISBN 9781407105468
Series Lighthouse keeper's series (9 books)
Publisher Scholastic UK, 2008
Armitage, Ronda & Armitage, David (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Lighthouse keeper's surprise, The
Hamish, the lighthouse cat, is stuck up a tree far away from his cosy lighthouse home. And Mr Grinling and his great-nephew, George, are stuck in the lighthouse on Christmas Eve!
ISBN 9781407108780
Series Lighthouse keeper's series (9 books)
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2009
Armitage, Ronda & Armitage, David (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Lighthouse keeper's tales, The
Includes two stories about the Lighthouse keeper, The Lighthouse keeper's tea and The Lighthouse keeper's breakfast.
ISBN 9781407108766
Series Lighthouse keeper's series (9 books)
Publisher Scholastic UK, 2009
Armitage, Ronda & Armitage, David (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Lighthouse keeper's breakfast, The
The Grinlings are very special guests at the lighthouse's 200th birthday party. They dress up as pirates and prepare to have lots of swashbuckling fun. But, when they take to the high seas, they have more adventures than they could ever have imagined.
ISBN 9780439979344
Series Lighthouse keeper's series (9 books)
Publisher Scholastic UK, 2002
Armitage, Ronda & Armitage, David (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Lighthouse keeper's cat, The
Hamish, the lighthouse keeper's cat, has been neglecting his duties and the mice are running wild all over the lighthouse. With the lighthouse inspector due any day now, Mr and Mrs Grinling decide to put Hamish on a diet until he catches the mice. So, Hamish sets off to find someone who will appreciate him better.
ISBN 9781407106519
Series Lighthouse keeper's series (9 books)
Publisher Scholastic UK, 2009
Armitage, Ronda & Armitage, David (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Lighthouse keeper's catastrophe, The
When Mr Grinling locks himself out of the lighthouse, he tries everything to get back inside. Not only is Hamish, the cat, trapped inside but Mr Grinling also needs to switch on the light to warn the ships that they're near rocks on the coast. Luckily, Mrs Grinling has an ingenious plan to get back in.
ISBN 9781407106502
Series Lighthouse keeper's series (9 books)
Publisher Scholastic UK, 2009
Armitage, Ronda & Armitage, David (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Lighthouse keeper's Christmas, The
It's Christmas Eve, a storm is raging and Mr Grinling and his great-nephew, George, are stranded in the lighthouse. George thinks he's going to have the worst Christmas ever, no festive food, no Mrs Grinling and no presents.
ISBN 9780439981446
Series Lighthouse keeper's series (9 books)
Publisher Scholastic UK, 2002
Armitage, Ronda & Armitage, David (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Lighthouse keeper's picnic, The
Mrs Grinling is the best cook in the world and Mr Grinling likes nothing better than to taste her delicious treats. But, when he overindulges at the village picnic, Mr Grinling finds himself in a pickle and wishing he hadn't eaten quite so much.
ISBN 9781407106526
Series Lighthouse keeper's series (9 books)
Publisher Scholastic UK, 2009
Armitage, Ronda & Armitage, David (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Lighthouse keeper's rescue, The
The lighthouse light must always be on at night. But, when Mr Grinling falls asleep twice on the way to the lighthouse, he's too late to put the light on. It's not long before the lighthouse inspectors visit, and they're very cross.
ISBN 9780439993807
Series Lighthouse keeper's series (9 books)
Publisher Scholastic UK, 2001
Armitage, Ronda & Armitage, David (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Lighthouse keeper's tea, The
Mr Grinling, the lighthouse keeper, wants to try his hand at cooking but Mrs Grinling doesn't want him in her kitchen. He decides to take up a variety of other hobbies, with varying degrees of success.
ISBN 9780439979382
Series Lighthouse keeper's series (9 books)
Publisher Scholastic UK, 2002
Armitage, Ronda & Armitage, David (ill)
Image currently unavailable
I told you so
Sometimes, adults just won't listen. Ella tries to warn Nursey about all the odd characters that are filling up Tom's pram. But, Nursey just won't believe her.
ISBN 9781846432873
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2009
Arnold, Sarah
Image currently unavailable
Ugh, eggs
Pip is hungry and really looking forward to breakfast. But Dad has cooked eggs and Pip hates eggs. He goes to see Aunt Nellie, whose sandwiches look delicious. That is, until he looks inside and finds more egg. After spending the day avoiding eggs of all shapes and sizes, Pip has a pleasant surprise when he follows his nose.
ISBN 9781846433429
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2010
Arnold, Sarah
Image currently unavailable
As bright as a rainbow
There are so many ways to be yourself, and this book explores all of them.
ISBN 9781922033062
Publisher Working Title Press, 2024
Topics / Gender identity /
Ash, Romy & Jaryn, Blue
Image currently unavailable
Ella who?
It is moving day and look who slipped in the door, an elephant! But when a little girl tries to tell her family about their unusual guest, the distracted grown ups just say, Ella WHO? Even as children giggle at the girl's adventures with the smallish pachyderm, and at the fun, recurring refrain, they will relate to the poignant theme about making and sometimes letting go of new friends.
ISBN 9781454919049
Publisher Sterling Publishing Co, 2017
Ashman, Linda & Sanchez, Sara (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Holly Bloom's garden
Late bloomer, Holly, yearns to be a great gardener but just can't manage to grow flowers like her family can. But, Holly is determined to succeed and she finds where her real talents lie.
ISBN 9780972922500
Publisher Flashlight Press, 2004
Ashman, Sarah & Parent, Nancy & Mitchell, Lori (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Chicken licken
Retold from the original tale, this traditional story will captivate readers with its delightful illustrations and lift-up flaps.
ISBN 9781846433276
Series Flip-up fairy tales series (28 books)
Publisher Child's Play International Ltd, 2009
Assirelli, Francesca (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Baby goes to market
Market is very crowded. Mama is busy shopping. Baby is busy, too! Can you count all the tasty treats Baby collects and eats along the way?
ISBN 9781406365160
Publisher Walker Books, 2018
Atinuke & Brooksbank, Angela (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Double trouble for Anna Hibiscus
When twin boys arrive, Anna Hibiscus finds it hard to share her extended family. She feels neglected and upset, as the boys disrupt her familiar, daily routines. To make matters worse, she is no longer the focus of attention of her aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins and, most especially, her parents.
ISBN 9781406347012
Publisher Walker Books, 2015
Atinuke & Tobia, Lauren (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Ringle tingle tiger
A young boy decides to face his biggest fear, monsters in the night, when he takes on the ever-stalking Ringle Tingle Tiger. Follow the tiger as he hunts through the fearsome jungle.
ISBN 9780734403445
Publisher Thomas C Lothian Pty Ltd, 2002
Austin, Mark & Miller, David (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Monsters love colors
Explosions of colour erupt from every page where the monsters demonstrate the mixing of colour to create new ones. The primary colours are also described with rhyming sounds which creates much fun.
ISBN 9780062125941
Publisher Harper, 2013
Austin, Mike
Image currently unavailable
Worm loves worm
When a worm meets a special worm and they fall in love, they want to get married. Their friends want to know who will wear the dress and who will wear the tuxedo. But, it doesn't matter because Worm loves Worm.
ISBN 9780062386335
Publisher Balzer & Bray, 2016
Austrian, J J & Curato, Mike (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Frank's red hat
Frank is full of ideas. Some are good and some are not. Frank lives in a black and white world. But when Frank gets a colourful idea in and on his head, will a few nervous penguins stop him from sharing it?
ISBN 9781760654283
Publisher Walker Books, 2022
Avery, Sean E
Image currently unavailable
Harold and Grace
Two tiny eggs, one in a tree and the other in a pond, survive a big storm and hatch at exactly the same time, on the same day. Harold the tadpole goes exploring and meets two fish who are mean to him until he grows fins, like them. Grace, the caterpillar, meets two stick insects who make fun of her too. Harold and Grace become friends but Harold begins to spend more time with the fish. When they are mean again, Harold returns to his leaf but Grace is no longer there.
ISBN 9781925162295
Publisher Fremantle Press, 2015
Avery, Sean E
Image currently unavailable
Nice and slow
Our lives can become so busy that we forget to enjoy the time we have with family and friends. This picture book shows us how to slow down and enjoy a day without plans.
ISBN 9781460761137
Publisher HarperCollins Children's Books, 2022
Ayoub, Sarah & Purnell, Mimi (ill)
Image currently unavailable
Henry and the yeti
Henry loves Yetis. Yes, yetis. The problem is nobody knows if yetis actually exist. Henry, however, is sure they do exist, and he is going on an expedition to find one. But will he remember to bring back some evidence?
ISBN 9781408876619
Publisher Bloomsbury, 2017
Ayto, Russell
Image currently unavailable